14th. All is well this
morning. Breakfasted and in company with
R. Rawls we went to the post office to see if there was any letters for
us. Took dinner, after which we visited
John Tucker, who was once in the church.
We had a long conversation with him.
He said that he was cut off without a cause. We tried to persuade him to be baptized
again, but he told us that he would not.
Took tea with him; he gave us 2 shillings; we visited a good many
families. Returned to Brother Carwell's,
took supper and went to bed.
15th. Breakfasted this
morning. After which in Company with
Bro. Rawls we went to the post office to see if there was a letter for me. Previous to my coming out here I sent a post
office order to Liverpool of 3 pounds 10 shilling and a penny. And was expecting an
answer. In as much as I did not
get it, I must return to Bristol
today to see what is the matter. Took
dinner at Brother Larwell and was rode in a Cart by Susan the daughter to
Ilfrecombe. Where we had to wait for the
Steamer while waiting we visited the hills along the Beach.
This is a great place of
resort for the gentle. For in the summer
time the aforenamed place is a beautiful little town, built on an eminence
rising from the sea. It is also a
romantic place.
The steamer came very
sudden. We lost the boat that belonged
to the Steamer and consequently we went to pay 6 pence to take us to the
Left Ilfrecombe at 3 p.m. after a pleasant passage we arrived at Bristol at 9 p.m. I slept the night at the Conference House.
16th. Wrote some letters
this morning and remained at home all day.
Took supper and slept the night at the Conference House.
17th. Breakfasted this
morning at Bro. Rawls. After which I
started on foot for Bath. There is fine
country along dior [?] of this Road. Also a good many trees, amongst which, is the
oak, spreading its broad limbs. Also the
poplar, with its proud head, towering, towards the
Heavens. Also fine
orchards. Beautiful
flower gardens.
Reached Bath at 2 p.m. Called at
Norris, but he was not at home. Took
dinner with his wife and daughter, sho gave me 6 pence each, proceeded on my
Journey. Took train for Chippenham
arrived at the last named place at 5 p.m.
Called at
Brother Stacy. He was not at home. His wife treated me very coldly; she didn't
as much as to offer me a meal of victuals.
Continued on my way to Chalcut hill. Arrived there at 6 p.m. Was very tired
but thank God I was welcomed by Bro. John Hatts and his wife. Took supper and went to bed.
18th. Breakfasted at the
same place after which John Hatts told me the bad news, that his daughter was
in the Family way by a Gentile. This is
an evil that parents have to meet with for not gathering to Zion when their children are young. Some are too poor ,
others neglect it. When I look round and
see the condition, of things here I thank God that mine are in Zion.
Took dinner
at the usual hour. After which In Company with John Hatts we
left for Tipples Green which is 6 miles from Chalcut Hill, reached there at 3 p.m. Called upon
James Cleverly, he was not at home. We
were welcomed by his wife. Took tea with
her, after which In Connections with John Hatts we blessed her twins a boy an a girl. The
husband came home. In company with him
we went out for a walk round the fields.
We came to an oak tree that was drying [dying?]. The owner of which was offered 100 pounds
sterling for it, it is 20 feet round it a the butt
end. Took Supper. Slept the night with James
19th Breakfasted at the last named man. After which I started for Tilshead. Called at Divizes with
Thomas Biblott. He is a cripple
and aged. His wife cried and said that
they hadn't received any stars [Millennial Star] for a month. I told her that they should have them then
she ceased her crying. Continued on my journey.
Reached Lavington at 2 p.m. Called at Bro. Macklin.
Took dinner with his wife. Continued on my way. Reached Tilthead. Called with John Daniel. Took tea with his wife. He came home in the evening. Conversed with him upon the
condition of the Saints under his care.
Took supper and slept the night under his roof.
20th. All is well this
morning. Breakfasted where I slept the
night then I studied Grammar until dinner.
Took dinner.
Went for a walk, went through the village and ascended a small Hill on
the top which there is a small mound where from I could see the Country for
miles round. There is no wood growing on
it with the exception of few pine trees, which has been planted by the
inhabitants on the aforesaid mound. I
offered a secret prayer to the Almighty.
Return to Brother Samuels house took tea. In Company with him we went to his
master. I fied [?]
after potatoes. And we saw two
kinds of potatoes attached to the same vine.
Return home, took supper and went to bed.
21st. Breakfasted this morning at
the same place. After which
started for Steepple Ashtons reached there at 3 p.m. Called at Thomas Bishop.
Was welcomed by his wife who is in the Church, washed
my feet and wrote a letter to Timeon Growen who lives 4 miles from Steepple
Ashton to inform him of my presence.
And my intentions to have a meeting next Sunday being that he is the
President of the above named place.
Branch visited John Bearet who is a cripple, now for 4 years and cannot
get out of bed. His daughter attends on
him. Took supper with her and slept the
night at Bishops.
23rd. Breakfasted at the last
named place after which started for Chalford. Reached it at 2 p.m. Called at David Albeasle.
He was not a home took tea with his wife at 8 o-clock in the evening he came home. After little conversation
upon matters and things took supper with him. After which he accompanied me to Mr.
Hill. He is not in the Church, but his
wife is. Slept the
night with them.
22nd. Breakfasted this
morning with Thomas Bishop. Went for a walk to John Barret. Talked a little with the
old man. Took
supper at John Smith. Slept at Thomas Bishop.
24th. Breakfasted this
morning at Mr. Hill after which left for Steepple Ashton. Reached it at 1 p.m. Took dinner at Bishop.
Took supper at John Smiths. Slept the night at Thomas
25th. All is well this
morning. Took
breakfast at Thomas Bishop. Dinner at John Smith, after which I met with the Saints. What few there is in John Basset House at 2:30 p.m. I addressed
them and told them of the necessity of them living the commandments of God that
their lives might be preserved in the truth.
After meeting took tea with Barret and daughter. After which In Company of John Smith at 6 p.m. we visited a Baptist Chapel and heard a Baptist minister
preach. Took supper at Thomas Bishop and
slept the night with him also.
26th. All is well this
morning. Breakfasted
at Thomas Bishop. Left for Bristol. Walked to
Trawbridge took train from there to Bath. At noon arrived at Bath 10
to 1 p.m. Called at Bro. Norris.
He was not at home. Took dinner
with his wife and continued on my way for Bristol. Reached it at 6 in the evening. Took supper at the Conference House and slept
there the night.
27th. All is well this
morning. Took supper with Sister
Whitehead after which in Company with William Maynard we took a walk round
town. And went up to the top of Brandon
Hill from there we can see all the town and the
surrounding country. The aforenamed man
was Baptized the night in Baptiz Mill.
Slept the
night at the Conference House.
28th. All is well this morning. I laid hands on upon Simeon, Trwin[?] President of the Bristol Branch. In the evening
met with the Saints in the testimony hearing.
Confirmed William Maynard in the church, Of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints. We
had a very good meeting the spirit of the Lord was with us. In my address to the saints I told them the
necessity of remaining single until they would reach Utah. Took supper at Charles Chivers. Slept the night at the
Conference House.
29th. All is well this
morning. Breakfasted
at Bro. Rawls. Took
supper at Bro. Tucker In Company with Thomas Sibley. We went to see Bro. Trwin who is sick, return
home. Slept the night
at Tower Hill.
30th. Breakfasted this
morning with John Berry. After which we
visited John Oborn, Owen Street. Took dinner
with him. Took
supper with Charles Chivers. Slept the night at the Conference House.
October 1st. All is well this morning. Took Breakfast at John
Longs. Nothing of importance
transpired today. Slept
the night at the Conference House.
2nd. After Prayers took
a walk this morning through Town. Took dinner with John Longs.
Met with the Saints 2:30 p.m. at 7 Tower Hill which is the meeting place in Bristol, the spirit of the Lord met with us. Took tea at John Berry's. The Saints reassembled at 6 in the evening. Elder Richard Rawls and myself
addressed the meeting. Slept the night at the Conference House.
3rd. Breakfasted at Charles Tucker after which
went and bought a bottle of olive oil to anoint my knee with it. Which is sore with lymph
that has gathered upon it recently.
Took supper at the Conference after which In Company with James Berry,
Richard Rawles and several others we went to a political meeting. The gentleman that addressed the audience
spoke in favor of the Republican form of Government. And said that he was in
favor of letting the Germans maintain their own wives. And said that England had too many to maintain this side of the Channel
without keeping the Germans wives was fitting all over Europe. Slept the night at the
4th. Breakfasted this
morning at Richard Rawles. Return home
and wrote three letters one to Tenderzon inquiring if I could preach at the
Lamb in Tinderzn on the 14th inst. Breconshire South Wales, the
other to Devonport Branch. Telling the President of the Said Branch to send their balance
sheet immediately. The other to
Steeple Ashton Branch requiring the names of those that paid tithing the last 3
month. Slept the night
at the Conference House.
5th. Breakfasted this
morning at the Conference House meditating upon the principles of the gospel
after which took a walk as far as Brandon Hill to get a little fresh air. Took supper at the
Conference House. Meet with the
Saints in a prayer meeting. Slept the night at the Conference.
6th. Busy making my
reports to send to Liverpool. Took dinner at the Conference
House. In the evening I was
called to lay hands upon James Berry is very sick. Slept the night at the
Conference House.
7th. I am yet to work
with my reports. Took to dinner at the
Conference House and resume my labors in the evening. I went to see Bro. Berry. Administered unto him.
Took supper with William Nibles. Slept at the Conference
8th. All is well this
morning. Remitted the Book money and the
I.E. Deposits to Liverpool. Took dinner
at Brother Smarts; 41
Colston Street,
In Company with Charles Chivers we took a walk through Town. Took supper at a Cookshop. Return home.
Slept the night at the Conference House.
9th. All is well this
morning. Took dinner
at John Long's. Met with the Saints in their usual place of meeting at 2:30
p.m. I spoke about 30 minutes upon the signs of
the times. Took dinner
at Charles Tucker. The meeting
reassembled at 6 in the evening. When I preached upon the first principles of the gospel.
There was a few unbelievers present had good
times. The spirit of God was present
with us. Slept the
night at the Conference House.
10th. All is right this
morning. Breakfasted at Richard Rawle
took dinner at John
Oborne Owne street at 9. Took
supper at 7 Tower Hill which was sent unto me by Sister Rawles. Visited James Berry he is no better. Slept at the Conference
11th. All is well this
morning. Took dinner
at the Conference House also supper.
Bought a top coat. Paid 45 shillings for it. In connection with Simeon Trwin and Richard
Rawls we examined the I. Emmigrantion (sic) Books. In the evening we continued until 1 o-clock in the morning.
Slept the night at the Conference House.
12th. Took a steamer this
morning at 8:30 for Cardiff after 3 hours pretty rough. We arrived safe in the above named place
I. Called Ebenezr Gardner the President of Cardiff Branch was treated very
kindly by him and his wife. Took dinner with them.
After which took train at 3:30
for Aberdare. Arrived
there at 4:30 p.m. called at my Bro. Jenkin who was very glad see me. Also slept the night with him.
13th. Breakfasted with my
Brother after which visited my sister Margaret and family; and spent the most
of the day with her. She is a kind dear
hearted sister but I cannot prevail upon her to be a Latter-day Saint, the traditions of my Fathers is to strong in her. She gave me half a Crown and treated me very
kindly. Visited many of the Saints and
met with them in the Prayer meeting in the evening where we had good times
together. The gift of the spirit was exercised by the
brethern. I was called by the Pres. of the Branch to address the meeting which
I did and spoke to them upon the signs of the times which indicated to me that
the son of man would soon make his appearance upon the earth. Took supper at sister
Margaret's. Slept the
night with my Brother Jenkin.
14th. Breakfasted this
morning at my Brothers. After which took
train for Hirwaun and walk from thence to Penderyn called at the Bank Inn. Being that the Master not
Mistress was not at home I continued on my journey. To my uncles, reached there
at 2 p.m. My sister was
not at home consequently my uncle prepared dinner for me and we partook of the
same with cheerful hearts. My sister
came home in the evening from Markes and made us a good supper. She is half inclined to come away with
me. Slept the night
with my uncle.
15th. Breakfasted this
morning with him also. Left for Merthyr Tydvil.
Called at the Lamb Inn Penderyn on my way thither, to see what was the matter that my letters that I sent to them from Bristol was not answered. He was not at
home but his wife was there who told me that she was not willing for me to have
the room to preach in according to her husband, promised unto me when I was up
before. I told her to tell her husband
that I was sorry that he did not consider that his wife was a Presbyterian before
he promised me the room. Continued on my journey.
Reached Hirwaun while waiting for the train I called at my cousin who is
married to Thomas Slrvellin [Llewellyn?].
Took dinner with them. After which took train for Merthyr. Arrived in Merthyr about 2 p.m. and found Bywater at the Conference House. Partook of food with him after which we took
a walk to Rhodrie [?]. David's wife who had received a letter from her husband who is in Salt Lake City announcing his intention to come
back if her and the children will not go to him. Partook of food with her.
Slept the night at the Conference House.
16th. Breakfasted at the
Conference House. After which, Brothers
Bywater and Eliazer Edwards left for Cardiff. I wrote 2
letters met with the Saints at 2 p.m. I was called upon to address the meeting,
which I did upon the necessity of every one having the Holy Ghost to lead them
unto all truth, and to be a light to their path for the time would come that
every one would have to receive their own revelation. Also told them that the
redemption of Zion was drawing near. The meeting
was dismissed until 6 o-clock. The meeting reassembled
according to appointment. I was called
by the President of the Branch to address the audience. I did so in English and Welsh etc. A very respectable
congregation who listened very attentively to what was said. I had much of the Spirit to assist me. I believe good results will be realized from
said meeting. Slept
the night at the Conference House.
17th. Breakfasted at the
same place this morning after which, took a walk through Town. Called at the Bath House and took a Turkish Bath, which cost me 2 shillings. Partook of dinner at the
Conference House. After which,
took train 1:30 for Hirwaun.
Walk from said place to Treleanozfach [?]. Called there and partook of tea with my
grandson Morgan after which, proceeded on my way to Tzlarmorgriz [?]. Reached there late in the
evening. Partook
of supper with my Brother and sister-in-law. Slept the night in the
above named place.
18th. Breakfasted in the
same place. Also took dinner after
which, my brother went to pay his tithing.
I told him to inquire of the priest of the parish whether he was willing
for me to examine the records of the parish for I want the genealogies of my
fore Fathers. Slept
the night with my Brother.
19th. Not feeling very
well this morning, did not partake of food.
Raining all day. Conversed a little with my Brother upon the
principles of Mormonism; he said that no one received revelation from God in
these days. Slept the
night with him.
20th. This morning very
blustry and windy. The storm is yet
raging. Consequently I must remain in
Tzlarmorgriz [?]. I slept there the
21st. Breakfasted with my Brother
this morning after which, left for Merthyr Tydfil at 9 a.m. On the way
called at Penderyn Grave Yard and got the names of a few of my relatives from
the Tomb and head stones; also called at Pontprenllwzd grave yard and got a few
Called at
Hirwaun with John Powell. Took dinner with his wife, after which took
train at the Hirwaun station. Arrived in
Merthyr and called at 10 Alma
Terrace and found G. G. Bywater at home who received me very kindly. After supper in Company with G. G. Bywater
and Eliazer Edwards we took a walk round town, and saw some fireworks exhibited
in memory of Chrawshaws marriage. Slept the night at the
Conference House.
22nd. Breakfasted this
morning at the above named place, took a walk through town, partook of dinner
at the Conference House. G. G. Bywater
gave me 15 shillings of Tithing to assist me in Traveling in the Bristol
Took train,
at Merthyr for Aberdare. Reached there safe and called at my Brother
Jenkin, who received very kindly. His wife and children were glad to see
me. Partook of tea with them, after
which, went to see my sister Margaret and her husband and children. Conversed with him a little
upon the topic of life. Slept the night with my Brother Jenkin.
23rd. Breakfasted at my brothers
this morning. Visited
the Saints school at Aberaman School House at 11 a.m. After which,
James Philips invited me to his home. Partook of food with his family.
Met with
the Saints at 2 p.m. Was called by the President of the Branch to address the assembly. I did so in Welsh and English upon the signs
of the Times, the meeting was dismissed until 6 in the evening. The meeting reassembled according to
appointment. I was called to address the
meeting. I did so upon the first
principles of the Gospel. And told them
of the hyprocracy of
the present genreration as well as those that lived in the days of Christ. Also told them the condition of things in Zion and what they might expect when they get there. Slept the night with my
Brother Jenkin.
24th Breakfasted with my Brother.
Partook of dinner with John Jeffery and tea with
Thomas Evans. In the evening at 7:30 met with the Saints in prayer meeting and was called
to speak by G. G. Bywater. I spoke upon
the necessity of making progress in the principles of Faith. Took supper with my Brother Jenkins and there
slept the night.
25th. Breakfasted with my
Brother. Took dinner with John Jeffrey
in company with G. G. Bywater we walked to Cwmbach, and both preached there to
the Saints. There were also a few
outsiders present; after the meeting we walked up to Aberdare. I took supper with my Brother and there slept
the night.
26th. Breakfasted in the
same place this morning after which, called to see my sister Margaret who was
sick. I did not remain there very
long. Took train at Aberdare for Treherbert. Elder G. G. Bywater accompanied me to the
depot. I parted with him there. He went back to Merthyr and I proceeded in
the way to the aforesaid place to see my sister. Arrived there at noon and went to my sisters house. She was very glad to see me and was greatly
welcomed by both her and her husband. Also the children. Slept the night there.
27th. All is right this
morning. After dinner in company with my
sister we took a walk through Treherbert and we went a little ways beyond
it. Returned home and partook of tea,
after which she accompanied me to the Saints prayer meeting which was held at
Timothy Waslezs house in Treorky. I was
called upon to address the meeting. I
did so upon the first principles of the Gospel: Faith, Baptism and the laying
on of hands for the reception of the Holy Ghost. Slept the night in the same
28th. Remain at home all
day. Had a conversation with my sister,
and Philip Rees upon the principles of the gospel. They did not believe in the Gathering which
is so plain in the scriptures of divine truth.
As in the days of Noah so it shall be in the coming of
the Son of Man. Slept the same place.
29th. All is well this
morning. Partook of food and remained at
home all day.
In the evening conversed a
little with one of the members of the Methodist Church. She was very
much interested and embittered against the doctrine of plurality of wives. She did not believe in prophets and inspired
men. Slept the night
in the same place.
30th. Partook of food as
usual. Met with the saints in Treorky at
2 p.m. and was called upon by the president of the Branch to
address the meeting. I did so upon the
necessity of self government. Man know thy self and so forth. The meeting was dismissed until 6 in the
evening. The meeting convened pursuant
to appointment. The President of the
Branch and myself addressed the meeting. He in Welsh and myself in
English. He told them the
principle that saved man in the days of Jesus Christ and his Apostles and told
them that no lies would save the human family these days. Then I spoke in English and showed them the
absurdity of the human family sitting down to a table spread with bones. When there is tables spread with plenty of
meats and variety of good food. Spoke a
little in Welsh upon the principles of the gathering. Showed from the scriptures
that the Lord had a plan of gathering when ever he had a people upon the earth.
My sister Amelia accompanied
me to meeting. We were both invited to
tea the following day by Sister Peard. Slept the night in the usual place.
31st. Breakfasted as usual. Our very rainy this
morning. After dinner in company
with my Sister Amelia, we went visiting according to previous invitation down
to Ystrad to Bro. James Teard. There we
met with Jenkin Jones Mardu. He gave me
2 shillings. In the evening I went my
brother-in-law to a Methodist lecture.
The name of the lecturer was E. Mathews.
His subject was Martin Luther. He
said that Catholics ruled triumphantly all over the earth, and said that M.
Luther was the first successful man that deviated from that rule. Slept in the same place.
November 1st. My sister gave me 2 shillings this
morning. After dinner I took farewell of
her and the family. She was very sorry
to part with me. She is an affectionate
sister. I hope she will receive the
Gospel. She is inclined to the
principles thereof. Took train at 3:10 p.m.
[From] Treherbert arrived in Cardiff and called at Henry Gardner. Took tea with him. After which the Saints met together for a
little amusement. I slept the night at Canton in the Conference House.
2nd. All is right this
morning. Took
breakfast at Mary Lane's a widow, 7 Divern Road Canton. Took dinner at Thomas Thomas who resided at the last named place. Took tea with Sister Gardner after which met
with the Saints in a prayer meeting. I
was called to address the meeting upon the Signs of the Times. I told them that the world was full of wrath
towards us as a people and was necessary for the Latter-day Saints to be
faithful that they may have the spirit of God to be with them. They made a collection for me of 5
shillings. Took supper
with Brother Basset. Slept the night at Conference House. Sister Chug Canton.
3rd. Breakfasted this morning at
Brother Basset. Took train at Cardiff 5 to
10 a.m. for Bristol by the way of the new passage fare 2 2. Arrived in Bristol 1:30 p.m. Slept the
night at 7 Tower Hill.
4th. Breakfasted at
Brother Rawles after which wrote a good many letters. In the afternoon I went with Sister Rawles to
bag flannel for garments. Also was
measured for a pair of boots. Took supper at the Conference. Also slept the night there.
5th. Busy all day in
making the monthly accounts. Remitted Book and Emigration money to Liverpool. Took a warm bath. Partook of food at the Conference House. Also slept the night there.
6th. Busy writing this
morning when a young man came for me, to go to Sister Gare for dinner. Victoria Street. Met with the
saints at 2
p.m., was called to address
the meeting upon the principles that we believe in. In order to have the Holy
Spirit to lead us unto all truth.
And there is no fears about the present
difficulties in Utah, but what the Lord would over rule everything for the
benefit of his own kingdom. Took tea with Sist Irwins.
The meeting reassembled in the evening.
I was called to address the meeting upon the first principles of the
Gospel. Slept the
night at the Conference House.
Howells, Thomas Price
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