John Lloyd or as he was Known Locally - Sion Llwyd


Information gathered – details may or may not be accurate.


Born 1795.


1st wife.Coffadwriaeth am MARGARET graig JOHN LLWYD yr hon a fu farw y OGorphenal yr 2, 1824 yn 33oed. H.LL.” “In remembrance of Margaret, wife of John Llwyd, died 2nd July 1824 aged 33.” Maybe the “H.LL.” on the tombstone was a child which died?.


2nd wife and daughter.Coffadwriaeth am JANE LLOYD merch JOHN A CATHERINE LLOYD, Cae’r Llwynog, bu farw Ionawr 26, 1849 yn 24 oed. Yma claddwyd CATHERINE LLOYD yr hon a fu farw Mawrth 5, 167 yn 80 mldd oed” “In remembrance of Jane Llyod daughter of John and Catherine Lloyd, Cae’r Llwynog, died 26 January 1849 aged 24. Here is buried Catherine Lloyd who died 5 March 1867 aged 80 years”


Both of these graves are in the RAMOTH CEMETRY, near together. So far we have not been able to find out where John Lloyd was buried. It is possible that he is in one of these two graves but no inscription has been added, maybe because he had no living relatives to do it. Owing to lack of time we have not been able to find out when he died but it would be between 1879, the date of his letter to his daughter and 1881. He is not in the 1881 census. (The first Census done in the U.K. was I think in 1831 but is not available easily because it was considered not very interesting as it was only a “head count” and did not have other information such as occupation, and where born.)


1841 Census Living at GARREG FAWR. John Lloyd, aged 51, Catherine his wife, aged 54, Jane Lloyd his daughter (aged 16 – this ties in with her death aged 24 in 1849), Griffith his son aged 12 and Rowland Griffith a lodger aged 20. Garreg Fawr is another farm Llanfrothen, not far away from Croesor. There were two other families on this census headed by “John Lloyd”. There seemed to be a lot of Lloyds about at that time.


1851 Census Living at GARTH LLWYNOG, John Lloyd, aged 61, wife Catherine, aged 64, son Griffith, aged 22. Sometimes the name of this farm is written as Cae Llwynog


1861 Census Living at GARTH LLWYNOG, John Lloyd aged 71, Catherine aged 74, and no-one else.

1871 Census Living at BEUDY ISAF John Lloyd, widower, aged 91, and a servant Catherine Williams aged 26. Please note John Lloyd’s age in 1861 is 71, in 1871 it is 91. This may be a mistake of the enumerator who filled in the census form or the person who copied it out from the records in the County Archives. One of his letters is dated 25.5.1872 from Beudy Isaf (now a barn). Letter dated 24.3.1879 to his daughter in U.S.A. is from TY NEWYDD, now a ruin, a little way behind Cae Glas.


John Lloyd was almost certainly married in the old 12 century church Llanfrothen, St. Brothen’s.


His daughter GWEN or WINNEFRED LLOYD born 1818, emigrated (no date) and married in 1850 aged 32. To someone called Daniel?


These notes have been compiled by Edgar Parry Williams, 2 Chapel Street, Croesor (tel. 01766 770800) (who is probably related to you in some complicated way, his family having lived in Croesor for many generations!) and Giovanna Bloor, Cae Glas, Croesor (01766 770471) May 2004.



Lloyd, Winnifred


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