Goold, Samuel William 12 - 1903-1905

Hellen Goold

July   1903                   My daughter Mary discontinued her service at the Lodge at Kim­berly after a two year stay and returned to her home in Monroe.

July   1903                   Presided at the funeral service of Maroni Hunts child.  Singing led by my bro. F. Goold myself and daughter Mary assisted in the singing.  I led in prayer.  My father R. F. Goold adminstered the furneral sermon and after singing my br. F.B.Goold offered the benediction.

June 24th 1903             Monroe and Elsinor joined in the celebration of Pioneer days.  Beautiful weather and a general good time had.

July 11 and 12, 1903  Bp Bell of Glenwood Ward visited me at my home in Monroe.

July 23                         Bp. W. C. Burgon of Union Ward, Jordon Stake visited Monroe Ward and my home spake in meeting on Sunday July 26 also Sister Burgon.

July   1903                   Pope Leo the    died at the ripe old age of 93.  He was accredited with having lived a very upright life and having devoted himself very assideuwesig to his religion and people and with an eye to the benefit of mankind generally.

Aug 16, 1903               Monroe Sevier Co. Utah.  Presided at the funeral services of Sister Christisen, mother of Sister Margret Magleby.  I also headed the choir on this occasion.  This was a pecular cornsidence.  while the services were in progress, word came into the meeting house that Br. Magleby (husband) of Sister Magleby was dying and a little later that he was dead.

Aug. 19, 1903              Presided at the funreal service held over the remains of H. O. Magleby one of the oldest sletters of Monroe at Monroe.  He was an honorable and upright man and a devoted Later Day Saint.  It was one of the largest funerals ever held in Monroe and a large cortage followed remains to the cemeitary 56 coached, choir under the leadership of my Br. F.B. Goold did some good work.  Aug 23 1903 Presided at the Ward Priest­hood meeting of Monroe Ward many topics of interest were discused.

Aug. 24, 1903              Presided at the general Baptisms of the children 26 being baptised.  J. E. Magleby did the Baptising.  Myself R. F. Goold ( my father) J. W. Bohman and J. A. Johnson con­firmed.  Ths Cooper door keeper W.A. Warnock clerk Bent Larson and Tena Hunt assisted with children.  It was very nice and successfull occasion.

Aug. 24, 1903              Monroe Sevier Co. Utah Telephone message was sent from S. L. C. of the death of Elder Richard E. Johnson of Monroe Ward Who died in Kansas City.

Presided at the funeral services of Elder Richard E Johnson which were very large and inspiring I also speak in the meeting .  President Wm. H Seegmuller of the Stake Presidency was present and speak at the services also Elder of the Kanab Ward who accompied the body home spoke words of comfort and praise.  on the resoted colors of Elder Johnson quit a larger prosession of people and Buggies went to the station at Elsinor to meet the corps. 

Myself in company with A.W. Bohman visited the Marysvale Branch of the Monroe Ward and held Branch conferance with the Isiah Hawes sustained as presiding Elder.  Joseph Hawes released as S.S. Supt and Samuel Page appointed to fill the vacency a good time was had and our visit enjoyable.

Aug. 1903                    I was Taken instantly with a deathly sickness while walking down the sidewalk in front of Mary Sanders place in Monroe Sevier Co.  I fell to the ground unconcious; as a man would fall who has died suddenly.  My son Franklin was with me at the time, but being only a boy of 14 years old became fright­ened and could do nothing with me, and so he ran to the nearest house (the home of Mr. James Robinson) Mrs. Robinson came to me and ralied me up in a siting postion and commenced bathing my head with cold water.  This was the first that I knew after the sencation of the deathly sickness that seized me.  When I immediatly threw my arms across the fence to steale my self until I should recover.  But instead of recovering I grew unconceously worse until I fell to the ground.  I never felt the blow at the time when I struck the ground, but as soon as I regained conciousness I felt that my head was very sore.  At the time other members of the family arrived and the buggie was sent for when I was assisted in to the buggie and was taken home.  It was several days after this before I regained my former strength.

Between two and three months after the above date I was seized again with a similar attack.  This time however I was in the house sur­rounded by my friends and family.  This also was a serious case of illness (it in only of short duration however)  Some members of the family feared that I would die at this time.  Some Elders were sent for, they adminstered to me and I recieved relief at once, but I was so weak that I had to be lifted into the bed by the brethern, who stayed with me for some three hours.  I was nearly a week recovering from this attack.  About three week later I was suddenly seized with dizziness in my head while eating my supper, while I was (by all appearances) in my uasual health, I stopped eating, think­ing I might recover in a few minutes,but instead of that I quickly grew worse and soon I was seized with a violent attack of vomiting which was very distressing indeed, and in the course of about an hour and a half I was so sick and sore that I could not endure the thoughts of being moved from the kitchen to the bedroom.  Even in the large rocking chair by string move for it seemed like it would be death come to be moved.  However they succeeded in moving me, and setting me in bed.  They then adminintered to me and I received relief.  But It took me over a week to recover from this attack.  The Brethern who came and administered to me were Christian Tuft, Edwin Swain and my brother Charley,  The second time refered to the last time Andrew Rasmusson, Joseph Nilson and my brother F.B. Goold.  My daughter Emma who had been absent for a long time, was present on this ocasion. My Wife and younger children were present each time.

Dec. 1903                    Ward Conferance was held in Monroe Ward.  Myself con­ducting the services.  There were present of the Stake Presidency of Sevier Stake to attend the business of the conferance 1st counciler Joseph S. Horne. of the high council Paul Polson and Martin Jenson, and Robert F. Goold (my father).  Myself as Bishop and A.W. Bohman as 1st and J. E. Magleby as 2nd councilers were presently for the susport of the people, and was unanumusly sustained.  As were  the other Officers of the Ward,  There was a good attendance and a good spirit prevailed throughout.  The speakers were Pres. J. S. Horne, Paul Poleson and Martin Jenson.  Br. Poleson bore testimony to the good spirit that was present at the conferance.

Dec. 22, 1903              I comimced the settlement of Tithing with the people of Monroe Ward and continued until the 31st with the exception of the 25 (Christmas Day) the settlement was quit satifactory thoughout.

Dec. 25, 1903              We had a Family reunion every Member of the family being present to eat Christmas dinner together.  The husbands and Wife of our married children together with their little ones were also present.  The names of the grand childern were Russel, Clifford and Helen.

Dec. 26, 1903              The following day We all went over to Richfield for the purpose of having a family group taken we were quit success­ful in getting a good proof.  [See page 27]

Dec. 26, 1903              Ida my fourth daughter made her mother a present of a new

cook range and myself a new secretary.  They were both

nice and valuble presents.

Dec. 31, 1903              Joseph S. Horne of the Stake Presedency stayed with me three nights was two days to assist me in making up the annual Tithing accounts which were quit satisfactory.

Dec.   1903                  Presided at funeral services of James H. McCarty There was a large attendance at the services many being present from the surruonding settlements.  Beautiful singing by the Monroe choir under the leadership of F. B. Goold.   Invocation‑‑‑‑ speakers Thomas Cooper, A. W. Bohman, J. E. Magleby, the Reverand Mr. Muter, Benidiction by H. Hayes of Richfield Grave dedicated by Bp. Fairbanks of Anabella.

Dec. 31, 1903              The year of 1903 was a very prosperious one plenty of water, good cropes and a bountious harvest.  No contagious diseases in Monroe.  There were quit a few deaths but a number of them were old people.  Taking it as a whole it was much more satisfactory to me than the year 1902.

Jan 1904                      Myself and councilors held our first Bp's meeting for 1904 an expression was had from each other with referance the the past year and the prospects for the future.  Many important subjects were discussed during the evening.  The winter of 1903 and 1904 was extremely dry and often a good deal of frost but hardly any snow or rain.

Feb. 4                          roads still dry and weather warm.

Jan. 3, 1904                 Ward Preisthood meeting.


Feb 15, 1904               Myself and Wife,Sarah Ann started for Manti, Sandpete Co. arriving at 12 a.m. we drove up to the temple made some inquiries then drove to Br. and Sis. Horace Thomlin's where we remained for one week.  On the 16 of Feb I was baptised for my health and for 13 others who were dead.  My Wife also was baptised for 2.

Feb.17                         We went through the temple and received the higher blessings for our selves and did work for others.  Also on the 18 of Feb we did vacarious work for the dead.  In all it was to us a week

Manti Temple

 of rest, of comfort, and joy unspeakable.

Mar    1904                  Many of the leading authorties for the Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S. were called to Washington D.C. to testify in relation to the Doctrines, ordances, rules and disicipilen of the Church    among the witnesses called were President Joseph F. Smith.  This seamed to be a serious time in the history of the church.


Saturday and Sunday Mar 12 and 13 I attended the Stake Conferance of Sevier Stake but on Sunday morning I was taken quite sick while staying with my daughter Mrs. Sarah Fraser and was unable to attend the forenoom session, but was in attendance in the afternoon and enjoyable time was had throughout.

Monroe Sevier Co. Utah

Feb   1904                   I performed the marriage cerimony that united in the bonds of matramony Jay Morgan Lewis of Aurora Sevier Co Utah and Rosalla Washburn of Monroe Sevier Co. Utah.  Places of Services the residence of the brides Parents Hyrum S. Lena Washburn.  Many were in attendance to witness the exersices and a general good time prevailed throughout.

Mar 10, 1904               Presided at the funeral services of Miss Annie Yergonson at the residence of her brother Yergon Yergonson.  Many relatives were in attendance and the services were very good.

Monroe Sevier Co. Utah,

Mar 16, 1904               a few brotheren and sisters met at the home of J.H. Jenson in special Fasting and prayer for and in behalf of Sister Emiline Jenson who had been very sick for some time. A glorious time was had.

Mar 26, 1904               Monroe a special Preisthood meeting was called by the Stake Presidency of Sevier Stake.  (Rather an unusual thing how­ever)  Because all important changes pertaining to the Ward are susposed to be made at the Ward Conferance.  At this meeting it developed that there were some who were not satisfied with my labors as bishop in consequience of which I tendered my resignation as Bishop of Monore Ward on Sunday Mar. 27 1904.  Will say that I have not grown tired, or discourage with the work but and thrown my whole heart and soul into the work and had put forth my very best efforts for its advancment.  But It fell to my lot to take hold of this work under the most unfavorable circumstances.  When the Ward was greatly in debt as a Ward.  Besides the people were very much in debt individually in consequence of several years of continual drought.  But in consequence of the above mentioned fact I resigned after 2 years and 3 months labor as Bishop of Monroe Ward.

April 2nd 1904             Monroe  Myself and daughters Mary Filer, Emma Nilson and her little son, Russell and Miss Ida Goold took train at Elsinore for Salt Lake City to attend the General Conferance of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter day Saints.  And to make arrangments for my daughter Mrs. Emma Nilson To leave for Canada for her future home accordingly on Sunday night April 10 at 11:45 she left Salt Lake City myself, Mary Filer and Ida accpanied her to the station of Oregon short line where we bid her farewell.

April 12, 1904              Salt Lake City My daughter,Mrs. Mary G Filer went under an operation at the Keigh Right Hospital Salt Lake City.

April 20, 1904              Monroe, my little son, Leo Lindon age 10 years old fell from a horse and broke his left arm.  The two bones just above the wrist, which was very painfull.  Dr. Loring set it and he got along nicely.

April 22, 1904              at Monroe Sevier Co. Utah, my daughter Effie Peterson gave birth to a daughter at 8:20 p.m. Myself and Wife were present on the occasion.

May 12, 1904              at Monroe Sevier Co Utah, I performed the Marriage service that united in the Holy bonds of Matrimony Mr. Charles G. Arnold of St. Louis,Mo and Miss Maud Winget of Monroe at the residence of the Bride's Parents.

May 2, 1904                at Monroe Sevier Co Utah, Myself in connection with the Stake Tithing Clerk George M. Jones of Richfield made a transfer of all the Tithing property held by me as the Former Bp of Monroe Ward to the new Bps of Monroe Ward, Joseph H. Jensen and Heber Swindle.

May 8, 1904                My daughters Mrs. Mary Filer and Miss Ida R. Goold re­turned from SLC after a five week visit and Mrs. Filer had left the hospital.

Aug. 10, 1904              I left my home in Monroe to go and live with my daughter Mrs. Sarah Fraser in Richfield and to work for her husband, Mr. Alexander Fraser.  I stayed with them for nine weeks.  I very much enjoyed the society of my daughter during this time. Nothing of special interest occured with the exception that I had one of my old sick spells after I had been there about eight weeks.

Wednesday Oct. 10, 1904  Returned to my home in Monroe.  During the month of Nov, 1904 I had three light attacts of my old sickness, dizziness being the main trouble.

Oct. 5, 1904                My daughter Miss Ida R Goold left home to attend the general Conferance of the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS in Salt Lake City.  After visiting her relatives and friends there took train at the Oregon Short line

Oct. 9, 1904                for Raymond Canada to spend the winter with her sister Mrs. Emma Nilson.

Nov.  1904                  I spoke at the funeral services of Br. O. C. Andreason.

Nov 24, 1904              This is Thanksgiving Day and I am home, not feeling very well in body.  I am spending the time in jotting down a few items of history.  Will now proceed to review the past year in part, looking from a physical, financal and mental stand point, as far as I myself am concerned. ther has been nothing of a very flattering nature, about the first thing of importance.

Feb. 1                          Went to the Manti Temple, done some work for the dead was baptized for my health and received in connection with my Wife, the higher ordinances of the gospel.  Attended the general conferance in April.  Resigned my position as Bp. of the Monroe Ward onMar 27.

My daughter Mrs. Emma Nilson left for Raymond, Canada Ap 10.

April 12                        My daughter Mrs. Mary Filer went under an operation in SLC.

Apr 20                         My youngest son, Leo brok his arm.

During the summer my oldest son William got his hand injured (brok).

Oct, 10                        my daughter Miss Ida left home for Canada. My daughter Mrs. Effie Peterson gave birth to a daughter.  April 22.  My income during the year was been much less than it has been for 20 years past, being about $226.00.  We ate Thanksgiving dinner with our oldest son William and Wife.  I had about 5 spells of sickness during the year, one of them quite bad in April, and one the last of Oct. and three light attacks in Nov.  Franklin and Leo had to stay out of school 7 weeks on account of Whooping cough.  My Folks in Canada lost all their crops on account of drought and also a valuable animual.  Worked for Elic Fraser 9 weeks in Richfield.  Performed two marriage services .  Sold all two of my milk cows early in spring.  Later my last and only cow died, was without a cow all summer on the ‑‑‑ Nov. bought a young cow from Wm. Lundgen price $ 35.00.

Dec. 11                        Sarah, our oldest daughter came from Richfield and stayed with us for one week during which time her 30th birthday occured, on this occasion I wrote her a birthday letter.  Mrs. Mary Filer, our second daughter spent the fall and winter with us at Monroe.  Her husband having gone to work at a new place in Idaho.  Christmas day passed by very quietly with us.  Christmas eve my Wife and I were all alone.  The other children who were home, were at the dance namely Luella, Franklin and Leo.  Christmas day dinner we were the same number with additon of William, our oldest son, Sarah in Richfield, Mary in Salt Lake City, Emma and Ida in Canada, and Effie at her home in Monroe.

New years eve             Spent the evening all alone the rest who were home having retired early.  I spent the evening reading the news, retired at 10:30 was awakened at 12 o'clock by the Town Bells ringing the old year out and the New Year in (as it is called) arose and finished this brief summary of the year 1904.

Jan 1, 1905 1:30 A.M. Continuing the New Year opens up about the same as the old year closed.  As far as we are concerned as a family all (houses) being in moderate good health as far as my knowl­edge goes.  It is now 2 a.m. will say that Luella is now living with Mrs. McNamara in Monroe.  Wife, Franklin and Leo here in bed,  William out at the Antilop Mine.  Sarah in Richfield, Mary in SLC, Emma and Ida in Canada and Effie here in her home at Monroe.

Jan 5, 1905                  Was summoned as a Juror in the 6th judical District Court held in Richfield Sevier Co.  Served 7 1/2 days and was excused fee $6.42.  Stayed with my eldest daughter Mrs. Sarah Fraser during my stay in Richfield.  Friday night went with them to the Theater was taken very sick there and had to go home befor the play was out.  Returned to Monroe on Saturday.

Jan. 19, 1905               was taken down with one of my old spells.  This being the 2nd one in the month.

Feb 9, 1905                 was taken down again with one of my old spells this was on Thursday evening.  I became unconcious during which time my folk's sent for Dr. Loring.  I remained in an unconcious condidion until Saturday morning.  It took about a week to recover from this attack.  It being the 3rd one so far in the year.

Jan 20, 1905                Commenced Dr. Spranle's treatment for deafness.

Jan 10, 1905                and along for several days and nights was the coldest time of the year, and in fact for several years.  Also had the heavest snow stroms about this time for a long time in Jan of this year.  Mr. Will Bean brought a saw mill in to Monroe town and many trees from 20 to 30 years old were cut down and taken to the mill and sawed into lumber.  I also cut down a number for the same purpose.

Sunday Morning Feb. 19, 1904  I conducted the singing in S. S. and assisted in the choir in the afternoon and spoak at the same meeting.  Subject the sacrement.

Mar.2, 1905                 My youngest child, Leo was taken down with the measles.  He was very sick in bed for one week.  After which he rallied a little, but it took another week before he could go out very much.  In all it took about 3 weeks to recover from the attack.

Mar 22, 1905               Had about 5 in. wet snow.

April 28, 1905              My eldest daughter Mrs. Sarah G Fraser gave birth to twins boys in Richfield Sevier Co and on May 27 1905, I S.W. Goold blessed them giving them the names of Ralph Goold and Rulon Lewis in Rd. at residence there were present A. H. Fraser and Wife, Mrs. Bartlet, my daughters Mrs. Effie Peterson and Luella, myself and Wife.




Goold, Samuel William


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