Wright, John Prodger 2 - Mission Journal

April 25 1897

April 25 1897
This morning is dull and calm we had no sacrament meeting today. We started to Bagyllt at
3:45 or there about to hold outdoor meeting and to visit Richard Morris by invatation. And take tea which we did. We commenced meeting at 5:25 opened by prayer by Bro Price and I spoke first and Bro Price spoke about half an hour in Welsh. We had about 25 listeners and they were attentive and orderly. After which we gave out some tracts We had some singing at our lodge tonight. A fine day no sun walked 4 miles
Monday April 26 1897
This morning is fine we got our stars with part of the report of the General Conference held at Salt Lake. I folded 30 Welsh tracts and 50 articles of faith and 56 Only True gospel. Bro Price wrote to Liverpool for 750 of the only True Gospel 750 of the Articles of faith which comes to 2/6 ½’ and the remainder of a dolar green back in gladtidings of Great Joy in Welsh. Which money I sent myself. Bro Price being short of money. I bought 2 of the Later day Saints little book off Bro Price this morning and paid 2’ and gave out all our English so we came back and I folded up 43 more each of the Only True Gospel and A. Faith I had one conversation with a catholic woman but couldn’t convince her but what her religion was right and she said she knew it and I told her that our Church was the only true church of Christ and that I knew it. There were 4 houses that refused to take a tract. I went out again and finished tracting a row of houses and gave out 12 duble tracts, English. I have gave today 124 English and 6 Welsh ones in all 130 tracts. A fine day all day and warm in the sun.
Wednesday April 28th 1897
The ground was moist this morning there had been a sprinkling through the night. A mild morning and cloudy when I sat up in bed this morning the room seemed to be going around. And I was light headed when I got up I had to steady myself. I feel as if a good vomit would do me good. I eat a little mush and milk. Bro Price went out tracting. toward Bagyllt. I went to a drug store and got a dose of rubarb and something else Fisicll and trotit to open my bowels. Also for my stomach. Then I got some onions for my dinner. My head felt a little better in the afternoon and at
3 p.m. a Mr Jones came to have an interview with me and converse and we had prayer together I prayed first then he prayed. Then we read some of Andersons little book on the Articles of Faith and between while I reasoned with him, and taught him to the best of my ability, untill after 4 oclock. Then Bro Price and he got his dinner and at 5 he came to the room and talked with him until 5:30. I gave Jones the book for him to read at home for himself. And wife as he says if he joines the Church he will have to leave his wife. I told him to do what was right and let the consequence follow as that was the only way that he could save himself also his family. After tea we had another young man in our room with whom we had good conversations with he being very attentive
Thursday April 29th 1897
This is another fine morning and before we started out Theophilous Jones called. I started out with 65 each of Gospel and Articles, 4 D.A. and 39 Welsh tracts. We went out on the road to see a widow by invitation she has 4 sons and one daughter a baby a little over 1 year old and not weaned yet. Her husband died before this girl was born, Bro Price had a long conversation with her in Welsh. On the way back I had a short conversation with an old man. I gave out a few tracts. We came home and had dinner then started for Bagyllt and tracted there I had a good conversation with a man and woman for a good half hour on the Princeples of the Gospel. I gave out all of my Welsh tracts except 6 which makes 33 and 60 each of Articles of faith and only true gospel, but none of D.A. Which makes 153 tracts and 2 conversations 56 houses visited tracting and one by invatation. It turned windy from the west and cloudy this afternoon.
Friday April 30th 1897
It rained through the night some time and wet the roads up grand. Yesterday was windy and dusty. I intended to start tracting this morning with 56 each of Articles if faith and the Only true Gospel and 36 Welsh ones and 4 D.A. but it was an uncertain day with sunshine and showers so we concluded not to go out. I went to two Tailor shops to see if I couldn’t get a pair of pants or vest to make (as my money is getting very short only 7’/9’ left and my partner has none, we looked in vain for mail this morning, but I got nothing to do but I had a small conversation with one of the tailors.
Saturday May 1st 1897
This is a beautiful may day I got the Herald of April 6th this morning, and as we don’t tract on Saturdays I read it. About
3 p.m. I took a walk out I gave a Welsh tract to a man on the street. Then I went to a tailors house and read some in a weekly paper and I had tea with them after a while a man came in and in a little while another came in and I had a gospel conversation with them on baptism he being a Church of England man. Bro Price was in the church yard, and had 2 conversations while he was out. I got back at 6:30
Sunday May 2nd 1897
This morning it is windy and looks like rain. We had sacrament meeting Price myself and J.C. Roberts all being present. It rained in the afternoon and evening so we had no outdoor meeting we sent and invited an investigator by name Theo Jones but he did not come.
Monday May 3rd 1897
Today was a fine day with some wind and bing we were both about out of money Bro Price had none so I paid his as well as my own last weeks lodgings which left me with but 4’/6 to live this week and pay lodge. Lodgings being 5% for both a week. So I went to every tailor shop in town there being 4 to try and get a little work to help us out. But I got none as the tailors in this town had nothing to do so after dinner I walked to Connah’s Quary (Quay) 4 miles away and tried a tailor there, but he had engaged a tailor so I was out there. Bro Price went to his brother-in-laws to Shutton 5 miles from Blit and barrowed 7’/6 so he paid me back 2/6 for his lodge. I gave out 2 tracts at the tailors and had a short conversation. with one of the tailors but I had to force it as his head was stuffed with athletics and sports and base ball playing I had to quit. On my way home I met the man that took my pants to dye, and I had a good conversation with him, I gave him a little book called the Latter day Saints their religion History condition and Destiny for which he gave me a penny the cost of the book, this man in envestigating in ernest, and will I think become a latter day saint if he has got the courage, and I pray God our Heavenly Father to help him in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. It rained a shower or two in the after
noon and some hail stones came down which put me in mind of the same kind of weather at home this time of the year. No mail today except the Stars
Tuesday May 4th 1897
This morning is nice and fine. Before we started out Theo Jones was here and him and Bro Roberts were singing some of our hyms together while I was folding some tracts I started out with 51 each of Art’s Faith and Only True Gospel and 34 Welsh and 4 D.A. Tracts. We didn’t go out until
one p.m. and got back at 5:30 I gave out all my tracts but 5 Welsh ones which makes 135 tracts gave out and visited 55 houses but got no conversations, I tried hard to get one with two men in Bagyllt but there was no draw in them. Soon after we started out the wind began to blow hard and staid with it We had a little meeting before dinner and labored with Theophilous Jones, read to him; preached to him and prayed with him. Leaving the result with God. I walked 5 miles today.
Wednesday May 5th 1897
Bro Price got two letters this morning one from a brother of his in the north of
England and one from Prest Peters with 2/6 post order and some instructions in regard to confering the Priesthood on Bro Roberts before we left the part. It’s a rough morning but not raining. I wrote a letter to Louis Fayter this morning also one to Barbara and mailed it with two stars. I went out with Bro Roberts this afternoon and visited at a house that he was colecting insurance and had a small conversation with the woman and I gave her a Devine Authority tract. And while he was at another house got into a conversation with a painter that was painting a window on the outside of a house, and I gave him two tracts We had a few hail storms today.
Thursday May 6 1897
Last night was rough and stormy with heavy hail storms. It came down the chimney of the room we sit in and went half way across it bringing soot with it and made a fine mess of the carpet its not quite settled this morning but the sun shine at intervals the wind blew until noon and it was fine and milder in the afternoon But Bro Price was too indisposed to go tracting, I walked about town some and called at two tailor shops but could get no work. At night a young man came to our room and I gave him a tract. And a small book to read.
Friday May 7th 1897
This morning Bro Price got a letter from one of his daughters with encouraging news. I got none. The morning is cloudy but windy I started out with 53 Double 10 D.A. and 50 Welsh tracts. The foregoing being wrote so as to keep correct account of the numbers of tracts distributed with this it explained why it was writen so I here say that when we were about to start it commenced to rain and it kept at it nearly all day but not heavy and our tracting ground being over about 2 miles so we did not go.
Saturday May 8th 1897
I got the Herald of April 16th and part of April 9th this morning from Hyrum, we intend to visit by invatation a family or two in Hollywell with Bro Roberts today which is 5 miles away. It looks cloudy it is now
10:45 a.m. and we are about to start and I have put 10 Welsh and 10 Double ones in my pocket. We started at 5 min. to 10 and it was raining a fine rain. When we got to the house the reception felt cold we were not invited to sit down and I felt sick and sat down. As I felt unable to stand. Bro Price had a short talk but the interview was not what Bro Roberts gave us to expect it would be and this is the 4th or 5th time we have gone by his persuasion it seems that when he converses with the people they coincide with him and tell him to invite us as they want to see us, but when we go there is quite a different feeling. I expect he being convinced of the truth and being able to see it is the work of God he thinks every body ___  ought to be the same. And being young in the cause has not got the spirit of desearnment.  That he will have when he becomes more experienced in desearnment which I hope he will improve in as he gets older. I got home at 5:25 p.m. having walked both ways being 10 miles. Bro Price staid and rode home on the train and got home about 7 p.m.
Sunday May 9th 1897
A beautiful day but chilly we had reading in the morning Sacrament in the afternoon and went to Bagyllt at 5 held outdoor meeting at 5:30 Price spoke in Welsh and I in English the listeners were few and seemed not to be interested we visited Mr Morris and rested a short time and then came home. Walked 4 miles.
Monday May 10th 1897
It appears a fine morning with slight indications of rain. I got no letter today again. But I still got 3/3 of money left half a Crown to pay my weeks lodge for the coming week and 9 pence to live on with hopes of getting something before the week is out.  This morning I had 73 each of the Only true Gospel and Articles of Faith tracts and 50 Welsh tracts title Glad Tidings of great Joy. To start out with I which did at
10:30 a.m. for Bagyllt. I gave all the tracts out but 5 Welsh ones and 9 more that I got off Price. Making a total for today 191 tracts and 40 houses visited and one good Gospel conversation we got home at 3 p.m. I walked 5 miles today.
Tuesday May 11th 1897
This morning is fine but very windy Bro Price was too sick to get up to his breakfast. Head dizzy and a cough and sore on his lungs. I went to the Quary (Quay) to see if I could hear anything of Henry Hughes that had been changed from the Manchester Conference to the Welsh Conference and the quary beeing his native place I went to his Father’s and sister’s house to see if he had come there his sister had got a letter from him telling her he was coming to Wales but she didn’t know when. I went to try and get some work but couldn’t  there was a man had 2 swarms of bees so I went and had a look at them for curiosity. I felt like getting into them but Mr Blaine was not there so I just raised the lid of one of the top was full of comb but no honey to be seen. I walked 8 miles today. I wrote home today.
Wednesday May 12 1897
It is 14 months today since I landed in
Liverpool. It was a fine day today. But Bro Price was not able to go tracting. I wrote a letter to Evan Griffiths and sent one in his for Jack Hatch the Tailor asking him to pay me what he owed me which is one pound or equal to $5.00 I went out with Bro Roberts after dinner to the Pentre which is 1 ½ miles from Flint I had a small conversation with a Mrs Davis. After I cam home I folded 100 tracts, walked 3 good miles today.
Thursday May 13th 1897
Another fine morning Bro Price was very sick last night nearly all night had a bad head ake and coughed a good deal. But he got up this morning and eat some mush and milk. I went tracting alone started with 98 each of Gospel and Articles of Faith 9 D.A. and 36 welsh ones and got home at 5:30 p.m. gave out the tracts except 6 D.A. making 137 tracts gave out today had two short conversations and walked 6 miles. The day was beautiful and visited over 100 houses.
Friday May 14th 1897
Today was cloudy but mild and warmer. Bro Price was worse this morning so much so that I wrote the President Peters and stated the fix we were in finanncialy and Bro Price sickness asking him what was to be done as we were both out of money. Bro Price said he wished me to administer to him this morning. So I kneeled down by the bedside and prayed to our Father in Heaven to be forgiven of anything we may have done amiss and that his Spirit my be with us and our faith streangthend that we may receive a blessing, then I anointed Bro Price on his head and on his brest, also laid my hands on his head and sealed and confirmed the anointing in the Name of Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Priesthood, after which I went downstairs and while Mrs Roberts was cooking some onions for Bro Price I thought I could eat an onion so I went out to buy some. And to my surprise when I got back Bro Price was siting by the fire in the kitchen down stairs feeling much better. After dinner Bro Roberts wanted to get his portrait taken and myself and Bro Price went with him then we went to a nursery to get some rosemary but the Nursary man had none, so I gave him a tract. He said he had read our tracts and did not believe all that was in them. So I asked him what it was in there, was nothing but scripture in them and I explained baptism to him and that it was exencial to salvation and he must have seen it as he made an excuse that he was hungary and wanted his dinner but I kept him interested a little longer and had a good conversation with him.
Saturday May 15 1897
Partly fine today all the mail that came today was a letter to Bro Price from his sister in
London but no money. I was partly promised some work this morning by a tailor named Price was to Call at 1 p.m. and would see but Mrs Roberts is such a slow poke I never got my dinner untill 2 p.m. and when I got to the tailor shop he thought it was too late to commence a vest, but I think he just made that excuse. I followed a funeral this afternoon at 5 p.m. just to see and hear but it was welsh preaching so I couldn’t understand. The grave was only 4 feet deep and the grave diger had gone through one coffen and then dug some bones out but he said he wouldn’t like for anybody to know it, He wouldn’t have told me but I had told him I was a sexton, he get 3s for each grave and has to dig some 9 feet deep at that when it is a new grave there is 4 and 5 in one grave The person buried today’s name was Chatharine Huges she died on the 12th and today is the 15th she was 65 years old. I had a conversation with the tailor. There was 4 young men in our room having cakes and ginger pape. I gave them 9 tracts and Bro Price read Prest. Woodruffs speach to the Children on his birthday to them Bro Price is better today but weak.
Sunday May 16 1897
This morning is fine. Bro Price got a letter before we were out of bed with $5.00 Post office order in 1.0.6’. the day is beautiful. We had bible reading in the morning and sacrament meeting at
2:30 p.m. and which we ordained Phip? Charles Roberts to the office of a Priest myself being mouth Bro Price being sick we held no outdoor meeting.
Monday May 17 1897
A tailor named Price came after me at 9 this morning so I worked for him and made 3 shilings a nice fine day. I had a conversation in the shop.
Tuesday May 18th 1897
I worked for Williams the tailor today. He wants me for 3 weeks if I could work. I got 1 shiling boot tonight and bought a bottle of Mother Seigles curative surup tonight cost
1/11/2 another fine day.
Wednesday May 19th 1897
I got a paper from Hyrum yesterday I worked for Williams today and got 2 shilings tonight fine today again. Bro Price is still very weak and is not able to go out tracting.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 20 21 and 22 May 1897
I worked for Williams the Tailor. I earned 19’ 3d this week. Bro Henry Hughes visited us on Thursday evening and myself and Roberts went nearly to the Quary with him when he went home. It was
11 p.m. when we got back. Tonight, Saturday I had a conversation with two young men from Flint Mountain that was in our room getting some cake and sodawater they seemed quite atentive also temperate boys. It has been fine all this week. Bro Price is better at times but tonight he seemed worse he lookes bad and he is weak. I got a bottle of Mother Seigles surup this week and insisted on him taking some every time I took it and that is after every meal and I think it is doing him good. If he will only stay with it. The last few weeks we have found some lice on our garments and they seem to be on the increase I shall have to get some perscript powders.
Sunday May 23rd 1897
Another fine day Bro Price wrote a letter to President Peters today. We had meeting at
3 p.m. Elder Henry Hughes was with us we had no out door meeting today Bro Price bing sick. Bro Price got a letter from Liverpool with 20/6 Post Office money orders. We wrote to Prest Peters and I mailed it tonight.
Monday May 24th 1897
I got no letter this morning again a little cloudy but fine today again. I worked for Williams the tailor on a serge vest roll collor bound edge we got the Stars and Sister McGhie’s death was in it she died on April 24th just one month today.
Tuesday May 25th 1897
It rained today and it was colder I worked for Williams had a conversation with Bro Roberts’ father tonight
Wednesday May 26th 1897
Finer today but colder worked for Williams the Tailor
Thursday May 27th 1897
Today is fine worked until noon so I quit because I wanted to tract some more before the month was out.  I gave two tracts to a man at the shop and had a conversation with him. I started out with 75 Articales of Faith and 75 Only True Gospel and 59 Welsh ones also 10 of the Devine Authourity. And brought back 7 tracts. 7 miles today
Friday May 28 1897
It rained this morning before I got up and at times through the day also thundered. I worked for Williams I had a short conversation tonight.
Saturday May 29 1897
Fine morning but showers often through the day I worked 5 ½ days and tracted half a day this week. I earned 19/3 this week.
Sunday May 30th 1897
Another unsettled day one of Bro Prices neices came by train from Shutton to see him this morning they only heard yesterday that he was sick so she came with some tea butter cocoa a few slices of bacon sugar, and currant tea cakes and a small custard pie so it shows that they think something of him we got no mail today. We had sacrement meeting at
3 p.m. Elder Hughes was present and Price, Roberts and Myself. We had  sort of a meeting at night when Mrs. Roberts was present and I spoke for nearly half an hour
Monday May 31st 1897
We got the Stars this morning but no letters again I worked for Williams the tailor on a coat and vest blue serge a fine day.
Tuesday June 1st 1897
Today was a very wet day I worked for Williams the tailor Bro Price wrote to his daughter in
California. I finished the vest worked on two pair of cordorys pants and nearly made a pair of tweed pants. Williams measured for a suit of black to be made by Thursday for a funerial to be telegraphed to Liverpool for the cloth at noon and we had the cloth by 6 p.m. Williams went to Chester at the 6 p.m. train to take a suit of blue serge and two cordory pants.
Wednesday June 2 1897
Worked on mourning at Williams the Tailors until
11:15 p.m. a dull rainy day.
Thursday June 3rd 1897
I started to work at
5 o’clock this morning. We got all the mourning done by 3 p.m. and the funeral came off at 4:30 I worked until 8 p.m. I got two letters from Utah with the 2 p.m. mail One from John was dated May 14th all was well the other was from Barbra and Darcas dated May 18 and 19th they were all well and Barbara got the shaul on the 19th was pleased
Friday June 4th 1897
I worked for Williams today from 5 a.m. to
9 p.m. I got the Herald from Hyrum today.
Saturday June 5th 1897
I worked today again I earned this week 27/6 of 1L. 7S. 6D.
Sunday June 6th 1897
Cloudy morning today is fastday we had prayer meeting in the morning and sacrament at
3 p.m. I wrote to John this morning but didn’t mail it I attended a Welsh chapel to night with Mr. and Mrs Roberts just to hear the singing I enjoyed it and thought very much of the leader I think he is an honest man and would like to get into conversation with him and will try.
Monday June 7th 1897
Monday its a fine morning. Got the stars and the notice of the Birmingham Conference for next Sunday is in it I would like to go and I ask Thee O Lord to open up the way in the Name of Thy Son Jesus Christ. I left flint for Dinbyshire between 1 and
2 p.m. and walked to Shutten station having with me 21 Devine Authority 5 Welsh and 22 of the Only True Gospel tracts. which I hope to distribute and make some Gospel conversations. When I got to Shutton a train for Wrexham had just left so I had to wait until 5:35 for a train over two hours. Bro Price was coming to the Quary by train then he’d have to walk a mile and he had his valeese and another bundle, I brought his satchel, and he being weak I concluded to go back to the Quary and meet him so as to pack some of his load and he was glad I had come for he said he was give out when he got from the station to our old lodge. He intended to stay at his brothers-in-laws at Shutton over night. But they having another daughter home there was no room for him so he came with me to Wrexham and then I went with him to the Rhusllanerlligvg with him and it was nearly 10 p.m. before we could find lodgings. I had two conversations today. We lodged with one John Hughes a colier but he owned the house he lived in and the one joining. We staid up untill 5 min past 12 reasoning with him and his wife. on the Principles of the Gospel
Tuesday June 8th 1897
I believe Bro Price slept better last night than he had for over 4 weeks I rested well myself this morning is a wet one. It cost me for supper 6D for bed 9D and breakfast 6D total 1s/p. I left the Rhos at
10 a.m. walked to Reuabon and got there to my cousin Thomas at about 10 to 11 a.m. I had dinner there, Thos wife was out and he got the dinner potatoes and bacon and when it was ready he got two plates and filled each of them put one in the oven and sat down and commenced to eat, his wife cut some bread and butter for me and after I got through he got the other plate of potatoes and meat from the oven for his wife.                                            He’s a queer chap he put me in mind and resembles my wife’s brother John. I started for the Clay neer Overton before two oclock 6 ½ miles away. It was raining a fine rain I walked nearly 3 miles when a young chap came along in a rig and I beckoned to him and he stoped and gave me a ride this is the first time to get a ride in this country except by train. And it’s the 2nd one I asked and I shouldn’t asked today only it was raining When I got to Overton I found my Uncle Dicks oldest daughter her name is Sarah and she is 57 years old. I had a good conversation with her staid about 15 minutes then went on the Cloy this place is in Flintshire as the river Dee seperated Flint and Denbeigh. Overton being in Denbigh. My Uncle lives about 13 ¼ miles from Overton when I got to my Uncle Dicks I was made very welcome. and it raining so hard I concluded to stay all night as they had two beds. My Uncle is very deaf but he is not dumb and when he tells me about anyone that I want to record he keeps on talking and when I speak to him I have to shout at the top of my voice in his ear while he hold his hand at the back of his right ear and I often have to repeat the question. But I try and visit his son Dick who lives 11 miles from here Between Wresham and Chester.
Wednesday June 9th 1897
I slept well last night I belive it rained steady all night as when I waked in the night I could hear it patering on the roof which was only about 4 feet above my head and my Uncle got up 4 times in the night to make water and had to crawl over me as he took the back part of the bed for his choise. He woke up at peek of day and began talking quite a while before the clock struck 4 and talked on the scripture quoting passage after passage until after 5 oclock He belongs to the church and is very firm in the faith. He was cut off once for drunkness, but renewed his covenant and was baptised by Elder Robert Willson a missionary from Utah He is fond of his beer yet allthough he can’t hear and hardly see he makes walking sticks and sells them. He has been nearly run over by the train three times while crossing the trak going to the woods for sticks but he crosses under a bridge and has a good memory. I wish I could remember and quote scripture like he does. Its 11:30 a.m. and still raining I’m afraid I shall have to stay another night, but I am welcome if I do I got my tea at 4:25 and the rain having quit I concluded to go and intended to catch the 5:p.m. train for Wrexham but the train left a quarter to 5 so I missed it. I fixed a vest and a pair of pants for my Uncle and when I started they charged me nothing for grub and bed and my Aunt gave me a shiling. I called at my cousin Sarah Roberts at Overton and staid there for about 15 minutes then came on to Reuabon getting at my cousins Tom’s before 7p.m. I bought 2 pair of cotton socks for one shiling so as to have clean ones to put on in the morning as I calculate to do some walking to save a little money I walked 7 ½ miles yesterday and 6 ½ miles today.




Wright, John Prodger


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