Goold, Samuel William 08 - Other Trips

Other Trips

Nov 1884                    Myself and eldest daughter, Sarah E. made the trip from Monroe, Seiver Co. to Salt Lake City by team a distance of about 150 miles by team went for the purpose of finding more profitable employment which we secured, remaining there about 3 months.  During our stay there we attended the wedding of my sister in law Elizabeth Lewis.  She married one Wm. Williams of S L C.  We then returned to Monroe by team.

Oct  1885                    I again made the trip to S. L. C. by team taking with me this time, Sarah and Mary.  We remained there about 5 Months this time, constantly employed at profitable employment.  When we again returned to Monroe all well (during this visit however my Wife with Louella and Franklin visited us in S. L. C.)

Oct 1886                     Myself and daughters Sarah and Mary went again to Salt Lake City where we remained this time for ten months.  During our stay there this time my third daughter Emma came and remained until we were all ready to return to Monroe, which was just previous to the dedication of the Salt Lake Temple.

Oct. 4 1896                 My next trip to Salt Lake City was by train to attend the Semianual Conferance of the Church of Jesus Christ of L D S in Oct. 4th 1896.  These meetings were of great interest to me, especialy the special Priesthood held in the Assembly Hall.

July 20 1897                Went up to Salt Lake City to attend the semi centenial Jubilee of the Entrance of the Pioneers of '47 into the Great Salt Lake Valley.  This was certainly a very interesting afair and many thousands people gathered there to join in the Celebration.

Nov. 9th 1900              I left Monroe to attend the Sunday School Convention held in the Assembly Hall Salt Lake City.  Much valuable instructions to S School workers were given at this convention and it was a time lone to be remembered by the Delegates.  There were other incidents in connection with by this visit which I shall long remember also.  I left home a few days sooner then I needed for the convention in order to spend a few days with sister Mrs. Annie Knapp, but to my surprise and disappoint­ment after I had been there a short time the health doctor came around and stated that one of the children had the small pox and so proceeded to quarantine them at once; and of course I had to leave at once, or be quarantined there for at least a month, and thus be deprived of attending the Sunday School Convention which I had come a hundred and fifty miles to attend, and my family would have been deprived of my assistance at home, and I would have been in prison so to speak for that length of time.  But I made good my escape and accomplished the desired object.  During my stay in the City, I made my sleeping place with old Brother and Sister Griffin of the 11th Ward S. L. C.  Thus terminated my visit to S. L. C. and on the Nov. 14, I was again back in my home in Monroe.

Feb 12th 1901             Was present to witness Bro. Robert Shimmon breathe his last, was also with him considerable during his late illness.  Presided over and spoke at his funeral services.

Sep 12th 1900             My daughter Emma M. and Joseph Nilsson were united in the holy bonds of matrimony in the Salt Lake Temple, Utah.

Feb. 1901                    Best, and most snow and rain storms for many years past.

Mar 5, 1901                 Spoke at Mrs. Osborn's funeral very nice time had.  My brother F.B. conducted the singing.

Mar. 17, 1901              I presided at sacrement meeting Bishop Orson Magleby and his second counselor Joseph A Smith, being absent in conse­quience of visting the Marysvale's Branch of Monroe Ward.  The Bishops chair and the other councilers chair being vacant, I looked around to see who should fill those vacant chairs.  My eyes and my mind rested upon two Patriarchs who were present, H.O. Magleby and Robert F. Goold (my father) I called them to my side.  I also called upon them both to address the assembled Saints, they did so, with profit and benefit to those assembled, Br. Maglebys subject Missionary experience, Father subject Missionary experience and the Prodigal son.

Mar 31, 1901               I was called upon to ofer the opening prayer to the Sevier Stake Quarterly conferance and my Father, Robert F. Goold was called to offer the closing prayer at the same meeting.  Apostle Cowley was present and speak for one hour on the duties of the priesthood.  Pres. Relch of the N. W. States mission was also present.

Oct. 11, 1901              Sarah Emma my first born was wedded to Alexander Fraser of Richfield in the holy Bonds of matrimony in the Salt Lake Temple, making their home in Richfield.

Oct. 8                          Samuel W. Goold Jr. my eldest son was called to attend the missionary class at Provo.  He remained there until the 20th of Dec 1901 then coming home for the holidays.  Returned Jan 6 1902.

My daughter Emma with her husband spent the summer and fall of 1901 on Gold Mt.  Returning home to Monroe Dec. 11, 1901.

Oct. 11, 1901

July 1901                     My daughter Mary Elizabth went up to Gold Mt. to work and her sister, Ida joined her in the labor about the 1st of Dec. 1901.

Dec. 1901                    It is midnight and I am sitting in my home in Monroe all alone (all the members of the family are absent) listening to the 4 Bells of Town ringing the Old year out and the New Year in.

Jan. 1st 1902                It is now ten minutes past 12. Jan 1st 1902.


Dec. 16, 1894              I Samuel W. Goold was ordained a high Priest and set apart as first councilor to Bishop Orson Magleby, which position I filled with satisfaction to the bishop and the people of the Monroe Ward, and myself for seven years to the day, being released Dec. 15th 1901, in consequnce of the Bishop having resigned his office as Bishop of Monroe Ward.

Dec. 15, 1901              Was sustained as acting Bishop of Monroe Ward pending the selection of a new bishop of Monroe Ward

Dec 29, 1901               Was Ordained and Set apart as the Bishop of the Monroe Ward of the Seveir Stake of Zion of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints under the hands of Apostle Rudger Clawson and President William H Seegmiller of Sevier Stake, Apostle Clawson being mouth.  Also on this same date August W. Bohman and George A. Smith were set apart as my councilors.  At this time the Monroe Ward was about $1700.00 in debt. $1635.00 to one James Crawford Jr. of Monroe, $20.00 to Magleby store and $23.00 to Janetor and some other small accounts.

Dec 30, 1901               I presented my Resignation to the Stake Superintendent of Sunday School as the Superintendent of the Monroe Ward Sunday School and went into effect [Jan 5 1902] at the Regular Sunday School Teachers and Offices Meeting...

Jan 5, 1902                  I presided at the fast day service, it being the first Sunday in the new year, 1902 and the first over which I presided as the Bishop of the Monroe Ward of the Sevier Stake of Zion of the Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S.

Jan 4, 1902                  Presided at the Baptismal services held at the warm springs, Monroe.  1 person baptized, Mary Jane Pitts.  Present: Elders E. Tufft, P. M Lungreen, Berry and Niloker.

Jan. 8, 1902                 Held the first meeting with the teachers of Monroe Ward as Bishop.  Held 1st Bishops meeting (with Councilers A. W. Bohman and George A Smith) at Monroe.












[On back of Certificate of Ordination]   Line of authority

Rudger Clawson, was ordained an apostle Oct. 10 1898 by Lornenzo Snow.  Who was ordained an Apostle Feb 12 1849 by Heber C. Kimball.  Who was ordained an Apostle Feb 14 1835 under the hands of Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer and Martin Harris.  Who were blessed by the laying on of hands of the Presidency (Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdon and Frederich G. Williams.)  To choose the Twelve Apostles; Joseph Smith was ordained an Apostle in 1829 by PETER, JAMES, and JOHN.

Feb 5, 1902                 In company with Agust. W. Bohman I visited at the depart­ments in the Monroe District School House.  Conditions plesant and comfortable and good teachers, whose names were as follows Elizabeth Ross of Joseph City, Edith Asay of Monroe, ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑ Scorup of Salina, Lester Quist of Monroe , Nephi Bates of Monroe and P. D. Jensen of Monroe (Princi­pal).  Trustees . Smith, Wm. A. Warnock and Walter Jones, Co. Supt. Jacob Magleby.

Feb. 13, 1902              Minutes of Marriage Services Held at the house of William J and Emiline Baldwin of Monroe Sevier Co State of Utah

1st Preliminary remarks Bhp. Samuel W. Goold

2nd Prayer by William Warnock

3rd Reading from 5th Chapter of Ephesians commencing at 20 verse

4th Examination of Licence

5th All being agreed and no objections offered Oscar Johnson of Park City. Summit Co. State of Utah and Sophia Deseret Baldwin of Monroe Co. of Sevier and state of Utah were united in the Holy Bonds of Matrimony by Bishop Samuel W. Goold of Monroe Sevier Co. state of Utah

6th reading of hymn found on page 129 L.D.S.  H. B.

7th Signing of the Licence by Bhp S. W.Goold, the newly wedded pair, the witnesses and the Ward Clerk William A. Warnock

Conclusion of Services.

Mar 2, 1902                 Led the Ward Chior for Conjoint Session Lester Quist President YM MIA.

Mar 5, 1902                 Purchased my first Buggy from Gollip Ence Cost $89.00 with Harness.  Redeemed note on same for $79.00.

May 18, 1903              Was one of the judges of election on the presidental election of William Mckinley.  Was also one of the judges of election when President William Mckinley was reelected.  Was also judge of election on two town elections.

Mar  1902                    I conducted what was conceeded to be the largest funeral services ever held in Monroe.  Meeting house compleatly packed.  It being the joint services over the remains of Josephine Tufft and Junious Butleson , aged 10 years respec­tively.  Both of Monroe.  Meeting opened by singing by Choir led by F. B. Goold, Prayer by Jacob Magleby, Address Rev. Mr. Meeter of Ric.  Elder R.F. Goold of Monroe, also Elders A.W. Bohman and George A. Smith of Monroe largest funeral cortage ever seen in Monroe 68 veheacles.

Mar. 24, 1902              I engaged a car and shiped a load of Tithing Oats to P.B.O. SLC.

Mar 29, 1902               My daughter Emma Nilson gave birth to a son ,this being my first grandchild Monroe, sevier Co. Utah.  

Russel Nilson

Mar 31, 1902               My daughter Mary E. came down from Kimberly on a visit.

Mar 1902                     The officers and teachers of the Monroe Sunday School met in a social gathering for purpose of showing their respect to me as their retireng Superintendant having served in that capasity for 8 years and as first assistant Supt. for 8 years at which time and place they presented me with a very nice rocking chair as a momento.

Mar.22, 1902               I conveened the men who had signed the note for $1500.00 to James Crawford Jr. of Manti this money was borrowed for the purpose of rebuilding the Sevier Stake Tabernacle which had just been burned down.  The note was due and the men were called together for thepurpose of considering the best plants obtain the money to pay this note off with.  The commitee men and all present agreed to take hold of the matter with new life and and do their best to work it off.

April 19, 1902              I presided at the funeral services of Sister Boletta Neilson who lived and died a faithfull Later Day Saint was the mother of 5 sons and 3 daughters.  She being the first to depart this life.  Impressive services and a very large cortage.  Speakers being Learsen, James Farmer, Ann Tidd, George A. Smith, Elen Thueson and A.W. Bohman.  Son, Parley dedicating the grave.

April 30, 1902              Myself and Wife made the trip to and met with the Saints of Marysvale Branch of the Monroe Ward.  Also John A. Johnson and Thomas Ranson accompanied us.  President Seegmiller of the Sevier Stake met us there a very good time was had in our meetings the matters of building a tithing grainary and yard was talked over Isiah Haus was appointed to select the ground with cost and surroundings the same to be sent to me after which I should confer with Bishop Preston in relations to the matter.

April 28, 1902              I sent to James Crawford Jr. of Manti the man holding a note against the Monroe Ward for money borrowed to rebuild the Sevier Stake Tabernacleafter it had burned down $135.00 as interest on the afor said money.

April 5, 1902                Receiver a very kind and interesting letter from President John E. Magleby of the New Zeland mission.complementing and congratulating me on my ordination of the office of Bishop of Monroe Ward in the Sevier Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints.

April 28, 1902              I replyed to the above letter addressing him at 72 Wellington, Auckland New Zealand.

Feb. 1902                    Received a complementry and congratulatory letter from Elder Joseph H. Jenson of Monroe. Then in Swedan on a mission on my appointment to the Office a Bishop of Monroe Ward in the Sevier Stake.

Mar. 1902                    I replied to the above letter which was full of kindly expres­sions and good wishes for my future success in the duties of the new office.

May 10, 1902              Myself as Bishop of Monroe Ward, Sevier Stake in connec­tion S. S. Superintendant John A. Johnson met with the Saints of Lower Marysvale Branh of the Monroe Ward, and orga­nized a Sunday School.  With Samuel Page as Princepar am ---- Adems asist, Sister J. Lorin as secretary. Adams Princepal of Theological class Sister Page as Princepal of intermeadeate Dept. with --- Vogal as Assistant, Whettock as principal of Primary dept.  Scrogings leader of singing, Lorin Hardy as Janitor.

Sunday May 18, 1902 at 8:30 pm met with and presided over as bishop of Monroe Ward Sevier Stake for the first time the general Priesthool of the ward.  Fair attendance and general good Spirit prevailed.  Topic's treated upon the $1500.00 in debtness of the ward for the rebuilding of the Sevier Stake Tabernacle.  Sabeth breaking, the Word of wisdom, Better and more earnest labor on the part of the ward teachers. 1st counciler A. W. Bohman present.

May 26, 1902              Monroe, Saturday night and Sunday morning witnessed a very damaging frost almost entirely killing off the fruit crop and doing much damage to garden crops and also to the sugar beet crop which was quit extencive.

May 27 1902               Conducted funeral sevices over the remains of Sylver, daughter of Wm. and Emma Morison aged 3 years at their residence good attendance. Elder Robert F. Goold principle speaker remarked very instructive and interesting,  Singing Neared My God to Thee.  Afflicted Saints to Christ draw near,  Shall we meet beyond the river and Unvail Thy losern faithfull Tomb conducted by F. B.Goold, 20 buggies and carages followed remains to cemitry.





Goold, Samuel William


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