Roberts, Martha Ann - Obituary

MARTHA ANN ROBERTS ARBON At Snowville on January 29, 1911,

MARTHA ANN ROBERTS ARBON At Snowville on January 29, 1911,

Martha Ann Roberts Arbon, wife of Charles Arbon, passed away peacefully at her home, surrounded by her husband and family. Deceased had been an invalid for more than two years and for many months had been confined to her bed, her condition being such that the end might be expected at any time. She bore her sufferings with patience and fortitude and death came as a happy release, permitting her to pass to a well earned rest. On February 2, funeral services were held in the ward hall. Bishop Jonathan C. Cutler presided at the services, and the speakers were William Hurd, Ellen Robbins, Joseph S. Larkin and Jonathan C. Cutler, each of whom paid a high tribute to the faith, integrity and sterling worth of the departed sister. Martha Ann Roberts, daughter of George Roberts and Martha Thomas, was born at Lambston, Sutton Mountain Parish, Pembrookshire, South Wales February 20, 1843. At the age of 10 years she embraced the gospel, being baptized in March 1853. In May, 1863, she left her native land and arrived in Utah on October 4 of the same year, and the only member of her family to come to Zion. She settled at Willard, Box Elder County, where she was married to Charles Arbon January 12, 1865. In 1869 she, with her husband, removed to Malad, Idaho and in 1871 came to Snowville where she has since resided. She was preceded to the other side by two daughters and is survived by her husband, four daughters, 61 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren, who well may emulate the saintly life of their faithful companion and mother, the only member of her family to come to Zion. She was a close friend through her life to Evan Stephens, noted Welsh musician.




Roberts, Martha Ann


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