1847, Jul 11 - Remarks of Dan Jones, Transcription

Report of a Conference held at Mertyr Tydfil, July 11 & 12, 1847. (Vol 9:231)


We had a very pleasant conference here on Sunday and Monday, the 11th and 12th ult. There were twenty-eight branches represented in good order--four new branches admitted into the conference. This conference alone, now includes near 50 elders, 79 priests, 50 teachers, and 20 deacons. Baptized in the last two-and-half months, 142. Total, 1153. Ordained, 7 elders, 7 priests, and 5 teachers; confirmed some and baptized some at the close, and some every day since, besides some who are going into the water just now here.
Monday we enjoyed a splendid tea-party here; and it was splendid, not only in appearance but in taste, and conducted all through in a splendid spirit and style. Not a dissenting voice, not even an angry look of jealousy or malice disfigured any countenance in the happy throng. Over 1000 sat down at the tables, and yet of the fragments left were sold near L2 worth. I never saw so large a company enjoy themselves so well, and in such love and union since I've left our pleasure parties about Nauvoo. The Welsh Saints are certainly improving, before, they could govern themselves and be governed, as well as subduing all sectarians, who mingled with them, but the principle of love. The assembly was addressed after the feast by several elders, both in Welsh and in English, among others, in the latter by brother Mitchell, who labours in Pembrokeshire somewhat successfully.
It is freely admitted, by even our sectarian opposers, that Mormonism is making a fearful havoc among their flocks, all the while they have been proclaiming that it was dying of decline or cholera, natural death, or some foreign epidemics. Now they say, it will not do to let it alone any longer, or it will expose their secret mints and dishonesty; and yet it rushed onward like the mighty Niagara, sweeping all before it, and in its sprays forms a halo which encircles all its votaries with the bands of love or cords of the everlasting covenant of peace. Success to it is my constant prayer. Amen.
I remain, with my love to Brother Richards, your obdt. servt. and bro.




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