Goold, Samuel William 14 - 1906-1908

Frank and Mary Filer

My 6th daughter Luella Goold was united in Wedlock to Mr. Earl Morrison (late of Richfield) in the Co. court house of Sevier Co. at Richfield

by Parley Magleby.  Went to Fremont, Wayne Co. to live, came home to Monroe to visit us on the 3rd of April and stayed about a month and returned to her home in Fremont.

April 10, 1906              My third daughter Mrs. Emma G. Nilson and son, Russel, arrived at our home in Moroe on a visit from Raymond, Alberta Canada, in goold health and spirits remained with we for about a month.  Then went to S. L.C. and stayed for about a month then returned to Monroe.  Then making a visit to Kimberly then returned to Monroe where she remained until she took her departure for her return to Raymond.  1906

April 29                        My 5th daughter Mrs. Effie Peterson with her two year old daughter, Mildred come to live with us for an indefined period.  Her huband O. W. Peterson having gone on (what seemed to me) a misterious pleasure, A Sighting seeing trip in a sheep wagon (having apparently no objective point) Effie remained with us till Dec.3, 1906 then moved to R‑‑.

Effie Mae and Mildred Grace Peterson

May 5, 1906                I was taken with a sevier pain in my right ear about midnight and by morning I was almost deaf. It continued to be bad up to time of this writing May 19.

May 4, 1906                sold My Buggie, horse / considerations $75.00


April 22, 1906              All my children except William (who was at Kimberly, Piute Co.) met in reunion at my home in Monroe, Sevier Co.  The daughters, husbands and the son's Wife and all their babes were present.  Sarah, husband and 3 sons. Mary, husband and 1 daughter.  Emma and son.  Husband absent in Canada.  Williams Wife and two daughters.  Effie, Husband and 1 daughter.  Luella, husband absent and Miss Ida with her intended.  Franklin, Leo and Sister Bartlet, myself and Wife composed the party.  We all ate dinner together.

Dec. 1905                    was called to act as a Ward Teacher in North Monroe and in ‑‑‑1906 made a full and compleat visit of that part of the Ward.

Dec. 1905                    was called as an assistant teacher in Parents class Monroe SS.

May 16 1906               Marriage of Ida Rebecca Goold to Horace Calvin Butler in Salt Lake City,Utah.

May 27, 1906              Sunday I Blessed my second daughter's (Mrs. Mary G.Filer) first child at our residence in Monroe Sevier Co. Utah giving the name of Edith Belle.

May 27, 1906              Sunday I blessed Zoe Clark Webbs first child at our residence givering him the name of Clark D. Webb.

My daughter Luella Goold Morrison came to visit with us and on Dec. 3 at 12:45 pm gave birth to a son.  She remained with us until Feb. 11 1907.

Dec. 31, 1906              My daughter Mrs. Effie Peterson left our home in Monroe after a stay of about 8 months and moved to Richfield Sevier Co. Utah.

Dec. 1, 1905                I commenced to run a harness Shop in Monroe and have continued touring the year 1906.  The business was very light indeed during the year but began to lift up a little towards the close of the year.  Dec.31 1906 I am still in the Harnes business.

Dec. 31, 1906              The year has been a very good one for farmers in particular, especially the beet crop, but considerable rust in the wheat, water was quit plentiful during the entire year.  There has been a great many cases of small pox in the town of Monroe for some time past.

How we spent Christmas day 1906.  There were present at Christmas dinner at our home in Monroe of our family relatives - Our daughter Mrs. Effie Peterson and her little daughter Mildred, her husband being at the Saw mill.  Luella,babe and husband, Franklin, Leo, myself and Wife, Sarah and family in Richfield, Mary and Family in Twin Falls Idaho.  Emma and Family at Kimberly.  Ida and Husband at Kimberly.  We had a very good Turkey dinner which was enjoyed by all, grandpa and grandma were invited to join with us but they chose to stay at home.  So we sent some Christmas dinner down to them in their own home.

Dec. 25, 1906              Services were held in the Monroe meeting house on Christ­mas day.  Myself being apointed speaker of the day.  I breifly refered to all the important everts in the life of Christ from His birth to the assension after the Resurrection which consumed 45 minutes.  Myself and Wife were remembered with christ­mas presents from Sarah, Mary, Emma, Ida, Luella and Effie.  The winter thus far has been dry and open; no snow at all on Christmas day, and but very little at this time of writing Dec. 31.  About the 1st of this month Dec. we have the water works brought to our house.  Dry and open weather continues till Feb. 27 when it commenced to snow and continued until 10 in on  the ground.

Dec. 31, 1906              As on New Years eve of 1905, so on New Years eve for 1906 I am here all alone.  Wife in Richfield with Sarah.  Luella in bed and Franklin and Leo in Bed, and the other menbers of the Family as above mentioned.

Feb 9, 1907                 I blessed Luella's babe in Monroe, Sevier Co.  Utah giving him the name of Horace Goold, and on the11 of Feb. 1907 Luella returned to Loa, Wayne Co.

Jan 19, 1907                My daughter Mrs. Ida Goold Butler came to visit us at our home in Monroe, and on Feb 23 1907 at 4:30 pm gave birth to a daughter.  Her first and Dr. McGreger, Mrs. Swindle, my Wife and myself being present.

July 5, 1907                 She left our home in Monroe for her new home in Manard, Idaho.

Feb 24, 1907               My daughter Mrs. Mary Goold Filer came from Twin Falls Idaho to visit us at our home in Monroe.  She remained with us this time until the 27 of Mar 1907 when she returned to Idaho.

Feb. 27, 1907              My Father Patriarch Robert F. Goold departed this life at 12:45 am at his home in Monroe.  After a sevier illness of about 10 days at the ripe old age of 84 years and 11 months.  He had showed signs of fails in for two months preious to the above mentioned date.  He had been an upright and horoable man all his life, and had filled a great many positions of a Ecclesiastical Civil and Political nature.  His Funeral service were held in the Monroe meeting house Mar. 1 1907.  The speakers were Bhp Heber Swindle and Presidents Joseph S. Horne and William H Seegmuler.  All paid a high tribut to his noble Charactre and earnest and devoted life.

The Choir sang:  Oh My FatherThou that dwelest,

                                                            Rest For The Weary Rest,

O, Grave Where Is Thy Victory,

Nearer My God to Thee

                        at the grave.  Farewell all                                                         

                        Earthly honor and so forth.                                                                   

                        Grave dedicated by P M Lundgren.

Clifford, Ralph and Rulon Fraser

June   1907                  My eldest daughter, Mrs Sarah G. Fraser left her home in Richfield in connection with Sister Bartlet and her three little boys for their new home in Raymond, Alberta Canada.  Her husband A. H. Fraser having preceded her several weeks before with their goods and animals he having chartered a car (Rail Road)for that purpose.  They arrived at their destination in due time and without accident.

Nov 8, 1907                Our daughter Mrs. Luella Goold Morison came to our home in Monroe to spend the winter with us having with her, her little 11 month old boy, Horace.  During this time her husband was traviling for an Implement Co.  He however made several visits to our home during her stay.  They ate Christmas dinner with us.  I was appointed Principal of the Parents class in Monroe Sunday School.

1907                            I was unanumusly sustained as President of the High Priest of the Monroe Ward and was set apart by President Martin Jenson.  Others assisted namly counsiler A. Young Bhp. J.H. Jenson and Bhp. Heber Swindel.

Dec. 29, 1907              How we spent Christmas day and who was present.  Services were held in the Monroe Meeting House in which I was Chaplain there were present at dinner Mrs.Luella G. Morison her husband and babe Horace, Franklin, Leo, my Wife, Mrs. Sarah Ann Goold and myself.  The other members of the Family were scatered about as follows:

Sarah and family in Raymond, Canada

Emma and family in Raymond, Canada

Mary and family in Twin Falls, Idaho

Ida and family  in Manard, Idaho

Effie and family in Richfield, Utah

William in Kimberly family in Monroe.

Dec. 20, 1907              My sister‑in‑law Mrs. Sarah Wickland Goold, Wife of my brother F.B. Goold died after an illness of about 4 days.  She was struck Monday morning, Dec. 16 with paralysis which interfeared very much with her speach.  She never spoak but very little after that time.  She was unable to communicate her thoughts or wishes to any one up to the the time she expired.  Her funeral services were held in the Monroe meeting house.  The remarks made by the speakers were impressive and majistic.  The music numbers were approprite.  A larger an attending audience were present and the cortage was unusu­ally large.

Dec. 29, 1907              Just a word or two about my new business in the Harness Shop,  which I commenced Dec. 1, 1905 with $16.00.  Made but very little headway during the year 1906.  But the busi­ness of 1907 has improved considerable.  I now carry a stock of about $200.00.  My general health at this time is fully as good as it was when I commenced 2 years ago and possible a little better.


May 6, 1906                I purchased Marshal Brown's place on Main St. for the consederation of $300.00.  Three hundred dollars.  Said place contains 20 ft. front and 100 ft back. 

Oct.  1907                   My daughter Luella came fron Loa, Wayne Co. to stay with us in our home in Monroe.  She stayed until July, 1908.  She then left for Salt Lake City.

July 20, 1908               My daughter, Mary G. Filer with her little daughter, Edith Bell, and her little son Frank Goold Filer came to visit us in our home in Monroe and stayed until‑‑‑.

Aug. 2, 1908                Monroe Sunday Fast meeting.  Blessed three children.

Aug. 5, 1908                Franklin left home for Eureka in search of work.

June                             My Wife, Sarah Ann made a visit to Salt Lake City to see her friends and to meet our daughter Mrs. Mary G. Filer.  They arrived in Monroe June 20, 1908.

Sept. 29                       My Wife again made the trip to Salt Lake City this time for the purpose of taking our daughter, Luella Morison's baby to her.  She having left it in our care 2 months before.

Oct. 14, 1908              I took stock of my harness business in Monroe following is a result of my findings:

Stock on hand                             366.42

Building and ground       +           300.00

                            Total               666.42

Liabilites                       -             277.62

       Net gain or increase             388.62

The above is a result of the business from Dec.1,1905 to   Oct. 14, 1908.  Three years lacking six weeks.

Sept.  1908                  I attended the Stake conferance and county Fair held in Richfield.  While there was taken very sick on Saturday night about midnight.  My daughter Effie Peterson got up and sent for help.  At once Brs. Rust and Reed Administered to me.  I soon got relief but they stayed with me till 4am.

Nov.1, 1908                Monroe Sunday Morning about 8:30 a.m. I was taken very suddenly indeed with one of my old spells.  This time how­ever, was considerable worse than any previous time.  There were features in this attack different from any other, as for instance I had convultions and was unconcious for about 4 hours Dr. Clark, P. M. Lundgren, J. M. Larson, my brothers F.B. Goold and Charles Goold and several others were present.  I had just commenced to shave to get ready for Sunday School where the spell came upon me.

It's now New Years eve 1908 and all the bells on town are ringing the old year out and the New Year in and when I get through with this brief sketch it will be 1909.  There were present at our home in Monroe at this writing our daughter, Mrs. Horace G. Butler and her two babes, Ruth and Ray, Leo, my Wife and my self.  Sarah and family in Raymond Canada,  Emma and family in Raymond, Canada, Mary and family in Twin Falls, Idaho,  Effie and family in Richfield, Utah, William and family in Eureka, Utah, Franklin in Eureka, Luella amd family in Garfield.  We are all in pretty good health at this time as a family.  Crops generally have been quit good.  Plenty of moisture during the whole year.  But no fruit in Monroe, my business in the Harness Shop just moderate improving a little, tho we still feel the efects of the Panic of 1907.  I had one very sevier sick spell on the 1 of Nov. 1908, During the year our daughters Mrs. Mary G. Filer visited us for about 2 months.  Mrs. Luella  Morison for about 10 months and Mrs. Horace G. Butler for about 4 months.  The bells have just stopped ringing and it is now 12:00am.



Goold, Samuel William


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