Thomas, John - Journal - Volume 1

                           John Thomas        Copyright 1991

                           Logan City         Thomas Fam. Org.

                              Utah Territory  C/O Robert T. Baer






          Logan Sep 7th 1886                 

        A Record of my Mishon

Same date left Logan by U.N.R.R.1 by 7 O.Clock A.M. Train for Salt Lake City.  Arived at the City allright.  went to my Brother Dans house.  I had the Company of Bro Burton of Logan as far as Ogden he going to Labor at Evanston had a good Chat all the way.  gave me the Address of his Bro Mr Edwin Burton, Modoc Street, Swansea.  wished me to Call on him.  went to the Office  was Set apart by John W. Taylor and F.D. Richards2.  Desired my Blessing3 Sent to Logan.  Slept at my Bro Dans House.  8th  got a [$]1.00 Each by Little Lizzie & Maggie4  kised the little Chilldrun and bid them all good Bye.  went to the Train in Company with Dan & Geo5.


Left the City by the Utah Central6 at 7 O.Clock A.M. the 8[th]  Left Ogden on the U.P.R.R. and feeling pretty well after Leaving Ogden.  Now looking after the Sights.  half past 7 Am 9th Arived at Counsil Bluffs.  got Tickets on the North Western [Railroad] for Chichago  I will mention hear that I got into Conversation with a Man on the U.P. by the Name of Mr Chase  he gave me [h]is Adress So that I Could Send him Some Tracts wich I will Send when I get the Chance.  Edwin L. Chase, M.D. No. 3 Chestnut St Portland Main

11th Arived at Chigago half past Six A.M.  walked 15 Bloks from one Depot to the Other.  had Eight Hours Stay  Made good the time in Seeing the Great City  fine Sights.  Never thought it was what it is  Took the Grand Trunk R.R. for New York.  Left half Past 3 P.M.


12th  Arived at New York 11 O.Clock at Night.  wended our way to the Stephen House a fine Hotel.  got a good bed & a good Sleep after So long a journey by Rail.  did see many a fine City on the Plains & many a desiorable Country on the Road thinking that the world are pretty well up.

13th got up and feeling Rested got a 65 [cents] Breakfast  we are 16 Elders hear  first we went & found Bro Harts Office and went to the Guion Line S.S. [Steam Ship] office  got our Tickets and then in Company with Bro H.H. Harris went to See The Sights of Town.  went to Peter Henderson Nurserry & Flower Garden  this was worth seeing  it is in Jersey City

14th  went to the Green Wood Semetary  this is the finest Sight I Ever beheld in my life  it was grand  would not Miss it for [$]5.00  Paid 25 [cents] for a Ride in a Cab for one Hour.


went Back to the Hotel & Paid 1.30 for our two Nights Sleep.  bid good Bye to New York  and took the Street Car for the Ship Pier, bought a few Oranges and a Bottle of Jamatra Ginger  did use a little of it but the Sick had it.  went on Board half past three and got a snug little Bunk.  feeling the best kind and Ready for a Start  may be a tough one for an Old Landsman.  Names of


            H.H. Harris

            Abram Johnson

            N.L. Hapberg

            A. Gustave Nygreen

            Albert Nephi Fallestroop

            Andrew N. Michailsen

            S. J. Koeven

            P.G. Hansen

            Joseph Christianson

            Christian T. Balle

            John Andersen


            Pehr Hokanson

            Carl Ericksen

            August Westerborg

15th got up half Past five A.M. feeling well  got our Prayers.  and the Sea as Calm as a Summers Morning  the ship going at the Rate of 15 Miles per Hour.  got Breakfast and Eat hearty.  very fine  Not a bit Sick yet  went on Board ["on Deck" interlined] and did enjoy our Selfs.  got Pork & Beans & Rice Puding & Cake for dinner  it was good  it his a lovely day.  have Seen Some very larg fish.  Now go down to my bed Room and take a look at the folks0  kiss Nancey and my Dear little Carrie0  we had a good time in the Dining Room Singing0  I Sang 3 Songs and as good as I Ever did and all done first Rate.  went to bed after Prayers and got a good Nights Rest.

1/2 Past 9


16th Slept good until 1/2 Past 4  got up for my Old Tricks  went Back and Slept untill 7.O.Clock.  ate a good Breakfast of Bacon & Liver and other things.  Sea a little Rougher.  but am well So farr.  Now for Dinner  Roast Mutton and Plumb Puding a No. 1.Dinner  had very good time on Deck all lively and feeling the best kind.  we have our Prayers Every Night & Morning and very and very Often I go down to my little Bed Room an Offer my thanks to my Heavenly Father for his Mercies toward me.  the young men talking and thinking a good deal of their Mishen  A very fine Lot of men I must Say.  got Lazey in the Afternoon and got two Hours Sleep.  went to bed 1/2 Past 9.  Slept well  got up at 7 O Clock

17th.  went to Breakfast.  got Oatmeal porrage & a good Beef Steak.  got up on Deck.  Seen Eight Ships in Sight


the finest Morning yet  the Sea Smooth as Glass.  all the Boys well yet.  we have thoes on board that were Sent Back from New York.  one little English Girl Eleven Years Old as Sharp as a Needle  two little Ducth Children a Boy & Girl.  boy 10 & Girl 13 years Old  One Old Danish Woman Quite Smart & very Ticly Tacly   Now for Dinner a good Beaf Steak and as Usal a good Sleep  Nothing Else to do  four O Clock we can plainly See New Found Land Banks.  not Seen for over 12 Years all ways So foggy it is a Dangerous place but to day as Clear as it can be.  got a look through one of the Sailors Glasses and it was a good one.  we have seen 13 Ships to day  to bed at 1/2 past 9  Slept good all night


18th out of bed at Six  a very fair [day]  but the Sea Rougher but not a bit Sick yet  their is about 130 passengers on board  Mostly Irish  and many of them going to Stay in the Old Country  Tiered of America.  down to breakfast.  got porrage & a good Steak and done Justice to it.  Not a bit Sick yet  feeling like a Fighting Cock.  Some of our Boys Sick  Jest now I had the first Hint of us being Mormons.  I told him yes and told him to take care of himself or we would make a Mormon of him  he took it well.  Now the  Bell goes for Dinner  down we go  Rost Pork Cabag & potatoes Sowit puding & Treacle and a Nice Cake.  Every thing in Style.  Ship going 15 knots per Hour.  will be half way at 7.O.Clock this Evening.  to bed at 1/2 past 9

19th Sunday Morning

got up at Six feeling good  as we are on


the best half  Bro Harris Says going down Hill and have taken two Engines off.0  down to breakfast  oatmeal porrage & Milk and a fine Pork Chop and fresh bread  alltogether a good Breakfast and a good Apetite for it thank the Lord  at 10.15 O Clock will have Devine Service  I atended  it was in the first Cabin  the regular Old Style of the Church of England  No Singing  it was very dry.0  the first Cabin is a grand place.  this afternoon have had a good look at the Lickness  ["Likeness" or photograph]  made me think much of Home and my Dear ones.  allthough I am glad to go on a Mishon to try and Spred the Truth and get all the knowledg I Can of my folks  this day has been well Spent  Some Singing hymns and the Others Reading and we talked a good Deal about our Mishon and I thought of the family how they could get along without me.  thought a good deal of Father0 as he was So Sick.


20th got up at 6 O Clock  found it Raining hard & the Sea as Calm & I my Self Jest as Calm.  our Sick Bretheren most of them on deck feeling better.  Been down to breakfast  Beef Steak Liver & Bacon  did Eat Hearty  the Tables full  the Sick better.  Raining very hard  Making it very Disagreable on Deck  have seen a great many fish this Morning.  they Seem to like Rainy wether.  Jest before Dinner got into Conversation with a man who told me he had to Defend the Mormons.  Last Night he did not know that I was one.  he was a Tailor by Trade but had left it and went to keep a Butcher Shop at Fort Hamilton New York  he thinks well of our people.  went Over for his wifes health.  got a good dinner and it is very fine after the Rain  the Ship going at a fast Rate 16 knots per hour.  two days  will be at our Journeys End in two days.  it Seems Every thing is in our favor  went to bed at 10.O.Clock  Slept pretty well but it got afful Stormy in the Night.


21st got up at 7.O.Clock ate Breakfast and went up on Deck.  met a little Man from North Wales a Poet  I Sang Merched Glan Sirgar0 to him and he Composed a Song for me about Some Other Girls wich I will learn  Met another man from North Wales who knowes all the Parrys0 and also Sister Rowlands0  thoes men are very fond of talking to us.  we made two Colections on Board, one for a Rushan Girl and another for an Irish woman who had a little Girl  the Rushan Girl was big in the Family way  went out to her Lover but was Sent back from New York  She felt bad  did not have a friend in the world but a poor Old Mother.  She had 29 Shillings and the widow had 19 Shillings.

it his [is] awfull Rough to day  the Ship only going 13 knots per hour but thank the Lord I am Still well.  did Eat a good dinner  Spent the day on Deck allthough Rough.  went to bed at 10 o Clock  Slept pretty well  Home on my mind


22.D up at Six.O Clock not quite So Rough.  Expecting to See Land Soon  dont Care how Soon.  had a good Dream talking to Dr Ormsby.  and went from him to Bro Mosses Thatcher0  had a good Chat with them  made me feel well  got a good Breakfast and went on Deck.  Some of the Bretheren Sick  Some of them very Sick  Land Sick I think  now 10 O.Clock and have not Seen land yet.  will be a day longer owing to the Rough Sea  Bro Harris not Half well  now we See Land  the Green Ilse of Ierland and its a welcomed Sight.  we will be at Queenston at 9.O.Clock to night  at 20 Minutes after 4 O Clock the City of Chester passed us  a fine Ship of the Inman Line & behind us is Seen in full Style the City of Roam of the Ancher Line  1/2 past 9 we arived.  and felt well  many Pasengers left for Ireland.  also got the Mail of Over 200 Sacks of Mail and Large Sacks at that  1/2 past ten.  Started again for Liverpool0 and we all went to bed for the last night on board Ship.



23.D got up at half past four but to Early  got up again 1/2 past five and Seen the Mountain of good old Wales.  a pleasant Sight after So much watter.  7 O Clock got Breakfast  a good one and feeling Splendid  Expecting to arive at Liverpool before many hours  1/2 past two O Clock P.M. the Big Ship could not go further.  and a Small Tug Came to Meet us and was in Liverpool at 1/2 past four.  & when we Came to the Landing, I Seen a man with Large Black whiskers thats Bro Campell  as I was looking at him he Caught my Eye and down he Comes and a good Shake of Hands.  they were down Expecting the four persons that were Sent back.  did not expect us.  Now went to 42 Islington and went to Our Lodgins from their wich was very poor but got along very well  Sister Thatcher his [is] hear  have Seen her  She is going home  is Tired of this place  good Luck to her and God Spead


24th  got up but not feeling good a little Tiered  not a good place to Sleep allthough Bro Harris and my Self had the best place to Sleep of all the Elders.  went to the Office  then went Around Town  went to the Exibition  it is a grand Afair  glad I went.  Cost 1 Shilling 2.s for our Bed & two meal as they were.  Met the two Brothers Smart from Franklin  asked them to call at the Store to See the folks and Tell them how they found me and I also Asked Sister Thatcher to Call & See Mary and Carrie  She Said She would  thanked her  Slept at a Latter day Saints House  paid 2.S 6.D for two Meals & bed  all this time in Company with Bro Harris.  feeling better  had a pretty good Sleep last night I went to the Office and Staid with young Bro Wells0.  Bro Harris going around town  Bro Campell very buisse Sending the Other Elders to their fields of Labor.  they going by a Ship.  at 12.O.Clock we Started for


Merthyr0  I will Say that I wrote a letter and gave it to Sister Thatcher to take to father  arived at the Confranc [Conference] House at Eight P.M. and found the folks good & kind to us  it his [is] kept by a Sister Named Ann Thomas  She has three Chilldrun & also a Daughter Married to a young Man by the Name of Wm Lewis  he also lives at the Confranc House  Bro Wells told me to go their.  that Bro Owens would tell us were [where] to Labor  found him gone to Swansea0  wont be back untill Thursday  Slept at the Conferanc House

26th got up at Eight and got Breakfast  at Home this Morning  feeling the best kind  had Branch Council at 10 O Clock and a Saints Meeting at two O Clock with a very good atendanc  I Spoke first and took more than my Share of the Time  and Bro Harris Spoke the Ballanc of the time and we did have a very good Meeting and the Saints feeling well


had a meeting at Night and had a few Strangers  Bro Harris Served me out by takeing Most of the time but he spoke So good that I was very willing  we had the very best of Meetings and the Saints feeling well  did Eat at Bro Richards one meal.  Slept at the Confranc house  Paid Sister Thomas 2.S for our acomadation.

27th went to Swansea and Called at the Police Station and found Bowden  I knew him but he did not know me at once, but Soon did.  I went with Bro Harris to Look for Bro Owens.  and had quite a task to find him.  but found him & Bro Williams at No. 9 York Street at a Mr. Dennis's  after a little Chat, Bro Harris left for Carmarthen.0  Bro Owens went up with me to the Station and while I was out Bowden Sent word Home that John Thomas from America had Come


[to] them  Mary wanted to Come up but my little Daughter in her great Fright Came To the Station Crying Bitterly thinking I had Come to take her away from her Father & Mother  but when I told her the whole Affair She got to feel better  was Told all about her from the time I left Until now  She is a very Nice young Woman.  Much like Mary in the face  Nothing to good for me  I had to give them all the history of the Other Chilldruns and all the Rest of us  they wanted Davieds Lickness ["likeness" or photograph] and also Mary & the Chilldruns.  Bro Owens Told Me to Labor in Swansea & Neath allso Llanelly0.  and kindly tould me to take my Time & visit my Relations  I bid him good Bye & went Home and Stayd at Bowdens that night but did talk Until 12.O.Clock they were very proud of Joneys & Nancey & Jakes Lickness [Likeness or photograph.]


28th Spent Most of the day with the Bretheren  had a good time together and in the Evening went to Llanelly0  went Straight to Sarah Bassets House  She was in bed.  but Ann her Daughter was down & She [Sa]id Uncle John  She knew me allthough but young when I left.  then She got her Mother out of Bed  all were Surprised to See me and were very glad.  Went In Company with Ann and her Husband to Morgans  I knocked at the Door  Ann Price Came to the door & She knew me and Said John Thomas  then I went to Morgans Bed Side & he Also Said John my Bro in Law  then we had a good Chat about Every thing and Supper and a good Bed hear  I will Say that Ann is very fat but has Lost all her Chilldrun and is Now Keeping Morgans house and Morgan Steady & very kind to her  Morgan has Nice Chilldrun  three Girls.


29th  went Around in Company with Sarah [,] Morgans daughter  She went with me all day to Show me were [where] the folks lived.  went first to Bank Cappel Newyd  Seen Sally Davies  She looks well and glad to See me and to hear of the Family  Must Spend a day with her.  Called at Betcy Thomass house  She was not in  Seen her Daughter  Next called at Kitty Skyms house  She has a house full of Chilldrun.  She looks Old but must Call again to See them  then went to See Nanc[,]John Reess wife  found her nearly Blind her Chilldrun Dead only Cathrine  She is an Old maid.  will Say hear that David & Jane Thomas are Dead.  So I did not See them.  Called to See Sarah Morris  She was well and wants me to Come and Spend a day with them.  then went to Tai Evan and Seen one of My Uncle Wm Sons by the name of Wm Griffith  he has 7 Chilldrun  went from there to Uncles House  he wasn't at home but seen his


wife and four of his Chilldrun  went from their to See another of Uncles Wm Boys  his name is John  he has Six Chilldrun living at the wenlle [?]  went from their to See Margaret Rees  She lives now in Evan Reess Old Shop by the Ship & Castle.  did See Nash the Baker  he is Married to Betcey Marble Hall  went to See the Tailor Shops  first to Mrs Eben Daviess  She did not know me  went up Stairs  Seen Davied Hughes  he did not know me at all  Morris Williams did not know me  went from their to Robert Hughess Tailor Shop  he did not know me but I asked him to Call his wife  She knew me in a moment.  they were all very glad to See me look so good  went back to Uncls and he was very Glad to See me  he looks well.  and I dont think he was out of my Company any only at work and in bed.  he has Six Chilldrun from this wife  he looks well.  and wants to have a letter from (Father)  went to bed at 12.O.Clock.


30th  Fair. Day. [There is a fair in town.]

first thing this Morning went around [with] all the little folks and gave them all a fairing  and went back to Uncls and he went with me to the fair and I will Say that I did enjoy my Self  went  to See Tom Davies  he did not know me  we had a good Chat  he was very kind to me  I had forgot I had been to See James Edwards  he did not know me   he looks Old but the same old Stick. She is very fat  they have a large family  I think 7 Chilldrun  they are [-] all that are of Age [-] Josephites  dont know how much they belive in it  James is not a member with them.  Uncle & me called in Wm Daviess Public House & Seen him and his wife  they were glad to hear from father  went down to the Rubys Arms to See Leonard Jones Sister  why She did not know what to do with me  Uncle & me got Supper with her.  gave them a little acount Lian [Leon?] and the folks  got to Call Every time that I Come to town.  then went to the Jamess to See John John and had a good Chat with him and his wife & Daughter  a very Nice young woman  went home and to bed  had a good Nights Sleep  plenty of Flees, Big fellows  Meetings this Month. 3


1st October 1886  another Fair day but raining all day.  went again and got Uncle to the fair towards Night but did not Stay long as it was very uncomfortable  Bought 3.D Ginger Bread  gave to Uncle to take to his wife  also bought 3.D worth  took it home to Ann Price.  Met Many friends and went home Early  got a good Chat with Ann & Morgan.  little Sarah Morgans Daughter Hunting for me  She is very fond of her Uncle  went to bed and had a good Rest at Eleven O Clock.

2.D got up feeling well and Made up My Mind after Breakfast to go to Swansea  So got a Train at one.O.clock and arived at Swansea about 1/2 past One.  left my Valice at the police Station and went to Bowdens  found them all well and my little Daughter very Buisse [busy] Makeing two Black Dresses and I helped her put in 24 Buton holes  She was very proud of them.  I went to Fisher Street and found that Bro Williams was going to Merthyr


So I went and arived at Merthyr Eight O Clock at Night  went to the Confranc house  Met four [Salt Lake] Valley Elders  Pres Richard J. [or T.] Owens [,] Daniel Lewis [,] John Evans [,] Davied Williams  they had Some Rash out on them and I was afraid to Sleep with them but they told me it was not the Bitch [?]  I could not tell what it was but I Slept with Bro Evans, and I was all Right as I never got it yet.  and I hope I will Never get the truck.  we had a good Chat and went to bed and we had a long Chat about home and things in Jenaral.  Time 1/2 past Eleven

3.D got up in good time and got Breakfast and at Ten.O.clock Council Comenced and their was 3 Branches Reported.  all feeling well  the Valley Elders Reporting their Labors all feeling well in there diferant fields of [Labor]  Bro Evans in the Abergevene District Bro Lewis in the Cardif District & Bro Williams in Swansea


Met at two O Clock and had the Room full and Elders Lewis Evans & My Self Spoke and Can Say that the Spirit of the Lord was with us in abundance  I went with Bro Richards to Tea and we all went to Night Meeting wich Comenced at 1/2 pas[t] Six  had a few Outsiders to Meeting  Elder Davied Williams gave us a good Sermon & Pres Owens followed in very good Sound Remarks.  must Say it was one of the [best] Meetings in wales for me.  Seen to Day on the Hearald0 that C. C. Goodwin had Comenced Court at Logan & that the Deputies had visited Some places  it Seems to me that it is good to be hear  and again it Seems that I aint to [too] good to Suffer as well as my Bretheren  but Gods will be done that is my feeling.  went to bed feeling well after a day of Feasting for all the Latterday Saints.  time to bed 1/2 past 10.


4th got up at Eight and after Breakfast we got Counciling about our Labors and Bro Owens Said I had better go down with Bro Williams to Neath Swansea & Llanelly  Bro Williams do Labor down hear geting up his Jeneaology & Expects to get about 20,000 of them.  went over to the Cevn [Cefn Coed Colliery ?] with Bro Lewiss photos to James Gold.  he was very proud of it  I must Say that no man Ever Treated me better in my life  So did his wife  I gave him the four Shillings for the four men  Seen one of the men Rodrick.  went with him down to the Cyfartha works  Seen the Spot where Bro Lewis used to work.  this man asked me if I could See any one like Bro Lewis and so I did in Davied Lewis only he is a Smaller Man.  I gave him the two one for him and one for Thomas.  did go to Meeting at the Cevn [Cefn] that Night.  and I was Called to Speak and Elder Lewis & Elder Owens  went home and got a Chat and went to Bed at about 11.O.Clock feeling well  Slept good.

26  got up feeling good  after Breakfast got a Read at the Hearald  Nothing particular  a Joke with Bro Lewiss peper [peppar] Box.  went down to Neath Bro Owens & Lewis Came to the train with me  was their about 4 O Clock.  found Bro Williams the Blind Man  he did not know me  he was " [Blind] you See  they were very glad at Neath to See me.  Sister Williams is Sister Ball.  went from their to Bro Eastmans and found them all well and went Next to See Maggie Phillips & also Miss Jones at the Tin Works0.  then went to See my Old Boss Mr Williams  he did not know me Right away but when I Spoke he knew me  he looks well and was very kind to me and took me to the work Shop  found Davied Hughes their  he went around town with me.  went to See Hawkins folks  Herery was their  the Old Man is Dead  Phillip Lewis [Levis] is their Still.  it dose me good to See Neath  it is a fine place  went to See Harriet Hughes  She has one Boy about 12 years old  went to Bed in a PuBlick House  had a good Bed for 9D  Slept good  Proverbs 12 Chapter 10 verse0  proof of Bro. Lewis Subject

27  got Breakfast at Bro Williamss and had a good talk about things in Utah  went to watter Street to the Court were [where] we lived and felt pretty bad  Seen Mrs Rees that Used to live their when poor Betcy Died  also Seen Mrs Edwards  She was So glad to See me  She used to be So kind to us when we were in trouble  got Dinner with D Hughes & Hariet  went to the Neath Abbey & Seen Bro & Sister Long  they were glad to See me  I Spent the afternoon with them had the best talk yet about Old times and found my Likeness & George Dyer together and it was very good  Bro Long went with me to Dynevor Station and at Eight O clock got a train for Swansea  went to Bowdens and found them all Enjoying them Selfs first Rate  they are very ancious about me  got Supper and went to bed after a long talk  have to tell where I had Been and how I have been Treated  Now I comence to feel my Cold  went to bed at about 1/2 past 10  Slept good all Night

28 got up haveing a Cold on my Chest  but feeling Sick  got a good Breakfast and got Ready for a good Days work.  I have not Shined my Shoes once yet  get them Clean Every Morning  went to See Bro Williams  both went to See the Old Hall in Baptist Court.  was Told by Bowden that it was not Respectable Enough for us  So we gave it up  went to See the  Old Hall in Orang Street  dont know wether we can get that or not  went up to Bro Parrs and got the Names of the Swansea Saints 33 in Number  got a meeting at Night and Spoke to the Saints  So also did Brother Williams  Spoke in the Dutys of the Saints in a wise manner and all.  the Saints feeling well.  went home to Bowdens and had a good Chat and went to bed and was awake Hours thinking of you all at Home but at Last went to Sleep and Slept well all Night  Earnestly Praying God to Bless My Dear Family at home.

29 got up about 1/2 past Eight  had Breakfast and went to town and Bought paper & Envilopes  also this book  So has to wright all I can think about of my doings Every day.  went with Bro Williams to See for a place to keep meetings in but failed So farr.  Spent a very happy day  Sent a letter to Bro Lewis.  & went in the Evening to Mrs Denniss & heard good Singing and good playing on the Pianno by her Daughter a verry Smart young Lady of 13 years Old.  A wonder She is.  went home and found all the folks  Mary allways at home.  went up Stairs  got a Read at a New welsh paper Y Dehewwyr [or Y Deheuwyr].  printed in Swansea  went to bed  got a good Nights Sleep.

30 got up Late as they Never get up much before Eight.  did wright a letter to Neath.  then went to See Bro Williams  went around town to try and find a place to keep a Meeting but failed So farr  went Home to have a Chat with Bowden Mary & Sarah.  then went to Bro Williams and he Rented a fine House No 14 Fisher Street  we will keep Our Meetings in it.  went again through Swansea Market and Seen a fine asortment of all kind of apples but all poor vegatables was good.  and a very fine Sight of Every thing  Swandsea is Smart  Bought Some Candy and took it home and we all did Enjoy it  I told them that I often did that  wnt to bed and Slept well all Night  but haveing a good look at all the photos that I have with me.

31 got up at half past Eight.  did wright a letter to R T Owens Congratulating him on his Release to go to the States to finish his [mission]  ate a good Breakfast with Bowden Mary and Sarah  did Enjoy my self and told them I would Rather if they were Ever their with me.  went to Meeting at two o clock at another Brother William Williams and I Instructed the Saints in their Dutys and Spoke with freedom.  Elder D. Williams also Spoke well to the Saints  all feeling well and haveing a Desire to go forth & live their Holy Relijon [Religion].  Expect to Renew a good Many Soon by Battism [Baptism]  and at Night we had a very good Meeting  Many More present  did Call on Some of the Local Elders to talk to the Saints and they did well  Bro. D. Williams also Spoke for a while and did give the Saints good Instructions  went Home more than paid for my Days labors  went to bed at 1/2 past Nine  Slept well

32 got up Early and did wright a good deal and went down to Breakfast and Blackberry Tart for Breakfast and did enjoy it the best kind.  went to See Bro Williams and had a talk about Matter & things  we have got a young Girl Cleaning the House for Bro Wms & preparing for a good place to keep our Meeting  Bro Williams went to Llangefalach and I went to Bowdens to bid good Bye to Mary & my little Sarah.  and had a bite to Eat and went to the Train for Neath  Mary Seen my Old Shoes left up Stairs  So Sarah Came Runing after me with the Shoes all the way to the Train and found me  I asked her to Raise my Ticket  So She did and again I bid her good Bye.  I cannot tell how I love this little Lady  Now at Neath Abey  found Bro Long & family well  also Bro & Sister Williams and Family  went to See Bro Eastman and family  all feeling good.  got a good talk with them.  and Slept at the Same place a Publick House  went to bed about 1/2 past 10  Slept good  only (got the Cold)

33 got up with a Cold on my Chest but got better after haveing breakfast at Bro Williamss  had a long Chat about their folks in Utah.  went to the Abbey and Seen Bro & Sister Long  had a good Dinner with them and did wright a good deal that day.  went to Meet Bro Williams  he was expected to Come to hold Meetings but it Rained So hard he did not Come  did not have Meeting that night  went to Bro Eastman and had a long talk about Lizzie and I told them what Bro Farrs told Mary my wife and me.  She wanted Mary to take her Child and wanted me to get her Sealed to me.  went to Bro Williams and got Pepermint Tea for my Cold.  went to bed at the Public House got up in the Morning at 1/2 past Eight  feeling better  went to Bro Williams to Breakfast  went around Town  had to Bye a new Hat  Paid 3S 6D for it  a very good Hat  went through the Market and went to Bro Longs and got [dinner]  Staid their all afternoon and went


to the Station again to meet Bro. Williams but he did not come again.  but we got a meeting this night at Bro Eastmans House  got a very good meeting  only Eight present  I spoke to the Saints and they said they thanked the Lord for Sending Bro Thomas Back to them  am feeling better  will get Rid of this Cold Soon I trust  went to bed this night again at the Publick [House]  Slept well all Night. got up at Eight and went over to Bro. Williams but did not Eat breakfast their but went to Davied Davies a Brother to Mary Toms wife  got breakfast with them and had two Eggs.  one of their Boys 15 years old wants his Uncle to Send him a pass [free ticket to USA?]  they Treated me well  they Own their Oun House  went to Eastmans and got a good Chat with Sister Eastman  one of their little Girls went by the Last Emigration to F.D. Richards  went to See the Saints and got to my Lodgins at half past 10 O Clock

35 got up at Eight and went to Bro Williams to Breakfast  took the Train 1/2 past Nine for Swansea but had to leave My Umberella at Neath  it was Bloun Inside Out and Bro Wms will get it mended for me.  Arived at Swansea and went down to 14 fisher Street.  thinking of going to Llanelly but Bro D. Williams thought best for me to Stay the Remainder of the week in Swansea So has [as] to help fix up at the New place.  & to See to get the Saints together on Sunday.  So they did  Some of the Saints has Renewed their Covenants and more will Soon.  we have a very good place at Swansea now and I Expect we will have many to Listen to our Testimony and will be able to [do] an Amount of good.  we will do our very best and I pray Constantly for the Lord to prosper us in our Labors.  went to bed at half past Nine after a good Read at the Hearald & Deseret News

36 got [up at] half past Seven  feeling pretty well  got Breakfast and went to See Mary & Sarah  Bowden was Out  went around visiting Some of the Saints  told them about our New Room.  went up town  Called at a Tailor Shop  the wife wanted to See me.  She has a Bro at Utah by the Name of Joseph Thomas  I do not know him but Bro Williams did  Told them a great Deal about Utah and Our people  bore my Testimony to them and they Said they would Come to our Meetings to hear what we had to Say.  Next went home  went to Market with Bro Williams and packed a big basket of things  Meat Butter Chees parsnips Turnups Sellery parsley Curly Greens Leeks and Grapes.  it has made a very Severe Storm  many large trees Blown down and many Ships on this Coast wrecked.  have been Sewing a Table Cloth and a window Blind  did not See Bowden and the folks to day  went to bed at Nine O.clock feeling pretty good

37 got up at Eight  Changed and got breakfast  did wright quite a while  and went to See Bowen Mary & Sarah and got Dinner with them  Sarah got given her an Engagement Ring  it his [is] a very Hansom one  they Still are very kind to me.  went back for our 2.O.Clock Meeting and we did have an Exelent Meeting  Bro Wms & My Self Spoke to the Saints and they felt well and So did we.  went to Tea with Hopkin John and in Company with him went and found Ann Davies.  She was very Glad to See me and and wanted me to wright to Father So that She may hear from him  She is alone Except a little boy of her Daughter who is a widow  he is about 10 years Old and a very Nice little Boy  She looks well.  She came with me to Meeting and the little Boy.  we had a good Meeting at Night  Bro Williams Spoke about the kinddon [kingdom] that was to be Sit [Set] up in the Last Days.  he did well  then I followed and Showed that the Kingdom had comenced in the Ushering in of the Gospel but that it was in Enbreyo [embryo].  got Six pence with an Old Man 81 years Old name Evans  Bless the Old Man.  went to bed at Nine feeling well

38 got up at Eight and worked at Tailoring  Hemed two Sheets and a Table Cloth for Sister Williams.  Staid in all day wrighting  Aunt Ann Davies and her youngest Daughter  came to See me.  went to See Bowden and the folks  Sarah had Jest posted a letter to her Sister Nancey and for the first time called me Father. in the letter.  I gave her a Gold Dollar to Match the Other and she was very proud of it.  She will get fastnings to them for Ear Rings.  went Back to Bro Williams  did wright all the Afternoon  went for a Strol and back for Seven O.Clock for Prayer Meeting  had a very good Meeting  the Saints feeling well  went to bed at 10 O.Clock. got up at Eight and wrought a letter to Bishop Daviedson  gave him all the News.  Bade good Bye to Bro & Sister Wms and Started for Llanelly by the One O clock Train  went up Town  Called at Sarah Bassets  found them all well  went home to Morgans


and found them all well as Usal.  and kind  got Tea and went with Morgan to the Methodist Meeting.  Called at Griffith Wilkins  had a little Chat with him about his Uncle Griffith in Logan and and promised to go their on Friday  went home and the Cold on my Chest pretty bad.  Ann and the Girls are very kind to me.  (God Bless them for it)  went to bed at 11 O Clock. got up at Nine  got Breakfast and went to Uncle Thomass  he was in bed  they were all well  went to James Richards house No 10 Layed Street.  Mary Lizzies Sister.  She was Over-joyed to See me to have Some News of Lizzie & the Family.  I told her all I knew and Read her James last letter to me in wich he Says he will Send me Money to go and See her Brother in Hanley  She wanted me to Stay for Dinner but I told her I would Come on Thursday five o Clock.  went from their to James Edwards the Tailors house  was to Dinner their.  went from their to Sarah Marthas0 Sister.  She has two Nice little Boys of her Own  She has a very  good man only fond of a Drink Every pay Day  got Tea their  went home and to bed at 11.O clock


21.St got up Late and after Breakfast went to vellin vole0 to See Mrs Williams  found the Old Lady pretty well.  only She has had a Small Stroke in one Side.  Seen one of My Uncle Williams Daughters  Lately Married  a very Nice little woman 19.years Old  told me to Call again when her Husband was in  went to Town through the fields  Seen Pen y Gar.  Tros.Main and Llanerah  it is a very Nice walk and pretty  Called at the Old Coal pit  Jenkin Hugh was on the Bank  Tum Wilkings widdow Owns the pit  went to the Market.  then went to See Sarah Rachel Hughess daughter my Old Sweethart  She is an Old Maid.  then went to Lizzies Sisters  She is Nice and Clean like Lizzie  he is a very Nice Man  had a good Chat and a good Supper  he went with me all around Town.  was together about 2 Hours  his Mother is a Daughter to Thomas Evans Tailor Glan y Moor.  and wife to Wm Richard Pilot  her Name is Lettis  She knows Father well  went Home and had a Chat  the Cold very bad  went to bed at 11.O.Clock


22.D got up at Nine  went to town and came home  went to Griffith Wilkins and got a Chat with him  he has a very fine little woman for a wife.  they Treated me well  he is Nellie wilkings Son  Griffith Charles is his Uncle.  they have two fine little Boys.  they told me to Come at any time  that I can have food & bed if I want as long as I want  told to Come Every time I come to Town  went to Uncle Thomass and got Tea  he is still fond of Birds  Staid a while and went to James Edwardss House.  went with her [Mrs. Edwards] and two of the Sons & Daughter to the Josephites Meeting  they are as Dead as a door Nail  it was a Testimony Meeting and a few of the[m] got up  they asked me to Speke  So I did and gave them a few hints about things and Asked them to lend me the Meeting House to Preach in  Bro Williams would Come down with me to keep meeting  they that were their Said they were willing if the Others were  that [they] Should know on Monday.  went home as Usal.  feeling Sick with the Cold but good in Sprit [Spirit].


23.D got up at Seven  Ann thinking to go to Swansea but it Rained  So She did Not go  So I went to bed again.  am in the house all the Morning  Ann his [is] going to Boil Lind Seed Spanish and Sugar Candy for my Cold  So I think I will get Rid of my Cold Soon  went to Uncles and went with him to the New Docks to See John & Mary My Cousens  John is a very Smart little Man.  he [h]as a very good little woman for a wife  they have had Nine Chilldrun  Eight Liveing  Mary has Seven Childrun [at home]  her Oldest Boy working  went to Garreg fach fo[r] Some Mussels  went back to Johns for Super  he went with us to Town.  went to the Bristol Tavern to See John Davies.  Griffith Charles Sister Son he wants to have letters from Griffith  I shall give him the adress.  went home and Cannot help feeling good with Morgans Girls  they are So good and kind to me  it was 12.O.Clock when I went to bed

43 did not get up very Early but did take Some of the Medicine.  went to Griffith Wilkin after Breakfast  had Promised to go their to dinner but asked them to Excuse me as i was going with Ann Price and Ann Morgans Daughter to Vellin Vole to visit Some of Prices Relations  I went first to See John John and his Family  found them all well  he is the Only Later Day Saint in Llanelly  a prerty good Family  went to See Davied Longurst [Longhurst?] and had a talk with his wife about our Relegion.  and She Invited me to Dinner on Sunday  went Home  got Dinner and went to Vellin Vole  went to the Graig Near blan Nant to Wm Pric[e]ss Brother  a fine Family  Called at the Bear Inn  anns Mother in Law  it Seems to me they think Lots of Ann  then went home and had to Stay [wait] for them to come out of Cappel Newyd before we could go in to the House  the Girls took the key with them  got Supper and after a long talk with them went to bed at Eleven.O.Clock Tired

44 got up at Nine and after breakfast thought the folks would like to hear from me  wrought a letter to Mary My Wife and gave her the best News I Could and Sent a few lines to Father and also to Jake & Nancey in Marys letter  then went to Griffith Wilkins and got a good talk with his wife on the Princples of the Gospel.  got Tea with them  I do enjoy my Self with these folks  he would like to go on a visit to his Uncle Griff  went to John Johns and looked through the Old Branch book.  and found the Records of all Fathers Family axept my Oun  Nothing about me whatever  did Enjoy my Self as I found all this what we wanted to find  but would feel better if I Could find my Own Record  went Home and got Supper and a good talk.  then tried to Sing for the Girls but not very able  but am Ready to go to bed and am thinking Much of home  it his Eleven and am Off to bed  do get My Shoes Shined Every Morning like Glass

45 got up at Nine and got breakfast and felt a little better  did Dream two Nights Runing I [am] going home before I finishd my Mission  and I felt So bad about it  Joney Said Father hear is [$]50.00 for you to help you back  So I was about Starting when I awoke and I was very proud to find my Self at Llanelly  did Next wright to Carrie and my little Daughter wich is So much on my mind because She is So Small.  when I went away I asked the Lord to Bless her that She may be healthy and Strong & Bless her Dear Mother  Never forgeting them)  went to To Town to post the letters  Called at Sarah Bassets  they were all well  went to Rachell Hughes Old to See Ann  She is a widdow with three Chilldrun.  fine Chilldrun  went from their to See Eliza[,] Levis Daughter and Seen John Harrys Daughter  got Tea their  went from their to See Mary [Morse] Owens Wm & Richard Morse Sister from Samaria [ID].0  went to See Cathrine Owen or Thomas  She is a very large woman  Mother to 18 Chilldrun.  went from their to James Edwards  he is doing very well  has 7. Chilldrun off the little woman  3 of the Boys working and he working all the time  went with her to a prayer meeting  got the Meeting House for us to preach in  went home and went to bed  Half past 11.O.Clock

46 Sent a Invitation to Swansea for Bro Williams to Come down to Preach at Llanelly on Sunday Night.  got mussels for Breakfast and went to town  Called at Sarahs.  Anns Husband in from Sea  it has Made a fearfull Storm on the Welsh Coast.  Many lives lost.  he was out in the Storm but their Stemer [steamship] got Saved.  went for a walk to the Llanereh and Back at the Cae Cittin and down Swansea Road  Seen the five Houses Built by the Old Man, but are all Sold and Drank only one for Morgan and to his little Girl after him  Sarah Basset feels bad thinking ann got Lots of Money after the Old Mans wife  but I dont think She has any  got Dinner with Ann, Sarahs Daughter  went from their to the Reibys Arms to See Leonard Joness Sister and am wrighting this at her House  She is very kind to me and to Every one of the Elders  I will wait and get Supper  it was fine when I came down but his [is] Raining like any thing Now  what a place  give me Snow at Home.  went Home and went to bed at 11.O.Clock  Cannot go Sooner

47 got up at Eight and got Breakfast  Ate pretty good  feeling a little better  My Cold Not So bad  wrought a letter to Tom, Wm & James  then went to Town and posted the letter  Market Day  acording to promis went to See Cathrine Owen  her Husband at home from Swansea  She was baking for Kidwelly Fair  Margreet his [is] Dead.0  got a letter from Bro Williams asking me to Come to Swansea  has [as] they had a District Council their and we could go to Llanelly Some other time.  Sent to the Neath Bretheren to Come  got a paper & Star from Bro Wms and Seen to my Sorrow that T.B. Cardon0 was taken [arrested]  I remember the word I told him[:] ["]Bro Cardon Come with me and be Safe[."]  I felt then it would be best for him to Start  went to bed after a good Read of the paper at Eleven O Clock

48 got up after a good Sleep  got Mussels for Breakfast.  then took to the paper and Read the Epistle of the first Presidency and it was Sweet to me  also Read the first day of Confranc  I feel more than Paid when I get a Read of the Utah papers  got Dinner and went to town  Called at Sarahs  Marys Husband Come from Sea  She is a little woman about the Size of our Mary and She is pretty  her Husband Seems a very good Man  went to John Johns and took [copied] the Records of all Except My Own  Cannot get any of that  got Dinner their  then went to Uncles  he has a large Family and only works half his time  but She tells me that they are better off than many  they are Out of Dept [Debt].  wished them good bye this time.  then went to Griffith Wilkin to wish them good Bye and got a photo of their Family.  they again Invited me to Call any time  wished Sarah & the Girls good Bye and went Home had a good Chat with the Girls.  went to bed and got a good Sleep at 11.O.Clock

49 got up at Seven O clock  as I was going to Swansea by the 9 O Clock Train Ann Price went with me  Arived at Swansea about Ten O Clock  we both went to Bowdens  found Mary at home  Sarah was gone to the Market  She jenerally dose that Job  Bowden Says let Sarah go  She gets the best Roast and Mary Says She Can get it Cheaper than her.  went to No 14 Fisher Street  found Lizzie at Home but Bro & Sister Williams gone to Market  they were all well Axept [except] the Baby he haveing had an Operation on his little Eye.  got Dinner and went again to Bowdens & this time Seen my dear Sarah  She is well and Says She will get a letter this Month from her Sister Nancey.  then went back to No 14 [<