Goold, Samuel William 05 - Important Events

Many Important Items

Nov 1883                    Was received in the Monroe Ward, of the Sevier Stake of Zion of the Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Myself and family which consisted of a wife and 5 children,   1 boy and 4 girls.

Feb 15, 1885               There was born unto us another daughter, Effie May who was

Blessed Mar 5, 1885 by Samuel W. Goold, was

Baptized July 6, 1893 by Joseph Henry Jensen,

Confermed July 6, 1893 by O C Andreasen.

Aug 6, 1885                 Hariet Isabella Hunt Baptized by S W Goold.

Oct 26, 1884               Was ordained a Seventy and set apart as a menber of the 41 Quorum of Seventies located in Monroe Sevier Co Utah by Prest H O Magleby.

Oct 26, 1884               Was apointed assistant Secretary of above Quorum.

Mar 28th 1885             Was sustained and set apart as one of the 7 Presidents of Seventies in the 41 Quorum.

Mar 28th 1885             Robert F. Ross Ordained a seventy and set apart as a member of 41st Quorum in Sevier Stake by Samuel W. Goold.

June 2, 1888                Ordained J C Peterson a Seventy.

Dec 16, 1894               Was Ordained a High Priest and set apart as first Counciler to Bhp Orson Magleby of Monroe Ward, Sevier Stake by Wm H Seegmiller.

April 7, 1887                There was born unto us another daughter whome we named Luella who was Blessed May 5, 1887 by Thomas Cooper and was Baptized Aug 1, 1895 by T L Quist. Confirmed Aug 1, 1895 by Samuel W. Goold.

Dec 30, 1883               Joined the Monroe Sabeth School.

June 11, 1884              apointed as Sunday School teacher.

May 5, 1885                Theological Class organized.

May 5, 1885                First session with Samuel W. Goold as teacher.

Aug 18, 1887               F.B. Goold apointed leader of Sunday School Choir.

Dec 2nd 1888              S. W. Goold apointed 1st assistant Supt - S.S. to Wm A Warnock.

May 17, 1891              Went to Nephi, Juab Co, Utah for 10 weeks.

June 4, 1893                Was apointed and unanomously sustained as Superintendant of Monroe Ward Sunday Schools, with C. N. Smith and S J Golding as assistants.

Nov 12, 1893              Reported the Monroe Sunday School at the first S S Conferance held at Richfield, Sevier Co Utah.

July 1st, 1894               F. B. Goold resigned as S S Choir leader.

July 1st, 1894               S.W. Goold sustained as leader Pro Tem.

Nov 4, 1894                John A. Johnson and C J Bohman apointed as my assistants in the S S.

April 14, 1895              Met with Sunday School Union Board at Salt Lake City in Conferance.

Oct 10, 1896               Mary E. Goold released as Sunday School teacher, (cause) going to Salt Lake City.

April 4, 1894                I presented the Sunday School with a nice Sacrement Table, made of red Cedar.

April 4, 1894                I was apointed as one of a commitee to arange for the recep­tion of F B Goold returning from England.

Jan 30, 1899                My assistant in S S, C J Bohman resigned (cause) going on a mission to Sweden.

Nov 28, 1898              On Commitee of Resolutions of respect to Thomas Cooper, who had served as secretary in the Monroe S. S. for 20 years.

April 2, 1899                J. H. Jensen apointed as my 2nd assistant in the Monroe S S Sevier Co Utah to succeed C J Bohman.

May 7 1899                 F B Goold apointed as S S Chorister again.

July 9, 1899                 I assisted in ordaining Heber Swindle an Elder.

Nov 15                        I set Herber Swindle apart as secretary Y M MIA

Nov 9, 1889                There was born unto us another Son which was the second whome we named Robert Franklin Dec 5, 1889 Blessed by myself, Aug 15, 1898 Baptized by J H Jensen, Confirmed Aug 15, 1898 by myself.

Mar 19, 1894               Leo Linden born

Blessed May 3, 1894 by myself.




Goold, Samuel William


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