Parry, Joseph - Biography

Biography of Joseph Parry

The Parry Family are so happy to have this hand-written Diary of Joseph Parry which was kept by him from the years 1844 through 1908. The original Diary has been placed in the Valuable Books Section of the Salt Lake Genealogical Library. It has been typed verbatim.)

Joseph Parry son of Edward Parry, and Mary Foulkes Parry, born April 4th 1825 in the parish of Newmarket Flint Shire North Wales. Being the younges of thirteen children eight sons, and four daughters.

My Mother died when I was thirteen years of age. My Father died in my seventeenth year. Thus I was left at an erley period of my life without the guiding hand of loving parents to instruct and assist me while passing from youth to manhood. There teaching while alive were good, though not a rerigeous people they impresed on my mind the necessity of being Truthfull, Honest, Virtuous, and Just towards all people. Shortly after my Fathers death I left Wales and went to England. Ariving at Liverpool without any money, I arived about noon, I now sensed my situation, I was hear in this large a stranger to all I met, without money to pay for even a night lodgin.

In this preducement while waking aimlesly along the streets, I met an old friend, and school mate William Jones, who kindly took me to his bording house, and shared his Bed and Board with me a few days until I was able to obtain employment and take care of myself. Shortly after my Cousin William Parry left Wales and came to Liverpool to live.

Two years letter John, and Caleb William brothers left Wales and settled at Berkenhead, across the river from Liverpool. This proved to be a sufficient inducement to bring their Father John Parry, and his family to move from Wales to England, and settle at Berkenhead.

Shortly after their arival In 1846 they came aquented with the Latterday Saints. After a little investigation of the Principles as preached by them they came fully satisfyed that it was the Gospel of Jesus Crist, and they ware all baptised.

William at this time living with his Parents at Berkenhead came over to Liver pool Oct 5, 1846 to have me go with him to hear the Latter day Saints Preach in the Liverpool Branch at Music Hall Bold St. To please him more than myself I consented to go. For at that time I was not favourable impresed with any of the sexts of the day.

We went to the meeting and found a congregation perhaps of 500 people. While the meeting was in Two strangers plainly dressed came in, and walked to the stand. They ware introduce to the Congregation as two Apostles just from America. John Taylor, and Orson Hyde. Orson was the first Speaker he stated the nature of their present mission to England.

In the evening John Taylor Preached on the first Principles of the Gospel as restored by an Angel to Joseph Smith, introducing the Dispensation of the fullness of times. He testifyed he new they ware true.

Babtised 1846

I believed his testimony and on 31st of December 1846 I was babtised by Elder Thoma S Thomas in the Rive Mercey.


Elder Simeon Carter Presided over the Conferance and Elder James Marsden over the Branch.

I stayed in Liverpool till I emigreted to America with the exception of a short mission that I made to Wales to preach the Gospel to my Brothers and Sistars and a large curcle of relitives and friends. I was not sucesful in converting any of them. But they ware under the impresion that I was delluded, and were sory formeand my sister Elizabeth told me she woud prefer following me to my grave, rather than I should conect myself with a People who ware every ware spoken against.

I told her that she would change her view from that, and that she would yet obey the Gospel and follow me to the home of the Saints.

She Informed me that, that never would be the case. I left my testimony with her, and my blessing, and returned to Liverpool.

In a few months after Elders Abel Evan and John Parry, and other Elders tra veled through that part of the country and converted her, her husband and children and baptised the whole family. And in a few years they emegrated to Utah in the Hant Cart company and settled in Cedar City, Southern Utah.

Thus we were the only two of FatherÕs family who embraced the Gospel, partly fullfilling the Prophesi that two of family and one of a City should gather to Zion in the last day.

Ordain Priest 1847
In the spring of 1847 I was ordained to the Office of Prist, by Elders Simeon Carter and James Marsden.

On the 1st of Sept. 1848 I was married to Jane Payne in Liverpool. And not having money enough to Emegrate both of us, we agreed that I should go first, and as soon as I could send money to emegrate her.

Emegrated 1848
So on the 7th of Sept I sailed for America in the Shipe Erings Queen, having 232 Saints on Board. Elder Simion Carter In charge of Company. We arived in New Orleans Oct 29th 1848. The most of the Company went up to Sam t Louis ¥ I and others who had to means stayed at New Orleans for the Winter. I obtained labour the next day after my arival and shortly after send money to my wife to emegrate her.

On our arival hear we found L. N. Scovill as Church Agent In charge of the Emegrat. He organised a Branch of the Church So that the Saints could meet together.


On the 29 of Jany 1849 my wife sailed from Liverpool on the Ship Zetland with 358 Saints on Board In charge of Elder Orson Spencer. The Company arived on 2 April 1849 and went on up the River on their way for Utah.

Wife died
On the 7th of April my wife was taken sick, and on the 19th she died. And on the day she died MyUncle John Parry, and wife also Cousin Caleb arived at New Or leans and passed through the same day for they had to go with the rest of the Company who where going to Utah.

Thus I was left among strangers to mourn the loss of a dear Wife without any of my kindred to sympathise with me in the gretest affliction that I was ever called to pass through In life.

In December of 1848 the Asiatic cholery made its appearance in New Orleans, and thousend of its people died of the plaug during the winter.

In a few days after the death of my wife I sailed up the river in a steam boat for Saint Loues. and during 7 days passeg we had 37 deaths from cholerey, making an averig of 5 per day. This was a terible site, To see men and women In the very bloom of life smiten and In a few hours they ware corps. Very little ceremony was made in buring the dead. The Boat would stop. The hands would dig a trench, and place the corps side by side and huredly cover them up. And no mark left to show the resting place of the dead.

In the first week of May 1849 I arived at St. Louise ware the destroyer was reap ing a rich harvest many of the people had left the City and camped In tents outside of the City. Verey many thousands of Its people died from the pestilence during the warm wether.

On my arival hear I found a large Branch of the Church Presided over by N. H. Felt. During this sumer I was sick with Billious Feaver most all the sumer. And for a time not expected to live. But through the providence of God my life was spared.


In Jany 1850, I made the aquantans of Elisa Funk from Hereford Shire England and on the 1st of April we ware married by Elder John Burns ide.

In May we Emigrated to Kansvllle Iowa. Eldar Orson Hydid Presided hear and had a general oversite of the Churches East of the Rock Mountains. He also Published the Frontear Guardian.

I bought a lot from Abram Chadwick In a place which was afterward called Hyde St. and build a log house upon It, I live there two years. During the fall and winter of 50 my wife Elizawasverey sick with chllds and feaver, and during her sickness, she gave birth to our eldest Son Joseph. During the winter, and following sumer both mo ther and child ware verey sick, and for month verey little hope of their recovery. During this sickness my wife was healed by the Power of God under the administration of the Ordinance by Elder Abel, Evans and others.


Some time In the spring of 1852 I was ordainde an Elder at a monthly meeting of the Elders Quorum under the hands of Elder John D. Rees, President and Elders Tib-bits Counseler.

During the fall of 52 an order came from the Presidency of the Church Instruct-ing the Saints of Potowatame County to move in mass to Utah the coming year. And if they coulden sell their property tQ optain Teams & Wagons, they ware to come in Hand Carts. This order had a depresing effect on real Estate. For all wanted to sell, and no one wanted to buy. I made my arengment with Evan Morgan to take me, and family to Utah the coming sumer and leave my property.

But a few days before I left one of the men who came their to buy gave me an offer of about one fifth its value and I let it go at its own price.

Left for Utah
I left for Utah about 1 St July 1852 in the 13th Company of that season. William Morgan Captain of company during our travel we had few cases of Cholery, and seve-ral deaths. The Indians got away with some of our Horses and Cattle. We ware three months on the plains. We saw several heards of Buffalo, and killed severall for our use. This trip was no pleasure trip. But a hard road to travel.

The Company arived at Salt Lake City on or about the 3 of Oct. We arived hear without a cent of any kind except our clothing.

My Uncle John Parry recieved us kindly and took us into his house, we stayed there a short time. Afterwards we went to live with my Cousen Caleb in a log room 14 ft. square. We ware nine In number. The acomadation was not verey ample nor verey extravegant for us to live for the next 5 months. Yet it was in strict accord with the other part of our living. We had no groceres, not but little meat, neather had we any fruite of any kind. But our bread and water was sure unto us, and we ware thankfull to our God for bringing us hear.

During the fall, and wintar I worked on the Publick Works mostly on the So-sicafl Hall. And we ware paid such products as the county produced. Money nor meyandise could not be had. For It was not to be had in the country. We never had any during the whole of the winter.

Cornerstone of Temple laid
I was present at the April Conferance 1853 when the corner stones of the Salt Lake Temple were laid. I was ordained a seventy and placed in the 37 Quorum of Seventies. Stilman Pond President.

Moved to Ogden 1853
Imediedly after Conferance I moved my family to Ogden, and In conection with Danlal Leigh contract with Lorin Farr to do the carpenter works on his new adobe house. Which was the first adobe house in Ogden City. There ware a few log cabins build prior to this for most of the settlers had settled on the North Side of the River.


In the springe of 1854 I bought a lot on the corner of Main and 3 St. and build a log cabin on It, and made other improvment.

I also entered In to copartershipe with John D. Rees and Daniel Leigh to build a Saw Mill on Box Eldar Creek. This was before Brigham City was laid out. What few families that lived there lived in fort below the present City.


The Mill was finished in 1855, and was the first Mill build North of Ogden City.

On the 7th of April 1855 I was called to take a Mission to the Indians. At the anuele Conferance. ~nd on the 25 I was set apart at Ogden City by Apostel Lorenso Snow and instructed to go North.

On the 17th May the Mis sioneres 27 in number left for their field of labour. Thomas S. Smith President. Our instruction ware to settle among the Flat Heads, Banocks or the ShoeShones Indian where ever any of these tribes would recieve us. We were to settle among them. Teach them the Principles of Civiliscation. To per suade them to cease their savage custom. And live in peace with each other and with the whites

Names of the first Pioneares that went to the State of Idaho:

Thomas S. Smith, Farmington
Francolo Durphe, Ogden
David Moore, Ogden
Benjamin F. Cummings, Ogden
George W. Hill, Ogden
Gilbert Belnap, Ogden
Joseph Parry, Ogden
Nathaniel Levitt, Ogden
Piesant Green Taylor, Harrisvill
Abraham Zaundel, Willard
Caries McGare, Ogden
John Galihar, Ogden
John Wesley Browning, Ogden
Everet Lish, Willard
William Birch, Ogden
David Stevens, Ogden
Bauldwin Watts, South Weber
George Grant, Kaysvill
Esra Bernard, Farmington
Issac Shepard, Farmington
Charles Dalton, Centervili
Graul Clark, Centervill
William Batchelor, Salt Lake City
IreAmes, Salt Lake City
Thomas Buterfied, West Jordan
William Burges, Provo
William Brundrige

To cease their roving habits, and settle down and build them homes. And teach them the principles of the Gospel. And do all we could to bettar the condition of this fallen people.

We ware also instructed to take provision enough to last us one year. And in no ways to be a burthen to them. But rather feed them and be honest, and upright in all our intercours with them.

We ware promised if we would go and labour In humily, and help these fallen creatures to redem themselves. That God would bless us.

We traveled up the Bear and Malad Valley and crosed the Banock Mountains, and down the Banock Valley, and up the Snake River Valley, and also up the Salmon River Mountains and down Salmon Valley. And on the 15th June stoped on the East Fork of Salmon River. And called the place Fort Lemhl. Traveled 350. During this 35Û) miles we had to make our own roads, and build our bridges, and had no one to guide us for this country at that time was little knone by the Whites. And was Inhabited by hostile Tribes of Indians, who had but little sympate for the Whites.

At that time this Country was a part of Washington Teritory.

On our arival we found a large number of Indians, some Bannocks, Shoshones, and Nez Perces. Through our Interperer, Br. Hill, we ware able to make them under stand that we ware their friends, and that we had come their to bless them, by teach ing them how to till the ground and how to build houses So that they could live like the White people did. And if they had no objection we could settle right there with them. They recieved us kindly and gave us permision to occupy their lands, and timber. But we ware not to kill their game, neither catch their fish which was to be found hear in great abundance and of the very best quality. But they would let us have what we would need for our own use for such things as we had to dispose of.

This point was their fishing place, and this was the fishing season for in the later part of June the Salmon come up the Rivers from the Ocean in large shoals as far up the small streams as they could to deposit their spawn. Consequently we found a large number of Indians of these different tribes at this place.

The catched a large number of Salmon daly by means of willow traps. Sometime 150 to 200 Salmon in a single catch. They sliced them thin and dried them on willow scafolds and bailed them up and thus they would sequard their winter suply of fish.

After determining the place were we would build our fort we camped. We then build a dam in the creek to bring the water on the surface so that we could plow, and plant our garden seed, such as Peas, Pottatose, &c. This was the first Iregation done in that country nere comprising of Idaho and Montanah.

Our planting was to late and seeds did not mature.

Our next labour was to build a fort, a palaced of logs. We then build our houses also of logs in which to live. Their being no mills to obtain our lumber for doors, windows and floors, we manufuard with urpe saws. We also build strong cor ells for our cattle. For we a small hanfuli of men, ware hear in the midsed of these powerfull tribes of Indians. We had to take every precocion to defend ourselves from an atack. We stood guard every night on our fort and cattle. We also hearded your cattle by day and whenever we went to the timber we went well armed.

Our labour this sumer was most arduoes and fattigin, we laboured from early morning till dark at night to enable us to prepare for winter.

In Sept. some of the Brethren returned home for more supplies. Also more seeds forthe coming sumer. Among them was David Moor, Gelbard Belnap, Francelo Durphe, Green Taylor and some others.

Late in November they returned with some new missionares. Brothers Moore and Durphe brought their families. Sister MoorÕand daughter and Sister Durphe ware the first female emegrants that ever settled in that North Country. Also among them were Lewis W. Shurtliff of Weber County.

The winter set in earley in November and this brought many Indians to camp around our Fort. ~hey the Indians being told that we ware their friends presumed that we ought to divide our food with them, which we did by feeding them till we found we ware going to be verey short ourselves and on the first day of Dec. President Smith assertained that we did not have flouar enough to last the Mission only to the Month of March. He called all the Brethren together to determin what best to do. The con clusion was that some of the Brethren would have to go home for more suplies and re turn as early as posible in the spring.

During the year we Babtized perhaps 200 Indians men and women but the never sensed the nature of the Covenants they were entering into. But I must say that they treated us with great kindnes and respect. We felt though few in numbers, that we ware just as safe among them as though among our friends at home.

The President called for voluntears to go for suplyes. None volunteared. George W. Hill, Baldwin Watts, myself and seven others, Abraham Zaundel, William Birch, Is sac Shepered, William Bachelor, Thomas Butterfeld, Everet Lish, and Watts. We left on the 4th Decr on this most dainjours journey of 300 miles. The snow at the time of starting 9 inches deep and we had two ranges of mountains to cross. Our outfit consisted of 9 men 6 yoke of oxen and 3 wagons ¥ Our object in going being to save provisions, we could take but little with us. Our altituded incrsed from the start and consequently the snow was getting deeper and the wether getting colder. We found It very cold on top of the Salmon range. But as cold as it was we saw on this range a heard of several hundred Elk.

On the 16 we arived at Fort Hall having consumed all of our provision. The snow at this place was about 15 inches. We called on Capt. Grant. He asked us wether we hadent dropt from the sky, for he did not think it posible for men to travel in such wether, especaly with such outfits as we had.

He recieved us kindly but told us he could not furnish us a pound of flouar from the fact that the severty of the winter had brought an unusal number of Indians around him, and they had draughn from him a good portion of his flouar. But he would let us have all the beef that we would like to get. He also let us have some groceres and some blankets and mogansen.

We had 180 miles more to travel and the snow was as deep on this part as on the other and we had nothing but beef to eat. In crosing the Bannek Range we found the snow very deep and it was a serures question wether we would be able to cross. One day we traveled from early morning til late at night and made about 3 miles. All this distance the men had to tramp down the snow to make a tract for the cattle to travel in. At night we camped on the mountain without wood and water in a driving snow storm. Consequently without fire and super or brekfast nor any feed for the cattle. Next day we went down the mountain and camped at a spring at the head of Malad Valley. The cattle had an opertunite of getting a little grass and sage brush on the hills sides were the wind had blowne the snow off. The following night we camped on deep Creek and the next on the line between Utah and Washington Teritory with a few familes who had settled hear, a few months previous. They were extremely poor and not able to help us.

Amont them was my old friend James Prods ham. They gave us super arid Brek fast.

These familes were the first settlers in Malad Valley. Our next difficulty was In fording Bear River. They wether was intensly cold but the river was not entrary frozen over. We cut the Ice and forded the river and the water was deep and coald!

We arived in Ogden on the 26 December in good health and mighty hungree and most of the boys frostbiten.

I found my Family in much bettar curcumstance then when I left them on May 15th. For when I was called on this Mission my familyÕs condition were most deplor able. I lived in a small log cabin and for five months prior to my departure my wife had been confined to her bed by sickness. She was perfectly helpless. This was her condition the day I left. She had three children, one, an infant, the oldest of the other two five year old. And all the help she had was a small girl 13 year old. And what made it the more distresing I was necisteded to take all the flouar we had in order to make my year suplies complete and at that time flour was verey scarce, and selling when sold at $25.00 per hundred.

Thus I left this Brave Woman sick and helpless without food, money, and but little clothing or any other comforts. I will hear say that she considered that it was my duty to performe this Mission and she was perfectly willing to make the sacrifice so long as I was doing good to my fellowmen.

During our trip home our cattle lived entearly on sage brush and willows for this winter was the most ever knowen in Utah as the harde winter since its first settlement and It is generaly known today by the old settlers as the hard winter of 55 & 56. When nine tenth of all the livestock in the notherne part of the Teritory perish for the want of feed. Deep Snow covered the grownd from November to the middle of March.

When I came home I found my wife short of wheat with the ballance of the people owing to the destruction of the crops by the grasshopers the past sumer. And their was great suffering for bread amongs the poor, and many had to live on brand bread, and the carcasis of the dead cattle, who had died from starvation.

I hauled all my fire wood on a hand sled during all of the Winter.


On the 28th March 1856 I left home in charge of the company of the 9 return ing missionares and some brand new Mis sioners, and more suplies to strengthen the Mission. The Company crosed the Snake River in a Boat which I used for a waon Bed and We arrived their the latter part of April all well and found the Mission in good condition.

This year there was considerble wheat and other grain and vegetables planted, and gave us a good prospect of an abundance harvest; But the grasshopers the pre vIous year had laid their egs and the heat of the sumer sun hatch them out by the millions, and they devoured all of our young crops and left our field desolate.

So this our second year was a total failure In crop raising with the exception of a few stragling hills of wheat that escaped the hoppers and matuared and demon strated the fact that wheat could be raised In this nothern Lattitude. For the Moun tainearS had informed us that the Altitude was to high, and the sumer to short, to raise crops hear In this mountain country. This sumer the Missioners suffered much for the want of bread. For weeks they lived principle on Fish, Meat, Butter and Milk.

I worked this sumer in conection with Brothers Moore, and B. F. Cumings in building a gris Mill.

The crops being a failure the President sent back to Utah such of the Brethren as could go and bring back flouar, and seed weat for the following season.

Late in the fall G. W. Hill and my self brought in the Mall with the privilege of staying at home during the Winter to provide for our familes, and to returne as early in spring as the wether would permit, with the mail. We came a horse back. I found my family well, and doing as well as could be expected. I worked during the winter to suport them and to furnish suplies for them, and for myself for the coming sumer. In Jany. 1857 I married Ann Mellan for my plural wife. In the spring Brother Hill, myself, and others returned to Salmon River in Wagons. We arived their early, and found the Mission in good shape. For they Brethren that had gone back late in the sumer for more suplies had returned in the fall with quite a number of new miss ionares and with fresh suplies; And they had made great lmprovment, In enlarging our Fort, and building new houses and correls. They had also enclosed more land during the fall and winter.

So the spring of 1857 looked pros pors and great preperation was made to put in a larger area of grain and vegetables. And the Brethren had made much progress in learning the Shoshone language so as to be able to converse with the Indians and was bettar able to instruct them In the principles of the Gospel, and also in teachin them how to live, so as to bettar their condition. And teaching them how to work. But In this regard we ware not a succes for they did not think that they ware In any wise adapted for hard work. And they prefered that we should do that part of the business.

However their was a most excelent feeling by them towars the Mis sioneres. And In fact some of the Missioneres had maried Indian women and every thing seems to go on in the most satisfactory maner. And Indeed we had had no jar, nor trouble with them since the establishing of the Mission, but all was good will, between the Indians and the Missionaries.


Early in May of this year President Young and a large company of authorities of the Church, includin Presidents Kimball and Wells, and several members of the Apostles with other leading men visited the mission.

President Young told us that we ware to far from home, In case we had any trouble with the Indians we ware to fair from immeded help. Otherwise he was well pleased with the mission and its arangment and the spirit manifested by the Indians.

The company stayed with us for several days and we had a most excelent time. They held several meetins and much valuable Instruction were given. They exorted the missoners to be patient, and kind, and do all they could to Instruct, and encoureg, the Indians, and show them the bettar way. Alway shoing good example before them, and never do a thing that would bring a reproch upon the cause.

This year we were trouble some little with the grasshopers, but we ware sucÑ cesfull in raising a good crop of wheat, and other grain of the verey best quality, and potatose, and other vegetables.

Thus after strugling three seasons with poverty, climet, grasshopers, and many other difficulties with the blessings of the Lord we ware sucesfull in raising an abun dant crop, anough to sustain the mission till another harvest.

The misson demonstrated the fact, that grain can be raised in this high Notherne Latitude. And this was the first grain raised in the district of country, comprising the States of Idaho & Montan. The also build the first houses and Mills and made the first Iregation ditches, thereby introducing this great sistum that has transformed there states from a dessart to a frutfill country.

In Sept. of this year Gilbart Belnap and myself brought the mail to Utah, and the good news that the Mission had been succesfull in raising grain; after their several effords and that they were at peace with the Indians.

We arived in Ogden about the last of the month and found the People greatly excited in regards to the Army that was on its way to Utah. Presumable sent by Presi dent Buchanan on the strength of the false report sent back by the fedral Judges, and other Official.

Gen. Wells was sent to Ecko Cannion with the first of UtahÕs troops. Governor Young not been officaly notifyed by President Buchanan of the coming of the Army to Utah. The Governor called on the malitia of the Teritory to dalay the trops from cuming into the Teritory until an investigation of the complaining Officials could be had.

Belnap and my self two days (29 Sept.) after our returne home left for Echo in the first company of Infantry that left Weber County. And on the 4 day of October we ware transfered from the Infantry into the Cavelrey under Major Joseph Taylor who was then under orders to go to the front during the day we arived at Genl Mills headquarters at the head of Echo. He recieved us kindly. And gave us his orders to go and meet JohnsonÕs Army and do all we could to hinder them in their progress from coming into Utah. We were to cabter there horses, mules and cattle and burn the grass and do every thing we could to deley them on there march. But under no curcurnstance ware we justifyed in sheding blood.


About the 8th the most of Taylors comand were transfered to the Majer Lot SmithÕs comand and moved to the Imeded vacinity of Johnsons comand which we found on Hams Fork. We their watched their movment and discovered that the ware moving north toward Soda Springs, probably to winter. While their Oct ¥ 12th we made a reid on their beef catle, about 500 head. The Sun was just going down when we made the atack, we succeded admirable in turning the cattle westward, and stampeding them. Under the first excitment the cattle ran 3 or 4 miles. We then sepera ted them into small heards for bettar manegment. We had no road to travel on but traveled across the country taking the setting stars for our guide. As we arived on SmithÕ s Fork the sun was arising in the East. Having no provision we killed an ox for brekfast.

Porter Rockwell, and others continued the driving of the cattle toward Salt Lake Valley. Major Smith staid in this vicinity for severall days to rest his comand.

About the 15 we made another move toward the Army. We arived at Hams Fork a little after dark and from a high hill we could see the Army In camp. Their camp fires extended a long distance down the narrow valley. We could hear their bugle calls distinctly through the night. All the night we ware taking observation and doing guard duties.

A little before day light on 16 Oct we discovered as we suposed their herds-men taking their horses to grass. We followed them down the valley and made the discoverey that we ware following a company of Cavelry, under the command of Cap tain Marcey . He had formed his comand in line of battle acros in a narro hollow across the narrow valley. This was quite a surprise to us, for we haden figered on finding a man on each horse or mule, which made a great difference in the calculation.

Major Smith rode up to the Capt. who informed him that he was Capt. Marcey of the U. S. Army, he requested Smith and his comand to surrender.

Major Smith politley informed him that he never surrendered. And if the Army persisted In going Into Utah, they would certainly meet with much trouble.

We now discovered we ware in a trap, and to all apearance there was no possible way out of It. We ware In this narro gorge, they steep hills on each side us, they Cavelry bellow us, and three companys of Infantry above us closing upon us. Major Smith said, ÒFollow me boys, and I will take you out of this.Ó And he made a brake for the hills and we all followed and we ware succesfull in sliping out of there grasp. Thus foiled of their pray, the Caveirey followed us to the top of the Mountain, unobserved to us and while we were drinking from a spring they fired about a dozen shots from a verey doss range. The only blood that was spiled was from slight wound from a horseÕs leg. Another bullet went through the crown of Mark Halls Hat.

The boys were greatly exaspereted and could hardly be restrained from firing back. But were reminded that the must not spill blood.

This same company of Cavelrey while trying to Intersept us came In contact with Major Joseph Taylor and captured him, and his Adejunt, William R. Stow with the suplies that they had for Major Smith's command and as a consequence Smith's comand suffered for the want of food. The also suffered greatly from wet, and cold, for it stormed almost continouly and they did not have a single tent over anything else to protect them from the storm. They made their beds on the cold ground, and went to bed in their wet close, consequently their close were wet by night and by day, and ow ing to the excesif cold wether all the comands in the neigborohood of the army suffered greatly from the cold.

SmithÕs comand staid for some time In the neigborhood of Fort Bridger, with the exception of a few who was watching the Army on Hams Fork and it was found they had come to a halt and made no move.

About the 20 of November a portion of the different comands in the neigbourhood of Bridger were relieved temporly to come home. Myself among them. However our stay was of short duration. General Johnson had arived at Hams Fork with his Caveiry, and the ballance of his comand and were now determind to come to Utah through Echo Cannerinon.

We had been at home but a few days when we returned to Echo with Col. WestÕs comand, who was returning from the North for Echo. We stayed in Echo until we lerned that Gen.Johnson had gone to Winter Quarters in the neigborohood of Fort Bridger.Con sequently all the Utah Troops were dismiss for the winter with the exception of a small picket guard who was left to watch the movment of Johnsons Army. We arived at Ogden about the 4 of December.


On 25 day of February 1858 The Indians made a read and captuerd most of the stock of the Salmon River Mission and killed James Miller and George McBride and wounded others. President Smith sent a dispatch to President Young per B. Y. Cum mings, G. W. Hill, Silvenus Collet, and Bailey Lake. The Indians followed them and atacked them and killed Baley Lake and captuared most of their horses.

In March, on the receipt of this dredfull massacar, President Young dispatch one hundred Caveiry and teams to bring the Mis sionares home to Utah.

Thus ended this mission by the cruel murder of the brave, and faithfull, good men by the verey people for whome they had laboured, and suffered untold hardships of hunger, cold, and the forsaken of wives and children, and the comforts of home for the express purpose to bless, and better the condition of those who slayed and robed them.

All the other missioneres suffered a great financial loss from this unexpected atack for it was so verey unexpected for the fact, for this was the first, and only trouble they had had with the Indians from the first establishment of the Mission. And every curcumstances gose to show that they ware prompted and urged to comited this most cruel murder by the mountainears, and perhaps they ware instigated by such men as Indian Agent Dr. Garland Hurt who was a bittar enemey to the Mormon people, and made it crimanal on the Mormons to be on good termes with the Indians. In the break ing up of this Mission the men of the Brethren lost everything they posest, for they had invested all they had, in livestock, and in the irnprovment they had in the Mission. And on their arival back to Utah they had to make another sacrifice in moving south.

On my arival home I found my family In a most destitute condition. They were almost without Bread, Clothing or Fuel and no groceres and my wife Ann had given bearth by my daughter Ann Henriett.


Early in 1858 I went to work for Apostle John Taylor on his flouar Mill on the Weber. I worked on It till I moved South with the whole People on the Aproch of the coming in of Johnson Army into Utah.

About the last of April I gathered together what little movable substance that I could take alonge with me and loded them into my wagon. And with my Family we bid adue to our home that had taken us years to make. When we left we never expect to return back to our home again. To me it was a final adue. We had no idea where we ware going. But we were fleing from what we considered to be a Mob under legal form. And we ware determind that we would leave, our all, and put the torch to all our improvments, rather than they should poses them.

It was a trying trip, myself driving the Oxen, my wife helping to drive the loose stock, part of the time, and as I have stated before, we were destitute of all the comforts of life. And we had but verey little of the neseseres of life, and we did not know were we ware going to get any more.

It was a sad sight to see a whole People deserting their home, and moving to a desert rather than submit to what they considered to be an oppression.

The Presidence had stoped at Provo, I with my family camped on Provo Bottom by the River. There were several thousands people in camp there on Provo bottoms, but most of the People had gone beon Provo and camped there.

President Buchanan by the advice of Colonel T. S. Kane and others sent two Commisoners to Utah to Investigate the trouble. And some time in May the met with the Presidence and other leading men at S. L. City and found that the Fedral Author ities had in many things misrepresent the condition of things in Utah.

On this showing the President Buchanan through the Comisionars Powell, and McCoulough offered a full pardon for all past offencis, and entreaty the People to returne to their homes. The Authorites accepted the termes and adviced the People to return to there homes.

About the first of July 1 started for home. When I arived I found nothing that was verey encoureging. No crops growing and to late in the season to plant any. The People all like myself were poor, and not able to hire. I had to do something to provide for my family.

I bought some buttar, eggs, and cheese on credit, and went to Bridger to sell to the soldiers. General Canbey recieved me verey kindly and gave me permision to tread with his men. I sold every thing I had at a veery high price, and made severly more trips before winter and done exceeding well. During these trips I made enough with an abundance to keep my family with, groceres & clothing, and other things for the winter, besides pay all the deats I had contracted.

The solders were much predugused against the Mormons and several of them Informed me that they had eat to much mule meat during the past winter to ever to have any love for a Mormon. Of cours I was mute in informing them of the little part I had taken in depriving them of their fat beef.

On these trips I met some Aposteds who were more bittar than the soldiers. In Echo Cannion opposte the fortifacation I met a Company of dischage teamstars and Aposteteds. While looking at these fowen face men their felongs were greatly worked up. They also in leaving Salt Lake City had just leaned of the Mountain Meado Masa care. They inquired of me wether I was a Mormon. I answered Yes. With one ac cord they proposed hanging me on the spot. While they ware preparing to execute their designe A Company of U. S. soldiers came along. I apealed to them to protect me, as I had done nothing to Inger them. With some relutance, they took me from them. But they had to use force. As soon as I was released I left, leaving the Mob, and the Soldiars. Shortly after some of the Mob followed me, I heard them coming, and I drove my team Into a cluster of willows. And they past me, and the darkens of night came and delivered me out of their hands of these fiends in human form. Mar shal Alen was present with me.


During 1859 I stayed at home, and worked at carpentar work part of the time. I also made several trips to Bridger to sale produce and done verey well. I brought back Oxen, Wagon, and Grocers, clothing, and other things.

Wagons that cost the Contractors $200.00 I bought for $70.00. Cattle, Gro cers, and clothing I bought for less than half their first cost. During these trips I made enough to purches 16 acres of land in Ogden City which has been of great value to me in after years. Besides furnishing myself, and family with many things that I had not been able to obtain during my stay in Utah.

The Army coming in brought all these things prove a great blessing to the whole People ,for they ware the verey things that they needed. And besides they brought a large amount of Cash, which was distrib among the People in payment for labour, and build material. And also for all kind of products, such as grain, Vegatables, Butter, Eges, Chees, Poultry, Beef and Pork. For the Army and camp followes consumed a great amount of these things, and made money plentifull among the People.

This brought to pass the saying, ÒThat God made the wrath of man to Praise Him .Ò For that which the wicket intended for to crush His People, proved to be a great blessing into them, in furnishing them these things that the people could op tam if the Army had not come.


During 1860 I worked on my Farm, Fencing, grubing, and raised some crop. I also worked part of the time at Carpenter work.


1861 had a verey wet spring and winter, consequently we had a verey high water in Ogden Rive and my Farm was under Water. I raised no crop this year. I worked at carpenter work and at any other work I could get.


1862 was also verey wet, spring and winter and much Snow in the mountains, consequently verey high waters in the Ogden and Weber Rivers.

My Farm on the Ogden was totaly under water and damege my farm verey much by having gravel and clay deposited on it, and also taking away the. I worked during high water for the City in charge of a large force of men trying to save the Ogden Bridge and also protecting the Teritorial Road in the vicinity of the Bridge. After much hard work and much expense to the people of Ogden, and the County we were able to save the Bridge and the road So that the were use during the time of the flood. This was of great importance for it was the only place that this river could be crossed So that the people could cross from North to south, and also the Calefornia and Nor-thern Emegrants who traveled at that time in great number.


In the spring of 1863 I also worked on the River making dams and levies to protect the State Road and Bridge. I also in conection with Jeffre Dinsdale had charge of the building of a Leavey by the farmars to protect the land on the north side of the River, for at that time a large arie of land was floode anualy. We ware partialy suc-cesfull for we did keep the water from most of the farms. And I raised a good crop this year.

In Oct the Presidence of the Church made almost an entiar change in the Eclastical organisation of the County. All the Bishops of the several Wards ware dismised. And all the County incorporated into one Ward. And Chauncey West made Bishop. And the formar Wards organised Into Districts, having a President, and two Counsilers whith a chore of teachers. In fact the labours of these Officers being the same as that of the former Bishops wIth the exception that all the Tithing was paid to the Presiding Bishops of the County. I lived in the Third District. This used to be Bishop WestÕs Ward.

William Hill was appointed President. Samuel Glasgo, and my self CounsiÑ lers. The District was organised on the 7th of Decembar 1863.

In April 1962 1 sent my Wagon and Cattle to Omaho after the poor Saints. It was the only team I had. The following June I bought two wagon load of flouar, and other provision and went North to Snake River to meet some inegrants who ware re-turning from Fort Lemrah with some empty wagons to sell. I exchange my Provision for ten of their wagons. While in camping on Rose fork a company of Orogon emi-grants came to my camp and reported that the Indians had atacked them the day be-fore and got 6 of their wagons. The suspecte me as being in with the Indians, and if it hadended been for some of the men who sold me the wagons who told them that I had nothing to do with the Indians, They would have used viliens upon me.

The same afternoon, I started for home, and the next day in Bannock Valley I met the same Indians under the lead of Cheif Poca telo. They formed a line of battle. I spoke to them in the Shoshone language. And told them not to shote, for I was ther Friend. I invited them to come and speak to me. They came, and they ware dresed In some of the things that they had stole, such things as fine shirts, and chains and other ornaments. The helped their selves of such things from my wagons, such things as flar arms, and amunations, and Provision and other things. And let us go.

The same band of Indians left us and wend down the Snake River and atacked a small company of Orogan emegrants and killed every man, woman and child, and stole their animals and buren their wagons. And left their bodes striped, and naked on the ground.

In the following January (1863) General Connor atacked the same Band of Indians on Bear River and killed 225 of the Indians. For ever brakend up the Band and stopped their depradations. The General lost several of his oficers and men in the Battle and brought them to Fort Douglas and buried them.


In the springe of this year I spent a good part of my time assisting In gather-ing up Teams, Men, suplies to send East to Emegrate the Saints to Utah.

A special efford was made, and all the people Rich, and Poor, were requested to do all they could for this laudable enterprise. And the people done well for every Team and wagon that posiple could be spared was sent East well loded with full sup-lies for to feed the men and Emegrants on the returned trip.

This year I raised a good crop. And among it I raised five acres of exelent sugar cane and did exeeding well with it. For I sold many barrels of it at $1 .00 per gal to go to Montana.

1864, Pres. 3rd Ward

On the 4th Decembar of this year President William Hill died and on the 13 Decembar 1864 I was apointed President of the Ward in his place. With William W. Burton and Nathaniel Leavitt for Counselors.

I also laboured as a Home Missionare in the different Wards in the County.


During the winter there was much snow consequently high water In the spring. I worked with a lot of men protecting the State Road and the farms on the north of the River. We ware sucesfull in regard tot he road, and some of the farms but the Bridge was almost a reck. It was with great difficulty we ware abel to save it until President Young and company returned from Cache Valley where they ware preching to the people In May. We finaly were able to patch the Bridge So that it was used by the travel people during this season of high water.


During this year I build the walls and put on the roof of my rock house on Main and Third Street.

This spring an extra efort was made for to send Teames, men, and suplies East for to bring in the Saints. There was a greater outfit sent this season than at any previous year. I worked at this until the Weber County Company left. And the people responding willingly, and liberaly.

Eliza died
On the third day of July my wife Eliza died during child birth, two hours after the child was born. This was a most terible blow for I was left with five small chil dren, three boys, and two girles. It seemed to be the greatest trouble of my life. For this was the secon Dear Wife I was called to mourne her loss in deaths and left with 5 helples children and no femal relitive to assist me to care for them while my time was taken, and requiered in atending to business to provide the nesesary of life for them.

She was buried in the Ogden City Cemetre on the 4th July while the people throught the Nation where rejoicing in Celebrating the glourious Fourth. I was called to mourne the loss of a dear Wife, and assume a burden in the care of her 5 helpless children she had left in my charge while her lifless body was laid in the silent tomb.

My wife Eliza was the daughter of Richard Tunks and Mary Ann Morgan, born March 23 1824 at Leomunster, Hereforshire, England. There children are as follows:

May 29, 1814 Eliza born March 23, 1824
July 20, 1816 Elizabeth born March 16, 1827
Jany 8, 1819 Franes born May 8, 1829
Sept. 25, 1821 Elizabeth died Nov. 26, 1865

I am not able to say when nor how many of the family embraced the Gospel. But them that did ware the first to recieve it and provided home for the Elders and they ware the first that was babised in the town and among the first in the British Mission.

The Mother died on the 2 on April 1847 in her 56 year. Strong in the Faith of the Gospel of Christ. Eliza and Franes Emegra ted to Ame rica with their Uncles Thomas, William, and Richard. They left Liverpool Sep 24th 1848 in the Ship Saylor Prince and after eight weeke pIesant sant voige they arived in New Orleans.

They stayed there till April 1849 then moved to Saint Louis. In going up the Misisipe River Thomas fell overboard while drawing a pale of water out of the river.

Shortly after their arival at Saint Louis her sister Frances, and her Uncle William died of Cholerey. This was Eliza left to mourn her only sister and her two Uncles who ware so unepectly called away by death, In a strange country and among a strange people. This blow was so enepected consequently a great trial to her but she bore this affliction with patience and great fortitude.

After she died I found it very difficulty to find a woman that was sutable to keep house, and to take care of the children.

During the sumer and fall I worked on West and Young Grist Mill on the south of Ogden River.

In Sept. I made the aquantance of Olive Ann Daughter of Amos P and Minervia Stone and we ware married by President Heber C. Kimbal at the Endowment House,

Salt Lake City, on the 20th November 1866.

In marring her I was greatly blessed for she proved to be a devoted and faith-full wife. And a kind and affectionet mother to my motherles children.

On the 3rd Decembar my child Frances died.


At the 1]. Feb the Minciple Election I was Elected Alderman from the Third Minc iple Ward of Ogden City. Lorin Fan Mayor. I was appointed Chairman of Water and Sanitare Comites.

During the sumer I finished my rock house in Ogden.


In Sept. in conection with Brother William A. Fife, I secuard a grading contract on the Central Pacific R. R. in the nebourhood of Genece. We had five teams of our one, and five hired, we took supplies for the outfit from Ogden. On this contract finances we done verey well.

We secuard a second contract near Genece. On this we lost all we had made on the first contract and considerable more. This was owing to the defective maner in the wording of the Benson, Farr, and West contract with the R.R. Company giving the constructing Enginear the power to put the price on soap stone. We had a deep long cut which he allowed us after the work was done 65ct per yd. The Union Pacific allowed John Young $1 .75 per yd. for the same qualification of work, hear r at home. So this was financaly a great failuare with us, as well as with other contractors who did work of the same qualification.

On the 22 Feby I was married to Susan A. Brian, Daighter of Jossia and Susan Wright at the Endowment House Salt Lake City, by Pres. Daniel H. Wells, and on the 24th, 1 and my wife Olive, recieved our Second Anointing at the same place. Daniel H. Wells officiating and Elder John G. D. Macalister assisting. My Wife Olive acted proxey for my wives Jane, and Eliza, in optaining their Second Anointing.

During the spring I assisted in gathering teams and suplies for the emegrat'ing of the Saints from the frontiar.


Feby 8th I was reelected Alderman from the Third Munciple Ward, and had the Chairmanship of the Water and Sanitary Comites. I also acted on other comites, Lorin Fan, Mayor.

Early in March the U. P. R. R. arived in Ogden. Marshal W. N. Fife and my self, and F. A. Brown ware apointed as the courcil comite to arenge to give the Rail Road a recption. Which we did,and we had a Royal time.

At a Presthood Meeting by the advice of President Young I was apointed to assist Bishop C 'W' West during his sickness in the labour of the Bishoprick.

During this sumer I took a grading contract on the Utah Central R. R. and furnished labour for a number of newley arived Emigrants.

This year being the arival of the U. P. R. R. to Ogden many company of the saints arived at Taylor Gulch. I assisted in gathering supplies for them and helping to forward them to their destination.

I also build the first side track in the Ogden Yard from the main line. This was done by Ogden City for the delivery of freiaht for the City for the Railroad at that time to stope at Ogden. But passed right through.


The Anuel Conferance of the Church was held at Salt Lake City on the 5th May. My self and Cousin Caleb Parry, George Bywater, and Elizar Edwards was called to take a mission to Wales with several others to go to Europe. And before leaving I tendered my resignation to the City Council of my Alderman ship of the Third Muni ciple Ward.

Having no money to take me to any field of labour I morgaged a lot for $500.00 at 24 per cent per anum to furnish means to take me to my destination and to furnish the nesesary clothing and other things, and leave some money with my Family to help them in my absence. The Lot I morgaged, I lost, Because I could not raise money to redeem it.

About the 1st of June, 1 left Ogden for Wales in company with my Cousin Caleb on the U. P. R. R. There ware also Elders Harris S. Eldrige, Joseph Young and Semor B. Young, his son. Also Bishop W. W. Cliff and Bishop David Brinton, Elder Robert Nesland and others. On our way we stayed at Chicago two days, one day at Phideiphia, and five days at New York. About the midle of June we left New York on the Steam Ship Idaho belonging to the Zion Line. We ware ten days on the Ocean. During the trip I was verey sick from sea sickness.

On our arival at Liverpoul we found Apostel Carrington Presiding. We ware assigned to our field of labour. I was assigned to Preside over the Swance Conferance in place of John S. Lewis, who was released to go home. Caleb was assigned to Pre side over the Monmouth Conference, in place of Levi Richards, who also was released to go home.

Before entering on our field of labour we ware permited to go and visit our relatives In North Wales.

In the begining of July Caleb and my self arived at New Market our old home after an absense of twenty three years. When we arived at Bro. Bernards house they did not know us, And the maner we entered the house They concluded we ware verey rude and uncultured, For we walked in without being asked, and sat down and informed them that we ware strangers, and that we would be pleased to stay over night with them. But they ware not favourable Impressed with our looks and conduct to take us in and entertain us. We converst with them for some time, and during this time my Brother's wife through a smile detected me. And now things changed from suspesion to joy. For they ware at a loss how to express their gladness and welcome to their long lost Brother. For they had been told that I was dead. And now I was like one risen from the dead to them.

And I must say that this to me was the most pleasant meeting of my life, for after my long absence of 23 years, I was again permited through the providence of God to meet my Brother and sister in the flesh with a housefull of butifull children who also were as pleased to see their lost Uncle as were their parents. And their was something secret in the place. For It was the home of my Childhood, and every object that I saw brought some ples ant recolection of my Boyish days. The report was soon spread that Joseph and Caleb Parry had returned from America, and that brought all our relitives in the valley together. And they made us hartily welcome. We also met a few who was left who were our companions In youth, And we ware very glad to see each other again. I found that time had made a great chang in the Family, for five of my Brothers, and two of my sistars ware dead, leving three alive, two Brothers and one sister alive. And now at this writing they are all dead except my self.

We staid with them about two weeks and visited all of our relitives in that district of country and they all treated us royuly. And we enjoyed our visit emensly, and we felt that we ware ampley paid for going 8,000 miles to see them, and also to preach the Gospel to our fellow men. About the last of June we left our friends for our field of labour. I went to Swance and found Elder John S. Lewis whom I was to suced. He went with me to visit the different branches, and introduce me to the Saints. I found but few Branches and verey few people in e ach branch, and the were extreamly poor but were verey kind. As a rule they had been in the Church for a long period ,but had been to poor to emegrate to Utah. All the branches except one were able to meet in a small room in a privat house. It was almost imposible to get a stranger to come to any of our meet ings. At that time this was the condition of all the British Mission. As a contrast, when I joint the church the Liverpool Branch had about 1000 members and they held their meetind in one of the best Public Halls in the City, but at this time a small pri vat room in a private dwelling in as most obscured place afforded ample room for all the saints in that great City. It was President Carrington's pollice to contract by throwing several Conference to one. And in fact he was looking forward in the near futar for the British Mission to be abbandoned because of the apathy of the people and their refusal of atending any of the Saints meetings. The Elders ware also instructed to confine themselves strictly to their own conference and not try and open new fields of labour. There ware only two of out of the twelve countes of Wales that had any Elders in.

On the 18 July Elder J. S. Lewis left for home and all the saints that had the means left with him from the Conferance. After Bro. Lewis left, I made it a rule to visited each Branch every month and hold meetings with the Saints in their dwelings. I also made it my business to visit all the familes at their home. And do all I could to comfort, encourage, and help them all I could. I also visited several familes who had grown cold ,and never met with the Saints, and was sucsesfull in pursueding them to come and meet with the Saints and renew their Covenants. And some of these fam iles who where then cold have since gathered Into Utah. And thus was my time spent as a Preacher when I could optain a congregation. And the ballance of my time in teaching the Saints, and all others who ware willing to hear me.


In the begining of April 1871 President Eldrige who had succeded Carrington came over to visit the three Welch Conference. And with all the Elders of the Welch Mission, he held meetings at Swance, Merthir, Aberdare, and Abersuchen. The following Utah Elders were present: President of the British Mission Horns S. Eldredge, George Buwater, Elizar Edwards, Caleb Parry, and myself, and several local Elders. The Saints turned out well, and several strangers and we had a fine time of rejoicing and much valuable Instruction was given and the Spirit of God in rich abundance was poured out upon the people.

During this trip President Eldrige gave consent for Bro. Eleazer Edwards and my self to go Into other Countes where no Elders had been for many years. We went through Cairomarthen,and part of Cardigen, and Preached at several places. At some places we ware recieved respectfully and listen to atentively, and Invited to come again.

At Lanpeter we ware recleved verey kindly by Mr. Thomas and family, who were membars of the Church but hadent seen any Elders for many years.

Brother Thomas secuard a Babtis Chapel for us to preach in and sent the Town Criar around to advartise the meeting which brought a good size congregation together. We preached on the first principles of the Gospel, we had verey good liberty, and a verey atentive congregation, with the exception of some stridants belonging to a Church of England College who wher disposed to break up the meeting, but the maj ority of the congregation was in our favour, and we had an excelent good time, and made several friends who presed us to be sure to come again.

While hear, Bro. Edwards recieved word from home that his daughter was dead, and this caused us to returne to our respective Conferance, after two weeks absent.

On my arrival at Swance, I found a lettar from President Eldrige informing me I was released to go home. I wrote back to him if it was agreable I was pleased to stay another year. He wrought back stating that the order of my relise had come from President Young, and that my service was needed at home.

Return home
About the 6th of May I bid adue to the Saints and with three small familes left for Liverpool. And after 2 days visit with my relatives I sailed on the 10th of May I and these farniles sailed in the ship Idaho for New York. As usal I was verey see sick After ten days we arived at that port all well The familes that was with me went to Potsvill Pensilvenla to work to optain means to take them to Utah


And I took passege for Utah and arived horn about the last of May and found my family all well. It was a plesant meeting after one year seperation and we felt verey gratfull that God had speard our lives and blessed us all with good helth, and strength My family during my absence sustained them selves, by working, and ware in no wise supported by the Church.

Shortly after my returne home I was tendered by the Central and Union P. Co. a posislon to transfer passengers from one company to the another and act as Depot Policeman. I accepted for the possislon brought me cash to enable me to provide for my family. For they were verey destitude of almost of everything. And I was in debt from borrowing money to take me on my Mission, and for other purposes. So I was compelled to sell the City lot I had morgage to raise the money to perform the Mission.

I still worked for the R. R. Company through this year. I also rented my farme, and with these resorses my financial condition improved materialy. I also build an adition to my house in town and improved my farme by clearing up more land.

I was also called on to Preside over the Third Ward again and also done some Missionare work through the County and assisted in gathering means to gather the poor saints from Europe.


At the Mincipi Election held on the 10th Feby I was Elected as Counsiler to represent the Third Mincible ward and served on the Comitee on St., and other corni' tees.

I still laboured in the ministre as President of the Third Ecciastical ward, Ogden.

I also still retain my possislon at R. R. Depot in transfering passengers, and other duties.


I continued my laber as City Counsiler. Also as President of the Third Ward. And performed my duties for the R. R. Company at the Depot.

I also planted five acer orchard on my farm, and prepared my land for Market Gardening the following year.

I also in the fall of this year secuared a wood contract from the Centrall Pa cific Co. The wood to be put up at Lorey Station Nevada. I sublet the same one half toA. 3. Shupe and the other half to John Taylor, and Cyrus Rosin. This contract fur nished labour for 6 teams, and fifteen men for ten weeks.


On Feby 8th at the Minciple Election of Ogden I was reelected for the fourth time to represent the Third Ward on the Counsil. And was appointed to the chairman ship of the comitee on Streets. And served on other permant corn. I also atended to my Eclasticl duties, as President Third Ward.

In the spring of this year in conextion with Samuel Fowler we plant some of my land into a Market Garden, and a nursery for the raising of the different Fruite and Shade trees.

In the fall I took anotherWood Contract at Lorey Station from the C. P. R.R. I sent my nephip Caleb Parry in charge of five teams, and eight men to do this work, and they done the work satisfactory to Superintendan Pratt.

I also atended to my duties at the Depo transfering, and other duties.

This year Presiden U. S. Grant and party, also King Kalahaua of the Sandwich Islands pased throug Ogden and the City Counsil, and other leading men met them and were introduced to them. Thus myself in conection with the City Council had the honour of shaking hands with these distinguish personage.


This year I also atended to my duties as Pres of Third Ward. Also as membar of the City Council.

I also had another Wood Contract fr



Parry, Joseph


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