Goold, Samuel William 11 - 1903

Sarah and Ida Goold


Jan. 1st 1903                The year opens under more pleasant surprise lots of snow on hill and plain to gladen the hearts of the husband ma and a prospect of a bountious harvest in the fall.

New Year day finds us scatered out again as a family (however not very widly) but with in a few hours ride of each other.  My self Wife, Effie, Luella, Franklin and Leo being at home in Monroe.  My daughters Mary, Emma and Ida and my son William being up on Gold Mt.(or Kimberly) and my eldest daughter Sarah in Richfield Sevier Co.

Jan 10, 1903                I presided at the funeral services of Sister Anna Sorenson Brown who had lived to a good old age and died in the faith and in the hope of a glorious resurrection.  I dedicated the grave of this good old sister.

During the latter of the December of the year 1902 I settled tithing with the people of Monroe as their Bp. and on the 8 and9 of Jan 1903 Bro. Joseph S Horne of Richfield stayed with me and assisted me in making up the final reports to go to the stake clerk of Sevier Stake and also to the presiding Bps. Office S.L.C.

Jan 11, 1903                Sunday Bro. John W. Coons and John Enial visited our Ward an home missionaries and spoke to the saints encourageingly.  They ate dinner with us.

Jan 18, 1903                Sunday afternoon Elder E Magleby took his seat on the stand as my second counceler for the time and A. W. Bohman conducted services.

Jan 19, 1903                Brother John E. Maglby met with us for the first time in the capasity of Bishops meeting.  Many subject of importance were considered and disposed of.

Jan. 21, 1903               I issued recommends to O. W. and my daughter Effie May to the Temple for marriage.

Jan. 24, 1903               Met with the Lesser Priesthood of Monroe Ward a general good time was had a number of the brothern of the higher Priesthood were present.  Some of whome speak to the boys giving them much timely advise, and good instruction.  At this meenting I conducted the ordination of twelve boys to the Lesser Priesthood myself being mouth in the case of three namely Robert Franklin Goold, my son, William Syddal and Junious Tuft.  The names of the other boys Theford Hanson, Flin Hutchison, Jessie Rich, Elmer Winn, Claudious Wingit, Melvin Smith, Alfred Newby Jr, Carl Oscar Larson, Eli Lundgren.  This was quit an inportant and impressive meeting.

Jan 25, 1903                met with and conducted the Ward Priesthood meeting of Monroe Ward.  At this meeting my second councilor J. E. Magleby made his first appearance in a meeting of this kind.  Many topics were discussed among them the advesability of having an old folks party.  It was decided to have one and that this year 1903, it was also deciced to formulate and accept rules of the conduct of dances.

Feb. 3, 1903                Attended a meeting of the Bishops of Sevier stake at Richfield for the purpose of considering the distribution of the percent allowed the Bishops for the handling of the Tithing of the various Wards.  The policy pressed was the smaller the Ward the lager the percent.

Feb 8, 1903                 Was called over to Richfield by Pres. W. H. Seegmiller to talk with Apostle A. O. Woodruff a Pres. and Senior B Young It being the day of the Mutual Conferance.

Feb. 1903                    coldest time experienced for 21 years in Monroe.  Sunday Morning yet 15- 20 degrees below zero.  Calves and chicken frozen to death.  Potatoes were frozen in good cellars and flowers were frozen in rooms where they had stood for years before water and milk froze in warm kitchens in fact the wave was general all over the country.  There was also more snow this winter than for many years past.

Feb 11 1903                O. W. Peterson and my 5th daughter, Effie May were Married in the Salt Lake Temple, by President John R. Winder.  They spent a few days very pleasently in Salt Lake City staying for the most part with my sister Annie and family.  They also visited my Wifes sister in Salt Lake City Mrs. Lizzie Williams.  They them preceeded to American Fork where they spent the day with Bro Petersons aunt.  After which they proceeded to the home of Bro Peterson's mother and on Monday night Feb 16 arrived at their home in Monroe and to once went to house keeping ages Br. Peterson 23, Effie 18.  I made Effie a present of a heifer calf as a wedding present.

Feb 17, 1903               Presided at the funeral services of Sister Casts who died at the ripe old age of ‑‑ at Huntsville branch of Monroe Ward.  Singing led by F B. Goold 1st Rest for the weary ‑ Rest prayer by abd old Veteran J. V. Williams Singing O My Father Thou That dwelest, etc 1st speaker Patriarch R. F. Goold who speak with much fever and inspiriation singing again by choir We shall Meet Them By and By  2nd speaker Grandson George Casts who retales many important points in the history of the departed dead.  Choir singing again, Lead Me Gently Home Father.  3rd speaker Elder Orson Magleby who refered to the pleasant acquaintence and association with Sister Casto in the Manti Temple.  Sing again by Choir, O Grave where is thy victory, O death where is thy sting.  Benidiction on Bent Larson.  This was a heavenly meeting.  The inspiration in the singing and prayers.  The force, fervor and feeling experienced by the speakers and the profound attention of the audience and the Resignation of the relaties.  All conspired to make it a Solumn Assembly and a fore taste of the great here after.  Singing to grave; Nearer MY God to Thee, dedication prayer by John E. Magley.

Feb 25, 1903               Following is an account of the first Old Folks Party had during my administration as Bp of the Monroe Ward.  All the old folks over 60 were invited to assemble at the Social Hall at 10 A.M. When an appropriate program was carried out consist­ing of speaches, songs. resitations and phonographic music.  My self giving the spech to Welcome.  At about 1 O'clock the party repaired to the upstairs room of the same building where all were seated to a very nicely arranged table loaded with the bounties of the Earth which was served warm and good by kind and tender hands of the younger class.  Being the commitee of arragements and their partners, the old folks seamed to be in the hight of enjoyment, after dinner all came downstairs again and listened to a continuation of the pro­gram.  At about 3 P.M. the party repaired to another bulding close by to witness the presentation of the Drama entitled the Lone Tree Mine which was very nicely rendered and given to the Old Folks free of charge by the Home Dramatic of Monroe.  Much credit is due to the commitee of arrangments who were chosen from the Elders Quorm for that purpose by the Ward Bishopric.  It was a time long to be remembered.  In short it was one continual feast of enjoyment and socibility form 10A.M. to until 6:30 P.M. when the old folks were conveayed to their homes in Carages and Bugies.

Feb. 27, 1903              Brother Swens of ‑‑‑‑ whoe is laboring as a missionary in the midths of the Young Mens Organization of the Sevier Stake called at my house and we made each others acquaintance and he was made welcome to our Ward.

Feb 28, 1903               Had my photo taken for the purpose of sending one to L. D. S. Biographical Encyclopedia to be inserted there in accomp­ing a short Sketch of my labors in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Staints.  this being the first one taken in 11 years.  [See LDS Biographical Encyclopedia, Andrew Jenson, Vol. 2, p. 212]

Conferance and Temple Items

April 2nd 1903             took train at Elsinore to attend the general Conferance of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Salt Lake City.  I attended eleven meetings it was a glorious time.  The spirit of the Lord was poured out in rich abundance upon the speakers.  Time was ocupied by Pres of Stakes reporting their Stakes which were all reported in good condition.  Main Topics Keep out of debt, payment of Tithing and manual training and the learning of trades in our high schools.  Some important rulings of Pres. J F. Smith Bps. has nothing to do with recommending of second anointings.  The property in the various Wards held in trust by the Bps is not the property of the Ward but the property of the Church and the people and the Bp have no right to dispose of any of it without consulting the Presiding Bp or the first presidency of the Church.  Any man claiming a membership in the church who runs a saloon should be cut off the Church.  Garments made by any manufacture not having an approved lable upon them are not approved by the Church and no color but white is approved, and there fore will not be accepted.  People going to the Temple should be scrupulously clean.  Temple clothing should not be sent to a laundry.  Temple apron should be covered with fig leaves one laping over the other to resemble a compleat covering of leaves.  Leaves to hang downward.  Question was asked if a man commits suicide, should he be buried in his Temple clothing; answer NO, unles it could be proven that the person had become insane, in which event they may be buried in their Temple Clothing.

A young person going East to study, should take a recommand with them; and present it at the nearest Branch to where they reside, and when they return home, they should bring a recommend with them from that Branch.

No sister living with an outsider as her husband, can be recommended to the Temple.

All Young Men going to the Temple to do work should be ordained an Elder before going to the Temple.  Bps should take all their troubles to the Stake Presidency and not to the Pr Presidency.

While in Salt Lake City I stayed with my sister Annie Knapp who was taken very sick while I was there, Myself as Bishop of Monroe Ward and Bishop Watson of the 6th Ward S.L.C. administered to her.  I also visited my Wifes' sister at this time Mrs. Lizzie Williams and here I met another of my Wifes sister Mrs. Petegrew and her husband William Bp of Nephi, Juab Stake and on the 7th of April I went into the Salt Lake Temple and was anointed and administered to for trouble in my throat.  The weather was good and the attendance at conferance was very large.

April 28, 1903              Had my second experience in a Bishops Court of Monroe Ward, Sevier Stake of Zion, The Church of Jesus Christ of LDS.  It was in the case of Charles J Lundquist accuser against J. F. Webb Jr. accused.  The charge prefered against John F Webb Jr. accused by Charles J . Lundquist accused was that John G Webb had circulated false reports against Charles J Lundquist and thereby injuring his character.  The case came up for hearing on the 28th of April 1903.  Wit­nesses for the accuser were as follows Ole Larsen, Mary Ann Larson Lottie Larson, Myrtle Smith and Christie Morisen.  Witness for the accused Magie Magleby.  Rendering of the decision was defered until May 6th 1903 When myself as Bis and James Farmer as 1st counciles protern (my first Counciler proper, August W. Bohman desiring to be excused in this case on account of his relation to both Parties) and John E Magleby 2nd Counciler and Heber Swindle as Ward Clerk met and formulated the decision.  Which was in effect that John F Webb Jr. accused had failed to substanciate the charge that he had made against Charles J Lundquist accuser, which on the other hand there were abundant evidence for the accuser to show that the statments made by the accused were without foundation in fact and that the accused be required to make public confession of the same.  The parties were given from the 6th to May 17 1903 to decide whither they would accept the decision or take an appeal to the High Council of the Stake.

May 17, 1903              The above named Parties agreed to and did comply with the decision of the Bps Court.

May 17, 1903              Presided at a Ward Priesthood meeting of Monroe Ward Sevier Stake.

May 19, 1903              There was born to my eldest son,William and hisWife, Ellen a

daughter at 1:20p.m.

May 31, 1903              Myself in company with elders Agust H.W. Bohman, John A. Johnson and Peter M. Lundgren visited the Marysvale Branch of the Monroe Ward.  Brothers Bohman and Lundgren visited the upper part for Sunday School and Brother Johnson and myself visited the lower part (or Maryvale proper).  We all met at the lower part for after noon meetings, which was well attended and a good interest manifested throughout, good school at lower place.  Quit small at the place.  Speakers at afternoom service, John Bower, P.M. Lundgren, JohnA. Johnson and myself.  Fair weather and a pleasant trip through­out.

June 30, 1903              Spring backward and cold.  Tent catapilars did great damage to fruit trees, almost entirly striping same orchards of the folage.  Water more plentyfull than for several years past.  Meeting house was first lighted with gas.  Outside of Building compleated July 1 1903.

4th of July 1903            Celebrated conjointly with Elsinors in Charlie Barny's orchard near Public square, good time was had.  Myself being one of the committee for five for that occasion.  The names of the others were Hans Tuft, W. A. Warnock, Mrs. Bell Anderson and Mr. Price.  Weather very nice for the ocasion.  Light frost on the morning of the 3rd and 4th of July 1903.   Orator - Pang Magleby,   Chaplin - R. F.Goold,   Reading Decloration of Independance - J. F. Price,   Marolar - Jacob Magleby,     Godess - Eliza Magleby.

July 5th 1903                Fast meeting my son, Williams first child blessed by myself and great grandfather Robert F. Goold.  Robert F. Goold being mouth - name Helen. 




Goold, Samuel William


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