Griffiths, Nephi Lloyd - Journal

When eight years old I Nephi was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church in Cum Bach or Cap Coch Glamorgan Shire, South Wales, and grew up to a young man of between 16 and 17 years old and kept the records of the Taylorstown branch untill [sic] my emegration [sic] to zion [sic]. Father and I, Nephi, used to walk from 6 to 10 miles to hold meetings where there was no branch as yet organized. We thought nothing of it. We were happy, The spirit of the Lord Was [sic] with us. I remember one instance in particular when my brother (inlaw ?) and I was [sic] going over the mountain to a weekly meeting, called Saints meeting, that when we came to the top of the mountain and about to descend down the other side, for we had several miles more to go that we encountered a thick fog, that we could not see our hands in front of us. That we both decided to kneel down and pray that the Lord would enlighten our path that we may go to our meeting. To my surprise, when we had both prayed we opened our eyes and we were still on the path, and could see our path clear even to main st, down in the valley the distance of 2 miles.

I considered that one of the greatest testimones [sic] that the Lord does answer your prayers in every deed.

We testified of that in the meeting that night. The President of the branch was filled with joy, when we related the same to him. He also emigrated to Utah, a short time after we did. He lived near Beaver City untill [sic] he died, a faithfull [sic] latterday saint by the name of Davivd Harris (the Poet).

We, as a family, emigrated to Utah. Through paying my tithing I saved enough for my Fahters['] passage to come to this land of promise. I stayed with my Mother and brother and sisters and seen to their needs untill [sic] Father sent for me a year later. We worked in Scofield in coal mines untill [sic] we partly made up the fare for the rest of the famly [sic] that was left in Babition or South Wales. That took about 2 years, besides building a log house for them to come to. Then, in a short while, all the young men were drafted from the mines. So I came to Salt Lake City and worked for Elias Morris, and Bishop Croft as he was called. They are both gone to the other side.

Bishop Croft owed me $75.00 when he died and still owes it to me on the other side. My Father and Mother needed the money, but I could not get it from him so I went back home discouraged.

Later I took a little money and went to Frisco, BEaver Co. Utah, and asked for work there. That I did get. I wanted my Fahter to come there to me. WHich he was going to do, had he not have had sickness with the children, and they died. And also my Father included. So it broke us all up. I got Married in Frisco, Beaver Co. Utah. There was no church ther[e] except the Catholic, for several years I had not seen the inside of a place of worship, so I grew cold. Then, I moved to Eureka, Utah with me [sic] little family and after a long time I took myplace in the church again, and done the best I could in my weak way. I was making good money and payed good tithes, When I could get my wife agreeable. Between the Old Horn Silver, and Buillion Beck mines in Eureka, I served several years looking after the men as their boss.


Nephi Lloyd Griffiths

I was between the age of 14 & 15 years old, when the Elders were called to administer to a sister by the name of sister Thomas, That was possessed with evil spirits. There was 2 missioinaries present, so we had prayer in another room in the house. Then we came out, and the Evil spirit or spirits made as it were much fun of us especially the missionaries. Saying you come from Utah, but you cannot do anything with us. But when one of the elders comanded [sic] them to depart in the name of the Lord they did, with a noise that I shall never forget. Then the deat [sic] sister colapsed as though dead; A great testimony to me and also the others.

In a branch, called the Holly Bush Branch, we had at most every monthy [sic] meeting. A brother Morris that used to speak in toungues [sic], and also very often sing in tongues. And one of the brothern [sic] would intrepet [sic] the speaking, and sometimes would give out the Hymn that was sung in english [sic]. I also had a sister, by the name of Sarah, that had been afflicted with epileptic spasms from the time she was very young. A missionary by the name of John Bowen, happened to come to our house at this time, and he administered to her, she got well, and never had any more of them. I am a living witness of the same; Other cases too numerous to write here. I could bare a testimony of, and I can bare a testimony, That I know that God does reveal to his faithfull children, his mind and will, as he did in all ages, that the Prophets were here on earth.

I also know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God, in every deed. And that the Church today called the Latterday Saints Church, is founded through revelation from our Heavenly Father.

May God bless t hose whoever reads these Testimonies that their minds may be Englightened to see the truths of the same.

I honestly and Faithfully pray.

Nephi Lloyd Griffiths
517 Gale st.
Salt Lake City, Utah

SOURCE: IGI Date Batch & Sheet - LIbrary call no.- Type
EVENT: CHR. 13 Jun 1824 5013780 29 - 1553585 film
Bap: 11 Sep 1969
E: 29 Sep 1969 Logan
SP: 17 Feb 1970 Logan



Griffiths, Nephi Lloyd


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