Goold, Samuel William 15 - 1909-1911

Jan. 1, 1909                 The opens up with fair prospects.

In the year 1908           My daughter Sarah gave birth to a fine large baby and buried him soon after birth.  Emma gave birth to twins, one died soon after birth.  Effie gave birth to a son early in the year.  Met with the accident to break her arm the latter part of the year and my daughter Ida gave birth to a son in Oct. came from Manard, Idaho to Monroe, Utah to spend the winter with us in Dec.  In April Mrs. Ida G. Butler returned to her home in Manard, Idaho.  After having spent 4 months very pleasently with us.  And on the same date April 1 1909 my daughter Mrs. Mary G. Filer came to stay with us for an indefinate period.  Also in this same month about the beginning there of my daughter Mrs. Sarah G. Fraser came from Raymond, Alberta, Canada to visit with her three little boys and returned on the 21 of the same month.

April 1909                    Mrs. Mary G. Filer (my daughter) built a two roomed frame house on the N. E. corner of my lot.  Securing from me 50 by 100 feet of ground on the said corner for the building to stand on.

July 1909                     about the later part of this month I had another sick spell.  It being brought this time by hurting my back.  Became uncon­scious and Dr. Clark being sent for, who attended me.  But I know nothing of it (only as I was told).


Oct. 24, 1909              My Wife, Mrs. Sarah Ann Goold in connection with our friend and neighbor Mrs. Mary Swain left their home in Monroe, Sevier Co. Utah on a visit to their children in Knightsvile a little place near Eureka Utah.  They arrived at the place of their destination at 9:30 p.m. alright.  They were accompied from Springville by my son Franklin and they were met at the Summit by my son William.  They spent 8 days at Knightsvills very pleansantly, on the 9 day about 4 p.m. my Wife, Mrs. Swain and my son, Franklin were to take a little trip from Knights down to Eureka a distance of about 3 miles.  A one horse rig was obtained for the purpose  as soon as they had all gottin in the Bugie the horse became frightened and commenced to run away, the road narrowed steep sidling, and rough, the horse soon became unmanagable and beyond control, the boy who was in charge only having a seat on the laps of the two women was thrown out.  The horse now going at a terific rate the two women were distracted with fright and soon dislogged from their seats.  In their falling they became entangled in some maner by some part of the conveyance and were druged for a considerable distance while the horse was yet going at a fearfull speed.  Finally the horse and buggie colided with a telephone pole and the horse got loose.  The occupants were packed up all three being badly brused and hurt and unconcious.  They were taken to a house nearby, a dr. was called.  Their injuries attented to and they were conveyed to the residence of my son,Wm. on strechers.  My son, Franklin received a bad cut on his forehead and down across his left eye, requiring several stiches and his back was hurt also, and several scratches on other parts of the body.  My Wife received bad cut on the top of her head.  A small one to the side of her left eye  and another one over the same eye, her nose was broken and the left side of her face was badly brused.  Her back was  badly scraped from her hip to her waist, her right knee was badly brused, her left ankle

                                    broken and other small bruses on her body.  Mrs. Swain was so badly injured internally that she never regained conseous­ness.  Then she lived 58 hours in great agony and then expired.  The corpus was shiped to Monroe for burial.  It was met at the station at Elsinor by 40 vehecilas.  Impressive services were held in the Monroe meeting house.  A long cortage followed the remains to the gravesight.  I would here say that as soon as the accident occured, myself and Mr. Swain recived a telephone message to come to Eureka immediately.  We went and found conditions as above mentioned.  I left on the same day my Wife was improving but could not be taken to her home in Monroe at this time.  It was six weeks from the time of the accident, before my Wife could be taked home and then with great difficutly.  She was accompanied to Springville by my son, William and Franklin.  And by William's Wife who came all the way to Monroe and remained for about six weeks.  Then returned to Knightsville.  My Wife commenced to mend rapidly after she arrived home.  And was soon able to move about a little on crutches, and a little later without them.  I would here state that my daughter, Mrs. Mary G. Filer with her three little ones came to live with and keep house for me during the absence of my Wife,  And she was very kind and considerate.  She remained for several weeks after the arrival home of my Wife.  Was with us about 3 months in all.  I also wish to state that all the people of Knightsvills were exceddingly kind and attended to my Wife as was also Dr. Howell of Eureka whos kindness we shall never forget.

Mar 22, 1910               Was taken sick while in the shop, not with one of the old spells  however but a sort of a litious attack with very bad cold and cough being very poorly from that time to the present April 24 and am still poorly and unable to do much work.

April 3, 1910                My son William and family moved from Knightsville, Utah to Manard Idaho.  This would be a great change for him as he had spent many years working in the mines and now he cars that does of work altogether to spend his entire time on a farm.

Mar 18, 1910               My son, Leo left home and school to go and work for Roy Tuft at Marysville, Ut.  He soon left Roy Tuft and worked for a few days for Frank Tergersen.  He left home entirely not however without our knowledge, but entirely without our concent.  He left about ‑‑ of July 1910 for Salt Lake City but not finding work in the City, he left for  Idaho, where he now is Aug 27 1910, in a place called Manard staying with our daughter, Mrs. Ida Butler.

July 2, 1910                 Our son Franklin came home to Monroe to pay us a visit after an  absence of about two years.  Stayed about 4 days.  He then left for Milard Co.  We very much enjoy his visit this time would say in passing that Franklin spent the previous winter at the Provo University, which had the effect of working a very desirable change in him for the better.

July 30, 1910               My daughter, Mrs. Luella Morison with her little boy and girl came to Monroe to pay us a visit from Montelles, Nevada.  Stayed a month and then returned.

July 1910                     My son,Leo left our home in Monroe for the purpose of traviling and  seeing a little of the world, as he called it.  Salt Lake City being the first point arrived there.  But not finding things as he expected, he proceeded on to Marard, Blain Co. Idaho where he stayed with my daughter,Mrs. Ida Butler and worked with her husband on the farm.  He is still there at this date Jan 22, 1911.

July 2, 1911                 Leo returned home was absent about 11 months.

Jan 22, 1911                I will now proceed to give a brief account of the year 1910, My health was very poor all through had many short,but very sever spells of sickness but on Nov. 9 1910 I was taken home from my place of business in consequece of a pain which I experienced in my left leg.  I have been unable to return to my business up to this time Jan 22, 1911.  Having spent 11 weeks in great suffering not being able to get out side of the doors in all that time.  The Dr. gave the cause of the trouble in my leg as the result of a bursted vain in the calf of my leg.  Which became very tender and painful and was swollen and also became hard in spots.  I was unable to sleep night or day for the first 6 weeks in consequance of the great pain.  Dr. C. Clark was the attending Physican none of our children were home with us at this time but our daughter Mrs. Mary Filer being located on the same lot with us rendered much valuble assistance.  When my leg got a little better, then I took quite a bad cold which gave me much distress for the last three or four weeks.  My age at this time is 65 years and 5 months.  I am now on the improve and expect to be at my place of business in about a week.  The year was just moderately good as far as my business was cancerned, but for the people in general (especially) in the past of the country it was a very good year, the fall continued open and pleasent until Dec. and the winter quit mild to date Jan.22, 1911.  Christmas time was spent very quitly with us and so was New Years.  I suspose this was the case much in consequence of my sickness. However there was with us on Christmas Day our daughter Mrs. Mary G. Filer and 3 little ones. Mrs. Effie Peterson, her husband and 2 children and on  Wednesday the 22 our son Franklin came from Knightsvill and stayed 3 days and then returned to Knightsville.

I comenced to work again on Jan. 6 1911 But my leg was still tender and weak and swollen.  Names of those who assisted with material was during the sickness of my Wife caused by the terrible accident which she met with in Knightsvill.  Nov. 1 1909 Frank Birch $20.00, Thomas Cooper $5.00, P.M. Lungreen $3.00, Sophia Nordgreen $1.00, and many of the other people of Knightsvill done considerable service.  Names of thoes who assisted me in my sickness during the fall and  continued of 1910 and 1911 W. A. Warnock $2.00, Peter Allen Hanson $1.00 and 50 lb. flour, Neils Mickelson $25.00 and a cow for me.  G. M. Larson went on several errands and chopped quit a bit of wood for us.  My brother F.B. Goold bought old bottles of Port wine.  My brother Charles Goold and Wife assisted in various ways.  Willian Nordgreen brought some oranges and lemons and fixed my cruches.  My daughter, Mrs. Mary G. Filer assisted considerable with her services.  Mrs. Milly Williams Anderson sent me 2 bottles of root beer.  Mrs. Knottie Simonson brought me a stewing chicken, Mrs. Emma Tuft sent me a Christmas lunch.  A.Bohman assisted me in getting a roll of Leo ‑‑ of my hands getting Q. R. Borg of Richfield to take it.  Archie Larson shaved me for about 10 weeks.  Charles Arnold and Wife a ham       and bottle of preserves.  Mrs. Eliza Cooper a bottle of wine and on another ocasion a bottle of Brandy.  Our Daughter Mrs. Luella G.  Morison $5.00 and daughter Mrs. Effie G. Peterson $5.00 and our daughter Mrs. Ida G. Butler $1.00.  Our son Leo L. $7.00, our daughter Mrs. Mary G. Filer a new Tea Kettle for me a new dress shirt.  For me Bengt Larson $1.00, Cyrus Winget a little pig.  Mrs. J.W. Bohman $1.00, Mrs. Mary Ann Larson $1.00, Mr.Alma Bohman $1.00.  The A. W. Bohman Secured a relation and Taxes of $10.00, Charles Bohman brought us about 2 sacks of Chicken feed.

Mar 5, 1911                 My daughter Mrs.Effie G. Peterson left our home in Monroe Utah with her two children, Mildred and Owen for their new home in Riverside Idaho, having sold their home in Richfield.  She came over to Monroe the last two weeks to visit with us previous to leaving for Idaho.

July 2, 1911                 My son Leo came home from Manard Idaho.  After an absence of 11 months.  A few days later our son Franklin came home.

Sept.3, 1911                This is the Sabeth day and it happened to be my 66th birth­day.  We did not have any special demonstrations but my daughter Mrs. Mary G. Filer and children ate dinner with us.  My health is fairly good for me at this time but my leg has not become normal yet from the effects of a bursted veins in Nov. of 1910.  I was sick about 5 months.




Goold, Samuel William


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