Goold, Samuel William 13 - 1905 cont.

Ralph and Rulon

April 21, 1905              I spoke for 30 minutes at Sacrement meeting, subject: Repentance.

May 24, 1905              My daughter Mrs. Mary G. Filer left our home after a stay of a little over ten months , for her new home in Twin Falls city Idaho.  Traveled by was RR from Elsinore to SLC thence by Oregon Short line to Pocatelo and Shoshone.

May 28, 1905              I took charge (by request) of the Monroe S. S.

May 14, 1905              I led the choir in Sunday meeting. The spring of 1905 cold and backward.  A good deal of moisture and lots of water, but little fruit.  During this spring I made several improvements around my home in Monroe.  Among the rest put up a new fence of timber made from trees that I had planted and raised on the place myself during the stay there.

Aug. 11, 1905              I left my home in Monroe, Utah for the purpose of visiting my daughter Mrs. Emma Nilson in Raymond Alberta Canada.  I spent the 12th,13th and 14th in Salt Lake City.  I attended services at the tabernacle on Sunday the 13th very interesting meeting many strangers were present.  Speakers B. H. Roberts and C. H. Penrose.  I left S.L.C. at 12 o'clock at night for Canada.  My daughter Ida was with me during my stay in S.L.C. and accompanied me to the station.  The trip was long tedious and without much interest to me.  Arrived at Raymond at 8 p.m. Aug. 16th.  I was met at the station by my daughter Mrs. Emma Nilson, her husband and little boy Russell.  Hundreds of people from that section of the country were there to greet the excusrsinest.

Aug 17                         Attended a fair held in Victoria Park gotten up special for the occasion.  The exhibets were fine especially in vegetables.  Sunday the 19 attended services at Raymond meeting house.  The religious condition of the people of Raymond was very good indeed.  All kinds of meeting being well attended.  Consider this a very good place for a man with a family of boys.  During my stay in Canada I visited the towns of Raymond, Sterling, Cardston and Caldwell.

Sep. 3                          my daughter Mrs. Emma Nilson got up a nice Birthday dinner and invited 30 of her intemate friends to join us in the celebra­tion of my 60th birthday.  It was the greatest birthday celebra­tion I ever had in my life.

Emma and Russel Nilsson

Sept 9                          went by train from Raymond to Cardston, Sunday School and religion class convention, Sunday Sep 10 spoke at the Sacrement meeting in Cardston by request of Apostle Cowley.  After meeting went by train with James Bilingsly up to Caldwell to see that part of the country returned on Monday the 11 to Cardston and took train for Raymond.  I very much enjoyed the visit to Cardston.  Will say in passing that I was quite sick the most of the time while in Canada and some of the time seriously sick.

Oct 3rd                        Started to work in the Raymond Sugar Factory taking care of the store room.  I excepted to have stayed during the run which lasted till the 7th of Dec. but on account of failing health, and Apostle Cowley having secured an extention of time on any return tickets from Sep 16 to Oct 31, I discontin­ued my work in the factory, and on the 28 of Oct 1905 I left Raymond for my home in Monroe Utah.

Knight Sugar Factory

Arrived in Salt Lake City on Oct. 30 and on Oct 31 was Baptised in the Salt Lake Temple for my Uncle Abraham and for my health.

Nov. 1                         myself and sister Annie Knapp went through the Temple myself taking endowments for my Uncle Abraham and my sister for other relatives and then we were sealed for Uncle and Aunt on that day (Aunt Elizbeth having been endowed for before).

Nov. 2, 1905               left Salt Lake City for my home in Monroe arriving home about 6 p.m.found my family in Monroe in moderate health.  Tho my Wife was very much reduced in flesh, on account of care and worry during my absence.

Nov. 12                       I spoke to the people of Monroe in the afternoon meeting giving an account of my trip and visit to Canada.  I will say that my hearing became very much impaired while in Canada.

Dec. 1, 1905                I started up in Harness business in Monroe in a small way having only $16.00 Capital to start with.

Aug. 5, 1903                My second daughter Miss Mary E. Goold was united in the bonds of Matrimony to Mr. Frank L. Filer (late of Kimberly) in the court House Richfield, Sevier Co. by county clerk John Jorgonson.  Lived in Kimberly for about a year.  Then Mr. Filer went to Twins Falls, Idaho and my daughter Mrs. Filer stayed with us 10 months.  She then went to Twin Falls and stayed through the summer and returned to our home in Monroe Oct 11, 1905.  While with us this time she gave birth to a daughter April 5, 1906 in a few days after the birth of their daughter , her husband arrived and stayed with us 3 weeks.  This time my daughter stayed with us 8 months and then returned to Twin Falls.



Goold, Samuel William


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