Thomas, William Nash - Biography

William Nash Thomas

William Nash Thomas, son of David Thomas and Elizabeth Nash
Born: February 24th, 1835 at Merlins Bridge, Haverford, West Pembrokeshire, South Wales.
Married: Elizabeth Lallis, daughter of Richard Lallis and Dorothy Thomas on the 26th of October 1857.
Baptized: 26 March 1851 by John Griffiths
Left Wales 15 May 1862 from Liverpool in the William Taproit on Tuesday the.
Left Florence, Nebraska 7 August 1862 under Captain Orton Haight
Arrived in SLC: 19th of October.
Settled: in Paradise, Utah
Died: February 14, 1923
Source: His Autobiography
Comments: William Nash Thomas presided over the Pembroke Branch of the Church from 1857 until he was released to emigrate, which he did on 7th day of May 1862. The William Nash Thomas family arrived in Avon in Cache Valley on November 11th. They moved with the settlers of Avon to a safer location and named it Paradise. William Nash Thomas was active in Church, community and business affairs. He left Paradise in April, 1903 to go to Wales and returned in the fall of that same year.



Thomas, William Nash

Lallis, Elizabeth


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