Goold, Samuel William 17 - Biographical Information

Monroe, Utah

Nov 28, 1914              This being Thanksgiving day I now proceed to give a little account of how we spent the day, and who was present on the occasion.  Here was present myself and Wife, Sarah Ann, our daughter Mrs. Mary Filer and her three children, Edith, Frank and Elizabeth we were all fairly well in health and in moder­ate condition financially.  We enjoyed a very nice turkey dinner together and then being on Religious Services we spent the day together in social conversations.

Dec. 25, 1914              A Brief Account of how Christmas day was spent in the Old Goold home and who was present.  Besides myself and Wife, Sarah Ann, there was our second daughter Mrs. Mary G. Filer (who by was the lives on the same lot) and is with us moreless all the time.  But for this occasion they were us the most of the time.  As was also her three children, Edith, Franklin and Elizabeth, and on about the 16 of Dec our sixth daughter, Mrs. Luella Morrison from Montello was with her two children, Ray and Luciel arrived all in good health and on the ‑‑‑ of Dec our youngest son, Leo L. together with his Wife, Genievie and their babe arrived from Eureka Utah.  All in good health.  And on Christmas eve our third daughter, Mrs. Emma Goold Nilsson of Raymond, Alberta, Canada with her three children, Russell, Donald and Milred, arrived safely and in good health.  This daughter we have not seen for 9 years before. 

We spent the eve in social chat (after Supper) until a late hour.  Christmas dawn finding us all well and happy in our little reunion.  Except my Wife who had been sick for several months previose but who was now on the improve.  Our son, Franklin also arrived on Christmas eve from Provo, Utah, he being a student of the B.Y.U. in good health and spirits.  The daughters having prepared a very nice Christmas dinner.  We all 17 in number surrounded the table and partook of the bounties of the earth, with which our table was spread, to our hearts content.  With hearts full of gratitude for such a blessed privilege.  Dinner over, we all repaired to our Front room where we engaged in singing Spiritual hymns and sacred songs, and social chat.  As a closing number of the days festivities, and in the presence of all the affore said persons an unusual coincidence occured, in the matter of my blessing and giving a name to our youngest child's (Leo's) baby; name given Forest William, this affair is made the more remarkable from the fact that it was his mothers birthday also.  She being 61 on the this memorable day, and that not one death had occured in the family up to this date and that there was a greatest number of the family present on this occasion than had been for about 10 years.  Altogether we regard it as an event of interest and we all enjoyed and appreciated it very much.  A few days later Leo and family returned to Eureka and in about 2 weeks Luella and family returned to Monte­cello, with .Mrs. Emma Nilsson remained for an indefinate period.  April 9 1915 she left the old home in Monroe for her return trip to Canada, Raymond, Alberta.

Sept 15, 1915              A brief account of the recent trip and visit of SWG and Wife, Sarah Ann to the home of our son in‑law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Peterson of Riverside, Idaho Sep 15 1915.  We left our home in Monroe and took the train at Elsinor for Salt Lake City.  Arriving about 6 pm same day, was met at the station by my sister Mrs. Annie S. Knapp and her eldest son Orson jr. who came with automobile and conveyed us around the principle parts of the City.  And then to my sisters home for supper.  Found all well and glad to see us.  Next morning and afternoon rather we took the train at S.L.C. for Blackfoot, Idaho.  The trip from S.L.C. to the dividing line in Cash Valley was interesting and pleasent passing as we did through farms and orchards ladden as they were with the rich bounties of the earth; hay, grain, sugar beets and peaches in particular.  After we passed over the line that divided Utah from Idaho the seaneary became less interesting.  The road running for the most part through rolling hills and some what rough country, and then the later part of the trip to Blackfoot being made in the night arriving at Blackfoot at 10 pm.  Our son in‑law O. P. Peterson was at the station to meet us with a horse and buggie to convey us to their cozy little home at Riverside.  Located in their 40 acres farm situated near a great hiway that lead to many settlements in this part of Idaho.  About 11 pm Sep 16 we reached the place of our destination the home of our daughter Mrs. Effie Peterson and Family.  Oh, how great the joy on  meeting after a separtion of about 4 years.  The next two weeks we spent very pleasently in resting and chatting over the past, present and prospective future events.  Sunday Sept 19 I attended the Riverside Sunday School and the Sacrament at 2pm.  I was invited to speak at these services.  I did so my subject being an account of my personal acquantance with President Brigham Young.  This subject being an interesting one to them.  I also in connection with my Wife, daughter and son in‑law attended a missionary farewell party, which gave credit to a small place like Riverside.  Next Sunday it was raining all day, so we did leave the place all day.  Will say the weather was lovely during our entire stay and the folks done everything possible to make our visit with them a memorable and pleasent one.  So anxious were they to have us pay them a visit, that they profered to pay our fare from home and back again if we would only come.  We accepted the kind offer which was granted.  Up to this time I had not been any farther away than 10 miles in 10 years.  Our health was quite good during the entire time, so that our visit and vacation was a very pleasent one.  And to add still more to our pleasure our son, Franklin came there to see us.  And spent 2 nights and one day, then he took the train for Ogden Utah.  A few days later our daughter, Mrs. Horace C. Butler of  Manard, Blain Co. Idaho came a distance of about 175 miles to meet us at this place with two of her children, Ruth and Frank, the little boy having a broken arm at the time.  They remained with us for about a week and returned to Manard, we enjoyed their visit very much indeed.

Saturday Oct 2             We bade farewell to our loved ones and these scenes of enjoyment and took the train for Ogden Utah.  Arrived about 5 pm found our daughter Mrs. Earl Morrison at the station to meet us, we at once proceeded to her home on 362 24th Ogden where we met her husband Mr. Earl Morrison, whom we had not seen for many years.  Spent the monring pleasent­ly.  Sunday morning J .G. Read of the Read Beosa Saddlery and Harness Co. took us all over the principal part of Ogden City also a trip up Ogden canyon which was a beautiful drive in an automobil.  About 4 pm took train for S.L.C. was met at the station by my sister Mrs. Annie Knapp and her son, Orson.  Also my sister Mrs. J.M. Thompson drove to the home of my sister Mrs. Annie Knapp next morning.

Oct. 4                          Attended the general conferance of the Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter‑Day Saints, very interesting time had at the close of this meeting.  We had the great pleasure of meeting my Wife's older brother, James, whom we had not seen for about 20 years.  We then proceeded to the home of my Wife's sister, Mrs. Lizzie Williams spent the eveing.  Next morning Oct 5 we attended the State fair, which was a great event.

Oct 6                           Attended the Closing day of the general conferance.

Oct. 7                          Took the train at S.L.C. for our home in Monroe.  But I must not forget to mention that on the evening befor our departure we visited my Wife's sister, Mrs. Mary Pedegrew and family on 14 South State St.  Arriving about 7 pm safe and sound and finding all well at home.  Right here and now I must state that we hold in graitfull rememberance the faithfull service of our daughter, Mrs. Mary G. Filer who so kindly asumed the duties, cares and responsibilites of our home during our vacation and carried it on in a very satisfactory manner.  Thus ended one of the most pleasent and compleat events of our lives.

Nov. 28, 1915             A brief account of how we spent Thanksgiving.  Monroe North and South Wards joined together and held Thanksgiv­ing Services in the South Ward Chapel.  My self being selected to offer the invocation.  All the members of our family that were present at the old home in Monroe on the occasion was myself, and Wife, our daughter, Mrs. Mary G. Filer and her three children Edith, Frank and Elizabeth.  We ate our Thanksgiving dinner at our daughter, Mrs. Mary Filer's home, being situated on the same lot as the old home above mentioned.

Dec. 24, 1915              How we spent the Christmas holidays and who was present and where all the rest of the family were.  Myself and Wife, our daughter Mrs. Mary G. Filer and her three children, our son, Franklin who arrived Christmas eve from the B. Y. University, our son, Leo, Wife and babe who came from Knightsville, were present.  We all partook of a bountious repast the old home.  The main features of which was roast turkey and plumb pudding.  We enjoyed the Christmas holidays together very much.  Franklin remained until Jan. 2 1916 but Leo returned to Knightsville on the 27 of Dec. 1915.  Christmas Services were held in the North ward Meeting house myself conducting the service.  Our daughters Mrs. Sarah G. Fraser, Emma G. Nilsson Together with their families were in Raymond, Alberta, Canada.  Our son Wm. and family and also our daughter, Mrs. H. C. Butler and family were in Manard, Idaho.  Our daughter Mrs. O.W. Peterson and family at Riverside, Idaho and our daughter Mrs. Luella G. Morrison and family in Ogden, Utah.

Sept 3, 1916                This time my birthday occured on a Sunday being 71 years of age.  Nothing very special to place.  More things that by the request of the Bishop of Monroe North ward.  I presided of the Sacrament Service of that day.  The services were quite good it being fastday.  My self and Wife, Sarah Ann, our daughter Mrs. Mary G. Filer and her 3 children were at that were present on the occasion.  We all ate dinner together in the old home.

Aug 31, 1916               Our daughter, Mrs. Mary Filers 40th birthday took place on this date.  The feature of the day were that I wrote her a nice birthday letter in the morning and in the evening in connection with my Partner, Auther Lundgreen we spent the evening with her in the capasity of Ward Teachers.  We read considerable from the Book Jesus the Christ.  Read some appropreate hymns and had family prayer with her myself being mouth and altogether it was to me at least it was a time not soon to be forgotten.

For more about Manard see " Manard, The Pioneer Town That Used To Be" by Clifton Dixon.

Blessings of Children

June 2 1901  Julia Johnson Farmer

Sep 17 1901 Mariah Hansen

Jan 1. 1902   Attended and reported at the Sevier Stake Priesthood meeting for the first time as Bishop of Monroe Ward of the Sevier Stake of Zion.

May 10 1902           

May 18 1902 Feril Julander daughter of Jacob and Mary Julander of Monroe

Aug. 3 1902  Zina Alvorda Brown

April 2 1905  Blessed son of Martin and Hattie Simmons who was Born Jan 12 1905 - name Guy Martell

April 28 1905 Twin sons of A. H. and Sarah G. Fraser ( my eldest daughter)  Blessed byS.W.Goold at their home in Roe.

          Names Ralph Goold and Rulon Lewis.

          Those present were Bro and Sister Fraser, Sister Bartlett, my daughters Effie Peterson and Miss Luella, Myself and Wife.

May 27 1906 Blessed daughter of Frank L. and Mary G Filer.

          Born April 5 1906 at Monroe, Sevier Co. of Utah.

          Name Edith Belle.

          Baptized Dec. 26 1914 by Elder Arden Hunt

          Confirmed Jan 3, 1915 by James Brown.

May 27 1906 Blessed son of Delbert and Zoe Clark Webb at my home in Monroe, Sevier Co. Utah.  Name Clark D Webb.

Apr 7 1907   Blessed Ruth, daughter of Horace Butler and Ida Goold Butler.

Apr 7 1907   Blessed son of Royal Jolley and Nora Winn Jolley name given Merrell Udell.

Aug. 2 1908  Blessed Frank Goold son of Frank L. Filer and Mary Goold Filer Born Sep. 4 1907.

Aug. 2 1908  Jean Winn son of John Winn and Edna Calloway

          Born June 7 190

          Blessed by S.W.Goold Aug 2 1908, Monroe Sevier Co. Utah

April 5 1908  Blessed son of O.W. and Effie G Peterson.

          Name given Owen Williams.  S. W. Goold mouth Monroe, Sevier Co., Utah.

May 3 1908  Blessed son of Orson and Margrat W. Magleby name given Victor M. by S. W. Goold mouth.

1912              Blessed daughter of William Foreman and Ada Waters Foreman. Name given Myrtle Luella.

1912              Blessed George B. son of James and Sarah Barney Anderton.

Aug. 2 1913  Blessed and gave the name of Donald A. Brown to son of Elbert and Chloe Gardner Brown.  Monroe, Utah

          Named and blessed Delight Johnson of Andrew and Ezita Julander Johnson.   Monroe Utah.

Nov. 2 1913 Blessed and gave the name of Mildred Sarah to daughter of Albert and Sarah Smith Tuft.

Jan 4 1914    Blessed Afton B. daughter of Austin and Ella Goold Yergonson born Oct. 30 1913.

This history is continued in Small Book on page No 1.  [p. 153]



Goold, Samuel William


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