Wright, John Prodger 3 - Mission Journal

Thursday June 10th 1897

Thursday June 10th 1897
I gave my cousin Tom’s wife 1’/6d for staying there and my food for she plead poverty so very much, she didn’t charge anything but I knew they wanted it. I went from there to the Ponkey to a 2nd cousin name John Wright but I didn’t see him as he was at work but his wife got me something to eat and I felt free here. A second cousin named Maiam Prichard a widow came here and took me to another sister named Hughes, and one of her sons and Maiam went with me to another Caroline Brown and then William took me to my 2nd cousin George Wright at Rhostullan. He was at work when we got there at
2:30 his wife has had a stroke 4 years ago on the right side and has got but little use of that side and can’t speak plain. George got home about 3:20 and he thought I was his Uncle George when I told him I wasn’t he felt disappointed they didn’t ask me to eat. I had 3 conversations today My 2nd cousin Wm. Wright came with me all the way to Wrexham and we walked it and I got to the station about 20 to 5 but the train didn’t start until 20 past 5 so we walked about town. I came to Shutton and got there at 6 p.m. had a cup of tea at Griffiths, Bro. Prices folks, then called on my way to Bro Henry Hughes Father’s and took tea with them and came on to Flint where I got one letter from Rowena and one from Prest. Peters. Rowena sent me one dolar in greenbacks in Peters’s letter he told me that Bro Prices release had come and he was to return home on the 19th of this month. So Bro Roberts wrote to Price to the Rhos to tell him while away I gave out 9 Authorities 5 Welsh and 20 True Gospel tracts 34 all together.
Friday June 11th 1897
I worked today for Williams the Tailor in
Flint The day was warm and fine.
Saturday June 12th 1897
I worked for Williams today again and I received for yesterday and today 7 shilings. Not hearing from Price I went after work to Cannaks (Connah’s Quay) Quary and the Shutton to see if Hughes had come back as he is the Leader in these parts as I understand by the heading of the letter from President Peters though it was directed to me for it comenced Elder Hughes and Wright. Bro Hughes had not come back from
Manchester. I seen Bro Prices’s folks at the Quary and at Shutton and told them that he was released to return on the June 19th 1897. I rode back on the train from the Quary cost 3 ½  I walked 6 miles for 1 ½ hours tonight with a shoe maker. Was with him from 10 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. it was after 12 before I went to bed.
Sunday June 13th 1897
Bro Roberts got a letter from Elder Price this morning informing us that he had got the letters and his release all right there was money in both letters but he did not say how much he had wrote to Prest Wells to have his time of sailing postponed until the next ship sailed with Elders. And if it couldn’t be postponed he would be with us early this week. My self and Bro Roberts was alone We had no sacrament today as Elder M. Hughes did not come. But we had a reading of the scriptures
onday June 14th
I got the Star this morning and wrote a letter to Barbara, worked for Williams the tailor a fine day.
Tuesday June 15th 1897
A stormy day very wet worked today sent the letter and star to Barbara and one to Rowena think she would be picking berries there.
Wednesday June 16th 1897
Very stormy day worked for Williams at my trade. Bro Price came and I got cloth to make a suit for him at the London House a store in
Flint kept by a Mr. Jones
Thursday June 17th 1897
No letter today Finer today worked all day bought me a hat at Jones’s paid 3s for it a soft hat. I cut out Prices pants and sewed some on them.
Friday June 18th 1897
A very stormy and windy wet day I worked for Williams. I felt sick tonight so didn’t do anything at Prices pants tonight. Got the paper from Hyrum.
Saturday June 19th 1897
Tolerable fine morning but turned and stormy in afternoon cold and wet Elder Theadore C. Best sailed from Glasco for home today he was released on account of his health failing having been about 6 months on his mission. He was the leader of our Choir when I left home. I earned this week L1.1s/
June 20th 1897
For the first time since I have been in
Flint I got the Star on Sunday. There being extra doings in the English church this morning I went to the morning service. Today was not very fine but fair. We had sacrament meeting in the afternoon and a meeting in the evening. And expected a man and his wife to listen who had promised to come but they didn’t Elder H Hughes was with us, I went 1 ½ miles with him when he went home to the Quary.
Monday June 21st 1897
Today was a very fine day I finished Prices pants and cut and trimed his coat and vest. I felt half sick tonight. I had but little sleep last night and had to get up and go to the privy and I had the diarea today.
June 22nd 1897
I worked some on Prices coat but this being the Queens Jubilee the 60th anniversary of her reign I stopped my work up at
9 a.m. and got ready to go to the Quary to accompany Elder Henry to Liverpool to spend the afternoon. I walked to Hughes Father’s and got there at 12 noon. Had my dinner there, and started to Shutton with him and his father to take the 1:35 p.m. train for Liverpool. Henry got his father to go with him as he is a drinker and he thought he would keep him from getting on a drunk. But wether he did or not I don’t know as we lost him on the boat there were so may people a fellow could hardly take care of himself in a strange place. So when we got to the Liverpool side Henry was looking for his Father by one gang plank and I got off at another and a policeman was stationed there to tide the mass of humanity in an opposite direction to the way those got off at the other gang plank. So I never saw Henry or his father in liverpool that day again. I went to 42 Lexington to Headquarters or the Laterday Saints European Mission to get tracts to save expressage thinking by so doing I would save about one half of my fare to the railroad. But there was nobody there as I staid around for about 2 ½ hours and thinking Henry would be there. While walking about I think I saw more drunken people than  I ever saw in my life before women as well as men. Young girls going arm in arm stagering and singing, some well dressed and lots of them dirty and raged. A disgrace to England sure. As I was on my way back to the ferry, to Seacobe, that being the name of the ferry. I witnessed a croud of people by a monument listing to man lecturing on Land Nationalisation and then hear the Queen and the Royalty scandalized as he done it I was surprised, I didn’t think it would be alowed in the land but so it was and it looks as if it would lead to a great revolution in the near future surely the time is not far off when war will be in this land as the people are beginning to feel the oppression and it is being agitated by those fitted for the work. I took the 7 p.m. train for Shutton Walked from there to the Quary and took the 9:15 train for Flint. Witnessed the fire works in Flint until 10:30 feeling pretty well tired, with the days outlay.
Wednesday June 23 1897
I nearly made Bro. Prices coat today were fine and very warm days. I sent to
Liverpool for tracts and c.
Thursday June 24 1897
This morning is overcast and cooler. I got 2 regestered letters this morning one from Quorum Clerk J. D. Cummings with $5.00 in and one from Hattie with $2.00 in J. finished Prices suit and got $10. From him.
Friday June 25th 1897
This morning Bro Price left here to go to see his Bro near
Manchester. I got a paper from Hyrum today again. Mr. Williams being pushed with work pressed on me to help him today so I went. A sultry day.
Saturday June 26th 1897
Mr. Williams wanted me today again; and as I don’t make a practice to tract on Saturdays, I worked for him I got 8/ - for the two days work. I forgot to mention in yesterdays jotting that I got a letter from Cassie with a two dolar bill in it one dolar from her and 50cts from Julia Wardell and 50cts from Mrs Anderson. So I sent the two dolar bills to 42 Lxington Liverpool to have it changed and I got the Postal order’s today for 8/2 all right I sent the $5.00 bill to
Cardiff to Prest. Peters to settle what I owed on the Stars which was 2/7 and for him to give me credit for the rest on tithing. A warm day and fine.
Sunday June 27th 1897
Today is a dull hazy day and warm. There was a local preacher came to my lodge today to have his dinner so I had a good conversation and argument with him but he wouldn’t accknowlage that Baptism was essencial to salvation I presented him with a Voice of Warning and a little book entitled the Latterday Saints. Their Religion Condition and Destiny. These books cost me 7d. in American money 14 cents. Elder H Hughes Roberts and myself held sacrament meeting at
3 p.m. bore our testimonies to one another and encouraged on another to faithfulnes. Myself presiding. After tea Bro Hughes took train for Connah Quaary and I went with him. I walked from there to Shutton to see if Bro Price had come from Manchester but he had not his Neice told me he would be back tomarrow I told her there was a letter for him at Flint but not thinking to come there when I started I didn’t bring it. I walked back to Flint and encountered a good shower of rain between Shutton and the Quary. Getting home by 8:45 p.m. only being away 2 ½ hours. Bro Hughes tells me that he never saw his Father from the time we got on the boat last Tuesday until he got in the train on his return at 11 p.m. The old man was sober which I was glad to hear. The old man said he was at 42 Lxlinton to try and find us, but didn’t. I tried to get Hughes to hold an out door meeting but I think he’s dilitary as myself at it.
Monday June 28th 1897
I folded up 250 tracts this morning read the star and after dinner started out with the above English and 20 Welsh tracts the Welsh ones gave out and I came back and took 30 more and they give out so I came back and folded 50 more Welsh, and should have given all the English ones but it commenced to rain so I quit when I gave out 222 English entitled the First Principles of the Only True Gospel and 69 Welsh Glad Tidings of Great Joy. I had but one conversation on the Gospel today it thundered tonight.
Tuesday June 20th 1897
It rained heavy through the night cloudy this morning I went and bought a shoulder wrap blue for Julia Wardell cost s4/0 and a silvor broach with Julia on it, cost s2/0 I also went and got my truss fixed with a new strap cost 6d I folded 210 tracts of the 1st Principles of the Gospel of Christ, and started out in the afternoon with them and 50 Welsh ones its very warm and close and the sun is out pretty good. There is a Cercus in town today called Fourpawrs. I mailed Julia’s broach in a news paper I hope it will go through all right I want to send the shawl with Bro Price if he will take it I gave out the 50 Welsh and 126 English and had one conversation only. There was a heavy thunder shower about
5 p.m. But I got into a house and kept dry. I distributed 176 tracts.
Wednesday June 30th 1897
I fine morning I went to the cercus with Bro Roberts last night. I started this morning at
10:15 with 220 tracts 53 Welsh and 167 English I gave out 108 in the forenoon and 6 gospel conversations. In the afternoon I took 169 Eng and 38 Welsh. I gave away one Voice of Warning this morning. This is a very fine day sunshine and hot I gave out 58 English and 20 Welsh tracts, 2 of Andersons Little books and had 1 good conversation total tracts given out today 188 I should have given out today more but Elder H. Hughes came and I went to the house with him and he made out his months report, and we spent some time together. Bro Hughes and myself made out our months report today and I mailed it to President Peters. I wrote a letter to Bell today. Bro Price got back on the 9:30 p.m. train
Thursday July 1st 1897
I bundled up all my belongings into my sutchel. Valece and two other parcles and started on my way for Cardiff taking all with me except my valise and walked to Shutton 5 miles Bro Price left on the 9:15 a.m. train taking the shawl for Julia Wardell, I met him at Shutton station I booked for Wrexham and He booked for Liverpool I left at 2:45 p.m. and the train that he left on was due at 3 p.m. so we bid each other adue by the wave of hand when my train started while he was on the platform Mrs Roberts was going to Wrexham on this train but I guess she missed it for she wasn’t there Just like her for she is allways behind time. I walked from Wrexham to Gressford 3 miles and found my 2nd cousin Thos Davis he was very kind gave me something to eat and drink He was working in the hay field they were hauling hay from here I walked to a place called Poolton where My 1st Cousin Richard Wright lives and found him all right 3 miles further from Wresham Dick as he is called, is Superintendant of the waterworks from Poolton to Wrescham and keeps the pipes in Order he has an indication in the house that gives the heighth of the water in the resorvour. He also has a telephone so that he is in close communun with the chief ingineer of the water works he has a good sized shop with all the tools needed for plumbing, he is well to do, had a beautiful garden well cultivated, with most all kinds of garden truck and has a hot house with tomatoes, cucumbers and all kinds of flowers in splended condition It is heated with two steam pipes runing all around 4 inch pipes and the steam is kept up by a stove furnice in his workshop there was ripe tomatoes and flowers on the vines he has took some 7 or 8 1st an 2nd prizes at the fairs with his flowers and fruits it is 7 miles from Wrexham to my cousin Dicks at Poulton The received very kindly and he said he didn’t know he had such a relation. I took tea and super with him walked 12 miles today
Friday July 2nd 1897
3:25 p.m. I am in the Great Wrexham railway station while I write this waiting for a train to go to Pontzpool as I want to call there on my way to Cardiff I staid with my cousin Dick last night the charged my nothing for grub or bed and besides giving me a ride half way to Wrexham gave me 2/6d which was very kind of him. May the Lord Bless him and yet show him the true light of the Gospel. I had a good conversation yesterday at the Quary and one with my cousin and gave out several tracts. I had another conversation with Dicks folks this morning and gave a Devine Tract to my second cousin Tom Davis as I called and seen him again today I got to Wrexham at 2p.m. leave on train for Pontypool road at 3:56 arrived at Hereford at 6:10 and arrived at Pontypool road at 7 p.m. I went to sister Philips and got a cup of tea and left my things there while I went around visiting. Stayed at Gripheths for the night
Saturday July 3rd 1897
I started off without breakfast for Sister Greens at Victoria Village and had breakfast with her gave her 2/6 as they had to paid for than a pound to get Chris of to Utah when Bro Peters went. Called and seen Wood Cutter Jones. Sister Shortman and her daughter Edith __ had twin daughters a month old, from there I went to Grifithes got dinner and went to Tom Redmonds. Mrs Redmund said her mother wouldn’t let her go to America with Tom so Tom will have to go alone then if he likes it his mother-in-law will be willing for her to go. They were all well I stayed there for half and hour then had to hurry to catch the 5 oclock train to
Cardiff. I met Bro Green and wife at the station and Bro Green went with me We arrived in Cardiff befor 7p.m. and had tea. President Parry arrived about 10 p.m. from Liverpool
Sunday July 4th 1897
Conference opened at 10:30 this morning it was fast day I was the first one called on to speak. This meeting was held at 188 Cathays Terrace the afternoon meeting and evenings was held in the Colonial Hall Cardiff our meeting in the afternoon was attended with few strangers. But the night meeting was attended with quite a number, who were very atentive and quiet but after the servises  a Josephite tried to create a debate but there was no use to hold it there but he was invited to Cathays by Bro Sheairne. But he didn’t get there. But Bro Peters had quite a talk with him and bore his testimony. On our way for Cathays Elizabeth Trenchard’s father created quite a stir in the street he made for his daughter with a stick and would have struck her down but elder Rees cought hold of him and had to throw him down and hold him there in the midle of the street until the Police came but the __ didn’t arrest him but Lizzie said that he said he would have her life befor morning. But he didn’t.
Monday July 5th 1897
This morning was somewhat stormy. We held Counsel meeting at
10:30 the reports for the Elders were very encouraging I was assigned to North Wales again. The Conference expences came to over ‘5/4 ½ each. We had a sociable at night with songs and recitations I sang Couldn’t help laughing it took very well.
Tuesday July 6th 1897
Some of the brothern went to there fields of labor to the Saints from the Rhondda District started off last night to catch the 11 p.m. train I went down to Cardiff with Bro Tho Roberts and got Cloth to make him a suit of clothes Cloth and trimmings cost him 2’ 12/5. My commission was 8/00 I sent to
London for a pattern as he is 44 bust. Trains leave on Sunday in June for Burningham, Flint 8:45 a.m. and Chester at 9:35 gets to Crewe at 9:30 and gets to Burmingham at 2:50 The Conference is held in the Laterday Saints Chaple Hunter’s vale off from street Hackley Birmingham.  Cornelious William Penly p.c. 3 miles from Cloys try and see them his wife takes the stars. He is a painter and bitter against the Saints.

End of 1897 Diary; April 1stJuly 6th 1897 (this diary was typed as closely as possible to the original transcript, typed by Sharon Wright.) 
Transcribed by Diana S. Johnson, April 2001

(Analia Stein has the original copy. Found in the possession of her mother, Mildred Wright Marshall)  Received from Lee and Sharon Wright October 2000.



Wright, John Prodger


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