A short record of Samuel Leigh, the son of Daniel Leigh, son of Edmund Leigh, son of Richard Nash Leigh, born in the Parish of Llanedy Carmarthen Shire, South Wales. Born October 20th, 1815. Married to Ann Davis, the daughter of Henry and Mary Davis at Llannelly Carmarthen Shire, South Wales in December 1841. Ann Davis was born at Llannelly, May 1815.
Our first born was called William, born August 25th 1842. Henry Leigh, born in December 31st, 1843. Sophia Leigh, born September 10th 1845. John Leigh, born June 1847. All born at Llannelly Carmarthen Shire, South Wales.
I was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints by Elder Walten Rodge and confirmed by William Huse in March 1848. I opened my house for them to preach in sometime before I was baptized. My wife belonged to the baptist Denomination. When I opened the house for the Elders to preach, they disfellowshiped her. She was baptized into the Church of Jesus Chirst of Latter-Day Saints in February 1848.
Soon after I was baptized I was called to the office of Teacher. I labored in that office til the time I emigrated with the Saints according to the council of Elder Dan Jones in 1849.
I sold two houses and my house furniture for a low price to emigrate with the Saints. We left Swanjea on the Old Tobadore for Liverpool on the 14th day of February 1849. About 250 Saints, men, women, and children were in one small tug boat. In about 36 hours of sailing it became a little wet and stormy which compelled most of the passengers to go under deck... This caused seasickness and there were four or five over one bucket casting up the content of their stomachs.
We left Liverpool for New Orleans the 26th of the same month on the Bark called the Buena Vesta. We landed at New Orleans the 13th day of April after seven weeks and four days from the day of passage. At St. Louis the 23th of May my wife was confined and give birth to a fine boy. On the 26th of April, two days before we reached St. Louis on the great Mississippi River we changed boats and the colera commenced on the boat at St. Louis and followed us to St. Joe. We buried some 63 of our company.
Sometimes we had to stop the boat three times the same day and bury seven in the same grave. I buried my wife and the baby on the 6th day of may 1849 near St. Joe. The baby was blessed by Elder William Morgan. The baby was named Samuel. In some three days after this, I was taken sick with the colera. I fell very low and came near to being taken away to the spirit world. I was very feeble when we reached Council Bluff on the 10 day of May. Owing to my weakness I was not able to go on with the company. I was counciled by Elder Dan Jones to buy Elder George A. Smith out in company with Elder William Morgan. We compiled with the request and bought his farm and two houses.
I stayed at Council Bluffs three years in which I suffered much sickness. I lay in bed some eight or nine months with the darn Eague. At this time my house burn't down. Our clothing, bed clothes and so on were saved by dragging them out of the house. I commenced to mend from that time on.
There is one thing I omitted. I fetched out a young girl with me to help take care of the children. She was buried along side the Missouri River from the colera. Her given name was Ann, her last name I have forgotten.
I was ordained to the office of Priest at the Bluff, then to an Elder by William Morgan. I was married to Mary Trehorne by Elder William Morgan, June 1850. Mary Ann Leigh was born at Council Bluffs, March 21, 1851.
We left Council Bluff for Salt Lake Valley in June 1852. In July the same year my wife was confined and had a fine boy at Plat River. We called him Daniel Trehorne Leigh. We left Council Bluff with a scanty outfit consisting of two bushels of wheat, ground bran, and some cornmeal and pork for a six months journey.
My family consisted then of myself, my wife, my children by my first wife: Henry, William, Sophia, and John, and my children by my second wife: Mary Ann and Daniel. This made us eight in number when we left the Bluff.
We could not sell our place when we left so I left the house, yards and all the surroundings in the possession of a Brother that had come from the old country. He gave me five dollars for what was left in the house. It require about five dollars to pay fares to ferry our teams and wagons across the river, and I only possessed five cents. When we came to the Missouri River Elder Benson one of the Twelve Apostles sent for three men to come to Winter Quarters to stand guard with others that were there from other companies. Abell Evans, John Rees and myself volunteered, with orders to be ferried across with our families, teams and wagons clear of expence. My way was opened for the balance of the journey. We came through without suffering with the exception of a little scarcity of provisions.
Came into the valley of Salt Lake and in the City October 1852. Stopped three weeks at Salt Lake City. I teaded for al ot and prepared to build me a house, but I was called by Elder Erustus Snow, one of the Twelve Apostles to go to Iron County to work on the Iron works. I brought my family with me, which consisted of myself, my wife, Mary Trehorne, and my children William, Henry, John, Sophia, Mary Ann, and Daniel Trehorne. We came to Cedar in November but met with George A. Smith who advised me to go back to Parowan and come back to Cedar in the spring, April 1853. Cedar was settled in the spring of 1852.
I worked most of the time on the Iron works. Sarah Jane Leigh was born at Cedar City, February 24, 1854. Sophia Leigh, the daughter of Ann, my first wife, died at Cedar City, December 31, 1854. Samuel Trehorne Leigh was born at Cedar City, April 26, 1855.
May 20, 1855 I was chosen one of the High Council of the Stake and ordained a High Priest under the hands of President Kimball and Jedediah M. Grant as mouth. Consecrated my proporty, June 9, 1855 to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which amounted to $771.00
Went to Salt Lake City, May 21, 1856 with my wife, Mary Trehorne Leigh, and received our Endowmence. Had my first wife, Ann Davis and my present wife, Mary Trehorne sealed to me by President Young. We returned home by the 3rd day of June 1856.
My wife was confined to bed with a fine boy, October 4, 1856. He was called Edmund Trehorne Leigh.
President T. C. Hight returned from Salt Lake conference preaching reformation and repentance.
On Monday October 19, 1856 was baptized by President T. C. Hight with the rest of the Council and confirmed the same day under the hands of Pres. T. C. Hight at Cedar City.
Leuiza Leigh was born January 2, 1858 at Cedar City. Edmund Trehorne Leigh died at Cedar City, August 6, 1858. Age two years, 10 months and two days, and buried the 7th at the same place. Sophia Eta was born, September 22, 1859 at Cedar City, Utah.
1857, 58, 59 I worked around home carpentering and farming. (He made most of the furniture at that time, and operated a sawmill in cedar canyon.) I acted as city councilman. Mary Ann Leigh was baptized by bishop Henry Lunt at Cedar City, September 23, 1860. In February I was re-elected into the City Council for 61 and 62 as treasurer of the city. In the fall of 1860 I built on the new city lot and moved up from the Old Fort. Lydia Leigh was born January 18, 1862 Saturday 3 o'clock a.m. Lived five days and 13 hours. Blessed by Bishop Lunt the 23rd. Died on the 25th of January at 4 o'clock a.m.
February 15, 1862 I was choosen by the people of Cedar as a delegate in company with Bishop Henry Lunt and James Willekersen to go to Parowan to a convention to appoint a council and representative to the legislature at Salt Lake City.
Oriah Trehorne Leigh was born January 13, 1863 at 10 o'clock p.m. at Cedar City. Edmund Maya Leigh was born October 19, 1864, next morning blessed by Bishop Lunt at Cedar. Caroline Leigh was born October 19, 1866 at 4 o'clock blessed by Bro. Gates in Cedar. Edmund Mayas Leigh died January 19, 1867 at 8 o'clock am at Cedar City. He lived two years and two months. Leuiza leigh was baptized by Elder R. R. Burkbeck and confirmed by Elder George Hunter September 20, 1868. Sophia Eta Leigh was baptized by Elder R. R. Burkbeck and confirmed by Elder C. J. Arther at the same time.
October 6, 1868 I attended conference at Salt Lake City. Married for time to Sage Jones on October 9, 1868 at Salt Lake City.
April 8, 1874 I married Daniel Trehorne Leigh to Alice Fife at my own house in Cedar.
President Young and President G. A. Smith, Elder Erastus Snow, one of the twelve apostles and others organized the united order in Cedar City. April 6, 1874 acted as first councilor to Bishop Henry Lunt at Cedar City for some 18 years, till the time the Bishop was succeeded by the appointment of Christopher J. Authur as Bishop of Cedar City. (Was supertendent of Sunday School for several years.)
October 6, 1875 at conference in Salt Lake City I was called to go on a mission to Wales. I left Cedar City for Salt Lake City November 6, 1875. On the 15th all the missionaries were sent on their way and counciled to go to the states for the winter and to England in the spring.
I was in company with John Parry, John Duncan and David Bullick. We left Salt Lake November 22th for Ogden. I slept at Bro. Joseph Parrys over night. Left for Omaha 23rd and stayed there over night in themorning left for Council Bluff. Stopped at the Fremont House til the 29th, then left for St. Joseph. Reached St. Joseph at 10 o'clock a.m. Stopped at the hotel and took breakfast. Started out and found David Bullock and stopped til the next day. On the 1st of December got to St. Louis. I found David M. Stuart from Ogden living at St. Louis. He was the President Elder. The same day I found my niece, my sisters daughter living at Carandolet, St. Louis. They treated us very kind, and I made my home with them when at St. Louis. Her husband's name was William Watkins. Her name Jane Leyshon Watkins. They were doing very will.
On the 5th day of December 1875 we made our first appearance before the public on the Union Broadway. It had been advertized in two of the leading papers of the Place. Bro. John Parry and John Duncan left on the 6th for Seranton, Penn. Bro. David Bullock and myself stayed at St. Louisand surroundings. On the 14th we received a letter from Parry and Duncon telling of their safe arrival at Seranton, Penn. and that they had found some congenial spirits there.
I received the first letter from home on the 18th day of December 1875. We traveled around the coal districts graveway and other places. On one bitter cold and snowy evening we traveled to find a place to stop over night and found a man by the name of Charles Sims who treated us very kink altho very bitter when we first called there. His wife had been in the church and wished herself in Utah before we left. We visited Ill. We walked about 14 miles into the County and found many old mormons. Most of them had left the church, and joined the Josephites. Some were very bitter and some were very kind to us. We met with an old friend of mine by the name of John Richarts and wife Leisa and two sons, they treated us very kind and wanted to know everything about the Valley and wished themselves there.
We again traveled to the south through Pitchburg and Belville about 17 miles from St. Louis. Then we traveled with Bro. Marthoney Pratt down to Mesquota. We could not find any openings to preach so we returned and preached at Pitchburg to a very attentive audiance and was treated very kindly by a lobor agent.
We were at St. Louisand its vicinity til the 8th of March 1876. Received a letter from Elias Morris from from Salt Lake City with instructions from Pres. Young to prepare to go to England. We left St. Louis for New York the 15th of March, after traveling 868 miles in 48 hours we arrived at New Yourk on the 17th between 5 and 6 a.m. Slept at the Stevens House Broaday til Tuesday the 21st when we went on board the ship Wisconsin. This included myself, Elder John Parry and David Bulloch.
We landed in Liverpool the 2nd day of April 1876. Stayed at 42 Tolington til the 5th when we started for Wales. Reached Merthyn Tidville the same day and went to 25 Mary Street and found Elders William J. Lewis and Reese R. Llewellyn from Utah. Glad to see me and I was sure glad to see them.
Traveled with Elder Thomas Martel from Utah through Carmarthenshire and part of Pembrock Shire. Preached where ever we could and returned to Merthyn to brothers Lewis and Llewellyn. Elders Martel, Thomas, and Evans traveled in Penbrock Shire and they returned to Utah in June 1876. Elder R. R. Llewellyn took the presidency of the Welch Conference. Elder Lewis Howel from Cache arrived in Wales, May 1876 and traveled in Carmarthen Shire and part of Cardigan Shire and Pembrock Shire. Elder R. R. Llewellyn left for Utah in the first part of October. The Presidency of the Welch Conference fell on my shoulders then alone in Glamorgan, Monnouth and part of Breaconshires. Elder Lewis Howel was in his own beat of Carmarthen and Pembrock and Cardiganshires.
Had about 20 branches to visit once each month. Elder Joseph H. Tayler arrived in Wales about June and traveled with me and preached where ever we could get the chance. On the 8th of February I went to North Wales according to the request of President Carinton. I left Merthyn on the 12th to Ruabon 13th, Bankdde 14th, and arrived in Liverpool on the 15th. Left Liverpool the 17th for Shorsbery. Rebaptized Samuel Parry and baptized Isaac Jones, ordained Jones an Elder and re-ordained Parry. Held meeting, administered to the sacrement and gave charge of the Saints to Samuel Parry.
Next morning left for Abergoveny and Merthyn according to Pres. Carington's request. When at Liverpool I sent Lewis Howel when the weather was good to Preach out at Doors. I visited the branches and encouraged the saints and preached where ever I could get the chance until April when I went to visit Elder Howel. We visited the branches through Carmerthenshire, part of Cardiganshire and Penbrockshire and preached where ever we would have anyone to listen. Made many friends and some opposition. Spent some three weeks in this part of the Conference then went back to my field of labor to Glamorgan, Marmmough, and Part of Breaconshires.
Elder John R. Young arrived in Wales about July 1877. He traveled with me through the Conference and preached. On the 11th of June 1877 left Merthyn for Liverpool with a company of Saints of about 25. Saw them aboard the boat ready to sail for New Youk on the 13th then returned to Merthyn to my field of labor.
Traveled around my district and on the 6th day of July came to Swansea in Conference with Elder John R. Young. Met with the Saints and went to Llannelly to meet Elder Lewis Howels. After preaching for some time to the Saints we parted on the 12th and Howel and Young went to Llannelly and I went to Bechva, Llanbothen and Llanpeten. I visited andencourage the scattered Saints. On the 14th I returned to Carmarthen for merthun, meeting the little brances, Llannelly, Swansea. On the 19th went to Metthyn. On the 21th I started through My Conference to Abergoveny. Preached there on the 23rd, and the 24th in Abersuchant. Baptized four into the Church and one re-baptized and confirmed. On the 1st of Ausust I went to Clincorug to see some Saints that lived there. In company with Bro. John R. Young, I preached out on the bank to an attentive congregation.
Returned to Merthyn on the 6th, then to Llancayach, Gellygare and the western part of the Conference on the 19th we reached round to Cardiff. Elder John Parry met us at Cardiff. We preached out on the corner of the street at Cardiff. On the 20th we went in company with Bro. Parry, John R. Young and myself to Bristol. About three hours brought us to the Bristol Channel under the suspension Bridge 145 ft. from the river. We visited the places of interest: Theological Gardens, Clifton Down, Collage Green, the Cathedral and so on.
On the 22nd we returned by rail through Newport to Cardiff. On the 23rd held meeteings at Newbridge. On the 6th, Jobe Rowland from Cache Valley, Utah Stayed over night with me. Received a telegram from Liverpool of the death of Pres. Brigham Young. Died August 29th at 4 o'clock p.m. of inflamation of the Lungs caused by Colera.
September 1st, had three excellent meeetings at Merthyn. The people felt very humble. The 3rd held meetings at Methyn, 4th held meetings at Capcock, 5th at mountanash. Met Joseph H. Parry with my release to return home with the September company to leave Liverpool on the 19th on the Wisconsin for New York. My release was from Joseph. F. Smith, Pres. of the European mission. Joseph H. Parry to take charge of the South Wales in my place.
We returned to Methyn the 6th. The 7th, I had an appointment to preach on top Dowleys in a club room. Present were John R. Young, Joseph H. Parry, Jobe rowland, Thomas F. Howels, and myself. On the 8th left for Swansea, held two meetings there. Returned to Marthyn. On the 16th held conference. On the stand were Elders Samuel Leigh, Joseph H. Parry, John R. Young, Joseph W. Tayler, Jobe Rowland, and Thomas F. Howels. Had three excellent metings. I gave the Saints my farewell address and thanked them for their money and kindness to me.
William J. Lewis, William M. Williams, and Thomas Howell Arrived in Wales about the 23rd of August having been sent by Pres. Joseph F. Smith to labor in the Welch Conference.
The last month that I had charge in Wales we emigrated 50 go 60 and baptized about 50 into the Church.
On the 17th, I left Merthyn for Liverpool with a Company of Welch Saints to leave Liverpool on the Wisconsin on the 19th of September 1877 for Salt Lake Valley. There was about 35 Welch Saints on the ship. There was about 400 Saints altogether aboard, including 12 returning elders.
(During his last illness he suffered a great deal, being confined to his bed for several weeks. He died on the 13th of July 1894. [age 79]