Thomas, John - Journal - Volume 3

John Thomas.


Utah Territory


C.O.Card Lees Creek

Near Macleod N.W.T. Can[ada]1



Nov.8.1887 A Record of My Mission

Got up at Eight & got breakfast and am geting Ready for a tramp Bought a Sathel [Satchel] from Bro Gill for 4 Shillings Paid him two [shillings] on acount. we Sang & Talked for a while then Elder Morgan Evans Left he wished us all good bye & we did the same to him then we got a little Dinner & Elders Gill & Davies in Company with Elders Watterson & Brough & my Self Started & we all wished good bye & a God Bless to Each Other Gill & Davies went for Aberdare & Watterson & my Self went for Hirwain Called at Gellideg.At Alex Lewiss Sisters She was very kind to us we also Called at D.D.Daviss Daughters House they were all well. We then went on Our way for Hirwain. Arived about five O Clock P.M. found Bro & Sister Jones Well & kind as Usal. Seen Timothy Evans also Called with Rachel Morgans found the Old Lady very feble & not able to talk any. they had a letter from Mary Ann Evans. they were very pleased of it


Bro. Watterson & my Self got Tea with them. I Slept with them & Bro Watterson Slept at John Jones. Walked [#] Six Miles. Got up at Eight & got breakfast Their was a Weding of two old folks the Old Lady was 82. & the old Jent was 75 years of age. we Started on Our Journey for Neath, but I Could Not Walk Any further has [as] My heels were Blistered So took Train from Resolven to Neath Reached Bro & Sister Wms & found them Well. I was very lame the first time in Wales. it is Oweing to New Shoes was Not able to go around any as I am Right Lame. but Sister Williams will Soon get me well as She is So very good to us Elders Bro Watterson has Seen Miss Jones & She was very pleased to See Him Slept at Bro Williams Neath [#] walked 10 Miles


10th Got up at Eight & got breakfast & we both went Over to Bro Lang he at home not working to day. we got dinner & Tea with them & had a very good Chat we then went to Town for our Meeting I Called at Tamplings House & had a little Chat with them went from their To Eastmans found them all well we had a very good Meeting the Saints Bore their Testimonys. Then Elder Wm Watterson Spoke to the Saints with a very good feeling. I then followed him with a few Remarks on Tithing & Other things we went from their to Bro & Sister Wms, and after a long Chat we went to Bed at Bro Williams Neath [#] Got up at Eight got breakfast & wished Bro & Sister Williams good bye. Went out to the Abbey got dinner with Sister Lang. took Train at the Abbey for Swansea Arived at 4 Grove place found Bro & Sister Williams little Seba & Margretta well.


got a good letter from Father with a good gift of Ten Dollars [$]10.00/100 in it I was very pleased to hear from him & I am Ever thankfull for Such a good Father & I pray the Lord will Bless him with Health. That he May live long after I Come Home.0 we went to bed at 4 Grove [Place] Swansea.

12th Got up at Eight & got breakfast then went to the Station to Meet Elder Richard Morse. he came looking well he kindly gave me a Dollar wich John.A.McAllister Sent Me I thank Bro McAllister from My Heart Prest Wms went to Cardiff by the one 30 [1:30 p.m.] Train. & Bro Morse went to Merthyr by the three 5. [3:05 p.m.] Train Elder Watterson & my Self went Around Town bought two pairs of Sleeve Holders & gave one to Bro Wms Bro Watterson bought a Top for little Seba after Prayers we went to bed at 4 Grove Place Swansea [#] [$]1.00 J.A.Mc.Alister


13th. Got up late got breakfast & got Ready for to Meet the Train. thinking Lory would Come Came back and got Sunday School A very Nice lot of Children presant. Seen Bro Cornishs little Girl She had Come to her Mother from her Grand Father. It his [is] to [too] bad he could Not take the little Girl with him we got a Nice dinner with Sister Wms 1/2 past two we had Our Meeting. It was well Atended. The Saints Bore their Testimony Then Bro Watterson Spoke to the Saints with a good feeling & I followed for quite a little Time. We went to Tea with Bro Watts. 1/2 past Six we again got Our Night Meeting More presant but No Strangers. Elders Watterson & My self Spoke So did Davied Watts & Sprouse & we had a Splendid good time this day with the Saints. Bolitho0 has again thrown his Slang [slander] at the Mormons in the Daily Leader. I Sent a Copy to Prest Wms to Cardiff. Slept at 4 Grove Place Swansea

6 Got up at about Eight got a paper from Logan I See the Deputies are very buise got breakfast & am going to wright to My Wife Mary did go with Bro Watterson to the Pier Head went to Elias Daviess Sister to Tea She was very kind to us So was the Girls Prest Williams Came from Cardiff. they had very good times their Eight Strangers presant. Bro Watterson & my Self went up to Bro Parrs & got very good times together we got Tea with them we left for Our Prayer Meeting & had very good time five prayed after wich Prest Williams Spoke.Very well on Prayer. We have walked all over Town to day & did Call to See Old Bro Evans the Old Jent was feeling pretty well & kindly gave us six pence each we felt to Bless Bro Evans. he is such a good Old Man that it his [is] a pleasure to go & See him we Slept at 4 Grove.Place Swansea [#] 6 D [from Bro Evans]


15th Got up at Eight & am feeling well will go to Send Bro Watterson to day as farr as Morris[t]on & will See Bowden & Mary also My Daughter Sarah. I did go & did See Mrs. Price. Sarah was So pleased with the letters She has had from Home. Bro Watterson left me to day he went for Neath & I am going for Llanelly tomorrow Morning got a young Men & young Ladys Meeting Sang & Read in it. Slept at 4.Grove Place Swansea Got up at Eight & got Breakfast and will Start for Llanelly. by the One O Clock Train. Reached & Llanelly & Called at 10 Loyd Street. got a Cup of Tea with them. Lorenzo had Not Come but he is Expected Every day Called at Sarah Bassets found them well. Called at Uncles gave him the 2 Shillings that William & James Sent him he was very thankfull to them for it. Called at John Johns he is better. Came Home. it aint as Comfortable hear as when Mrs Price is hear went to bed at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly Morgan was Sick all Night


17th Got up late as I was awake Untill 4 O Clock A.M. as Morgan was very Sick he is Ruptured & it had fell Poor Man how he did Suffer. got breakfast & went to James Edwards. found them well then went to Robert Hughes & got me a vest half Made Paid him Only one Shilling for it. Called at 10 Loyd Street Lory Not Come. Then went to the Rabys [Arms] Then to Sarah Bassets. Went through The Market. had a general [genial?] Talk with Mr Jones of the Eliphant Hotel Carmarthen asked him to tell his folks that President Williams would be at Van Galch on Sunday. Sent a little Note to John Stephens by a Farmer So I think they will all be Notified went Home. Morgan is better. then I went up to John Johns Calling at Griffith Wilkins they are pretty well. had a long talk with John John. did have Supper with them did adminster to him. went Home & to bed at the Old Road Llanelly


18th Got up about Eight. & did wright a few lines to Prest Williams then got breakfast & will go down Town to See if Word has Come from Little Lorrenzo. Nothing Come. I Called at Uncles & had a Chat. went to John Johns for dinner. Then went to Velin Vole to See Mrs. Williams. She had Received a letter from James.S.Lewis. Saying they had Reached Home all Right. The Old Lady wanted me to Stay for Tea but I had promised to go to the Rabys Arms. So I went & did See John & Mary Daviess photo from S.L.City it was good. then Left for Home Called on My way at Sarah Bassets & found Sarah Basset & the 3 little Children of Anns quite well little Tommy thinks lots of Uncle John. went Home with Sarah Saunders. She had been to town for Some Barley Meal for the Pigs. She thinks lots of Uncle to [too]. got a Cup of Tea in Company with the [Saunders] Girls. & Read out of the [New] Testament for Morgan on Baptism went to bed at Morgan S[a]underss Old Road Llanelly.


19th Got up late got breakfast & went to John Johns & Seen the Star. the Epistle is in it. wished them good bye went to 10 Loyd Street. No word Come from Lorenzo.yet. Went Home to Change & get Ready for a Start to Kidwelly with Prest Williams. left with the 1/30 [1:30 p.m.] Train P.M. but Prest Williams did Not Come. So I waited at Kidwelly Untill the five O.Clock Train. but he did Not Come. I Staid at Cilvanus Daviess got Tea with them. they were very kind to me and told Me to Come at any time. Went from their to Mynydd y Garreg & found them all well & very kind as Usal. they have Recevied a very good letter from Eli telling them he is So Proud of his New Home & that D.F.Thomass folks are So kind to him I had a good talk with John Williams he will go in the Spring. Mary Ann his [is] Out in Service. for Eight Pounds a year. I Slept at the Court. Mynydd y Garreg. Walked five Miles


20th got up late got breakfast & did Read the Star. Griffith Williams went down to Kidwelly. to Meet Prest Williams So he Came & after Dinner I Started So has [as] to tell the folks that Prest Williams would Come but would be late. So they Came & at 3.O.Clock We Comenced Our Meeting. Prest Williams Spoke for a time. & he asked Me to talk So I did for a few Minutes & he got the Testimonies of the Saints Bro Stephens Gave us a Shilling Each & Sister Nellie gave us Six pence Each but Prest Wms would Not take it. So I had the Shilling but had to pay it Out for Train as I Cannot walk any distance yet with My feet. did walk five Miles to day & Prest Williams.has walked Seven & a half So he has done well I think he has Enjoyed Himself Edwin Came their & we had a good Sing & a good Chat after a good Supper & Prayers we went to bed at Griffith Williams Mynydd.y Garreg. Walked five Miles. 1S - 6D


21St Got up late got breakfast & bye & bye we got Ready & bid Sister Williams good bye She gave me 3 pence So has [as] to pay for a letter I Sent them. we arived at Llanelly & went up to visit John John Prest Williams was pleased with his visit Around the Saints we went & Called at Morgan Saunders & got two letters One from from My Son John & another from Bro Greaves. got two papers. Jonney Says he will give Me five Dollars per Month from this time Out he is a good Boy he Sent Money Home So has [as] to pay Taxes. it will be [$]20.00/100 for him to pay. Told me One of the Colts has been Sold for [$]6.00/100 in the Stray Pen told Me that Fred had got work on a Section [section hand on a railroad?] I am very glad to hear that he has Comenced to Make a little to help them get a little Clothing. Poor Mary[!] When will She get a little better off[?]. I wish she was. Went Home & got a blotter for Supper & went to bed at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly. Walked Six Miles


22.D Got up late was Awake for Houres in the Night did Dream of Home & of the Trade & of Quinney[,] he bringing a bill for me to pay of [$]55.00/100 Could not Make Out What for. Went up to John Johns & Spent the Morning with them. Then went to See if Lorenzo had Sent letter to Say when he would Come. But he had Not done So. Went again to James Edwards & got Tea with them. Went home & got two letters one from Bro Brough with a note in it from Bro Watterson they are all Right. Also One from Prest Williams Saying for me to Come as Soon as I was Ready as the young Girls were Ready to be Baptized I wrote a long letter to Dan & Father after all the folks were gone to bed I gave them a good acount of Our doings for a long time & felt to tell them how they the Elders has to do & how they have to work in this Old Country went to bed after 12 O Clock at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanell[y].


23D Got up late & got my breakfast also Sent a few lines to Merthyr telling Edward to send My Mail to Swansea Went to See about Lorenzo & found a letter had Come Stateing he would be at Llanelly Thursday. Then I went & Sent him a Message Telling him to Come to Swansea. That I would Meet him at the Victoria Station went Home & wished the [Saunders] Girls good bye & Started by the half past three Train P.M. Reached Swansea found the folks all well. Bro Williams Out but Soon Came back again. Got Tea with them & did wright a little while Then we had a Saints Meeting A very few Saints presant I did Preside & the Saints Bore their Testimonis after wich Prest Williams Adressed us & very good on the Gifts of the Gospel & the Nessesity of the Saints Exersiseing faith in them went to bed at 4 Grove Place.Swansea. [#]


24th Got up late & got breakfast & am thinking to go & know Something about Baptise [Baptizing] the young Ladys. Where to fined [find] Watter Exept in the Tide. Read a very fine letter from Prest Teasdale to Prest Wms Sent a paper To Father with the Acount of the Murder at Llanelly. then went to Meet the Train 3/25 [3:25 p.m.] Expecting Lorenzo but he did not Come. I went up to Bro Parrs to try & find if we Could find any Watter to be able to Baptise thoes young Ladys. I went again to the Six thirty Train & Lorenzo Came I was very glad to See him he looked well. So we went Up to Prest. Williams & they were Very Kind to him Bro Parr Came but we Could not find a Conveniant place to Baptize So we postponed untill Next Wednesday in the Sea. Lorey & me went for a walk & then Came Home & went to bed at 4 Grove Place Swansea.[#]


25th. Got up at Eight fifty & got breakfast & Started to wright wrote a letter to Alex Lewis then went to the Post Office got Some Stamps. Went up to Lewis Lewis to Clydach with a Notice to Appear before Council at Swansea the last Sunday in the year to Show Cause why he Shall Not be Excomunicated. Lorenzo & my Self went to Bowdens & found all well. Mrs Price & Sarah were Scrubing Sarah was much taken up with Lory & So they were all of them. we then After Tea went to See Betcey Sarahs Daughter. they were all well & very Tidy we Came Home by the tram Lorey did Not give the things to Sarah, as Mrs Price was their I will give the Cuff Butons to Bowden & the Andkerchifs [handkerchiefs] to Mary & I will have to purchase Some thing to [give to] Mrs Price as She is the best of all to Me we had a good Chat & them [then] we went to bed at 4 Grove Place Swansea [#] walked 5-1/2 Miles.


26th. Got up at Half past Eight & got breakfast and will leave for Llanelly By one O Clock Train Richard Morse has Jest Come. & the 3 of us will go to Llanelly. Started 10 after One P.M. Train Reached 10 Loyd Street his Aunty was very Glad to See him.0 Mr Richards & the Boy went with us to visit Uncle Thomas & Family found them pretty well. Then we Went up to See Morgans Girls. Seen the three of them. Went from their to Tea at James Richards. After that I Called at Thomas Thomas the Shoe Makers & found Richard Morse their also Wm Owen[,] Richard & My Self went through the Market Place and around Town & then I went back to Sarah Bassets little Tom is Sick. Staid their for a little While & in Company with Sarah Saunders went again around Town & then went Home. got a Chat with Morgan & late went to bed at Morgan Saunders Old Road.Llanelly.


27th. Got up late and after breakfast went up to Bro John Johns House found them all well. & he is Much better I was to be at Van Galch to day but My Heels is not well So I Could Not go Am geting Dinner at Bro John Johns went to Meet Richard Morse at his Sisters Mary Owen. We then went to See the Spot were [where] that Man was Murdered & went from their to John Johns & has a good long Chat with the Old Man. We got Tea with them. Then Bro Morse & me Called on Lorenzo & the three of Us went to the little Chappel to hear the Josephits['] Davied Williams Spoke very well on the first Princples then we went Over to Sarah Bassets to see little Tom[,] Ann Harriss littel Boy he is very fond of Uncle John Then I went Home & got a chat with Morgan My Brother in Law & by & by we went to bed at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly.


28th Got up late & in a little while got Breakfast but before that the Post Man Came with a letter from Mary My Wife also a paper from Alex Lewis. the Sunday Herrald. with a little News from My Mountain Home I did Read the letter before I got Out of bed. I was very glad to hear they were all well. I Called[,] Acording to promise, At Thomas Thomas to Meet Richard Morse Then went to See for Lorenzo So has [as] to go & See Some of the folks.down at the forge Called at the Rabys Arms also at Lodwick & at Griffith Francis. got Tea with her. Bro Morse Then left Me & I went Over to Loreys and Wrote a letter to Joney My Son. Lorey & Me went to James Edwards to Tea then went to Uncles then went to John Johns & got quite a Time with them then Came Through the Rain Home.with Lorey. Then I went down by the Tram to Meet Mrs Price She Comeing from Swansea She Came & we went Home & after a while went to bed at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly

20 Got up late & got Ready for a walk to Pull Pembrey. did Call at Carelms with a Relative. & Called with two Other Relatives of Bro Morses. Called with Lorenzo at 10 Loyd Street. will Send a paper to Logan to Morrow. I went from their to Uncles & Staid their about Half an Hour with them. Then I went Over to Sarah Bassets to See little Tom he is very Sick. but I think he will Soon get better. Went to Bed at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly [#]

30th got up late went up to Jn Johns wished them Good bye & Called at M.Saunders & wished them good bye Am on the Start for Swansea Called at 10 Loyd Street & got Lorenzo to Send me by the One O Clock Train. Arived at Swansea & found Prest Williams & family well. got dinner with them then went & got the Star from Old Bro Evans. he kindly gave Me Six pence he was pretty well.


went & got Some Wrapers. Sent a paper to Alex Lewis. & after Supper two young Ladys Came to be Baptized & I Adminstered to the Ordinance. Names Mary Alice Rees. & Margaret Ann Rees. two Nice young Girls One 15 years past. the Other 12 years past. I Baptized them In the Cloud & in the Sea as Prest Wms Said. I walked Home wet. but I dont think I will Catch Cold. their was a Meeting at Swansea but we were to [too] late for it. as we had to Atend to the Baptism. Bro Prouse was the Only Man at Meeting Prest Parr is Sick they Say with a bad Arm. After a little while we went to bed at 4 Grove Place Swansea.[#] 6D

                  If thou Would be Great.

                  Suport the Distressed.

                  & Patronize the Neglected.

                                    S.R. Brough


            The Naked Truth.

                  How it Originated.

Sam Jones In the Red Rock Sermon Said. I will Tell you.

Once upon a time Truth & Error.went in Bathing together. Error Came Out first, Put on Truths Clothes & Ran Away And Error has been trying to wear the Same Garments ever Since. When Truth Came out of the Watter.The Only Clothing it Could find to Put on was what belonged to Error. Before I will wear Such Garments as thoes Said Truth.I will go Naked all my life Truth has kept its word. And goes through the World Naked without frill or Bang or Bustle.or any thing Else. Good for Truth Says I. John Thomas [#]


Dec 1St 1887 Got up late & got breakfast & a Read of the Star. it his [is] a very good Star. Bro Williams think best for me to go Over to Neath.and See the Saints.& find Out their feeling. I have Sent letter to Lorenzo to Llanelly also a Card to S.R.B[rough]. to Merthyr. I Shall Call and get a Meeting at Neath to Night. if the Saints will be able to Come. Arived at Neath about half past [ ] Found Bro & Sister Williams well & feeling Good. Got Tea with Sister Williams Then went Over to Langs. he was In eating Supper. & She was Sick in bed. I told him that they Must live better then [than] they have done of late. he Said they were going to. I left & Came back thinking to have Meeting. but both Men were going [to] work at One O Clock in the Morning So we didnt get a Meeting I went Over to Bro Eastmans he was in bed. Staid their and got Supper then Came back & got a Chat with Miss Jones and after a while went to bed at Hugh Williams Neath [#]


2D Got up at Eight & did Sleep well this Night in a good Clean bed have had a good breakfast.& by & by will Start for Resolven. but did walk to Glyn Neath & took Train for Merthyr on Ariveing found Elders Brough. Evans. Davies.& Watterson. all feeling well. first thing I Seen was a letter from Dan & Father with Eight Dollars in it. I am So thankfull to them for their kindness to me. I must Say that it was a Splendid letter. full of News.& Glad to find that all My family are well. it Seems that their is another letter & two Papers has been Sent to Llanelly. I Expect Lorenzo will Bring them to day. Bro Watterson gets letters Every Week Joseph Cowley Says he will Answer my letter Soon. it Seems P.N.Peterson is Discharged [from prison?]. Glad to hear that Father & Dan has Enough work to do. Bros Brough. Watterson.& Myself went Around Town for a walk and Returned and after Prayers.we went to bed at 98 Twyn y Rhodin Merthyr [#] Walked 10 Miles.


3D. Got up about 1/2 past Eight feeling well wrote a good long letter to Ed.W.Smith Logan. we have Spent the day Very Comfortable I bought a knife for Peter for Sixpence & bought Some Christmass Cards to send Home went to Every Train to Meet Lorenzo he did Not Come untill the last Train. through the day [with] Elders Gill. T.B.Davies. Richard Morse & President Williams. When Lorry Came he Brought Me a letter from Llanelly.that had been Mailed down their. It was from Bro Elias Davies. Cache Hill. Stateing that they are all well at Home. & that he is doing a little better. & that he is paying his depts [debts] fast. he Sent me a Slip [newspaper clipping] Stating that D.F.Thomas has been Arested. & that his bonds was $2000 T.J.Stephens. & W.H.Wright went his Bonds [put up his bail] we Started in Council & heard the Reports of the Elders their was Eight Baptized this Month. Swansea District two. Manmouth four. Pont y Pridd two. went to Meet the Train & Lorey Came. five Elders went out to Sleep. & the Rest Slept at 98.Twyn y Rodyn Merthyr [#]


4th Got up at about Eight as we got to Meet at Council 1/2 past Nine & we had a very good time. three were Called to the Office of Priests. & one to be Ordained to the Office of an Elder. We adjourned Untill Ten O.Clock A.M. Monday. At 11.O.Clock the Mission Council Comenced & all the Branches were Reported in very good Condition. Half past two we get Our Meeting. & Elders Brough & Watterson Adminstered the Sacrament. Then, Elder Morgan Evans Spoke. I followed. then D.R.Gill Spoke & we all felt Speaking to the Saints after Tea we Got a little Chat. & Sister Grimley gave me a presant of a Nice little Welsh Hymn Book I am very thankfull for it Six P.M. we again Meet & after Singing & P[r]ayer by Elder Brough, Thomas B.Davies Spoke followed by Elder Watterson then Theoph[i]lus Davies. & Elder S.R.Brough Spoke for 30 Minutes after wich.Prest Williams Spoke well. & he has done well in Council & at all the Meetings & we have had a Splendid time all day. Went Out for a walk then Came Home & Six of us Slept at 98 Twyn y Rhodin five went out to Sleep.


5th At 98 Twyn y Rodyn Merthyr (Monday) Got up at Eight & Comenced my day a little Sick. but after a while I got better & we had our Council Meeting. I was Apointed to the Cardiff District & Lorenzo my Companion. D.R.Gill & Thomas.B.Davies in The Pont y Pridd District. Morgan Evans in Monmouth Richard Morse & T.M.Davies in Carmarthen Wm Watterson & Alma.C.Davies to Pembrook S.R.Brough his [is] going to See his Relatives to England. So this is Our Apointment. Lorenzo & My Self went Around Town. Got a few Cards. & I Sent them to Grandpa So he Could take them to the Children I also Sent a Note in it for them. Went up with Morgan Evans.& Richard Morse To pen Garn ddu. All three of us did Preach.& we had a good time. I Called with Richard Morse in a Cousen of his She is Married to John Morgan a young Man from Llanelly. Slept at Ninty Eight Twyn y Rodin Merthyr Walked.7 Miles.


6th. Got up 1/2 Past Eight and after a little while.we got breakfast & am geting Ready for a Start but will Send a letter To Carrie first have been in all day. Pretty Much Seen Most all the Boys away. went to Town with S.R.Brough he bought him a Nice Coat & Hat. D R Gill[,] T B Davies[,] Wm Watterson[,] Alma C Davies. [&] Morgan Evans has left Richard Morse his [is] going to Abergavenny To the Funeral of Rose Llawellyn. I am going to Start in Company with Lorenzo for Aberdare. So he will See Some of Morgan S. Evans Relatives & they are So Kind to Me. I Sent a Nice Birth Day Card to My Wife Carrie. I have Comenced a letter for Mary.& I will Send her a Card we found out to Night that their is about 1300 Latterday Saints Left Liverpool for Utah.this year. So that Shows to the world we are not dead. Lorrey has Sent Lots of Christmas Home. Slept at 98 Twyn y Rodyn Merthyr [#]


7th Got up about half past Eight & have had a good breakfast & have finished Marys letter. & will Send her a Nice Card & also One to Sarah My little Daughter. Sarah his [is] a different Girl to what She Used to be.When I Came hear [here] geting So free with Me. Lorenzo & My Self Sent her a Card Each. & at Seven O Clock we bid good bye to Bro Brough[,] Sister Thomas & the Children. went by Train to Abernant took with Me two Voice of Warnings Paid one Shilling for them walked from Abernant to Aberdare & went to 14 Gadlys Street they Recevied us well. & after a while we got Supper & went To Bed at Davied Lewiss 14 Gadlys Street Aberdare.[#] Sent Mary a Nice Card. Also Sent Sarahs Presants to Her from Nancey[,] Lilla.0& Mary Her Step Mother.


8th Got up half Past Eight & got a good Breakfast and in a little while we Started for Henery Phillips. found they had had a letter Saying that Lorenzo was Comeing. So they were very Kind to us we left and Called at Samuel Phillips & they did Recevie us well & will Expect us to Call again as we Return for Merthyr we left & Called. at Mr Bennet off the Main Road. She is Daughter to Old Sister Davies Next door to Me [in Logan]. then Called at Mrs Davies Went again on Our Journey to Cap Coch Called at Benjmin Lewis he has been Sick for Ten weeks. we got a little to Eat with them. Then we Started & at three O Clock we Arived at Penrhiwceiber. & found Bro & Sister Evans well D.R.Gill & Thomas B. Davies was hear but left in a little while for Pont y Pridd. So we will Stay hear Over Night we had a good Meeting Lorenzo Spoke we Sang for a long time.& Bros Evans played for us. we had good times. Slept at Bro Evans Penrhiwceiber.[#] Walked 6 Miles.


9th Got up at half past Eight & am feeling first Rate. did have a very Nice breakfast with Welsh Rabbit. Jest Now I have had Gripeing Pain Makes me feel a little Uncomfortable. But will be better Soon. Will leave by the 1/2 past One Train P.M. Arived at Pontypridd 2 O Clock P.M. Called at Sister Evans in Town. & posted a letter wich I wrote to Lorenzo my Brother in Spanish Fork [UT] Met Bros Gill & Davies. The four of us went Over the Old Pontypridd Bridge wich was Built in 1750 it his [is] the Largest One Span Bridge in the World they Say. Bid Gill & Davies good bye & went over to Thomas Evans got a bite to Eat then Called at Bro Coles found them all well. Then Started to Tre Forrest. Called at Old Man Edwardss Seen Sister Jones John is well. then went up to the Station. took Train for Cardiff. Arived at D.C.Forseys. found them all well & glad to See us & I found two letters for Me one from Carrie & I was pleased to get it. very p[r]oud My little Girl was well has [as] She has had the Measels. My other letter was from Alex Lewis a very good letter. we went up Town Lorey likes Cardiff Came Home & went to bed at D C Forseys 70 Coburn Street Cathays Cardiff.[#]


10th. Got up late & after a wile we got Our Breakfast and I feel better Now. Lorenzo & Me went up Town to See the New Shop that Bro Forseys is going to take. he will keep two places I hope he will do well. we Came Home & did wright in Our Jourl [journal]. got dinner at Bro Forseys did Read a Utah Journal No Particular News. Then we went up Town & we bought a Stamp with My Name0 on for 1/6 it his [is] very Nice. we then went around Town. Lorenzo Bought a Razor & Strop also a Box & Soap. Then we Returned to Forseys.& went to C.Harriss & got Supper with them & did Spend the Evening with them. then we Came Home & got a Chat with the folks. This day Lorrey has Enjoyed him Self well. It Seems things are going on well in Cardiff as people are all So Buisse The Saints in Cardiff are very Kind and are willing to do what they Can for the Elders we did not go to bed untill half past 12. Slept at D.C.Forseys 70 Coburn Street.Cathays. Cardiff [#]


11th Got up very late as it his [is] Sunday & the folks do Not get up early. got Breakfast.& went up Stairs did Read & Explain a little to Lorenzo. Sister F[orsey] did light a fire for us. I went to Charles Harriss to Dinner. Lorenzo.Staid at Forseys after dinner we went to Meeting Prest Shepton & Most all the Saints were to Meeting we had a very good Meeting Lorenzo Made his first Atempt at Speaking I Expect he will Make a good Speker by & by I got Tea at Bro Forseys. Lorenzo at Harriss. in a while we looked after geting Some Hymns for the Meeting. So we got Some & done very well. Meeting Comenced at 1/2 past Six Elder Watts Spoke first Prest Shepton Next & I followed them & Spoke 30 Minnuts. all felt well & we had a good time Prest Shepton gave us 1/6 Each he is very kind. after Meeting we took a walk around Slept at D.C.Forseys 70 Coburn Street Cathays Cardiff [#] 1-6


12th Got up very Late this Morning Went up Town & got a few Cards to Send Mary's little Children Sent a letter to Fred & Mary gave them a little of Our History. Wrote to Prest Williams.Asking Him to Come to Cardiff for Christmas. Thinking we Can have very good Times all together.hear & Maybe get quite a good Confrance. Got a letter from S.R.Brough with Some Bills for Colection. Helped Sister Stone Some Raisins. Then went to D.C.Forseys New Shop with Him.& helped them to fix up a little Got a big wetting [from the rain] Comeing Home. After Supper we went to bed. at D C Forseys.70 Coburn Street Cathays Cardiff [#]

Concerning Seventys & Elders.

Doc & Cov. 446 [#] page.0


13th Got up very late as it was very late on us going to bed did Dream of Mother & of Chickens & Eggs. also that I was Called by C.C.Goodwin0.& I made a Start to Run & got away from him. Got breakfast and am feeling well. Sent a paper to John A. McAllister. went to visit Sister Dimonds got Dinner there. Staid a few Hours as it was Raining Hard. In the Afternoon visited Blaydens & we got Tea with Sister Blayden. then we Started for Cathays. Left Our Bags & went Up Town. walked around & went at 1/2 past Eight [p.m.] went to Bro Forseys New Shop & helped them to get Ready for Buisness It was twelve O Clock [midnight] when we Came Home & I was Surprised to See the fine young women [prostitutes] that was Out around the Streets Jest as pretty as Pictures.& yet thoes women & the Men that go with them.Think Polygamie is Awfull What a State of things[!]. went to bed at D.C.Forseys 70 Coburn Street Cathays Cardiff [#]


14th Got up late & got breakfast and am feeling very well this Morning. we have had Fire up Stairs So I have wrot a letter to Evan Thomas Schofield Utah Lorenzo has Jest had a letter from his Father & Mother [James & Elizabeth Thomas] & I have had two papers it is Jest Awfull the way they are takeing the Property of the Church into their Hands. How long ho [Oh] Lord.his [is] this to Last. if it his [is] for the Good of thy Saints we Must be Satisfied & wait patiently for thy Salvation. Recevied a letter from Prest Williams, Saying he thought best Not to Call the Elders as it was a Short Month. went Over to the New Shop & Staid their all Afternoon it his [is] beginning to look good. Went in Company with Lorenzo & got a Cup of Coffee as I felt I Needed it. Took a walk Around Town. went back to the New Shop & Staid their Untill 12.O.Clock. went Home & to bed at One in the Morning at D.C.Forsey 70 Coburn Street Cathays Cardiff [#]


15th This Morning I have been Sick Since 3 O Clock with Pains in My Chest & by & by I got it in My Bowells. Got up & went back [to bed] again. Lorenzo Brought me a good Cup of Tea.& I Staid in bed untill Eleven then I got up & Recevied a Card from S.R.Brough.from Longton Staffordshire I wrot him a letter.Asking Him to Come to Cardiff for Christmas. Got a little Dinner & took Dinner to Bro Forsey & Lorenzo. Helped them a while then Returned to Cathays. Got a Cup of Tea & went again up Town with C.Harris I took a Strole around the Main Buisness Part of Town Am feeling a good deal better & went Over again to the New Shop & Staid a while Then Lorenzo & My Self.went Home & had a good warm. Got Our Prayers Then I went to bed. Eat but very little To day.Trusting I will be Much better tomorrow Slept at D.C.Forsey 70 Coburn Street Cathays Cardiff Paid on my Oil Painting.10 Shillings


16th Got up late but am feeling A good deal better this Morning Thank My Heavenly Father.for it did Eat a pretty Good Breakfast this Morning. Lorenzo is Gone with Bro Forsey. I will wright to D.F.Thomas Went up Town for Sister Forsey. did write to D F Thomas and gave him a pretty good acount of things with us hear in the Welsh Mission. After dinner I Made Some Blinds for Forseys New Shop & took them Up & went Around Town & in the Evening went with a Ticket Given Me of C.Harris to a variety Concert & will Say it was Grand Bicycle Rideing was wonderful.& the Singing Figures was Splendid & So was the performanc with the Lamps & Balls & Bottles [juggling?] the Best I ever Seen The Singing was Not So good. alltogether it was a Splendid performanc. Went To the New Shop & Came Home with the folks Am feeling better Now then [than] I have for a few days Slept at D C Forsey 70 Coburn Street Cathays Cardiff [#]


17th Got up late got breakfast & went up Town Bought a few Christmas Cards for Bro Forseys & Harriss little Children. Came back again got Dinner with Sister Forsey It was Raining So I Staid in & did wright in my Journal. Went up Town & Over to the New Shop Lorenzo had gone Home. So I Staid with Bro Forsey Untill he Came back. then we went Out for a Company with C Harris. Lorenzo & Harris went to the Variety Concert & at 10 to Nine I went Over & was passed in. Then we went to Forseys [shop] & Staid their Untill 12.O.Clock. Then we went Home got Supper & I got a Letter from Mary My Wife with a Post Office [Money] Order with 1.2.6 [1L. 2S. 6D.] This is what my Son Johnie Sent Me. It was a very Nice letter I also got a paper a Utah Journal. after a little while went to bed at 2.O.Clock in the Morning at D.C.Forseys.70.Coburn Street.Cathays.Cardiff


18th Got up very late & went in to C.Harriss for breakfast Then got back to Clean My Self Ready for Meeting I got Dinner to Harriss. Half past 2 P.M. we Met for Meeting Most of the Saints presant. we had a very good Meeting Lorenzo Bore his Testimony Prest Shepton & My Self Spoke to the Saints for a little time I felt well. Got Tea at Forseys. got Some Hymns Ready for Night Meeting 1/2 past Six we Again Opened our Meeting Lorenzo Ofering the Prayer. Prest Shepton Spoke first and did well. Then I followed & Spoke for 35.Minutes.with Ease.& we had all together a very good time Elder Watts gave us a Shilling each.& So did Prest Shepton. after Meeting we went to Bro Forseys Sitting Room & got a good Sing & after Supper.we went to bed at D.C.Forseys 70 Coburn Street Cathays Cardiff [#] 2S-.

41 Got up late this Morning & got Breakfast & after Wrighting a few lines to Prest Williams.& Richard Williams [at] Wick bid Bro & Sister Harris good bye & thanked them for their Kindness to us.the week past. then we Started on our Trip to New Mills. Called at Sister Blaydens & got dinner with her. then Started again. Arived at Sister Thomass Ty 5.O.Clock P.M. & found them well.& they were glad to See us & in a little while we had a Nice Supper Roast Rabbit. Then I Read the Star while Sister Thomas Mended My Stokings.& about Nine.O.Clock we went to bed & did have a Nice fire to warm the Room for us Slept at Ty Gwillim. New Mills. at Richard Thomass. walked 9-1/2 Miles [#] To Day.


20th Was Called This Morning & Told it was 1/2 past Eight. We got a good breakfast Toast & Chees. we wished Sister Thomas good Bye & Started for Wick. Calling at Bryn Sadler.found Bro & Sister Morgans Pretty.Well. did Not Stay long but Started again & Reached Wick [at] 3.15 P.M. Found Bro & Sister [Richard] Wms Well. They did not have Notice Enough So has [as] to Invite the People to Come from All the Village. but they Recevied us kindly and at Night we got a Meeting & a good few people Came to hear us we Sang Welsh & Lorenzo Offered Prayer then I preached in Welsh for 50 Minutes Then Lorrenzo Bore his Testimony. We had a very good time & had a good Chat. It Seems to Me that their is a very good prospect in Wick to bring Some into the Curch. But it his [is] a Miserable House we Stay in.Has [as] they keep So Many Rough Lodgers their. Slept at Richard Wms [at] Wick.Near Bridge End [#] Walked.12.Miles


21St Got up half past Eight & got breakfast & Soon Started wishing them good bye.& as we were passing a Farm House.Mr.William Morgan.Kindly gave us Six pence between us I Blessed him for it. Then we walked through Cow Bridge to Brin Sadler. Arived about three P.M. got dinner with them. Went Over to Merryfields they were very Kind to us. Returned to Bro Morgans.& in a little while Started to Sister Thomass found them Well & Kind as Usal. Got Supper with Them & did Read to them the visions & had quite a Nice Chat & after a while went to bed at.Ty Gwillim Near New Richard Thomass. Walked 12-1/2 Miles

[The following text is in the handwriting of Lorenzo Richardson Thomas:]

Character is very Much like Cloth In one Respect. If white it Can be Dyed black but Once blackened, It Cannot be dyed white.

writin By L. R. Thomas


22D Got up Near Eight & after breakfast did write for a Time while Sister Thomas Mended My Stockings. At Eleven O Clock we bid Sister Thomas good bye & Started for Pentyrch.Thinking to have a Meeting Called at William Daviess.but he had gone to work to Cardiff. So She thought best for us to Come in a week after Holy days.& give her a weeks Notice. We then got a little Bread & Butter to take with Eat on the Road. Then we Started for Cardiff.& Reached Sister Dimonds at four P.M. & in a little while got Tea. Then we Started for Cathays found the folks all well. I got a letter from Dan with My Dear Mothers photo I am So glad to get it They also Sent me [$]5.00/100 & Carrie Sent Me [$]2.50/00 & Bro Greaves [$]1.00/100 I thank them all for their Kindness to Me they will Never Miss it. We Spent the Evening Cuting letters Out to Decorate our Room for Christmas. Was very late going to bed at D.C.Forseys 70 Coburn Street Cathays Cardiff[#]. Walked 13 Miles to Day


23D Got up late & after breakfast we Spent Our Day around Cardiff & wrote a little Also Read Some I bought a few Christmas Presents for Bro Forseys & Harriss children.As they Are So Kind to Us. Went in The Evening to Town in Company with Mrs Harris & Charley & her Sister. Came Home & got Supper with Bro & Sister Harris. went to bed late Slept at 70 Coburn Street Cathays Cardiff[#]

24th Got up Late & got breakfast & spent the Morning Reading a paper I got. had the News of the Death of Sister E.R.Snow Smith. one by one.the Great ones leaves us. Am wrighting this Morning to Mary My wife but did Not finish Went up Town with Some Shoes to Sister Forsey & Staid up did Not Come Home untill late bought Some little Xmas for the Children after we Came Home we had a good Supper Lorenzo bought himself an Album A very Nice one for six Shillings It was two O Clock in the Morning when we went to bed. Slept at D.C.Forseys 70 Coburn Street Cathays Cardiff[#].


25th Christmas day. Sunday. got up late & went to C.Harriss to breakfast after wich.C.Harris & MySelf Dressed the Meeting Room.& at 2 O Clock we all Sat down to a Very fine dinner. Brother & Sister Harris was also hear They had a beautiful Goose also Plum Puding & Mince Pies.& we Made a Splendid Dinner & After we got a Nice Meeting Prest Shepton wasent [wasn't] in this Meeting Bro Watts Came to Tea with us & we have had quite a good time together So farr this day. at 7.O.Clock.we got our Night Meeting.& Bro Shepton Turned it into.A Prayer Meeting Prest Shepton felt Splendid & Spoke a few words to the point. their wasent any Strangers in Meeting.So we had a very Nice time Some of the weak Saints did pray. Prest Shepton gave us 2/6 Each. then we parted after a very good day together. We went to the Sitting Room & got Some Oranges & Nuts & also a few Songs or Hymns we went to bed at D.C.Forseys 70 Coburn Street Cathays Cardiff[#]. 2[S]-6[D]


26th. [Mon] Got up at 1/2 past Eight and am feeling very well. Got breakfast at D.C.Forseys. will go to visit Sister Dimonds. did So & did Visit Bro Blaydens Got Some Cake with them then went to the New Shop. found Every thing allright. Then Returned to D.C.Forseys & went to Bro Harriss for Dinner. then prepared for a good time in the Evening. a good Many folks Came & Prest Shepton Also Came & we had a Jolly time all together Playing Games & Singing Songs & got a fine Tea.after wich we had lots of Games & I told their fortune. Then we got Supper Sister Forsey & Sister Harris had a Puding Each with a 3 Penny Piece in then [them]. Sister Blayden Got one & all had had their Share So their was a little Piece left & I Offered a penny for it & Lorenzo offered two pence but Sister Harris gave it to me & in it was the little Coin So we had lots of fun Over it. after a while we all parted after a good time that wont Soon be forgot by me went to bed late at D.C.Forseys 70 Coburn Street Cathays Cardiff[#]

48 Got up late & got our breakfast & got a fire up Stairs & did wright a letter for Carrie & finished a letter for Mary Staid in all day in a Comfortable Room Went Out in the Evening in Company with Bro & Sister Forsey & Lorenzo Around Town went to See the Beckwith Family [performers?] in their Feats in the watter it was wonderfull how they Could do it Got back Home & after a little Supper we went to bed at 70 Coburn Street Cathays Cardiff[#]

28th. Got up about Nine got breakfast and have Recevied two letters one from Alex Lewis & one from Our Dave [David Smith, JT's step-son]. No News Scarsely. did Bid Bro Forsey good bye.As we are going to Pont y pridd. Called at Sister Dimonds & got dinner. then Called at Sister Blaydens & Lorenzo got given the three penny piece that She got out of the puding. wished her good bye & walked to Walnut Stree[t] Station. then took the Train to Tre Forrest & Stayed at John Jones Over Night.& had good time with them. Slept at John Jones.Tre forrest[#] walked 5 Miles


29th Got up at 1/2 past Eight.& got a very good breakfast. Next door their was a Case of Small Pox. a young Boy had it. I hope they will Keep enough Distance from them.So they dont Catch it. we wished them good bye & went to Pontypridd. Called at Thomas Evans. also at Sister Bishops.& then we Called at Sister Evans in Town. found all the Saints feeling well. Lorenzo & My Self went to See the Rocking Stone. I Rocked him & he Rocked Me.& We had quite a good time together all day. In the Afternoon we went to Sister Bishops & got a good Dinner.with them. went again around Town & in the Evening.We got a good Meeting.a House full & Some Strangers. the Saints Bore their Testimonies & Lorenzo Spoke.for a few Moments. Then I followed him & Spoke for 1/2 an Hour & did feel well. after Meeting I went to send the folks [on the train?].& Bro John John [Jones?] gave us 1/3 Each.& we went Home to Thomas Evans & got Supper then went to Bro Coles & Slept their at Pontypridd[#]. Walked.3.Miles 1[S]-3[D]


30th. Got up at 1/2 past Eight & got a good breakfast with Sister Coles wished her good bye & Called at Sister Bishops.& bid them good bye also went to wish Sister Evans & wished them good bye & Started for the Junction. took Train for.Penrhiwceiber. Then walked to Aberdare Called.& At Samuel Phillips & got Tea with them they are very Kind to us. we went up to David Lewis She was very Kind to us. then we went to Henery Phillips Seen her & the two Boys but they were black [from working in the coal mines]. Not washed. So I Could Not tell how they looked. we went Samuel Phillips.& got Supper. All the Family Came with us to the Station. the Old Man & the Lady & Son & daughter.& it Seems they are very fond of Lorenzo. we arived at Merthyr at 10.O.Clock.& found So Many of the Elders presant.that it Made me feel good & what Made me feel better was to have a letter from My Wife Carrie.with a Nice Card in it. it was a very Nice letter I was very glad to get it. Slept at 98 Twyn y Rodyn Merthyr Walked.9. Miles


31.St got up late got breakfast & went to Change my [Money] Orders & paid My depts [debts] & bought Me a Suit of Clothes Cost 29/9 got a good pair of Suspenders did put a Seat in Bro Broughs Pants Seen for the first Time Elder Edward Bennet.Makeing to day in the Mission 12 Elders are Laboring Prest Williams Came Early in Company with Sister Williams.& Seba Bro Wms his [is] a little better. We in the Evening got Our Council & all the Elders Reported their Labors. Only two had been Baptized this Month in the Pontypridd District we had a very good Evening together After Council Bro T.B.Davies Made a Colection So has [as] to purchase an Acordian So we may get a little Music. Elder Richard Morse had a bad Cold.& did Not feel very bright. After a good long Chat we went to bed & Slept at 98 Twyn y Rodyn Merthyr Tydvil


1St. Jan 1888. Happy New year to all

[1St.] Got up late & got Ready for Council. a very larg Croud of People Came together all from Penrhiwciber.& a good Many from Other Branches. Council Convened & all the Presidents Reported.& their was a good feeling prevailing Nine was Excomunicated at Swansea & Six at Merthyr. A.Branch was Organized at Tre Allaw with Davied Harris as President. at two 30 we had Our Sacrament Meeting Elders.Watterson & Alma Davies did Adminster the Sacrament Then Elder Gill was Called to Speak &. Spoke well. Then I was Called & did bear My Testimony. & did feel well in So doing Then Theo Davies Spoke very well Some of the Saints Rail. At Six we Meet again & the Room was full.a good Many Strangers first Speaker was Elder Brough. Next Elder Morgan Evans in a forcable Manner Then President Williams Spoke for a few Moments Spirited. We then had a good Chat & I did wright Untill 12.O.Clock. then we went to bed at 98 Twyn y Rodyn Merthyr Tydvil[#]


2D Got up Early as we are going to have a Council Meeting. Got breakfast & we are doing very well as all are feeling well in their Mission at Eleven O Clock we Started our Council.when John Thomas & Lorenzo was apointed to Labor in the Carmarthen District. Richard Morse in the Same district only diferent parts.with Alma C.Davies as his Partner. D.R.Gill & Thomas B. Davies in the Pont y Pridd District. Morgan Evans & Edward Bennet in the Monmouth District. Theo Davies & Wm.Watterson in The West Side of the Cardiff District. with S.R.Brough Also will Labor in Cardiff District. In the afternoon we had a little Music with T.B.Davies & Ed Bennet.with the Confrance Acordian. I Made up My Mind to leave Merthyr So I packed up My Valice & got my Clothing from Sister Thomas So has [as] to be able to get them washed Some were [where] else. So we got a Cup of Tea.& Started at 7 P.M. for Swansea in Company with Bro & Sister Wms & Morgan Evans. found Margretta well. we Slept at 4 Grove Place Swansea[#]


3D Got up at 1/2 after Eight & Came down Stairs & did Read Some of the Star it his [is] very good. After a while we got breakfast.& Lorenzo & My Self went all around Swansea also to the Pier Head. thought to go to Elias Daviess [sister] but did Not to day. Came back to Prest Wms.& did wright in My Journal. We got a Young Mens Meeting & we had a very good time together I Spoke for a few Moments then the Meeting was dismised.and in a little while We went to bed at 4 Grove Place Swansea[#]

4th Got up late. No Mail. Will to day we will go to See Sarah but first we wrote a letter to James at Egle Rock & I also wrote to D.C.Forsey Cardiff Went up to Morriston. Called on the way at Elias Daviess Sisters they were very Kind to us went to Bowdens & got dinner with them. They were very Kind. Sarah was at Swansea. Came home & got a Saints Meeting Not Many presant Lory Spoke So did I.and Bro Williams Slept at 4.Grove.Place Swansea Walk 6 Miles


5th Got up at 1/2 past Eight am feeling well got breakfast & in a little while we went down Town & went to see Old Bro Evans he was very glad to See us.& Kindly gave us 1/. one Shilling Each then we Started for Neath Calling at Morriston and got Our dinner with them Pease Soup. it was very Nice then we Started for Neath & got their about.three O Clock. [(]But before We left Swansea I Sent a letter to Father & Dan.) got a Cup of Tea at Sister Langs. Then we went to Bro & Sister Wms & were well Recevied got Some Eat with them. In a little While we went to Eastmans. Got a good Chat also good News.Saying they will Soon be leaveing for our Mountain Home.News he has had from his Daughters. We got a Nice little Meeting the Saints Bearing their Testimonys Lorenzo did Speak for a few Moments & I followed him.& felt well in talking. Slept at Mr & Sister Wms Neath[#] walked.Nine Miles.1S


6th Got up at half past Eight & got a good breakfast & went Around Town with Lorenzo to Show him were [where] I lived & where My Dear Betcey Died. we were both in the House Mrs Edwards Came with us. Went from their to Mr Roberts The Tailors & had a Chat then went to Langs & got Our Dinner & a long Chat.& left by Train from the Abbey to Swansea. Called at Thomas Daviess he asked Me to Come at half past Eight to Baptize him. Went Over to Prest Williams found them all well got Tea & went around Town. In the Evening I Changed & in Company with Lorenzo went to Bro Daviess & we three went to the Sea Shore & waited for the tide to Come up Enough. & about 1/2 past Ten I Baptised Thomas Davies. after that we went Home to 4 Grove Place in My wet Clothes.& got Changed went to bed at Prest Williams.4 Grove Place Swansea.[#] walked 3.Miles


7th. Got up late got Our breakfast & I wrote a letter to Alex Lewis & have Spent Our time around Town thought to go to Neath but did Not. Made a present of a Tie to Bro Wms & an Handkerchif to Sister Wms & Margretta. Bought Me a Tie also two for Joney.& a few Other Things wich Cost me over Six Shillings. I was given an Handkerchif by Sister Wms Neath. Bought the last Weekly Mail for the Prize & will Send them in tomorrow what will become of the Last Prize I am Not able to Tell But if they Come to my Lot I will Pay My Tithing Out of them & Use Some for Emigrating Some of the Saints So if they will Come this way they would be a blessing Rather then [than] go to the Out Side World. I will trust they will Come to Some of us Latterday Saints. We went all Over Swansea.& Seen lots of Women going in to a Gin Shop. Went Home & by & by went to bed at 4 Grove Place Swansea[#]


8th. Sunday Morning Got up late got our breakfast & after went & sent a paper to Wm Thomas Eagle Rock. & Sent the Coupons to the Weekly Mail Office Cardiff. after atended Sunday School. Not Many presant. Got a Nice Dinner at Bro Williams a Chicken.& a Rubarb Puding it was good. After dinner we got a Nice Meeting a good Many of the Saints presant. Lorenzo & My Self Spoke after the Saints bore their Testimonys.& I must Say we had a very good time. went with Davied Watts & Lorenzo to Adminster the Sacrament to Old Bro Evans. went to Alma Wattss to Tea. did Adminster to Alma Watts Then we went to Our Night Meeting which was an Exelent Meeting. Prest Parr & Bro Prouse Spoke well Then I followed & Spoke for quite a time Encourageing the Saints. Prest Wms went to Morriston to the Josephite Meeting & had quite a Time with Them Slept at 4.Grove Place Swansea[#]

59[Mon] Got up late & after a while got breakfast. I worked with Bro Wms finding Out how Many had Emigrated last year [1887] we found 27.& five Elders left hear for home their has for the year 71 been Baptised in this Welsh Mission this last year Lorenzo & myself visited Wm Williamss House also Geo Parrs also Moroni Wattss. Then we went to Bro Prouses & we got dinner their.& after that we went to Bowdens & found them all well Sarah was geting her Self Ready for a Ball & She was ancious for us to see her before She went & I must Say She looked Nice & Jest as plesant as She Could be their was a young Lady with her that was a Relative to Old Thomas Job. We left about 7 O Clock & arived at Time for Meeting. So we had a very good Meeting & Prest Williams Spoke for a little. then we Dismissed & we Slept at 4 Grove Place Swansea[#] Walked 7 Miles


10th.[Tue] Got up late or about 1/2 past 8 am going to Llanelly. we got breakfast & in the Morning I did help Prest Wms Lorenzo & Me went around Town I bought a few Handkerchifs. then we went to a Remnant Shop & bought a Nice Pice of Coat Lining. 3/-3/8 yds for 4[S]/11-1/2[D]. I Will Keep it Untill I go Home. It is a great Bargain. We wished Bro & Sister Williams Seba & Margretta good bye & went to the Station.& Started for Llanelly.Ariveing at James Richards House. She Ricevied Lorrie well Then we went Out & Called at Sarah Bassets found them all well little Tommy a good deal better from his Sick Spell. went to Uncles found them well from their to Morgans & found them all well. Went again to See John John heard he had been very Sick Lorenzo & Me Adminstered to him & he felt better got Tea their then we went Home Lorenzo to his Uncles & I went to Morgans Slept their at the Old Road Llanelly.

61 [Wed] Got up about 1/2 past Eight & got breakfast.& went down to See Lorenzo he went with me to the Rabys Arms & we Got dinner with them. Then we Called at Griffith Francis House & heard a little from Utah. They were very kind to us. Asked us to Call again. Went from their to James Edwards had a little Chat & then went up to John Johns. Took Some Tea with them. Called in Robert Hughess & had a little Chat & Introduced Lorenzo to Them. Went around.Town & he bought a Ink Stand for his Cousen for 2/ & a very Nice one. wished him good bye. I went up to Uncle Thomass & had a Chat with him. The Children in this place are glad to See Uncle John. it takes about two Shillings Every time I Come hear to the Children went from their Home. gave Aunty Ann [Saunders Price].Nanceys presant also the little Handkerchif She Sent Me [-] She was very proud of it [-] from little Nancey. also glad to See Mothers photo. Got a letter for Lorenzo from Mary.E.Bixby Slept at Morgan Saunders.Old Road.Llanelly.


12th [Thu] Got up late Mrs Price was up about five O.Clock.& She Staid up. I got breakfast & after a while I went to town & took Lorenzos letter to him he was glad to get it. We both went up town & to R.Hughess Lorrie bought him Cloth for a pair of Pants for 9/. he went to his Uncles & I went to James Edwards & put a Pocket in My Coat. I got dinner with them. Called to Lorenzo & we went up to Velin Vole to See Mrs Wms. She was Midling. Came back to John Johns & was told he had been very Sick to day. we had Prayers with him we also got Tea their Called again at Mrs Rees Market Street but She wasnt in Called at Tom Daviess & had a Social Chat. Bought Sister Forsey a Gold Dollar.Exactly like the Other & Same date Bought 1/4 pence worth of Oranges and divided among the folks & then went Home. Did wright in My Journal Called to See Marthas father he is kind of Sick. wanted Me to Send & tell Martha Slept at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly.


13th.[Fri] Got up about 1/2 past Eight feeling a Cold on Me I hope it wont last long I got breakfast and went down to Griffith Wilkins & had a little Chat. Then went up to John Johns he was So much better. I left & went to See Lorenzo he was writing to Mary E. [Bixby] I Staid their for quite a while got Tea with them Lorenzo & My Self went down to James Edwards The Cold was worse So I Could Not Sing with Them. Lorenzo & My Self went to Uncles & from their up to Morgans to See for Some Mail but their was None for us. Mary Saunders went to Send Lorenzo a little way Over the New Turnpike. & I Staid in got a Cup of Tea & went to bed.feeling quite Sick with the Cold. I gave Morgan an Old Chain I had he thought a lot of it I Slept at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly[#]


14th [Sat] Got up About 1/2 past Eight & did prepare for Our Journey went down to See for Lorenzo we both went to See John John. he his [is] So Much better we wished them good bye & went to Morgans & got a Cup of Tea & Started for Mynydd y Garreg Arived at about 4.O.Clock found Sister Wms well & all the family were well I did Read Several letters from Eli & good letters they are he is feeling.Splendid & his [is] Makeing Means fast So has [as] to help the folks Out he is Staying with Mary Pant y fer formerly they are also feeling well. Edwin do Not live as he Should but Keeps bad Company Sorry for the Boy. Margret Walters his [is] doing well. Bro Williams his [is] working a little Now & a good job to has [as] the Tin Works is Idol [idle] & Sarah is at Home we had a a good time together & after a while we went to bed My Cold is very bad but I hope it will Soon be better. Slept at Griffith Wms Mynydd y Garreg.Near Kidwelly[#] Walked 10 Miles


15th.[Sun] Got up late am feeling Rather Sick My Voice is Afected & I have Cold all through my body I Pray God to Bless Me with health wich we Realy Need when we are Traveling through the Country. Bro & Sister Wms & the Girls are very kind to me & Says if I Can think of any thing that will help me they will get it for me. we are Now about Starting [for meeting] the 3 Girls & Sister Wms. Bro Wms is Sick in bed their was None of the Bretheren at Meeting but we had a very good Meeting with the Saints Lorenzo & My Self Spoke to the Saints & we Returned to Bro Wms.& had a few Songs & a good Chat all feeling the best kind. Lorenzo his [is] begining to Make friends with the folks the young Girls were very fond of him My Cold is very bad & I would feel better in bed then [than] any were [where] Else So after Prayers we went to bed at Griffith Williams Mynydd y Garreg.[#] Walked 6 Miles


16th [Mon] am In all day & very Sick with the Cold & feel like if their was Ice on My back. did write to Eli.a few lines. had My.Over Coat on all day went to bed Early & got a basin full of Wash Brew or budran. I hope to be able to Say I am better in the Morning Slept at Griffith Williams Mynydd y Garreg.[#]

17th [Tue] Got breakfast in bed this Morning feeling any thing but well after a while we will Start for Llwyn y Filltir Fach. Called at Nellie Williams & got Some little to eat. then Started & Called at Llwyn y. Fillter found the Old Lady had been very Sick. But a little better we Staid a little while So the Old Lady gave us Six pence each as we Could not Stay with them. We wished them good bye & went to Carmarthen took a bed at the Coffe Tavern & got a good bed Seen Mr Jones, the Auctioneer got a good Chat with him. Went to bed at the Coffe Tavern Carmarthen. Walked 9 Miles [JT writes the last phrase diagonally across the day's entry. He ran out of space on the page.]


18th. [Tue] Got up 1/2 past Eight and got a pretty good breakfast. Paid 1/5 for My bed & breakfast. Called to See Mr Jones. Then Started for Brechfa. Called at Lewy View Terrace found Mrs Jones as Kind as Ever asked us to Call again. took train at Abergwili for Nant Garedig. Then walked to Breachfa. Called At John Daviess Sons House also at his Daughters. She used to be Very Mean would Not Speak to us Scarsely but her News from her Father he doing So well Over their [Utah].Makes them feel like going Out. Called at (Hareb) but Sister Evans was Not in. Reached Bro Morgans House found the Old Man well. I Meet quite a few farmers from Near Pant y Fer. we got quite a Chat with the Old Jent & got Bread & Milk with him. I felt Cold & Sick & pretty Near got the Shivers.& did Sleep 3 in his Small bed I Never had a worst Night in My life.feeling very Sick. Slept at Evan Morgans Brechfa. Walked 9 Miles


19th [Wed] Got up at Half past Eight.& got Bread & Milk. & packed up Some Tracts to bring with us. Then we Started for Nant Garredig. took Train for Carmarthen.& went Right away Called at Llwyn y Filltir & got Tea with them. Then Started for Llwyn Teg. Was feeling very Sick & went to bed Right away at Nellie Williamss Van Galch[#]. walked 14 Miles[#]

20th [Thu] Got up late did have a good Nights Rest. got breakfast & went A little way to Send Lorenzo he going to See for our Mail. I went back & bid good bye to Sister Williams & bid them good bye for a few days. went to Griffith Williams found them all well & very Kind as Usal. did write To Prest Williams.Telling him how Sick I was. Started a letter to Elias Davies Spent the day as well as I Could. Slept at Court Mynydd y Garreg[#] walked 3-1/2 Miles


21St [Fri] Got up late & in a little while got a letter from Lorenzo Saying that he had two letters from his Father & Lizzie. Saying their was two papers for me & that Richd Morse & Alma Davies.was at Llanelly. After a while I went to Kidwelly Called at Mr S. Davies. They were all well & very Kindly ligted [lighted] a fire in the Parlour So I Could write. Got a good Beef Steak for Dinner Finished E.Daviess letter also Sent.Wm Watterson a few lines to Cardiff Then Started back for Mynydd y Garreg bought a Daily Paper & got a good Read.& John Williams Came & we had a good Chat & after a while went to bed at Griffith Williams Court Mynydd y Garreg. Walked five Miles[#].

[The following Welsh text is written in a different hand and signed "Griffith William":]

      Ema gorwedd susanah hawddgar

      lawr yn isel yn y ddaer

      os car i yr bedd fel car y qwely

      Hi fudd y dyweddaf yn adgofade

      Griffith William0


22D [Sat] Got up about 10 O Clock. I had Spent a poor Night oweinging [owing] to my Cold being So bad but after geting breakfast & a wash & fix up I got better. Then Griffith Williams & My Self went to See Old Bro Wm Thomas Van Galch, he is 82 years Old.& at the presant time very Sick Not Able to Atend his Meetings. Went from their to Mrs Williams where we hold Our Meetings & in a little while.the folks Came to Meeting & we had quite a good time together I had to take the Meeting Into my hands all to gether as their was No One Else Exept G.Williams & he dont want to do any thing with.Presiding I Spoke to the Saints for 30 Minutes & they all felt well. We then went back to Mynyd y Garreg. Had a good Sing.& Chat also Read Eli's letter wich they had.Same day. He is feeling well in his New Home.& he has good prospects to help his folks Out. Slept at G.Williams Court Mynydd y Garreg[#] Walked 6 Miles


23D [Sun] Got up late had a very bad Night but Started to write. Wrote a letter to Elias Davies. Also to Wm Watterson. & Eli Williams & took them to Kidwelly to Post. Came back & had a good Read out of the Daily Leader. & at 4.O.Clock P.M. Lorenzo Came from Llanelly bringing Me two letters One from Carrie a very Nice letter I am So proud to find they are well & doing first Rate as the folks in the Ward are very good to them. I also got a letter from George.H.Thomas from Salt.Lake.City. he Sends very good letters but allways Says times are very poor. & no funds. I Seen Edwin Thomas he had been Neglecting his Meetings for Some time but I think he will Start in good again we Sang a good Many Hymns English & Welsh & also Read quite a lot on the Utah Journal. their was a very good feeling with all presant Slept at G.Williams Mynydd y Garreg[#]. Walked 5 Miles


24th [Mon] Got up late had a bad Night with my Cold. but after breakfast I got a little better. Then Lorenzo & My Self went to Kidwelly. & Called [on] Mr S Davies got a Nice Cup of Tea with their Nice Daughter. Then we went to.(Broom Hill) & was Well Treated with Miss Langdon & the Other young Ladies. we got a Very Nice Meal. Spent a Couple of Hours with them & Returned to Mr Davies & then Started for Bro Williamss & wrote in My Journal. & after a while we got a paper.from Prest Williams. wrote a letter to John Stephens. Then we did Sing a good Many Songs & Hymns & after a while I thought best for me to Teach them a little while on their Dutys wich I did & they all felt well. I will Say I am feeling a little better to Night Edwin was present. after Supper we went to bed after a good day together Slept at G.Wms Mynydd y Garreg Walked 7 Miles


25th Got up late this morning again had a bad Night with a Cough. Glad of one thing my apetite is good. that do help me out.Or I would be very Sick. after breakfast we prepared to leave. Called at Nellie Williams Staid for about an Hour Then Started again Calling at Llwyn y Filltir Vach. The Old Lady is geting better I had a Nice Cup of Tea with her. Staid about 1-1/2 Hours their. Then Started for Carmarthen. it is Raining very Hard we Reached & it was a welcomed Rest at the Coffee Tavern by the Name of Lion Royal. After a while we went See the Town L.R.T is wrighting to Lizzie I have Jest had a Cup of Coffee and Bread & Butter & an Eggroll for 6 pence. and will go to bed at the Lion Royal Coffee Tavern In Carmarthen Town. Walked 9-1/2 Miles

74 Got up this Morning feeling a little better. Had a good breakfast a Mutton Chop & a good Cup of Coffee. I felt that I Needed a little Nourishment. after breakfast I wrote a letter To Carrie.& Lorenzo wrote a letter to little Carrie. At half past 12 P.M. we Started on Our long Journey to Llampeter. We walked Seventeen Miles. & only got a few buiscuits to Eat we Reached Llanybythar at Seven P.M. & took Train to Lampeter got their at Nine O Clock & found Sister Thomas & John also Maggie feeling well & glad to See us. After a little Chat & a good Supper. feeling anything but Tired we went to Our Lodging & had for the first time in my life a warm brick to My feet. We also had a Right good bed & happy to Say I feel a little better from My Cold. Slept at the Coffee Tavern Lampeter Cardigan Shire[#] Walked 17 Miles


27th. Got up at Nine & went Over to Sister Thomas & got a Nice breakfast after wich Lorenzo & myself went around Town.& up the Church yard to look at the Grave Stones. Yesterday I got a letter from Prest Wms also 1/2 Doz[en] Cambria Daily Leaders.with a discourse of B.H.Roberts0 & it is a very good pice. did Send a letter to Mrs Price.Llanelly Spent a very good day with the folks Slept at the Coffee Tavern Lampeter Cardigan Shire[#]

28th. Got up late went Over to breakfast then did wright in My Journal.& will write to My wife Mary & also to Jake & Nancey. did Spend the day the best we Could went Out for a walk Several times last Night an Eclipis Covered the Moon I gave Some tracts to a lady She was Glad to get them. I also had a Chat & did Testify to them at the Coffee Tavern & also gave them.A Daily Leader with B.H.R Spech on. Slept at the Coffee Tavern Lampeter


29th. [Sun] Got up late to day as the folks are late of a Sunday Morning. But when we got up we found that Margret was up & we Soon got breakfast. Sister Thomas & John Soon got up & by that time I had wrote a good deal of Marys letter. I also wrote a good letter to Nancey & Jake giving them all the News of our Mission & our where abouts. we went for a good walk & in the Evening we held a Sacrament Meeting & had good times together. Lorenzo Spoke for a little While. Then I followed telling the folks in plainness there dutys in the Church of Jesus Christ Teaching them their dutys to Emigrate to Zion. We also Administred to Sister Thomas for her health. we had a Nice little talk with John but before he will have the Spirit of the Gospel.He must forsake his presant Company & turn to God for Help after Prayer we went to bed Slept at the Coffee Lampeter[#]


30th. [Mon] Got up at Nine.O.Clock did Cough Much in the Night. but am feeling a little better I posted Marys letter & also wrote a letter to Prest Wms Telling him how we get along. We got a good breakfast & did Read a good deal Posted a paper to Bro Wms Swansea. In the afternoon we went for a week [walk] on the Aberiron Road. Then we got back and had quite a Nice Chat with Bro & Sister Thomas & Margret I also Read My Blessing to them.& they were very pleased to hear it.& I Could Testify to them that a good Many things had taken place wich had been predicted on my head. This Evening we Stayed Rather late as we had a good chance to talk to the folks.upon the (Gospel) but we had to give it up & go to our Lodgin. when their I had a Chance to put a few words in favor with Our Relegion.& two of the Men had quite a discussion.& we went to bed at the Coffee Tavern Lampeter[#]


31St [Tue] This Morning Lorenzo was taken Sick with Bowell Complaint & had to go out & had to Stay in the Classet [water closet] for quite a time I got up & went to look for him. He was a little better he went back to bed & I took him Some warm Milk & Ginger in it So has [as] to warm him. I went Over & got My breakfast. by & by Lorenzo Came feeling better It is Raining to day So we cannot go any were [where] wrote in My Journal a little. Lorenzo is wrighting to Mary Ann Evans I wrote a letter to Jos Quiney.Logan I think he will be pleased with it. I am Not feeling So well as I Cough So Much. Bro & Sister Thomas are very Kind & John Says your welcomed hear we did Not go Out of the House ["yesterday" is struck out] to day I Mean [is interlined] Untill we went to Our Lodgin at half past Ten Slept at the Coffee Tavern Lampeter Cardigan Shire


Feb 1St 1888 [Wed] Got up very late had a very bad Night did Cough very Much all Night felt down Cast. but toward Evening felt better Went for a walk in Company with L.R. Came back & wrote a letter for Sister Thomas to her Son Henery Thomas Stockton Tooele Co[unty] Utah. John Thomas Seeing Me Sick Said you Can Stay hear Untill you are Right well. It Makes a Man feel well to know he has Such good friends in this Cold Country. I pray (God) to bless them & Incline their Hearts Zion wards.My best wish for them & all the faithfull of (Gods) People. If fine we will go tomorrow to (Pen y wern) to See John Evans So as to give Prest Williams the Report of the Saints of (Clut Furn) Branch after Prayers & Supper we went over to Our Lodgin Slept at the Coffee Tavern Lampeter Cardigan Shire


2D [Thu] Got up about Nine & did have a good Nights Rest. & am feeling Much better Got a good breakfast & will Start for Pen y Wern Posted a litter [letter] for Sister Thomass Son & a paper to Jos Quiney. on our way to John Evans we Called at Pen Carreg Cemetery & Seen the grave of Mrs Jones & her Son0. Then Started & Reached Pen y Wern at two O Clock P.M. found the Son in Law & the Daughter Then Came Bro Evans if I Can Call him Bro & we had a good long talk & the Old Jent felt well. So did the Others I asked the daughter if She did Not feel bad [that] She has not Joined the Church She Said She did Some times I Asked her to let me Baptize her.[the] Same time as Maggie Thomas. I think I will Baptize them yet. Maggie Thomas gave Me a present of two Pairs of Cuffs. We parted from (Pen y Wern) & John Evans wished Me Well in turning People to Christ. We walked back it was half [past] Seven P.M. Got a good Supper & Went to bed.At the Coffee Tavern Lampeter. Walked 15 Miles.


3D [Fri] Got up about Nine and am feeling pretty Well. & have Made up My Mind to leave Lampeter. Got our breakfast A good Beef Steak So Now we wish them Good bye. John Thomas gave us 5/. Each. The Old Lady told us She would pay our Lodgin.& Maggie gave us A Cake to take with us. So we parted & walked 10 Miles To Maesycreigau Then took the Train for Carmarthen. Then Walked to Llwyn y Filltir Vach Got Something to Eat & Started again To Llwyn Teg. Was Very Tired by the time we Reached. We found the folks all well & got a good bed. We Sent a letter to Prest Williams with the Report of Our Labors for last Month. Lorenzo did writ [write] it for me After a good Chat we went to bed Every thing So Nice & Comfortable at Llwyn Sister Nellie Wms Van Galch. Walked 17 Miles. 5S-.


4th [Sat] Got up at Nine did Cough a little in the Night. Besides that am feeling pretty well. Did wash My feet in good Hot watter. got breakfast & am feeling better then [than] I have for a few days Lorenzo have Made up is [his] Mind to go to Llanelly.So has to Change & Wash all Over. I am So glad he is feeling So good.& is kept from Cold Sister Nellie went to Carmarthen & I will Start for Mynydd y Garreg found Sister Williams & Margret Walters in. They are all well hear Sarah has gone to Service for a Month It is Empty hear without the Girls Edwin Came to See Me Bro. Wms is in the Quarry but Soon Came Home They are very kind to me. They even gave me their Own bed.So I wont get any More Cold. after Supper & Prayers we went to bed Slept at Griffith Wms Mynydd.y.Garreg. Walked 3 Miles.


5th [Sun] Got up at Nine & did Dream a good deal.About Bishop Preston.Shooting A Deputie Marshall.& being himself wounded. also of our Sunday School & I was very buisse puting things in Order. Was in Company with E.W.Smith Bro Quiney & So Many of My Old friends also Father Carrie & little Carrie did Eat a very good breakfast this Morning.& did Not Cough Much All Night.Untill Morning when I did Cough for about 1/2 an Hour I am Much better as My Voice is Much better and am able to Sing with the folks. did eat a good breakfast. by & by Bro Wms & My Self went to Meeting in a little [while] Elders Morse.Davi[e]s.& Lorenzo Came & we had a very good Meeting. Bros Morse Davi[e]s & Lorenzo Spoke to the Saints. I did Preside. After Meeting Davies & Lorenzo went to Griffith Williams. & We Staid at Llwyn Teg we had a very good Place & My Cold is A little better. had a letter from S.R.Brough Slept at Nellie Wms Van Galch Walked 3 Miles

84 [Mon] Got up about Nine had a very good Night. Got breakfast & in a little While Elder Morse & My Self Started for.John Stephens Llanddarog to Pant.y.Pull. Found the place & were Recevied very Well Bro Stephens was very Sick and had been So for three weeks. He was glad to see us & Mrs Stephens Recevied us very well. gave us food & by & by the Boys Came and we had a very good times Singing and Chating for Hours about Eleven.O.Clock I Read a Chapter first Chapter of The Acts of the Apostles. Bro Morse Prayed. Then we went to bed at Pant y Pull. Llanddarog. Walked 7 Miles

On the God Head, Doc[trine] & Cov[enants]

Sec[tion] 27 verse 11 Sec Verse

[Section] 88 [verse] 112

[Section] 107 [verse] 54 & 55 { Bible

[Section] 116 [verse] 1 { verse

[Section] 128 [verse] 20 & 21 { Daniel 7 Chtr. 9 + 15

[Ditto (") symbols are omitted and "section" and "verse" substituted. The Biblical citation is Daniel 7:9-15. The citations are correct for modern editions of the D & C and Bible. However, they refer to Adam or Michael. Latter-day Saints would not cite these verses in discussing the God Head, unless to refute the "Adam-God Theory". (See Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, 2nd ed., Bookcraft, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1966, pp. 18-19.)]


7th [Tue] Got up at Eight feeling pretty well. Got a very good breakfast [of] two boiled Eggs. Bro Stephens his [is] feeling Much better & wants us to Stay with him as long as we Can this Morning. but we Could Not Stay after 1/2 past we had to Meet Elders Davies & Lorenzo. So we wished them good bye & Started Bro Stephens Came to Send us [remarkable, after being "very sick" for "three weeks"] & Kindly gave us a Shilling between us. We Arived at Carmarthen 1/2 past 12 Noon Staid there for 3/4 of an Hour.Waiting for the Boys. They Came in a buggie haveing had a Ride by a good fellow. Then we went up Town. Called with Mr Jones the Barber. he Kindly Consented to go with Me & Elder the Asyliom [Asylum].to See Davied Williams0. He is All Right & Can Come Out any day any One will Come after him. we had.a good Chat with him he is all Right Glad to See him. promised to help him Out we left & walked around Carmarthen Town Met the Boys.& went to the Coffee Tavern Lorenzo wrote to his Father & I wrote a Sheet to Him Slept at the Coffee Tavern Carmarthen 6D. Walked 8 Miles


8th [Wed] got up at Nine feeling a little better and got a pretty good breakfast.Paying 1/9 for two Meals & Lodging. Then we Started four of us. We Met Sister Jones Llwyn y Filltir fach.on our way to their place.but She told us to Call the Same. We Called & we got Some food.& in a while we Started for Llwyn Teg.& Staid at Nellie Wms Richard Morse and My self. after Supper & a good Chat we went to bed at Llwyn Teg.Van Galch Walked 7 Miles [Thu] Got up at Eight & had a very good breakfast [of] Apple Tart & pancakes.& then we Started for Mynydd y Garreg and Met the Other Boys.& Soon Started on Our way To Visit Evan Williams Ty Cannoll Company with Richard Morse found the place done the Buisness. Got dinner their & went to Wain Baglan. Called at Asa Hughes House left a Note for them. left for Llanelly got two Rides[:] one with an Engine [automobile?][;] the Other in a Cart found them well at Morgans. went around Town with the Boys. Called at Sarah Bassets they were all well Slept at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly Walked 11 Miles [is written diagonally across the entry of the 9th for lack of space on the page.]


10th [Fri] Got up at 1/2 past Eight and got a good breakfast I Read Some papers that I got frome Home. also Read Carries letter Over again that I got yesterday. I was very glad to get it. dont Now [know] how it is that Mary dont write for So long. Richard Morse Came to help Me trim the trees but it Rained. So we both went to Vissit Bro John John he is Much better.but has been a little worse last night We left & went down Town & Called at 10 Loyd Street.& Wrote in My Journal. Then I went to James Edwards had a very good Chat & got Supper with them After Called with Bros Morse & Davies told them of an Excursion to Swansea for one Shilling.Thinking Elder Morse would like to go. The Boys Came to Send Me Home. had a talk & parted I went home and had a Chat with Mrs Price.& after a while I went to bed Not feeling half well. Slept at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly[#]

88 [Sat] Had an awfull Night had to go Out twice [to the outhouse?] & at 6 A.M. I got up but Could Not Move any way.but as Sick as Ever I had been in My life. Mrs Price got frightened. Not More then [than] I was My Self. But after I vomited I got a little better. & while I was So Sick the Post Man Came with a letter & paper but I Could Not Notice them. In a while I found Out it was the long looked for letter from Mary My Wife. I Read it & felt better Then Made up my Mind to go to Swansea. So has [as] to get a good day with the Saints. So I Started[,] Calling at Sarah Bassets & with Mary her Daughter Got a Cup of Tea with her. Called with Bros Morse & Davies also with Lorenzo. he Came with me to the Station. I arived at Swansea found Bro Wms had Jest Come from Merthyr Had.Rented the Temperance Hall for Confrance the family are all well. I am feeling very Unwell. Spent the day well with Bro Wms Wrote a few lines to Lorenzo to Llanelly Slept at 4.Grove Place.Swansea[#]

89 [Sun] Got up Not feeling Much better this Morning had to get up in the Night. Dont feel able to Eat any breakfast. Trusting I will get Our Meetings to day.has [as] I thought I would when I Started. at Eleven we had Sunday School.& at 1/2 past two we had Our Saints Meeting with good Atendance & we had good times. All the Saints Bore their Testimonies. I Spoke for a little while So did Prest Wms At Tea I Could Not Eat anything But I did Eat a little at Dinner it was a very Nice Roasted Chicken. 1/2 past Six we got Our Meeting.& Some Strangers Came So Prest Wms told Me I had to Preach So I did & he followed me & Spoke well & I Must Say we had a Splendid day & The Lord has been with Us. & I Am feeling better.& will Say the Most of the Saints in Swansea are feeling good. Prest Williams is very kind to Me gave Me Some Pills to take in the Night but I Slept & did not awake So has [as] to take them [probably just as well] Slept at 4 Grove Place Swansea 3. [meetings]

90 [Mon] Got up about Nine and am feeling Much better this Morning & am very thank full to My Heavenly Father for his Kindness to Me. I had felt So weak & Hill [ill].that I did Not Know how to get along I have Eat More to day then I have for three days previous Went up to See Mrs Griffiths[,] E.Davies Sister found them all well & very Kind to Me as Usal. I had Dinner with them had Some Lava Bread. They wont [want] me to Call with them Every Time I Come to Swansea. I was going to Morriston but it was So Stormy & Snowing that I Came back. took Tea with Bro & Sister Wms Some very Nice Salmon & I did Enjoy My Self went down to Town Called to See Bro Thomas Evans & found the Old Jenteelman feeling pretty well & Kindly. gave me a Shilling to help Me Out I Started a letter to Carrie. We got a Prayer Meeting & but a few Saints Came as it was Snowing. I Slept at 4 Grove Place President Williams 1S-.


14th [Tue] Got up at Nine O clock am better did Eat a very good breakfast. The Post Man Came with a very Nice Valantine to Bro Wms Sister Williams Sent it to him. I have Sent this day a letter to My Wife Carrie & in it a letter to My little Girl. I will go in the afternoon to See Sarah My daughter also will Call to See Sister Prouse Bid Bro & Sister Wms & Margretta good bye & Started Sent little Seba a vallanting [valentine] Walked to Llandore. Called at Bro & Sister Prouse Got Tea with them & the Lady that lives in the House gave Me a Pan Cake wetted with Snow it is quite a Treat for them hear to get a few Inches of Snow. I wished them Good bye & walked up To Morriston. found them all feeling well Sarah was quite Chatty & gave Me one of her Photoes. She looked Nice. Bowden is About all Right again. wished them good bye went to Llandore Station took Train for Llanelly found the Boys all Right went up To Morgans & found them Well after Supper Went to bed at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly walked 5.Miles


15th [Wed] Got up about Eight & feeling a little better. after breakfast went down to John Johns & found him Still Sick Staid with him for two or three Hours. he is feeling a little better again we have had quite a Chat got Dinner with them. After wich I went down Town & found Elders Morse & Davi[e]s. Soon Lorenzo Came. him & My Self went to the forge Called at the Rabys Arms & Took Tea with Mrs Lewis. She is very kind to us. Read a letter from Leonard [Jones] her Brother. Went from their to Uncle Thomass found them all well Staid their about half an Hour. Went again To James Richardss & wrote a letter to S.R.Brough. Then went to Thomas Thomas.& got Tips [taps] put on the Heels of my Shoes. Bro Morse & My Self went around Town & Called at Sarah Bassets.& Staid a little while Then I Started for Home he Came to send Me a little way I gave Sarah Saunders a Birth day Present 1/2 Doz Handkerchifs worth 1S/3D. after haveing a cup of Tea I went to bed at M.Saunders Old.Road.Llanelly. Met Mr & Mrs Tenant Bore Testimony to the Truthfullness of the Book of Mormon to Them.


16th [Thu] Got up this Morning Kind of late after a while Got a Nice fry of Pork.wich was Sent to Me by Miss Edwards Next door. also got a Pan Cake. Then took a letter to Lorenzo I though It was from his Father But it was from one of the Nixons (Iona) We went around Town.& Thought we would go up to John Johns to write. did write To Father & Dan a good long Letter. Then we Went around Town Elders Morse & My Self went Over to Sarah Bassets for a While. He Came to Send Me home. Home I Call at the Old Road Had a Chat with the folks & went To bed at Morgan Saunders. Old Road Llanelly[#]

                  Three things to Govern.

                  Temper. Tongue & Conduct.

                        Thats So.


17th [Fri] Got up at Eight. got breakfast & went down to see Bro John John. he had a very hard Night of it Last Night Went from their To Uncle Thomass found them pretty well Uncle a good deal better. Went from their to See Lorenzo. Richard Morse went with Me to James Edwards & we had a long Chat with him James & Mrs Edwards are Unwell. We left & Lorenzo & Me went to Sarah Marthas Sisters To Tea & they Treated us very kind We then wished them good bye &. Lorenzo went Home. Richard Morse & My Self Went for a good Walk around Town. I Left him & went Over To Sarah Bassets Met John Marys Husband he is a very Nice Man to talk to & he is very kind to Mary After a while I Went Home.So as to get a good Nights Rest. Went to bed at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly[#]

95 [Sat] Got up this Morning feeling a good deal better Went down Town after My Umberella. Went for Lorenzo. Called for Elders Morse & Davies we are four of us going away to day Davies & Lorenzo for Mynydd y Garreg & Morse & Myself To Van Galch Ready for Meeting to Morrow We Started from John Johns at one O Clock & Arived at Van Galch about five P.M. found Sister Wms.Jane & the Children All pretty Well & Recevied Us very kind. We Soon got a Cup of Tea & Was Treated Well by Jane.Before her Mother Came from Mynydd y Garreg. Sister Wms Said that Sister Susanah Williams was Sick.but that She got up when The Boys got there.& Made them Some food Right Away. Said Also.That they had Recevied a letter from Eli.a very good letter. he wants them to try and Come by the first Emigration. We had a good Chat & Some Singing & after Prayer We Went to bed at Llwyn Teg.Van Galch. Walked 10 Miles.


19th [Sun] Got up late had a good bed but did Cough a good deal & dont feel very Bright this Morning It is very Cold hear Blowing & very Cold all Night. Got A good breakfast & Changed.My they had Clean Clothes for me hear. We Expect to have a very good time hear to their Is four of Us Elders hear.but it his [is] to Cold for the Saints to Come together. after dinner Lorenzo & Davies Came also Griffith Wms We had a little Meeting together. Lorenzo & Bro Morse Administered the Sacrament I Presided the Meeting Elder Davies Spoke for a While Then Elder Morse Spoke in Welsh.good. Then Lorenzo Spoke very Good of a young Man. Prest Stephens did Not Come to Meeting to day again he Must be Very Sick.or he would have been [here]. In A While Lorenzo & Bro Davies.left for Mynydd y Garreg.& we both Staid hear & had a very good time All the Evening after Prayers we went to bed at Llwyn Teg.Van Galch[#].


20th [Mon] Got up late got breakfast & Soon got Ready for our Tramp To Mynydd y Garreg. found Sister Wms up but not feeling to well. She Soon Made the four of us food Elders Morse & Davies wished Us all Good bye. Lorenzo & My Self Staid hear as I am going to write for them to Eli. did So.& a very good letter it was full of News. We Spent The day very Comfortable Bro & Sister Wms are very Kind to us Elders. Slept at Griffith Wms. Mynydd y Garreg Nr. [Near] Kidwelly. Walked 3 Miles.

21St [Tue] Got up late & after breakfast wrote a letter to My Wife Mary. told her how I had got Along of late. Wished Bro & Sister Wms.good bye & Started for Llanelly. Bro Johns he is feeling better we got Tea with them. went to Morgans I got two letters one from Wm [Thomas] & [one] from James [Thomas] Eagle Rock [Idaho Falls, ID] also 3 papers from Logan. Went to Town Seen Morse & Davies Read our letters over then parted I Read a good deal of the Papers allways So glad to get the papers. Went to Bed at Morgan Saunders Old.Road.Llanelly[#]. Walked 8-1/2 Miles


22D [Wed] Got up at Eight & to My Surprise got a good letter from D.F.Thomas, Lynne [UT] & he Kindly Sent Me Seven Dollars $7.00/100 to divide Between Six of us[:] John Thomas. S.R.Brough[.] Morgan Evans. D.R.Gill. Thomas.B.Davies & Theo Davies. I was very proud of it as it is So Kind & good. I Went down Town & the Boys did Read the letter I Went Around Town with Lorenzo. He went Home & I went To James Edwards & Spent the afternoon with them. Got Tea their and had a good talk. Left & Called With Marthas Father The Old Jent is as well as we Can Expect him to be. Lorenzo is writeing to his Father. I Sent The letter I had back to his [Father]. Went.To Thomas Thomass & Read a While with Elder Davies. Then went to Bro John Johns.& did Sing Some with Mary.& Benjamin. Spent Hours with them. Got Supper with Them Bro John is feeling pretty well to Night. I wished them good Night & went Home Slept at Morgans.Old Road Llanelly.


23D [Thu] Got up feeling a good deal better & after breakfast.I went down to John Johns to write as I am backwards [behind?] with My Journal. (To day) In Carmarthen is a big Day as the Trial of David Rees takes place for the Murder of Thomas Davies Near Daven Tin Works we will Know to Night what will become of Him. Lorenzo is writeing to his Father the Same letter as he Comenced yesterday. I am Thinking Now of My Dear Daughter it his [is] her Birth day.26 years Old to day Lorenzo & My Self went To Town & Called to See Bros Morse & Davies.but did Not See them Untill Evening. We both went to Levis Widdows House to Tea & Staid their for Hours.& did Enjoy our Selves very Much We then Seen the boys Went Around Town. Seen Sister Margret Walters. She wont go Home for about two weeks. I wished Bro Morse good Night. But Both Came & Sent me Home. Slept at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly[#].


24th [Fri] Got up late got My breakfast & went down to John Johns he is about the Same I wrote a letter to Wm My Brother to E.[Eagle] Rock Then went down Town to See Lorenzo He was at his Auntys.Writeing Were [where] we will go this Afternoon I dont know yet I got dinner At John Johns. In the afternoon we Sat down for a while at Mr Richards 10 Loyd Street. Went to See for Morse & Davies They had gone to (Pentre Poth) [or Path] to Visit We both went Up to Wm Davies.Bank Cappel Newydd.& were Recevied very Kindly with Sally & the daughter. Also Wm Came & he was very Kind to us glad to See us We left their & went up to the Old See for Mail but None had Come. We Next went to John Johns & Met Morse & Davies & all together went to Town at Nine O Clock P.M. We heard that Davied Rees was found Guilty of Murder & was Sentenced to be Hanged. To bad for his Parents. Bought a paper with the acount of the Trial. went Home & Slept with Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly. A.Great Night this at Llanelly.


25th [Sat] Got up late & after breakfast & a Read I went down to John Johns was Siting down Reading the Star when Lorenzo Came & Said he had Got Some Mail for Me So he Gave Me a letter I thought it was from Father But it was from My Dear Wife C.C.T. and I was glad to get it with a very Pretty Card from her also a letter from My Dear little Daughter. I am So Proud to hear from them Lorenzo. is Shaveing Bro John. My Bro George has Sent Me an Ilustrated Journal that has Come Out in S.L.City I must Say it his [is] very Nice. This Afternoon Elder Morse & My Self Went down to James Edwards House. They had asked him to Come down with Me So Brother Morse & her had quite a talk We Staid there for 3 Hours Got Tea with them. Left & went Around Town with Lorenzo & Davies. Met at T.Thomass got a Chat. Called at Sarah Bassets gave her & Ann five Shillings Each. gave Mrs Price Ten Shillings. They are So good to Me. Slept at Morgan Saunderss Old Road Llanelly[#]


26th [Sun] Got Up late but soon got breakfast Went To John Johns. Packed a paper & Sent it to Dan.R.Thomas.Concerning the Llanelly Murder. Made up my Mind to go to Swansea. So Called to See for Morse & Davies but they had gome Somewere [somewhere]. Called for Lorenzo, but he wasent up Staid a little While for him he Came down & Came Out for a few Moments.So I Could tell him what I would like them to do. So at 12 Noon took Train for Swansea Reached hear about One P.M. Met the Elders Comeing from Council found Prest Williams Sister Wms Seba & Margretta Well also Met Bro Eastman their Got Some good News in a letter from C.O.Card Less [Lees] Creek Canada.Giving a full Acount of things Out their.& Inviting Him [Eastman?] & Me Out there Sorry to hear Bro S.R.Brough had been So Sick We got Our Sacrament Meeting at 1/2 past two a very good gathering. all the Saints Bore their Testimony I Spoke for a little While then Bro Wms Spoke for a great Lenth on the Atonement of (Christ) & our Meeting was Dismised.


I went with Bro Hopkin John To Tea Came back to our Night Meeting. Prest Parr Read a Chapter out of the Book of Mormon Prest Williams again Spoke on the Same Subgect [subject].for a long time Spoke very well Then I followed him in a few Scatering Remarks.& will Say I am Glad I Came hear to day. All the Saints bid Me good bye as I Expect to be leaving tomorrow This Evening we have been having a few little Jokes & we are all feeling Well I Got a big dose of Composition [medicine?] & I think it will do Me Good. Prest Wms has Rented The Albert Minor Hall for one Night.for 21S/4D I trust Elder [B.H.] Roberts will have Fair Play.0 Slept at 4 Grove Place Swansea[#] Heard to day that Mrs Denis was Buried yesterday.


27th [Mon] Got up late & after Prayers Got breakfast & in a little While Elder Wm Watterson Came from Neath to See Me. I was very Proud to see him & to have a little Chatt with him About Home & things. We went Around Town together & Called to See Old Bro Evans the Old Jent was feeling good & Kindly gave Us Six pence Each. We got dinner with Brother Williams Eat Dinner with Some Tomatos. Went around Town & had a Jeneral Chat.& wrote a letter In Conection with Elder Wm Watterson To C.O.Card. Alberta. Canada. Then We Went Over To Elias Daviess Sister found them Well & we got Tea with them. Then Returned to Our Prayer Meeting. Got a very good Meeting Elder Watterson Spoke We had Quite a good Time.with Bro & Sister Wms & Margretta. Then We after a While Went to bed at 4 Grove Place Swansea[#]


28th [Tue] Got Up at Eight got breakfast with Bro Wms.after wich we got a good Chat. Bro Watterson & My Self Went up Town & Called at Moroni Watts & got a Chat Went from their To the Rail Road Station Wished Bro Watterson Good bye. Had Wished good bye To Bro & Sisters Wms Then Started for Llanelly by Train. Arived & Called with Lorenzo.At 10 Loyde Street Then we went To Morgans House from their to John Johns found him a little worse Went back again To Morgans & Got Tea With Mrs Price. We went from their To Thomas Thomass & Met Morse & Davies So the four of Us Went up To J.Johns & Held a Meeting & Adminestered the Sacrament To him Wished him good bye Went to the Sea Side to John Hughes. also Went to Thomas Thomass Lorenzo Went Home. So Richard Morse Came With Me Went Around Town & I Started for Home Slept at Morgan Saunders Old.Road Llanelly


29th [Wed] Got Up Not feeling to Well it Seems to Me I Catch Cold In this bed. I got breakfast & Went down to John Johns & Staid their all the Morning & Lorenzo Was their also. We Got Our dinner with them In Company with Lorenzo I Went to Mr Morgans The Tailors to See John James but he Was Not at Work So We Went down to the Sea Side to No 1.Caroline Street & found John James & he was Very glad to See Me We had a long Chat & took Tea with Him He is Married again to a Llanelly Woman. John has two Children of His first Wife Boys they are working She has a Son & daughter.& they Seem to get along Well together We then went to Wm Owens.Calling for Morse & Davies. We went to Town I went to James Edwards to tell them I am going Away.After wich I went Home Called to See J.John Slept at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly.


March 1St 1888 [Thu] Got Up at Seven as I am going to Start for Neath in Company with Elders Richard Morse & A.C.Davies We walked to Landore. Then took Train for Dynevor & walked to the Abbey To Bro Langs found Sister Lang & Maggie in a big Muss Cleaning the House but they Soon Made Us a Cup of Tea with Nice Bread & Butter Walked to Neath Called at Bro Wms found them & Miss Jones Well. had a little talk with them. In a little While We Went up to Bro Eastmans. Found them Well We had Saints Meeting. The Saints bore their Testimonys Elders John Thomas Richard Morse.Alma C Davi[e]s & Wm Watterson Spoke to the Saints & We had a very good time We Eat Supper With Sister Eastman. Then We Went To Bro Williams & had a long talk & Slept at Bro Williams Thomas Court Neath. Walked 15 Miles.


2D [Fri] Got up at Eight Got Breakfast & felt Well This Morning. Elders Morse & Davis left for Merthyr. Bro Watterson & MySelf Went to Send them.& Then we went Over to Langs.& Spent the best part of the Morning.& Got a good dinner with her We then Came back to Neath Called at Mrs Edwards Went all around Town. Called at Sister Pearces Sister Lettices & we had Tea with Her She was very Kind to Us. We Next Went to Milend Row to See David Daviess Family Tom My Brothers Brother in Law. they were very Kind to Us We left there & went Up to Brother Eastmans Spent an Hour With them. Then We Went to Bro Williams & Staid for the Evening With Them Miss Jones felt good In Our Company We Spent Our time Well.& After A While We Went to Bed at Thomas Court Near Neath. Walked 5 Miles


3D [Sat] Got Up Early as we are going to Start for Merthyr. We got a good breakfast Wished the folks good bye.& Started for Our Journey. Had a Ride in a Cart for Six Miles Called at Bro Joness Hirwain & Got Tea with her also Recevied two Shillings Tithing. Paid it In to S.R.B[rough].The Clark [clerk]. also Paid 4/11-1/2 Book Money for John Stephens. All the Elders presant Except Theo Davies & T.B.Davies. We had a good Council.Meeting When all the Bretheren Reported their Labours Nine persons Baptized in the last two Months. three of the Bretheren had to go Out to Sleep I Recevied a letter from Elias Davis [Davies] also from Jake & Nancey they Said My little Carrie has been Sick but geting better It Makes My Heart is Sore to hear they are Sick at Home I pray that God will Bless them with Health and that all will be Well with them all Untill I get Home Slept at 98 Twyn y Rodin Merthyr Walked 18 Miles.


4th [Sun] Got Up at Eight had a good Nights Rest but did dream a good deal of things about Home & other places. got a good breakfast & at 11 A.M. The District Council Convened & All the Branches & had a good time. Half past two P.M. we got Our Sacrament Meeting.When A.C.Davis & L.R.Thomas did Adminster.the Same. A.C.Davies L.R.Thomas Wm Watterson.Richard Morse.Edward Bennet & John Thomas.All felt Well & Spoke With An Exelent feeling. at half past Six P.M. Our Night Meeting Convened When Elders Morgan Evans S.R.Brough.D.R.Gill & President Wms Spoke to The Saints in a Powerfull Manner Giveing good Instructions All together We have had a good time to day After Meeting four of Us Went for a Walk.& Seen Thousands of People Comeing out of their Respective Meeting Houses. We Went back & had a good Chat.& Slept at 98 Twyn y Rodin Merthyr[#]


5th [Mon] Got Up very Early as I had a little Pain Inside. after a little while I got better & after breakfast We had a Council Were Apointed to Our Districts Richard Morse & MySelf are Apointed to Labour In Carmarthen District Wm Watterson A.C.Davies & Lorenzo are to Labor together.from Neath to Newport through Cardiff. It is a pretty Good District for them So has [as] to Start in to Preach Some of the Elders have left I have been In all the day To Day I gave Morgan Evans. S.R. Brough. Theo.Davies. D.R.Gill Thomas B.Davies & My Self.4S/9D pence [each] They were very thankfull for His [D.F.Thomas'] Kindness towards them & thankfull to the Relief [&] Primary Societys0. In the Evening we had quite.A good time had Oranges & Nuts & Figs.With a few Songs && Music Elder D.Williams Left for Swansea Spent Our time Well. Wrote a letter to D.F.Thomas Slept at 98 Twyn y Rodin Merthyr Tydvil

112 [Tue] Got Up Earley thinking to have Some Mail.But Nothing Came.for any of Us. We got Our breakfast.& I wrote a letter to John Thomas Lampeter Got dinner & Changed My Clothes & at three O Clock Started for Merthyr0. Walked to Troed yr hiw took Train for the Junction. Walked to [C]oed pen Main To Bro Thomas Evans found them All feeling Well Got Dinner With them Elder D.R.Gill is hear & I Expect we will go together tomorrow did Write A letter to Carrie. Spent the Afternoon with Bro Gill & the Evans folks Untill 12.O Clock at Night Slept at Thomas Evans Pen Coed Main Pont y Pridd. Walked Seven Miles


7th [Wed] Got Up about Eight & Got breakfast & Spent the Morning in Evanss Went to Sister Bishops & Spent an Hour Then went back to Evans.for a while Then went to Sister Bishops for Dinner & wished them Good bye & Started in Company with Elder D.R.Gill for (Cum Rhondda) Calling at John Daniels In the Dinas. found them all Well but John was at Work. Got Tea with them after a while went to (Tre Allaw) to the House of Bro.David Harris. found them All Well Knew them of Old Was Treated well & in a While we had a Meeting Elder D.R.Gill Called on Me to Preach wich I did Comenced in Welsh but got to Understand that the Most of the People Were English. Then I Spoke for about 1/2 an Houre Elder Gill Spoke Next & We had an Exelent time Slept at D Harris Tre Allaw Rhondda Walked 6 Miles


8th [Thu] Got Up at Eight & got a good breakfast.& in a While I wished the Bretheren & Bro & Sister Harris Good bye.& Started for (Heal Fach.) Called at Evan Davies Tailor.& he Kindly Told.Me I Could get Cloth at Cost So has [as] to Make a pair of Pants for S.R.Brough & I Comenced it their. Went Up To (Treherbert) To See Wm Williams. A.J.Joness Son in Law.& they Treated Me Kindly & I Was Treated With a Ticket for A Lecture & Went to It & Will Say it was one of the Most foolish Lecture I Ever Heard. I Came back & had a very good Evening Talking About Her Father & Mother.& She Telling Me how they Are geting Along. They told Me They have their two Houses Prettey Near paid for I told them of the Way her Father has got along.& we had a Jeneral talk & I will Say we had good times They have two Nice Children a Girl & a Boy the Girl.About 7 years & the Boy about four years Slept at Wm Wms No 12 Gwendolain Street Tre Herbert Rondda[#]


9th [Fri] Got breakfast & a little Chat. Then parted & bid them good bye Gave them My Adress & took their Adress Called to See Mrs Llawellyn. She has Not had a letter from Mrs Jones (Treorkey) Took train for the (Ystrad) & walked to (Heal Fach) & Worked on S.R.Broughs.Pants. Walked from their to (Llwyn piu) Took Train for Merthyr & found a good Many Elders present. Got a letter from Evan S.Thomas.Scofield.[UT] With five Dollars in it. Thank the Lord for it as I was out of Means. Got a letter from E.W.Smith With a good Acount of Logan & of the [High?] Council. We had Quite a good Chat alltogether.& got quite a good time Lorenzo had Not Come yet he is haveing a good Time With the Aberdare Went to Bed at the Confrance House 98 Twynyrodin Merthyr[#] Walked 4 Miles.

      Exodus 4 th Ch. 16 Verse

      [Exodus] 7[th] [Ch.] 1 [Verse]0


10th [Sat] Got Up at Seven O.Clock & Comenced to work on the Pants of S.R.Brough So has [as] to finish before the Prests [Presidents] Teasdale & Williams will Come I am Glad to Say I did finished before they Came. They Came by the Six O Clock Train B H Roberts also Came with Prest Teasdale. All the Elders are hear & it is a good Sight to See 14 Elders Together & we have had Very good Times at 1/2 past Seven We had Our Council.& all the Elders Reported their Labours. & Prest Teasdale Was very pleased With Our Labours. after quite a While Eight of Us Went to the Farmers Arms Merthyr[#]. To Sleep.

      Prest Teasdale & B.H Roberts gave Us Very Good Instructions & Said that We Should Call & visits Men In their houses With Tracts.& try to get the princples of Our Holy Religion before the We are more able to do it [that way] then [than] in Preaching Prest Williams felt the Same Concerning the Matter. Walked 3 Miles.


11th [Sun] Got up at eight & We are all preparing for our Confrance. it is bad day Raining very Hard. We got a good Breakfast & by 1/2 past 10 We Went to the Temperance Hall.were [where] our Meeting will be Held. A good Many of the Saints Came from the Other Branches Penrhiwceiber Branch did the Singing. Our Confrance Comenced by Singing Prest Teasdale Offered Prayer. Prest Wms Spoke first. Then B H Roberts Spoke Splendid. Then I Was Called & Spoke for 15 Minutes Then Prest Teasdale Spoke with power & blessed the people. Singing & Prayer by Elder Roberts

      After Morning Meeting went & got Dinner at 98 [Twyn y Rodin].

At 2 P.M. We had Saints Meeting at the Railway Inn. When Elder Morgan Evans Offered Prayer. Sacrament was Adminstered by Wm Watterson.& Edward Bennett.After wich Elders Lorenzo Thomas A.C. Davis.Ed.Bennett.& Thomas.B.Davies [Spoke] Then Prest Teasdale [Spoke] in an able Manner Exhorted the Saints to diligence & also to prepare them Selfs for to be


Worthy to enter the Temples of the Lord & do a Work for their Honourable Dead. Meeting Closed by Singing & Prayer by Elder S.R.Brough. We all got Tea at 98 Twyn y Rodin. after a While we again went to the Temperance Hall.& at 6 P.M. We Comenced our Meeting by Singing ["]We thank The[e] O God, for a Prophet["]. Prayer by Elder D.R.Gill. Then Elder B H Roberts Adressed The Meeting In Such a Manner as to hold the Congregation that they gave the Very best of atention throughout. After wich Prest Teasdale Bore his Testimony to the Remarks of Elder.B.H.Roberts.& Said that all Men would yet Confess that The Testimonies they had heard this day were true.Sooner or later. We have had Exelent time All day & the Saints went to their Homes feeling Built Up & Refreshed. allthough the wether Was so Wet. Closing Prayer by Prest Teasdale Six of Us Elders went to the Farmers Arms to Sleep Merthyr Tydvil 3 [Meetings]


12th [Mon] Got Up this Morning feeling Well & Got Our breakfast. Went down [to] the Station with Prest Teasdale he going to Liverpool Then took Elder B.H.Roberts for a Nice Walk. to the out Skirts of Merthyr.& had a very plesant walk. Went back to 98 [Twyn y Rodin].& did Mend a pair of pants for Elder Bennett. Got Dinner & Started in Company with Prest Wms & all the Elders for (Cardiff) Arived their & went with Prest Wms to Sister Harriss House or 70 Coburn Street.Cathays.When Bro & Sister Wms got a place to Stay Over Night. We All went to the Lesser Park Hall Cardiff to hear Elder B.H.Roberts Lecture on.["]Mormonism & its Founder["].0 their was a pretty good House [audience].& he did Well one of the Josephites tried to Make A Disturbanc but failed. I went with Bro Roberts.& got Supper at Bro D.C.Forcey. We had a Nice Evening together Slept at D.C.Forseys. Cardiff[#]


13th [Tue] Got Up Early & after a While Got breakfast then went around Town Met Bros Watterson.A.C.Davies & Lorenzo They Started for New Mills.& Staid their Over Night. Richard Morse & Myself Went to C.Harriss & were Invited to dinner.So we Staid I went Over to Mr Silvesters & Paid him 10S/.towards My Oil Painting. Then went & got Our Dinner & wished the folks good bye & went in Company with C Harris up Town & went to the Great Western Station took Ticket for Neath. It his [is] an Awfull Stormy day. We went to Bro Wms & found them Well. also found Bro Theo Davies had Come. We got Tea & by & by D.R.Gill & T.B.Davies Came.& we were five of us their. Well they Made Room for us all. Sister Wms went to Sleep with Miss Jones. We had good times this Evening Singing & Chating. Slept at Bro Williams James Court. Neath[#]


14th. [Wed] Got Up at Eight & had Our Shoes Shined for Us. & a Splendid breakfast. Bros Gill & Davies left before us. So we three wished them good bye & Started Calling at Bro Langs She was very kind to Us & Made Us a Nice Cup of Tea. We left Bro Morse & My Self took the Train from Neath Abbey. Arived in Swansea were [where] we Met A good Many of the Bretheren. Elder Morse & My Self went Around Town. got food In Bro Williams by & by Elders Watterson. A.C.Davies & Lorenzo [came]. I was glad to See him it Seems that it his [is] hard for Me to part with him Now we go to Albert Minor Hall to hear Elder B.H.Roberts deliver his Noble discourse Subject. A New Witness for God.0 it was Splendid. We had a Crouded House.& very Atentive. one young Man Was So taken Up that he Made an Apointment to Meet Elder Roberts. I had quite a Chat with him Untill 1/2 past two in the Morning Slept at 4.Grove Place Swansea[#].


15th [Thu] Got Up at Eight and am feeling Well got breakfast at Bro Wms The Young Man Came.that Made Apointment with B.H.Roberts & We think he will become a Member in the Church. I wrote a letter to Mary & while I did So Bro Watterson Told Me that my dear little Carrie had taken Some Lye0 Ho [Oh] dear[!] it his [is] pretty Near More then [than] I Can StanD. I Pray the[e,] My Heavenly Father[,] that thou May Bless My Dear little Child.that She may be Saved from the Effects of that dreadfull Stuff.& that thou May give thy Servants that May Adminster to her faith So has [as] to draw thy Rest Upon her. I know that it is in thy Power to do all things. Ho (Lord) grant thoes Blessings to My Child in the Name of thy Son Jesus Christ & the Honor & Glory be thine for Ever & Ever.Amen. --

Lorenzo & My Self Went to Hopkin Johns to dinner. Came back & bid the Bretheren All Good bye as Me & Richard Morse where [were] going to Llanelly. Reached Llanelly at 7 P.M. found Bro John John very Sick Slept at the Old Road Llanelly. Walked 10 Miles to day


16th [Fri] got Up late & got breakfast With Mrs Price did Cut two Pairs of drawres [drawers] out for her to Make Went down to See Bro John he is very Low but if the Lord will Raise him Up it is All Right. We will Adminster to him this day & My Prayer is that we may Exersise faith in his behalf & if it his [is] the will of the Lord to Rais him we will Acnowledg his great.Mercies toward us I went to Town & Called at Sarah Bassets. found them All well. Went [to] Thomas Thomass & Staid their for a few hours When Brother Richard Morse Came. & we both went to See Mary.R.Morses Sister & We were Invited to Tea to Bro Morses Nieces. & We had a good Meal. After a While went to John Johns & did Adminster to him their was a very good feeling their We got Supper with them I went to Send Bro Morse. Then Went Home & got a Chat with the folks. Morgan was taken Up with a Woman that has been Preaching Around. Slept at Morgan Saunders. Old Road Llanelly.)

did Call at 10 Loyd Street & gave Loreys Respects to them

124 [Sat] Got Up Late & got a good breakfast. then Changed & got Ready for a Start to Mynydd y Garreg. Brother Morse Came at.11. O.Clock. & we Started after we got a Cup of Tea with Mrs Price. Called at John Johns he was asleep So we wished her good bye & Started Reached about 3.O.Clock.P.M. found the folks All well. & Kind as Usal. We had quite a good time all the Evening Slept at Griffith Williams.(Mynydd y Garreg). Walked 8-1/2 Miles

18th [Sun] Got Up late got breakfast & did Read quite a little while. Started for (Van Galch). & in a little While Reached their. & at 2/30 [2:30 p.m.] We got Our Meeting after Singing.Bro G.Williams Offered Prayer. Then Bro Morse & My Self adminstered the Sacrament. Then we got the Testimonys of the Saints. I Spoke to the Saints & then Bro Morse.Spoke to the Saints for a while. & we had a very good Meeting. Then we went Home to Bro Williams.& did Read a few Chapters. and about Eleven.O.Clock we went to bed at G. Williams Mynydd y Garreg. Walked 6 Miles

125 [Mon] Got Up late & after a while we got breakfast & we Intend to day to go to (Llwyn Teg) & will Stay their Over Night Nellie Came So I guess we will go with her I have Not for a long time heard Such a Noise as I have heard to day. Sister Nellie Williams was in an awfull Temper towards her Lodger for going away to Idol [idle] his time when he Could work & pay her his depts [debts]. I have Started to Wright a letter to Bro Elias Davies. Elder Morse & My Self Went to (Llwyn Teg) & Staid their Over Night We tried to tell Sister Wms. how to act & Not to get into Such A Temper. We are Treated very good with the folks. the best they Can the Daughter aint in the Church but She Cannot be More kind to Us then [than] She is I do belive She will become a member in the Church We had a very Nice Room with a good fire in It & a Splendid Bed So we Can Sleep Comfortable. Slept at (Llwyn Teg) Near (Van Galch) Walked 4 Miles


20th [Tue] Got Up about Eight O Clock & got a good breakfast with Sister Williams then did finishe Elias Daviess letter. Then a Nice dinner a Roasted Chicken.after wich We bid them good bye.& Started for (Pant y Pull) Landdarog to See how Bro John Stephens was. We Reached their about five P.M. & was Recevied very Kindly by them all. Mrs Stephens had dreamed the Night before that Bro Morse & My Self where [were] Comeing. She told Us So as Soon as we got into the House. She Soon Made Us a Cup of Tea. Happy to find Bro. Stephens Much better in Health & able he Says to Come to Meeting Next Sunday We had very good times together All the Evening & She Asked us a good Many Questions Concerning America. With a little Kindness.& good Teachings I belive Some of this family Will Come Into the Church. Slept at Pant y Pull Llanddarog. Posted E Daviess letter, Walked 6 Miles.


21St [Wed] Got up at 1/2 past Seven the folks gets Up very Early in Farm Houses. Mrs Stephens Boiled Us two Eggs each for breakfast & She Kindly told Us to take a little [food] in Our pockets We wished then good bye for this time & Started for (Brechfa) Called on the Road in Daniel Daviess Brother & Sisters Houses they were very Kind to Us they get Very good letters from their Father & Brother We Called at Horeb in Sister Ann Evanss House the Daughter was Inn as it happened Mother & [Daughter] are Dress Makers & are Mostly Out Working. the young Lady got us Some food & told Us We Could Sleep at their House. A New place to Sleep at. We then went to See Bro Evan Morgans found him feeling Well. We Read a letter from Bro him he his [is] going Away Some time this year We bid him good bye & Started Back for Horeb got Tea heard that Several are thinking to Emigrate from their found another place to Sleep at. got a long Chat about Emigration.& other things Slept at Sister Ann Evans Horeb Near Brechfa. Walked 13 Miles.


22D [Thu] Got up about Eight & after a little While got breakfast & went to visit Berlle Farm. Benjamin. Sister Hanah Griffithss Brother We had dinner With them. they were very Kind to Us people in this part of the Country are More Kind to Us Latterday Saints then [than] any where I Know of. We Came back & wished Sisters Evans [mother and daughter] Good bye & Started for Nantgaredig So has [as] to get a little Train Called at two places on the Road & I belive We have another place to Sleep at (Felin Gum) took Train to Carmarthen & walked from their to (Llwyn y Filltir) & got Tea & a Rest found Bro & Sister Jones well & Kind as Usal bid them good bye. & Started for (Van Galch) Reached their at Seven P.M. & Tiered Elder Morse is a good Companion & the People Treat Us Well.all Over Sister Wms & Jane were Expecting Us & had Our Room Comfortable we did Not Stay down0 long as we were tired but went to Bed at (Llwyn Teg.) For a good Nights Rest. Walked 12 Miles.


23.D [Fri] Got up Very late as we were Tired after Walking hard the days before. the Roads Hard to Walk as it was Raining. got breakfast & wished them good bye. Started for Mynydd y Garreg. found them all well & got a Read of the Star it is good. got dinner with them & Soon Started again for Llanelly. Reached John Johns about Six P.M. found him very low & dont think he will last very long found Theoph[i]lus Davies had Come. & we three of Us got Tea & after We Adminster to him it Seems he got a little better but Not for a long time as he will Suerly go before very long Went up to Morgans & got a letter from Merthyr from S.R.Brough With Bills for Stars & So forth got a Utah Journal. it his [is] good to have word from Home Some way. Went down again to Bro John Johns he is very low Staid with them about a Hour & a half. Went back & found Mrs Price Come She had been to Meeting. We All Went to Bed. Slept at Morgan Saunders. Old Road Llanelly. Walked 1-1/2 Miles


24th [Sat] Got Up at Eight & Soon got breakfast & went down to See Bro John John he is a little better it Seems I have wrote a good deal in My Journal this Morning as I was backwards [behind]. Jest Now Eleven A.M. I thought Bro John was passing away in My Arms. but he is a little better again. I am Very Ancious about him. he had Prayer on his lips when he was So low. I have Sent a letter to Prest Williams. Went to Town Met Elder Morse & We both went around Town Posted a letter to Prest Wms also to Lorenzo We both went down to James Edwards after that We Called at 10 Loyde Street found them all Well got three papers their from Home. Utah Journal. We then Went Up to John Johns as we had promised he is very Sick. Elder Morse Staid a little While & then Went for the Night to John Roberts (Pentre Poth [or Path]) I Went up to Morgans but Was Soon Sent for as Bro John was very Low left him feeling pretty well. Slept at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly gave two handkerchifs to Mary & Ann Saunders0 3S.

131 [Sun] Got Up at half past Seven. & got Ready for a Walk to (Van Galch) for a Meeting Expect to Meet Prest John Stephens. But he did Not Come We Arived at one.O.Clock P.M. & got dinner with Sister Nellie Williams. After a while Elder Theophilus Davies & Griffith Williams Came then the Girls Came. & at 1/2 past two We had Our Meeting. Elder Morse did preside John Thomas & Theophilus Davies did Adminster the Sacrament. Then the Saints Bore their Testimonys. after wich I was Called to Speak did So with freedom. Teaching the Saints to Unity & Love. & to live as becomeing Laterday Saints. Theophilus Davies Next Spoke to the Saints. Upon their Dutys. Next Bro Morse.Spoke & We had a very good Meeting The Saints feeling well. We got Tea & Went to Send Bro Williams. Came back & Spent the Evening Comfortable. Singing & talking with the two Sisters Wms. & the little Boy went to bed at Llwyn Teg Near Van Galch. Walked 9 Miles. 


26th [Mon] Got Up about Eight & after a breakfast I Must Say that Sister Williams & her daughters are very Good to Bro Morse & My Self.allthough they are poor but the (Lord) will Bless them it his [is] very good for Us Elders to have a Nice place to Stay at. We wished them good bye for this time again. Went to Mynydd y Garreg & got dinner With them. Then Started for Our Walk Elder Morse for Pinged & Pembrey & I Went to Llanelly So has [as] to See Bro John John. found him Jest the Same as when I left Met Davidd y Gof. & Sent Sister Nellie Wms a letter telling her about him. Went Up to Morgans found them All Well. Went back to Bro Johns & Staid with him for a while Went down Town & Called at Thomas Thomass House Then Started for Home Calling at Bro Johns Then went home & went to Bed at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly. Walked 12 Miles.


27th [Tue] A very fine Morning Got three letters Read them in bed one from Mary & one from Carrie & one from James My Brother I thank the (Lord) that my Dear little Girl is Well Again it has given Me Such a Relife [relief] I had thought things Were Worst then [than] they are. Was very thankfull for The Preserving Care of My Dear Family by My Heavenly Father.[Cf. p. 121] I had a very good letter from James & Wm they Sent Me a dollar Each. I am Thankfull for their Kindness to Me it Is good to feel Right one towards an Other the letter with the two Dollars was opened one End Wrote a letter to John Thomas My Son also to Morgan My Son. Then I went & posted them & went down to the forge to Meet Elder Morse I walked back & fore [forth]. & after all Missed Him. I then Went to Thomas Thomas & found Him & got Tea with them Then we went to John Johns Staid their a little While went to Send Bro Morse & then Returned Home. & went to bed with.a good feeling at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly.


28th [Wed] Got up Early & Soon got breakfast Went down to Brother John Johns & did Adminstre the Sacrament to him Maybe for the last time On Earth as he is very Low. Wished him good bye. & gave them to Understand that I would Come down if they send for Us. Wished Mrs Price & the Girls good bye for the presant. found Bro Morse in Town & Made up Our Minds to go to Swansea by train. We went through (Pont ar dulais) Arived in Swansea at.One O Clock P.M. found Prest Wms & family well. got a letter from Lorry from Cardiff he is feeling well. Bro Morse & My Self Called with Bro Evans found the Old Jent feeling well. He Kindly gave us one Shilling Each (God) Bless the Old Jent Went & got our Saints wich Bro Morse My Self & Prest Williams Spoke. We had a very good Meeting The Saints feeling Splendid We went to Bed at 4 Grove Place.Swansea.


29th [Thu] Got Up at Eight & after a while we got breakfast Then We had a Read of the Star. Then I wrote a letter to Carrie & also to my little Carrie. Had quite a Nice Chat with Prest Wms we bid them good bye & Started for Neath. Walked to Landore & took Train for Dynefor then walked to the Langs & got dinner. after a while We Started for Neath to Brother Williams found them all well. & very Kind as Usal they had a letter from Emily Burrell from Egin.Bingham Co[unty].Idaho Ter[ritory] they live Close to the Tout Boys & Wm Jenkins late of Neath Got a chat with Bro & Sister Wms & went Up to Bro Eastmans & thinking to have A Meeting but Prest Lang did Not Come So we got to Read the Star & the few Saints presant did feel Well. we got Some to Eat with them. then Started for Wms When We Met Miss Eliza Jones So We had quite a long Chat & very good time all together. Slept at No 5 Thomas Court.Melingrythan Near Neath.


30th [Fri] Got Up at Eight & got a Splendid Breakfast. & after a while We wished them good bye & Started for a good Walk did walk to Hirwain Called at Bro Jones. & got Tea. Staid & Rested. Called at John Evanss  they Never had a word from Morgan S Evans yet. Took Train for Merthyr. Arived & found Elders Jenkyn Thomas [and] Wm Watterson. & Others I was very pleased to See Jenkyn.after So long a time I Recevied a letter from Father & Dan with [$]5.00/100 from Father [$]3.00/100 from Joney One [$]1.00/100 from Dan & [$]1.00/100 from Carrie I thank them from My Heart for their Help to Me on My Mission. had News of Joney being Married to a young Girl from Frankling [Franklin, ID] I hope She is a good Girl as he is Sickley I am Sorry Father is talking of leaving Logan as it would take Away My Buisness All to gether & take the Rent away from Carrie. got a good letter from Nephi Cowley Slept at 98 Twyn y Rodin Merthyr. Walked 18 Miles.


31St [Sat] Got Up Earley & began to write in My Journal as I was a little behind did write good long letter to Father & Dan and Spent all the Day in the House. did go Out a few times. Lorenzo Came & he dont look as good as he did A Month ago has had 3 Boils on his Neck In the Evening we got Our Council Meeting & All the Elders gave a Report of their Labors wich was very good Slept at 98 Twyn y Rodin Merthyr Tydvil.

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1888 April.

1St [Sun] Got Up about Eight & after Prayers we got Our breakfast. & Now the Elders are coming from the Other Branches.for at 11.0.Clock wich is Jest Now we had Council of the Branches. Heard all the Reports of the Branches.wich were all doing first Rate with few Exeptions. At 23/0 [2:30 p.m.] We had had our Sacrament when John Thomas & S.R.Brough.Adminestred Bro Gill Read from the Star an article on Priesthood & then Spoke a little While. Then Elder Jenkyn Thomas Spoke after wich I Spoke. Then we got Our Tea. & after Meeting Closed. Started Our Six O Clock Meeting When Elder S.R.Brough Spoke followed By Elder Richard Morse. they did Well A good Many of The Saints Came from the Other Branches & a Splendid time we had, alltogether a good time With Some Strangers presant. Slept at 98 Twyn y Rodin Merthyr Tydvil. 3 [Meetings]


2D [Mon] Got up at Seven & Wrote a long letter to James My Brother. Then I got breakfast & we again got Council & all the Bretheren were Set Out for their District[s] D.R.Gill [&] T.B.Davies to Pontypridd District John Thomas & Richard Morse for Carmarthen Dis[trict] Morgan Evans & Edward Bennett Manmouth District Wm Watterson & A.C.Davies Cardiff District Lorenzo Thomas & Jenkyn Thomas Swansea & Cardiff District Theo.M.Davies In Carmarthen [District] Thimothy Davies Swansea & Carmarthen District This Morning I Got a letter from John Johns Son Saying his Father was Dead. poor Old Man. he was very fond of Us Elders wrote a letter to Evan.S.Thomas Scoffield [UT] & in the after Noon Went to Send Prest Williams he going to Swansea In the Evening we had very good times Slept at 98 Twyn y Rodin.Merthyr Ten Elders presant. 1 [Meeting]


[April] 3D [Tue] Got up at seven haveing a little Cold on Me. got Ready for to go down to the Ten to Ten Train AM. Bro Jenkin Thomas Went as farr as Abernant I Arived in Swansea found Bro Wms & all the folks feeling Well No News.particular. I had dinner with them then Bro Richard Morse Came So by four 20 Train.We left for Llanelly Ariveing & Called at Thomas Thomas & got Tea. Then Went Up to John Johns They were feeling pretty bad. We Bro Morse & My Self.Held a Meeting at half past Eight. I offered Prayer & Bro Morse Spoke & the Congeration [congregation] done the Singing & their were Some Men & quite a large Croud of Women I Went to Send Bro Morse. & Went up & got a Cup of Tea & When I went back their Was quite a Caroud [crowd] of Men they left & I Staid Untill 12.O.Clock. Whent Home & Slept at Morgan Saunders Old Road.Llanelly.


4th [Wed] Got Up late & got breakfast then went down to Mrs Johns & by & by Bro Richard Morse Came & we talked things Over & We went down town to James Edwards. I fixed a little on Bro Morses Pants. then went for the Station to Meet Prest Williams he Came by the two.O.Clock Train. We then Went Up Mrs Johns & We got a Cup of Tea. & got Ready for the Funeral Elder Morse Read & prayed Prest Wms Preached for a while then I Spoke for a few Moments Comforting the family. Then the Funeral Arose & A very Respectful Funeral it Was I in the Church Yard gave Out a Hymn & the People Sang (yn y dyfradd) Prest Williams Offered Prayer & I thanking the people on behalf of the Family So that Ended the Servises of Elder J.John Prest Wms Morse & My Self got Tea at Morgan Saunders. then we went to send Bro Williams to the Train. then We parted I went Home Slept at M.Saunders Llanelly 1 [Meeting]


5th [Thu] Got Up at Eight & got a good breakfast Went down to Mrs Johns & Wrote a Letter to A.J.Jones a good long letter Bro Morse Came & We Went down Town To James Edwards then left for the Sea Side & We Called [at] Betcey Treharns House & will Say that She Seemed as if She Was She did Insult us & acted like if She was Crazey We Met a Man their by the Name of Bishop.Who was a Relative of Bro Feraday in Logan. I gave him his Adress. we left & Went to the Market & got a Cup of Tea Each.after wich We Went to (Gate y Garn) To Joseph Morses & We did Enjoy Our Selfs Got a good Cup of Tea & a good Chat. Will Say it his Nice to Meet friends from [after?] thoes Mean Josephites. I went down to Town with Bro Morse & We Then parted & I went Home & after a while I went to bed at Morgan Saunders Old Road.Llanelly.

143 [Fri] Got up at Seven and got a good breakfast. & did Read a good Many Chapters In the Testament.As I was waiting for Brother Richard Morse We are going to visit an Old Bro Daniel Longhurst. We were Treated well with them they have three Sons one very Smart & Educated the Eldest & Youngest are Total abstainers the Other likes his drink.  This Lady is his Second Wife & She wished Me to Call with him She wants him to take his place with Us [in the church]. We got Tea & dinner with them. Told to Call again. We went down to Mrs Johns to See how they were. then we went to Marys Bro Morses Sister. We got a Nice Fry of Mackrell.the first in the Season. Then Bro Morse went Home & I went to Sarah Bassets & Paid Ann 4.Shillings Makeing 24 Shillings then I went Home & did Call in Mrs Johns Went to bed at Morgan Saunders Old.Road Llanelly


[April] [Sat] Got up at Seven & after a while I got breakfast & Read for a while then Went down to Mrs Johns. & wrote a few lines to Mr & Mrs James C Brown. & then Brother Morse Came So We Started for (Mynydd y Garreg) Called at Pont Newydd at Thomas Evans.Father to Wm Evans Malad City [ID]. Reached Bro [Griffith] Wms at about 4 O.Clock P.M. Then we got Rested & got a Nice Cup of Tea. Read a very Nice letter from Eli.from Lynne Utah. I did Not feel well So I went to bed for about 3 Hours Then got Up feeling better & after haveing a Chat & a Song & Prayer we again went to bed it being 12.O.Clock Mid Night. Slept at Griffith Williams Court Mynydd y Garreg.Near Kidwelly[#] Walked 8-1/2 Miles.


8th Sunday Morning did sleep Untill late Got up & got Ready for breakfast. Then did Read a while. & wrote in My Journal Called to See Margaret Walters So She May Know we were hear. In a little we went to Meeting found Sister Wms, Jane & the Children all well. & found that Davidd y Gof [the lodger?].had Come back to live with them. In a little while Prest John Stephens Came & So did Elder Theoph[i]lus Davies. So we had a full House. Meeting Comenced Presided by Theo. Davies. After a while when the Saints had bore their Testimonies I was Called to Speak & Exhorted the Saints to faithfullness.if they Need & will Enjoy the Spirit of the Lord. Elder Morse Next Spoke to the Saints Spirited & with good Instructions. Elder Davies Then Spoke for a few Moments We had a very good time together. We Then went back to Bro Wms & Got Supper and had Some Singing. & Prayer then went to Griffith Williams. Mynydd y Garreg Walked 6 Miles 1 [Meeting]

146 [Mon] Got Up & put up on Bro Morses Breches While I Mended My Own he was glad to get the Chance to Stay in bed. Mended it with a pice of Mary Ann Williamss Dress It was quite a Rip between My legs. We got breakfast & Now Start in to write to My Wife Mary. & took it to post Then Started to Van Galch & found All Well at Sister Williams & very Kind to Us We Read & talked All the afternoon. My Cold is a little worse but with a little Care I will Soon Soon get Rid of it Elder Morse is very good Company & We do very well with the People. We went to bed at Llwyn Teg Van Galch & had a good Clean Bed I drank a Glass of Cold Watter before going to bed hopeing it will do me good. got Prayers & Retired. Walked 6 Miles.


10th [Tue] Got Up at Eight it his [is] Raining I feel better this Morning. We got a Nice breakfast & bid the folks good bye. & Started for Carmarthen Calling at Llwyn y filltir fach. Found Theop[i]lus Davies he takeing a Rest after his Run around the Country he had Something on his Body he wanted to get Rid of. I Should Smile He looks dirty. & alltogether out of Kelter [kilter]. We had Something to Eat & Made a Start & Arived in Carmarthen Went Around Town & went with Bro Morse & found Jonah Evanss Sister about a Mile out of Town got Tea with her Came back & Called at Mr Jones the Barber He is Very Sociable with the Boys Went & got Lodgins at the Lion Coffee Tavern where we allways Stay. Slept at the Coffee Tavern Carmarthen Walked [1]0 Miles.


[April] 11th [Wed] Got Up at Eight did have a Splendid bed last Night & did Rest Well. & am feeling Much better got a Nice Breakfast Couple of fresh Eggs. also had a Cup of Coffee & Some Bread & Butter last Night bed & all for 1S/7D Wrote a few lines to Griffith Wms & also to Mrs Price to Llanelly. Will Now Start for (Pant y Pull) Arived their about two O.Clock.P.M. Where [were] Recevied well with them All. We had Bread & Milk Barley Meal & flour Mixed the Bread was Made of. they told Me to Say So. We had Tea & Toast after a while. & towards Evening we all Came together and had a Sing and a talk went around to See the Stock their is 15 Cows Milking after they Came in all their was about 60 Head of Stock. We Read 24 Chap[ter] Matt[hew] Bro Morse Spoke for a while & I Offered Prayer. in a while we went to bed at Pant y Pull Near Llanddarag Walked 6 Miles 1 [meeting]


12th [Thu] Got Up at Seven & felt the Cold on my Chest.Untill I did Cough a little while then it Came better. in a little while we got breakfast with two Eggs Boiled as hard as Ekk [heck] but did Enjoy our breakfast well. Staid with them Untill Ten then Started for Brechfa. Called in John Daviess Sons house Near Nantgaredig Called at his daughters House at Velin Gum got dinner with her Then Started for Horeb & got into Sister Evanss House No One in the little Boy was Out Side So he Came by & by Mother & Daughter out working Dress Makeing it his [is] a wet day very Mean Under foot But at Eight O Clock the Mother Came & She Soon Made Us a Cup of Tea Sister Evans is very Ancious to Emigrate & would if her Old Father will help her of about 20.Pounds We had a good Chat & went to bed at Sister Ann Evans Horeb Near Breachfa. Walked 8 Miles.


13th [Fri] Got up at Seven & Soon got Our breakfast. Wished Sister Evans Good bye & Started for Breachfa Calling at Bro Evan Morgans he was well after a little Chat we again Started Calling at Sister Joness got a Cup of Tea before we took the Mountain Seen (Davidd y Lodgs) Wife & Daughters Their is good prospects around Breachfa the people are Ancious to hear Us preach We took the Road again. & Called at M.D.Joness House at the bottom of the Hill got Some bread & Chees with the Old Folks. Started again & at four O Clock Reached Llan y bythar at 4.O.Clock P.M. & took Train for Lampeter. found all the folks well & were Recevied Kindly Got a Nice Cup of Tea with a good fry of fresh Meat & we did Enjoy our Selfs we had a Nice Chat with John & the folks We got our bed at the Coffee Tavern. I got a Nice letter from Carrie & little Carrie Slept at the Coffee Tavern Lampeter Walked 13-1/2 Miles.


[April] 14th. [Sat] Got Up late feeling pretty well Came to Sister Thomass & got breakfast & we Now are wrighting a little in Our Journal Have Read the Star it his [is] very good I dremt Last Night that we in Utah had declared our Statehood in Spite of the United States Goverment & that all us Elders were Called Home. Wrote a letter to Prest a little acount of Our Labours We Went around Town & did enjoy Our Selfs very well all day. We are Not Able to do any thing in this place So farr but hope to by & by Maggie is very Kind to Us Elders & So are all the folks. We have been perswading them to Emigrate & let the Lord Bless them. It Seams to Me that The Lord Would Make an Instrument of John Thomas to do Much good in this City if he would turn & leave is [his] Old Company. & follow the Gospel Plan We Slept at the Coffee Tavern Lampeter Cardigan Shire


15th Sunday Got Up late So did all in the House we got our breakfast & I did enjoy it as I am feeling So Much better of My Cold.  I pray My Heavenly Father to keep me in health while I am in Old it is very hard to travel When a Man is So Unwell. We Spent the day at Home John Thomas is at Home with Us all day. & he is feeling Good. in the Evening we had a Sacrament Meeting he asked forgiveness for his Neglect of Duty. & we both Spoke Words of Encouragement to them. & they felt Well So Us four had very good times together. I did Comence a letter to Bro E.W.Smith & I think it will be the Means to Bring A few Pounds to help Emigrate Some one from Old Babilon. we got Our Prayers. & after a while went to our Sleeping place.The Coffee Tavern. Lampeter Cardigan Shire


16th [Mon] Got up late went Over & got Our breakfast. & have finished E.W.Smiths letter & Posted it. We went for a walk & in a while we got dinner & a Cup of Tea after it John Thomas Came & we were given five Shillings Each by him & one Shilling Each by Sister Thomas & we wished them good bye. & Started for (Pen y Wern). & Reached Llan y bythar & Called to see Maggies Sister She was very Sick. But we trust She may be blessed. Reached (Pen y Wern) [at] half past four P.M. was Recevied very well & did talk a good deal with the folks. The women are very good. & So is the Man that is Married to the daughter. They dont have any Meetings at (Clut Furn) Now Until Brother John Evans gets better in Health Got Supper & had a very Nice bed. & Slept at (Pen y Wern) Near Llan y bythar. Carmarthen Shire[#] Walked 7-1/2 Mil,es. 6S/.

154 [Tue] Got up at Seven & Soon got breakfast then we washed. It had Rained all Night & was Raining all this Morning. We wished them good bye. & Started for Brechfa Calling [at] Pant yr Rhyg. & they Kindly gave us Bread & Chees also Some Milk. Told us to Call when we pass. Then we Started again.Calling with Bro Evan Morgans & got a good Chat & also got Some Bread & Milk Bro Morse has Chatted Right good with Bro Morgans. think to preach first at (Cappel y Graig) When We begin. Wished Bro Morgans good bye & Went to Horeb to Sister Evanss She was Out Sewing. the little Boy was In So we were Comfortable by the fire Sitting down & Resting The little Boy Made us Tea. by & by Sister Evans Came feeling good to See us We had a good Chat Got Our Prayers & Went to bed at Horeb Nr Breachfa. Walked 12 Miles. Reason for the Hope 1St Peter 3 Chap[ter] 15 Verse0


[April] [Wed] Got Up at Eight & Soon got Washed Then breakfast. & wished Sister Evans.Good bye & Started again on another Walk Calling at Mrs Dyer. at (Felin Gwm) Then Calling at John Daviess Reaching (Nant Garedig) in time for The Train for Carmarthen. Went To Mr Harris & bought 2.S Worth of things then Started for (Llwyn y Filltir Fach) Got a very Nice Cup of Tea With the Old Lady. We hear Rested for about 3 Hours. Then Started again for (Llwyn Teg) & found Sister Nellie Williams.Jane & the Children Well. & glad to see us Come. We got a very Nice Cup of Tea we were Tired as we had to Keep Our Umberellas Opened & our Satchels were heavey. got a Nice Chat Elder Richard Morse Washed all Over. & I Rested. So by & by we went to (Llwyn Teg) Near (Van Galch) Walked.11.Miles. Obligation[#] to preach 1St Cor[inthians] 9 Chap[ter] 16 Verse0

156 [Thu] Got Up at Eight & got Our breakfast Then I mended My Garments & Wished Sister Williams & all good bye. & Started for (Mynydd y Garreg) found Sister Williams in bed Not half well. But Soon got Up & Made us Dinner. Then we did Read the Star it is very good. I Started to Write a letter to Carrie & little Carrie & will finish it to Morrow. Slept at Court Mynydd y Garreg. Walked 3 Miles.

20th [Fri] Got up feeling Cold in My Eyes got up a little before Bro Morse So has [as] to borough [borrow] is [his] Pants while I Mended My Own0 finished My letter to Carrie & after Dinner will Start for Llanelly if it Wont Rain very Much we bid Bro & Sister Wms good bye & Started for two P.M. & arived a[t] Mrs Johns at five P.M. feeling Tired. Mrs Johns wasent in But (Mary) Was in & we were glad to See her


Sister John Said She thought that we would Come to day. & So we did & glad we are Come we got tea with them. Then I went to Morgans & got a letter from Fred & Mary.Rexborg [Rexburg, ID] glad to hear they were all well also got two letters from Prest Wms one bringing the Sad News of the Death of Brother John P. Grimley of Inflamation on the Right Lung [pneumonia?]. He was Only Six days Sick. I felt very Sorry to think he was Cut down in the Prime of life 51 Years of Age. Prest Williams Said She [the widow] wished Me to Come to the Funeral. So I Only Staid a few Moments at Morgans. But Wished them good bye & went down Town Called at 10 Lloyd Street to See Mrs Richards they were all well. I went down to the Station So has [as] to go to Swansea Arived at Swansea at about Ten P.M. Went to 4.Grove Place. They had gone to bed but Bro Wms got up and let me in. Slept at 4 Grove Place Swansea. Walked 10.Miles.


21.St [Sat] Got Up at Eight & Comenced geting Ready.for Our Trip to Rhymney Took Train for Merthyr Paid 2/9 for Ticket then 10-1/2/[D] for Ticket to Rhymney Went to 14 Plantation Street.Were [where] Bro Grimley Lie. found Sister Grimley Very Sick. Got a Cup of Tea their & Soon the people began to Come to the Funeral. & we Sang a Hymn in the House. Elder Richard Morse Offered Prayer Then Sang a Welsh Hymn before Raising. Arived at the Grave yard. & Sang two verses of Oh My Father though [Thou] that Dwellst. Prest Wms Spoke for a while Then Elder S.R.Brough.Offered the Dedicatory Prayer Then We Started for the Station [-] Prest Williams & My Self [-] but the Train left us & we had to Walk to Dowlais went on the Hack from their to Merthyr Went to Confranc House Read a letter that I had Recevied from Bro C.O.Card it is a good letter. We got Supper & went to bed at 98 Twyn.y.Rodyn Merthyr. Walked 5 Miles


22D [Sun] Got Up at Seven & Soon got breakfast got Ready to Start for Cardiff by 8.40 A.M. Train. Arived at 10 A.M. Went Over to 70 Coburn Street Cathays left My Valise their & went Over to D.C.Forseys.Teudor [Tudor] Road found them well Exept Mr Harris who is Keeping [to] his bed with Gout I got dinner with them & Bro Forsey & My Self Started for Meeting. Onley a few presant Prest Shepton was Not at Meeting Elder Watts & My Self Adminestered the Sacrament I then Spoke to the Saints for a few Moments So did Elder Brough. We had Our Tea in Sister C.Harriss. Elder Brough Went with Bro Forsey to Tea. Then We got Meeting at 7.P.M. One Stranger presant. a young Lady.That Theo.M.Davies was thinking to Baptise. We Both of Us Spoke to the Saints & we had a good time. Went Home with Bro Forsey & took A bite of Supper Then went to bed at 58 Tudor Road River Side Canton Nr Cardiff.


23D [Mon] Got Up late got breakfast & Started to Visit the Saints. Went around Town & Seen Many fine things that We Could purchase Cheap that would be very Usefull at Home. We went down to Black Ware to Bro Blaydens found them Well got dinner with them went from their to Mr Dimonds he poor Man has been Aflicted with Rumatic Fever for a long time She has been Confined on the 15th of this Month and has a little daughter Named Betcey Maud. Sister Dimonds is geting along fine. We left their & went to Cathays. Called at 70 Coburn Street & got Tea with Sister Harris. they are very kind to Us Elders Then we went Around Town I Posted a letter to Prest S Shepton. Then we went Over to Brother Forseys. & Staid in Wrighting in Our Journals at 11 O Clock P.M. we went to bed at 58 Tudor Road River Side. Canton Nr. Cardiff Walked 5 Miles


[April] 24th [Tue] Got up very late as it is very Mean Wet Weather. got our Breakfast & dinner with Brother & Sister Forsey. have been in All the Morning did Adminester to Bro John Harris for his health. Trust he will Soon be better We Intend going towards Penarth this Afternoon We got dinner with Sister Forsey. then We Started for Cogan Called at Edward vissit Margreat Humphrys She Intends to Emigrate this Season. She was well. We had a little to Eat & Started for Landoch found that Sister Spicket was Burrying one of her little Girls we Jest Shook hands with her & Started back for Cardiff. Went around Town & Went down to 70 Coburn Street to visit C.Harris Got Supper with them Staid with them Untill Bro Forsey Came Home with Me. When we Arived.Elder Brough Read a little Out of the Star Concerning the Lamanites0. Then we went to 58 Tudor Road River Side Canton Cardiff Walked 12 Miles.

163 [JT omits 162]

25th [Wed] Got Up late. First thing got a letter from (Prest Shepton) Saying he had had an accident but Not very Serious. but [it] Unabled him to Come to his Meeting on Sunday. We had Our breakfast We will wish the folks good bye & Start for New Miles [Mills]. Called at 70 Coburn Street Expected Some Mail but did Not have any I wished Bro Forsey & Sister Harris good bye Called at Sister Dimonds. Mr Dimonds Was Very low She asked Me to Pray for him Wich I did & I Blessed him & I do belive he Will Soon Recover. Got Dinner with them Sister Dimonds is gaining very fast. & I hope to hear Soon that he is also Well. Called & Wished Sister Blayden good bye it is 3 O Clock P.M. Started for New Mills Reached at 15 past Six P.M. and found Bro & Sister Thomas Well & Glad to See Me Got hear in time for Supper & did Enjoy it Well Was a little Tired after My Walk. Went to beD at (Ty Gwillim) Near New Mills. Walked 10-1/2 Miles.


26th. [Thu] Got Up at 1/2 past Seven.feeling Rested as I had a very Comfortable bed Got Breakfast with Sister Thomas Comfortable by the fire Sister Thomas Mended a little on my Stockings Will Soon Start for (Bryn Sadler) To Bro & Sister Morgans & will Stay With them for a few Days to help her with His Suit of Clothes. Met Sister Morgans on the Road Comeing to See her Mother. I told her I would Come on Next Sunday to Llantrisaint to Meeting & would Stay with them Next Week Arived at Llantwit. & to My Surprise found Mr Davieds had left. I Could Not tell what to Say. but I Went in to Rees Jenkins & She was very kind to me. Got Tea with them & Started for Llwynyfwyalch to Mr Davieds. Found Mr Davieds & Evan at Home Mrs Davieds was at a friends Milking for an Old Lady. I was glad to See them as it has been a long time Since I visited them they are Jest as Kind to me as they Can be I got Supper & went to bed at Llwynyfwyalch Cross Inn.Near Llantwit. Walked 9 Miles.


[April] 27th [Fri] Got up at 1/2 past Seven & in a little While We got Our breakfast and I must Say that of People Not as yet in the Church they are the very best I Ever Seen But I belive they will Come yet [into the church] I have Seen the Star this Morning it his [is] a very good one but Not a word yet Concerning Emigration. I wrote a letter to Prest Wms to tell him my Wear [where] abouts Sent a Card to Griffith Wms (Mynydd y Garreg) I wished Mr Davieds good bye & also Evan. & Mrs Davieds & Started for (Tre Forrest) and Called at Bro John Jones they were very Kind to me. I got Tea & after a little While Parley Edwards & My Self Went to (Pont y Pridd) found Sister Bishop & the Children Well also Bro Coles & family. after a little Chat With the folks We Started back for (Tre Forrest) had a good Read. & with Bro & Sister Jones had a good talk about Our Holy Religion after Prayers we went to bed Slept at John Joness (Tre Forrest) Nr Pontyprydd Walked 5 Miles


28th [Sat] Got up at Eight got breakfast with two Boiled Eggs. Went around a little & then Started for Pontypridd. Called in Thomas Evans to See for Mail. got two papers One with the Epistle of the twellve Apostles0 It is Short but to the point. Went down town Called at M.A.Evans they are all well I got Tea with her Went up to Coed Pen Main Met Elder D.R.Gill he had a few papers & a letter from his wife. his family were all well had the Sad News that the great Missionary John I. Hart had been Excommunicated What a pity after doing So Much good wished Bro Gill & all the folks good bye & went with Parley Edwards around town.thinking to Meet Bro John Jones. Wished Sister M.A.Evans good bye & Started for (Tre Forrest) got Some Broth with Old Man Edwards. Went with Bro Jones to his House got a Nice Mackereel for Supper. Went to bed at Bro John Joness (Tre Forrest) Nr Pontypridd[#] Walked 5 Miles.


29th [Sun] Got up at Eight feeling very Well. & Will get Ready for a walk to Llantrisaint.With Bro Thomas Evans & Rees Jenkins. We Called at Brother Jenkinss & got Some Bread & Chees Reached Thomas Williams House found Sister Morgans had Come from Bryn Sadler. We Started our Meeting & got a very good Meeting all the Bretheren & also Sister Morgans bore their Testimonys Then I was asked to Speak for a while & did So on the dutys of the Saints & on the first Princples their was three persons presant Out of the Church. after Meeting I went Home with Sister Morgans. & found Bro Morgans better in in Health then [than] I have Ever Seen him before got Tea with them & a good Chat & Read. Then went to bed at Wm Morganss Bryn Sadler. Near Llantrisaint Walked.7.Miles.


30th [Mon] Got up about 1/2 past Seven feeling Rested good in a Comfortable bed. Bro & Sister Morgans are very Kind I am going to help her Make him a Suite of Clothes got a Comfortable breakfast. & Started. We have done Very Well to day. Sister Thomas. New Mills Came to See us & we had a Nice Chat & we all got a Cup of Tea Together. Took a Walk after dinner With Bro Morgans.Up to See Mr Clarks New Church wich will Cost that Jent 5000 Pounds. We Came back & Spent a very good day together The Weather is geting a little better. Only the wind has been very High for the last Month Went to bed At Bro Wm Morgans Bryn Sadler Near Llantrisaint

            Proverbs 29 Ch[apter] Verse 18.

            Were [where] their is No Vision the people perish

            Amos 3D [Chapter] 7th verse

            Suerly the Lord Will do Nothing upon0

168a [JT repeats p.168]

1888 May

1St [Tue] Got up about Eight & Soon got a good breakfast & Started in to Work on the Suite We are doing first Rate. She is So Smart with her Needle So it aint No trouble to help a Lady like Unto her to Make a little Work Got a good Read on Joseph the Prophets History0 then after Prayers We Went to bed. I Slept at Wm Morgans Bryn Sadler Nr LlantriSaint[#]

2D [Wed] Worked before breakfast. & Soon got a good Breakfast & all day Worked with a will & am well up with the Suite We have had good times together to day Sister.Morgans Working Well. & Bro Morgans is feeling good We went to bed at about Eleven O Clock. Slept at Wm Morgans Bryn Sadler.Nr Llantrisant.[#]


3D [Thu] Got up at Seven & Started Right in With the Work. Got a very Nice Breakfast & am Well Up with the Suite at one O.Clock. We got Our dinner a good dinner With Rubarb Puding to finish off. at two P.M. I finished [the suit]. Then got Ready for My Trip Bro Morgans.Made Me take one Shilling With him wanted Me to take More but No Indeed I was only to [too] glad to help her to Make the Clothes. bid them good bye & went to (Pont Clown) Station took Train for Lantwit. & as I was going to Rees Jenkins I Met Bros Watterson & Davies Comeing from their. Was very glad to See them We went down to Mr. Davids & the Old people Were Very glad to see us & Soon Made us Tea & I Started for (Pontypridd)  Called at (Tre Forrest) & in Company with John John [Jones]. & young [Parley] Edwards Bro John [Jones] gave Me a Shilling. & We Met at Bro Evans & got a good Meeting Lorenzo Came to Meeting I was glad to Meet him. I Spoke for quite a long time. Slept at Thomas Evans Coed Pen Main Pontypridd

1-[Shilling] 1 [meeting]


4th [Fri] Got Up at Seven & got a good breakfast.With two Eggs Boiled Then We Went Around Town. & Came back.When Elders Watterson & Davies Came. So We Went to See a Coal Mine Went into a Level.for the distance of 510 feet.through a Miserable Hole under a High Mountain. Elders Watterson Davies & Lorenzo.Went in [at the] Same time. Bro Wm Watterson did Not Care how Soon he got Out of it he dident [didn't] Care for Such a Level as that. We then bid the folks & the Hole in the Ground good bye & Started for Aberdare Over the Mountains & through (Ynis y Bwl) & down to Mountain Ash. Called at Aberaman. & got Tea with Hanah Davies. late Edwards Bro Watterson was with me. We arived at (Aberdare) at five.O.Clock & Went to Saml [Samuel] Phillips Bro Watterson went with Me. Lorenzo & My Self were Invited to Stay With them Over Night So we did & we had Exelent time together Slept at Saml Phillipss Aberdare[#]. Walked 10 Miles


5th [Sat] Got up at 1/2 past Seven & in a little While we got a good breakfast & Soon Went Up town Lorenzo & My Self Went up Town & got Our Photo taken. So We May be able to Send one or two home We went back to Saml Phillips & got Our dinner with them & wished them good bye for the Presant & Walked Up to Abernant Station & Started for Merthyr Went to the Confrance House Met Timothy Davies also a New Elder by the Name of Abraham Jenkins In a little while Bro Heber Thomas Came with Bro Gill. he looks Well.  A Host of Elders Come to Wales Now. E.L.Burgoyne Came with Richard Morse & We Are 16 Elders Now In Wales & I tell you We Will Ring Out in Old Wales. & the prospect is good for Many to Join the Church. At Evening.We had a Council of the Missionarys. & all Reported their districts & We had a very good time Many Elders Went to the Farmers Arms to Sleep. I Went to bed at 98.Twyn y Rodyn.Merthyr


6th [Sun] Got up at Eight & got Ready for breakfast as Our Council Meeting Will Comenc[e] at 11.O.Clock. A full House presant All the Branches Were Reported their has been five deaths in the Mission this Month their was two Men from Aberaman Come That Were Josephits They Were very Much taken Up With Our Meeting. Got dinner & Then Started Our 2.O.Clock [meeting] Brother D.R.Gill. & Thomas.B.Davies Adminstred the Sacrament. Then Prest Williams Spoke for quite a time With good Effect. then Elder S.R.Brough Spoke for a lenght of time on Prayer. then Prest Wms Spoke on the Same Subject. We went for a Walk & Over to Gellideg to See Alex Lewiss Sister & Davied Daviess Daughter Elder Timothy Davies went with Me & we got Tea with Alex Lewiss Sister. Then we Started back for Meeting Meeting Comenced at 1/2 past Six Elder Edward Bennett Offered Prayer. then Heber.H.Thomas Spoke first Then Elder Thimothy B.Davies Next Spoke Then I followed Him. Then Bro Abraham


Jenkins followed & we had a very good day & all felt well. Slept at 98 Twyn y Rodyn Merthyr Tydvil 3 [meetings] [Mon] Got up at Eight feeling Well. Happy to Say that Prest Williams did Recevie a Blessing through the administration Elder Morgan Evans Anointed & I Prayed & do feel thankfull to (God) that he Recevied the Blessing After Breakfast we got Our Council Meeting Elders John Thomas & Richard Morse In Carmarthen [District] Elders Morgan Evans in the Manmouth [District]. [Elders] D R Gill & T[homas].B.Davies In Pontypridd [District]. Elders Wm Watterson & E.L.Burgoyne Jenkyn Thomas L.R.Thomas In The Cardiff [Distict] Elders Edward Bennett & A.C.Davies In North Wales [District]. Elders Timothy.B.Davies & Abraham Jenkins In Cardigan Shire. S.R.Brough in Cardiff Theo M. Davies Is at Pembrok Shire. Some of the Elders have allready left & I am going to write to Mary This Afternoon. Elders Gill & Morgan Evans went to pen Garnddu. Lorenzo Wrote to Jake & Nancey


& we had a very good time alltogether Got A Wash allover & Then Went to Bed feeling first Rate Slept one of three Wm Watterson Lorenzo & My Self. at 98 Twyn y Rodyn Merthyr Tydvil[#] 1 [meeting]

8th [Tue] Got Up Earley & got breakfast Wrote a few lines to Father. So Elder Morse & My Self Started for Neath. Takeing Train to Glyn Neath & Walked the Ballanc. Reached Bro Langs about 5.P.M. We got Tea their and after a good Spell we felt better & went to (Neath) Went to Bro Wms Thomas Court found them all well. met E.L.Burgoyne their We had quite a Chat with Miss Jones We To day had Bad News About [Miss Jones] We got a Cup of Tea & after a while went to bed at No.6 Thomas Court Melincrythan Nr Neath[#]. Walked.11.Miles.

175 [Wed] Got Up at Eight & after breakfast We three of Us went around Town & Elder Us good bye he going to Llanelly Burgoyne & me went to The abbey to Bro Langs.for dinner. & got a good dinner Then We Returned to Neath Went to Bro Williams & got a Cup of Tea. I wished them good bye & went to the Depot. took Train for Swansea Meeting Elders Heber.H.Thomas & Timothy.B.Davies.Thomas going To Swansea with Me. We both Reached 4 Grove Place.finding all feeling well. & also found My Journal had Come Thanks to S.R.Brough.For being So Kind to Me. We had Very good times together had Saints Meeting A very few Came together the Saints bore their Testimonys & I Was Called to Speak Then Heber.H.Thomas Next after wich Prest Wms Spoke & we had a very good Meeting. got Our Prayers & Went to bed at 4.Grove Place Swansea[#] Walked 4 Miles.


[May] [Thu] Got up at Seven had a Read of the Star. See Emigration Wont be over 12 Pounds good for the poor Saints Got a good breakfast with Bro & Sister Wms & after wich I wrote a letter to Elias Morris Salt Lake City & I hope it will get a good Efect Upon him So as to try & get help. Elder Heber.H.Thomas Went to Llanelly to See Some Relatives I Went to the Hafod Called With Mrs Griffiths found them all feeling Well Got a Cup of Tea with them. Then went to Bro Prouse & got Some Lining for to Mend My Coat got Some Candy.& Some Ginger Beer. Went With the Tram for Morriston found Bowden & Mary Well. Sarah had gone to Llanelly with Mrs Price to the Fair. I Came back Went to See Bro Evans the Old Jent Made Me take Eight pence with Him Bro Williams did ask Me to Stay and go in the Morning. Went to bed at 4 Grove place Swansea. 8.D


11th [Fri] Got up & got Ready for a Start got a very Nice breakfast. & Wished Them all good bye. & Started by train to Llanelly. Arived Called at Thomas Thomas. found them all well. Called at Sarah Bassets gave the Children a Fairing. Then Went to Morgans & Was told by Ann Saunders that My Daughter Sarah had left for home I Said I felt So bad & Spoke So Loveing of her & She heard it All [She was hiding.] I felt So Cheap but Now She Knows My feeling toward Her. I presented her with a Ten Dollar Gold Pice for a Broach. She was very Proud of it. I Met Bro R.Morse So We got dinner together. & afterwards went around Town Seen Bro Moroni Watts Went to Visit Ann Roach but She was gone from Home Went down to James Edwards for Book Money did Not get any. Went again around the fair Then went Home Slept at Morgans Old Road. Llanelly.

 178 [Sat] Got up to Answer the Post Man I got three letters one from Carrie one from Quinney & one from Elias Davies. I read them with pleasure & had Much Joy in Carries good letter I got Breakfast & finished Carries letter & posted it I also Sent a letter with the Death Notice of Elder J.John0 I Called at Thomas Thomas & Met Elder Morse So we Started for Pembrey Called at (Brocill) & Seen old Bro Wm Rees he is very Old & Cannot Move around We then Called at (Ty Cannol) to See David Williams. He is going by the 19[th] of May Company he looked Well We then Started & Reached.Bro Williamss (Mynydd y Garreg). found all well Axept Sister Wms She his [is] Not very Well. They were Expecting to See us Come. We had a Cup of Tea & Spent a good Evening Singing & talking Slept at G.Williams Court Mynydd y Garreg.Nr Kidwelly Walked 12 Miles


13th [Sun] Got up at a late Hour as we were Very Tiered after a tough Walk yesterday We got Our breakfast & by & by we Started for Llwyn Teg.for Meeting Met Bro Theophlus Davies He had been Out of luck.on his Trip. We Started Our Meeting Nine in Number I presided Elders Morse & Davies adminstred the Sacrament Bros Morse & Davies the Saints. & we had a very Nice little Meeting after a While we Returned to Brother Williams & Spent the Evening together Singing & Talking. Then I Offered Prayer & we went to bed at Brother Griffith Williams (Court Mynydd y Garreg) Nr Kidwelly. Walked 5 Miles


[May] [Mon] Got up in good time & got Our breakfast But had to Wait Untill bread was baked before we got it as we eat all up Sunday. Wrote a letter to Prest Wms Concerning.David Wms. Also Told him that Bro Theophilus Davies had War with the Pembroks & Came Out without a Scratch. In the Afternoon We Went down to Kidwelly. Called at David Daviess She Said We Could preach by her House. We Called in Another House to See Jane Williams at this house they Recevied us Well Was told they belived the Gospel. Started from their To See Ralph Fisher. The Old Man feeling.pretty Well While their he got a letter from Malad. Dont know the Contents He promised to Come to Meeting Soon. We got Tea with them. Then we Started back & again Went through Kidwelly & up to Bro Williamss Sarah had gone & Sister Wms was feeling better after Prayers by Elder Morse We went to bed at Griffith Wms Mynydd y Garreg Near Kidwelly. Walked 9 Miles Read John W. Taylor's Discourse0 it was good


15th [Tue] Got up about 1/2 past Seven Brother Morse.Not feeling Well this Morning. I Soon Got breakfast A very good breakfast & a good Apetite for it. Am feeling pretty Well Only A little Cold on my Chest Wich I allways will get as long as I walk hard & Sweet [sweat]. We to day Sent a few lines to Mrs Evans Horeb to let her Know that we would be their on Friday Next. I also Wrote a good long letter for Bro & Sis Williams to Eli. Sent a few lines for my Self to him. Eat dinner & Started for (Llwyn Teg) Reached & found that Theophilus Davies had Jest left.for Carmarthen. & Sister Nellie had gone to LlanStephan. She will Come back to Night Went to look for a Servant Instead of Jane for the Farm Close by We Spent the day best we Could It is a poor place without a Woman Around. Sister Williams Came at Nine P.M. & we got Tea & Soon we went to bed (at Llwyn Teg) Near (Van Galch) Walked 3 Miles.

182 [Wed] Got Up late am feeling pretty well We got Our breakfast. & Soon Bro T.M.Davies Came from (Llwyn y filltir) Elder Morse & My Self Started for (Llwyn y Filltir) But We had to Return as it was Raining So Very Hard So I Wrote a letter to Father Gave him all the News I Could Spent the day Reading & Wrighting. Slept at (Llwyn Teg) Near Van Galch Carmarthen[#] Shire [Thu] Got up & got our breakfast & Soon got Ready for Our Journey. Raining a little but Soon Cleared. & we Reached Pant y Pull found Bro John Stephens Very Sick with.Asthma. he was very glad to See us We Were Well Recevied by them all. Spent the day to gether Reading & talking Mrs Stephens is very Kind to us. We had a very good talk with James Stephen The Son & he do Belive the Gospel. I Would like him to Join the Church. We Went to bed at a late Hour Slept at Pant y Pull Llanddarog[#] Walked[#] 6 Miles.


18th [Fri] Got up at Seven & Soon got breakfast Bro Stephens is a little better to day We are going to Adminster to him for his health trusting he will Recevie the Blessing We got a little Bread & Chees & Milk before We Started on Our Journey for Horreb. I posted a letter for Father At (Nant Garedig) We Called at (Felin Gwn) They had Not Recevied a word from Utah.Since we were hear before. We Reached.Horeb & found Sister Evans Was Out Working. We Went to (Byarthy) to Benjamin Daniels & got Tea with them they were very Kind to us He owns is [his] farm 1/2 past Six Went to Horeb found the little Boys in I had Swetted So Much that I had to dry My Self by the fire I Was affraid I had Caught Cold. the both Sisters Evans Came. & they felt first Rate little Ann very ancious about going Away. We had Supper & after a long time Chatting about Emigration & the Gospel We Went to bed at Sister Ann Evans. (Talken) Near Breachfa Walked 8 Miles.

184 [Sat] Got up late got breakfast after a While Started for Breachfa to See Prest Morgans When we got their found he had gone Out Went up to Bryn Marlas to See Sister Jones She is feeling good. We got a Nice Cup of Tea With her. Then Started for Bro Morgans found him Home & feeling Very good Will help his Neice to Emigrate this Season We Intend to Preach tomorrow at Breachfa if the Wether Will permit. We got Bread & Milk with the Old Jent. & We Started for Horreb took with Us Some Rubarb. Also a pound of Sugar. Sister Evans did Not Seam very pleased. I felt the Spirit. We got a cup of Tea & She Said you had better go to bed So we went & Slept at Ann Evans (Talken) Horreb Near Breachfa. Walked 7 Miles

185 [Sun] Got Up at half past Seven & got breakfast & Started for Breachfa To Meeting We Were Seven presant Sacrament Was Adminstred by R.Morse & My Self. We heard the Testimony of the Saints. & Bro Morse Spoke to the few Saints.for a while & I followed him Prest E Morgans made a few Remarks We got dinner with him. after a While We Went to the Church of England. Curious was. We were Treated Kind with the people. After Meeting We went a little Out of the Way & got Our [street] Meeting About 150 persons atended I Ofered Prayer & Prest Morgans Spoke for a little While Elder R.Morse followed him With a good Influnce Spoke Well for about 20 Minuts I then followed him & had No trouble to Speak for about 20 Minutes. Bro Morse Closed by Prayer. A very lively Meeting. all Listened Atentively We Went With Bro E Morgans To Tea & had A good talk Bublished [published] a Meeting for three weeks [from] to Cappel y Graig. Went to Horeb Slept at Sister Evans Horeb Near Breachfa. Walked 7 Miles 1S. 2[meetings]


21.St [Mon] Got up at Six & Soon got breakfast Bid Sister Evans & the Girl good bye & Started on Our Long walk. Called at (Nant Garedig) Then Started for (Llanarthney) Called at Bro John Morgans & the daughter Kindly got us Some Bread & butter & Milk. We have Seen Some beutifull Country. We Started again for Llandilo Walked as farr as Golden Grove Station. Seen Old Llangathen Church & Some of the finest Scenery. & fine (Palaces) [in] Grand Old Wales Arived at Landilo a very pretty little Town We Staid hear about an Hour. got Something to Eat Then Started for a five Miles Walk. To (Manordeilo) To find Brother James Jones. found him a bright Old Jent of 69 years. He Kindly asked us In to the House. The Wife Very Kind all though Not in the Church We got Tea & had a good talk & about 11.O.Clock Went to bed We were very Tiered. At James Jones Manordeilo Nr Llandilo Walked 18 Miles.


22.D [Tue] Got up at Seven & Soon got breakfast We this Morning had a talk With A young Man the Son of Bro Jones A very Nice young Man. We also gave him Some tracts got the adress of Herbert Jones Church Street Llandilo.Son of Edward Jones Cumaman found the Old Man had died.two years ago A young Man Relative of the Cleavers Who Came & Showed Me the Graves of John & Ann Cleaver. Told Me lots of the History of the Family. We found Herbert Joness & Were Treated Very Kindly by his Wife got dinner their Went Around Town & Went to Dynefor Park. A Lovely place for a Walk. People looked very Jenteel in this Town. Took Train for 1[S]-2[D] for Carmarthen Walked Over to (Llwyn y filltir) Met Sister Nellie Williams their We got A Nice Cup of Tea & Rested for 3 Hours. Then Started for (Llwyn Teg) In Company With Sister Williams. We were very Tired Soon Went to bed at Llwyn Teg Nr Van Galch. Walked 13-1/2 Miles


23.D [Wed] Got up at Seven & Soon got Ready for Our Walk to Llanelly. Got breakfast & bid Sister Williams good bye Called at Wm Thomas Minke. Told him We Would be at Meeting on Sunday Next Called at Gwillim Daviess and got dinner With her She was very Kind to Us. Arived at Llanelly at 4 P.M. Called at Sister or Mrs Johns Soon got a Cup of Tea with her. Came to Morgans found they had Sent a letter after Me to Breachfa Soon Sent after it did Send a letter back that Came to my Adress for Jenkyn Thomas in Mistake I Went to the Post Office Sent two Letters Away. One to Prest Wms & One to Evan Morgans Breachfa. Called at Thomas Thomass. found them all pretty Well. Went home & Went down to Mrs Johns.for a little While. Mary John has footed Me a pair of Stockings I got a Nice Rubarb Tart for Supper. Slept at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly[#] Walked 9 Miles.


24th [Thu] Got up at Seven & Soon got breakfast Went down to Mrs Johns to See the Star but it had Not Come Went down to Town. Went Around for a While Called at Sarah Bassets found them all Well Went again Around Town Met Bro Morse After a While Went to the Rabys. Staid their about an Hour & got dinner With Mrs Lewis. Called at Hughes Girls at Potterrie Row. Then got Tea in the Market Place Called at Uncle Thomass Ann was Not Very Well. he is Still Sick. Went Again to the Furnace. & then Home & Staid In all the Evening Bro Morse gone to (Gate y Garn) for the Night I Read a good deal. & after Supper Went to bed at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly[#].

Hanah Jones

            Merch Evan Jones (Tan y Rodyn) Velin Vole

            Sends her Respects to John Powell E.T.


25th [Fri] Got up earley as I was going to repair or alter a Coat for Morgan Went down to Mrs Johns to See the Star. Seen it a very good Star No Utah News in it. In the Afternoon I Went down Town. Met Elder Morse at Thomas Thomass. We Called to See Betcey Treharn Staid their a few Moments. Then Called at Thomas Wms Staid their A few Moments. Went down to Wm Owens Sea Side got Tea With them Came up Town Called at Uncle Thomass he is Still Idle. Noticed She is big in the Family Way. She is 46 years Old [b.1842]. Went In Company with Bro Morse To R.Hughess Tailor Shop. looked at Some Nice Cloth. Went from Their to Mrs Johns & got Supper with them. The Notice of his death Came Out In this Weeks Star.[Fn. p. 178] Went Home & Slept at Morgan Saunders.Old Road Llanelly[#].


26th [Sat] Got up at Seven When the Post Man Came he brought me a letter from Scoffield Utah from Evan.S.Thomas.With five Dollars [$]5.00/100 in [it] two of wich he gave me a presant of. I Was More then [than] pleased to get it as I was Right Out of Means Went down Town Met Elder Morse Went Over to Uncle Thomass They were all well. Sent the photos away Came home & We got a little dinner Then Started for (Mynydd y Garreg) Calling at Mrs Johns Went through (Cum Bach) Arived at G.Williams five P.M. Sister Williams feeling Much better They had Recevied a letter from Eli to day A very good letter it was. We got Tea. & after Tea We had a good talk about Emigration & a good Chat after Prayers We went to bed at G.Williams Court Mynydd y Garreg Nr Kidwelly[#] Walked[#] 8 Miles

192 [Sun] Got Up at Eight & got Our breakfast Did Read the Star & other Books Elder Morse & Me Went for a Walk through The fields. Then Returned & Got a bite to eat. Then we Started for (Llwyn Teg) for Meeting. Bro Stephens was Not to Meeting Meeting was Presided Over by Bro Morse Sacrament Was Adminstred by My Self & Griffith Wms We All had very Good times. I Spoke for about 20 Minutes & Bro Morse Spoke for a While. I had the Chance to bear Testimony to a Man & also gave him Some Tracts. We left Llwyn Teg & Went back With Bro & Sister Williams got Tea & had a good talk Concerning the Gospel. After Prayers We Went to bed at Griffith Williams (Mynydd y Garreg) Near Kidwelly[#]. Walked[#] 6 Miles.

193 [Mon] Got up late & Soon got breakfast & in a little While we went to Kidwelly Called at David Davies. had a good Chat & had Tea with her Mr Davies has a Sister at Samaria Malad Valley. Called again [at] James Thomass He has a Bro & Sister at Malad City. Hugh Thomas & Salley (Coed y Beynon) or Mrs Williams. They Were very Kind to us. Called at Mr Cilvanus Davies. Seen Mrs Davies & one of the Boys. had quite a good Chat Concerning One thing & the Other She Kindly gave us Tea. We wished them good bye & Started for Mynydd y Garreg Jest in Time to Escape a big Shower Staid for a while at Bro Williamss. Then Went to (Llwyn Teg) found them All Well. & very Kind to us. We got Supper A Nice Macrell. We had a good talk & Every thing Went Well with us. Went to bed at Sister Nellie Williams Llwyn Teg Nr Van Galch. Walked.7.Miles[#].


29th [Tue] Got up late & Soon got breakfast & will Start for (Llanelly) We thought best to Return as it looks like a big Rain Arived at Llanelly 3 P.M. Called at Wm Jenkins. Sat down for a While Then Went to Mrs Johns got a basin of broth & it was very Nice. They are very kind to Us Elders all the time. & after a while got a Cup of Tea. Then I went up to Morgans to See for Mail got a letter from Sister Maggie Morrell A very Nice letter it Was Asking Me to Visit her Cousens wich I Will do Soon Bro Morrell Instead of Wrighting Sent Me a two Dollar Bill for Wich I thank him Very Much. I also got two Logan Journals Allways glad to get them I went down Town With Elder Morse he going to the Sea Side & I Went to James Edwardss House They were very glad to See Me & Treated Me Well got Supper with Them. Then Went Home & Slept at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly[#]. Walked 10 Miles


[May] 30th [Wed] Got up at Seven & Read in the Journal.Some very Interesting things got breakfast & Went down town to Meet Elder Richard Morse we both went around Town. & Went to visit Griffith Wilkins. & Spent a few Hours to good advantage. Got dinner with them. Then Bro Morse Went to (Pentre Poth) & I Went Home & got Ready for a Start bid Mrs Price good bye & Started for Swansea by.Pontardulais. Arived in Swansea 1/2 past Six P.M. Went to 4 Grove place found Prest Wms feeling pretty Well also Sister Wms & little Seba & Margretta Well got Tea with them Got a Meeting with the Saints a very few presant I Spoke to the Saints for a little While So Did Prest Wms after a good long Chat & Prayers Went to bed at 4 Grove place.Swansea[#]


31St [Thu] Got up about Seven & first thing Seen the Star & found Out the fare is only L11-9[S]-2[D]. So good for the poor Saints. sfter Prayers got breakfast. & a good Read of the Star It is very good I am going to Start for Neath in a little While. Went by Train to Neath Went to Bro Wms Melingrythan. Got a Nice Cup of Tea Then went Over to the Abbey found Sister Lang allright. Could Not be Treated better. I Stayed their Untill Bro Lang Came Home. got Supper with them & Started for to See Bro & Sister Eastmans They were feeling Very well had a long Chat with them. Then went down to Bro Williams & had a good long Chat. I am very fond of Neath becaus Hear Where i lived before I Ever Went Away & it is So Natural to me. Poor Betcey & My little Elizabeth Ann Died In fact I had More trouble in this Town then [than] I have had in the Rest of my life. Slept at Thomas Court Mellingrythan Near Neath[#]. Hugh Williamss[#]. got Six pence with Bro Evans Swansea 6D


June 1888

1.St [Fri] Got [up] at 1/2 past Seven after a good Nights Rest. Am feeling the best kind. Got breakfast & after a While Started. Walked to aberdulais Took train from their to Merthyr. Found a good Many of the Bretheren had Come Heard that Old Bro Timothy Evans had died & was Buried on the 31St of May. Heard also that Brother Wm Janes.had Died & Was Buried on the 28th of May. It Seems Jest awfull to think of So Many of Our Bretheren & Sisters Died this last few Months. 12 in all. I in Company With Theophilus Davies & Brother S.R.Brough.Went around Town. Went Over to See Ann Davies.Evan.S.Thomass Mother in Law. Read Some letters She had Recevied from Utah. No letters for Me to day. two Come for Lorenzo he has quite a few of late. Slept three in a bed at 98 Twynyrodyn Merthyr[#] Tydvil


[June] 2D [Sat] Got up 1/2 past Seven No Mail this Morning got One paper. Am feeling Very Well. Lorenzo has Jest Come in from Aberdare I have Read two letters of Lorenzo from his Father they are very good letters. Went around Merthyr & bought me a Tie & went & Met Prest Williams. Went to 98 [Twyn y Rodyn] for dinner & in the Afternoon we got our Council Meeting Reported Our Labors. & I Was Set apart to Labor for this Month in any part of the Welsh Mission R.Morse With Timothy Davies. Elders Gill & Burgoyne in the Pontypridd [District] Jinkyn Thomas L.R.Thomas. Bennett & A.C.Davies in Cardiff. Thomas B Davies & Wm Watterson in & around Swansea & Neath Morgan Evans in Manmouth Theophilus.M.Davies & Abraham [Jenkins] Alone In Carmarthen & Cardigan Shires after a Run around We Went to 98 part of the Elders Slept out in town I Slept at 98 Twyn y Rodyn Merthyr[#]


3D [Sun] Got up at Seven No Mail this Morning & I am Very Ancious to hear from home I got my breakfast & we will Some of Us go around Merthyr to Preach Sent a few lines to Bro Lang Neath Council Comenced at Eleven A.M. all the Branches were Reported four Baptisms two Deaths.this Month.two Ordained Elders one Teacher & two Deacons. Went to dinner to Pentre with Elder Richard Morse. Called to See Richard Morses Sister Ann a Nice Old Lady.0 Went up to our 2.O.Clock Meeting Thomas.B.Davies & S.R.Brough adminstred the Sacrament Prest Wms Ed Burgoyne Jenkin Thomas Wm Watterson D.R.Gill T.B.Davis & Morgan Evans - Went to Tea up Twyn y Rodyn With R.Morse To a Relative of is [his] Then Got our Night Meeting I presided Called Theophilus M Davis to Speak he kept all the time After this Meeting We held An Out door Meeting. When I Presided Elders Gill. Morse. Jenkyn Thomas & My


Self Bore Our Testimony to a very good Congregation We also delivered a good Many Tracts Went Around for a While in Town Went Home & Slept at 98 Twyn y Rodyn Merthyr[#] Tydvil[#] [Mon] Got Up Earley thinking to have Some Mail. But while I Was Out Bro Brough got Some & hid it from Me.Saying their wasnt any for Me I felt Kind of bad as I Expected Some Mail. Well he Says hear is one for you & it was a letter from Carrie a very Nice letter it was Saying all were Well at Home. & Saying they all want to See me Come Home All the Elders Axept Morse & Theo M Davis has Left I am on the Start for Rhymney in Company with Theo M Davies.So far as Dowlais Then I took Train for Rhymney Bridg Walked the Ballanc Calling at the Barrets He


Not at home. Went Over to Sister Grimleys. She is well Now again. Her Son is going to Emigrate her & the Boy to the [United] States So their is another of the Homes [families] in the Manmouth District gone up [to Zion]. To my Surprise I Was told John Morris from West Portage had Come to Rhymney & Would be to Meeting & So it Was. He Came & we had a very good Prayer Meeting Elder Morris Spoke for a time and So did I for a little While I went after a while with Bro Barret to Supper had very good time He Came again to Send me Home.Saying he would pay my fare to Abergevenny. So we Struck the bargain. Got a Presant of a Silk Andkerchiff from H.G.Hayball A very Nice One Wite [white] with the Temple on [it]. Slept at Sister Grimleys at Rhymney[#]. Walked.5 Miles.


5th [Tue] Got up at half past five as I was going to Bro Barrets to breakfast before going to Abergevenny. Started and Arived at Bro Beringtons 32 Tudor Street. found them all Well & Kind. did Write a few lines to Brother S.R.Brough to Inform him of the arival of John Morris & Noah Williams Have eat the 2D breakfast this Morning. I went all Over town With Brother Barret He kindly gave Me 2[S]-6[D] to help me along on my Travels he also Paid 1[S]-3-1/2[D] for my Train. So in him I have found a friend went to the Station to Send him Home I wrote a good long letter to Carrie but Could Not tell her any thing about my Comeing Home. I am Not very well.yet not So bad I Can go around good Only must Not get to [too] far from a [water] Closset. Bro Berrington wants Me to Stay for to have a Meeting tomorrow Night They are very Kind to Me & we have had quite a Nice time together Slept at Bro Thomas Berrington Tudor Street Abergevenny[#]


6th [Wed] Got up about Eight but had to get up at 3 o Clock this Morning for the Closset I had quite a pain Within me Got breakfast with a Boiled Egg I have a nice little place to Write this Morning to My Self. One year & nine Months to day Since I Started from Home. have been Around town a good deal Went to Visit Old Sister Taylor also a Son of Bro Berrington also Wrote in My Journal This Evening We had a Nice Meeting two young Ladies Came one is a member of the Church but dont Amount to Much I dont think. Had a long Chat with a Jenteelman That Calls in Ocationaly at Bro Berringtons I Spoke to him for a long time he Cannot See Polygamy. their is Something about him.that I like. I gave him four Tracts. In Our Meeting I Supose I Spoke for about an Hour alltogether Their aint only this Family in the Place & one or two Scattred. I would like to See Some live Elder in this District.who Ever he would be If Bro Wms Only Knew the Condition of this Branch & Other places he Suerly would Send two good ones hear Slept at 32 Teudor Street Abergevenny 1 [meeting] posted Carries letter to day


7th [Thu] Got up at Seven got My breakfast & Soon went up to the Asylum to See J. S Morgan He had left for Town He is Night Atendant Came back & wished the folks good bye & took Train for Newport.Mon[mouth Shire]. Reached their & found a fine City I did Not Know a Soul their but found young Berrington & by him found Bro John Lloyd 16 Marsh Road He had Jest Come Home & Soon I got a good Meal of him. then We went all Around Town With him also around the Docks. & Came Home. In a little While Elder Morgan Evans Came. I Went for a Walk & he got Some to Eat After a While We Went for a Walk again & Spent Our time very Well In Newport Slept at No 16 Marsh Road Newport They Say 7753 persons visited The Show to Day. they Say it Was a Grand affair. Rainy Weather or it Would have been A Great Success[#] Seen in the Star of the Death of Apostle Erastus Snow [d. 27 May 1888 at SLC, at age 69] I felt So bad about it

205 [Fri] Got up at Seven had a very good breakfast With Bro Lloyd Then the three of us Went Around Town, It is Raining all the Morning. I Bought a welsh Costume Card.A very Nice One. also two penny Cards The Prince & Princess of Wales. Wished Bros Morgan Evans & Lloyd good bye. & Started by Train for (Pontnewynnydd) Found John Hughes A very Tidy Old Man. he was Born June 11_1813_ His presant Wife Marria Hughes Born August 1819

Mothers Half Sister & John Hughes daughter

Maryann Hughes Rosser

Born July 17-1837. Her Husband the Man Rosser Comitted Suicide by Cuting his throat & drowning She is Still a Widow with a very large family of Girls all Married I will get their Ages again. I got Tea in one of the Daughters Houses I wished them Good bye & walked to Talywain Station took Train for Abergevenny found Bro Berringtons folks all well & Kind. We have had a very Heavey Rain to day. Slept at 32 Tudor St Abergevenny[#]


9th [Sat] Got up about Seven O Clock feeling Rested. & have had a very plesant Evening last Evening Visiting With Sister Berrington Her Sister also her Son & Daughter in Law They Were very Nice people. I have wrote a letter to Mary My Wife also to Lorenzo also to Mrs Price. & William Berrington. I have walked about a good deal to day have had a talk with Some people & I also Sent Stars to Bro Lloyd to Newport. Got a paper from Home. Went to see Old Sister Taylor had a little Chat & Then Went & got Me a good Cup of Coffee as I did Not have Much to Eat to day I felt like going to bed So I did before the Rest of the folks. Slept at 32 Tudor Street Abergevenny[#]

207 [Sun] Got up this Morning about Eight & am feeling Well. it is Sunday & I hope to have good Times with the Saints. We got A good breakfast after wich I went in Company with David for a good Walk around the fields Then Came Home & got dinner Then went To the Castle Grounds it is a Splendid place for Amusement. After a time Went back for Meeting Bro Berrington did Preside the Meeting. We both did Adminster the Sacrament. Then I took The Ballanc of the time in Speaking to the Saints & we did feel well well. Got Tea & Went for a walk Around Town Then Went & got Tea. After Wich got a good Read & Chat With the folks We Comenced our Evening Meeting Some Strangers presant I Spoke for about an Hour & I did feel Well. after Meeting we all went for A Walk.To John Berringtons Then Returned for the Evening Went to Bed a 32 Tudor Road Abergevenny[#] 2 [meetings]

208 [Mon] Got up at Seven & Wrote a letter to Louie Price for Sister Berrington. Then was Called to breakfast & after Got Ready for a Start. Took Train for Rhymney Called at Sister Grimleys got dinner & She & the little Boy.Came with me as far as tbe Rhymney Bridg Station I took Train for Dowlais & walked to Merthyr Found Elder S.R.Brough & Noah Williams Jest Come he had for to See Prest Wms he as [has] to go to Swansea to see him. Elder Brough had a bad Cold & feeling Right Sick, A Parcel Came from Home for.Lorenzo. A Pair of good Pants.& Some Other things. I Recevied a letter from Him & one from Herbert Jones Llandilo. I wrote a letter to Lorenzo to Wick We Went Around Town Bro Williams & My Self Came Home & Read Some good News of the Manifestations in the Manti Temple0. did adminster to Bro Brough Slept at 98 Twyn y Rodyn Merthyr[#] Walked 5 Miles.


12th [Tue] Got up to look for Mail but No letter for me Got a paper & a good one Elder Much better to day We got a good breakfast & I Sent a Parcel to Lorenzo to Cardiff.also a Postal Card Sister Grimley Came to visit Sister Thomas & Spent the Most of the day with her. I Went with Elder Noah Wms & bought him a Suit & an Extra Pair of Pants for 49S. also he bought a Satchel Now he is Ready for is [his] Mission. We have had A good time together this day. We had Some papers from home with the Acount of the Manifestations of the Spirit at the Manti Temple. Prests [Brigham] Young & [John] Taylor. also Jedediah M. Grant They also heard Singing & Shouting Halleluiah Halleluiah Halleluiah. & Many of the Congregation heard it & Seen the Personages0. It must be a Glourious time. We Read & talked a while. Then went to bed at 98 Twyn.y.Rodyn Merthyr[#].


13th [Wed] Got up late and after a little While Got Our breakfast Will visit Ann Davies before I leave. did So & Told her that S.R.Brough Will letter her Box. Went back to 98 & got a little Dinner Then Noah Williams & My Self Started.for (Troed y Hiw) Caught the four O Clock Train. & went as far as the Junction & walked from their to Pontypridd. Called at Bro Thomas Evans & found All Well We has a Nice Cup of Tea.With Sister Evans She has been Preparing for Bro Gill as it is one year to day he Arived in Wales Elders Gill & Byrgoyne where [were] at Pontypridd We Called at Bro Lewiss also at Sister Bishops. & [at] Bro Coless found them All Well. Went around town Sent Bro Noah Williams by Train he going to See an Uncle of his LlantriSaint way. at Night we had a good time had Supper together. Burgoyne & Me Slept at Bro Lewiss. Alpha Place Pont y Pridd[#].

211 [Thu] Got up late & got breakfast with Sister Lewis. & I had a good talk with them about the Gospel. I Next went Over to Bro Evans Elders Gill & Burgoyne were Buisse [busy] Wrighting. So I went Over to Sister Bishops & Cut & helped Make a pants & vest for the Oldest Boy I was thinking to help her on a Coat also. I got dinner with Sister Bishop. & in a little while Bro Gill & Burgoyne Came for go with them to Tre allaw but when I Sent for My Satchel.Lo & behold a letter Came from S.R.Brough with my go Home on 23D or Stay for August. So I was proud of the News as I think My family are anciously looking for my Comeing Then I Made up my Mind to Start for Merthyr So I wished them all good bye & Started Reached Merthyr. all O.K. but Bro S.R.Brough was Out. But Soon Came & we had a Chat about going Home We also got a Meeting We both Spoke Went for a walk. Slept at 98 Twyn y Rodyn Merthyr. Sent a letter to Richard Morse 1 [meeting] Wrote to Richard Morse [is written in right margin]

212 [Fri] Got up after a good Nights Rest Had lots of American Mail Got one letter My Self from James My Brother Eagle Rock Saying Morgan had been down Home & Called with him. & Spent a day with them. he was well. Said also that Mary had been Confined & had a little Girl also Said Jonnie was Not Married.but had been fooling the folks after a While I got breakfast in Company with S.R.Brough. after wich I wrote a letter to Mrs Price Llanelly. To Mary - Carrie & Father Telling them of My Release. Then I went down Town & bought a Suit of Clothes & a Hat for Eli Wms Got a bargain in them Went & got dinner With S.R.Brough Spent a little While with Bro Brough Then got Ready for to go to Swansea. Took quite a big parcel of tracts With me they are welsh Tracts & we will be able to do a lot of good with them. Found Prest Williams T.B.Davis & Wm Watterson Bro Watterson & My Self Went for a good walk We Slept at 4.Grove Place three in a bed Swansea[#].


16th [Sat] Got up Early & we had breakfast together & did have a good talk with Bro Wms & went around Town & through the Market Went With T.B.Davis & Wm Watterson for a Strol & Then back to Bro Williams He wishes me to go to Neath & I will Start in the afternoon Called with Bro Wms at Mr Rouses & had a Chat with two Men Their. Started for Neath Abbey & found them All well at Bro Langs I Was Not Treated Very Well by her at first Owing to a letter I Sent Concerning Something Wrong. But She Soon felt allright & Made promis to quit the drink Entierly. I got Supper With them. went around Neath it Was Very lively in Town. Went down to Bro Williamss they were about going to bed Sister Wms had gone to Swansea after a little Chat I Went to bed at No 6 Thomas Court Mellincrythan Neath.


17th [Sun] Got up at Seven & got Ready & Went up to Bro Eastmans for breakfast In about Half an Hour after I got into the House an Iron Pipe fell from the Roof If I had been Under it[,] it would likely have Settled Me. I had Staid for about 10 Minutes under it for the folks to get up. I got breakfast with them and had a long Chat together Then went to Bro Langs for Dinner. did write Some & in a little While We went to Meeting & got a very good Meeting Bros Lang & Eastman Adminstred Sacrament. I Spoke for about 30 Minutes Had Our Tea at Eastmans. & we talked Over Matters & things They paid Me the Book Money.5_5_ We again got Our Night Meeting. & Bro Eastman Spoke first then Bro Lang & I followed for about 30.Minutes on their dutys & what they Should do So has [as] to Recevie the blessings of the Lord. To pay Tithing atend their Meetings visit the Saints. Went to Bro Wms found Sister Wms & Miss Jones had Come from Swansea[#] Slept at Bro Wmss Neath[#] 2 [meetings]


18th [Mon] Got up at Seven & Soon had a Nice breakfast. & in a little While Started wished them good bye. Called at Davied Hughess also at Mrs Edwards in the Court. Then Went for the Abbey & got a good Chat with Sister Lang. She is feeling Well to day I got dinner with them & Started by Train for Swansea. Met Bro & Sister Wms at Home Said they had a letter for Me but found it was with T.B.Davies The letter was from Father with [$]10.00/100 in it from Morgan My Son.the first he has Sent Me Since I am hear. Father Says he will Send me Some Monney Soon. they are all Well at Home I Sent letter to James with a Note in for Fred & Jonnie. also to George My Brother to Salt.Lake.City. also to E.L.Burgoyne. Met Bros Watterson & Davies. We Had a Prayer Meeting & a very good Meeting it is. I Spoke for a few Moments to the Saints Elder Theo.M.Davies Came & Bro Wms Sent Word to Liverpool that he would be Ready for the Next Company.on 23D I Slept at 4 Grove Place. Swansea[#].


19th [Tue] Got up at Seven and am feeling very well. I had Some porage this Morning for breakfast after a while I Went over to See Ann Saunders Told her I am going to leave for Llanelly. I have Been all Over Town to day. Was up to See Mrs [Mary Davies] Griffiths Jersey Street got dinner With them Read a letter from Elias Davies her Brother. did Call at Moroni Watts. She was Not in. I have been a good deal with Prest Wms to day. Got Tea With them. Prest Wms Elders Watterson T.B.Davies.Theo.M.Davies & Geo Parr with My Self.Held a Meeting Out doors at Jersey Street. When [after] I Gave out the Hymns Bro T.B.Davies Offered Prayer I Spoke first then Bros Watterson Theo Davies T.B.Davis (Parr) & Prest Williams. We distributed about 50 tracts. Then We Came Home & had quite a good time.Singing one thing and the Other. Slept at 4 Grove Place Swansea[#].


20th [Wed] Got up at Six & Started to write. Got breakfast at Bro Williamss after a good talk the 3 of us went Out. Bro Watterson Went back & T.B.Davies & I visited Old Bro Evans We had a long Chat & I got Some Acount of the Death of his two Daughters. The Old Jent gave us Sixpence Each. & we blessed him for it. we bid him good bye for this time. & we Next went down to Hopkin Johns and got dinner with them. After that we Went down the beach for a walk & Seen the Tide Come in. Then We went to visit Mrs Davies & Mrs Hatche The Old Lady thinks She Ought to have been Emigrated long ago. Told Me to tell Father About her In the Evening we went to visit Evan Williams We had a talk with her & She Wants us to Come at any time & we would be Welcomed with the best they had He Came & was very Kind but we had No time to Stay wished them good bye & went & got Our Tea to a Coffee Tavern. Went to Meeting got a good Meeting Theo.M.Davies & My Self Spoke. Slept at 4 Grove PlaceSwansea[#] 1 [meeting]


21.St [Thu] Got up at Seven O Clock the first in the House Post Man brought the Star I got a Read of it Nothing very particular in it I am going away to day for Llanelly. Seen Ann Saunders last Night took a walk with her around town. I got breakfast & went in a While around town With Theo.M.Davis - In a little While I went to the Station to send Bro & Sister Williams. then Came back to.4.Grove Place got Dinner & In a little While got a Wash all over. T.B.D[avies]. & Wm Watterson Went for Neath to day - I Went up to Morriston in the Afternoon Calling at Bro Prouses found them All well. Went Up to Bowdens & Was well Treated. Well I will Say Sarah Was More Kind then [than] Ever. & did Show Me all her New Clothes & Hats. I left their.Calling at Prouses House Then Came Home & to My Surprise found Bro Noah Williams had Come & We both got Supper & in a little While after a good Chat We went to Bed at 4.Grove Place Swansea.


22D [Fri] Got up & Soon got breakfast & in Company With Elder Noah Williams Went Around Town & bought two Coats & two Vests for less then [than] a Sovering Went back & Seen that Bro & Sister Wms had Come from Merthyr & had Seen the Saints of [off]. So Now they are all on their Way for Zion. May (God) Speed them. We Got Dinner With Bro Williams. Then We wished Bro & Sister Wms Good bye for this time Bro Noah Williams & My Self Went down High Street & went to see the Wax Work Show Then I went to Llanelly. Arived their at Thomas Thomass found them Well Went Next To Morgan Saunders found them all Well Soon the Post Man Came with two letters one from Carrie a very Nice letter Wishing to See the time Come for me to Come Home. They Were all pretty well. the other letter was from Jake & Nancey with Marys Likeness So Now I will be able to go to Pen cader0. I went down to Mrs Johns found them all well. The daughter from London had Come So I have Seen them at last. Slept at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly[#]


23D [Sat] Got up at Seven got a good breakfast Went down Town Called at Mary My Neices She was well then went to Sarah Bassets Paid Ann four Shillings I owed her they Were all well. Went Over to Uncles found that Ann had been Confined & had two little Girls at a birth The first Born was Named Elizabeth.After Grand Mother [Elizabeth Hugh Griffith] The Other is Named Hanah Jane. Uncle is Still Unable to Work at the Lead Works but dose very well at Home - He has the Rumatic in his hands [arthritis?]. I gave the little Girls two Shillings I wished them good bye & Went for Home got a good dinner With Mrs Price & Soon Started for Mynydd y Garreg. Arived their at 5-15 P.M. Found them all well. They had Had a good letter from Eli - Saying he has 200 Dollars Ready for to help them Out [to emigrate] Bro Williams aint Home this Evening The Tin Works has Started but Not very Brisk. Seen Margret Walters She has began to Work after Supper I went to Bed at Griffith Wms Mynydd y Garreg[#] Walked 8-1/2 Miles


24th [Sun] Got up late as I was Kept Awake a good deal of the Night with a young Man that Came their to Spark the daughter. Got Breakfast then Comenced to Write A letter to Father & Dan & Soon got Dinner & Soon Bro Wms Came So we had a Chat. & Soon got Dinner & I Started for (Van Galch) & Reached & found Sister Nellie & the little Children Well So was Jane & Davydd y Gof. In a little While Bro & Sister Wms Came & we had a little Meeting & it was good Bro G.Wms & My Self Adminstred the Sacrament the few Saints bore their Testimonies & I Spok to the Saints for a long time. After Meeting we had A long Chat With Nellie & Margrat has Said She would like to See Me Jane is feeling pretty good. We left & went Home & had a good Chat with two Men & gave them Tracts. After a while talking about Emigration & Other things We got Our Supper & I Went to bed to be disturbed the Same as the Night before Slept at Court Mynydd y Garred Nr Kidwelly[#] Walked 6 Miles


25th [Mon] Got up about Eight did Not Sleep half the Night a fellow Crazey after Sarah.Staid All Night around the House after breakfast was Over I Comenced to Write finished Father & Dans letters then Wrote to S.R.Brough & to Lorenzo Then Wrote for Sister Williams to her Son Eli told him to Send the Money Right Away So they Can go Away Same time as Me They Are Nearly Ready to go After dinner I got Ready & Started for Llanelly got to Mrs Johns Jest in Time for Tea they had been gathering Cockles & We had a good Mess of them & they were very Nice after a will [while] & Hearty Tea I Went up to Morgans & Wrote a letter to Prest Williams Then through the Rain took it to post.Calling to Thomas Thomass Read a little on the News.& Soon left for Home. had a good Chat With Morgan He had had a little Beer So he was Chatty. Slept at The Old Road Llanelly[#] Walked 8-1/2 Miles


26th [Tue] Got up late & after a while Got breakfast. & wrote two letters One to Ann Saunders to Swansea. Also one to My daughter Sarah to Morriston Telling her Aunty Ann was Comeing Over on Thursday to Swansea. I went down to the Station to See for a parcel but it did Not Come Went to James Edwards House got dinner with them James Came with Me to the Station & we went down to the Sands Staid their for Hours Went back again He went Home & I went to John Hughess on the Sea Side got Tea their & also Got the adress of Betcey Mathews Went again to the Station did Not get the parcel went up town to Thomas Thomass wrote a letter to R.Morse to Lampeter giveing him all the News Went Home & down to Mrs Johns had a good Supper with them Then Went Home Tiered of to day Slept at the Old Road Llanelly[#]


27th [Wed] Got up about Seven The Post Man brought me a paper With the Terrible News of George W Lewis Comiting Suicide by Cuting his throat with a Razor. He did this Auffull Act at Robert Kewleys in Benson Ward0 What Cawesed [caused] him to do it No One Knows. I got My breakfast & Soon Started for the Station. Went down to the Rabys Arms Got dinner with Mrs Lewis had Sprayned [sprained] her ankle. but was geting better I left their & went Over to Griffith Francis She gave me two letters to Read One from Mrs James Lewis Salt Lake.City a very good letter Went again to the Station & who Saluted me but Elder Richard Morse he had Come from Llandilo. We went to the Scale Cottage. & got Tea with Mrs Owens Then We went up Town Read letters One to the Other & had a Jolly good Evening together. I went Home & he went to see his Sister Mary. I Called at Mrs Johns Then went Home have been buisse all day It has been Raining all day - Slept at Old Road Llanelly[#].


28th. [Thu] Got up at Seven O Clock this Morning as I Am going to Swansea With Mrs Price Got breakfast & got Ready by Eight & we Started by the 9-30 Train Arived in Swansea Called at Bro Williams Next at Mr Gwinne We both went around town together & back to Bro Williams & got dinner With him Then I went to Send Mrs Price to Bowdens or Morriston. Then I went back to Prest Williams. & did Write Instead of [in the stead of] Brother Williams two letters One to R.Morse & the Other to S.R.Brough Asking them to Come to Swansea for Next Monday As Wm Jarman will be hear to Lecture Against Us People. He will have Meetings on Sunday at 11.A.M. 3 P.M. & 7-30 P.M. also an [on] Monday Night at the Albert Hall. Prest Williams Wishes So Many of The Elders presant as possible -So if Needed they May bear their Testimony to The Public I went a good deal around Town & had a good Chat with Br[o] & Sister Williams. Went to bed at 4 Grove Place Swansea[#]


29th. [Fri] Got up about Seven got a paper from Home & Soon got breakfast & went down town to purchase Some Coat & vest Butons & brought them Home & put them on my Coat & vest. Then again went down Town with Prest.Wms. Came back & Read a little while When Lorenzo Came from Merthyr Then him & Me Read Our letters One to the Other. We both went up to Morriston & had Our Tea with them I got a lot of pictures with Mrs Bowden. We both in Company with Sarah went to Send Mrs Price She going to Llanelly. We all weighed[:] Sarah 119 Mrs Price 138 Lorenzo 141 John Thomas 155. Sarah Came with us a little way & we bid her good bye & we both went Around Town for a While Then We Whent Home & had a talk With Bro Williams & after prayers we went to bed at 4 Grove Place.Swansea[#]. Walked 6 Miles


30th [Sat] This Morning Got up earley as Sister Williams Got Sick. & we were all Aroused at 1/2 past 3 A.M. & a Son was Born at 3 Minutes to 4.A.M. So Phillip Rees [Williams] has Come at last. & a fine big Child he is. We all felt Well to think Sister Wms Had Such good time We Recevied a letter Saying Bro B.H.Roberts would be hear to Issist [assist] if Needed. We Sent a Telegram to Bro Roberts So he would be hear Sure. I then went up to Mr Prouses & She Kindly helped Me on a pair of Pants for My Self. Got dinner with them also Got Tea with them. We then Started for Swansea. & Went to 4.Grove Place. & found Elder B.H.Roberts had Come. (Glad) to See Him. Went Around Town & Came Home found Elders Watterson & T.B.Davis We listened to Bro Roberts Reading & Giving a little Insight to Jarmanism We three of us Watterson.Lorenzo & My Self Went to our Lodgins at Park Street Swansea[#]



July 1St [Sun] Got up late. & went Over to Prest Williams & got Breakfast Then We got Sabath School A few Children presant. Lorenzo was Chosen to Go to Jarmans Meeting. at that Meeting their were only about 32 Persons He told Some fearfull yarns So Lorenzo Says We all got dinner at Bro Williamss at 1/2 past two we had Our Night Meeting a very good Meeting it was The Saints bore their Testimonies Then B.H.Roberts Spoke to the Saints in a very Interesting Manner. Prest Williams Then Spoke for a little While. a good Many of the Saints were presant. I was Apointed to take a Challeng of B.H.Roberts to Jarmans Meeting & hand it to Mr Bolitho. I Sat in the front Seat & I Must Say it was the Hardest Job I Ever had in My life to listen to Such awfull Lies.Told of the best People that lives on the earth. after a long Chat we went to bed at (4 Grove Place.) Swansea[#].


2D [Mon] Got up this Morning feeling pretty well & do Expect to See S.R.Brough D.R.Gill. Richard Morse. & T.B.Davies. So we will be a big Croud of us presant E.L.Burgoyne.also Came I have written a letter to Mary My Wife to day We have been in all day Exept in the Morning When I A Companyed Bro Williams to Jarmans Office to try & Make Arangments With Him So has [as] to get the debate of [off] on Monday & Teusday or all the Nights that would be Nessasarie So has [as] to proof [prove] Jarman false. But He Knew better he will Not give up any of The Meetings up for a debateing Meeting. Five of Our Bretheren are gone to his Meeting to hear what he has to Say. He last Night told Some of the Worst things that I Ever heard Uttered from the lips of Man It was Surpriseing to Me how a Man Could uter Such Lies. two of Our Sisters has Come & are Sick of Jarman All the Bretheren are Come & are Surprised at his Slang [slander] we had our Prayers & went to our Lodgins at Park Street Swansea[#] Had Prayer Meeting to Night


3.D [Tue] Got up at Eight. & Come Over to 4 Grove Place To write a little & do buisness we expect to go around with hand Bills Concerning Bro Roberts Lecture. I have been With Bro Williams all Morning Concerning geting Printed Matter & geting fair play to Bro Roberts by geting a good Chair Man [for the debate]. So they have procured A good One We went to Moroni Wattss to Tea Bros T.B.Davies Watterson & My Self. We Came back & We went down for the Hand Bills. Most of the Bretheren are gone to Morriston to hear Jarman Now we go with the Hand Bills. We have distributed Hundreds of them On Our way up their & while I was at Morriston I went all Over Morriston & gave Out Hundreds of thoes Bills Well I am Sattisfied they will do a great good Returned & after a good Talk.We got Ready for Our Lodgin Slept at No 17 Park Street. I have finished My Pants. Had a good day together. Swansea[#]


[July] 4th [Wed] [Independence Day in the USA] The Glorious fourth. This is a big day with Us Elders We have Ten Thousand Hand Bills to distribute around Town & we did it faithfully. Lorenzo & My Self Went Fox Hole Way in the Morning. Got dinner at Bro Williamss Then Elder Wm Watterson & I.Went to the Lower part of Town & got Tea at Hopkin Johns. We then Returned Home & got Ready for The lecture & I Went Over to the Hall. & found that their was Hundreds of People had allready Come. Then I Steped Over to 4 Grove Place & told Bro Roberts So. Then I took His Books up [onto] the Stand I Supose their was Eight Hundred presant Bro Roberts done Splendid allthough their was an awfull Row their. Their Was L2.17.3 Made for the Institution of the Blind in Swansea. by the Nominal Sum of one penny.fee of Admission. I Am only to [too] pleased to do the work I have done to day & I think it Will help Our Cause hear in Swansea Slept at 4 Grove Place Swansea[#].

232 [Thu] Got up at Eight as we were down late last Night. To day Bro Gill & My Self took the Money to Mr Rowse. Came back & wrote a letter to Carrie & little Carrie & Posted Them. I felt Kind of drowsey & had a little Sleep. Then Awoke & Read Some papers We Comenced to Stir So as to go to the debate We went & if Ever their was a bedlum it was to Night. Bro Roberts Could Not have Fair play to Speak at all. I thought Surely their would be an awfull Row but it passed of [off] all Right. & Several young Men Came & Congratulated Mr Roberts on the Manner he Conducted him Self in Spite of all the Oppositionn he Recevied from a Mob of a Croud.As was their to Night. I am Only to [too] thankfull that things Are as well with us as they are Considering the awfull feeling Manifisted their to Night. We Came Home & in a few Moments Went to Sleep at 17.Park Street Swansea[#]


6th [Fri] Got up late did dream Some Mean dreams That I was Naked & had to Baptize Several Naked Men. Prest Wms was One of them. I felt So bad when I Awoke. We went to Mr Williams & got our breakfast. & Some of the Bretheren have left[:] S.R.Brough D.R.Gill. E.L.Burgoyne. I Went after the letters of Mrs Fords Testimony Concerning Jarmans. The papers all give pretty good Reports. As things Went they Were One Sideid [sided] Entierly that is the people at the Hall We have Spent Most of the time in the House Went with Bro Watterson.To purchase Some Clothes.Wich he bought very Cheap. I went to visit Old Brother Evans took him a Hearald of Wales The Old Jent Kindly gave Me Six pence. I was thankfull for it as I did Not have a penny to pay for Lodgins. We had very good times to day with Bro Roberts. He is a fine young Man0 I Slept at 17 Park Street Swansea[#]


[July] [Sat] Got up at Eight after a Splendid Nights Rest We went Over to Bro Williams & got breakfast & then Went Around Town To pass the time away & bought Some wrappers & Sent five lots of Papers Away to diferant Persons. We got dinner with Bro Williams I Sewed Butons on a Coat & vest for Bro Watterson. Lorenzo has the Chance to Come with Me for a few Weeks. At Ten to five P.M. We Started for Llanelly And Arived. Went down to James Edwards. they Were very Kind to Me I Called at Sister Johns & got Lodgin for Lorenzo. Then We went down town all through the Market Went to 10 Lloyd Street. Then we went Home Took Lorenzo to Mrs Johns Got a letter from Ed.W.Smith he Kindly Said that the Council of Elders would Send $55.00/100 to help one Man Out of Wales. I am So thankfull to them for their Kindness towards this Mission Mrs Price is Kind as Usal Went to bed at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly[#]

235 [Sun] Got up late & before we got breakfast Bro Morse had Come. So we Hurried up & Made a Start about 1/2 past Ten Reached (Van Galch) at 1/2 past One P.M. We got a good Cup of Tea We have Seen So Many Sundays with a very few people.but to day their was a good Many Saints Come together Bro Stephens was presant I was asked to Preside the Meeting All the Saints Bore their Testimony & Elders Morse & Lorenzo Adminstred the Sacrament & both of them Spoke Well to the Latterday Saints. Lorenzo is gaining very fast in his talk. We had a good Meeting & all were feeling Well. Lorenzo Went with Bro & Sister Williams & Bro Morse & Myself Staid at Llwyn Teg as we wanted to Change our Under Clothing We had a very good Evening together We Slept at Van Galch at Sister Nellie Williams Llwyn Teg. Walked 8-1/2 Miles[#] 1 [meeting]


9th [Mon] Got up late as we got a Splendid [bed] to Sleep in Sister Williams is very Kind to us She aint half well I wish She Could Emigrate as I do belive She would get a good deal better then. & May be get Right Well We got breakfast with her & allthough She is a widdow She has Never failed to treat us well I am Ancious to leave as Lorenzo is Expecting Me. I gave Some Tracts yesterday in (Pont y yets) We left for Mynydd y Garreg & we got dinner with Sister Wms Lorenzo & Me Started for Llwyn y Filltir Fach. & found Bro & Sister.Jones Well & Kind as Usal. We got Tea & after that we went around the garden & fields. & they tolds [told us] We Could Stay with them Over Night. & So We after a long Chat went to bed at Llwyn y Filltir Fach Near Carmarthen[#]


[July] 10th [Tue] Got up 1/2 past Seven feeling Rested & Soon got Breakfast & Made up Our Minds for a Start So we Walked over to Carmarthen Went around a little & then Started on Our Journey for Lampeter Calling at Cum gwily John Evanss he is a Brother in Law to John.D.Evans Eagle Rock.Idaho This Man has four Sons & three Daughters They were very Kind to us we got dinner with them One of the Sons a young Man of 18 years.Gave us Each 2/6 This Act of theirs is one of the Kindest that we have had done to us Since we are on Our Mission The Old Lady took us to See her daughter that had been in Service with Captain Phillips for 14 years a very Nice young Lady. She again gave us 1/1 Each Ho So Kind they Are She gave a few Photos to Lorenzo to Send to John.D.Evans. Next we went to Another Daughters House She is Married to a Tailor by the Name of Wm Stephens who has So Many Relatives in St Johns Mallad. they Own their own House & the land it his [is] on. Went by train to Llanybythar Walked to Lampeter found the folks all well Bro Thimothy B Davis is hear


[July] [Wed] Got up late after a very good Nights Rest & Went Over to Sister Thomass for breakfast With (Mary) She is the young Lady the Doctor Said would die but in passing Elder Richard Morse & My Self Called At their House. & we Blessed her & also blessed the Medicine. She afterwards Got well. & have Testified to all the people in the Neighborhood [&] also to the Preachers in the Locality. & if the folks do Not Obey the Gospel it will be to their Great Loss. It Seems that the Lord is good to this family. Margaret has also Recevied blessings of Health under the hands of the Elders. Elder Timothy Davies left & I went to Send him for two Miles Lorenzo is wrighting a letter to Maggie Evans We Spent the day very Comfortable at Sister Thomass after prayers we went to bed at the Coffee Tavern Lampeter. Cardigan[#] Shire


12th [Thu] Got up late as it dont do any good to go Over untill about 1/2 past Eight We went Over to breakfast & do have A very good time in talking & wrighting They are all feeling good hear to day. I have Sent letter to D.Lewis Aberdare Also to Henery Phillips of the Same place.Telling them of My Release. So if they wish me to take any little thing that they may wish to their Relatives. Lorenzo Wrote a letter To Henery Thomas Instead of her.his Mother0. I dictated it. & we got a very good letter together. & I hope he will Answer it Soon as they are Ancious about him. Lorenzo & I have been out for a walk on the Cardigan Road. It is a fine day to day. yesterday it was So Cold that we had to Sit by the fire most of the day. But to day is very fine & all the People are glad I have dedicated the Graves of thoes two young Ladys We Staid in the House all the Evening did Adminstre to Sister Thomas Slept at the Coffee Tavern Lampeter[#]


13th. [Fri] Got up a little Earlier this Morning Went Over to Sister Thomass & Soon John Came down Stairs he kindly gave me L1 " " [meaning 1L 0S 0D] for a presant & I Truely thanked him from My Heart & hope to be Able to do Some Kindness to him yet. We got Our breakfast & Soon the Old Lady Came down Stairs & She Kindly gave me a Gift of five Shillings 5/" They have blessed me all the time Since I am in the Mission. Margreat gave me a Small Book for a keep Sake. Well Now We wish them good bye. & Start for New Quay Road by Train Cost 10-1/2 pence. Then we walked to Llandyssil Then from their to New Castle Emlyn Went Around Town found the Releving Officer Mr Morgan. Went With him to the Union0 & looked Over Many Books for Marys & her Brother Johns Name & Ages0 Could Not find anything of what we wanted Paid him 1/" for looking through the Books


He only had 22 Inmates0. He Showed us Around & was very Kind & was very Sorry we Could Not get what we wanted we Started & walked to Llandyssil look Train from their to Pen Cader. Called with the Tailors. & was told That Daniel Davis (Pant Fine) Had died I felt very Sorry We went up to See his widdow but She had gone to bed. So we went back to our Lodgin Next door to the Tailors We had Supper & Soon Went to bed as we were very Tired after walking So Much Lorenzo had a look at Marys Old House The Tailors liked [wanted] An Answer to Many Questions. But I did Not feel like it that Night the people hear feel very Kind towards us People Well we Slept at Jane Daviess House Pen Cader[#] Walked 16 Miles or More. L1/5."


14th [Sat] Got up about Eight after a good Nights Rest & got A good breakfast & we Paid 2/1 for our Supper Bed & breakfast a little to [too] Much for a Country place Went up to See Daniel Daviess Widdow & gave her Marys Photo. David Davies Came to See me he is Brother to Daniel he was the Eldest Son. He was glad to See me & also glad to hear from Mary he told Me of an Uncle of Marys at felin Gwm, Issaf, So I will Make Another Trip So as to find him Out if I Can We Called at Thomas Daviess Factory & We Had dinner with them. & he Kindly took Us through his Factory. We then Made a Start after biding All the folks good bye We Went to (Pant y Budran) to try & See Old Man Jones but he had gone to the Hay Field about two Miles Off We walked as far as Bronwit Arms Station Took Train from their to Carmarthen. & Walked Over to (Llwyn y Filltir Fach) Were Well Treated with them We got Supper & a good Rest Went to bed at John Joness. (Walked 13.Miles)

243 Sunday Morning Got up late & had a good breakfast Then Lorenzo wrote a letter to Mrs [?] [Jones] Thomas Salt Lake City In [the] stead of [for] her Father & Mother We got dinner & Started for (Van Galch) Meet their Bros John Stephens & G.Williams with a few others & we got a good little Meeting John Stephens & My Self Adminstred the Sacrament. Lorenzo Spoke for a little While on the dutys of the Saints & I Spoke Upon the Blessings Recevied through Obedience to the Same. After wich we had a Cup of Tea & a Chat In a little While We Started for Mynydd y Garreg & we Soon got Supper With them. Had a long talk about Our Trip Across the Ocean & different Other things that Transpired We Slept at Griffith Williamss Mynydd y Garreg Near Kidwelly[#] Walked 6-1/2 Miles [The following text, turned 90 degrees, is written in the lower margin:]


                              David Davies


                              Clun Coch

                              Lan fih angel




244 [Mon] Got up about Eight & we are off Soon this Morning to Kidwelly to get Some Genealogy It is a hard Matter to get at it But got at a little but Not Corect We Visited two Sisters Cousins of Mine Elvira & Margaret the last Named is very Sick for four years Mostly in bed. She Came to Nurse for Mother At Watter Street in Llanelly long Ago We Called at John Hughes Tailors for a few Moments then We went to the Church yard & got a few Names. Went from there to Mr & Mrs Daviess Meet Miss Langdon their We had a long Chat with them & also got dinner She told Me that young Silvanus had gone to London & was Working in the Largest Hotel their The Son as [has] gone to Work at the Gower Road Tin Works. The Eldest Daughter gone to Service at the Mumbles. We left & walked to Llanelly Went up to the Old Road & got a Nice letter Frome Carrie & my little Carrie. Went down Town Calling at Several places & also at Mrs Johns they were well got Many papers to day. Slept at Morgans Old Road Llanelly Walked 13 Miles.


17th [Tue] got up earley as the post Man Came with a paper for me. Nothing particular in it- Lorenzo & Me Went down to 10 Lloyd Street So as to write I went up to the Old Road & wished them good bye Then went & Called for Lorenzo When both of us went to the Station & 3.30 Train took us to Swansea found Bro & Sister Wms in and feeling well. the two little Boys also well In a little While Bro Noah Williams Came & we had a Nice good Chat Prest Wms Wrote to Prest Teasdale. In the Afternoon My Dear little Daughter Sarah Came to 4 Grove Place & Showed us a broch that She bought for one of the little Girls at Home She dont know what She would Send to the little Boys The Bretheren think lots of her We Lorenzo. Watterson. & My Self went down to Mr Denness [Dennis'] & Miss D[ennis] played on the Piana [piano] for Us. Went back & Slept at 17 Park Street Swansea[#].

256 [sic 246]

[July] 18th [Wed] Got up and got breakfast at Our lodgin only Cost us four pence each Then we went [to] 4.Grove place & in a little While I went with T.B.Davies & Wm Watterson & bought me a box for 15/6.a very good box [a shipping crate]. I put on My best Clothes & got Ready for our Start. but I wrote a letter to Prest Teasdale Concernng Ed.W.Smith['s] letter We have Selected Bro Lang as the first Man to have a Chance to go out with the Money Sent by the 12th Elders Quorum. My Self Lorenzo. & Noah Williams left Swansea for Neath Walked Over the Canal bank. & Arived at Bro Langs House. & we Soon got food with them. I told Bro Lang about the Chance he as [has] of Emigrating he Seemed to think he would go with this Chance. He went up Town With Us We went to Mrs Wms found them All well. Then we went up to Bro Eastmans & got the News that their was passes for two Comeing for them We went back to Bro & Sister Wms & Slept at Thomas Court Melyngrythan Neath Walked 8 Miles

257 [sic 247]

19th [Thu] Got up feeling pretty well Only awake Since 4.O.Clock as we are going to Cardiff by the Seven O Clock Train. Sister Williams got up & Made us a very Nice breakfast So we walked to Brittan Ferry. & Caught the Train & wended our way to Cardiff arived in Cardiff earley. Met Bro Forsey going to Work We looked at the time of the Stemer Starting for Bristol.but Unfortunately Missed the Right time. Went Over to Cathays & found Sister Harris & Charley well. also the children Got dinner with them. & we went up Town then I went to send Sister Forsey a little ways or as far as the tram.She going to Cathays then I Returned to Tudor Road & wrote a little. & got Tea. We again went Around town & Over to Cathays. I had quite a Chat with Charley & also with Annie Williams. She is on a visit to her Sisters. Bro Forsey dont do very well Now I hope he will do better Soon. we went to Tudor Road to Sleep at Bro Forseys We have Spent a very good day together Slept at 58 Tudor Road Cardiff[#].

[Unnumbered page 248]

20th [Fri] Got up late & got breakfast Went a little Around Town. Then Went down to the dock & Soon got on the Steamer [steamship] by the Name of the Queen of The Bay. & She Sailed at 1.O.Clock P.M. a little over two Hours [later] we landed in Bristol. Now we found that Bristol is a very large town we wended Our way for Stapleton Road & was led to ask a Shoe Maker if he Knew a Man by the Name of Enos Williams he Said he did. & we Soon found were [where] he lived. Then before we Called with Uncle.We went to 47 Armoury Street asked for Elder Bowrings Sister. found her House but She was Not in. Her Husband told us that their were No Latter day Saints in Bristol. Then we went to Uncles & found a very Nice Lady & a lot of fine young Ladies. In a little while Uncle Came & I must Say I was well pleased with him. he Knew Nothing of Mother & I Know he felt in is [his] Heart well towards Me & was So pleased to See Lorenzo & Me We had Supper with them. & he took us around Town We Slept at a Coffee Tavern Bristol England

[Unnumbered page 249]

21St [Sat] Got up late got breakfast at the Coffee Tavern Cost us 1/2 it as [has] Cost us a good deal to Keep our Selfs while hear We went to Uncles & got a little of their genealogy of Course we will get Uncles before I leave We went around town & I must Say it is a very fine City The Population is 226,000. After dinner We went back to Uncles He had Kindly left the Old Buible Out So we Could take what Names we desired. So we did. & have had a good Many Names. But not Grandmothers as yet but he Says he will get it for us again His Children are very Smart the Eldest Daughter is a Dress Maker Her Name

is Fannie Alma Wms Born Nov 17th 1863

Mary Williams - [Born] Feb 4 1866 Died May 4 1869

Minnie Williams, She is Working in a Shoe Shop at Pont y Pool. Clerking. A fine young Lady. She was Born Dec 2.D 1867 -

John Williams Born Jan 29th 1870

he is working in London a Cutter in a Boot Shop a very Nice young Man they Say. We did Not See him.

[Unnumbered page 250]

Bessy Williams Born Sep 29th 1871

She is at Home Only Out Working with a printer She is Lorenzos Favorite a very Nice young Lady. & very pleasant.

Maud Williams Born Oct 6th.1873

She is the pride of the family. Has Won the Grand Prize out of 48,000 Schoolars.for three years in Succession for Biblical History. Her dear Father thinks the world of her. -

Harry Williams Born July 14th 1875

[Harry Williams] Died Oct 9th.1876

Nelly Williams Born March 21.St 1877

She is the Baby but a very good girl

Mrs Eliza Williams Born Oct 1843

She has two Cousins one is Married to Eli Bradley of Hyrum they thought She was Mamed [named] Thomas [maiden name] before Marriage Her first Husband Died & his Brother Married her So She has been Married to the two Brothers Before we left we got Our Tea & we did Enjoy our Selfs Uncle Enos Tobias Williams. & two Other Men Came to Send us to the Stemer

[Unnumbered page 251]

& when we wished him good bye he felt bad after us. Well we had Kind of a wet passage over to Cardiff Arived Safe & I went Over to Tudor Road & Lorenzo went Over to Cathays. & got three letters for Me one from Elias Morris a very good letter. Also a letter from Mary my wife pleased to hear they were all well. Also a letter from Father With $7.30/100 in it three from Mary & four from himself I dont Know their Was Not the best of feelings in thoes letters & they Could Not give me any advice in Regards Comeing Home. but I expect I will find a way to Come without any advice I Read them Over & Over again this day has been well Spent by Lorenzo & My Self & we are Kindly Treated with the folks. Have been Shelling Peas for Quite a time. We Went to bed but it was very late at D.C.Forseys 58 Tudor Road Canton Cardiff.

[Unnumbered page 252]

22D [Sun] Got up late got breakfast & then wrote for a while also Read a little. In a while we got dinner & Started for Our Meeting at 1/2 past two P.M. When Prest Shepton.Elders Watts Blayden & Most all the Saints of the Branch was presant We had a good time Watts & Blayden - Adminstred the Sacrament The Saints bore their Testimony & Lorenzo Spoke for a little while. Then I Spoke for 25 Minutes & we all felt well We all got Tea With the folks Then Lorenzo & My Self took a walk & Returned to our Night Meeting Lorenzo Offered Prayer Elders Watts & Shepton Spoke for a Short time each Lorenzo followed & Spoke well on the first Principles for about 20 Minutes Then I followed on the Same Strain for about 30 Minutes. Pres Shepton Kindly gave me 10 Shillings & the Lord will Bless him for it Bro Watts gave me a Shilling. We took Supper with Sister Harris & we went to 58 Tudor Road to Sleep. have had a good day with the Saints at Cardiff.

[Unnumbered page 253]

23D [Mon] got up about Eight & Soon got our breakfast & Started for Cathays So that I Can have my Shoes fixed while I am in Cardiff. Am wrighting a letter to Carrie did So & to little Carrie got dinner in Sister Harriss & in the afternoon We went up Town & in Company with Sister Harris. & others went for the first Time to a Theatre. & Seen the play. of Right is Right They Cannot boast of their Theatres as they aint half as good as Ours in the City [SLC]. We then went Over to bed at D.C.Forseys 58 Tudor Road Cardiff[#]

Lorenzo wrote a letter to his Father To day.

[Unnumbered page 254]

24th [Tue] [Pioneer Day] In Utah[#].

We got up this Morning feeling well & got Our breakfast. & I wished all the folks good bye & Started for Cathays Met Charley he had Jest Come from London. Had Enjoyed himself Much Will write a few lines to Prest Williams also George Lang & a Card to Brough Wished the folks good bye & Started for Bryn Sadler Calling at New Mills found Sister Thomas Well & found that Sister Morgans was Not at home. So it is a bother for me I Called to day in Sister Dimondss he Mr Dimonds is a little better they were very Kind to me I got given Mrs Thomas Likeness I then Called at Sister Blaydens She kindly gave me a Shilling. The Saints in Cardiff are very kind to Me & allways have been I am feeling Kind of bad to leave them. I Slept This Night at Richard Thomass New Mills. Near Lantrisant[#] 1/.

[Unnumbered page 255]

25th [Wed] Got up kind of late after a little Chat with Bro & Sister Thomas I made a Start for Llanwit but had to take Train from Cross Inn Station as it Rained So very hard Arived at Bro Rees Jenkins House She was very kind to me got Some to Eat with them Then I went Over to see Mr & Mrs Davids Spent the day with them & they Seemed So glad to see me Went for a walk in Company with Bro Rees Jenkins & bye & by Went to bed at Mr Davieds Near Church Village Station.

26th [Thu] Got up at about Eight it has been Raining very Hard all the Morning I Sent a letter to Sister Thomas New Mills also Sister Morgans & to Mrs Price Llanelly. I Spent Much of the day wrighting & Kept House for the folks. Went in the Evening to Bro Jenkinss Took a good walk together. Then he Came & Sent Me So I went home Slept again [at] Mr Davieds Near Church Village Station[#] Rees Jenkins gave me Six pence[#]

[Unnumbered page 256]

27th [Fri] Got up about Seven & Soon got breakfast & Started to write a letter to Father about Eleven O.Clock Lorenzo Came. & brought with him a letter for Me from his Father & William with a Nice gift of [$]5.00/100 & I thank them from my very Heart.for their kindness to me as I am about going home We got our dinner & Started for Tre Forrest It was Raining very hard We Called at John Joness & got a Cup of Tea with them Then Started for The Station Calling to wish Sister Evans good bye & took Train for Merthyr as it was Raining So. Arived about five P.M. & got a letter from Dan & Father with [$]15.00/100 in it from My Son John also a letter from John Saying he had Sent it to me. I answered his letter Same day It Seems they will Not let me Run Short. I thank God for Opening their Hearts Slept at 98 Twyn y Rodyn Walked 5 Miles. A.C.Davies very Sick

[Unnumbered page 257]

28th [Sat] Got up feeling well & went around Town Bought me a Hat for 5/6 also an Umbrella for 2/11 Then after Dinner We left & Started for Neath Calling at Gellydeg at E Lewis [Alex Lewis] Sisters & with his two Brothers & Seen them also had a Chat with Them they are ancious to see Bro Lewis We again Started & walked for Hirwain Calling at John Evans Was Well Treated With the folks got a likeness to give Evanss at Logan We went down to Neath by Train.going to Bro Williams. They were very Kind to us Lorenzo & Me after we had Supper went up Town Tried to See Some of the Langs.but did Not See any. Seen Bro & Sister Eastman they have Only had One pass & Lowisa Eastman is going. We went back to Bro & Sister Williamss & we had a good Chat and Soon went to bed at Hugh Williams Melincrythan Near Neath. Walked 7 Miles.

[Unnumbered page 258] [Sun] Went after breakfast (went) & visited Bro Langs & found them all well I had been told that Bro Lang was Not going to Emigrate So I had a talk with the whole family. & They all Said they would Assist their Mother to live untill their Father would send for them So he Said he would go. Then Lorenzo & me walked to Dynefor Station & took train for Swansea & arived in time for Council We had dinner with Bro Williams & had the two O Clock Meeting Lorenzo & My Self Spoke to the Saints & there were five young Men Strangers in Meeting. We Staid for a little While at the Night Meeting Then Started for train Called at 10 Lloyd Street also went up Straight to Morgans House found Mrs Price Home & glad to See us went down to Mrs Johns & got a bed for Lorenzo I went back & got a Chat then went to bed at Morgan Saunders Old Road Llanelly. 2 [meetings]

[Unnumbered page 259]

30th. [Mon] Got up about Seven & Soon got breakfast Lorenzo Came & I was very buisse Wrote a letter to Mary My Wife also to Mr Silvester Cardiff for also posted a letter to Prest Teasdale yesterday that I forgot to post up in My Journal Went down Town & then took a bite & we Started for (Van Galch) Called with Nellie. & got a Cup of Tea then Started for (Pant y pull) & arived about Eight P.M. found them all well. & we Soon got Something to Eat & we had quite a good Chat with the Boys & Mrs Stephens Was also very Chatty and talked More then [than] Ever with Me about things. I do belive yet With Kindness that Woman will Come around. James the Son is very favourable to the Church. & do understand it Well. I think through the Teachings of Bro Richard Morse they will Come around got Supper & went to bed at Pant y pull Llanddarog Walked 16 Miles.

[Unnumbered page 260]

31St [Tue] Got up at Seven O Clock & Soon got breakfast Bro Stephens is going to take us this Morning in his Spring Cart. So we wished them all good bye & Started to (Velin Gumm) To try & get Some Knowledg. of Marys Uncle. But found Out he is Dead & No Child after him. & theirfore Could Not get any Clue to is [his] folks So I am at a loss to Know any thing about her folks. We met Bro Morse on the Road & he got a Ride with us as far as Carmarthen Lorenzo & Me went Over to Wm Stephens Gwili View House.Bronwydd Arms found them Very kind to us & we also Called at the Old folks House. Only Saml Evans in he Kindly went with us.around We got Tea with Wm Stephens & Wife & had a good Chat Saml Went towards Carmarthen a little Way to Send us He on parting Kindly gave me a Shilling I thanked him for his Kindness & parted.

[Unnumbered page 261]

Then we walked to Carmarthen Went Around Town for a little while. & again Started for Llwyn y Filltir Fach was a little tired but after a Rest and a good Cup of Tea I got a good deal better. after a while we Started again for (Llwyn Teg) found Sister Wms Kind as Usal. We had a long Chat about one thing & the Other Nellie aint half well for a long time I hope She will be able to get away yet the Same time as me if I dont get Away this year. Lorenzo & My Self got a Splendid bed & did Rest well We Slept at Llwyn Teg[#]. Near (Van Galch)

["]Saints["] First Mentioned In the Bible

Deuteronomy Ch 36. Verses 1,2,3

1St Samuel " 11  " 9

      Psalms  16th  2,3

      "   30 "  4

      "   50   5

      "   37   28

      "   148   14

      "   149   1 + 9

      "   89   5 + 7

      "   97   10

      Job  1St [Last two entries turned 90

      Jude   - 14  degrees.]

[Unnumbered page 262]


Aug 1St [Wed] Got up Earley as we were going to Llanelly. got Our breakfast Then wished Sister Nellie good bye & Started Calling at (Mynydd y Garreg) But found Bro Morse was gone & No one in. then we went down to Kidwelly.Calling at John Hughes he did Not give us any word about his Father & Mother. we wished him good bye & Called at Silvanus Daviess She was very Kind to us. We then went up to Broom Hill.To See Miss Langdon We were treated Well their got Our dinner with them Then wished them good bye & She promised Me her photo & Said She would Send it to Merthyr. We then Started again & Reached Llanelly. Calling at the Rabys Arms. & Mrs Lewis Kindly gave us Tea We then Went Around Town Calling in Several places Went up to Morgans a letter their from Prest Teasdale Saying I Could go on the 15th or Stay untill Spring to take Charge of a Confrance. Slept at the Old Road Llanelly. Walked 15 Miles

[Unnumbered page 263]

2D [Thu] Got up Earley got breakfast Went down & wished Sister Johns good bye She Cried to part with me. Wished Griffith Wilkins & Mrs Wilkins good bye Went from their to Sally Daviess to Wish her good bye & Betcey Jenkins also Margret Thomas My Cousin. She is One of the best of the Croud I think Went Next to Nance Johns. poor Woman She is Nearly blind I got the Ages of Them all & wished them all good bye up (Cappel Newydd) Then went down to Sarah Bassets & wished her also Ann & Mary good bye Not Knowing wether I will be going Home or Not. Went from their to Uncle Thomass & wishing them good bye he was Not in. then Seen Nellie at the Market gave her My photo & wished her good bye Seen John Stephens & Wife Wished them good bye & Started With Lorenzo & Bro Richard Morse for the Station going for Swansea.

[Unnumbered page 264]

We arived at Swansea & I Soon Read Prest Teasdale['s letter] to Prest Williams & he like Me told me I had better Stay for the time Mentioned as he thought the tenor of Prest Teasadales letter would lead us to think I had better Stay. I Recevied a very Nice letter from Father & Dan Saying That I had better Stay & Work a little In Diferant places on the Road. In a little While We had the News that Old Bro Thomas Evans had Died & was to be burried on the Morrow & I got a Job with Prest Williams to Notify the Saints of the Funaral & of a Meeting to Night at Seven O Clock So we got Our Meeting & the Saints Came we Sang & a few Prayed & I Spoke for a little While & So did Prest Williams Noah Williams Lorenzo & My Self Slept at 4 Grove place Swansea[#]

[Unnumbered page 265]

3D [Fri] Got up Earley & we are all feeling [well] We had a buisse Morning Prest Williams Lorenzo Noah Williams & MySelf Hired a Cab for to take us to the Grave yard We held a Short Service & we Soon Started for Cockett Cemetry a distance of three Miles. I helped Carry the Corps. I dedicated his Grave. & then We Returned. We got Supper at Bro Williams. Lorenzo & My Self Went Around Town. & Went to Mr Denniss & the young Lady played the Piano for us. & Invited us to Come again at any time. Lorenzo was Very pleased with her kindness to us We went back to Bro Williams & after a good Chat with the folks.we went to bed at 4 Grove Place Swansea[#]

[Unnumbered page 266]

4th. [Sat] Got up Earley this Morning & got Breakfast & in a little While Lorenzo Went with Me to the depot With My Box & I left it their Untill I went away by the 3.O Clock Train for Merthyr Morgan Evans was at the depot & I asked him to go & get Some of the Boys down to help Me with my Box So he did & Bro Brough & T.B.Davies & Bennett Came. & helped Me. found Most of the Bretheren Presant. & we had Our Council at two & all the Bretheren Reported their Districts. & all felt Well The Bretheren were assigned to their fields of Labour. I was Still to go down to Carmarthen We had a Jolly good time Some of the Brethren went down to the Royal Oak to Sleep I Stayed at Confranc House 98 Twyn y Rodyn Merthyr[#].

[Unnumbered page 267]

5th [Sun] Got [up] Earley & Soon got Breakfast Then got Ready for Council. Got Dinner & after a while We got Our 2.0.Clock Meeting We had a good time I was one of the Speakers. The Sacrament was Adminstred by two of the Utah Elders. We got Our Supper & in a little while We got Our 6 PM. Meeting When Several of the younger Elders Spoke Lorenzo being the first. After this Meeting we went To the Market Square & held an Out door Meeting & had a very good Hearing I Spoke in Welsh But it Seems to me to [too] many of us Spoke Seven of us Spoke & the Meeting was to [too] long Entierly We then went Home & we had a Chat About Our Out door Meeting. I found fault [with] Prest Wms & Elder Brough.for drawing the atention of the Hearers with delivering tracts While the Elders was preaching We had a good day & all felt well Slept at 98 Twyn y Rodyn Merthyr 4 [meetings]

[Unnumbered page 268]

6th. Monday I got a letter from Home wich did Not please Me The Way things are going it Seems Every body Knows I am Comeing Home & that talk is Around that I am going to live the Law & discard a portion of My Family. So Soon as I heard This I made up My Mind Rather then [than] Suffer that Kind of talk I would go Home Some were [where] So as to break Such talk up. & Consequently I Sent a Tellegram to Liverpool & told Prest Teasdale I would go Home & I also Sent Telegram to Cardiff also to Llanelly & asked Mrs Price to Come & Meet Me at Swansea on Thursday So I Started for Neath Called at Langs & at Eastmans & Williams & wished them good bye & at Lettiece.House in Mellyngrythan I got two Pairs Japan Trays one for her Sister & one for me I went by Train for Swansea & Bro Williams was Surprised. I Slept at 4 Grove place Swansea. Got Meeting with the Saints

[Unnumbered page 269]

7th [Tue] I got up Earley & did what Buisness I Could.So as to get Ready. But got Breakfast with Bro Williams. Went up to Mrs Griffiths & Told them to get Eliass things Ready. So I had dinner with them I also Called as [at] Sister Prouses & got Some Herb Beer & Some Candy & a Nice Chat. Then went To Morriston & told them I was going to Emigrate they felt bad as Sarah had gone to Llandilo on a visit & would Not See me before I Should go to wish me good bye. I told Mrs Bowden that it May be for the best as I would Suerly Break down as No One Can tell the love I have for my dear Child. I got Supper With Mary [Bowden] & I wished her good bye & I would Come up Again when Mrs Price Would Come So I got What My Dear Daughter had bought for her little Relatives & took them to My Box. & I went to Swansea & had a Chat with Bro Watterson & Davies also with Bro Williams. Slept at 4 Grove place Swansea[#].

[Unnumbered page 270]

8th [Wed] got up about Seven & got breakfast & fixed My Satchel With Every thing that I had left in Swansea. & Went Around to See my friends Went to Mrs Griffiths She Sent the things down to me & I did the best I Could Went to Morriston & Spent a few Hours with them Bowden is going to Deven Shire on a visit. This Evening We had a good Meeting With the Saints in Swansea They have allways been So good to me that I Can allways Remember them with pleasure Prest Williams has allways given me a Home Since I quit Staying in Bowdens I wished the Saints all good bye as I dont think I will be able to See them any More in this Country. I Went to day All around Swansea for the last time Slept at 4 Grove Place Swansea[#]

[Unnumbered page 271]

9th. [Thu] Got up Earley We are Sleeping three In a bed Elders Watterson & Davies have Started for Merthyr I got Breakfast & Soon Went to Meet Mrs Price & did She Came by the 10.O.Clock Train She brought a few things I had left in Llanelly We went to See Ann Saunders to Mrs Gwinns & We then Went to 4 Grove place then we went to Mrs Griffiths. & we got a Cup of Tea with them then we took Tram for Morriston When we Arived at Bowdens & Mary Was very glad to See her Sister. We had a long Chat with Each Other for [the] last Night at Morriston Mary Was very Kind She did Not Know What to do for Me. But She Must think I have been Short to her I have Never gave her any presant Since I am in the Country. Well bye & by We Wished Each Other farewell & I Kissed them Maybe for the last time & I pray (God) to Bless them for all their Kindness to me. I Then wended My way To Swansea had a good many thoughts Slept at 4 Grove Place Swansea[#]


Fathers Family

                        John Hughes Born 3/13 1815

                        Died Sep 17th 1886

                        Margaret Jenkins Hughes. His Wife

                                    Born 1808

                              Died 1868


                        Thomas Hughes Born 1800

                        Died Aug 27th. 1855

                        Elizabeth Hughes His Wife

                              Born - 1804.

                        Died Dec.15 1873


                        Richard Jones

                              Born in 1809

                        Died June 30th 1881.

                        Margaret Hughes Jones

                        Born 1802. Died Dec 19th 1879




                        Mary Hughes Daughter of

                        John & Margaret Jenkins Hughes

                        Born 1843 Died 1861.


                        Children of Richard Jones below

                        Elvira Jones Born Dec 24. 1831

                        Margaret Jones Born Sep 30th 1841

                        John Jones Born Jan 5th 1833

                        Stephen Jones Born Dec 23D 1848

                              Elviras Children

                        Joseph Jones Born Jan 20th 1854


                        Llawellyn Jones Born Dec 23 1858

                        James Jones Born Oct 5th 1864

                        Cannot tell the Father of thoes Boys


[274 - Blank]


                        Grandmothers Second Husband

                        John Hughes Born June 13th 1813

                        Marria Hughes Wife

                        Born Aug 16 1819

                        John Hughes Daughter by Grandmother

                        Maryann Hughes Rosser

                        Born July 17 1837

                        Her husband Committed Suicide

[See also journal page 205]


[276 - Blank]


-- A Puzzled Dutchman --

A wisconsin Secular paper Contained the folowing good Story:-

one who does Not believe in Immersion for baptism was holding a protracted Meeting, and one Night preached on the Subject for Baptism. In the Course of his Remarks he Said Some believed it Necessary to go down Into the water and Come up out of it to be baptized; But this he Claimed to be a fallacy, for the preposition "Into" of the Scriptures should be Rendered differently, for it does Not Mean Into at all times. "Moses" he said, we "are told, went up Into the Mountain, and the Savior was taken Into a high Mountain, Etc. Now, we do Not Suppose That Either went into the Mountain, but unto it. So with going down into the water.


It Means only going down Close by or Near the water, and being baptized in the ordinary way by Sprinkling or pouring."

he Carried this Idea out fully, and in due Season and Style Closed his discourse, when an Invitation was given for any one So disposed to arise and Express their thoughts. Quite a number of the brethren arose and Said they were glad they had been present on the occasion; and they were pleased with the Sound Sermon they had Just heard and felt their Souls greatly blessed. finally a Corpulent gentlemen [gentleman] of Teutonic Extraction, a Stranger to all, arose and broke a Silence That was almost painful, as follows:-

"Mr. Breacher, I ish


So glad I vash here to night, for I has had Explained Some dings I Never Could pelief pefore. oh, I ish So glad dat Into does Not Mean into at all, but Shust Close by, or Near to, for Now I Can pelief Manish dings vot I Could Not pelieve pefore.

We Read, Mr. Breacher, dat Taniel was Cast into the ten of Lions, and Come out alife! Now I nefer Could pelief dat, for de wilt peast Would Shust Eat him Right off; put Now it is ferry Clear to My Mint. he vas shust Close by, or Near to, and tid Not get into de ten at all. oh, I ish So glad I vash here to Night!

again, We Read dat de Hebrew Children vas Cast into de firish furnace und dat dir alwaysh looking


like a peeg Story too, for dey would have peen purnt up; but It ish all plain to My Mint Now for dey were shust cast Near by or Close to de firish furnace. oh, I vash So glad I vash hear to Night!

And Dear Mr. Breacher, It ish Said dat Jonah was [vash] Cast Into de Sea, and Taken Into a whalesh pelly. Now, I Nefer Could pelief dat It alwaysh Seemed To Me to pe a peeg feesh Story, put it ish all plain to my Mint Now. He vash Not Into de whalesh pelly at all, but shust Shumpt on to his pack and Rode ashore. Oh, I vash So glad I vash here To Night?[!]

And Now, Mr Breacher, If you will shust Explain a bassage of Scripture, I Shall pe, oh so happy, dat I vash


Here To Night. It Saish de Vicked Shall pe Cast into a Lake dat purns wish fire and primshtone alwaysh. oh, Mr Breacher Shall I pe Cast Into dat lake If I am wicked? or shust Close py or Near to, Shust Near Enough to pe Comfortable? oh, I Hopes you Tell Me I Shall pe Cast only Shust py a good way off, and I will pe So glad I vash hear To Night.

Coppied Out of a Old

Millenial Star of 1877

By Lorenzo R. Thomas


[In the following tables ditto symbols (") have either been omitted or replaced by bracketted numbers or cities.]