Goold, Samuel William 20 - Patriarchal Blessings

Patriarchial Blessings

Sarah Emma Goold

Monroe, Sevier Co. Utah

Jan 23 1901

A blessing by Robert F. Goold Patrarch on the head of Sarah Emma Goold daughter of Samuel W. and Sarah Ann Lewis Goold, born Dec. 16 1874 St George Washington Co. Utah.

Sarah Emma thou daughter of Zion I now place my hands on your head and seal upon you a Partricachal blessing.  Your course in life shall be an honor to your ancestry and to yourself, and redown to the honor and glory of your Father in Heaven.  The work assigned you on the earth shall be marvellous in your own eyes, attended with abundent success.  Your name is recorded in the Lambs Book of Life and shall remain there throughout the countless ages of eternity.  The angels of the Lord have charge concerning you to preserve your life upon the Earth.  The inspriation and the power of the Holy Ghost shall be your constant companion and advise and shall talk of the things of God, and through its inspiration make them plain to your understanding, so that the errors and traditions of men shall never cause your feet to stray from the path of righteousness.  You shall fill the measure of your creation on the Earth as designed by the God of Heaven.  Your days shall be crowned with joy on the Earth.  You shall live to see the Glory and Power of God made manifest in the interest of his work now established on the Earth.  Therefore I say unto you be true and faithful.  Shun the society of those who use their influence with the view to obstruct the progress of the work of God on the Earth.  The Lord will draw near unto you and will support you through all the vicissitudes of life upon the earth.  I seal upon you these blessing on condition of your faithfulness in keeping the commandments of God, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Mary Elizabeth Goold

Monroe, Sevier Co. Utah

Jan 23 1900

A Blessing by Robert F. Goold, Patriarch on the head of Mary Elizabeth Goold, daughter of Samuel W. and Sarah Ann Lewis Goold.  Born Aug 31 1876 Salt Lake City Utah.

Mary Elizabeth I now place my hands upon your head and seal upon you a Patriarchal blessing.  May the God of Heaven be with you in all the walks of life, and your labors upon the earth in connection with the great latter day work and up to this end you were appointed and ordained to come forth in this day and generation to be a power in Israel to assist in bringing to pass the purposes of Jehovah.  You have been endowed with intelectual powers of mind to qualify you for this great and important work.  Your life is hid up as in the hollow of the hand of your Father in Heaven.  He heard your prayers and has given your guarding angel charge concerning you.  You are recognized in the heavens as one of the sweet singers in Israel.  You shall be held in respect and esteem by those of your sex.  Your days will be many upon the Earth to fillfull the measure of your creation in the due time of the Lord.  The Holy Ghost shall be your constant companion and guide.  You shall at all times be able to comprehend the mind and will of the Lord concerning you.  Snares may be laid in your pathway to draw you aside from the path of duty but the Lord shall give strength to overcome them, them all.  It shall be your pleasure and delight to meditate the purposes of the Almighty.  Therfore I say unto you put your trust in the Lord, God of Israel.  No spirit of influence shall have power over to cause you to swerve from the work of the Lord to the latest period of your mortal existance on the earth.  All your desires founded in rightiousness shall be yours.  I seal upon you these blessings on condition of your faithfulness in keeping the commandments of God in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Ida Rebecca Goold

Monroe Sevier Co. Utah

Feb 10 1901

A blessing by Robert F. Goold, Patriarch on the head of Ida R. Goold, daughter of Samuel W. and Sarah Ann Lewis Goold born Dec.1 1882 Bellvue Washington Co. Utah.

Ida R. Goold I now place my hands upon your head and seal upon you a Patriarchal blessing.  I say unto you that your Father in heaver in pleased with the course you have pursued in the days of your youth, in devoting your time and energy in his service.  The Lord has appointed you to do a great work on the Earth in these last days, and to this end he has blessed you with strong intellectual powers of mind to accomplishs the same.  Your days upon the earth shall be many.  Angels shall watch around your path, and shall have charge concerning you to protect you from every danger that may threaten your life.  I say unto you that you are of Ephriam and in due time shall fulfill the measure of your creation on the earth.  The eye of the Lord is upon you to direct your future course in life.  By the revelation and inspir­iations of the Holy Ghost, I say unto you seek by diligent studies to treasure up knowledge and understanding, for you will need it to perform the great and glorious work your Father in heaven has designed you shall accomplish on the earth.  The influence that you shall wield in the midst of Israel shall reflect credit and honor to yourself and shall pass down through the lineage of you fathers to the latest generation.  I say unto you be humble and call on the Lord in fervant and mighty prayer in the days of your youth and whatever gifts of the Gospel you desire in rightiousness shall be granted unto you.  I seal these blessing upon you on conditions of your faithfullness in keeping the command­ments of God, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Samuel William Goold, Jr.

Monroe, Sevier Co. Utah

Oct. 5 1905

A blessing by Patriarch Robert F. Goold on the head of Samuel William Goold Jr. son of Samuel William and Sarah Ann Lewis Goold.  Born Sep 18 1888 Bellvue Washington Co, Utah.

Samuel W. Goold Jr. I now place my hands upon your head and seal upon you a Patriarchal blessing.  The Lord is well pleased with you that you have sought to know his mind and will in the days of your youth.  Through the chanel appointed of our Father in heaven; even that of the Patriarchal preisthood, you have been favored to come forth through the linage of noble and worthy ancestry, and you have also been appointed to come forth in the day and generation when the Gospel in it's fulness has again been restored to the earth.  Our Father in heaven has destined you to become a polished shaft in his hands in assisting to bring to pass his purposes on the earth.  And in as much as you are true and Faithful to your sacred covenants the Spirit and power of the Almighty will increase upon you from this very hour, and the work that you shall accomplish on the Earth associated with the great later day work will be so effectual and of such magnitude that it will be marvelous in your own eyes.  And often times the sentiments of your heart will burst forth spontaneously in prayer and praise to the God of heaven that he has called you to the Holy ministry for he has chosen you to be an humble instrument in his hands to proclaim the everlasting Gospel to the children of men.  Therefore he will bless you with health and Strength of body and length of days upon the Earth, together with the full strength and vigor of the powers of mind with which he has endowed you.  Therefore I say unto you draw near unto the Lord in mighty prayer and every power and gift of the Gospel shall be given unto you, even the gift of faith to heal the sick, the gift of prophesy and discernment of spirits that you may be enabled to discern the approach of evil when ever assailed by the same though trials may await you.  Temptations may cross your path, but the power of the Lord shall sustain you in every hour of trial.  The ministrations of his Holy Spirit shall be your constant guide and companion.  Your guardian angel will take pleasure in constantly warning of approch­ing danger.  Your fellow men will delight in the words of truth that shall fall from your lips under the administration of the Holy Ghost.  Your words will be quick and powerful and will bring many to a knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus.  I now seal upon you every blessing that shall be calcuated to assist you in your holy calling.  And I now say unto you be select in your association and seek the society of the righteous and your name shall be passed down with honor in history to the latest generation.  And when your work shall have been ended in mortality, you shall come forth in the resurcction of the just and receive the reward of the righteous.  I now seal upon you these blessings on conditions of your faith­fullmess in keeping the commandments of God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Amen.

Samuel W. Goold

Monroe, Utah Sevier Co.

Jan 7 1901

A blessing by Robert F. Goold, Patriarch on the head of Samuel W. Goold. Son of Robert F. and Emma Goold Born Sep 8 1945 Pontenewymoydd, Monmouth­shire, Wales G.B.

Samuel W. Goold I place my hands on your head and seal upon you a Fathers blessing also a Patriarchal blessing and I say unto you the Lord has his eye upon you for good, and inasmuch as you have been faithfull in the service of the Lord he will bless you with power and wisdom to forward his purposes on the Earth.  Your labors will be of a local nature, your words shall fall like the dew of heaven upon the ears of your brethern and sisters in cleal‑‑you shall be the joy and comfort your family and associations.  The Lord has been pleased that your youth and early manhood has been faithfully to his service.  The Lord has still much for you to do in the progress and advancement of His purposes on the Earth.  Therefore be humble, prayerful and faxoive in the hands of the Lord, that he may continue to cure you in the future as he has done in the past to the end of your mortal existence on the Earth, and your shall have power, and the gifts of the Gospel and the Spirit of prophsey shall be given unto you in rich abundance and your tongue shall list the praises of God continually.  I say unto you that your are of the seed of Joseph and your family shall look up to you continually for counsel and I will honor your name on the Earth as long as there is a representive of your family on the Earth.  I seal all the blesseing that have been pronounced on your head on condidtions of your faith­fullness, in the name of Jesus Amen.

Leo Linden Goold

Monroe Sevier Co. Utah

Jan 23 1911

A blessing by Robert F. Goold Patriarch on the head of Leo Linden Goold son of Samuel W. and Sarah Ann Goold born Mar 19 1894 Monroe, Sevier Co. Utah.

Leo Linden Goold, thou child of the living God, and one as it were to come forth in due time on the Earth to do a great and mighty work in these last days.  I place my hands on your head and seal upon you Patriarchal blessing.  Agreeable to the order of Christ's Church now established on the earth.  Thou art endowed with intelligence and power that shall be made manifest in the future course of thy life on the earth.  Angels shall watch around your path and preserve you from evil that may otherwise surround your journey in life.  Dear Leo I say unto you the Lord is pleased with you in that you seek to acquire intelligence and influence to accomplish the work the Lord has designed and fitted you to perform on the Earth.  The testimony of the great Latter day work with regard to its divinity shall be made plain to you to thus fit and qualify you to become a power and leader in Israel.  The Lord shall be with you  in all your journeys in life, and your life shall be preserved on the earth to old age.  Therefore I say unto you seek the Lord in the day of your youth, and if you do so the Lord will bless you and hold you as in the hollow of his hand, that no spirit or influence shall have power to swerve your youthful mind from the truth of the Gospel.  You shall have power to do great and marvelous things on the earth, associated with the accomplishment of the purposes of Jehovah on the earth.  You shall go forth and lift up your voice long and loud to promulgate the principles of the everlasting Gospel among the children of men.  You shall be shielded and protected from the elements of destruction while traveling on water or land.  I say unto you call upon the Lord in the days of your childhood and the Lord will answer your prayers to your soul's satisfaction.  I seal these blessings upon you on condition of your faithfulness in keeping the command­ments of God, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

(End paper of original Journal)



Goold, Samuel William


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