1853, Mar 27 - East Glamorganshire Conference Talk


Like my brethren, I feel that you have come to better and better feelings. The Spirit of God was abundant here this morning, and there is much more here now. We as a denomination of the Latter-day Saints have caused much talk and dispute in the world, but not as much ever before as we have caused lately. If we feel to obey and possess the Spirit of God abundantly, we shall give new topics to them yet; for the world must still have more. Well, let all the brothers and sisters who are here today have the spirit of life and let them go among the world and preach to them and endeavor to baptize them. I was in Cardiff lately, and there was the spirit of baptizing there, and the Saints were filled with enthusiasm and joy, and some were being baptized at that time. I want for you to believe that everything is all right above you and that your presidents are one in love. And I shall say a word or two about President Dan Jones. If any of you have imagined to say something bad about his character, or if anything has been written in your registers somewhere, I wish for you to cross it out at the first opportunity; for that which was reported about him was untrue and without foundation, as you heard from the authorities who were here lately. You heard that his character is good in Zion; and therefore undo all that has been reported frivously about him, and forbid everyone from saying anything further. The three of us are one now; and the devil knows that if the three of us are in unity he cannot keep the work of God from moving forward. Let everyone who has a divisive spirit, drive that spirit away and pray for us. Brothers and sisters, we request your help, and pray for us; and let us from now on change the subject and rejoice in the salvation of our God by publishing peace and good will among the Saints; and these blessings will follow you through Jesus Christ. Amen.

[Further comments later in the same conference:]

I feel good, brothers and sisters; I noticed that Bro. D. Rees praised the Saints of Pembrokeshire saying that they are better than you; he believed that, no doubt, but I tell you that there is more of the Spirit of God in this meeting than there ever was in Pembrokeshire, although there has been a great deal there. A marvelous work and a wonder will be done yet through the power which is here today; and many souls will be saved. I wish for God to pour out his Spirit upon us all for the sake of Christ. Amen.

[Translated from the Welsh original in Udgorn Seion, 1853 (Vol. V), p. 256-7 and 266, by Ronald D. Dennis, 1529 W. 1170 North, Provo, Utah]



Phillips, William Samuel


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