Roberts, David Giles - Journal


1823 - 1894


1.)                I was born on the eighth day of December 1823, in a place called Lone Pen-yr-Allt Street Machynlleth in the Shire of Montgomery North Wales Great Britain.  My father?s name is Robert Roberts.  He was born in a place called Tin-y-Nant.  He was born on the first Sunday in the month of March 1794 in the Parish of Mallwyd in the Shire of Montgomery.


My mother?s name before she married was Jane Giles.  She was also born in Lone Pen-yr-Allt Street Machynlleth on New Year?s Day, January 1794.  My mother and father married in Machynlleth church June 20th, 1820.


2.)                My parents gave birth to seven children, three boys and four girls.  The first, John Roberts, was born:  August 18th, 1821 Lone Pen-yr-Allt Street Machynlleth.  I, Edward Roberts was born December 8th, 1823 in Lone Pen-yr-Allt Street Machynlleth in the shire of Montgomery.  David Roberts, my younger brother was born on the 18th March, 1826 at Lone Pen-yr-Allt Street Machynlleth.  The names of my sisters are: 1.) Susan Roberts born June 1828 at Penbont-y-felingarrig Parish of Penegoes in the county of Montgomery.  Susan died 2 months old and was buried at Penegoes cemetery August 1828, 2.) Susan Roberts, this sister was born September 31st, 1830 at Penbont-y-felingarrig.  The name of my third sister is Margaret Roberts born June 9th, 1833 at Penbont-y-felingarrig Penegoes.


II. The 2nd Susan Roberts died on 3rd February 1836 at Penbont-y-felingarrig at the age of 5 years and 6 months.  The second Susan Roberts was buried at the side of the first Susan Roberts in Penegoes cemetery county of Montgomery.

3.)                The fourth sister?s name is Susan Roberts.  She was born at Penbont-y-felingarrig, born 26 February 1837.  My dear mother, Jane Roberts who died at my grandmother?s house at Machynlleth at the age of 49 on January 10th 1843 was buried on 14th January 1843 at Penegoes cemetery. 

My brother, John Roberts, married a lady by the name of Catherine Davies.  She is the daughter of David Daniels and Mary Daniels, Penisayrdre, Dinas Mawddwy.  They married at Mallwyd Church Montgomeryshire on March 5th 1849.  My brother now has 4 children.  The first was born in their father and grandmother?s house at Pennsadae y Dinas Mawddwy.  Mary Roberts 1849, the second child is John Roberts ? born at Penygeulan Dinas Mawddwy on the 24th December 1851.  His 3rd child, Robert Roberts, was born at Penygeulan on 31st August 1853.  His fourth child, Jane Roberts, was born at Penygeulan on 9th March 1855.

            My sister Margaret Roberts married a man named Edward Jones; he is the son of David and Jane Jones from the Fron, Cwmcerist in Mallwyd May 22nd, 1852.

4.) Myself, Edward Roberts, married a lady called Elisabeth Lewis the daughter of Robert and Margaret


III. Lewis from the parish of Towyn in the church of Mallwyd, county of Montgomeryshire on November 20th, 1852.  Jane Lewis Roberts was born at 2 p.m. on Wednesday August 23rd, 1854 in the parlour of our home in Whilcot St. Dinas Mawddwy Merionethshire North Wales.  Jane Lewis Roberts was christened by the Deacons Edward Roberts and John Davies, who took her in their arms.  John Davies, leader of the Cymanfa [Meeting] prayed.  3 November 1854.

Below are noted the names of my grandfather ? i.e. my mother?s father, his brothers and sisters:

Elinor Geiles                                       December 9th               1766

*Edward Geiles (my father)               April 17th                     1767

Elisabeth Geiles                                  June 22nd                     1770                Giles is the

Jane Geiles                                          October 2nd                  1772                obvious correct version

Thomas Geiles                                     June 1st                                    1775

Susan Geiles                                        August 19th                 1777

Ann Geiles                                          April 9th                                   1781

His father?s *(i.e. Edward) name was Thomas Giles.  Both he and his brother came from overseas.  I never had an opportunity to ask him which land.  Jane Roberts, my mother, was one of five children, two boys and three girls.  The oldest brother Thomas Giles had 6 children.  Three boys and three girls.  The eldest one was born on:

1.) Jane Giles                                       August 22nd                 1816

2.) Edward Giles                                 January 12th                 1818

3.) Thomas Giles                                 November 22nd                        1820

4.) Susan Giles                                                May 22nd                     1822

5.) Catherine Giles                              April 29th                     1824

6.) John Giles                                      August 29th                 1827


IV.  page 5 ctd.  Their mother?s name before marriage was Cath(e)rine Rowlands ? Edward Rowlands, tailor, lived at Corris, within 6 miles of Machynlleth on the road to Dolgellau.  The second Jane Roberts, that is my mother [Note: Part whited out], 3 Edward Giles ? the names of their children: Richard Giles, Edward Giles, Susan Giles, Cathrine Giles ? who are living in Aberystwyth, Cardiganshire.

4 Mary Giles that is my mother?s sister, who married Richard Jones, to whom was born 2 daughters, that is Jane Jones and Susan Jones.  Jane Jones died at Llanidloes.

6. Susan Giles, to whom was born a son named David Davies a miner by occupation, who is now a minister in the Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints [i.e. a Mormon]

Edward Giles, my grandfather was born at Lon Pen-yr-allt Street, Machynlleth.

My grandmother Susan Giles was born at Dyffryn Amaethty, Penegoes Parish.

John Roberts, my grandfather, was born in a place called Tybyrne Amaethty, in the parish of Cemes [CEMMAES] in the year 1751.

Margaret Roberts, my grandmother, was born at Penybontgoch, Llarbrynmair, Montgomeryshire.

Page 6

Catherine Giles, the wife of my uncle Thomas Giles, died aged 58, June 1840.

My grandfather Edward Giles, died aged 74 yrs. 20 May 1841.  Edward Giles, son of Thomas Giles, died aged 25 on 31 March 1842.  My grandmother, Susan Giles died aged 86 in May 1848.  The 4 were buried in Machynlleth cemetery.  John Roberts, my grandfather, died aged 77, 25 July 1828.  My grandmother, Margaret Roberts died 4 December 1836 aged 83 and was buried at Mallwyd, Montgomeryshire when


IV. I was 3 (years) and 5 months old. 

13 May 1826 My parents moved from the town of Machynlleth to Pendrefbychan named Penbont-y-felingarrig in the parish of Penegoes, within a mile of Machynlleth, Montgomeryshire.  I was brought up in the teachings of the Established Church in Penegoes parish ? when a young baby, I was baptized in the loft of the Hall when the church was being rebuilt ? when 11 years old I came before the magistrates to testify ? against a woman named Ann Davies who (unclear- who struck my mother ??) We won the case (?)

Page 7

When 16 years old, I was confirmed by the Bishop of Llanelwy [St. Asaph] and was given the freedom to enjoy its ordinances (i.e. Church of England).  We moved back to Machynlleth 24 May 1844.  I left the Church of England and joined the CAMPBELLITES.  I was baptized by Edward Evans, Llanidloes, March 23, 1845.  Within a week of being baptized he became a preacher.  He preached 2:00 p.m. March 30 1845.  Thomas Hughes, Machynlleth was the minister and I was a preacher.  I wrote 26 sermons and I went to other places to preach ? Towyn, Llanfihangel drefnewydd near Towyn, Aherteifi, [Cardigan] and Llanidloes. 

            In the summer of 1845 Captain Dan Jones came to Machynlleth to preach the doctrine of the Latter Day Saints [MORMONS] but I did not have the privilege of hearing him because I had gone to Maesybanty to Mr. Griffith Evans?s house in order to be within convenient reach of Talyllyn and Llanfihargel to preach on the Sunday.

            But my brothers and sister [i.e. fellow] in the Campbellites had the privilege of hearing him preach and to converse with him personally.


V. page 8

My father and Thomas Hughes, Thomas Ellis and Hugh Edwards, Edward Davies spoke with him.  My father brought a treatise entitled the old religion from Captain Dan Jones.  He meditated over its testimony.  I read the ?old religion? a number of times in great detail.  I had a great deal of light, understanding and delight from reading them.  I heard some the inhabitants of Machynlleth tell Captain (Jones) how difficult it was to understand the doctrines and that a few of the religious leaders listed them among deceits with a lot of noise but no substance.  I remember how I tried to defend the doctrines in particular the Continuation of the Signs to follow the Believers and I found that I was able to defend them fairly ? but to my surprise, I was listed among the deceivers and accused of losing my senses swiftly.  My father was told to look after me as not to give a hearing to deceivers.  But although they thought I was getting more foolish I thought that I was becoming wise.

Page 9

Captain Don Jones came to Machynlleth again to preach but I did not have the opportunity to hear him a second time because I was preaching at Talyllyn and Llanfihangel.  I returned home by 10:00 a.m. Monday morning and I saw Captain Jones passing my house in his small carriage.  Having seen him I was extremely keen to talk with him but he was going posthaste in his carriage to Merionethshire.

            Robert Evans came to Machynlleth according to Captain Dan Jones?s instruction but I was not home that Sunday either because I was at Talyllyn and Llanfihangel instead of Thomas Hughes.  Evans Msenharty was supposed to be in the loft of the Hall Machynlleth but he was not in good health that Sunday and could not go to Machynlleth, so Robert Evans, a preacher with the Campbellites, but now preaching with the [Latter Day] Saints, preached instead of Evans, Maeshonty in the Hall and he had scores if not hundreds of hearers at


V. Machynlleth.  Robert Evans traveled through Carn?s and Talyllyn and Llarfihayel, LLanegry and Towyn.  I had the opportunity of understanding a part of the doctrines having listened to Robert Evans ? in accompanying him to Towyn to the great meeting there.  I read a letter from Captain Jones to Robert Evans, who was known as one of the Saints who page 10 had (recovered his) good health as a result of being anointed with oil and the laying of hands.  I asked Robert Evans if he had seen anyone being healed in a miraculous way and he reflected that he did not see anyone being healed but I saw a number who told me that they had been healed.

            From the day Captain Jones came to Machynlleth my work, along with Thomas Hughes and David Roberts, in the school on a Sunday morning was to study the Doctrines of the Saints- to read the book of Daniel, Job, Zachariah, Malachi, the Acts of the Apostles and other places so that I could gain a wider understanding of the Doctrines of the Saints.  And the three of us came to this conclusion: - that no proper religion existed if it was not connected with the Latter Day Saints.  Thomas Hughes preached parts of the doctrine of the Saints and proved that they were both rational and Scriptural and that the (other) religious sects had declined in scriptural purity.  And it was a pleasure to hear them expound this so skillfully.  Thomas Ellis and Edward Davies and their families had isolated themselves from us to some extent but they too meditated over (studied) the Doctrines of the Saints.

            February 1846 Abel Evans came to Machynlleth and page 11 he preached twice, on Tuesday night and Thursday night.  He preached on the theme of faith, repentance and baptism as a means of gaining forgiveness of sins ? and the laying of hands so as to gain the power of the Holy Ghost/Spirit.  He testified that God had established his church on the earth, and that through his divine power


VI.  there were in his church apostles and prophets, that there were men and women who prophesied and who had visions ? that there were others who spoke with strange tongues ? in a word, the Church of God in this age was enjoying all the talents bestowed by the Holy Spirit [Ghost].  He also testified that he had been sent by God.  If we obeyed in true heart before God then we would receive the blessings of the Holy Spirit ? or in other words, we would be informed by God that we were his children.  That God would speak to us.

            On Wednesday night few of us were baptized:  Thomas Ellis, Edward Daniels, Lewis Davies, Elisabeth Griffitts ? but they kept their story from us.  When Abel Evans had finished preaching I spoke to Thomas Hughes regarding the sermons I had heard, but he was not in good spirit.  The decision we reached was that the three of us would be baptized when the officials called.  I spoke personally with Abel Evans and because of this I lost the opportunity of having myself baptized this time ? Abel left.

Page 12

Within 10 weeks Abel Davis came a second time to Machynlleth.  He came to Thomas Hughes? house on Friday 17 April.  Edward Davis came Saturday morning to inform me that Abel Evans and Samuel Davies were in his house.  I went there immediately, to speak personally with Abel.  I did not make my intention clear at first (i.e. the desire to be baptized).  I told him that I had been an Anglican (member of the church of England) and that they professed to be successors to the Apostles ? I left them and joined the Campbellites, but in truth I did not gain knowledge that either was connected with heaven, one more than the other.  Abel Evans testified that I could not gain knowledge without submitting to the true faith, and if I was willing to be baptized I would gain this knowledge for myself.  I told him that I was willing to be baptized that night.  I returned home and informed William Morris (an old man of around 60) and David Roberts that I would be baptized that night, and they promised me that they would also receive their baptism at the same time with me.  Around 9:00 p.m. the three of us went in


VI. page 13  the company of Abel Evans and Samuel Davis and Thomas Ellis ? we passed Francoy towards Llyn Craigybwch by the river Dyfi and there I was baptized by Abel Evans ? also William Morris and David Roberts, on 18 April 1846.  Next morning at 11:00 a.m. Abel Evans and Samuel Davies preached, followed by a meeting of the saints at 2:00 pm.  We started by singing and praying.  We sang the Spirit of the Lord is like a fire burning.  First William Morris and then myself were accepted as members of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints.  I received from the Spirit of the Prophecy; hands were placed on my head and I was told that should I be loyal, and pray, and keep the commands given, I would receive the Spirit of the Lord and I would receive the talent to speak in tongues and receive the Spirit of Revelation so that the ?sons of the forest? would hear my voice preaching in their language and that I would lead them from darkness to light.  When his hands were on my head, and he was praying, I received the Lord?s spirit and it was the most blessed meeting I have attended in my life ? 19 April 1846.  After this meeting, the news was propagated that some had turned to the saints, and in no time, their names became commonplace (there was no mention of the 4 that had been baptized previously before this Sunday.)

Page 14 On Monday morning the children of the town would shout after me ?Saints of the Prophets,? ?deceivers.?  Names like these were not known to me before this time.

            In the summer I received the gift of speaking in strange tongues and the talent to ?translate,? but I had to fast and pray earnestly before God to enjoy his blessings - that is the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

            When Captain Dan Jones --? I was called to be a ?priest? [minister] and ordained by Captain Jones, July 1846 and the Sunday after I began to preach in our old Campbellite chapel.


VII. In the first year I preached the gospel to hundreds at Machynlleth, Pennal, Bryncrug, Llanegryn, Abergynolwyn, Llanwrin, Penegoes, Aberhosan, Melynpyrhedn (Melinbyrhedyn), Dinas Mawddwy, Cwmllne.

            Because of the shortage of work I left Machynlleth 23 February 1847.  I was recommended to go down South [i.e. South Wales] by Abel Evans and Thomas Hughes.  *I received 3 shillings from Abel Evans when leaving for the South.* I arrived at Aberystwyth 4:00 p.m. that afternoon ? to (meet) one of the Saints of the name of John Rice.  I preached Wednesday night 24 February in the lodging house.  My uncle Edward Giles paid for my lodgings and I received food from him from Tuesday afternoon until Thursday morning.

Page 15 I left Aberystwyth Thursday morning and arrived at Llanybydder Thursday night.  Thomas Jeremy pressed me to stay until Monday morning.  Because members of the branch were going to preach in the country they had no on to preach so I stayed and preached at Llanybydder Sunday night, 28 February 1847.  I left Monday morning and arrived at Carmarthen in the afternoon, where I met the elder Benjamin Jones, a tailor by occupation, who had come there from Merthyr.  I attended a prayer meeting on Monday night.  I baptized John Jones, son of Henry Jones, blacksmith at Carmarthen, 2 March 1847. Thursday night I baptized John Jones and Daniel Jones who were learning the craft of weaving.  The 3 were confirmed by the elder Benjamin Jones ? the first in the meeting of the saints on Thursday night, 4 March 1847.  And the other two at 2:00 p.m. in a meeting of the Saints, 7 March 1847.  At 11:00 I preached before Benjamin Jones in the house of ?one of the world? ? and at 6:00 in the house of Thomas Evans cas man ? (coachman)  I left Monday morning and by the afternoon I arrived at the house of the elder Joseph Matthews, Treboth, and the next night I preached in Swansea in the house page 16 of one of the Saints.  I had food and lodgings from elder Joseph Matthews.



VII. I left there Wednesday morning and arrived at the house of William Davis, Cwmnedd [Neath]; I left there Thursday morning and traveled to Hirwaur, where I saw the elder John Jones, who later became president of the Flintshire Conference.  I received food and he came with me to the town of Merthyr, to the house of the brother of Captain Jones.  I had food from his wife.  I went to the house of William Jones, Pendarren to look for work.  I had a great welcome there.  I received a shilling form Jonah Richards, a shilling from William Jones, one shilling and 1 ½ piece from David Davies, Pendarren.  I preached in the hall of the Saints at Dowlais (Bute Arms, Horse Street) 11:00 and I attended a meeting at 2:00.

            Tuesday 14 March 1847 I went to Percarnddu (Pengarnddu) and was given a welcome by John Walters.  I went to work with him below ground ? in a works known as Pound Mawr.  I stayed for some two months and in that time I stayed at Drehir, Uganty, Blier-y-garth, Pendarren.  I was the only minister living there.  2-3 prayer meetings were being held at Percarnddu every week and a meeting of the Saints Wednesday night at Dowlais ? and one night to preach at various places.  page 17 I placed my hands on a number of Saints and they [unclear] and I felt extremely happy in their midst.  I gave a shilling towards assisting the Saints in the wilderness.

            I left Percarnddu 8 May and went to Thedegar to the house of Jane Worthington; I attended a prayer meeting on Monday night.  I stayed there until Wednesday morning.  I left there and traveled through Cendl, Talgarth and Unfairymmallt [Briltt Wells].  Thursday night I lodged at Llantlos and arrived at Machynlleth on Friday.  I worked in the forest for some weeks.  I went to Llanwrin ? stayed there for a year and 6 months.  I kept my membership of Machynlleth branch.



VIII. From 14 May 1847 to 12 July 1848 I preached at a number of places ? Llanwrin, Dolfar, Capel Seron, Unymarshley, Dinas Mawddwy, Aberayell, Cwmllne, Cenees, Comis Coch, Dafolwern, Party Rhys Saeson, Darower, Aberzegir, Machynlleth, Derwerlas, Esgar cerley, Dolgellau, Unelltud, Crossfoxes, Francoch  near Dolgellau.  I was advised by Thomas Hughes, president of Machynlleth branch to go outward preach to any place that I wished ? wherever I could get men to hear - and to return to Machynlleth every three weeks.

Page 18

I was ordained an elder in the Church of the Latter day Saints by the hands of the faithful elder Abel Evans at a meeting of the Saints at Machynlleth 13 February 1848.

            I left the house of David Jones, Party, Uanwrin and I went to stay in Llanbrynmair 12 July 1848.  I preached faith, repentance and baptism as a means of the forgiveness of sins, on the laying of hands to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and to testify in the name of the Lord.

            I baptized Thomas Jenkins and accepted him as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ through the sacrament of the laying of hands ? that is November 18, 1848.

            I baptized Mary Paul, the daughter of Richard and Margaret Paul Panty rhyn Saeson.  She was not confirmed because the devil used her mother to prevent her to come forward by going to Panty Rhyn Saeson where she worked, and by swearing and cursing and threaten in the name of the devil she deprived her daughter ?of her life.?  She returned near our house, Penygilyn near Panty Rhyn Saeson and she stood page 19 before our door swearing and cursing and throwing stones at the door.  The date I baptized Mary Paul was Saturday, 16 December 1848.

            There were three Saints at Llanbrynmair ? Robert Roberts my father, David Roberts my brother, and Susan Roberts, my sister and Margaret Richards from Victoria in the South and Margaret Roberts from Machynllett around January 1849. 


(VIII.)  We retained our membership at Machynllett and we visited there (from Llanbrynmair) every three weeks.

            In an assembly held at the Angel, Dolgellan it was proposed that a branch be established ? unanimously carried 29 April 1849.  Thomas Ellis, the elder from Machynlleth became president and Edward Roberts from Llanbrynmair became counselor/adviser.  David Roberts was selected as priest.  Thomas Ellis was sent to establish the branch and to ordain David Roberts.

            Thomas Ellis came to Llanbrynmair to establish a branch and David Roberts was ordained priest by the elder Thomas Ellis and Edward Roberts in our house at Penygilyn, 6 May 1849.

Page 20  The number of Saints belonging to Llanbrynmair branch, May 6, 1849

1.      Thomas Ellis, president

2.      Edward Roberts, counselor

3.      David Roberts, priest

4.      Robert Roberts

5.      Thomas Jenkins

6.      Susan Roberts

7.      Margaret Roberts

8.      Margaret Richards.

Soon after this 3 were excommunicated out of the church, namely:

1.      Thomas Jenkins

2.      Mary Paul

3.      Margaret Richards. 

I stayed for a year and 10 months at Llanbrynmair; for a year and 7 weeks of that time I served/worked for Mr. Edward Evans, Llawr-y-Cold, Llanbrynmair.

            During the time I was there I preached at the following places:  Penygilyn, Pardy Rhiw Saeson, Cork, Dofalwen, Dolfarch near the old chapel, Partddligadfon, Dylije, Staylittle, Dalerddg, Capel y Aber, Ysgolty, Cwmgilgymont, Beulah, Govttberbic, Cwmllwyd,



IX. i. Craigfryn, Carne, Capel Slatar, Llanwnnog, Drefeglwys, Llanlligan, yr adfon, Llangdlelm, Perhicul, Dinas Mawddwy, Cwmlline, Cerres, Conis Cosh, Durower, Tai Newydhoi Penegoes, Machynlleth.

             In the middle of March Eliazer Edwards, President of the Merionethshire Assembly (gave orders?) to move the branch page 21 from Llanbrynmair to Dinas Mawddwy and that the elders Edward Roberts from Llanbrynmair be president of the Dinas Mawddwy branch and Thomas Ellis from Machynlleth to be adviser/counselor.  The number of saints at Dinas Mawddwy, 1 April 1850

1.      Edward Roberts, President

2.      Thomas Ellis, counselor

3.      David Roberts, priest

4.      Edwyn Smith, priest

5.      Robert Roberts

6.      Margaret Roberts

7.      Susan Roberts

The elders, Thomas Ellis and Edwyn Smith, both from Dinas Mawddwy, to Machynlleth branch.  Margaret Roberts came to Dinas a year ago and David Roberts since 10 weeks and Robert Roberts since a month or two.

            Eliazer Edwards and Thomas Hughes advised me to go and live at Dinas (Mawddwy).  I left with my sister Susan Roberts from Llanbrynmair 17 May 1850 and we came to Dinas that day.  Merionethshire assembly was held on 20 May 1850.  Eliazer Edwards was replaced as president of the Assembly by William Evans of Rhynman (?) In the assembly, elder Thomas Pugh emphasized the need to contribute towards various causes associated with the Church of God on Earth, and that God was asking this of his children.

Page 22 [INSERT p. 22(a)]

(b.)       6. Susan Roberts

            7. Margaret Roberts

Jan 13.                         John Evans      3 ?       [shillings or pence?]

February 5       John Evans      6

Toward the presidency ? to William Evans for the quarter ending 1 March 1851                 6.

Insert p. 22(a)

X.ii. 1849 22 July towards Demfnarro? 1 towards various collections at the Machynlleth Assembly 20 May 1850.

            20        Thomas Pugh  1

            20        Eliazer Edwards          6d William Jones 6d

                20        Collection                    6

June 24                        Thomas Morgan          6, 4 Sept. F Morgan

August 18       William S. Phillips       1

Towards presidency ? William Evans for the ouahr fursling Sept 4

Sept 8              Thomas Morgan          6          John Evans      3d ? 9

Sept 9              Tea Party

Sept 16                        Thomas Pugh              1/6       John Evans      6d

Oct 9               John Evans                  6          Oct 16             John Evans 6d  1

November 18              John Evans                  6

December 6     John Evans                  3

Contributions towards Presidency to William Evans for the quaker foushing

8 December 1850                                6-6

8 Dec.              John Evans                  3          William Evans             3

26 Dec Rent of Room                         3

14 September 1850.  Sunday 2:00 p.m. in a meeting of the Saints ordained David Roberts ? elder; Daniel Roberts, elder; Robert Roberts ? teacher.  Edward Roberts- president of branch.  Baptised Elisabeth Lewis ? by John Evans, elder.  I accepted through the advance of the laying of hands Elisabeth Lewis as member of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints 2:00 p.m. 24 November 1850.  Edward Roberts ? president. 

Names of the saints of Dinas Mawddwy branch January 1851.

1. Edward Roberts ? president

2. David Roberts exhorter

3. Daniel Roberts ? elder

4. Robert Roberts ? teacher

5. Elisabeth Lewis


1 Thomas Pugh                                   6

William Evans                                     6 pence

April 18. John Evans                           2

For various treatises to be disseminated to the travel  8

12 May 1851.  William Evans advised Edward Roberts to go to Llanidloes.  Dinas branch formed into a class, and Richard Owens for Machynlleth to preside over the class.  David Roberts to preside in his absence.  It remained a class until 14 September 1851.

Towards the penitency of William Evans

for the 6 months ending 14 Sept. 1851.                     4-6.

For various treatise at Llanidloes ?                 4

            William Evans, David Edawards and John Evans were with me at Llanidloes.  We preached 4 times in the week ? under the hall ? that is Tuesday night and Thursday night and twice on a Sunday

            14 September ? at a conference hall at Machynlleth the class at Dinas formed in a branch.  David Roberts has chosen president.  This done on advise of the president William S. Phillips. 

            12 October.  A meeting of Llanidloes branch:  in the meeting the president informed William Richard that he be an elder.  Edward page 23 Roberts to return again to Dinas branch. 

            19 October the elders returned Edward Roberts back to Dinas and at a meeting of the Saints at 2:00 p.m. the president William Richards placed the elder, Edward Roberts as president of the branch with David Roberts as exhorter.

            Contributions towards the presidency to William Richards

for the 6 month ending February 1852                                               4-6.

            The elder, Peter Davis from Merthyr and John Evans from Llanidloes came in February ? they have been out preaching for months in various places ? Sartbebio, Llanendtar, Llonerfil, Merfod, Llanfair, Llanfyllis, Llanftayel, Llnneynoz, Llarwddyn ? and they returned to Dinas every three weeks.


X.  Various contributions for the month ending February 1852.

Total                                        11

Representation February:  elders 4, teacher 1, members 3, total 8 (1852)

Towards presidency of William Richards for the 4 months ending

June 1852                                8          3 ½

14 March John Parry               6

John Evans and Peter Davies  6

John Evans and Peter Davies  3

Peter Davies                            6

13 June John Parry                  6

13 William S. Phillips              1

1849 Volume Udgorn             2

1850 2 volumes of Udgorn     5

Page 24

1857 2 volumes of Udgorn     4

1851 Doctrines                                    2.6

1852 Mormon Book                35

June 13 Peter Davies               2

June 25            Rent of room              3

June 26 Temple                                   5.6


Presidency to William Richards for 6 months ending December 31 8 ? 3 ½

September 14 1850 The elder Edward Roberts ordained the following persons in a meeting of the Saints at 2:00 in the hall of the Goat Inn:  David Roberts ? elder; Daniel Roberts, elder; Robert Roberts ? teacher.  This was done according to the advice of the assembly held at Towyn.

John Roberts, Dinas was baptized by the elder, Edward Roberts, 10 Oct. 1852.  John Roberts was accepted as a member of the Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints, 13 October 1852 by the elder Edward Roberts.

1852    4 August         John Davies ? clothes 1.9

            29                    William Phillips                       4

            29                    William Richards        4

            29                    John Evans                  1


            26 September  Debt of the Assembly 2.6

            26                    picture of Phillips        1.6


            12 December   David John                  1

            12                    Thomas Morris                        1

            12                    William Richards, rent            6

            26                    John Jones trousers     6


Emigration account for 6 months                   1 -4



For books for the 6 months                                         9 ? 5 ½

End of 1852

Page 25 Names of Saints of Dinas Mawddwy branch.  1 January 1853

  1. Edward Roberts
  2. David Roberts
  3. John Roberts
  4. Robert Roberts
  5. Elisabeth Roberts
  6. Susan Roberts
  7. Margaret Jones


The presidency to William Richard for the quarter ending 12 March            4 ? 0.

Emigration fund for the quarter                                              3.0

Fasting fund                                                                6.0

Clothes for William Richards                                                 1.

12 March John Parry                                                   6

12 Picture of the chief presidency                              6

The presidency to William Richards for the quarter ending 12 June 1853 -3.

Emigration fund                                                                      6

Fasting fund                                                                6

3 May clothes for William Richards                           1

19 Udgorns                                                                 1

12 William Richards rent                                            6

12 collection for officials                                                        2


7 August 1853 ordained John Roberts ? elder ? by the hands of William Richards and Edward Roberts at Machynlleth, Montgomeryshire. 

The presidency to William Richards for the quarter

ending 11 September 1853                                         ? 3.0

Emigration fund                                                                      3

Fasting fund                                                                6

7 August William Richards ? shoes                            1

22 June William Richards                                           3

11 September Captain Dan Jones                               6

For boots                                                                     1. 8 ½





XI The presidency to William Richards for the quarter ending 11 December 1853 ? 2.0

Emigration fund                                                                      3

Fasting fund                                                                6

10 December ? Temple                                                           1.6

John Davies ? shoes                                                    3

11 John Evans                                                             1

20 John Davies                                                                        10

Books                                                                          2.9

End 1853


Page 26 Presidency to John Davis for the quarter ending 5 March 1854

5 March           Emigration fund                                              2

    ?                  Thomas Jeremy and John Parry                      3

    ?                  Fasting fund                                        2

4 April                         William S. Phillips ? his emigration    8

   ?                   Expenditure of Assembly                   4

   ?                   Robert Evans, Robert Parry, John Parry         4

Presidency to John Davis for the Quarter ending 4 June 1854          1

                        Emigration fund                                              3

                        For books                                            1-9

Various things for the quarter ending 3 September 1854

Richard Roberts, John Parry, Daniel Daniels             6

            Emigration fund                                                          3

            Temple                                                                        1-6

            For books                                                        1.9

Presidency to John Davies for the quarter ending 3 December 1854 ? 6

            John Davies ? clothes                                     6

            Emigration fund                                                          3

            Temple                                                                        1

End 1854

Names of the Saints of Dinas Mawddwy branch 1 January 1855

  1. Edward Roberts
  2. David Roberts
  3. William Agoex (?)
  4. John Roberts
  5. David Lewis
  6. Robert Roberts
  7. Elisabeth Roberts
  8. Margaret Jones


Payments for the quarter ending 4 March

            For books                                                        3 ? 1 ½

            Thomas Jeremy ? his emigration -                   3

The presidency to John Davis for the quarter ending July 17, 1855 1- 6.

            Emigration fund                                                          3

            For books                                                        2 2 ½

            Temple                                                                        9

20 May David Daniels                                                            3

17 June David Daniels                                                            4


Page 27

24 June Foreign elders                                                            2

3 Sept. John Davies clothes                                        2

            Richard Swarcod                                            3

            Emigration fund                                                          5

            Temple                                                                        3

15 Dec. John Davies                                                   6

            Emigration fund                                                          3

            Temple                                                                        3

            Udgorns                                                          1- -

            Assembly debt                                                            3 - -

16 Dec. John Parry                                                      -2


Names of the Saints of Dinas Mawddwy branch 1 January 1856

  1. Edward Roberts
  2. David Roberts
  3. John Roberts
  4. Robert Roberts
  5. Elisabeth Roberts
  6. Margaret Jones


28 January       debt                                                     1-4

      ?                Brigham Young                                              2

      ?                Heber C. Kimball                                2

      ?                Jedediah M. Grant                              2

                        Franklin D. Richards ? his emigration            3

                        Captain Dan Jones ? his emigration    3

                        John Davies ? clothes                         6

XII 11 March Brigham Young                                              2

                        ?          Heber C. Kimball                                2

            ?          Jedediah M. Grant                              2

   23 March      John Treharn                                       1-

            ?          John Trehorne ? shoes                         2

            Ann Lewis was baptized by John Trehan 12 February and accepted as a member of the Church of Christ Latter-day Saints at the hands of John Trehan and Edward Roberts 12 February 1856.


  30 June          Books                                                  3 ? 4 ½

                        Emigration fund                                              9

                        Temple                                                            3

                        John Trehan                                         1-

  6 July             Benjamin Asby                                               3

In the assembly held at Machynlleth 6 July the Tithe Law was outlined by the president Benjamin Asby from Salt Lake Valley and by John Trehan, president of the Assembly.


Page 28  Tithe for the quarter ending 14 Sept. 1856             ? 12 ?

14 Sept.           Birmingham                                        2-

Tithe for the quarter ending 23 Mos. Tithe                10 ? 6.

1857 ? Tithe for the quarter ending    21 February     16-

            Perry Fund                                                      1-1

            Fasting                                                                        1

Emigration of the elder David Roberts, he left Dinas Mawddwy branch 21 March.  Sailed out of Liverpool, March 28, 1857 in a ship called George Washington.  Landed at Boston, 20 April 1857.  No. of Saints on the ship 817.


Tithe ? for the quarter ending 17 May 1857               -- 14

Perry Fund                                                                  2

Edward G. Roberts was baptized by the minister John E. Jones and he was confirmed and ordained an elder according to the reformed law 15 April 1857.

            Robert Roberts was baptized by the president Edward G. Roberts and ordained teacher 10 May 1857. 

            John G. Roberts was baptized by the president Edward G. Roberts and he was confirmed and ordained a minister (priest) on the way side within 2 miles of Canoffice at 3:00 p.m. 24 May 1857.


Page 29

Margaret Elisabeth Roberts, the daughter of Edward G. Roberts and Elisabeth L. Roberts was born 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, 11 August 1857.  Margaret R. Jones was baptized by the president Edward G. Roberts, August 30.  This was confirmed by Enoch Rees, missionary from Salt Lake City, 31 August 1857.

Margaret Elisabeth Edwards was blessed by Enoch Rees, missionary from Salt Lake City 1 Sept. 1857.

Elisabeth L. Roberts was baptized by the president, Edward G. Roberts and confirmed 19 September 1857.


1857        Tithe for 22 weeks ending 18 Sept. £1. ? pd. To John Trehan.  Collection towards the clothes of the minister John E. Jones ? 6.  Christmas Day 1857 I ordained John Roberts the priest an elder at 2:00.  He came from Llanfylli and returned home that day.

1858    Collection towards emigration and preparation of the missionaries 11 January 2 ? 6.  Merionethshire assembly was dissolved on the last day of last year and Machynlleth and Dinas Mawddwy were connected with the Cardiganshire Assembly ? and Holed, Craett and Pfestriog and Caenafershire. 

I send 7s. Utgorn Money to Swansea office. 

28 March 1858 I sent 7s 7d Utgan money to the office at Swansea. 

28 June 1858 I have not seen one traveling official for some 8 months.


Page 30

Cardiganshire Assembly was dissolved the last day of June and Machynlleth and Dinas Mawddwy were connected with Caemarfarshire Assembly.   Thomas R. Jones, late of Abeyshylt was placed as president.  

12 September 1858.  Sunday.  Fasting ? money saved used to assist the elders on the continent.  Edward Roberts ? I gave 3.

Towards Perry Fund                                                   3

30 Sept. to clear debts on books                                             1

Tithe for 6 months                                                      1

Ending 31 December 1858.



XIII The story of the death of my father, Robert Roberts, Dinas, 13 January.  My father rose to go to work at 7:00 a.m. and he worked until mid-day.  Between 12:00 and 1:00 p.m. he talked a lot with Mr. Edwards the parish minister of Mallwyd about the work of the Latter day Saints and he testified as to his divinity and urged him to become a Saint to that he could receive the blessings of the eternal gospel.

My father was taken ill between 1 and 2:00 p.m. and he went to bed at 2:00.  I placed my hands on him at 3:00 p.m. and prayed that he be cured/healed.  He felt relief for a little time but 7:00 p.m. he became very ill.  Once the news of his sickness became known, some 20 -30 came to see him.  At 11:00 I anointed him with oil and prayed to the Lord for his recovery.  My wife Elizabeth and my sister Margaret were with me when I administered the sacrament.  I stayed with him all night.  He had a great pain at 3:00 a.m. and he was constipated with colic.  He had relief for an hour but at 4:30 he had a great lump in his side.  He had a temporary relief ? but fainted later between 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. and 11:00.  At 2:00 Friday afternoon 14 January 1859 death ended his sufferings and his spirit Page 31 left his ?earthly tent?

            My father was buried 18 January, Tuesday, in the graveyard of Mallwyd, Merionethshire.  He was aged 64 years and 10 months and 5 days.  My father had been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints for 12 years and 6 months.  He was diligent in propagating treatises and he testified to the divinity of our holy religion to hundreds if not thousands of persons ? he urged priests and ministers of every religious sect, religious persons and non-religious persons to believe in the son of God and to repent their sins and to be baptized so that their sins be forgiven and to have the laying of hands and to receive the blessing of the Holy Spirit and to flee to Zion to receive redemption when the Lord will pour his punishment on the ungodly. 

1859:   20 February ? collection towards assisting family of Asa Calkin                              6

            15 May ? towards the emigration of George Rowley and Henry H. Harris              1-6.



            18 April                       Perry Fund                              1

            15 Sept.           debt on English books                        4

            Tithe for 1859                                                 1 ? 4

            18 Dec.            John Davies                             4

            Books and postage                                          7 ? 8

            Total for 1859                                                 £ 1.19


1860    Tithe for the year                                            14.6

            Udgorn at Potye                                                         8

            14 Oct. Evan A. Richards                               6

            Benjamin Evans                                              6


1860    Cyfasorm                                                        £ 1-3-6

            Towards assisting Benjamin P. Evans,

            President of Wales                                          3

            Towards shoes for Thomas Rees, N. Wales

            Preacher                                                          6

            February 6, 1861


Page 32

            16 August 1861 towards the missions

            To Robert Evans                                             1

            Towards the Udgorns                                     2

            Towards the missions ? To Robert

            Evans                                                              1

            Towards the Udgorns                                     2

                        Total for 1861                                     6-9

            30 August 1861 Udgorns                               2.0

            30 Sept. Missions                                            1.0

            Udgorns                                                          2.0

                        Total for 1861                                     5.0

            30 Sept. 1862 Missions                                               1.0

            Udgorns                                                          1 ? 6

                        Total for 1862                                     2-6

*          31 January 1863 Udgorns                   4-11


Robert Evans has released from the presidency of Caernanon assembly 20 March 1863.

10 April 1863 David C. Jones was appointed president of Caernanon Assembly. 

30 June Stars (?)

My auntie Susannah Giles Jones died 12:30 a.m. Saturday July 23 1863 ? aged 58.  She suffered a long illness with cancer ? for 9 months.  She was buried in the cemetery of the Church of England Wednesday, June 27.  I went with my wife Elisabeth and my sister Margaret to the burial service 5:00 p.m. and returned home with a train to Cemmaes Road.  This was the first time that I traveled with the Railway. 



XIV  5 July ? Sunday morning I baptized my eldest daughter, Jane L. Roberts at 2:00 p.m.  I accepted her as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints with the laying of hands.  Her age at the time of baptism was 8 years, 10 months, 12 days.

            31 August       Mission                                                1

            ?                      Stars                                        6

            2 Dec.              Star                                          1 1

            Total for 1863                                                 9.2

1864 27 March.  The president, William H. Wayllet came to Machynlleth to hold an assembly, also there was David E. Jones, the president of our assembly, they appointed me to reside over Machynlleth branch.


The following letter I received from the president, William H. Wayllet, 6 Reel Street, Abezele, May 9 1864.

To  Edward Roberts,

            Because Jeremy and myself have come to the decision to release David E. Jones so that he may emigrate to Zion we have appointed you as president in his place.  You should visit the Saints in your locality as often as possible when your circumstances allow and to build up their faith.  Also urge the priesthood to continue this summer to preach the gospel wherever they are able to get people to listen.  I also desire that you re-ordain Daniel J. Griffitts, Machynlleth as an elder so that you will receive assistance to preach the gospel in the page 34 (first column) neighboring localities.  We do not intend for you to travel like Brother Jones, but to visit the Saints within your reach ? as long as circumstances allow this.  Urge the saints to pay the tithe and to contribute towards the priesthood ? as - - God intended, and you will be blessed in your efforts.

            I shall be visiting the Saints in Caenafon and the locality myself as often as possible.  Brother Jones will call with you to teach you how to keep the books of the assembly.  Please answer this letter on receipt (letter cont?d. on page 35) so that I may know you have agreed to accept the post.  I will be writing to Liverpool (?) - - -

regarding the paper of your appointment and I shall send it to you when I receive it.  God bless you and strengthen you in this post.

                                                                        William H. Wayllett


I wrote a letter to the president Wayllett to inform him of my decision to accept the post. 

15 May            David J Griffitts ordained elder

15        David E Jones ? mission                                 2

This was the last Sunday for Brother Jones to be in Machynlleth before his departure.

20 May 1864 I received from the president Geo. Q. Cannon, one of the 12 Apostles, the letter of my appointment as president of the Assembly - -

Caernarforshire under the presidency ?


Page 34 [second column]

28 August 1864.  I excommunicated the following persons from the church because they denied/disowned their faith.

From Hovlech branch ?          1.  Elder Griffitt Williams

                                    2.  Jane Williams, his wife

3.  James Amyl, elder at Eglwysbach

     Elder Ellis Williams

5.  Ann Williams

In an assembly held at Machynlleth, the priest Morris Williams became of drunkenness ? from Caenaon.

                                    - president William H. Waylett

                                    Signed Edward (Roberts)


Tithe contribution                                                       6.5

Mission fund                                                               3

Star                                                                              5.2

            Total for the year 1864                                               14.2


23 April 1865 Date of last visit with Saints of Machynlleth.  Sailed on 27 April in ship named Wonderseter (?) No. from Machynlleth branch 1. Lace Davis  2.  Elizabeth Griffitts  3. David J Griffitts  4. Elizabeth Griffitts.  Branch dissolved end of April 1865


May 14 1865 Baptism in Bryncry by David Vaughan  - David Vaughan, Catherine Vaughan, Hyram Vaughan, 4 - ? Vaughan, 5 John Harris Vaughan.

Tithe for the half hear ending June 30 1865               6



Roberts, David Giles


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