Zephaniah Jones

     Zephaniah married Amelia Amy Morris on July 5, 1845. They had six children: Jane, who sailed to America in 1863 and was lost crossing the plains and never heard from again; William, who stayed in Wales, Jemima and Zephaniah, who died in their youth in Wales, Amelia, who married LeRoy Vader; and Joseph, who married Emma Rosetta Lusk. Amelia Amy Morris died December 21, 1857, at the age of 31.

     Zephaniah married Caroline Thomas and to this union six children were born. They sailed to America on the ship Amazon and landed in New York. They crossed the plains and made their way to Willard. Caroline died December 18, 1869 leaving a 15-day old baby. She was the first person buried in the new Willard Cemetery.

     Zephaniah Jones and Phoebe Davis were married April 20, 1874, in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City, Utah. Phoebe also stood as proxy for Amelia Morris and Caroline Thomas to be sealed to Zephaniah. Shortly after they were married they
moved to the Malad Valley. They were members of the St. John Ward.

     They built a log cabin in the middle of the valley. They farmed and had a dairy in the Dairy Creek area. Four children were born to them: Albert Davis Jones, born September 22, 1875, married Margaret Fairlie Jenkins February 10, 1904, and died October 9, 1921; George Wilford Jones, born November 3,1877, married Lillian Perry March 27, 1902, and died December 7, 1941; Phoebe Caroline Jones, born January 17, 1880, married William Hill, and died June 21, 1943; and Samuel Davis Jones, born May 7, 1882, married Hannah Mae Williams, March 23, 1904, and died 9 Dec 1929.

     On the homestead in Dairy Creek they had a complete dairy with water wheel, cheese room, and corrals. They made cheese and butter. Zephaniah would haul the product to market in a wagon. Phoebe would come to Malad in a buggy and sell cheese and butter to buy what she need for her household. They probably lived at Dairy Creek in the summer and in the valley in the winter. Zephaniah was deaf in his later years. He had health problems for quite awhile. He died June 11, 1883, at the age of 59 and was buried in the St. John Cemetery.




Jones, Zephaniah


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