Caleb Parry
Prist Daniel H. Wells saw it would be so when he gave me my blessing before I
started on this mission 17th
back to Newport and up to Tredegar
S 18
Slept at Brother Jones walked to Rhymney held counsil in the morning preaching
in the afternoon felt grurious all day walked back to Tredegar had good
meeting in the eavining Ordained Brother Samuel Morgan into the office of an
Elder he is worthy of any Office a good Peacable man the Lord doth abundantly
bless me to feel to acknolidge it with all my heart and my Peace and joy no man
can Discribe I feel that my labours are accepted, O what a blessing it is to
realize that I am a servant of God. That I am here as a minister of salvation
to teach the People the way of life and salvation I am afraid I do not allways
realise the Responsibility there is upon me, I pray God the eternal Father to
give me of his holy Spirit that I may be able to serve him faithfully.
walked over to Ebbw Vale had a long talk with Edward Roberts told me what Signs
and wonders he had seen since he had joined this Church and Angel appeared to
him once in the bottom of the corn pit and spoke to him, but he E R was so
frightened that he could not speak Brother Roberts is a good man I do not feel
to doubt his word.
this same Bro. Roberts stutters very bad when he speaks but he speaks like
thunder in the defence of this work with no impediment what ever he told me he
had faith enough to get his speach at all times but Elder S. Jones refuses to
lay his hands on him for that, saying it would be more to the glory of God for
him to be as he is standing miracle before the world. Walked to Blaina.
Slept at Brother Willams visited Bro Barns and other saints in the branch
walked over the mountains to Blain Avon to see some old saints that had been
cut of many years ago there are three familys of them they were glad to see me
and wished me to come again very much I think they will come back. They say
they know the work is of God and there is no peace nor happyness anywhere else
Mett with the saints in Ebbw Vale in the eavining had a good meeting the Spirit
of the Lord was there
went to Tredigar from thence to Pont Lodin and Rhymney
Slept at Bro Hayns & back to Tredegar
Slept at Bro Jones held council at Ebbw Vale in the morning felt the Spirit of
the Lord my teaching was to the point and we all felt well walked to Blaina
held council Sacrament meeting & preaching I spoak some did not enjoy much of
the Spirit felt bound how not much to say I believe the fault was in them for I
enjoyed a goodly portion in the morning did not know that I had done anything
to greave the Spirit between the two meeting.
Preached in the oppen air in the eavining felt well but could not speak long my
lungs were very bad for it was very could
Sept 26
returned to Newport
back to Rhymney and walked over the mountains to Merthyr to get Bro Bywater to
help me with the first quarterly report. he was not at home had gone to
28. 29 & 30
making up the report had a great dale of trouble on account of a ten shilling
that we could not account for
October 1st
walked back to Rhymney, took the car to Newport received a letter from Joseph
Hall was glad to learn tidings from home
took the cars to Pont y Pool from thence is Abersychan, had councel in the
morning and meeting in the afternoon never felt much better and I believe all
felt first rate took the cars from thence to Abegavenny reached there as they
were singing had a very good time indeed. There are some good Saints in
Abergavenny They seeme to love to see me come in their midst very much, and
indeed I like to see them and feel to bless them with all my Heart.
Stopt at Abergavenny
Went to Abersychan
back to Abergavenny to see the agricultural show that is to take place tomoro
the Animals in the Show are fine the bulls were so fat some of them that their
back were perfectly flat with a hollow about 3 inches deep along the back bone
I dreamed last night that there was great weeping and Lamentation in Ogden it
Seemed that a number of Children had died cannot remember whose they were
except one that was brother Steavens Neath Steavens I think they call him Br
John Taylor I thought was in the middle of the crowd trying to comfort them but
I was going to write about the show evry thing was very fine phsicaly the
horses of evry description all the hunters had to run about a mile over hedges
and diches only one acre at a time it was fine sport I always did like to se
horses runing to not feel very good I am afraid I have. greaved the holy Spirit
in Mingling with the wicked and entering into their Sports and paying a
Shilling to go and see I am sorry now that I went.
in Newport wrote a letter to Bro Healverson making up the S. Emigrant????
held counsel in Newport in the morning meetings in the afternoon and eavining
did not feel good at all in the afternoon could not think of much to say hard
work and up hill business as it all ways is when I do not have the Spirit of
the Lord, in the eavining I felt well and had much liberty we had a glorious
10 11 12
at Newport
went to Rhyney
14 15
October 16
held counsel at Tredegar and meeting in the afternoon did not feel much of the
spirit walked to Rhymney preached to a good howsfull never feld better in my
back to Newport
18 19 20
writing & cast up and wrote to Bro Richards and to Liverpool copied
this from another written with black lead. I do not see that this is any thing
very Interesting. I do not know that I shall write any more yet perhaps it
will be interesting in years to come to look over it. from this time forth I
shall not put down what happen evry day
S 23
held council in Victoria or Ebbw Vale (which is the same place) in the morning,
two were cut off viz Henry Jones, & Henry Powel, for wickedness of evry
description, wakeld(walked) to Blaina in the afternoon held councel and
Sacrament meeting I spoke a short time and felt very good walked back to Ebbw
Vale in the eavining & met with the Saints in the Briary hill room had a good
meeting there were some 1/2 dozen outsiders there they listened very
visted the Saints in Ebbw Vale found them all very kind and glad to see me come
and see them met with them in the eavining for prayer meeting at Bro Pro Wms
Newtown had a good time I spoke to them some and felt pretty good
took the cars to Newport via Brynmuwr Biacn Avon & Ponty Pool called at
Brother Jones Sebastapol his wife had been confined 4 or 5 days before, She
was very sick when I went in, & brother Jones looked very dejected, and said he
was in great trouble he was much afraid she had the inflamation in the bowels.
She seemed to be in much Pain when I went in but she got much better a fue
minits after and wanted me to adminester to her I did so & she had no Pains
while I was there after wards. She is not in the Church but is very kind to
the Elders to ? ? ? to be there & call when I came ?? back I felt to bless
her very much
& Pray that She may get well I think she will, and be Baptised when she gets
well. I called also at Sister Nash Pont y Pool She related to me an incident
which proved to me that many of the world believes in the Latter Day Saints one
of her neighbours named Berwood lost his hearing Some years back, he got hold
of Some Olive Oil that had been consecrated and administered it to himself and
got his hearing directly, for Some time back he has been deaf again, and his
wife came to sister Nash and asked for a little Oil that her Husband had lost
his hearing again Sister Nash gave her some now he hears again. That man
must believe that the Power of God is with the Latter Day Saints Many others I
am convinced believes but, they have not the currage to come out and declare it
they are afraid to be sneared at by their Neighbours
I am no Preacher, but the Holy Ghost is a mighty Preacher, and when it rests
upon me, I feell I could roar like the Lion of the Lord. I feel I could leap
over a wall, run through a troup or put ten thousand of them to flight
The following letter I have written to Uncle Thomas Parry Llandidno my Fathers
only surviving brother
Newport Mon
Dec 2nd 1870
Dear Uncle Thomas Parry
I hope you will excuse me in taking the libery of writing these fue lines to you
I have a work to perform while I remain in this Country that is to bear my
Testimony to my relations and friends and all that that will hear me of the
great work that God has commenced on the earth in your day and mine. Uncle
many a time did I wish before I embraced this work that I had lived in the days
of Apostles and inspired men Startle not Dear Uncle you and I live in just
such a day, God has again Spoken from the heavens, and revealed his will to the
children of men.
is it any thing strainge to you Uncle that God should again speak to men? to
see the wonder is that he has not spoken before, the children of Israel in
ancient time considered themselves without God, when he did not speak to them.
it is said that for a long time the Israel had been without the treu God, and
without a Priest to teach them, and without law, now we must not suppose that
they were without the Law of Moses for that law was never lost from the time it
was given; but they had transgressed the laws and broken the covenant, and god
would not speak to them. but when they did turn unto the Lord with all their
heart he was found of them; that is he began to speak to them again through a
it is said that God doeth nothing but he revealeth his seacrets to his Servants
the Prophets, are we to suppose that God is going to establish his kingdom
in the Latter days wiithout a Prophet without inspired men? no it would be
folly to think of Such a thing. but you will ask, is God going to establish a
kingdom on the earth in these latter days? Yes he has commenced the work, and
there is no power on the earth that will Stay its Progress, that little stone
will roll from the Mountains by and by; read the 2nd Chapter of Daniel
carefully look at the dream, and then at the interpretation that Daniel gave
again, does not the Lord Say that he will Send a messenger before his Seccond
comming? read the 3rd Chapter of Malachi 1st 2nd 3 verses; but you will say
that was John the Baptist, that came before his first Comming I will ask, did
the Lord Suddenly com to his Temple then, were they delighted in him, was it
difficult to abide the day of his comming, was hard to stand before him when he
appeared, was he like a refiners fire, and life fuller? did he Sit as a
refiner and purifier of silver, and did he purify the Sons of Levi, and Purg
them as gold and Silver; did they offer unto the Lord an offering in
righteousness, was the offering of Judah and Jerusalem plesant unto the Lord as
in days of old, and as in former years? I think evry man that have read the
history of his first coming will say that non of these things were fullfiled
then; the offering of Judah and Jerusalem were not plesant nor accepted of the
Lord, they offered up the Son of God, and his curs has been on them ever Since.
they have been scattered, and pealed and driven from kingdom to kingdom from
country to country and they never will believe that he is the Christ, untill
the see him face, and ask him, what are these wounds in thine hands? and he
shall answer and say unto them thes are the wound I received in the house of my
friends; in that day there shall be great mourning in Jerusalem the land shall
mourn, evry family appart, the house of David apart, the house Nathan, the
house of Levi, and all the familys in Jerusalem, shall mourn with a great
lamentation, for they shall look on him whom they have pierced.
in that day a fountain shall be opened for the house of David and for the
inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and uncleaness; that is they shall be Baptised
for the remission of their sins, and a nation shall be born in a day, as one of
the Prophets have said, they shall be born of the water and of the Spirit, read
the 12th 13th 14th chapters of Zechariash, and see what shall come to pass, the
6th verse in the 13th chapter is in the wrong place it should have been
somwhere near the 10th verse in the 12 chapter
a great many more Swlime(sublime?) Prophesys might be quoted in regard to the
work of God in the last days. those I have referred to last belongs to the
tribe of Judah I will refer you to one that concerns you and me and all the
inhabitants of the earth, for it is full filled before our eyes.
Open your Bible and turn to the 2nd of Isaiah 1st verse now I will ask you-
after you have read it do not many People go and say, come ye and let us go up
to the Mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, and he will
teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his pathes, for law shall go forth
from Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem yes thousand and tens of
thousands, it is their constant prayer to God day and night, that they may go
and be taught as the Prophet have said.
I have been there in the house of the God of Jacob, I have received blessings
there that are not lawfull for me to utter or write on this paper; I have
learned principles that if adheared to, will bring me back into the prsence of
God. but you will ask, how can I know that you are telling the truth?
I will answer, there is but one way by which you may know; and that is by
obaying the first Principles of the doctrin of Christ, or lay the foudation as
Paul calls it, of faith, repentance, Baptism, and the laying on of hands &
after that you can leave them, and go on to Perfection, if you will obay these
principles you shall receive the gift of the Holy Gost and it will lead you to
all truth, and show you things to come, and you shall know then? the kingdom of
God is on the earth.
you will have no need to depend on flesh and blood to reveal these things to
you God the eternal Father will give you the knowledge
he will let you know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet, sent of God, before his
son is revealed from and he was killed for the testimony of Jesus that was
within him, but God has raised another Prophet, great and mighty in words and
deed, with the wisdom of of God dwelling in him. I know it is a bold saying
nevertheless it is trew, and you shall know it if you will obay the Gospel,
remember the Scripture saith, no man knoweth the things of God but by the
Spirit of God and there is but one way to obtain that Spirit; that is by the
laying on of hands. read the 8th Chapter of Acts from the 1st to the 20 verse,
many more I might refer you to but sufficient. is it a wonder then, that men
do not receive the gift of the Holy Gost have they not chainged the
ordinances, and broken the everlasting covenant? yes and the curs hath devoured
the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate, and the inhabitants of the
earth shall be burned, and fue men left, for the Lord hath spoken this word.
See Isaiah 24th chapter from the1st to the 6th verse it shall be as with the
People so with the Priest.
I have no doubt you would like to know to a certainty, whether these things are
trew or not; well I have told you how you may know. I can not prove to you
that honey is sweet, there is no power on earth that can prove it to you, the
only way for you to is to tast it . it is so in regard to the Gospel, you
must believe first, and obay, you must faith cometh by hearing, but how can
they hear without a preacher, and how shall they preach except they be sent?
can not Preach except they be sent and no man taketh this honour to himself, he
must be called of God [as] was Aron by inspiration. is it a wonder that the
Preachers of the day can not confer the Holy Gost, by the laying on of hands,
even if they were to lay on hands, the People would not receive the Holy Gost,
why? becaus they the have not been sent, they have not been called of God as
Aron was.
do you think for a moment that God is more loose in his habits than man, than
an earthly king? what king on earth would the administration of any man if
he was not expressly authorised of him? indeed he would be sevearly punished,
any man would, that would have the audacity, to go in the name of the King and
administer the laws. what will be come of the Preachers of the day that go
and adminster in the ordinances of the Gospel without authority? their case
will be desperate indeed when they shall stand before the Judge of all the
earth and be asked who sent you? they will be dumb, they will not have to say
that he sent them for he never spoak to them. Dear Uncle I might tell you many
great and glorious things, that the Lord hath revealed in thiss the last days;
but they are not for you to know now. Jesus said unto you it shall be given to
know the misterys of the kingdom of God, but unto them that are without these
things shall be given in Parables.
I am afraid I shall be wearing your Paties (patience) my letter is getting to
be pretty long, more than I intended it in the begining.
but I hope you will think of what I have been telling you without prejudice.
take the bible in your hand and read the passages I have refered to. and on top
of that I feel to bear my testimony, that I know these things to be trew I know
it by the Power of God. I am not dependent on the Bible, or any other book, I
am not dependent on any Prophet or on Apostle that ever lived, or any that
lives now I know that baptism is for the remission of sins, and that the holy
ghost is given to man now, for I have received it under the hands of the Elders
of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints.
I shall be glad to hear from you at any time, and any questions that you may
wish to ask I shall take great pleasure in answering if I can. give my best
respects to Aant and family Mr. & Mrs. John Parry and accept the same yourself
from your nephew Caleb Parry, son of your brother John.
17 Bolt Street
Newport Mon
Dec 2nd 1870
Dear cousin Bernard Parry
I think I have been very ungratefull, in not making some acknoledgement for all
the kindness I received at your hands when I visited Newmarket, I must say that
no brother nor sister could have acted with more kindness than you and your
wife and daugters did, for which I feel very thankfull and say God bless you &
yours and prosper you in your busness and all lawfull undertakings. I must say
that I have formed a very agreeable aquaintance with you all, and my visit to
Newmarket will allways be held in joyfull remembrance it looked more like a
dream to me than anything I ever saw in my life.
after an absence of 21 years, to see my friends once more, my old Playfellows,
the haunts and the home of my Childhood.
the old Church with its silverytoned bell, and the graveyard, where my Fathers
lay for many generations past, and the old well from whose clear limpid bosom
I have drunk many a sweet cool draught, and the clip y Lop, O how delightsome
the thought.
excuse this reverie I hardly thought I was writing; ond mae hen wladjy Vhadau
yn anwilime if it would not tax to much on your time, I would like to learn of
your wellfare, and any other news that you many think interesting, if you are
to busy let the girls write me a fue lines, I would be glad to hear from any of
I will trespas no more, accept of my very kind regard one and all give my best
respects to your Sisters Mary and Ann and familys and your own in Particulalr
and believe me to be your most sincear friend
Caleb Parry
Newport Jan 9th/71
President H. S. Eldredge
Dear Brother I do not know how often you require a report from the Elders,
perhaps I have been neglectfull in this, I can not report very great progress,
four I believe is the number Baptised since my predecessor left a fue more will
be pretty soon I think. there are about the same number cut off, more ought to
be if they had their rights. but I am trying to act according to the councel
given in the Star some time back, which I thought was very good not to be over
anxious to cut of the dry branches, least in their fall they may sweep down
some of the green tender branches. I try to act toward my breathren as I would
toward my own chilldren if I chastise them or even cut them off I have but one
end in view, to do good, to them, and the cawse and kingdom of God.
I believe that is the Spirit of the Gospel, and the teaching of our Prophet,
and the way our heavely Father deals with us.
two or three years back there were a number of old members that had been cut
off, that rushed into the church with the understanding that Somebody was going
to pay for their Passage to America. of this class are they that lags by the
way now. I tell the Saints if they are going to apostatize they had better do
it here, but I can not get but fue to do so; they say they know that Mormonism
is the truth, sent down from heaven, and that Brigham Young is a Prophet of
God, they say that God has revealed this to them individualy by the Spirit of
is it a wonder think you that I can not persuade them to apostatize? the
wonder is that men do apostatize after receiving such testimony, yet it
is no wonder, when men through transgression or neglect loose the Holy Spirit
of God. they will then do things their hearts never conceaved they were
capable of doing before. I tell them also what kind of life they are expected
to lead when they get to Zion, that a dishonest man is not expected to stay
there very long and be one with the Saints, I tell them they must practise
cleanliness, that they must always tell the truth, never lie, nor steal, nor
cheat, nor backbite their neighbours, even if they see others do so. in fact
they must do right, live as they would wish others to believe they live. Sham
will do very well here among Christians so called, they like it, and
they live on it. each one knows very well that his brother Christian is a
hippocrite, they look for nothing els. but in Zion they are expected to live
the life of a real Latterday Saint. the world still letts us alone sevearly, it
is seldom they come to see us. neverthe less we are not discuraged, a fue have
obayed and the prospect is good for a fue more, and those that will come in I
think will do so understandingly. we are about having some bills (as big as
anybodys bill) Posted here and there through the conference, stating where we
meet, and that the Mormons are yet alive and intend to live; for they are the
only people that practise the Principuls of life.
I am well in health, and never felt more sure of the triumph of the cause and
kingdom of God than I do now; notwithstanding our insignificance I am confident
I belong to the greatest institution there is on this earth.
on Christmas eave we had a concert in the Globe in room Ebbw Vale, the prceeds
to pay our book dept as far as it will, I shall send it as soon as it is
gathered in. My letter is getting to long, you will have not time nor patience
to read it.
I wish you all in the Office a happy New Year. tell brother Jaques I am rather
jelous becaus he did not send me his likeness as well as Joseph. we were
together when he received it. I would like to get sombody elses as well, u no
hoo. give my kind respects to Sister Eldridge, and my very best to brother
Farr if he is there. accept the same your self from your brother in the
Caleb Parry
17 Bolt St. Newport
June 9 1871
Prest. H. S. Eldredge
Dear Brother
Since my last letter three only have been added to the church by Baptism we are
going to baptize three more tomorrow evening quite a number more are believing
and have promised to be Baptised, how long they mean to delay I know not. I do
not trouble much (now) nether, we do the best we can, we bear a faithfull
testimony and we have the Power of God with us, we leave the result in his hand
and fret not our gizzard I think as many of the Elders have expressed
themselves that nothing short of some special power of the Allmighty will awake
the people to a sense of their sittuation. as a general thing they are
perfectly indifferent; they do not care if an Angel have come from heaven they
care not if there are Apostles and Prophets on the earth I mean more particular
those that proffesses no religion as these professed Christians they are bound
in bundles and their bands are made strong, no man can lose them, their Priests
as the Prophet have said are blind. they are all ignorant, they are all dumb
dogs, they cannot bark, they can not give the warning voice when I anger,
desolation, death and destruction, is near nether will they listen to the
Servants of God that have been sent to warn them. so when God shall visit the
earth with judgments it shall be as with the people so with the Priest they
shall be burned up and fue left & the Saints as general thing feel well and
willing to do anything in their power for the cause and kingdom of God, they
are living in great hopes and expectations that their deliverence is nigh.
often is the question asked Bro. Parry do you think we shall have a chance this
time? my heart akes for them. the greatest trouble that I anticpate if I will
have any thing to say in regard to who shall go is to chose from so many good
and faithful Saints a little council on this matter would be thankfully
received, it seems as some of the Brethren tells me that in years past if a man
a has a fue pounds he would be assisted by the E. Fund whether he has been a
good saint or not whether he has paid any Tithing or not. while others who had
been trew and faithfull paid tithing regular, and allways on hand for evry good
work would be left behind. I know what I would do if I had my own way but not
my will be done.
there are some very old saints here allmost worn out in the work (in the work)
Some of them indeed entirely worn out not able to work yet they have faith that
they shall yet go to Zion and see it established on the earth I comfort them
all I can and say he that scattered Israel will also gather him, even as Moses
said though there were some of thine driven to the utmost part of heaven from
thence will the Lord gather thee and from thence will the Lord thy God fetch
thee and bring thee into the land of thy Fathers.
I feell well myself, there is nothing that gives me more joy and delight than
to preach the Gospel by the Power of God, there are times when I am deprived of
his Spirit, then I want to crule into a hole, somewhere from the sight of man,
this is all right, it gives me a clear understanding of what I am independant
of (of ) him with kind respects to your associates in the office, yourself
Sister Eldredge and Brother Carington, I remain
your Brother faithfully
Caleb Parry
This Journal in possession of a great-granddaughter
Wilma LaVon Ellis Willson
70 N. Main
Box 20
Lewiston, Utah
Ph: 258-2241
Nov. 17, 1984