Goold, Samuel William 21 - Continuation

Continuation of the Journal of Samuel William Goold

With Additional Writings by

Ida Butler, upon Reading her Father's Journal

This History Continued from Larger Book

June 11, 1917              My Son in law Alx Fraser of Raymond, Alberta, Canada was struck by lighting and instantly killed, out in his fields while attending to some calves, getting them to shelter during a sevier storm that was coming up.  My daughter Sarah (Wife of deceased) was prostate with grief over the tragic death of her husband, they have four sons living the oldest being 15 at his Fathers death.

July 1917                     My Son in law O W Peterson and all his family whos names are as followes his Wife (our daughter) Effie, their Children Mildred, Owen, Clifton and Dorothy came from River Side Idaho to visit with us in our home at Monroe.  Stayed two weeks and returned to Idaho, their visit was pleasant.  They had an automobile and was very liberal with it.  Soon after their return home they took an extended trip into Yellow Stone Park.  Just before they left Monroe, Our Daughter, Mrs. Luella Morrison and her two children Ray and Luciel came from Ogden to visit with us.  They stayed a month, then returned to Ogden.  Their visit was also pleasent.  Will say that Mrs. Morrison was very sick when they first came but she improved rapidly and gained 12 lbs in weight while she stayed with us.  Soon after her arrival I was taken very sick and about this time my Wife was making preperations to visit our Daughter, Sarah in Raymond, Canada and it looked for a while as tho she would not be able to go, on account of my sickness.  But I took a turn for the better, so that on Aug.7 She started with the excurtion.  Remained in Raymond, Canada about 7 weeks.  Then returned in safety.  My daughter Luella kept house for me during the first month, and my Daughter Mrs. Mary G. Filer kept house the other 3 weeks.

August 1917                 Our Son Franklin came to pay us a visit just prior to his taking his departure for the Training Camp Lewis.  He just hapened to arive a few days after his mother had left for Canada, so that they never got to see each other befor parting.

Nov 29 1917               Franklin is still at Camp Lewis and feeling fairly well.

Oct   1917                   Frank Filer came from Kellog to visit with his family in Monroe, his wife being our Second daughter Mrs. Mary Filer.

1917                            I tendered my resignation as a teacher of the Parents Class in the Monroe North Ward Sunday School after a continuious service of 55 years, serving in every capasity in the SS in the Superintendancy for 15 years.  [See page 1??  .Rocker as gift of appreciation,  It went to Ida Butler.  After her passing to g-granddaughter, Margie Butler Waldron, Rexburg,Idaho.]    

Jan  1918                     My son Franklin was detached in connection with 3 others Colage graduates from the 362 Inft. Camp Lewis Washington and sent to Salt Lake City to take a three weeks course in the US Weather Bureau for service with the Aviation Signal Corps.

I had another of my serious sick spells, for a little while it looked as tho it might the last one but I recovered again and am at this time Jan 20, 1918 in moderate health.  Attending to my business as harmess maker as also as Town Treasurer for Monroe Town Corp.

Dec  1917                    My Daughter Mrs. Ida G Butler with her four Children came from Rupert Idaho to spend the holidays with us.  They stayed two weeks and returned to Idaho.  Their visit was a very pleasent one.  There was with us for Christmas Dinner myself and Wife Sarah Ann, our second Daughter, Mrs. Mary G. Filer, her husband Frank Filer, and their three Children Edith, Frank and Elizebeth, also our fouth daughter Mrs. Ida G. Butler and her four Childen, Ruth Ray ,Frank and baby Claud.  We had a very enjoyable time together, myself and Daughter Ida went to the Christmas day Services at the Monroe South Ward Church myself being the Chaplain on that ocasion.

March later end 1918   Had another bad spell of sickness 2 weeks Dr. Belitz in attendaince as soon as I had suffiecently recovered, myself and Daughter Mrs. Mary G. Filer took a trip together to Salt Lake City.  It being the time of the general Conferance of the Church of Jesus Christ of Laterday Saints, April 7, as also the time that our Son Franklin was leaving Salt Lake City for Fort Wood, New York Harbor, after 2 months training in the Salt Lake City Weather Bureau, for Services with Signal Aviation Corps.  Just previous to his leaving for New York, he was married to Miss Anna Groneman of Provo on Saturday eve, April 6 by the Bishop of one of the Provo Wards.  They remained in Provo over Saturday night and the greater part of Sunday, then came to Salt Lake City where myself and Daughters were awaiting their arival.  We spent that Sunday evening and part of the day on Monday with them.  Then about 4 PM, same day April 8 myself and Daughter and my two Sisters Mrs. Emily Thompson and Mrs. Annie Knapp went with him and his Wife to the Station to see them off for New York.  His Wife only rode as far as Provo with him, that being her home Town.  Here they parted and he continued his jurney for New York.

May 5 1918                 We have received 3 letters from him up to this date, he was still in New York and all well.  In regard to his Wife, will say that our short acquantence with her was pleasent, which made a favorable impresion with myself and Daughter.  While in the City we attend 2 sessions of the General Conferance.  Would have attended more, but my hearing being so impaired I could not tell what the speakers was saying.  Visited State Capital, it is grand beyond discription, talked with Mrs. Chohan, Indian war veteran Commissioner.  Talked with Dr. Stoffer about my defective hearing, he examined me and said that he could not help me.  Visited Mr. Francis G Luke in connection with an acct of mine which that he had had for 5 years for collection, but to date had collected nothing.  Visited the Deseret Musiuem and Salt Lake Hdw Store.

Jan 19 1916                 Was appointed Treasure of Monroe Town Corperation which position he filled to the entire satisfaction of the town board. which in Jan 1918 went out of office.  The New Board reapointed him with as increase of Salery from $50.oo to $75.oo  per year.

M________ Took charge of the Monroe North Ward SS, the Superintendant being absent to attend Stlake Conferance.



Goold, Samuel William


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