Herriman, Utah, March 21, 1901
Alice Davis
Crane, born January 8, I834 at Rose
Valley near
Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, South Wales,
of John
Davis and Elizabeth Cadwallader.
My father
was born in Carmarthenshire in the year
1801. I never knew any of my fathers
family (relatives).
He died at
Herriman in 1882 and was buried in the Salt
Lake City
Cemetery. My
mother's maiden name was Eliza-
beth Cadwallader,
she was born in 1807 at Manorbear,
near Tenby, Pembrokshire, South Wales.
She died in
May 1882.
In the
year 1847, I was then 13 years old, there came
two Mormon Elders there to preach. But there
being so
many religious revival meetings held there at
that time by
the Methodist and other denominations and two of the
ministers there with my father when he told them
could preach in his house. So Father took them
to our
house to dinner. After dinner Father invited them to preach
but the mob had gathered around the house and dared them
to preach there, so the two elders left. Two years later my
father went to the town of Pembroke
to a meeting held by
the Latter-day Saints. He believed the gospel and was bap-
tized. My father was working at the time for a farmer
the name of James Gardner. I also lived there, I was
1 5 years old. He sent and told
father he did not want him
to work on his
place any longer as he did not want a Latter-
day Saint on his place. The house father lived in belonged
to this fanner. It was a rented farm that this farmer lived
on and there were cottages belonging to this farm that lie
rented to his hired help, those that needed one. My father
had told some of the brethren they could hold meetings
in his house. As soon as the farmer heard that they were
holding meetings there and that there was going to be one
held there that evening he sent me down to tell my father
not to dare hold another meeting in that house or if he
did he would come down in the morning and set fire to the
place. I got to father just as the Mormon Elder was stand-
ing up to give out a hymn to begin the meeting. I
in and whispered to father what Mr. Gardner had told me.
So father told the message to the Elder and told him to go
on with the meeting and in the morning Mr. Gardner
could have the house and he would move out. This brother
came there that night to preach his farwell sermon as
was about to leave for Utah. He said he would prophesy
against that man and he said that he would not prosper and
would go down and would die poor and his family would
be scattered and it would all happen in a short time and
all in father's house would see it fulfilled.
Now this
Brother Williams was a stranger,
that was the elders name,
he did not know Mr. Gardner or anything about him and
father's house was crowded as they had gathered there to
hear the Mormon Elder. Well, inside of two
years that
prophesy was all fullfilled.
Everything seemed to go against
him and when the rent was due he could not pay it. He
got behind the first year after that prophesy. The next year
he was worse so they sold off by auction all he owned and
he and his family had to rent a small house. He was only
there ten
weeks when he died, and Mrs. Gardner wrote
to her relations in England to help her get back there.
people of the village that heard the prophesy of
the Elder
said that the Mormon Elder had bewitched Mr. Gardner. I
did not believe what the elder predicted at the time but I
had to believe it when I saw it fullfilled. My father
over a branch of the Church there five years.
I was 21 when I was baptized. My brother,
Joseph, was
baptized about the same time, he was 18. My
sister, Mary,
was in her 20th year, my brother William was
13 and my
sister Fanny was 11. All of us were baptized in 1855. I
think my mother was baptized three years
before. My
brother Joseph and the young man named James Crane that
I was engaged to, immigrated to America in the
year 1856.
The next year, 1857, they sent the money
for my brother
William and myself to
come to New York. We got to
New York and
hired out there for one year. That was the
year Johnson's Army was sent up against the Saints. In the
spring of 1858 we left New
York and went to Iowa
myself, my two brother and James Crane. I
married James
Crane April 5, 1858 in Iowa City. We all got places and
hired out. My husband and myself
hired to the same place
to a man named Huff, he was a doctor, but he thought he
would quit the doctor business and go into
raising sugar
cane. He took up a quarter section and put in
a large patch
of cane, hired a lot of men and had a steam
engine to grind
the cane. He was giving or promised to give big wages to
my husband to be foreman. I had to do the cooking. We
worked hard there all summer expecting to get enough to
get our outfit to immigrate to Utah
the coming spring.
They have very cold severe winters in Iowa and that fall
the frost came a little earlier than usual
and his cane got
froze so his molasses business proved a failure and he could
not pay his hands. In the fall we left Doctor Huff and
hired to a farmer that lived near by for the
winter; my
husband to do the chores and me to do house work
cooking. The name of the farmer was Mr. Barling, he
had a wife, daughter, and three sons. We lived there until
spring. We heard there was a church train going
to Utah
and Bishop Hester and Joseph W. Young and Orten Haight
from Utah
were around buying up cattle to take the train
through to Salt Lake.
They wanted so many teamsters so
my husband thought it would be best to move
into Iowa
City, as we lived about 16 miles out in
the country. We
told Mr. Barling we
would like to get our pay as we had
not drawn any of our wages all winter. He said if we
would stop and work all summer, in the fall he would
pay us, but if we left then he could not pay us. They let
us have a little flour and corn meal and a few pounds of
butter so we left there and rented a room. My husband
and my two brothers worked together and made
a little
Bishop Hester came along to hire teamsters. I think
he got ten teamsters in Iowa City,
my husband and two
brothers being among the number. My oldest brother got
married the night before we started, as young women could
not go with the church train. We only had one
wagon and
a yoke of oxen, and there was three
couples to occupy this
wagon, my husband and I, my oldest brother and his wife,
that had just married, and Thomas Foot and wife. The
other teamsters had a tent to sleep in. The
wagon we had
was a large one with boards across the top of
the wagon
bed. One couple had to make their bed below and the
other two couples to make their beds on the top, so we
took it in turns sleeping below, we had a not
very com-
fortable time getting up to Florence. It was the fifth of
April when we left Iowa
and it would snow and then rain
and melt
the snow until the wheels of the wagon would
be to the hubs in mud and then we would get stalled and
everything out of the wagon and everyone put their
shoulder to the wheel until the wagon was out.
Some days
we would only go four miles. When we
came to a place called the skunk bottoms with so much
snow and rain the river had overflowed its banks and all
the river bottoms were under water about a mile and a
half across. It looked liked the sea, we were standing
wondering what to do when a covered wagon drove up
with two men in, they asked us where we were
going we
told them to Utah.
They said they were from Utah
had been back to the states on business and were now
returning home. My husband asked them how they were
going to cross, they said if you will join in
with us we will
show you. So they took the two wagon beds and lashed
them together after unloading them and caulking them so
they would be water tight then ferried over
where the
water was shallow. The men waded and pushed the
before them but where it was deep they used
poles and
worked their passage. Some of our little company
to going over this way, my husband called on those that
were willing to join with him and the others
would take
their own course, when they saw they would be
left the
unwilling ones all joined in. They had to cross
this stream
times, they were all pretty badly used up. The last
trip they took us three women over. It snowed on us all
the way across and it was bitter cold but it was worse on
the men that had been in the water all day as it was now
nearly dark we were all so numbed with the cold it was all
we could do to stand on our feet. There was a house not
far off so we rented a room and stove for the night and
made a big fire set up and dried our clothes and bedding
and were soon singing and chatting with each
other as
though we had had a splendid time.
I don't
remember the names of the two Utah brethren,
one of them was bishop in one of the wards in Juarez,
Mexico where my
brother Joseph C. Davis is now living.
When we arrived at Fort Des Moines in the state of Iowa
the other company had left with word for us to follow on
as quickly as possible which we did and the
next day we
overtook them. We overtook them just as it was
dark. An old gentleman named Becroft and his Wife
London had charge of the camp and the boys that
had been
hired to drive the train to Utah
had charge of the cattle
that the brethren had been buying up. The crowd all seemed
to have the blues they all felt so down-hearted they did not
seem to have any life in their camp. My husband asked
them if they were Mormons they replied, "Oh yes, we are
My husband asked them what was the matter with them,
well they said. "We have been driving cattle
all day and
have had nothing to eat and was not likely to get anything."
He asked the old gentleman if he had
anything to cook, he
said yes but he had not had time to cook it, it's been rain-
ing all day and was still raining. He said he had
flour and
bacon, tea, coffee, and molasses.
My husband said, "What, you have all
them things in
your wagon and all going hungry?"
They said yes,
but we have no bread and it has rained
so we could not bake. He asked them if they had a camp
kettle, they handed him one that would hold about three
gallons, also some flour. In about fifteen minutes my hus-
band had made them a kettle of mush and they had molasses
and butter. They sill had a good supper. We fixed up the
two tents and sat up and sung and talked until midnight.
The next morning the old gentleman
said to my
"Brother Crane, you had better take charge"
of this
camp now for I would starve them all to death
with my
wagon full of provisions."
My husband told him he would not take
charge of his
camp but would help all we could. We traveled together
and got along alright and arrived at the camping place on
the Missouri river. We stopped here about six
weeks until
the oxen that were poor got fat. We had four hundred
head. My husband was put in charge of the herd until we
left. When the train started on the plains my husband was
put captain over ten wagons, there were seventy-five
wagons in all. Brother Orten Haight
was captain of the
company, Bishop Hesler was Commissary and also in
charge of all the freight. We were over three months on
the plains. In some places it was laborious work on the
cattle. After passing through the sand hills at Laramie,
Wyoming the oxen began to die and continued
until we
got within two hundred miles of Salt
Lake City. It got so
we could not move the train and we had to
send to Salt
Lake City for help.
Considering the length of the journey we
had a good
time and considering the inexperience of the teamsters some
of them that had never seen an ox before, much less yoking
them up and driving them. My husband was captain over
ten wagons, there were four women in our 10 wagons.
captain told them if they would do the cooking they
would be free of expense when they got to Utah or they
would owe 40 dollars for their board. Three of them con-
cluded their husbands would settle for their board so
cooking fell to my lot, and the other three women
their own.
There were 13 men to cook for, my husband and ten
and two of the men that drove the loose cattle
and myself made 14 and we had good yeast light bread all
the way. I never felt better and had better health than I
did crossing the plains, we had plenty of provisions
had a good time.
I only had one pair of shoes. I started off
in a hurry and
left one
pair behind so when I got about halfway my shoes
gave out since we had to walk most of the way. We were
walking along one day, Bishop Hessler was riding
in his
buggy, he stopped and asked me if that was all the
shoes I had and I told him it was. He told me to wait until
our wagon came up and get up and ride and when we
camped he would give me a pair of shoes. He gave me a
good pair of strong shoes that lasted me until I got to Salt
Lake City. I always had great respect for Bishop Hessler
he was a very good man also Captain Orten Haight and
Joseph W. Young a brother's son of
Brigham Young they
were all good men.
On September 29,
1859 we arrived in Salt Lake City
and how thankful we felt when we came in
sight of the
wished for city. There is no one who can tell the happy
feelings that a Latter-day Saint has when they first get
sight of the City. Well that was my experience. Such a
happy thankful feeling that we had been preserved to get
there in safety.
The train,
being a church train, we drove into President
Brigham Young's yard. The family had prepared supper for
the whole company. President Young and Heber C. Kim-
ball were standing by his house as the train of wagons
passed into the yard, this was the first time I had seen
them. Heber C. Kimball was President Young's first coun-
selor. Both of them had on large, broad brim, white
hats. My heart was drawn out toward them and
the good
feeling I had for them always remained with me as long
as they lived.
I have now been
in Utah 41years,
it is Novem-
ber 18, 1901.
A few days
after we arrived, Bishop Hessler recom-
mended my husband to President Young and he went and
worked for him a year and a half. We had plenty of meat,
flour and
potatoes. My youngest brother Wm. G. Davis
boarded with us, also another young man named Josiah
Combs lie was one of the teamsters that crossed with us.
The first house we lived in was in the
12th Ward.
Bishop Hardy
was then bishop over that ward. We lived
in that ward that winter and the following summer. The
next fall we moved to the 17th Ward, Nathan Davis was
then bishop of that ward, we lived there one
winter. In
the spring of '61 we moved to Cottonwood, my
took a farm to work on shares for Daniel Cahoon. In the
fall we
bought a place in Sugarhouse Ward and lived there
eight years.
The summer we lived at Cottonwood
on the farm was
the hardest time we had seen, we worked hard
and lived
hard for six months, but we did well. Raised good crops,
got a cow, pig and chickens, but money was very scarce
in those days and the most it tried us in
was for little
things. We were without soap for three months but we
never murmured but felt thankful it Was as well With
as it was. My husband and I used to go out and burn grease
wood and With the ashes make lye to soften the
Water and
that is all I had to wash the clothes with. The weather
being so
hot that by the time you would get to the city,
With butter it Would almost run out of the basket. The
house We Moved into in the Sugarhouse Ward had neither
floors, doors, or
windows. My husband traded for some
lumber and fixed the floor and made a door. He
took two
bushels of wheat up town to get some nails and got enough
nails to fill his vest pocket, just about enough to make a
door. There was a five acre lot with the house but it
turned out to he a very poor one mostly rocks, nothing
had ever been planted on it. But when we left we had one
hundred trees bearing fruit and a splendid garden.
We lived three miles from the tabernacle.
We walked
there every Sunday and took our dinners and took in the
two meetings, then we would come home and go to the
ward meeting at night. I remember one Sunday it Was
cold and raining and I never Went to meeting and my
husband had just gone and here came some Indians on
their ponies and the squaws with babies on their backs. I
saw them coming and fastened the door, but outside we
fastened it with a hanging lock and it small chain and we
had left the lock out side so they fastened me in. That was
about ten o'clock and I had no way to get out until about
five o'clock when the afternoon Meeting let out. The
Indians were very troublesome at that time and they saw
me shut the door and they got mad. Our
window only had
three small panes of glass, 8 by 1 0,
and they broke one of
them, the other part of the window was wood.
A short time after we moved to Sugarhouse
Ward, it
Was 1862,
my husband joined a company of Minute Men,
Captain Jack was the commander. Shortly
after he joined
this company General O'Conner arrived with a company
from California.
My husband Was one that was on duty
for six weeks, as was also every true-hearted Latter-day Saint
that was of age to carry a gun. General O'Conner's greatest
pride would have been to kill President Brigham Young.
He was well fixed with implements of war
and backed by
the government. Although the north and south
were at war
at the time over the slavery question and as it was decided
by the republicans then in power, that slavery and polygamy
had to be destroyed. The government was going
to put
down slavery, General O'Conner thought he would put
down polygamy and kill the Mormon leaders, but he
did it. He maneuvered around for awhile getting ready
at last the day was set for then to come down from Camp
Douglas to the city
intending to take the three leading
men, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball and Daniel H.
Wells. They reached down to the top of the 1 0th Ward
When they started from Camp the signal was
given which was the firing of a cannon and the hoisting
of a flag from the Beehive house, the residence of Brigham
Young. There were men on guard from the time O'Conner
entered the city and those men that were not on duty were
on the lookout for the flag. My husband was one of the
men on duty when word came to make ready. He loaded
his rifle and filled his pockets with bullets that he had
been making. He said he had no more fear than if he was
going to preach the gospel, but had that kind of a spirit
and feeling. It was quite a sight, never to be forgotten to
see the
men run from every direction, some on foot and
some on horse-back and in a very short time the city was
full of armed men. There was one of General O'Conner's
cavalry men down in the city and seeing the city filled up
with armed men he hastened to tell General O'Conner's
command as fast as his horse could go. Secretary Black also
went in great haste they met the command just emerging
from the 1 0th Ward bench. They told the general if he
in going down to the city, there would not be one
of them left to tell the tale, so they turned back to camp
and never tried it again. After that they got to he a
more favorable toward us.
In 1806 my husband was called to go to
Sanpete as an
escort to
General Wells with other of the brethren, he was
gone six weeks. The Indians Were very troublesome to
settlers there. At that time Salt Lake
City was a small
place. In 1859 when we first arrived the houses were few
and scattered with only a few stores. We were
here 7
before I had one pound of sugar. In the fall when we
came in my husband had no hat so he cut himself out a
cap and I made it. He wore it all winter and when summer
came he was cradling grain for President Young and it
was very hot. President Young preached one Sunday and
told the sisters to learn to braid hats for their husbands.
He had seen so many of the brethren wear these caps
and he showed them his hat that one of his wives had made
for him. He told the sisters to go to his field on the
state road where the men were cutting grain and get all
the straw they wanted and go to work and braid
hats for
husbands and sons. On Monday morning I went
down with Brother Crane when he went to work and got
some straw and braided and made his hat for him to put
on the next morning. I tell you he was as proud of his
hat as if it had been imported from New
York. Then .I
got some fine rye straw and made him a fine
Sunday hat.
After that I made dozens of hats and got a carpenter to
make me some hat blocks to press them on.
Calico was then worth one dollar a yard
and poor stuff
at that. It was then hard to get any money,
we never lacked
for the necessities of life but money was a
thing of the
past with us. I remember writing a letter to
my parents,
then back in the old country, my husband then
President Young, so I went to the office to the clerk
that I always got the provision orders from, his name was
Wm. Brown. I asked him if he would please
let me have
25c to send a letter, he said, "No, I
can't let you have any
cash." I turned away feeling bad, as I did so, President Young
stood right there. He said, "What was that you asked for?"
I told him. He told the clerk to give me the 25c and said,
Sister when ever you want money to send a
letter, if my
clerk refuses you, you hunt me up and I will
see that you
get it." I always had it great love and respect for President
Young, he was it great, good man, also for Heber C.
On the third of
February in the year 1865 my husband
Took a second wife,
Elizabeth Stewart. On
the 28 of March
1869 he took a third
wife, Rachel Briggs. We left the
Sugarhouse Ward and moved to Herriman in 1 869
on the
I8th of March. On February 21, 1875 the Relief Society was
reorganized, it was not a ward at that time but a
of the West Jordan Ward. Ensign Stocking presided over
the branch at Herriman. Bishop Gardner was bishop of
the West Jordan Ward he came to Herriman and reorgan-
ized the Society. I was voted in as President of the
Matilda Tempest, first, and Margaret Crump,
second Coun-
selor; Clara Farmer, Treasurer; Mary A. Tempest,
tary, which office I held from February 21, 1875 until
July 1886 when my husband died.
Robert Dansie was appointed bishop of the Herriman
Ward in 1884. In 1897 Bishop Dansie died. He went
conference and was returned in his coffin.
James S. Crane was appointed bishop of Herriman Ward
November 7, 1897
and he makes a very good bishop his
counselors are also good, George Miller his first
and Joseph
H. Bodell
his second.
It is now 1903. In the year 1895 a
syndicate for a
French company came here and commenced
digging a
tunnel in Butterfield
Canyon and drained our
springs. The
water flowed into the tunnel and he claimed the water.
The people suffered a great loss, for 7 years in losing their
crops, and their orchards dying out, and paying
lawyers as
the people of Herriman
entered a suit against him and the
mining and milling company. It has been in litigation for
the last seven years, it has cost the people a great amount
of money. It is now January 25, 1903 and
the water is
decided in our favor, he is to have one third of
the water
that comes Out of the tunnel and the
settlement is to have
two thirds and all the meltings
of the snow from the hills.
Now the people of Herriman
are sueing Mr. Keel and wife
also the mining and milling company for twenty thousand
dollars as damage sustained by them in the last seven years.
Lawyer Hinly has
undertaken the suit for one hundred
dollars to start it, that is all he gets from the
people. When
it is decided he gets 40 percent of what we get and if we
don't get anything he doesn't either.
It is now March 1,
February has been one of the coldest
months on record. Some of the sheep men have had
losses. It snowed and then froze then another
snow storm
on top of the frozen snow, so that the sheep
could not get
any feed. Whole herds would stand in the snow
and freeze
to death.
March the 2nd still very cold, hard
freezing nights, snow
still deep on the ground.
Alfred Bell and family had their home
destroyed by fire
last Wednesday the 25 of February. Just read the act in the
News there were 1 2 persons
in the house, they
escaped with their lives. My sister lost all her cloth-
ing, her daughter Ella Bell got badly burned, also
her hus-
band got hurt, broke two of his ribs. They all slept up
stairs and when they first discovered the smoke and got
up, the
stairs were on fire. They had no way to escape
only to get our through one of the windows on the roof
of the leanto, at the back of the house and then got
from there on a ladder. It was a large brick house, the
walls are still standing, it is a great loss. The
family had
not long moved into it. It had five rooms upstairs and
five down besides closets and bathroom.
We have
had the smallpox here in our settlement.
Thomas Butterfield's first family all had it. About a week
after the flag was taken down his little boy
Willy was
taken sick and died March the 4th, age 15. He took cold
after he
had gotten over the smallpox. Brother Thomas
Butterfield was not quarantined in with the family and it
was it blessing he could be around looking after those that
were afflicted. There were a few other families that were
afflicted with small pox here, but none that proved fatal.
It is now the 1 9th. We have had a
big snow storm and look
for more
We have had it long cold winter and spring seems
seems very backward.
Tempest, a friend and old neighbor of ours
before she moved to Riverton, died at her home in River-
ton last
Tuesday, she is going to be buried today, Thursday,
March 19, 1903. Lizzie has gone to the funeral.
We have
two more cases of smallpox in our settlement.
Brother Thomas Butterfield also Lizzie Butterfield wife of
Brother Almon
March 20th
the weather is fine, but still cold with hard
freezing nights it has been a very hard winter on stock.
The sheep men have had heavy losses, it has been the
coldest winter known for a number of years.
March 22,
it is Sunday today we had two missionaries,
Brother Nelson from Draper and Brother William Crump
Jr., from Riverton, just returned from his
mission, both
spoke good.
We never celebrated the 61st anniversary
of the organiza-
tion of the Relief Society this year, 1903. We
had small-
pox and after sickness prevailing in the
settlement the
sisters thought it would not be wisdom to
It is now
March 26, Brother Thomas Butterfield's second
family are all quarantined, all the family is down with
smallpox except the three oldest boys, they were not
quarantined in.
Heber S. and William A. Crane just came in
from the
herd, reports a great loss of sheep this
winter, their herds
are at the Hot Springs, Owhyee County, Idaho.
March 28, this
morning Fanny J. Miller gave birth to
a daughter.
April 1st Mary Jane
Miller Crane, wife of Heber S.
Crane, gave birth to a daughter. Brother Freeman
family have been quarantined for smallpox for nine weeks
and the flag was taken down and the doctor said it was
alright and the place had been all fumagated and
up. His son and wife came down to go
through the temple
and stopped at his father's and is now
quarantined in. He
has got the smallpox, his wife and child are there and
liable to take the disease.
This is April 9, Heber and Wm'. A. Crane are going to
leave for the herd tonight. Yesterday we went
to Riverton
to see Heber and Mary Jane as Heber was going to the
herd this morning and had no time to come up to Herri-
man, his wife and baby are getting along alright, it is now
9 days old. The weather is getting warmer and looks more
like spring but no green leaves on the trees yet, not much
green anywhere else.
-Sunday, April 1 2th little Andrew got hurt a week
fell on the door step hurting himself across
the abdomen
and it raised quite it hard lump and began to pain him
so today they took him to Doctor Furribe and he told
it was it rupture and had to have a truss and wear it for
two years. His mother and Gcorge J. Miller took him
someone has to take him in again next Wednesday to get
a truss to fit him as there was not
one there today his
This has been a very cold day we had it good meet-
ing, we had two missionaries Byran
Beckstead from South
and Jean Miller from Riverton, just returned from
a mission, two good missionaries.
Today, Monday, 13 April, we just heard of the death of
the apostle Brigham Young he was a member of
the Coun-
cil of the Twelve Apostles since 1 868 and the president
of that quorum since the death of Franklin
D. Richards
about three years ago. He was born December 18, 1836.
He was the
third child of President Brigham Young Sr.
April 14, I just read in the Deseret News the death of
Charles Rollins. He was thrown off a horse and killed in
Arizona. He
leaves a wife and two children, his wife is a
daughter of William G. Davis. He died in Arizona,
ber 28, 1900 age
59. He was my brother. Charles Rollins
his son-in-law was age 35.
Wednesday, 15, George G. Miller and I took little An-
drew into Dr. Furribee
and got a truss and he has to wear
it two years. Today is Arbor day. Also
the funeral of
Apostle Brigham Young. We have another case of small-
pox, Carrie Crane, the two girls are quarantined in, their
mother is down waiting on Annie Madsen she has just
gave birth to a baby girl, April 1 4.
The school teacher,
Mr. Bradford
from Cottonwood, has been boarding with
Rachel Crane all winter. Rachel was out
nursing and
the two girls, Sarah and Carrie, were keeping
house. Carrie
- 11 -
was not feeling well on Sunday the 12th, on Monday morn-
ing she had symptoms of smallpox. Sarah
called to Mr.
Bradford and told him, so he got up and jumped on his
wheel, and left before breakfast and telephoned to the Bing-
ham doctor and he came down and hoisted the yellow flag.
There are only two places quarantined here now they are;
Wm. Freeman's and Rachel Crane's. It is very refreshing
to look out through the window and see the yellow flag
taken down from across the street at Almon
place. The wife and baby of Oss Freeman have taken down
with smallpox.
It Is Sunday, April 1 9, we were not feeling well today
and none of us went to meeting.
It is Tuesday today the 21st,
we got a letter from Frank
today from Caldwell, Canyon County, Idaho,
they had just
crossed the Snake river, got their sheep
ferried over in a
boat, they have another river to cross tomorrow the same
way. I have just answered Frank's letter to mail tomorrow.
We just heard of the death of James Day a sheep man, a
resident of Draper. He died of brain fever caused through
trouble, they were about to take his herd of sheep for debt.
"I think it would be a blessing
if we could all say, 'I
owe no man and I pay my honest tithing and I have it
conscience void of offence.' It is poor policy to run in
debt if we can possibly avoid it we should all try to live
within our means, for debt is a heavy load to pack. It is
poor policy to earn one dollar and spend two."
Wednesday 22, we got it letter front
James G. Crane
yesterday and answered it today. He said Charley Crane
family are down with smallpox. He was appointed by the
county to see to the family and they would pay him $1.25
a day to go to Charley's
place once every day and take
things to
them that they needed. I think that should be
seen after in every settlement, especially where there are
poor families.
Sunday, April 26, a baby girl born to Mary
F. Jensen
on Sunday night, 21 minutes to 12 o'clock.
Monday 27, planted the garden.
Tuesday 28, turned quite cold.
morning the 29th a light fall of snow, the
weather quite cold, freezing nights.
It is now May 8th, I have just answered a letter to Frank
to a place called Council, Washington
County, Idaho. Ra-
chael Crane just got home from waiting on Annie
and has gone to wait on Mrs. Kufault up Butterfield
Sunday the 10th. The smallpox flags
have all been taken
down and I hope that terrible disease has gone
to stay, six
have been quarantined here at Herriman.
Sunday 17th of May.
Last night was very cold a light
fall of snow, tonight is also quite cold, it
snowed a little
the day. Tomorrow is "peace day" we have a
program and picnic and the dance, they will have a fish
pond. The dance is for the benefit of two of the boys
that are called to go on missions, John Butterfield and
Hamlin Freeman. They were both born in Herriman,
Hamlin Freeman is only seventeen years of
age, John
Butterfield is twenty-two.
This is Tuesday 1 9, yesterday afternoon we held a peace
meeting commencing at two o'clock pm with songs, recita-
tions and speeches, selected reading and two essays
songs by the Primary. Meeting dismissed at 1
o'clock, the
picnic was passed around. After they got through
with the
picnic, they had a fish pond for the benefit of the Primary.
I think they made 1 2 dollars then they had a dance for the
benefit of two of the voting men that were going
to leave
on the 20th to fill their missions.
21st. John Butterfield and Hamlin
left last night for their missions. The
weather yesterday
and today has been very wet and cold and vegetation is
very backward, nothing seems to grow. The missionaries
got about
16 dollars from the proceeds of the dance to
help them on their mission.
Saturday, May 23rd. Yesterday
and today have been very
wet and stormy with thunder and lightning. We
had a
good rain today which will be good for vegetation if it
will only get a little warmer the nights are so cold nothing
seems to grow.
Sunday evening May 24th. It was the missionaries day
but they
never got here. But we had a very good meeting.
Several of the brethren spoke and gave us some good
instructions. The day has been very cold and stormy,
has cleared up tonight and has the appearance of frost, as
they have had it in so many places. Bishop James S. Crane
has gone to visit some of his relatives up in Idaho and
other places. He left on the 8th, Peace Day, and has not
returned yet.
His wife went with him, they expect to be
gone for a month.
May 26th. Wrote to Frank
yesterday. We got a letter
from James G. Crane he said Charley and family were still
quarantined. They could go out on their own premises
but must not mix with the people. They are not so particu-
lar here at Herriman the
Montpelier Doctor says if the
places where smallpox has been has not been
fumigated it may break out again in six months and it is
the doctor's place to see that it is fumigated properly. The
Bingham doctor is to blame for the way the smallpox has
been scattered among so many families at Herriman. He
said if they would not all be vaccinated, he would like for
them that had the smallpox to be turned loose and let all
the settlement to be quarantined. He was
interested in the
dollars and cents more than in the people, no wonder the
Savior said, "Woe unto you Doctors and Lawyers." I think
if the Savior was on the earth today he would pronounce
more than one woe on them. But I think the faith of the
Latter-day Saints is increasing on
May 27th. Got a letter
from Frank from Council, Wash-
ington County, Idaho.
Thursday 28th. Today little Merrill Bodell
was buried
aged 6 years. He was sick a little over a week, he was the
son of Joseph S. H. Bodell and Vinnie
Howard, his wife.
He was a very bright little boy. They have eight children
left the youngest two a pair of twins a boy
and girl they
are now three months old.
Friday May
29th. Wrote to Frank in Council, Washing-
ton County, Idaho today, also to
Luella Davis in Arizona.
Sunday May 31st. It was not missionary Sunday but
several of the brethren spoke. Brother James
paid us a visit from Riverton Ward and spoke part of the
time. He has just lately buried his wife, Matilda Tempest.
They were our
near neighbors I don't know as we have any
bad neighbors, I don't think there is any better people
any settlement, but we are not perfect, there is room for
Thursday, June 4th. Went
to Draper with Fanny J.
Called and had dinner with Mary Jane Crane. The
paper hanger was there papering.
Friday, June 5th. We received a letter
from Frank in
Council, Washington County, Idaho,
they had just got
through lambing, sheep doing well, feed plenty. We also
got a letter from Luella Davis, Arizona, her husband
Hyrum Davis is on a mission in the states. She keeps the
post office. She has to send him 20 dollars a
month. Carl
Madsen and wife paid us a visit today,
Carl has been very
sick but is getting better.
It is Saturday, June 6th,
the weather is very hot and dry.
A good rain
would be a great benefit to the farmers.
Sunday, June 7th, it was our watering
today from 12
until 6 p.m. so I stopped home to water. Lizzie
and Mary
and the
two children went to meeting. Mary got her baby
named Mary Alice as it was Fast Day. George Miller took
it up to get her named, it was blessed by Brother George
Miller, Sr., then the bishop's first counselor. Brother
George Miller
also got their baby blessed by Brother Thomas But-
terfield, it was named Elizabeth Beatrice.
June 10. Received a letter from Frank.
June 11 th. Answered it today. Mary
up her
things to her place. She had been living with us
since Decemeber 1st,
when her husband went to the herd.
Her baby is nearly six week old, born on
the 26th of April
1 903, the little boy is over three years
old, both children
were born
here. Andrew was born May 27, 1900. I also
wrote a letter to James G. Crane.
June 11th. While I am writing we are
having a nice
shower of
rain, it is what we really needed, it has been so
hot that the ground has got so dry. The weather has been
very hot and dry for June and the mosquitos have been
worse than I have ever seen them at Herriman, almost
bad as they were when crossing the plains when we were
traveling along side the Missouri River in 1859-
44 years
ago. They have a much easier time crossing
the plains now
than then, it don't take as many days now as
it took months
then. But I don't think the people that cross now are any
satisfied than those that crossed then with ox teams
and hand carts for they would be more thankful when they
got to their journey's end, than those that come by train.
Those that come so quick don't gain the experience as
those that had to travel so many miles on foot. I traveled
nearly all the way and felt very thankful when I
got to the
end of my journey and I have never felt like
and going hack but have always felt satisfied and thankful
that I had a name and a standing among
the Latter-day
Saints and I hope I may never forfeit my
rights or do any
thing that would he a stumbling block to
June 12th. The day has been
very hot it has thundered
today but no rain. The water for our lot comes
tonight at
9 p.m. until 3 a.m. on Saturday morning.
June 13th.
Saturday the weather keeps very hot and dry
and no sign of rain.
Sunday, June 14th. We have no rain nothing
but thunder
but it has cooled the air and made it quite pleasant. It was
missionary Sunday today we had two good missionaries,
Brother Pixton,
I forgot the name of the other. We had
a good meeting and had some good
instruction from the
visiting brothers and there was a good spirit
there. I
always love to hear the brethren give their
when on their missions and relate incidents while traveling
and preaching the gospel. Brother Pixton related
of his experiences. He said he and his companion
an old gentleman that was converted by Brother Woodruff
when on his first mission and was baptized by
him when
there was so many joined the Church in England. This old
genteleman immigrated to the states and stopped at Indiana
and has lived there ever since and had never seen a Latter-
day Saint until a little while ago when Brother Pixton
his partner called on him. He is now over 80 year of age,
he still has a testimony of the gospel. He
joined the
Josephites after he came to the states but soon found
were wrong and left them after the two elders had con-
versed with him for a while. He asked
them to sing some
of the hymns that he sung so many years ago. Brother
Pixton and his companion being good singers, they
several of the old time songs, the old gentleman felt good
and the tears rolled down his cheeks and he begged of them
to come and see him again. Although he has never gathered
with the Saints or even seen one for so many years he
still has a testimony of the gospel being true.
This is Monday, June 15th. Mary and her children have
gone up to her place they are going to get
their goose-
berries picked. Lizzie has gone up to help pick. Sarah Crane
and Carrie have also gone up. We just got two
pigs from
Thomas Newman for $5.00.
June 20th. One
of the pigs died. We got a letter from
Frank today they are all well and the sheep are doing well.
Monday, June 22nd. Answered Franks letter today. The
Crane boys brought us two loads of hay today, it still keeps
very hot and dry, no sign of rain. We have a good garden
but a very small stream to water it with, to keep it good and
if we are not blessed with a little rain before long every
thing will dry up.
Tuesday, June 23rd. We had green peas
today for the
first time. It is still very hot and dry. There
was a reunion
today of the Old Folks at Sandy.
I was home, it was our
watering from 3 p.m. until 4. 1 had
just enough water to
run through one furrow at it time, the water
seems to be
getting very scarce.
June 24th. Mrs. Hanse Brigham Jenson and
husband moved to their home in Provo
today. Brother
Jenson has been out herding for a few months and his wife
and child
have been staying with her parents while he was
Thursday, June 25th. Rebecca Butterfield
and Marinda
are down
from Montpelier.
We went up and picked
cherries today on shares for Mary C. Jenson.
June 26th. The weather is too hot to be comfort-
ahle. We have been binding and sewing a carpet for
big room.
June 28th. We had the home missionaries, Carl
Madsen was one. We had a good meeting and there was a
feeling there the missionaries spoke good and I
think those that were there felt well paid for
Monday, June 29th. We were up watering
last night
from 1 2
o'clock midnight until 6 a. m. On Monday morn-
ing the
stream being so small just enough to run in one
furrow so we had to stay right with it, having no rain the
ground is getting very dry. Henry Crane hauled us two
loads of hay.
Tuesday, June 30th. Brother Millard from Riverton has
papering our sitting room and has been fixing on
new mop boards and painting them and some other things.
Lizzie and I have been visiting Brother Ruben Freeman,
he is a
great sufferer they have sent for Doctor Furribee.
Wednesday, July I st.
Doctor Furribee came late last
night he said Ruben Freeman had inflamation of the
stomach, he gave him something that eased the terrible
pain he was in, he is feeling better today but terribly weak.
We heard from the boys today they had sold their wool
for 13 cents.
Saturday, July 4th. The Herriman boys and the Mascot
boys had
a ball game today. The Herriman boys got beat
but not through fair play. The Mascot boys bought the
umpire, gave him so much if he would be on their side.
The Herriman boys beat them the last twice, they
for ,$25.00 this time, the Mascots sent to Salt Lake
and got
two from
there, Herriman was two boys short, one was sick
and the other off with the sheep. They got substitutes but
was not use to it and could not fill the place of the
hands. George Miller was one of the ball players. He took
Fanny and Mary up to the ball game with him in the buggy
and left the children with us to enjoy the 4th. The 4th of
July was our watering from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.
so I
enjoyed my 4th watering the garden with a stream
enough to run in one furrow at a time. The
weather is
pleasant for July not any too warm, last night it
felt like we were going to have snow and the wind was
quite cold.
Sunday, July 5th. We have had one of the
worst wind
storms here today, it has been blowing a perfect
here all day, and it seems like they have put on a fresh
hand at the bellows tonight. Yesterday I watered the garden
and everything looked nice and I felt proud
of it but tonight
everything looks haltered and wilted. I feel
the last two years the grasshoppers spoiled our garden, this
it is something else, it seemed today as if Lucifer was let
loose on us as he was on Job to try our faith. I have just
answered a letter that I received from Bess Clark telling me
that Olive Clark was expected in a few days
from her
mission as she sailed from Liverpool
on the 18th of June.
Monday, July 6th. The wind is still
blowing a perfect
all day and it looks like another night of it.
Tuesday, July 7th. It feels quite cool today the wind has
stopped blowing but it is terrible to see the
destruction in
orchards and gardens and a good deal of the wheat is flat-
tened down and can't be cut. The trees are stripped
of the
fruit and tomatoes and other garden stuff battered up
pretty bad.
Brother Thomas Butterfield hauled us two
loads of his
tything hay. Sarah Grant has gone to Draper to work
young James Farmer's wife.
Brother Millard is here papering a room
for Lizzie. The
Crane Brothers brought two loads of hay-37 hundred and
94 pounds, 206 pounds
short of two tons.
Thursday, July 9th. Lizzie has gone up to
Mary place to
pick some cherries.
Friday, July 1 0th.
Brother Millard came
up today is
doing some carpenter work in I.izzie's room. Also some
painting in the big room. There is an excursion today to
Saltair. The Sandwich Islanders are having a reunion,
all those that have been there as missionaries are expected
to meet with them.
Saturday, July 11th. William A. Crane just
got home this
evening from the herd. We are looking for Heber
Sunday, July 1 2.
Frank and Heber got
home. It was
missionary Sunday today, we had Brother Smith from
Draper and Brother Spencer. We had a good meeting,
quite a few of the boys were home from the herd.
July 15th. The Old Folks excursion to
Lagoon, there were only three from here
that were over
70. Brother and Sister Crump and Brother Weedon.
will be three more that will be counted among the old folks
next time if they live, they are Brother Freeman, Angeline,
his wife, and myself. There was quite a few of the
and others went and had a good time.
Friday, July 17th. Frank Crane and wife
and Sister Mary
C. Jensen went
to the city today and just got back tonight.
Friday July 24th. They are celebrating it over at Draper.
Frank Crane and wife also Mary C. Jensen and George
Miller Jr. and wife and some of the children, they left two
home with me. Lizzie Crane also went and a great many
others from here. It has been a very windy
day here and very hot and dry it seems like
everything will
burn up and still no sign of any rain. The water is almost
dried up in the stream, last watering never got to the
garden. It looks like everything will die for
want of water,
it discourages me ever to plant another
garden but I supp-
ose we must live in hopes if we die in
despair and like
the song try, try, try again. The Lord says he
is going to
have a tried people some is tried with riches
and some with
poverty. Solomon prayed that the Lord would give
wisdom and that he would not be tried with
poverty or
tithes for if he was poor he might steal and if
he was rich
he might forget God. Solomon was a wise man
but the end
of his
life appears to be very foolish.
Sunday, July 26th. We had two of the home
visit us, Brother Glover and Brother Bateman.
We had a
good meeting both being good speakers and gave
us some
good instructions. Heber Crane and Mary Jane
were up
and called to see us.
Monday, July 27th. We had a dance here
tonight. They
have all gone to it except me. I felt like I would sooner
stay home and keep little Andrew home with me.
Sunday, August 2. We had not meeting here
today, it
was Stake Conference held at Sandy. Heber and Mary Jane
came up and stopped to supper.
Monday, August 3rd. Frank and Heber left
for the
herd today also Thomas and John Butterfield.
Tuesday, August 4th. Wrote to Luella
Davis, Arizona,
sent today. Wrote one to
send to her husband, Hyrum G.
Davis, who was on a mission, was going to
send it to-
morrow, but just saw his release in the news. He
laboring in St.
Joseph, Missouri, but
was suffering with
his eyes and was honorable released to come
home. He
was set
apart for his mission February 1 8, 1902.
laboured in the Southwestern states for 15 months, in the
Louisiana Conference. Then he was transferred to the
Missouri Conference on account of ill
health to the extreme
south. He reports the gospel work in both
places are in a
prosperous condition.
Wednesday, August 5th. Our watering was at
o'clock this afternoon but there was not water
only just
enough to wet the ditch, it took six hours to
come down.
It looks very discouraging. The water is
less this summer
than I ever saw it and we have had no rain.
The garden
looks like a fire has been through it,
everything is suffer-
ing for water. I have lost all hopes of ever
getting our
water after paying so much out to courts and
Lizzie has gone down to visit Annie Madsen
for a few days
and Mary
and the children are staying with me.
Thursday August 6th. The day is
very hot and windy
July was a month of wind storm and August
has started in
the same with high winds every day so there
is not much
chance for fruit to stay on the trees.
Friday, August 7th. I wrote to James G.
Crane and wife.
Today we received a photo from them of
their youngest
little boy George so I wrote to them to let them
know we
received it.
Sunday the 9th we had a good meeting the
bishop called
on those that had been to the Stake
conference to speak
and tell those that were not there some of
the good instruc-
tions they received at conference. The brethren
all spoke
good and gave us some good instruction.
Monday, August 11th. We received a letter
from Frank,
he had just got to the herd all right also
the others that went
with him. The herd was then at Meadows, Washington
County, Idaho.
Tuesday, August 11th. Wrote
to Frank.
August 12th. Olive Miller and I went
around as teachers. Lizzie is down at Annie's
for a couple
of days. James Tempest and Mary Ann Tempest
got mar-
ried last Monday the 12th. Mary Ann was Henry Tempest's
plural wife. Mary Ann is 48 and James Tempest,
Thursday, August 13th. Mary wrote to Andrew and sent
him the Deseret
News. Also one to Frank. It still is very
hot with high winds and no rain, but plenty of dust.
August 14th. An excursion of the young men
belonging to the mutual also the young ladies of
Mutual Improvement Association, of the Jordan Stake of
Zion. The
excursion was to Saltair. Lizzie and I went up
and helped Mary Jenson to pick some peaches
that were
ripe. The wind has been blowing quite hard, it has been
trying to rain but failed to do much at it as the high
winds keep it off. It seems like Hcrriman is doomed this
summer to have but very little rain. We have thunder and
windstorm and clouds of dust but no rain and but very
little water. Those that come here from Other settlements
and see the small stream of water that we have here wonder
how we raise what we do. I don't think you could find a
place where the people have to be so careful
and economize
with the little water that they have to do with, as the
people of Herriman. As a ward I don't think you could
find another ward that pays a bigger tithing,
and the Lord
blesses the little water that we have. Paul may plant, and
Appolace water, but the Lord gives the increase and I
know of
any home in Hcrriman that is under mortgage.
Sunday, August 16th. It was our Ward Conference today,
we had president Goff of the Jordan Stake and his coun-
selor Brother Peterson, also Brother Lynn the
Stake Secre-
tary as visitors with us. Today all the officers in
the ward
were sustained unanimous. Brother Fitzgerald was too sick
to accompany the brethren to the ward
conference. We
got a letter from Frank on Saturday and answered it today.
Thursday, August 20th. We went up to Jane
today to
sew carpet rags. Emma Farmer came down after
us in the buggie and took us home again the same way.
There is a surprise party down at Riverton
on Bell Dansie.
Emma Farther went down and took Mary Jenson and the
children down to Annie Madsen's to visit for a few
While I am writing it is thundering and
lightning and a
big wind blowing to keep the rain off. The
sky looks like
one black thunder cloud, I hope we will have
a good rain
before morning.
Friday, August 21st. The expected rain
never got here.
It says the earth will be destroyed by
fire, it seems like
everything is getting ready for it.
Saturday, August 22nd. Charlie Madsen
brought us a load
of second crop hay today.
Sunday, August 23rd. We had a good meeting
today, we
had two
visitors Brother Brown and Sister Maria Holt in
the interest of the young ladies. Both spoke good, then
Brother Ed. Butterfield occupied the time for a time, he
is a very fluent, good speaker and we had an excellent, good
meeting and I think all felt good and well paid for being
Monday, August 24th. Just got a letter
from Provo
Maggie Swenson and one written by her mother
Maria Davis, she is up from Panguitch on a visit to
daughter's. She is going back the first of September. They
wrote for me to come down for a few days on a visit.
Brother Swenson, Maggie's husband, delivered a lecture at
Riverton on Sunday night. In the letter they wrote they
told me he was appointed as a missionary to visit the
different wards but I never got the letter until Monday so
I wrote today, Tuesday, August 25th, and told them that
circumstances were such that I could not possibly pay
a visit just now. I would like to pay them a visit if I could,
as Maria and I were girls together before she married my
brother Joseph. They lived in the city until their third child
was born and his second wife had two
children, when they
moved to Panaca, then they moved from there to Panguitch.
When the raid on polygamy got so bad he left and went to
and sent for his families to come to him as they
had boys old enough to drive teams. His first family never
went but the second wife and her family went. Maria, his
first wife, still lives in Panguitch but part of her
family is
with their father in Mexico.
His second wife Louisa died
a few years ago with a cancer. She
left eleven children and
has buried three. She was the mother of 14,
his first wife
had 9 but buried two. My brother William G.
Davis died
in Arizona
October 28, 1900. He left one wife and a large
family, his first wife died at Cottonwood
a few years before
he went to Arizona. His first wife was the mother of 11
children. Esther Harrison his second wife had 9
her name was Emily Nex,
born in Tooele. My sister Fanny
Clark lived at Milton,
Tooele County. She is the mother of
11 children all living. My sister
Mary and Thomas Rees,
her husband, came to Utah and got dissatisfied and went
back. She died and left three children in St.
Missouri, one of them a girl married there, the
other two
came back with their father to visit a brother, Charles Rees.
He lives in Cache
Valley. He died at his
brother's place and
the two children are grown up and live there near their
uncle's place.
August 26th. Had a water meeting tonight,
there is a company digging another tunnel and since they
commenced they have taken more of our water. They
measured the irrigation water and we have 14 inches of
water less. The leading men of the tunnel
claims all the
that is in the tunnel. They want the Herriman
Irrigation Company to give them a clear title to all the
water that is now in the tunnel and all that hereafter may
be in the said tunnel and that the Herriman
Irrigation Com-
pany have no claim to any portion of said
water so we
have either to fight the case or let them have
a clear title
to the water and drain all our springs and then leave the
settlement without water as Expert Jones told
George Miller that it will be only if matter of time when
these tunnels will drain the hills dry. So the share holders
all voted at the meeting to fight the case,
that means
another law suit and more money for the lawyers. I don't
think there is another place that has paid out so much and
been harassed over water as the people of Herriman has
been and no hopes of getting any better. We
lost a third
of the Butterfield Creek when they dug the first tunnel and
it looks like this one will take the balance, if the law will
let them. Brother George Miller was talking
with a couple
of lawyers telling them our grievances about the water,
gave him little encouragement that we would will the case.
The lawyers sent a statement from the
tunnel company
also a summons for the Herriman
Irrigation Company to
appear in court next Monday to give this mining
a clear title to the water or they will enter
suit against them.
Thursday, August 27th. Heber Crane drove up this
evening, he is one of the baseball boys. Our boys
are pra-
they are going to play with Bluffdale tomorrow
night or afternoon.
Friday, August 28th. Busy quilting all day. Lizzie and I
for several years give in to the tithing
office a quilt each
as we have no place here to pay in fruit and garden stuff
and different things on tithing so we make a quilt each and
give it instead, We sell the butter and eggs
and pay the
money in.
Saturday, August 29th. Our little Jersey cow had a calf.
Sunday, August 30th. We had Brother Nukes
as a home
missionary today, he spoke good. Heber Crane and his
wife paid us a visit this afternoon after the meeting.
Monday, August 31. We went up to Mary Jensen's to
help her pick some plums. While we were there
my niece
Maggie Davis Sorensen from Provo
drove up and we got
in her buggy and went down home with her, l.izzie and
and little Andrew. We had dinner and spent a
few hours
with her, then she had to leave to be in time
for the train
for Provo, with
a promise to see its again, on Sunday, her
husband and her mother that is up on a visit from Pan-
quitch. Maggie has three little boys.
Tuesday, September 1st. William A. Crane
left for the
herd today. Charlie Madsen and Annie drove tip
and spent
the afternoon with us.
Wednesday, September 2nd. Jane Farmer and
came down in their buggy and were going down
to call on
the newly wedded couple James Tempest and
Mary Ann his
wife so I went with them and we spent the day
with them
and had a good time.
Thursday, September
.3rd. Been quilting all day. Got a
letter from Frank he feels blue, he doesn't like
that part of
thee country where they are now with their sheep it is
Meadows, Washington County,
Idaho. While we are almost
burned up having no rain and very little water, Frank said
in his letter they are getting too much rain, it has rained
all day and snowed all night and they are
sleeping in a
tent and
their clothes and bedding all got pretty wet.
They had
to get up and make a fire to dry their clothes and
quilts in the night.
September 6th. Today was Fast Day, several of
the brethren spoke, we had a good meeting. Carl Madsen
and wife also Charlie and Lynn came up and spent the
day with us. We expected Brother Sorensen and wife and
her mother Maria Davis who is paying them a visit from
Panguitch. Brother Sorensen is one of the teachers in
Brigham Young Acadamy in Provo. For some reason they
never got here.
September 7th. Wrote to Frank today to Mea-
dow, Washington County, Idaho.
Spent most of the day,
today, at Mary C. Jensen's picking red plum.
Tuesday, September 8th. Annie Madsen and Charlie
drove up
from Riverton about half past seven this morn-
ing going to the canyon for chokecherries so l.izzie and
Mary and children and myself went with them. Drove past
Fanny Miller's
place and took her and the children so we
all spent a day in Rose
September 8th. Got 16 bushels of wheat off the
Crane Boys.
Wednesday, September 9th. Got a letter
from Frank
today and just answered it tonight and will
mail it
tomorrow. I went around with Sister Olive Miller
today as
visiting the sisters in our district. Rachel Crane
got a letter today from her sister in the city, Mrs. Chapman,
telling her that Miss Chapman was dead and wanted her
to come in to the city as it was Miss Chapman's wish to
send for Rachel before she died. She has been troubled
with it cancer for a long time and some time ago she
went to California
to go under an operation and paid five
hundred dollars but they never cured her. Rachel went to
the city on this evening's train.
September 9th. Been busy quilting a comforter
for I.izzie and writing to James G. Crane and sending
and Sarah
Jane a Picture of Mary C. Jensen's baby Mary
Friday, September 10th. Home
all day piecing a quilt.
Lizzie and Mary and the children went down
to visit Annie
Madsen and brought us
some tomatoes and onions.
Saturday September 11. It was our watering
from 6 until
12. I tended to the water while Lizzie and Mary
some tomatoes and plums. In the afternoon I
got the onions
and cucumbers ready for mustard pickles.
Sunday September 1 2. We had a splendid meeting, we
had two home missionaries one was Brother Walder also
Brother Garf
from Draper both good speakers and both
men filled with the spirit of the Lord. They
gave us some
good instructions if we would only put them in
it would make good men and women of us. If we would
do unto others as we would like others to do
unto us we
would have a conscience void of offence and we would
never speak evil of each other.
September 14th. Been busy all day
red plums and bottling apples and making
mustard pickles and
tomato catsup.
Tuesday, September 15th. Bottling tomatoes, picking and
washing wool.
Wednesday, September 16th. Cutting blocks for
a quilt.
Annie Madsen and Mary and two of the youngest
drove up to get some fruit from Mary Jensen so they all
drove up and got some peaches and plums.
Thursday, September 17th. Thomas H. Miller went to
Riverton to get
the lime to plaster one of our back rooms
also got the laths and shingles also a board to fix the floor.
September 18th. Busy
Saturday, September 10th. Busy plastering. Finished
plastering about half past 11p.m.
September 20th. I went to meeting, Joseph
Crunip and Joseph S. Bodell
were the speakers and gave
us some good instructions. The bishop read a
piece for the
Juvenile from President Joseph F. Smith on card playing,
he said, "It is wrong and should not be indulged in by the
Latter-day Saints and the teachers should find out if card
playing was done in any of the homes of the Latter-day
Saints and if it was it would have to be stopped as it leads
to evil and Saints should not allow it in their homes. The
law of tithing was also spoke oil by Joseph S. Bodell,
he read a piece from the Juvenile on
tithing on all their
income, and be blessed as there is great blessings promised
to those that will pay their honest tithing for Latter-day
Saints that don't pay honest tithing have no claim on the
blessings promised to those that do.
Monday, September
21st. Got a letter from Frank he
was getting along alright and the sheep doing
well having
fine weather. Thomas H. Miller finished
shingling and
plastering and fixing the room. He commenced on Thurs-
day the 17th and got through on
Monday the 21st. He
worked on Saturday night until half past eleven.
September 22nd. Carl Madsen came up this
morning and Mary and her mother and the children
down and took some peaches to John Hanson's. I am busy
bottling and preserving peaches.
September 23rd. Putting down tomatoes and
September 24th. Took care of the children
While Mary and her
mother went up to the Farmer ranch
and picked peaches.
James Farmer is the father of a
September 25th. Frank Crane's wife and mother-
in-law came up and papered a room for Frank and
wife to have for a bedroom this coming winter. Sarah
Crane helped them paper. We got a letter
from Frank last
week and just answered it tonight.
September 27th. We had a good meeting, the
two Butler
brothers from Butlerville, good speakers. Gave
us some good instructions if we would only
put them into
practice, what good Latter-day Saints we would be,
but we
are so neglectful and we do the things we ought not to do
and leave undone the things we ought to do
and if we don't
wake up to our duties we will be found among
the five
foolish virgins, with no oil in our lamps.
Monday, September 28th. Putting down a
carpet in
Franks room and painting.
Tuesday, September 29th. Preserving peaches.
Wednesday, September 30th. Making tomato catsup.
Thursday, October ]st. Preserving peaches.
Friday, October 2nd. Preserving peaches
and bottling
tomatoes. Raining all day and
quite cold. Charlie Crane,
wife and children came from Montpelier
this morning. Got
a letter from Luella Davis yesterday from Arizona, her
husband has returned from his mission from the southern
states. He was released on account of his eyesight being so
bad he could not see to travel.
Saturday, October 3rd. We had a good rain
last night and
today it looks like more rain tonight or snow. We had
quire a hard storm today and it has been quite cold.
Sunday, October 4th. Today conference
commenced, it
looked quite stormy this morning but has been
quite a
pleasant day. Being conference we had no meeting
today, a great many of thee people went in from
here to
conference. Jane Farmer came down and spent the day
with us. We just heard the death of one of
Frank Carter's
boys, they live in Provo,
they use to live here and several
of their children were buried here. So
they are going to
bring his body up here tomorrow to be buried in the Her-
riman grave yard. William A. Crane got home from the
herd this morning. Mary Jane and the children came up and
spent the day with Fanny
Tuesday, October 6th. Today the funeral of
Carter was held in the Herriman
meeting house. He was a
young man just turned 20 years old, the son of Frank and
Hannah Carter.
The speakers were Thomas and Samuel
Butterfield and Zacharia Butterfield, brother of
Butterfield, also George Miller a brother-in-law. It being
conference the brethren were all in the city so they had to
call on the relatives to do the speaking. They spoke well
of the young man, he had been ordained an
elder about
years ago and he had been faithful in attending to his
duties in the ward.
Sunday, we had a good meeting, we had one
of the
as a missionary, Brother Pearson his partner never
got here.
October 13th.
We held the Sunday School celebration
they had a good program and the children did
well and all
the teachers that had the training of the
children did well
in training so many little ones to sing and recite so good.
Frank got home last night from the herd.
It is now Sunday, October 25th, our home
today was
Brother Nelson from Draper, he was a fine
speaker and we had a good meeting. Carl Madsen and wife
came up.
Monday, October 26th. Frank has gone to
the canyon for
On the 6th of Novemher
Frank became the father a little
daughter. The 20th of November, 1901, Peter Mortensen
was shot for the murder of James R. Hay, a
friend and
neighbor. On the evening of December 7, 1901
were startled and shocked at the anouncement of
the mysterious disappearance of a young man named James R.
Hay and with him a sum of
money amounting to $3,800.
On the 16th of December 1900, young Hay went to
Mortensen's house to get the money that
Mortensen said
he could pay on a debt he owed the lumber company. He
Was a contractor and Hay was the secretary of the
Hay went to Mortensen's the night of the I6th and Mor-
tensen said he paid it to Flays. Twenty-four hours
they found Hay's body buried not far from Mortensen's
place he was accused of the crime and fotuid guilty
and was
shot on the 20th of November, 1 903.
Sunday, December 6th. Fast Day, we had a
meeting. According to the request of Frank Crane
Bishop James S. Crane and Brother George Miller, his first
counselor, came down to the house and blessed his baby
and gave it the name of Annie. The weather being very
cold and the baby only a month old and it being the last
Sunday that Frank would be home. He will leave for the
herd on Wednesday the 9th, so he thought he had better
get the baby blessed and given it name before he left.
Thursday, December I0th. Frank left for the herd today.
The herds are at Mountain Home,
Idaho. We expect Heber
and Andrew Jenson home in it few days. Mary and the
two children took Frank to the train and will stop at Mary
Jane's and visit it few days. Frank's wife and baby will
stay with us this winter. The weather is very fine and
dry but very cold freezing nights.
Saturday, December 12th. William A. Crane got home
from the herd and brought us a hind quarter of
beef, a
present from James G. Crane, Montpelier.
Sunday, December 13th. Today was missionary
We had Brother Williams from West Jordan and Brother
Nelson. They spoke well and gave us some good instruc-
tions. Brother Williams spoke on the Word of Wisdom.
He said he had used tobacco for 50 years but had left it
off, also tea and coffee. Strong drinks he
never had used,
he is now 75 years old. He urged the Saints
to keep the
Word of Wisdom and to be honest and pay
their tithes
and offerings.
Sunday, December 20th. All the men
belonging to the
Elders Quorum were called upon to speak,
they all respond-
ed and we had a good meeting. Andrew Jenson and Mary and
children came down to supper, Andrew went to
young men's meeting. Mary stayed with us until after
meeting, then they went up home.
December 21st. The day
for settling tithing.
I just been up
settling ours I paid $6.50. Lizzic paid $5.50.
Mary Jenson paid $6.40. I took her
receipts up and settled
hers. We wrote to Frank today.
Tuesday, December 22nd. Mary took Andrew
to the
train this morning, she and the children will
stay at Annie
Madsen's until the train comes in this
evening, then Mary
will drive over and meet him. Andrew went in to see his father
on some business. I sent a letter to Tooele
Wednesday, December 23rd. The school
children had
a party
in the meeting house consisted of singing and reciting
and other
little amusements.
December 24th. The children had a Christmas
Dance. Tonight the older ones are having theirs. Lizzie
and Annie Jane also Andrew and Mary have all gone to the
dance. The snow is quite deep and it is quite cold so I
it would bewise for me to stay home.
Friday, December 25th. Christmas Day
we had a very
quiet Christmas.
Friday, January 1st. New Year's Day.
Heber Crane and
Mary Jane came up to dinner also Annie Madsen, Charlie,
Jimmy and Carly.
We invited Will Crane and family, he
never said whether they would come or not. We told them
dinner would he at three o'clock so about 4:30 William A.
Crane came with his family. Will felt unhappy because we
did not keep the dinner until he got here and he would
not sit down to dinner but Martha and the
children sat
down and ate their dinners. Heber gave us $5.00
between us for Christmas, Frank sent us $5.00 each.
weather is cold and foggy and quite a bit of snow
on the
ground. I got a letter today from my sister
Fanny with
two Christmas cards, one from Bess also one from Arizona
from Luella Davis with a little handkerchief in the letter.
Frank gave us ten dollars each before he left the first of
Tuesday, January 5th. We had a leap year
party here
Tonight. 25c
a ticket, the ladies chose their partners. It was
quite crowded, over 60 in number. There was
quite a crowd
of boys and girls from the Mascot. Some of
them were a
quarrelsome and the sheriff had to put them out for
persisting to smoke in the house and sitting with their hats
on. The sheriff had been telephoned to be there so he was
there taking items and had the handcuffs with
him ready
for business. The fault is in the boys taking
too much
whiskey and alcohol to the dances. Andrew Jenson
left for
the herd tonight. William A. Crane gave us a sack of sugar
Friday, January 8th. I am 70 years old
today - it has
been 49 years since I joined the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints. I have always felt thankful that I heard
the gospel preached and embraced it when I did and
gathered with the Saints. I believed the gospel long before
I embraced it. Before I was baptized I was
afraid of the
sneers and the scoffs of the world and I was
afraid I would
never have the courage to obey what I believed
was true.
When I was 21 I lived in the same family where the nurse
girl was a Latter-day Saint, her name was
Susan Thain. We
became very intimate. I went to the meetings with her,
and I was soon baptized and got a testimony of the truth of
the gospel, that testimony has never left me. I know that
the gospel is true and that Joseph Smith was a true prophet
raised up in this last dispensation and that he was one of the
Sunday so Brother Thomas Butterfield took
charge of the
greatest prophets that ever lived upon the earth
with the
exception of the Savior. After I was baptized and
got a
testimony for myself, all fear left me, I never cared nor
feared the scoffs or scorns of the world although my
nearest friends turned against me or those that I
were my friends. I never lost anything, I made more
among the Saints than I lost among the gentiles and as
oil and water don't mix, neither can I feel
like mixing
with those that are not of us. I always have felt at home
among the Saints but far from home among outsiders.
The Latter-day Saints are the best people
there are upon the
earth. Take them as a whole but we are not as good as
we should be. If we lived up to the requirements of the
gospel we should be a much better people
than we are for
the teachings and good instructions we get from time to
time and the light and knowledge we have received of the
gospel we should be the best people. There will
be more
required of us than any other people for where much is
given much will be required.
Sunday, January I0th. It has been blowing and snowing
and drifting. It has been a very cold stormy day. We had
one missionary today, Brother Hamilton from Riverton.
Brother Smith also spoke he
is here from Draper, he is one
of the High Council of this stake. He is appointed to
visit with the people of Herriman, to stay for a few
days or
a week and visit every family and a friendly chat with
them. Sing and pray with them and try to make those that
feel bad, feel good and those that feel good, to feel better.
There will be some appointed to go with him, to show him
around and introduce him to the families that he is not
acquainted with.
Monday, January 11th. Brother
Smith, one of the High
Council of the Jordan Stake also Almon Butterfield
Rowland Freeman, me with us today. We had a friendly
chat together and then sang a hymn. Brother Almon
field prayed with us to press on and strive to keep the
commandments of God. They sang "Do What Is Right",
Brother Smith dismissed. We felt good to
have them talk
to us.
Andrew Jenson came home with the ranks on
January 13th, went back to the herd
on the 14th. The
young ladies got up a surprise on the bishop
and counselors
and presented them with an album each. They met in the
meeting house and had a very enjoyable time. There was
quite a crowd there, would been more but it was
such a
stormy night. We had the deepest snow here than
we have
had for years. Thomas Freeman and Ida Eastman got
married last week in the Temple.
Sunday, January 24th. It was missionary
Sunday. We had
Bishop Bills Sr. and Willy Crump Jr. as missionaries here
today. It was so cold and stormy I never went to meeting.
We have deeper snow here now than we have
had for
12 years.
Sunday, January 31st. We still have deep
snow on the
ground and it keeps so cold that there is no
chance for it to
melt, we have such cold freezing nights. It
wasn't missionary
meeting. Moroni Dansie was buried at Riverton today and
most of the leading brethren went down to the
funeral. He
was the oldest son of Robert Dansie Jr., he was not married.
His mother died when lie was very young.
He was about
25 years of age, he was a very good boy.
Wrote to Arizona,
also one to Bess Clark.
Sunday, February 7th. It has been snowing
all day. It was
conference at Sandy.
We have about two-foot of snow on
the ground. It has quit snowing tonight but
freezing quite
hard, it is a very cold night.
Thursday, February 11th. Sarah Butterfield and Samuel
buried their little girl today, age three
lacking a month.
Friday, February 12th. Got a letter from Uncle William
Cadwallader's family from South Africa. William
wallader, my mother's brother went to Africa as Welshean
March 1st. Today we buried Sister Angeline
Saturday night, February 27th, we had one
of the biggest
snowstorms of the season.
March 16th.
The Relief Society held their annual cele-
bration of the first organization of the Relief
Society and
a dance at night, the ladies paid 25c each
for their ticket.
Thursday, March 17th. Brother Charles
Crump died at
Herriman an old and highly respected citizen, age 74.
Yesterday, Wednesday March 16th he spoke
at the Relief
Society Annual meeting and this morning,
Thursday 17th,
he died. It was quite a shock to us although
he had been
a great sufferer for a long time.
Sunday, March 20th. Brother Crump was buried,he was
it good faithful Latter-day Saint.
Sunday, March 27th. Hyrum Crane and family
are down
on a visit from Montpelier. Went to meeting, had supper
with us and then went to conjoint meeting in
the evening.
April 13, 1904. I went
to conference, went in on the
31st of March came back on the 4th of
April. Had a
pleasant time visiting with my sister and other
relatives and
friends in the city.
This is January 23, 1905, you will see by
this I have not
written in my journal for some time. I was 71 the 8th of
this month. I was 21 when I was baptized so I have been
50 years in the Church and I have never
had any cause for
any complaints against any of the authorities
of the Church
or any of the principles of the gospel but
have always felt
for I knew they were right. I was acquainted with
five of the presidents of the Church as
follows: Brigham
Young, John Taylor, Wilford
Woodruff, Lorenzo Snow
and Joseph F. Smith that now presides and I
know them to
be all good faithful men.
In August 1905 1 had a growth come in my right breast.
It was a small lump when I first noticed
it. I never said
anything about it until it began to pain me. I
went to
Murray and saw Doctor Furribee
in April 1906, it had
been growing then for about eight months. As
soon as the
doctor saw it the said it was a bad case of Rose
Cancer and I
would have to go to the hospital and have my
breast taken
off. It got so bad I concluded to go in and go
under the
operation as the doctor told me nothing else would
save my life. When I got
in town I changed my mind and thought
I would try some other treatment that did nor use the knife,
so I took the brave treatment. I went and got baptized in
the Temple and
got administered to there. I was admin-
istered too, the night before I left for the
hospital and my
breast hasn't pained me so bad since.
It is now
the 3rd of May 1906.
1 went to fast meeting
today and got administered to and I have faith
that I will
get alright. My breast doesn't pain me but very little and
I think it will go away in time. It took time to come and
it will take time to go. I will relate a vision that I had a
few weeks before I went into the hospital, I will write it
on a sheet of paper just as I saw it
May 3, 1
906 was the last entry in Alice Crane's journal.
The vision she spoke of was lost before
she died. She was
an ardent Temple
worker, the last part of her journal was
filled with names of her- dead ancestry. A complete record
of work finished and names yet to be worked for. In loan-
ing the book to members of her family the vision disap-
Bessie Clark B. Kimball, Alice's niece age 84, gave the
information, November 9, 1 950.
"The Cad-
walladers were descendants of the three blessed
was King of England, he was a righteous man
of righteous seed. Their ancestry has been traced back to
Joseph of Arimathea, who furnished the tomb for Jesus
Christ to be buried in and help prepare his body for burial."
Auntie, as she was lovingly called by all who knew
was small in stature, being of frail build. Her features were
small and delicate, her piercing steel blue eyes had a
twinkle when she was amused. Her hair was brown. She
was always neat, tidy and clean in her dress and
She never cared for fancy clothes nor let the fashions of the
day bother her. She resembled her father, John Davis, a
stone cutter and Weslean singer. The Cadwalladers,
mother's family, had little to do with Alice,
as they had no
no use for her father, thinking he was beneath them
socially. At an early age she went in service for distant
relatives by the name of Roger, on Caldie Island.
She spent
very little of her time at home after that and had no
opportunity to attend school.
In regards to the Vision, Bessie Kimball
remembered her
mentioning it to the effect it was made know to her, her
mission in life was drawing to a close. She was warned to
get her affairs in order. She said Auntie told them, "I've
had a warning to put my house in order, my
time is limited,
I'm ready to go, I
feel I haven't lived in vain. Please do
not mourn for me."
The fact she had never borne a child had
always been a
heartache and keen disappointment to Alice. True to her gospel
willingly gave her consent for James to go into
polygamy. Before Lizzie's first child was born, she suffered
from pangs of jealousy and felt a little
resentment that she
couldn't give James a child. When the baby James was
placed in her arms all resentment and bitterness
left her.
The void in her heart was filled, she called him 'her boy".
As each child came her love for them
increased and filled
her life. James' children had from Alice the love and devo-
tion of a second mother.
Franklin T. Crane says, "She was one
of the choice and
most noble character" he has ever known.
Right was right
with her regardless of consequence. She never
failed to
correct a fault or failing, always upholding
truth and right.
She never held a grudge,
she may chastise severly one day,
greet you kindly and lovingly the next time she
met you.
Her influence was strongly felt in shaping
and building the
character of all James' children." The place
she held in their
hearts was almost equal to the love they gave
their own
A number of years ago in Europe,
two Latter-day Saint
Missionaries meeting for the first time
and laboring to-
gether were discussing qualities that made for
womanhood. Strange as it may seem both selected
Alice D.
Crane as their ideal for it perfect woman.
Another proof of the esteem in which she
is held, is the
fact that a number of grand-daughters bear the
name of
Alice. In 1947-48 when the general Relief
Society was
attempting to raise a million dollar building fund,
name sake donated a dollar in memoriam to Alice, so her
name could be placed in the corner stone with
Due to some mistake in payment of taxes
and loss of
property, Alice
divided James' remaining property equally
three times with Rachel and Elizabeth.
After the vision mentioned, Alice willed the home to
Lizzie which they had
always shared together.
She got all
her affairs in legal order. She stated she
couldn't meet
James unless she knew she had dealt
honestly and justly
towards his family in the little worldly
possessions left.
Alice loved flowers and was a splendid
gardener, superior to most
men and women. Both her vegetable and flower
gardens were the envy of all. She generously shared
products with friends and neighbors. A number of
in Herriman today
boast of a start of Auntie Crane's
February 21,
1875 Alice became the President of the
Herriman Relief Society, this position she held
until Janu-
ary 15, 1888. She accomplished much good. Times
she taught the sisters to braid and make straw hats.
Under direct advise from Brigham Young, to
the society.
Mullberry trees were planted around the public
Some of these are still growing today. An
attempt to
raise silk worms was made. This wasn't too
owing to climatic conditions and the project
was discon-
tinued. Mary Jane Crane, says she remembers
Auntie and
her mother, Olive Miller, as Relief Society visting teachers,
never missing a month, year after year."
She respected her
efficient and capable manner of accomplishing any
she attempted. She always had time to be
patient and kind
to children."
Alice did much to relieve the suffering and
helped in homes
in times of sickness and death.
Sarah Jane Crane says, 'Many a time she
remembers Auntie
would drop into her mother's home and take a
basket of clothes to be ironed, returning it
ironed. Her mother was a very delicate woman and
had a
number of small children. Auntie was an
excellent cook and
home maker."
For a time
in the summer of 1906, Alice had hopes of
recovery, then she grew steadily worse. The cancer growing
rapidly, and developed a leaf or petal-like growth one
after another.
William A. and Frank took her to a most
highly recom-
mended doctor in Salt Lake.
He advised against operation,
telling them to take her home and make her as
able as possible.
Elizabeth and daughter Mary nursed her and
waited on
her day and night. Rachel came in twice daily
to dress
the terrible cancer. All other members of
family and com-
munity did all that was humanly possible to
alleviate her
suffering but to no avail. March 11,
1907 she passed away
at her home in Herriman.
Eight life-long friends spoke
eulogistically of her worthy life.
Praising her as a good neighbor, true and
kind friend,
devoted Latter-day Saint being an energetic
worker in
Relief Society, Mutual Improvement and Civic Directions.
She was indeed
one of the Lord's chosen hand maidens,
having no enemies. It could be said of her, as
of Nathaniel
of old, 'She was indeed a woman without