Lewis Bowen Obituary

Lewis Bowen

            The visitation of Death casts its shadow over all of us, even while its dread presence hovers o’er the soul it claims, just as it does while bearing off to higher spheres the spirit of the dead. When the icy hand of the Reaper diffuses its chill around an infant couch we watch with sadness the coming touch that shall still forever the throbbing heart. And yet, we take consolation in the thought that it is better so, that the short probation here was such as most of us would have better had, for the trials and tribulations through which we have had to, and still must, pass would have been foregone, because unnecessary from conditions shaping our ends in pre-axistant [sic] lives. But when the taps are sounded at the going down of the earth-run sun, and the shadows blend in the golden glow of a glorious setting, the end seems fitting as all things go in life’s eternal round. With the declining rays that vanish in the shadows of night in the dark Valley of Death, there bursts upon the other shore, over the silvery tops of the Delectable Mountains, a morn of immortality, beautified the more because of the blackness of the night. And so it is with our departed brother, Lewis Bowen. Revered by and cherished in the love of his fellowmen, and ripe with the golden fruit of years well spent, he descended the pleasant slopes with peaceful, happy tread, while watchful angels reached down their arms from the vapory clouds, beckoning him on to eternal joys. And unregretfully [sic] he went, his arms up-lifted and soul communing with the spirit guides. So, when the final summons came, he opened his eyes a moment, glanced a last farewell and closed them on earthly scenes forever. Instead of bitter grief and lamentation there was a spirit of quietude and hope around his bed, a peace that comes with  knowledge of suffering past and a hope that in the bright beyond all would meet again.

            He has gone to his reward, and among the spirits of the just he will walk with God. May his tomb be glorified with loving memories, as his soul must be in the light of a life well spent. Farewell!   




Bowen, Lewis


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