by: Garth R. Morgan, Great, Great Grandson
added perspective by: Jean P. Morgan
Born in:
Merthyr-Tydfil, Glamorganshire South Wales
4 March 1817
Died at:
Beaver, Beaver County, Utah
May 13, 1870
53 years two months and 9 days
"To be born Welsh is to be born privileged, not with a silver spoon in your
mouth, but music in your blood and poetry in your soul."
Old saying in Wales, Author unknown.
The Surname Morgan means "Son of Morgan"
The personal name Morgan being representative of a very ancient Celtic name
probably Moricantos "sea bright", which in Old Breton, Old Welsh and Cornish
was Morcant.
Once everyone was known by a single name but this led to confusion and so an
extra name was adopted. Thus a man named John whose father's name was Morgan
might be known as John (son of) Morgan. The additional name eventually
becoming hereditary as a surname.
Early records mention Isabella Morgan in Berkshire in the curia Regis rolls of
1214. John Morgan in the Northumberland Assuze Rolls of 1279 and John Morgane
is Scotland in 1419. Mwynfawr Morgan who died in 665 was regutus of Glamorgan,
South Wales.
Sir Henry Morgan (1635-1688) was a notorious buccaneer, who was made Governor
of Jamaica by the British Government.
The Surname David
The name of the great Israelite king whose story is recorded in the Book of
Samuel was adopted early in the Christian era in Wales. It became extremely
popular, and remained so throughout the centuries, as a result of being the
name of the Welsh patron saint. Its Latin version is "Davidus", resulting in
two variants: "Dewydd", leading to "Dewi", was the name by which the saint was
usually known and was rarely used as a forename in med. Times; "Dafydd" was
widely used and most of the small "Davids" baptised in parish registers
answered to "Dafydd" in daily life.
As a patronymic surname, "David" continued unchanged in some areas of Wales,
but the usual form as a surname became "Davies". (The Surnames of Wales: John
& Sheila Rowlands)
Author: Garth R. Morgan, Great Great Grandson
"To be born Welsh is to be born privileged, not with a silver spoon in your
mouth, but music in your blood and poetry in your soul." Old saying in Wales,
Author unknown.
"Singing is in my people as sight is in the eye." Saying from the movie "How
Green is My Valley."
David Morgan was born on the 4th of March of the year, 1817, to John Morgan and
Sarah Davies (Davis) in Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire, South Wales. John and
Sarah were married in Merthyr Tydfil on April 4th, 1816. The witnesses to
their marriage were; Jane Morgan and John Hall. (film # 104886) It is not
known the relationship between the witnesses to John and Sarah. David was the
first child born to John and Sarah. In the registry of births of the Baptist
church at Sion Chapel, Merthyr Tydvil, Glamorganshire, the following is
recorded for birth certificate #1031:
"These are to certify that David, son, John Morgan & Sarah his wife was born
in Rhyd y Carr parish of Merthyr, Glamorganshire the 4th day of March in the
year, 1817. Registered by me, D. Saunders. " (film # 1419748)
Also recorded, apparently at the same tine, are the births of David's brother
Isaac (born: 25 Jan 1819; Rhyd y Carr) and his two sisters, Mary (born: 7 Jan
1825; Glebe land), and Sarah (born: 31 Dec 1828; Ynysgou). It is not known
whether David's parents had neglected to register their children at the time of
their births or whether they had moved to a new parish and/or joined this
particular religious denomination (i.e., Sion Baptist chapel). The English law
to which all religious denominations were subject required the clergy to
register all births, deaths and marriages with London each year. This registry
is called the Bishops' Transcript. Most chapels kept their own vital records
copy as well. Thus, in some instances two copies of a given event can be
found. A copy of the Sion Chapel registry shows it was sent to London on or
close to April 27th 1837. This date was 9 years after the birth of John and
Sarah's last child. It appears then, that they must have moved or changed
their religious affiliation; hence, the registration of all their children on
the same day.
David's birth and subsequent death date, as recorded on his headstone in the
Beaver, Utah, Cemetery, confirms the 4th of March 1817 date to be accurate.
David married Jane Lewis (born: 4 Jun 1823 & christened: 27 Jun 1823) on 24 Dec
1842. The marriage was solemnized in the Tabernacle chapel in the District of
Merthyr Tydfil in the Counties of Glamorganshire and Brecknockshire. At the
time of their marriage, David is listed as a "bachelor" with the profession of
Miner. He lists his residence as George Town, Merthyr Tydfil. No father's
name is given. Jane is listed as a "spinster" with no profession and her
residency being in Castle Square, Merthyr Tydfil. No father's name is listed
for Jane either. Neither David nor Jane was what is termed 'literate' at this
time as neither signed their name to their marriage certificate. Both signed
by: x mark. David's last name is recorded thus: Morgan with an s on the end.
The following witnessed their marriage: William Davies who signed his name and
what is assumed to be David's brother, Isaac Morgan: by x mark.
It has been recorded in Morgan family history that David was "one of the
working class, while Jane's parents were wealthy and opposed the marriage of
this couple" (sketch of the life of Eliza Jane Morgan Barton by her daughter,
Eva Barton Easton -- about 1953). One can only speculate that the opposition
to the marriage, perhaps due to this economic social class differentiation, may
have been one reason David and Jane chose not to include their parent's names
on the certificate. It may also be as simple as neglect on the part of the
recorder to ask for and record the information.
Jane's mother (Mary Loyd/Lloyd) died sometime between Jane's birth and age two.
Her Father, Alexander Lewis, remarried a woman by the name of Mary Traherne on
24 Dec 1825. (film # 104886) It appears that Mary Traherne was the mother to
whom Jane had association. At the time of their marriage, David was 2 5 years
old with Jane being age 19. (copy: marriage license)
At the time of David's birth and during his growing up years, Merthyr Tydfil
was a smoky, booming iron and steel center with surrounding mountains. The
mountains were rich in natural resources with an iron mine and several coal
mines in the midst of this tiny piece of primitive south Wales. Merthyr Tydfil
began its emergence from obscurity about 1765 when Anthony Bacon established
the ironworks of Cyfartha that supplied the British Government with canon until
1782. The iron works grew to have seven furnaces besides puddling and rolling
In the "old" days, children went out to work at a very early age. They worked
long, hard hours for little pay. They grew up very quickly. Sometimes they
had a "bit" of schooling and could write their name but more likely, they could
not. They were poor, coming from homes where there might be ten to fifteen
brothers and sisters, if they all lived that long. In order to survive, the
family needed the extra income that would come in from a child who was working
as a domestic servant, dairyman/woman, farm servant, shepherd or miner.
Sometimes, the children would come home at night but more often than not, they
would live with the family they were working for. But they would send their
meager little earnings home to their family.
Some of them worked in factories with poor wages and working conditions.
Sometimes there were cottage industries in the home, knitting stockings that
were sold to the Hosier, who was a middleman. He bought the stockings and then
resold them. (David's marriage record and the family history account
previously cited confirm both his lack of schooling {inability to write} and
his meager circumstances.)
Employment and working conditions were, therefore, pressing issues for a Welsh
family of little means. It seems that David lived all his life in what might
be considered an economically "poor" state. David and Jane's frequent moves
from town to town after their arrival in Utah provide some support for this
claim. These frequent moves were moves made most likely to find fertile soil
that would produce a harvest sufficient to support their growing family. (not
an uncommon situation experienced by most pioneer families of that time.) The
sketch of the life of Eliza Jane Morgan Barton, (David and Jane's last child)
by her son Kenneth A. Barton, provides further support for their poor
circumstances. ("Of my mother, she came from a background of 'abject poverty'
and had to make her way in the world from the time she was twelve years old.")
Dan Jones, a Welshman and Mormon missionary to Wales, was called by President
Brigham Young to accompany Apostle Wilford Woodruff along with 10 others and
their wives to England six months after the Carthage tragedy where the Prophet
Joseph Smith, Jr. and his brother Hyrum were martyred. Dan Jones, who by
prophesy through the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. while in jail in Carthage IL, 27
June 1844, was told "Before you die, you will see Wales and fulfill the mission
appointed you." "The year 1845 had barely dawned when Dan arrived in
Liverpool, England as a bearer of the restored gospel to his native land of
Wales. Elder Woodruff called a special conference in Manchester, England. The
presiding Apostle stated that as "Brother Jones had been sent on a special
mission to Wales by the Prophet Joseph Smith himself while still living, he
wished to see the appointment acknowledged by the conference." Captain Dan
Jones was appointed to preside over the Welsh Mission subject to the Presidency
of the British Mission.
The Saints that were gathered sustained his appointment. Dan was the only
person who could speak, read, and write in the Welsh language among the Mormons
outside Wales. (Captain Dan Jones, Barrett, I.J., 1989, p. 73).
"Wales is situated on a two-pronged peninsula southeast of England, one hundred
and thirty-six miles long and ninety-seven miles wide. The small country had a
population just short of one million people at the time Dan Jones, a former
ship's captain, first returned to his native land as a missionary in January
1845. In a land famous for its beautiful pastoral landscapes, castled hills,
forests, streams and sylvan paths, Dan chose to commence his missionary labors
in the smoky, booming iron and steel center called Merthyr-Tydfil in the midst
of a tiny piece of primitive South Wales. Through his missionary influence he
converted over 4,000 Welsh people while serving with his wife in his homeland.
He served for three years departing with 250 converts on February 21, 1848."
(Captain Dan Jones, Hawkes Publishing Inc. 1889, pp 123). It is quite likely
that Dan Jones was instrumental in the introduction of the gospel of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints to David and Jane and influential in their decision
to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
David was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by John
Roberts on February 7th, 1849 and confirmed by John Thomas on February 18th,
1849. Jane was baptized on August 18th, 1849 by Jonah Richard and confirmed on
August 18th, 1849 by Wm. Phillip. David was ordained to the office of priest
in the Aaronic Priesthood on June the 11th, 1851 by William Powell. (LDS
Records of Georgetown Branch: film #0104170). NOTE: Caution must be taken
when assigning this record of ordination to the Aaronic Priesthood to the David
of this history. There were other David Morgan's in this branch at this same
time period. For example, a David Morgan in his 20's was also from the
Georgetown Branch and sailed on the same ship with the David of this history.
As reported in the 1851 Census of Merthyr Tydfil {recorded 30 March 1851} David
and his family resided in Merthyr Tydfil. David was 34, Jane 28 and a daughter
Sarah reported to be 3 years of age. David was employed as an iron miner (film:
On 21 September 1851, the Prophet Brigham Young and the First Presidency issued
a forceful statement to the Saints to gather immediately to Zion. Following
the clarion call of President Brigham Young and the Church leadership, adhering
to the command to gather to Zion; it could be assumed that David and his little
family began preparation for their emigration to America, the Rocky Mountains
and Salt Lake City. A review of names of Saints who used the Perpetual
Emigration Fund (P.E.F.) for traveling has proven inconclusive as to whether
David and his family utilized these precious Church resources to travel. When
examining the Golconda ship rooster, the ship David, Jane, and Sarah sailed on
from Liverpool, England to New Orleans, LA, the initials P.E.F. do not appear
by David and his family leading one to conclude they may have had their own
funds for travel. However, these findings are still inconclusive and require
further research.
The Saints emigrating from Europe were given counsel on what items to bring
with them.
Those intending to emigrate will do well to take no furniture with them except
the necessary articles of beds, bedding, wearing apparel, pots, cooking
utensils, etc., which will come in useful both on the ship and on the
steamboat, and after they arrive. Do not be encumbered with bedsteads, chairs,
tables, stands, drawers, broken boxes, worn out bedding, soiled clothing, rusty
tools, etc., but provide a great plenty of good and substantial wearing
apparel, bedding, consisting of every necessary article of manufactured goods
both for men and women, because these things are much dearer in Western America
than in England and no duties will be charged by the American Government on
wearing apparel already made up, even if each passenger has several suites of
clothes. Everything, which is not designed for use on the passage, should be
carefully packed in strong boxes or trunks. Emigrants will not have to pay
anything for freight on their usual household goods and furniture on the ocean
but it will cost something for freight up the Mississippi River for every
article except a certain quantity that is allowed each passenger free as
traveling luggage. (Our Pioneer Heritage, Mormon Emigration 1840-1869 p 232)
New Orleans was by far the cheapest route for emigrants to St. Louis, Missouri
and up river to Council Bluffs, Nebraska. Emigrating in large companies saved
large sums of money. Perhaps the passage money and provisions for each
passenger from Liverpool to New Orleans will be not far from four pounds.
Children under fourteen years of age traveled for half-price, children under
one year traveled for nothing. The money and names of the emigrants were to be
forwarded ten days previous to the time of sailing, the passengers and their
goods did not need to arrive till two or three days before the time of sailing.
Thus, when all things were prepared, they could go immediately on board, and
begin to arrange their berths, beds, provisions, etc., and avoid the expense of
living in the town of Liverpool. (Our Pioneer Heritage, Mormon Emigration
1840-1869 p.233).
David, Jane and their only child Sarah departed on the sailing Ship Golconda
from Liverpool England on 4 February 1854 for the United States of America and
the port of New Orleans. This was the second voyage for the Golconda carrying
Saints to America and the port of New Orleans. The number of Latter Day
Saints sailing on this voyage is listed as 464. The Golconda was 1124 tons,
171 feet X 33 feet X 22 feet. She was one of the three-masters built in Canada
and then registered in Liverpool. Her tonnage has been variously listed as
1170, 1087, 1044 and 1224 indicating different basis for calculations. The
ship seemed to run in the Tapscott's line. After 1868 she was no longer listed
in Lloyd's Register. (Ships, Saints, and Mariners, Sonne, Conway B. U of U
Press, 1987, pp. 89-90).
Elder Dorr P. Curtis, assisted by Elders Thomas Squires and W.S. Phillips,
presided over the 464 Saints in the company David and his family joined. The
emigrants were organized into seven branches, and meetings were held five times
a week with many reporting spiritual manifestations. Winds were contrary early
in the voyage, but after a few days the weather was favorable which made the
crossing pleasant most of the time. After a forty-two-day passage Captain Kerr
brought his ship safely to New Orleans on March the 18th, 1854. Two Marriages
were solemnized during the voyage, and there was one death.
The following are excerpts from two accounts of the voyage from Liverpool to
New Orleans. The first comes from Dorr P. Curtis' journal account, {President
of the company). The second is a passenger's view of the voyage {John Johnson
We left the shores of Old England, Feb. 4, Zion-wards bound, in good health and
spirits. On the same day, we organized our Conference, dividing it into seven
Branches. We agreed to call our Conference the "Golconda Emigrating
Conference." We appointed meetings to be held five times a week, in which we
were richly blessed with the gifts of the Spirit, in tongues, interpretations,
visions, revelations, and prophecies, which caused the hearts of the Saints to
rejoice exceedingly, and to magnify the name of the Lord their God, that they
lived in this day and age of the world, when the God of Israel had set His hand
the second time to redeem His people, and gather them from the uttermost parts
of the earth, to establish His kingdom, no more to be thrown down.
Set out for west...winds rather contrary for two or three days...turned in our
favor...not so much as one storm or very heavy gale of wind during
passage...two marriages...one death at sea...love and union amongst Saints in
general...arrived safe and sound on Saturday, 18th making passage in 42 days
from Liverpool.
Passenger's View:
We left our native land in the month of February, 1854. We crossed the sea in
a Sailing vessel. I will relate one circumstance to happen to us on the sea.
The Ship was Sailing nisely and no cloud to be seen. The Captain of the vessel
was in his cabin. He came up on deck and gave orders to the sailors, and they
did work faithful to tye up the sails of the Ship. Then the clouds began to
gather and the wind and rain and thunder commenced and the waves looked as big
as mountains. And the Ship was tossed about fearful by the waves, I shall
never forget that storm. I known that God answered our prayers and saved our
lives. We was six weeks coming from Liverpool to neworleans. There was 464
Latter Day Saints on board, besides the sailors.
Stayed in Neworleans few days...left about the last of March...travel up the
Mississippi River in a steamboat to St. Louis...stayed two weeks...Cholera
started...buried a few brethren and sisters in St. Louis...started from St.
Louis about last of April...good view of country on both sides of river...was a
great sight to us to see forests of timber and land...had to stop a few times
to buri dead...got to Kansas, Missouri in month of May...stayed in Kansas 6
weeks to prepare to travel on plains.
Two ships departed from Liverpool for New Orleans in February of 1854. One
left on February 4th {Golconda: Dorr P. Curtis; 464 people} and the other
departed on February the 22nd {Windermere: Daniel Garn leader; 477 people).
(Our Pioneer Heritage: Mormon Emigration 1840-1869 p 261). When comparing both
ships' passenger numbers it is very likely that the account given by John
Davies as cited above is an account of the happenings experienced by David,
Jane and Sarah as they made their way toward the "promised" land.
Records from the Golconda report David "Morgans", 36, Jane 30 and Sarah 6 as
passengers (film #s 200177 & 0543424). The Golconda reached port, landing in
New Orleans, LA on March the 18th, 1854. They were checked into the United
States Custom House, Room 218, 2nd Floor. David, Jane and Sarah's last name is
recorded as "Morgans" on the Customhouse records. At New Orleans three
emigrants were quarantined, on the Mississippi; ten died between that port and
St. Louis, MO. They departed from the Mississippi River at St. Louis (on the
paddle wheeler Australia) traveling up the Missouri River to the Kansas,
Missouri Westport outfitting post, the outfitting place selected for the saints
crossing the plains that year. Then, the Saints would join wagon trains for
the 800-mile trek west to the Great Basin and Salt Lake City. (Ships, Saints,
and Mariners, Sonne, Conway B. U of U Press, 1987, pp 89-90)
The following is a list of "Pioneer Supplies" entitled a "Bill of Particulars"
included for emigrants leaving "this government" next spring. Each family
consisting of five persons were to obtain:
- 1 good strong wagon well covered with a light box
- 2 or 3 good yoke of oxen between the ages of 4 and 10 years (neutered bulls)
- 2 or more milch (milk) cows
- 1 or more good beefs
- 3 sheep if they can be obtained
- 1000 lbs. of flour or other bread or breadstuffs in good sacks
- 1 good musket or rifle to each male over the age of 12 years
- 1 lb. Powder
- 4 lbs. lead
- 100 lbs. sugar
- 1 lb. Cayenne pepper
- 1 lb. Black pepper
- 1 lb. Mustard
- 10 lbs. rice for each family
- 1 lb. Cinnamon
- ½ lb. Cloves
- 1 doz. Nutmegs
- 25 lbs. salt
- 5 lbs. saleratus (bicarbonate for raising bread)
- 10 lbs. dried apples
- 1 bushel beans
- A few lbs. of dried beef or bacon.
- 5 lbs. dried peaches
- 20 lbs. dried pumpkin
- 25 lbs. seed grain
- 20 lbs. soap for each family
- 15 lbs. iron and steel
- A few lbs. of wrought nails
- One or more sets of saw or grist mill irons to company of 100 families
- 1 good seine (fishing net) and hook for each company for company
- 2 sets of pulley blocks and ropes to each company for crossing rivers
- from 25 to 100 lbs. of farming and mechanical tools
- Cooking utensils to consist of bake kettle, frying pan
- Tin cups, plates knives, forks spoons and pans as few as will do
- A good tent and furniture to each family, not to exceed 500 lbs.
- Ten extra teams for each company of 100 families
In addition to the above list, horse and mule teams can be used as well as
oxen. Many items of comfort and convenience will suggest themselves to a wise
and provident people, and can be laid in the season; but none should start
without filling the original bill. (Nauvoo Neighbor, Oct. 29, 1845.)
Additionally, travelers carried tents, saddles, iron for horseshoes and
oxen-shoes, nails, leather for harness repairs and for boots and shoes, sacks
of garden seeds and buckwheat, and bags of corn, oats and bran to feed the
livestock. (Ensign, July 1997, p. 20).
On account of the immense emigration to California and Salt Lake this season,
oxen range in price from $75.00 to $110.00 per yoke. The cows from $25.00 to
$40.00 per head. The price of wagons in St. Louis is $67.00 and the freightage
to Kansas ranges from $6.00 to $12.00 per wagon. The variation in the price of
freights is the result of the different stages of the river (water levels
making river travel more dangerous for steamships). (Treasures of Pioneer
History, "They Came in 1854", p.37).
David and his family, along with many others, purchased the above list of
animals and items before being allowed to depart for the Great Basin and Salt
Lake City. Brigham Young had established stores managed by the Saints in
anticipation of those Saints arriving from Europe and departing for Salt Lake
City. The wagon weight with its wagon box, wheels and tongue plus canvas cover
weighted about 2,000 pounds. The burden load or amenities listed above for the
trip was approximately 1,500 to 1,800 pounds, making the total wagon weight
3,500 to 3,800 pounds or just slightly less than 2 tons. A yoke of four (4)
oxen (two teams) could pull on the flat land and over some rolling hills
comfortably 4,000 pounds or 2 tons (Following in Their Footsteps, Ensign, July
1997, p. 10). When the wagon trains came to streams and rivers that needed
fording or when passing over swampy ground that could not be skirted, the oxen
and horse teams from other wagons would be coupled to a single wagon making up
four teams to pull the wagons safely to the other side.
There were three wagon trains departing for Salt Lake City within two weeks of
each other, one an Independent company and the other two Perpetual Emigration
Fund Companies. The Independent company consisted of about fifty wagons with
Elder Job Smith as President. They left Westport, Kansas City (the outfitting
station) on June the 16th with 217 people and arrived in Salt Lake City on
September 23, 1854. The other two companies consisted of about forty wagons
each with William F. Carter and Daniel Garn, president of one leaving Westport
on July the 2nd, 1854 with 447 souls and arriving in Salt Lake City on October
1, 1854. And Darwin Richardson, president of the other company of 300 souls
departing on July 17th, 1854 and arriving in Salt Lake City on September 30,
1854. (Deseret News 1997-98 Church Almanac, p. 171 & Heart Throbs of the West,
Kate B. Carter, "They Came in 1854" Vol 4, pp 36, 37).
Job Smith, Captain of the Fourth Company, returning from a mission to Great
Britain, took charge of the Independent company of 217 English, Scotch and
Welsh Saints, who had crossed the Atlantic Ocean on the ships "Golconda",
Windermere", John M. Wood" and "Old England".
The company, which had 45 wagons and much luggage, was organized at Westport
(near Kansas City) by Elder William A. Empey, and was out on the prairie ready
to start west on June 16th. On the 13th of August 1854 the company was
encamped at Scotts Bluffs with captains James Brown and Darwin Richardson and
their companies. Twelve deaths occurred in Captain. Job Smith's company en
route and the main body arrived at G.S.L. City September 23rd. No roster of
the company has been found. (film: 1259741) Travel days totaled 86 days with
15 Sundays, the Sabbath was a day of rest for pioneers and their animals.
Captain Daniel Garn, released from presiding over the German Mission, had
charge of a company of 477 emigrating saints who crossed on the ship
"Windermere". After arriving with his company at Westport, he was appointed to
take charge of a company of P.E. Fund emigrants to who were added some German
saints. He was assisted by Elder William F. Carter. Captain Garn and his
company with about forty wagons, left Westport July the 2nd. The company
arrived in Salt Lake City on 1 Oct 1854 and camped on Union Square. No roster
of the company has been found. (film: 1259741)
Dr. Darwin Richardson, a former member of Zion's Camp, was captain of the third
company, one of the P.E. Fund groups, which consisted of about 300 emigrants,
most of whom had crossed the Atlantic Ocean in the ships "Golconda",
Windermere", John W. Wood" or Old England". With forth wagons the company left
the campground near Kansas City about June 17th. A number of the emigrants in
Capt. Richardson's company suffered with scurvy and thirty are said to have
died. They arrived in Salt Lake City on 30 Sep 1854 and camped on Union
Square. No roster has been found. (film: 1259741)
As stated previously, it is not clear whether David and his family had
sufficient funds to travel with the Independent Company or whether they
traveled using the P.E.F. funds. Funds that were put aside by the Church for
those with insufficient funds for travel with the understanding the money would
be paid back to the church to help other saints emigrate. Again, the
"Golconda" roster shows no P.E.F. initials next to David and his family as can
been seen next to other passengers on the ship rooster. This leaves one to
speculate they may have been with Captain Job Smith's company.
When the family departed Liverpool, England for Salt Lake City, Jane was
expecting their second child. It is likely that at the time of their departure
from Kansas City Jane, in her delicate condition (close to delivery) and Sarah
walked while David drove the oxen team pulling their wagon. Riding in an ox
pulled wagon meant one could have a very bumpy and jarring experience. Walking
beside the wagon would have given much relief from the constant up and down,
side to side jarring. Joseph Hyrum Morgan made his entry into the world on
July the 16th, 1854 while the family was in route. The exact location for his
birth is unknown. There are no known family history stories giving this
information. For those of us having the opportunity to live in the 20th/21st
Century, with our sterile, antiseptic hospital experience of childbirth, to
think of giving birth in a wagon while the wagon moves slowly along a dusty,
bumpy, landscape puts one in awe and admiration for our pioneer mothers and the
courage and dedication they exhibited as they went through this "shadow of
death" experience in order that their posterity might enjoy the fruits of the
gospel as a united group within the protective arms of the rocky mountains.
For Jane, giving birth while traveling across the plains was not unique as many
of her pioneer sisters shared in this same experience. This shared birth
experience no doubt made it easier to bare the burdens of childbirth as sisters
in the gospel rallied to help one another, serving in their own unique way.
When pioneer Saints told their grandchildren they walked across the plains, it
was more a statement of fact by them rather than comment about hardship. In
reality, to ride more than 1,000 miles in a covered wagon instead of walking
would have been a genuine hardship. The wagons had no shock absorbers, so the
hard, bumpy ride could loosen teeth, jar kidneys and bruise tailbones. To ride
inside a canvas-covered wagon all day long in the sun would have been at times
like sitting in a baking oven. Furthermore, wagon wheels roiled up dust clouds
that sometimes enveloped the wagons. Oxen could go only travel about two miles
per hour, but people could walk about three miles per hour. So many walked
ahead of the wagons, where they sometimes visited and explored. Most did not
envy those who had to walk beside or drive the wagon-pulling oxen. (Ensign,
Oct. 1997, pp. 18-19).
Although the pioneer experience meant that they would face blisters, sore
muscles, sunburn, chapped lips, constant dust and dirt, mosquitoes, bland and
sometimes poorly cooked food, diarrhea attacks, wagon and livestock problems,
wind, rain, heat, mud, stretches without firewood, and places with bad water,
most adapted rather well to the long trek and frequently managed to enjoy
themselves by socializing, singing, dancing, telling tall tales around the
campfire, sometimes even playing pranks on each other, picking flowers and
berries, sharing recipes and utensils, doing creative cooking, reading books,
writing letters, keeping diaries, and sewing. (Ensign, Oct. 1997, p. 9).
The wagon trains traveled single file only where terrain would not permit
wagons to spread out. Sometimes wagons traveled two, four or five abreast.
This eliminated following in a well traveled rut and reduced the dust clouds.
Traveling abreast also was done to discourage Indian raids. Some wagons passed
other wagons. Mud and grass fires necessitated alternate routes. Because the
wagons often fanned out, wagon ruts are found in just a few places today. Only
when all the wagons in a company had to pull hard uphill through a narrow area
single file did they really cut ruts deep into the ground. (Ensign, Oct. 1997,
pp. 18-19).
The number of emigrants traveling west at this time was about equal, those
traveling to Oregon and California and Mormon converts coming from Europe. The
wagon trains moving west would follow much the same route traveling the Oregon
Trail. Latter-Day Saints (1847) actually blazed only the trail route through
the western half of Iowa and short segments in eastern and central Nebraska and
in parts of Utah. Brigham Young had organized way stations for replenishing
the needs of the Mormon wagon trains at specific intervals along the entire
route. Additionally, these way stations sold supplies to other travelers
moving west. This revenue helped the Saints in their westward migration. In
1854, when David, Jane, Sarah and baby Joseph Hyrum made their trek to the
Great Basin the route traveled was much like a highway today with traffic going
in both an eastward and a westward direction.
When the wagon trains reached the Platt River in Nebraska the Mormon wagon
trains traveled along the north side of the river while the other travelers on
their way to Oregon or California generally traveled the south side. Grasses
for feeding livestock would become scarce during the summer therefore the
Saints chose the north side while the other wagon trains kept to the south
side. The alternating scheme of wagon trains allowed the grasses to recover
between the respective wagon trains traveling about a week or more apart. The
famous rock formation, Chimney Rock, stood on the south side of the North Platt
River and could be seen for several days before reaching the giant monument.
Chimney Rock, 452.5 miles from Winter Quarters, marked the "psychological"
halfway point from Council Bluffs to Salt Lake City (1,031 miles). (Winter
Quarters was abandoned in 1848 at the direction of Brigham Young, which was
located on the south side of the Missouri River across from Council Bluffs).
Orson Pratt noted in his journal (May 26, 1847) that the Chimney Rock formation
was 260 feet from base to the summit putting the wagon train now at 3,790 feet
above sea level. Leaving the Platt the companies traveled overland to reach
their next lifeline of water, the Sweetwater River. (Our Pioneer Heritage,
Mormon Emigration 1840-1869, Latter-Day Saints Emigrants' Guide, p.277-293).
William Clayton, author of the Latter-Day Saints Emigrants' Guide, wrote in his
"Emigrants have lost many of their teams in the neighborhood of the Alkali
lakes, in consequence of not knowing the distance from any one of these lakes
to good water. By paying attention to the remarks in this work, a person need
run no risk, inasmuch as all the Alkali lakes, which are near the road, are
mentioned -- and, also the places where an encampment can be found with
safety." (William Clayton, St. Louis Mo.13th March 1848).
This valuable written work helped not only Mormon wagon trains to cross the
plains. But additionally, other wagon trains used the book to help them over
the riggers of the trek west.
On the 13th of August 1854 the Job Smith Company was encamped at Scotts Bluffs
with captains James Brown and Darwin Richardson and their companies. Baby
Joseph Hyrum, being born on July the 16th could very likely have been born
between Ash Hallow (380.75 miles from Westport), and Chimney Rock, Nebraska
(452.5 miles from Westport). Jane and her new baby boy most likely were bedded
down in the hot wagon while David walked along beside the wagon with Sarah. The
canvas cover would be rolled up allowing air movement through the wagon.
Drivers of oxen seldom rode the wagon. Oxen were yoked to the tongue of the
wagon and driven with a switch. Family history states that "when Joseph Hyrum
was three days old, Jane had to get out of the wagon and help push it along".
(Sketch of Life of Eliza Jane Morgan Barton by Eva Barton Easton -- about 1953)
This is a good example of how all hands were valuable and necessary regardless
of the circumstance one found himself in. Jane, no doubt, was given strength
from on high to endure the rigors of this pioneer trek.
From Chimney Rock the wagon train wound steadily upward into the foothills of
Scotts Bluff, Nebraska and then on to Fort Laramie across the high plains of
Wyoming to Fort Casper and Mormon Ferry, then to Independence Rock and Devil's
Gate reaching the Sweetwater River. Mormon wagon trains reaching the Sweetwater
River traveled along the north side of the river while wagon trains traveling
to Oregon and California travel the south side. The road was sandy and the
landscape barren during the Sweetwater River stretch of the trek. Hunters
would find antelope but no buffalo. The wagon train gradually entered the
Rocky Mountains near Devils Gate.
The next major part of the trek was to top the Continental Divide at South
Pass, a gentle saddle 7,550 feet above sea level. A short distance over the
pass was the Pacific Springs located on the west. Estimated arrival date would
be late August 1854. The water stop was generally used for overnight camping.
South Pass was the next way station. The division or fork in the trail where
the California and the Oregon trails split was in the western part of what
would later become Green River, Wyoming. The Saints well traveled trail veered
left toward California along the Little Sandy River. Crossing the Green River
the wagon train made their way to the Bear River Divide, 7,700 feet high, the
highest point on the Mormon Trail near the present Utah- Wyoming border. Even
though the wagon train had crossed the highest points along the trail there
were still mountains plus stream and rivers to cross. The train wound their
way down Echo Canyon to Big Mountain, to Little Mountain arriving in Salt Lake
City sometime between September 23 and October 1, 1854.
After their arrival in Salt Lake City, David being experienced as a miner in
Merthyr-Tydfil, even though he is listed as a farmer when entering the United
States in New Orleans, probably went to Cedar City to help open the Iron
Mountain Mine west of Cedar. This would account for his family being listed in
the 1856 Census of Cedar City, Utah. It is not known how long they stayed in
Salt Lake City before coming to Cedar City but probably not long as the Saints
were sent by Brigham Young or chose for themselves to locate where they felt
they could provide for their family. Family history states that "after they
reached Salt Lake City they decided to go to Cedar City." (Sketch of the Life
of Eliza Jane Morgan Barton by her daughter, Eva Barton Easton -- about 1953).
In the 1856 census of Cedar City the following people are listed together as
though in one household. Page 636 shows David Morgan with the following: Jane,
Sarah, Mary, Joseph H., Isaac, William, Ann, and Eleanor. It is not known
whether they are linked together through kinship or friendship. Speculation
would say that they are related in some way. For example, did David's brother,
Isaac, emigrate with David? Further research is needed to help answer these
Three years after their arrival in the Deseret Territory, their third child and
second son, Alexander Morgan, was born on September 15th, 1857 in Cedar City,
Utah. Alexander was probably named after Jane's father: Alexander Lewis.
If David came to Cedar City to work in the Iron Mountain Mine, he did not stay
in Cedar very long. In 1859 their fourth child and third son Moroni David was
born in Beaver, Utah on March the 25th, 1859. And just two years later their
fifth child and second daughter, Eliza Jane was born in Paragonah, Utah on
April the 8th of 1861. Family history gives the following account of Eliza
Jane's birth and shows the ordeals often expected of a pioneer mother to endure
as she experienced the rigors of pioneer living. "Mother was born April 8,
1861 in Paragonah, Utah. Her mother was alone at the time Mother was born (in
front of the hearth)." (Eliza Jane Morgan Barton as related by her son, Kenneth
Asa Barton). Some time after Eliza Jane's birth, the family moved to
Greenville, Beaver, Utah, a little farming community situated in what was then
considered the "west fields" of Beaver City.
The City of Beaver in Beaver County was settled and established as a city in
February 1856. The City of Beaver grew rapidly in business and population
until in 1870 the inhabitants numbered 1,207. There was mining and political
interests galore. Many dignitaries of note came and went as from a metropolis
(Monuments to Courage, 1974, p 95).
The early settlers named Beaver County after the thousands of Beaver found in
the river and other streams. The Beaver is also used as the emblem or seal of
Beaver County. Beaver County is mountainous with an altitude of 5970 feet, in
the eastern or Beaver Valley, and 4962 feet in the western or Milford Valley.
Greenville, a small town located some five miles southwest of Beaver was
settled in 1860 by a group of people from Parowan and Cedar City. As early as
1857, however, these people had been coming here to cut the grasses, of which
there was abundance, and haul it home to feed their stock through the winter
(Monuments to Courage, 1974, p 95). Perhaps this abundance of grasses readily
available to feed live stock was one of the reasons David was attracted to this
little community and moved his family there sometime after Eliza Jane was born
in 1861.
Since the soil at Greenville is of an alkaline nature, it was thought to be
unfit for farming, but these people took up the land and built homes and
established themselves permanently. At first two families settled in the small
settlement. Soon four other families moved to Greenville. They made their
camp beneath a clump of trees on the bank of a creek and later secured four log
houses at Beaver and moved them down to Greenville to live in. All the houses
were placed within a short distance of each other, as a precaution against
Indian raids. In 1861-1862 an additional twenty-six families followed from the
Cedar City and Parowan areas. The names of each family are noted in the
"Monuments to Courage" (Monuments to Courage, 1974, p 155) but the David Morgan
family is not mentioned. As a concluding note the author states that there
were probably others, but their names at this time do not come to mind.
It is thought by "Aunt Beth" (Ashworth) Morgan that people living on farms west
of Beaver, Utah were said to live in Greenville since the residents of the
farms attended Church meetings in Greenville, Utah.
Greenville residents' (and surrounding farms) greatest sources of income, as
elsewhere in the Beaver Valley, was through farming, dairying and livestock.
The early settlers' income, however, was confined, to a very large extent, to
just what they could get from products of their farms and gardens. They did
have a few cows, but mostly for their own use. Early truck gardeners would
purchase garden crops from the surrounding farmers of Greenville and haul them
to markets in Milford, Frisco and other locals as far away as Salt Lake City.
David and Jane had not settled in Greenville very long before tragedy struck.
On December the 1st, 1863, Jane, their stalwart and faithful mother who had
given birth on the plains, birth in a cabin, alone, without the help of her
pioneer sisters; birth in other unknown circumstances; who had chosen to leave
parents, wealth and security to forge the way for her posterity to have the
gospel of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints among the Saints in the tops of the
mountains where they could listen, see and even touch a living Prophet of God;
died. Jane was just 40 years of age. Her children, Sarah, age 16, Joseph
Hyrum. Age 9, Alexander, age 6, Moroni David, age 4 and Eliza Jane just 2 years
old must have felt a deepening loss within. The kind of loss that can be felt
when a "Mother" is no longer able to warm the hearth of the home by her
presence. Jane was buried in the Beaver Cemetery.
With the death of his eternal companion, David was left with the responsibility
of a young family to raise. Stories passed down through the family state that
sometime after Jane's death, "David married Pauline Ellicker and two little
girls were bon to them." (Sketch of the Life of Eliza Jane Morgan Barton by
her daughter, Eva Barton Easton -- about 1953) There is no record to date
found of this marriage, however, in the 1870 Census for Greenville there is a
Pauline Morgan age 27 with three little girls living next door to David's
daughter, Sarah Morgan Griffiths. Sarah's husband David and their two sons:
David H. and Joseph H, and Sarah's sister Eliza age 10 and Sarah's brother
Alexander age 14 are also living in Sarah's household in this census. Joseph
Hyrum age 17 and Moroni David age 12 are not found in the census. It is not
known where these two boys were living at this time. Pauline's children are:
Pauline G. age 5, Hab... age 4, and Margaret A. age 10 months. Note there are
three girls listed instead of two.
David and Jane were endowed in the Endowment House before a temple was
dedicated in the territory of Utah. They received their temple Endowments and
were sealed in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City, Utah, 8 November 1859
(Church Records - TIB). Their willingness to travel to Salt Lake City to
receive their Endowments and Sealing is a perfect example of their obedience to
living the principles and ordinances of the gospel. What a marvelous example
they have set for their posterity. One showing that gaining a testimony and
living the gospel of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints is worth any sacrifice
David survived his wife, Jane, by only seven years. He passed away on May the
13th, 1870 at Greenville, Utah and was buried next to his wife Jane in the
Beaver Cemetery. David's death was reported thusly in The Deseret Evening News
later to become the Deseret News.
"David D. Morgan died at Greenville, Beaver County, Utah 13 May 1870. He was 53
years, two months and 9 days old at the time of his death. He was a native of
Methyr, Tidfyl, Glamorganshire, South Wales. Mill. Star, please copy." (The
Evening News, Wednesday June 3, 1879; similarly reported in the Millennial
Star, June 28, 1870).
David was buried in the Beaver City Cemetery, Beaver, Utah. David's headstone
reads as follows:
"SACRED to the MEMORY of David D. Morgan, Late from Merthyr Tydfil,
Glamorganshire, born March 1, 1817, died May 13, 1870, Aged 53 years two months
and 9 days."
It is said that each of us have "drank from a well we have not dug, or warmed
ourselves round a fire we have not built" (Lloyd Newell -- "The Spoken Word").
Everyone who is a descendent of David Morgan should appreciate the impact that
both David and Jane have had in shaping the life they live today. They were the
ones who heard the gospel preached by missionaries in Merthyr Tydfil,
Glamorganshire, South Wales. They had the courage to be baptized and the faith
and courage to leave their country, friends and families, knowing they would
never see them again in this life, and sail across a great expanse of water to
the Americas. Working their way across the west until they reached their hopes
and dreams, settling for a little bit of heaven in a little town known for its
green grasses. Their "faith in every footstep" established a legacy for each
of their descendents to follow. We now have the responsibility to do as
Malachi the prophet in Malachi 4:5-6 has counseled us to do:
5. "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great
and dreadful day of the Lord;
6. "And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart
of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a
We need to turn our hearts to our forefathers and mothers and as promised by
Malachi they will turn their hearts to us and will help us in seeking out their
names and histories and will be joyous when we perform the temple work for
them. And, let us always remember that it is by "small and simple things" that
"great things" are brought to pass (Alma 37:6-7):
6. "Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto
you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and
small means in many instances doth confound the wise.
7. "And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great eternal
purposes; and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth
about the salvation of many souls."
It will take all the families who are descendents of David and Jane Morgan to
bring to pass this great work of saving our dead. It is within our grasp to
make a bush out of a willow tree by extending our family pedigree.