Evans, Taliesin Thomas - Journal

[Note: The journal was typed by Delna Evans Macfarlane, a granddaughter of Taliesin Thomas Evans. The spelling has been kept as he recorded it and the spelling of place names has been kept as he spelled it as far as it could be determined what he wrote. For some places the modern spelling is written in brackets. Some long dangling sentences have been separated for clarity. Capitalization of words has been modernized in many instances.]

Missionary Journal of Taliesin Thomas Evans -- May 1891 to October 12, 1892


May 21st. 91

I received a letter from President Woodruff stating that I was appointed to go on a mission to Great Britain, of such I accepted and counciled with my parents on the matter and they were agreeable also. It was quite a surprise for me because I never thought of anything of that nature falling to my lot, but I felt determined to fulfill the call which had been made of me, and to get ready and go as an ambassador of Christ to preach the gospel to my fellowman. Since that time I was rebaptised for the remission of my sins and was ordained an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; then following, went through the "Temple" which is situated in Manti, Sanpete County. The night I came home from being through the "House," I was surprised by going into our cabin, and wittnessing a jolly crowd of my Bretherin and Sisters, and also friends, who had gathered themselves together for the purpose of making a surprise party. The tables was spread with different kind of cakes and other things which was pleasing to the taste, and can say that we had a feast of fat things. We also had music by the String Band, and a dance now and then was performed; can say that I enjoyed the party very well. Since that time they made a farewell party for me in the "Meeting House" which was convened at two oclock in the afternoon. There was quite a few present. Again at night, we had a dance and to give credit to the attendants, they gave each 50 cts up to a dollar esctra [etcetera] from the general charge of dancing. This is about the brief news up to date.

June 25th. 91

Today I left home for Salt Lake and also for my mission. Can say that it was a hard parting. Some of the folks came down to Scofield while my Brother David accompanied me down to P. V. Junction [Pleasant Valley Junction], a distance of 19 miles. After staying a while in P.V., the train came along and we had to part with each other again. This I must say was the hardest parting for me being that it was the last one. I arrived at Salt Lake O.K. Slept that night at a friend's house by the name of Benjamin Rowlands. They was surprised to hear that I was going on a mission.

June 26th. 91

Today I went to the Historians Office and met with Bro's [Brothers] Roderick Davies, J. H. Davies, James Gatherum, James S. Anderson and many more bretherin who were going on a mission. I was ordained a Seventy by Bro. George Reynolds and also at the same time gave me my blessing. We all slept over night in a hotel in the city.

June 27th. 91

All feeling quite well this morning, went to the Rio Grand Depot, took train at 9:30 P.M.[A.M.] Spent quite a nice time going along in the train, and while passing P.V. Junction I thought of the dear Old Home up in the hills. At Castle Gate I met with Magy Ann, my brother's wife sister, shook hands and kissed each other goodbye, left her with tears in her eyes. We arrived at Green River at 6 P.M. where the train stopped for supper.

June 28th. 91

Arrived at Pueblo this morning at twelve oclock after a long ride from Green River through the Rocky Mountains, which was a grand sight. The train stopped at the Royal Gorge where we had a view at the highest peak in the Rockies. Changed cars at Pueblo and left there at 4 P.M. Arrived at La Junction 6 P.M. We again changed cars then was allright for Kansas.

June 29th. 91

We arrived in Kansas at 5 A.M. did not stay long, but pulled out again and went along pretty lively. There was some very nice soil along the way we travelled. Night came on. So we again spread out seats and went to sleep.

June 30th. 91

Arrived at the great city Chicago at 8:30 P.M. [A.M.] We went out and viewed around town awhile which indeed was grand. Some of the buildings reached up so far as 18 flights in heighth. We left Chicago at 1:30 P.M. The next stop was James Town. From here, fifteen of us as missionaries went to Buffilo and from there to the Niagra Falls. We stayed there three hours during which time we viewed the lovely scenery around the grand "Water Falls" being the greatest attraction. Can say that my trip to the Niagra Falls will never be forgotten.

July 1st. 91

We arrived at Buffelo at 10:30 A.M. had some food to eat in the lunch room, then was off again, many fine sights was to be see along the way to New York.

July 2d. 91

Arrived at New York at 12 oclock. We put up at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. In the afternoon we roamed around the city, at the same time visiting Brooklyn Bridge which is the finest piece of work in existance of its kind.

July 3d. 91

Went out to the city for a walk and got our tickets fixed, then visited the Central Park, one of the finest Parks in the World. In connection with the park were lakes with small boats here and there floating upon it. Also they had a managery where all kinds of animals was to be seen. After viewing "Central Park," we took boat for "Bedloes Island" where stands the Goddess of Liberty, which is immense, large. From the foundation up to where she stood was 164 steps and from there up to the head was 365 steps, and being that the passage up through the arm was closed, we could not go up, but according to statement there were 102 steps from the head to the arm. Five men could seat in each finger. This wonderfull monument was constructed by the French.

July 4th. 91

Went on board of ship at 2 oclock, name of Steamer -- Wyoming. There were three hundred people on board. We set sail at 4 oclock and after much shouting and wavering of hankercheifs, we was soon out on the open sea. The number of my bunk was 117. Myself, Bro's Davis, Gatherum, and Anderson slept in the same room. We were in the Second Cabin. At 8:30 P.M. we had prayers Bro. J. H Davies being mouthpiece to the Lord.

July 5th. 91

This evening they had a concert down in the Steerage, Bro J. H. Davies sang a song entitled "The Wondering Refuge." Spent quite an enjoyable time. Prayer was offered by myself this evening.

July 7th/91

We are all quite well. The sea was nice and calm, and everything favourable for the Old Steamer to get along.

July 8th. 91

Prayer by Bro J. H. Davies this morning. The whales were to be seen blowing the water up into the air today, which was quite interesting to look on. Also we saw some of these swift swimmers they call poppers keeping up along with the ship for quite a distance. Prayer was offered by Bro Anderson this evening.

July 9th. 91

Prayer this morning by Bro J. H. Davies. The sea was calm. This evening we attended a concert in the second cabin. Bro J. H. sang the song entitled "Save My Mother's Picture From the Sale."

Spent a good time.

July 10th. 91

The weather was rather cold today. There was an argument between a Methodist preacher and an Infidel. The preacher seemed to be a very nice man. A man by the name of Slate died today from the yellow disease. He will be cast into the open sea tomorrow. Prayer was offered this evening by Bro Anderson.

July 11th. 91

Prayer was offered up this morning by Brother Gatherum. They held a service over the dead man today. The 15th chap of Corinthians was read, after which, they slid the man over board. It was a pityfull sight. The man came from Petersburg, Pensylvania. Bro Gatherum offered prayer this evening.

July 12th. 91

Prayer was offered up this morning by myself; the weather was cold. At 2 oclock we attended a service held by the Church of England. The first speaker took his text from the 55th chap. of Isaiah, and the second gave an oration on the "Prodical Son." We retired at 9:30 P.M.

July 13th. 91

Prayer this morning by Bro J. S. Anderson. In the evening we again attended another concert in the Saloon passenger. It was gotten up for the purpose of presenting the Stewarts of the ship. Bro J. H. Davies sang a song. Bro Gatherum prayed tonight.

July 14th. 91

Brother J. H. Davies prayed for us this morning. Bro Davies was 22 years of age today. We had ice cream on the occasion. Tonight we came in sight of a lighthouse viz: Bulhcowcalf. They got some luggage up from below, for they expected to be near Gwent Town early in the morning. Prayer by myself this evening.

July 15th. 91

Prayer by Bro Anderson. We rose up this morning at 4 oclock. It was quite cold. There was quite a few people that went off our boat for Queen's Town. This evening we stayed on deck untill 9:30 singing, dancing etc. Holy Head Light House could be seen and also the mountains of Wales. Prayer was offered this evening by Brother John H. Davies.

July 16th. 91

We were all up early this morning, and feeling well. At last we arrived in Liverpool time of day 6:30 A.M. From 42 Islington were Bro's Anderson & Robertson who came for the purpose of escorting us to this place. After arriving, we was instructed in different ways and were alotted to our fields of labour. Myself, Bro's Roderick, & J. H. Davies was appointed to labour in the Welsh Conference and Bro's Gatherum and Anderson in the Scottish Conference. After dinner "we that was going to the Welsh Conference," took train for Cardiff, there meeting with Pres. Rich and Bro T. B. Evans. They took us to the Conference House which is situated about 2 mile from the Station, where we was made quite comfortable.

July 17th. 91

Prayer was offered this morning by Bro T. B. Evans. After walking around town a while, myself & Bro's Davies took train for Merthyr Tydvil, arrived there at 7:30 P.M. We visited Bro and Sister Evans, 98 Twyn-y-rodyn, where I slept for the night, and Bro's Davies went up to Dowlais and visited their folks there. Can say that I was proud to see Bro Evans and family, having known them before leaving this country. We spent quite a nice time in the evening, then had prayers and retired to our beds.

July 18th. 91

Walked around town for a while and bought some things I needed, also visited Bro & Sister Richards, Twyn-y-rodyn [Twyn-yr-oden]. They also was surprised and glad to see me. I did not visit any of my relatives today, but will take all next week for that purpose.

July 19th. 91

This morning we had a Sunday School in the house of Bro Evans. There were present President Rich and Bro Thomas Rees who was back here for his genealogy. We spent quite a nice time. In the afternoon we had a Sacrament meeting Bro's Roderick & J. H. Davies was present, and also other bretherin and sisters. Can say that we had a good time. Also there was a meeting held at 6 P.M. after which we went up to Dowlais and held an open air meeting. There was quite a crowd gathered together. After meeting we parted with Bro's Davies they going to their relatives again.

July 20th. 91

This morning I accompanied Bro Rich to the station, he going to visit two bretherin who was labouring in Brecon, by the names of Edward T. Ashton & Joseph H Wilde. I am supposed to labour with the former, and the latter go to Cardiff to labour. Today I visited my Aunt in Pentrebach. They were greatly surprised to see me. Also stopped over to Abercanaid and visited my Uncle Jacob Mazey. He also was astonished to see me. After eating here I went back again to Pentrebach, then left there for Merthyr Vale, and visited Uncle and Aunt there. They also was greatly surprised to see me. I slept there that night.

July 21st. 91

This morning took train for Penrhiwceiber. Visited there some friends that I knew quite well, and they all treated me famously and was surprised and glad to see me. Slept that night in Mr Rees Davies's house.

July 22nd. 91

This morning I took a walk around the coal mines and the pit where I used to work in when living in this country. Also visited a coal mine belonging to Vinon Company and there saw a man that I knew well by the name of Benjamin Evans. I stayed in Penrhiwceiber untill the 24th then took train in the morning for Merthyr Vale, stayed there over night with my relatives, and the next morning again I took train for Merthyr, visited Sister Evans and stayed there for a while, then took train for Brecon, arriving at this town in the evening, and there met with Elders Ashton and Wilde who escorted me to their lodging place, which was quite comfortable. In this column I have the record of four days.

July 26th. 91

This morning we took a walk up through the woods, which was close by our lodging place, and after dinner we took another walk, and at six oclock we held an open air meeting. We had a few to listen unto us. Again at 7:30 P.M. we held another meeting. This time having quite a congregation to listen unto us. We also distributed some tracts among the people after which we returned home.

July 27th. 91

The weather was fine. Bro Wilde left us today for Cardiff. We accompanied him to the Station, and after seeing him off, Brother Ashton and myself went out tracting to a small village by the name of Tal-y-bont, [Talybont] distributed 34 tracts. This is a farming district situated about 7 miles from Brecon. This evening we heard a man on the street lecturing on electricity. He gave some very good remarks on the same.

July 28th. 91

Today we visited a very old church in Brecon and there saw a tombstone which was over a thousand years old. I wrote two letters abroad.

July 29th. 91

The weather was damp. We took a walk up to the Station to see what time the train would leave for Hay tomorrow if we depart at 10:30 A.M. After this we came home and studied most part of the day.

July 30th. 91

We took a walk this morning up through the woods, the weather was kind of showery. We took the 10:30 train for Hay arriving there at fifteen minutes to twelve, and after looking around town for a while, we succeeded in finding lodgings. The folks seems to be very kind. Hay is quite a little town built on a kind of a nole. It is noted for its market where the people from the surrounding farming districts comes in to sell their products. Wrote a letter to my Parents.

July 31st. 91

Went out to a small village in Radnorshire, Vily Clyro, and gave out 42 tracts. They are decorating the streets of this town today for the purpose of celebrating the 3rd of August or Bank Holiday. The village we tracted is situated about 2 miles from here, & a farming district.

Agust 1st. 91

Went up on a hill called Black Mountain, and viewed the place where the soldiers is going to camp Monday. There were quite a few of the soldiers that came in today. I wrote two letters.

Agust 2nd. 91

The weather was quite rough. Today is Sunday. So we administered the Sacrament. We stayed in the house and studied most part of the day.

Agust 3rd. 91

The weather some parts of the day was wet. We took in the sports they held here today, and can say that it was quite interesting. They had a brass band there which played very nice. They also let balloons up in the air. They also had a Proffessor who had a big balloon, and was going to go up in it, but it bursted by beating up against the hedges which was close by. Therefore, he failed to make the attempt. They expect that he will make another attempt next Saturday.

Agust 4th. 91

The weather was damp. The soldiers were going to have a sham flight, but owing to the weather they failed. We stayed in the house most part of the day and studied the Gospel.

Agust 5th. 91

We tracted two villages today, Vily Lions and Glaisbury [Glasbury], the former place is situated about 3 miles from here, and the latter, six miles. Gave out 76 tracts. Received a letter today from my Aunt in Leeds stating of the death of my Uncle and cousin. I also answered the same, and wrote a letter to my aunt in Victoria.

Agust 6th. 91

The weather was fine. It is market in town today. So owing to the same we did not tract any. Wrote a letter to my Aunt in Merthyr Vale.

Agust 7th. 91

It was fair weather. Walked up to the Black Mountain and viewed the soldiers drilling but we was rather late. So we did not get to see much. We gathered the tracts in from the village Clyro and gave out others instead, and notified them that we would hold service there Sunday if the weather permitted. Wrote a letter to my Aunt in Leeds.

Agust 8th. 91

The weather was quite windy. The Professer again attempted to go up in the balloon but failed owing to the wind being so strong.

Agust 9th. 91

The weather was quite damp. So we was quite disappointed, being that we thought of going out to Clyro to preach. We administered the Sacrament and studied the gospel.

Agust 10th. 91

The weather was fine, went out town and distributed 91 tracts, then came back and studied the Bible.

Agust 11th. 91

The weather was quite miserably wet. We started out to tract a small village about 4 miles from here. But it got to [too] wet. So we returned home and studied the gospel most part of the day.

Agust 12th. 91

Went out tracting in town gave out 69 tracts. Wrote a letter home to Father and Mother, also one to a friend of mine by the name of J. A. Janes. Comitted a passage of scripture to memory, Matt. 24--14.

Agust 13th. 91

The weather was very fine, went out to Lions the evening and gave out fifteen tracts, then came to Clyro and distributed 45 tracts and held a meeting. Had a very good congregation to listen to us considering the village to be small. Bro Ashton spoke well on the principles of the gospel, after which I bore my testimony to the truth of what he had said. Passage of scripture to memory, Matt 12th -- 32.

Agust 14th. 91

Went out to the village Glaisbury and distributed sixty tracts and also gathered in the tracts that we gave out about a week ago. Passage of scripture to memory, Heb. 11th -- 7.

Agust 15th. 91

The weather is rather cold. Stayed in the house most part of the day and studied the gospel. Committed passage of scripture to memory, Rev. 14 -- 6-7 verses.

Agust 16th. 91

The weather was very fine today, went out to Glaisbury and held a meeting. Had a few to listen unto us. We also fasted and administered the Sacrament. Passage of Scripture to memory, John 3 -- 16 verse.

Agust 17th. 91

The weather was cloudy, went out tracting in town. Gave out 80 tracts. Elders J. J. Williams & Morgan D. Warner visited us today from Radnor Town, Radnorshire. Was glad to see each other, we spent the evening very pleasantly. Wrote four letters, two home and two for this country. Passage of scripture to memory, John 3 -- 5th verse.

Agust 18th. 91

The weather was fine. Bro's Williams and Warner left us today for their destinations, we walked with for about five miles, had a good time in singing etc. along the road. By coming back Bro Ashton & myself gave out fifteen tracts to some scattering farm houses. Wrote two letters. Eph 4 -- 4,5,6.

Agust 19th. 91

It was unfavourable weather. Gave out forty seven tracts in town, and also gathered some in. Passage of scripture to memory, Matt 5 -- 18th verse.

Agust 20th. 91

The weather was quite damp. Did not do any tracting. This evening myself and Bro Ashton went down along side of the river and saw a swimming match. It was quite interesting. Passage of scripture to memory, 1st Pet 3rd -- 14 verse.

Agust 21st. 91

The weather this morning was tolerable fine. Went out to Glaisbury and tracted it. Gave out 49 tracts. This evening we went out to Clyro and held an open air meeting, had a few to listen to us. We walked today about 18 miles. Passage of scripture committed to memory, Matt 7 -- 21.

Agust 22nd. 91

Today we did not do any tracting owing to the people being so busy. Stayed indoors most part of the day. Passage of scripture committed to memory, Mark 1 -- 4.

Agust 23rd. 91

The weather this morning was unfavourable but towards the afternoon it cleared up. After partaking of the Sacrament this afternoon, we went out to Lions and held a meeting there, and can say that we had pretty near all of the people of that little village out listening to us and we had a splendid meeting. We also held a meeting here in Hay and had quite a few to listen to us here also and we distributed about 91 tracts among the people. We also gave out 20 tracts in Lions. Passage of scripture to memory Is 24 -- 5.

Agust 24th. 91

Was tracting in town, gave out 67 tracts. This evening went and saw another swimming contest, this time for the first to catch a duck. It was very interesting. James 2 -- 18.

Agust 25th. 91

The weather damp. Spent most of the time indoors. Wrote letters to Bro's Thomas M. and Joseph Richards. Mark 16 -- 15,16.

Agust 26th. 91

Was out tracting in town. Gave out 59 tracts and while tracting one man, he told me not to come there again because he would only burn the tracts. Acts 2 -- 38.

Agust 27th. 91

The weather was unfavourable. We did not go out tracting owing to it being Market Day with the people and they came from all directions to attend it. So we spent most of our time indoors reading. John 14 -- 16.

Agust 28th. 91

The weather this morning was quite damp, but towards the evening it cleared up, and we went out to Lions and held another meeting and, while doing so, a gentleman interrupted us and accused us of preaching out of another bible, and Bro Ashton showed him the bible that he had in his hand and then [he] went away unbelieving, but we had a good meeting. Matt 5 -- 10-11.

Agust 29th. 91

Did not do any tracting. A soldier was getting buried in town today and there were quite a few of the soldiers in their uniform attending his funeral. There was also a band playing in front of it. We followed it up to the church and attended the services. Myself and Bro Ashton got our photos taken today. Passage of scripture to memory, Acts 19 -- 5,6.

Agust 30th. 91

The weather was fine and after partaking of the Sacrament this afternoon, we went out to Clyro and held a meeting and distributed 46 tracts. We also held a meeting here in Hay and distributed 60 tracts. Peter 3 -- 14.

Agust 31st. 91

The weather was rather stormy. Went out tracting in town, gave out 73 tracts. Received letters this morning from Bro's David and Hector. Luke 12 -- 11.

Sep 1st. 1891

The weather was awfull stormy, did not do any tracting. Matt 4 -- 18,19.

Sep 2nd. 91

Was out tracting three small villages. Vily Tregaid [Tregoyd in Glasbury Parish], Valindra [Velindre or Felindre], and Fortlace [Probably Fforddlas]. They are in Breconshire. Gave out 40 tracts. Matt 12 -- 49,50.

Sep 3rd. 91

The weather being so disagreeable today, we did not go out tracting. Wrote letters to Bro's David and Richard and also sent them my photo and also enclosed for William. [All three his siblings.]

Sep 4th. 91

The weather disagreeable. Stayed indoors most of the time. John 3rd -- 5 verse.

Sep 5th. 91

The weather was fine. I took a walk out to a small village by the name of Clifford and while there I visited the ruins of an old Castle which was situated on a little nole. It was broken down by Oliver Cromwell, and according to the peoples sayings, it has some underground rooms, but the government will not allow them to excavate. I also saw the cottage where Osmond use to live. He was some notable man at that time. Matt 12 -- 36.

Sep 6th. 91

The weather was stormy. This morning we held a Sunday School between us and partook of the Sacrament. Did not go out preaching owing to the inclemancy of the weather but stayed indoors and studied the gospel. Mark 5 -- 14,15.

Sep 7th. 91

The weather fogy and damp. Distributed a few tracts in town. Matt 8 -- 29.

Sep 8th. 91

The weather was fair. Myself and Bro Ashton took a walk out along the hedges and enjoyed ourselves in picking blackberries. This evening we went to Lions again and held a meeting, had a good time.

Sep 9th. 91

Was out tracting two small villages, Vily Valindra and Fortlace, gave out 41 tracts. Mark 18 -- 24,25,26.

Sep 10th. 91

We have had some beautiful weather today. We did not go out tracting being that it was market with them. Matt 16th -- 27.

Sep 11th. 91

We went out to Clifford and gave out 24 tracts. It has been very warm today. Matt 5 -- 17.

Sep 12th. 91

The weather was beautifull. I was up on Kusop Hill today and had a good view on the country around. It was lovely to take in the fresh breeze. Did not do any tracting. Rom 6 -- 4.

Sep 13th. 91

The weather was fine. Was out to Valindra and Fortlace and held a meeting in each place. We also held a meeting here in Hay at 7 P.M. and while holding our meeting, a gentleman interrupted us, by accusing us of somethings that was false and we told him that we would meet him at the Town Clock on Wensday night at seven oclock. Matt 18th -- 58.

Sep 14th. 91

The weather was damp. Did not do any tracting. Went out for a walk along the road and enjoyed ourselves in picking blackberries. I also wrote a letter home this evening. John 10 -- 16.

Sep 15th. 91

The weather was a little damp, was out tracting in town, gave out 48 tracts. John 3 -- 11.

Sep 16th. 91

The weather was cloudy. Bro's Williams and Warner came and visited us today from Radnorshire and according to the promises made by us last Sunday evening, we went up to the clock and held a meeting. But no sooner had we started than a gentleman interrupted us. They have been circulating a tract against us here which contains much falsehoods about us and this gentleman, I suppose, was the circulater of this tract. So we asked him to prove what he had said about us in the tract and [he] said that he would. So he prayed and started to speak and he spoke there for about fifteen minutes, but did not touch the proving of the tract. So when the people urged him to do so, he started preaching on polygamy and got the people hot against us insomuch that we had to dismiss one meeting, and coming back home, we was escorted with about two hundred children howling at the top of their voices and can say that I will never forget that night.

Cor 14 -- 33.

Sep 17th. 91

Bro's Williams and Warner left us today. We went with them on the road for about three miles. Left the bretherin feeling well. Passage of scripture to memory Cor 12 -- 12.

Sep 18th. 91

The weather this morning was miserable but towards the afternoon it cleared up. There was an agriculture show here today. So we did not give out any tracts. John 16 -- 2.

Sep 19th. 91

The weather was unfavourable. So we did not give out any tracts, and the people also are busy in fixing up for tomorrow, Sunday. Stayed in the house most of the time. Luke 6 -- 26.

Sep 20th. 91

The weather was tolerable fair. Held a meeting here in Hay, had a few to listen unto us. Passage of scripture to memory, Matt 5 -- 19.

Sep 21st. 91

The weather was unfavourable, therefore we did not do any tracting. We administered the Sacrament this afternoon being that we missed doing so on Sunday. Acts 4 -- 12.

Sep 22nd. 91

The weather was fair, was out tracting a small village and gathering in the tracts we had left there before. We gave out 24 tracts. Received a letter today from J. A. Jones, Scofield. I also received papers from home. 1st Corinth 12 -- 12.

Sep 23rd. 91

The weather was beautifull. Was out to the villages Tregaid and Valindra and gave out 61 tracts and gathered some in. Mark 1 -- 9.

Sep 24th. 91

Market day again in town did not do any tracting. Wrote letters to David and Richard. Passage of scripture to memory, Matt 10 -- 16.

Sep 25th. 91

We walked about six miles around some scattering houses and gave out 58 tracts. I received a letter this morning from my parents, also answered the same and wrote a letter to Elder Grant Y. Bullock, Birmingham. Passage of scripture to memory, Luke 6 -- 22nd.

Sep 26th. 91

The weather was miserable. Did not do any tracting. Acts 19 -- 5,6 verses.

Sep 27th. 91

We held a meeting here in Hay this morning at about quarter past twelve. Then went out to Fortlace and Vellindra and held meetings there. So we have held three meetings today. We also distributed 38 tracts out there. We administered the Sacrament. Passage of scripture to memory, Eph 2 -- 19,20.

Sep 28th. 91

The weather was beautifull but we did not do any tracting being that we had so much writing to do. I received two letters from Father and Richard, also answered the same. John 5th chap. 25 verse.

Sep 29th. 91

The weather was bad. Went out tracting in town, gave out 46 tracts. Wrote letters to William, my brother and Daniel Thomas, Penrhiwceiber. 1st Peter 3 -- 9.

Sep 30th. 91

Was out tracting in Clifford, gave out 60 tracts and gathered the other ones in. We are thinking of preaching there on Sunday. 1st Pet 3 -- 18th verse.

October 1st. 91

Did not do any tracting, but stayed indoors writing etc. Received a letter from William and also answered the same. Wrote a letter to Father and also to Mother in the same envelope and sent the Stars home. 1st Pet 19 -- 20.

October 2nd. 91

The weather was disagreeable. Did not do any tracting. I have done considerable writing today. 1st Peter 4 -- 6 verse.

October 3rd. 91

Was out today to some scattering houses near Clifford and gave out 35 tracts. John 14 -- 16 verse.

October 4th. 91

The weather was fine. This morning we held a little Sunday School and administered the Sacrament, and at two oclock we held a meeting in Clifford. We had a few to listen unto us. We distributed also 44 tracts there. We also held a meeting here in Hay. John 16 -- 7.

October 5th. 91

The weather fine, went out to village which is situated about 7 miles from here, Vily Talgarth. We gave out there 287 tracts. Acts 2 -- 38.

October 6th. 91

The weather was unfavourable. Did not do any tracting. Received letters from Elders J. H. Davies and J. S. Anderson. I answered the former's letter. John 14 -- 26.

October 7th. 91

The weather was damp. We tracted a few houses close by and gave out 8 tracts. John 7 -- 17.

October 8th. 91

The weather was rough this morning, but towards the afternoon it turned out fine. I took a walk out about five miles and came to a place by the name of Castle Field. There was some nice country out that way. We also fasted today. 1st Pet 3 -- 21.

October 9th. 91

The weather seemed to[o] changeable today. We did not do any tracting. John 3 -- 5.

October 10th. 91

The weather disagreeable and wet. Spent most of the time in the house. 1st Peter 3 -- 14.

October 11th. 91

The weather being so wet we could not get out on the streets, we administered the Sacrament and studied the gospel. Passage of scripture to memory, Luke 7 -- 29. I wrote a letter home to my parents.

October 12th. 91

This morning we went out tracting a small street. We gave out 25 tracts. The weather was disagreeable this afternoon. Galations 1 -- 11,12.

October 13th. 91

It was storming all day, therefore we did not do any tracting. Gal 1 -- 8.

October 14th. 91

Storming. Spent most of the time in doors studying. Acts 19 -- 6.

October 15th. 91

Storming and stayed in the house all day. 1st Timothy 14 -- 6.

October 16th. 91

Storming today again. Therefore we did not do any tracting. Titus 3 -- 8.

October 17th. 91

Storming. Received two letters from Richard and Hector and I also answered the same. Received also some papers from home, and I sent my picture to them. Did not do any tracting. John 7 -- 16,17.

October 18th. 91

Today the weather was tolerable fine, went to Clifford and held a meeting there. Also distributed 12 tracts. We also held a meeting here in Hay. Lev 26 -- 33.

October 19th. 91

It was storming all day. Did not do any tracting. Isaiah 24 -- 5.

October 20th. 91

Thinking this morning that it would rain during the day we did not go out tracting, but it happened to turn out fine. Heb 11 -- 6.

October 21st. 91

The weather was fine, was out to the village Talgarth and gathered the tracts we had left there about a week ago, and gave out 147 tracts, and while around tracting we came in contact with two Calvanistic Methodist preachers. They were young men. They invited myself and Bro Ashton into the house and we had quite a long chat with them, but they did not uphold our doctrine. Anyway they did not confound us. John 16 -- 2.

October 22nd. 91

We did not do any tracting, but spent most of the time in the house and we are about through with this locality now and will soon give in our report. Matt 24 -- 14.

October 23rd. 91

We have done no tracting and we have fasted. Received six letters and answered some of them. Heb 11 -- 8.

October 24th. 91

The weather was fine, was out tracting in a small place by the name of Kusop, gave out 52 tracts, received the contributers from David, and had papers sent from home. Gal 1 -- 8.

October 25th. 91

The weather storming all day, therefore hindering us from going out preaching. Mark 3 -- 14,15.

October 26th. 91

It was storming all day, therefore we did not go out tracting. Eph 4 -- 32.

October 27th. 91

Storming. Stayed in the house all day studying the gospel. John 3 -- 3.

October 28th. 91

The weather was fine, went out tracting to Talgarth, gave out 300 tracts. Exodus 4 -- 15.

October 29th. 91

The weather was fine. We have been busy today in preparing to go to Cardiff to attend Conference.

October 30th. 91

We arrived in Cardiff about 8 oclock and arriving at the Conference House about 8:30 P.M. We had the privilege of shaking hands with some missionary bretherin whom we had not seen before. Can say that it was quite a happy meeting.

October 31st. 91

We are all well. Bro Brigham arrived here today from Liverpool, and this evening we held a meeting and each one gave in his report of the labours done during the past few months. Bro Young gave us good instructions and a very good feeling prevailed during the meeting.

Nov 1st. 91

The weather was fine. Our Conference was held today and can say that I have enjoyed myself splendidly. There was several of the saints present at the conference. Also had a few of the world to attend our meetings. Apostle Brigham Young gave us some good instructions during the day.

Nov 2nd. 91

This morning there was a meeting held between us as missionaries and Brother Young was present and he gave us some good councils and encouraged us in our humble efforts to lay the gospel before the people. After the meeting Bro Young left for Liverpool. Tonight I witnessed quite a procession on the streets in Cardiff. It consisted of men and boys dressed in costumes and each one having paper lamps in their hand. There were also several with boxes collecting money. I believe it was for the benefit of some hospital. They had also two or three bands playing for them.

Nov 3rd. 91

A meeting held this morning for the purpose of appointing us to our different fields of labour. I was appointed to labour with Bro Morgan D. Warner. He is from Spanish Fork. We will labour in a place by the name of Rhayader. It is situated in Radnorshire.

Nov 4th. 91

We left Cardiff this morning at 10:30 arriving here in Rhayader at 4 oclock. We hunted for lodgings, but we could not find any to stay at while labouring here but found a place to sleep in over night.

Nov 5th. 91

Spent the day looking for lodgings and succeeded in finding a nice place. We are staying with a Welsh old lady by the name of Mrs. Bowen.

Nov 6th. 91

Was out tracting a small village by the name of Llanwrthwl. It is about three miles from here. We gave out 21 tracts. I wrote a letter to my Bro David.

Nov 7th. 91

Was out tracting two small villages, Vily St. Harmands and Pantydur [Pantydwr]. They are situated about 6 1/2 miles from here. We gave out forty tracts.

Nov 8th. 91

The weather cold. So did not do any preaching. We took a walk out to the country this morning for about five or six miles. There were some lovely scenery along the road.

Nov 9th. 91

Was out in Radnorshire and tracted some scattering houses, gave out 33 tracts.

Nov 10th. 91

Was out tracting a small village by the name of Nantmel which is situated about 4 1/2 [miles] from here, gave out 28 tracts. Received a letter and some papers from home, also a recitation book from my Hector.

Nov 11th. 91

The weather was rough and market in town today, so did not do any tracting. Received a letter from Hector and also answered the same and enclosed one for Bro L. M. Richards, Scofield.

Nov 12th. 91

Was out to the village Llanwrthwl and gave out 17 tracts and gathered the ones we had left about a week ago.

Nov 13th. 91

The weather, stormy. Spent most of the time indoors. Wrote a letter to my cousin Jacob Mazzey in Washington State, also sent the Stars home.

Nov 14th. 91

Was out tracting in St. Harmonds and Pantydur, gathered the tracts in we left there a week ago and gave out 34 tracts.

Nov 15th. 91

The weather was very wet, did not go outdoors. We administered the Sacrament. I wrote a letter to my Bro Richard.

Nov 16th. 91

Was out tracting a small village by the name of Duffrin Ellen. We gave out 16 tracts. Wrote letters to S. R. and Jane Brough, Portersvill, Utah.

Nov 17th. 91

Was out tracting to the village Nantaniel and gathered some tracts in, also gave out 19 tracts.

Nov 18th. 91

It has been market in town today. We did not do any tracting. We fasted all day. Wrote a letter to Pres T. B. Evans.

Nov 19th. 91

Owing to Bro Warner complaining of a pain in his side, we did not go out tracting but spent most of the time indoors.

Nov 20th. 91

Bro Warner feeling a little better, but was unable to go tracting. I received four letters from home, also answered the same. Also received the Stars.

Nov 21st. 91

Was out tracting a small village by the name of Abbeycwmhir, gave out 26 tracts including the houses on the road. Bro Warner had to return home, owing to the pain in his hip. Received a letter from Bro Samuel A. Brough.

Nov 22nd. 91

The weather unfavourable. Spent most of the time indoors and we administered the Sacrament. Received letters from Hector and D. A. Jones, also answered the same and wrote a letter to Bro David James, Penrhiwceiber.

Nov 23rd. 91

I was out tracting the small village Llanwrthwl, gave out 17 tracts. Bro Warner was sick and unable to go out tracting.

Nov 24th. 91

Bro Warner unable again to go out tracting. So I went out alone and tracted a village by the name of Pantydur, gave out 41 tracts, had quite a few conversations with the people.

Nov 25th. 91

It is market in town today. So we stayed indoors and fasted all day. Wrote a letter to Bro's Wride and Johns in Llanidloes.

Nov 26th. 91

The weather stormy. Spent most of the time in the house. Received Stars from Cardiff and I sent two home.

Nov 27th. 91

I was out tracting some scattering houses, gave out 21 tracts and while around tracting a lady presented me with a shilling. Bro Warner was unable to get outdoors today again. Received a letter from home and also answered the same.

Nov 28th. 91

The weather unfavourable. Stayed indoors. Wrote a letter to Bro Thos Evans, Ynysybwl.

Nov 29th. 91

The weather very cold. Spent most of the time indoors, administered the Sacrament.

Nov 30th. 91

Was out tracting a small village by the name of Nantmel, gave out 21 tracts and gathered the tracts I left there some time ago.

Dec 1st. 91

The weather was very stormy all day. Received three letters from home and also answered the same.

Dec 2nd. 91

It was market today in town. So we did not go out tracting, but spent the time in the house studying the gospel.

Dec 3rd. 91

Bro Warner not feeling so well, him suffering from the pain in his hip. They had quite a fair in town which hindered us from going out tracting. I fasted all day.

Dec 4th. 91

I was out tracting in town, gave out 75 tracts and wrote three letters.

Dec 5th. 91

The people being so busy preparing for Sunday, we did not go out tracting.

Dec 6th. 91

Stayed indoors most of the time, we administered the sacrament.

Dec 7th. 91

The weather very disagreeable, did not do any tracting. Received a letter from home, also answered the same.

Dec 8th. 91

I was out tracting in town, gave out 40 tracts. Wrote a letter to Bro's John & Wride.

Dec 9th. 91

Market day, stayed indoors and fasted all day.

Dec 10th. 91

The weather unfavourable. Stayed in the house and wrote some letters. Received a letter from William, also answered it.

Dec 11th. 91

I was out tracting in town, gave out 33 tracts. Wrote a letter to Rees Davis, Penrhiwceiber.

Dec 12th. 91

Today we had some snow, it being the first we had this winter. Did not do any tracting.

Dec 13th. 91

We held a little Sunday School between us this morning and administered the Sacrament. The weather was stormy.

Dec 14th. 91

Was out tracting in town, gave out 75 tracts. Sent the musical budget to William.

Dec 15th. 91

The weather very rough, spent most of the time indoors. Received three letters from home, also answered them.

Dec 16th. 91

It was market day. Stayed in the house and fasted all day.

Dec 17th. 91

Was out tracting in town, gave out fifty two tracts and also gathered some in.

Dec 18th. 91

Was out tracting in town and gave out 13 tracts. Had quite a conversation with a gentleman who is working in the North and South Wales Bank and sold him a little book entitled "A Voice of Warning." I received three letters from home and answered the same.

Dec 19th. 91

Spent most of the time in the house, received a letter from home and answered it.

Dec 20th. 91

The weather has been very cold. Stayed indoors. We administered the Sacrament.

Dec 21st. 91

Was out tracting in town, also gathered some in, gave sixty three tracts.

Dec 22nd. 91

I was out tracting in town, gave out 27 tracts. Received a letter from my cousin, Jacob Mazey.

Dec 23rd. 91

Was out tracting in town, gave out 42 tracts. Received two letters, one from Daniel B. Thomas and the other from Aunt in Leeds.

Dec 24th. 91

The people are busy today fixing for Christmas which is tomorrow. So we did not do any tracting. Received a letter from Bro Grant Y. Bullock.

Dec 25th. 91

It is Christmas today, but there is not much excitement here in Rhayader. Received a letter from Bro's Ashton and Davies and also two from home.

Dec 26th. 91

Spent all the time in the house in studying upon the gospel etc.

Dec 27th. 91

Spent the time indoors studying the gospel. We administered the Sacrament.

Dec 28th. 91

Was out tracting in town, gave out 19 tracts, also gathered some in.

Dec 29th. 91

The weather was very stormy all day. So did not do any tracting. Received a letter from Hector and also answered it.

Dec 30th. 91

It was market day, did not do any tracting, fasted all day. Wrote a letter to Bro Grant Y. Bullock and also sent the Stars home.

Dec 31st. 91

The weather was very stormy all day, spent most of the time indoors.

January 1st. 92

Happy New Year, did not do any tracting. Wrote letters to William and Hector.

January 2nd. 92

The weather fine and it being Saturday, we did not go out tracting.

January 3rd. 92

Wintry weather, snowing some parts of the day. We administered the Sacrament.

January 4th. 92

I was tracting in town gave out 37 tracts. We have finished tracting here in Rhayader now and expect to move to some other place. Received a letter from William stating that himself and family was sick.

January 5th. 92

Was in the house most part of the day. Received some presents from Hector such as a safety ink bottle and a mouth organ. Also I wrote a letter to him and William.

January 6th. 92

Bro's Wride and John was here today from Llanidloes, and soon after they came, Bro's John D. Williams and Page from Scofield came from Cardiff. Bro Page was here for his genealogy. It was quite a surprise for me to see him. Bro Williams came to take the place of Bro Warner, him going to Cardiff until he gets better.

January 7th. 92

Brother Warner left us this morning for Cardiff, also Bro's Wride and John and Page left us. Bro Page was going to London. We will also leave here tomorrow for Builth Wells and will labour there for awhile.

January 8th. 92

We arrived here in Builth at 2 P.M. and succeeded in finding a place to stay at. Wrote a letter to the folks in Rhayader with whom I used to stay.

January 9th. 92

I did not go out of the house owing to my foot being very sore.

January 10th. 92

The weather was very cold. It is Sunday, so we administered the Sacrament. Received letters from Father and Hector.

January 11th. 92

It was market in town today so we did not do any tracting. Sent the Stars home.

January 12th. 92

The weather being so cold, we did not go out tracting. Received letters from Aunt in Leeds, J.A. Jones, Thomas Evans, Charles Davis and J. S. Anderson.

January 13th. 92

The weather was fine. Bro Williams went out tracting in town. He gave out 25 tracts. I could not go out owing to my foot being sore. Wrote a letter to Bro Anderson, Scotland.

January 14th. 92

Snowing today, did not do any tracting. Received the Stars from Cardiff, also a letter enclosed from Pres Evans stating that we should fast on Sunday for Bro Morgan D. Warner, him being so sick.

January 15th. 92

The weather was cold. Stayed indoors most of the time. I wrote a letter to Hector.

January 16th. 92

Did not do any tracting, being that the people was so busy. We was out to the wells which is situated about a mile from here. It is located in a very nice place. Wrote letters to Bro's Williams and Isgreen and to Bro William Richards.

January 17th. 92

We fasted today in behalf of Bro Warner. We prayed three times during the day. We felt well by doing so. Wrote letters to Hector and Bro Evans, Ynysybwl.

January 18th. 92

It was market day, therefore we did not do any tracting. Wrote a letter to Mr. Charles Davies, Hay, Breconshire.

January 19th. 92

We was out tracting in town, gave out 103 tracts. Wrote letters to Bro E. T. Ashton and one to Richard, my Brother.

January 20th. 92

Was out tracting in town, gave out 50 tracts. Wrote a letter to my Aunt in Leeds.

January 21st. 92

The weather was rather cold. Was out tracting in town, gave out 19 tracts. Received a letter from Hector.

January 22nd. 92

The weather was cloudy, it also rained some parts of the day. Wrote a letter to Hector and also sent the Stars home.

January 23rd. 92

Was out tracting a small village by the name of Nan y arian [Nantyrarian], gave out 16 tracts. We had a long talk with a gentleman on the subject of baptism.

January 24th. 92

The weather was fine, was out visiting the country around. We also administered the Sacrament.

January 25th. 92

It was market today again. We did not do any tracting, was to the wells for a walk.

January 26th. 92

The weather was damp, did not do any tracting. Received letters from William and Richard, also one from L. M. Richards and enclosed a five dollar Bank check from the Brass Band, Scofield, they having been out on New Years and collected it.

January 27th. 92

Was out tracting in town, gave out 100 tracts. We also gathered some in. Wrote letters to Bro T. M. Richards and my Aunt in Leeds.

January 28th. 92

Was out tracting in town, gave out 100 tracts and gathered some in. I made a mistake in copying the above account for yesterday. The letters wrote to T. M. Richards and my Aunt was written today and yesterday wrote letters to William and Richard, my brothers.

January 29th. 92

Was out tracting in town, gave out 34 tracts. Received five letters from home.

January 30th. 92

Was out tracting in Nantyrarion, gave out thirty tracts and gathered in the tracts we left there about a week ago. Received papers from home.

January 31st. 92

The weather rather cold, we administered the Sacrament and also went through a course of reading as we do every morning.

Febuary 1st. 92

Marget day, did not do any tracting. Wrote two letters, one to Richard and the [other] to William.

Febuary 2nd. 92

Was out tracting in town and a small place called Cefnybedd, gave out 60 tracts.

Febuary 3rd. 92

Did not go out tracting owing to the shops closing up. Was to the station for a walk and while there I weighed myself and I went 157 1/2 pounds.

Febuary 4th. 92

Was out tracting in town, gave out 104 tracts. Found some of the people very bitter against us. Wrote a letter to Rhayader.

Febuary 5th. 92

Was out tracting a small place by the name of Aberedw, gave out fifty tracts. It is situated about 5 miles from here and while there we visited an old cave where Llewellyn, Prince of Wales, used to hide from his enemies. Received a letter from Hector.

Febuary 6th. 92

We did not go out tracting owing to the people being so busy. Received a letter and a paper from home. Also received a letter from Pres. T. B. Evans stating of Bro Morgan D. Warner's release to return home.

Febuary 7th. 92

It was raining most of the time. Did not go out, we administered the Sacrament. I also received contributers from David.

Febuary 8th. 92

It was market in town, did not do any tracting. Wrote letters to Bro's T. B. Evans and Warner, also wrote one to Hector.

Febuary 9th. 92

Was out tracting in town and also to Cefnybedd, gave out 72 tracts. Received a letter from home.

Febuary 10th. 92

Did not do any tracting. Received a letter from Bro Warner stating that he was considerable better but thought that he would go home.

Febuary 11th. 92

Was out tracting in town, gave out 100 tracts. Found the people very bitter. Wrote a letter to Bro's Ashton & Davies in Newport.

Febuary 12th. 92

The weather was cold, stayed indoors most of the time. Received letters from Father and Hector.

Febuary 13th. 92

Was out tracting two villages, Vily Newbridge and Doldowlod which is about nine miles from here, gave out 82 tracts. We took train from the latter place to Llanidloes and visited the bretherin Wride and Johns. They were at the station meeting us. We arrived there about 4:30 P.M. We spent quite a nice time with the bretherin this evening.

Febuary 14th. 92

Bro Wride and myself went out and walked around town. It is quite a large place. The weather was cold. We spent a nice time with the bretherin in singing etc.

Febuary 15th. 92

It was a very cold day, we went and visited the woolen mills which is here and can say that it was a great pleasure for me to visit such a place because it was the first one I ever visited.

Febuary 16th. 92

We left the bretherin this morning and walked to Rhayader and visited Mrs. Bowen and eat food with her. We walked about fifteen miles and it was snowing very heavey, took train from Rhayader to Builth. Received a letter from my Aunt in Leeds.

Febuary 17th. 92

The weather was rough and snowing most of the time. We stayed indoors.

Febuary 18th. 92

The weather was cold and the ground covered with snow. Did not do any tracting.

Febuary 19th. 92

The weather rough and stormy. Received letters from William and J. A. Jones, also sent my photo home.

Febuary 20th. 92

The weather cold, did not go out tracting. I wrote a letter to Bro's Ashton and Davies.

Febuary 21st. 92

The weather was fine, but some snow on the ground. We administered the Sacrament.

Febuary 22nd. 92

It was raining most part of the day. Wrote letters to my Aunt in Leeds and D. J. Thomas, Scofield, also sent my photo to my Aunt.

Febuary 23rd. 92

Was out tracting a small place by the name of Builth Road, gave out 25 tracts. Received a letter from Hector.

Febuary 24th. 92

Was out to New Bridge and gave out 119 tracts. The weather was fair.

Febuary 25th. 92

The weather was fine, was out tracting in town, gave out 30 tracts. Received the Stars.

Febuary 26th. 92

The weather was fine, was out tracting to some scattering houses. Gave out 16 tracts, and before starting to tract, we met with Bro Dunn from Aberdare, he having come to visit his daughter. We had quite a chat with him, and he invited us to come to tea tomorrow night.

Febuary 27th. 92

It was a fine day. Was out tracting in town, gave out 60 tracts. Received letters from Richard and Hector, also received paper from home.

Febuary 28th. 92

The weather was fine. Bro Dunn visited us here today and we held a little meeting between us and administered the Sacrament.

Febuary 29th. 92

The weather was fine. We have finished tracting here now, and will move tomorrow to [a] place by the name of Llandrindod Wells which is in Radnorshire. Wrote a letter to Hector.

March 1st. 92

We started from Builth this morning at 12.5. A.M. Arriving here in Llandrindod at 1 oclock. Succeeded in finding a comfortable place to stay at. Llandrindod is a very high tone little place and is noted for its mineral waters and in the summer seasons they come here by the hundreds to partake of these waters. It was snowing.

March 2nd. 92

The weather was very cold and snowing some parts of the day. Spent most of the time indoors reading.

March 3rd. 92

The weather very cold. Received a letter from my Bro William and also answered the same.

March 4th. 92

The weather very cold. Received letters from Hector and E. J. Whimpey and sent the Stars home.

March 5th. 92

The weather was fine. Myself and Bro Williams took a walk out to the wells. They are situated in a lovely place.

March 6th. 92

The weather fine. Stayed in the house most of the time. Received three letters, two from home and one from my Aunt in Leeds.

March 7th. 92

The weather was rather cold, but we went out tracting and gave out 38 tracts. Received a letter from John, my Bro, and answered the same, also wrote one to my Aunt in Leeds.

March 8th. 92

The weather fair. Was out tracting a small village by the name of Howey and also tracted Builth Road, gave out 136 tracts. Received a letter from Richard.

March 9th. 92

The weather very rough and cold. Stayed indoors and wrote some letters.

March 10th. 92

It has been snowing today and it covered the ground about three inches thick. Stayed indoors, wrote a letter home.

March 11th. 92

The weather cold, spent most of the time indoors. Received a letter from David James, Penrhiwceiber, and wrote one to S. A. Brough.

March 12th. 92

The weather rather fine and the snow again melting away. Received letters from William and Hector, also answered the same and wrote one to David James, Penrhiwceiber.

March 13th. 92

The weather cold and snowing some parts of the day. We administered the Sacrament. Received a letter from my Aunt in Leeds.

March 14th. 92

The weather was cold, was out tracting a small place by the name of Builder's Arms which is about 3 miles from here. Also tracted Llandrindod, gave out 96 tracts.

March 15th. 92

The weather wet and disagreeable. Wrote letters to Aunt Mary Richards, Ebbw Vale and Rees Davies, Penrhiwceiber.

March 16th. 92

The weather was fine this morning, but wet in the afternoon. Was out tracting, gave out 30 tracts. Wrote a letter to Aunt in Leeds.

March 17th. 92

Was out tracting in the village Howey and also in town, gave out 60 tracts. Wrote a letter to Bro's Ashton and Davis, also received the Stars.

March 18th. 92

The weather was rather fine. Received letters from Hector and William and also answered the same. Was indoors most of the time.

March 19th.92

The weather was fine, but owing to the people being so busy, we did not go out tracting. Received a letter from Aunt in Victoria.

March 20th. 92

We spent most of the time in the house. We administered the Sacrament. I wrote a letter to Bro Hyrum Richards.

March 21st. 92

The weather was fine, was out tracting in town, gave out 126 tracts. Received a letter from S. R. Brough, also one enclosed for David James, Penrhiwceiber.

March 22nd. 92

The weather this morning was fine, but it was cold in the afternoon. Was out tracting some scattering houses, gave out 60 tracts.

March 23rd. 92

The weather was fine. Was out tracting in town, gave out 80 tracts, also gathered some in. Received a letter from Bro J. S. Anderson.

March 24th. 92

The weather fine, was out tracting in town, gave out nineteen tracts.

March 25th. 92

It was very fine. Was tracting some scattering houses here, gave out 19 tracts.

March 26th. 92

The weather was fine. I walked this morning from Llandrindod Wells to Rhayader, distance of eleven miles, while Bro Williams accompanied the luggage on the train and I took train from Rhayader with Bro Williams and we arrived here in Llanidloes about 3:30 P.M. Was pleased to see the bretherin. Received 5 letters from home.

March 27th. 92

The weather was very stormy. We thought to go out preaching, but we did not go owing to the same. We went and visited Mr. and Mrs. Williams, some of our near friends, and had a good time with them.

March 28th. 92

The weather was cold. Stayed indoors and wrote letters to William and David.

March 29th. 92

The weather being so cold we did not do anything. This evening we went up to Mr and Mrs Williams and spent a good time there with them.

March 30th. 92

The weather was fine. Went out to a small village by the name of Llandinam and distributed some tracts there, and at 6:30 we held a meeting, but had a very small crowd.

March 31st. 92

The weather was fine. This evening at 7:15 we held a meeting here in Llanidloes and had quite a crowd to listen to us. Received a letter from Hector and wrote two home.

April 1st. 92

It was a fine day and we went out for a long walk, and after coming home we went up to our friends and spent the evening there.

April 2nd. 92

The weather was very fine, was out on the hills for a walk and had a very good time. Wrote a letter to my Aunt in Leeds and sent the Stars home.

April 3rd. 92

The weather was fine. Went out to a small village about 2 1/2 miles from here by the name of Cwymfelin and held a meeting there. Then we came back to town and held a meeting here in the evening. We had two or three hundred people listening to us.

April 4th. 92

It was a very fine day. Went out for a walk, then came back and was invited to tea up to our friends. We also purchased a nice Album for Mrs. Williams being that it was her birthday. We had a good time.

April 5th. 92

The weather was fine. we took a trip to Newtown today accompanied with our friends Mr. and Mrs. Williams and while there I got my photo taken and on coming back we preached in a small village by the name of Llandinam.

April 6th. 92

Was out in a small village by the name of Trefeglwys distributing some tracts and we also held a meeting there in the evening. Wrote a letter to Bro T. J. Parmley, Scofield, also received paper from home.

April 7th. 92

Was out taking a walk along the fields and this evening at 6:30 P.M. we held an outdoor meeting in town.

April 8th. 92

The weather was fine. Went out to a small village about five miles from here and we thought to hold a meeting, but we could not have anyone to listen unto us. So we came back home without holding any meeting. Received four letters from home and a letter from my Aunt in Leeds.

April 9th. 92

It was market in town today. So we did not do anything in the line of tracting. Received some letters from home.

April 10th. 92

The weather was fine, went out to Trefeglwys and held a meeting there at about 4 oclock. Then came back to town and held forth here at 7:30 P.M., had good attendance.

April 11th. 92

It was a fine day. Was out for a walk in the woods and spent the evening with our friends, Mr. and Mrs. Williams.

April 12th. 92

We arrived here in Llandrindod quite safe. Bro Wride and myself walked from Rhayader the distance being 10 miles and we took train from Llanidloes to there and Bro's John and Williams came with the train all the way. We are staying at the same place as we were before, was out to the wells for a walk.

April 13th. 92

The weather was very cold. It was snowing some parts of the day. Wrote letters to Bro Parmley and my Aunt in Leeds.

April 14th. 92

It was rough weather, snowing all day. Took a walk so far as the wells. Received three letters from home, also sent the Stars home.

April 15th. 92

The weather was cold, snowing some portions of the day. Wrote two letters home.

April 16th. 92

The weather cold. Was out for a walk, but spent most of the time in the house.

April 17th. 92

It was stormy weather. So we did not do any preaching. Bro Wride and myself attended a service this evening at the church. We heard some very good singing.

April 18th. 92

The weather was rough and stormy. Spent most of the time indoors reading etc. Received a letter from home.

April 19th. 92

The weather was very cold. We had a preacher that visited us today and we had quite a long talk on the gospel. I received a letter from my Aunt in Leeds.

April 20th. 92

In copying the above account from my day book, I missed the date. It should be on this day, the twentieth and on the 19th the weather was rather cold and was indoors most of the time.

April 21st. 92

The weather was very cloudy. Was out for a walk so far as the "Lovers Leap." This place is along side the river. It is a large rock projecting out to the river and it is supposed that two lovers leaped from this rock and was drowned in the current. I am twenty one years of age today, treated the bretherin with a good dinner owing to the same.

April 22nd. 92

It was a cold day, therefore we did not do any preaching this evening. Received some letters from home and answered the same.

April 23rd. 92

It was a fine day. Bro's Wride and Williams walked from here to Brecon and myself and Bro John took the luggage with the train to Merthyr. Then after arriving at Merthyr, we separated, Bro John going to see his relatives in Aberdare and myself going to visit my Aunt in Ebbw Vale. I arrived there about six oclock. They was surprised to see me and I was treated well.

April 24th. 92

The weather was fine. This morning went to Sunday School with my counsin David John Richards and his wife. I also attended the afternoon meeting and heard some very good singing with the choir after meeting. They were practicing the Cantata entitled "A Day With the Lord." In the evening I stayed home with my Aunt and preached to her the gospel.

April 25th. 92

It was fine weather. This morning went and visited an old sister here by the name of Willliams. She is a jolly old lady and before dinner my cousin took me around the ironworks and showed me a great deal. It was quite interesting.

April 26th. 92

The weather was fine. Left Ebbw Vale about 2 oclock, arrived in Merthyr quite safe and Bro John at the station. We attended a prayer meeting this evening at Sister Humphrey's house. Spent a very good time. We slept at Bro Coleman's.

April 27th. 92

It was a fine day. After visiting some of my relatives in Merthyr we took train for Cardiff arriving there about five oclock. Was pleased to see the faces of the bretherin once more. Attended a meeting this evening with the saints.

April 28th. 92

The weather was fine. This evening we had a choir practice, preparing for the conference.

April 29th. 92

It was a very fine day. Was out in town visiting around and can say that Cardiff is quite a city. This evening we held a meeting for the purpose of giving in our report.

April 30th. 92

The weather was fine. Was out distributing conference notices. Gave out between four of us 15 hundred. The following bretherin came here for conference tomorrow, Apostle Brigham Young and his wife and their little boy, also Joseph A. Young, his son and Seymour B. Young, his companion, also Pres. Moyle of the Cheltenham Conference, and Bro's Western and Jones from the same conference came and visited us. And this evening we had a Priesthood Meeting, and in giving in our reports, and we received some very good instructions from Apostle Young.

May 1st. 92

The weather was fine. Our conference convened today. Was pleased to meet with the Bretherin and Sisters from different parts of Wales. Can say that we had a time of rejoicing today. The Bretherin gave some very good instructions, and the evening meeting was crowded and Bro Young took up most of the time and he spoke with great power. The singing was very good.

May 2nd. 92

The weather was fine. A meeting was held this morning and Bro Young gave us some instructions and he left us today. There was a grand procession in town this afternoon representing the 1st of May. This evening we had a sociable time between ourselves in singing etc.

May 3rd. 92

The weather was fine. There was a meeting this morning for the purpose of alotting us to our several fields of labour. I was appointed to labour with Br. Levi John from Box Elder and also in connection with Bro's T. D. Roberts and Lewis W. B. Wride and we was to labour in Newtown, Montgomeryshire. This evening I saw the Christy Minstrels perform. They were very good.

May 4th. 92

Spent most of my time indoors and I was also busy packing up ready to go to our fields of labour. Received letters from home and also a photo.

May 5th. 92

Left Cardiff this morning and parted with Bro's Roberts, Williams and Davis [Davies?] at Aberdare Junction. They were going up north. So I went to Penrhiwceiber. Slept there that night with some friends.

May 6th. 92

Took train this morning for Trearky and deposited some presents from Bro Evan S. Thomas of Scofield. Then after accomplishing this, I walked over the mountain to Abernant, then took train from there to Merthyr and visited Bro and Sister Coleman and slept there that night.

May 7th. 92

Left Merthyr this morning at 12:10 arriving in Newtown at 4:30 P.M. Met with Bro's Johns and Roberts at the station. Then went to our lodgings and had supper.

May 8th. 92

The weather was cloudy. Stayed indoors most of the time in writing letters, received a letter from William.

May 9th. 92

The weather was quite warm and the warmest day we have had this spring. Wrote some letters today.

May 10th. 92

It was market here today, was out for a long walk. We also went to the station to meet Bro Wride, but he did not come. Wrote some letters home also.

May 11th. 92

It was very warm. Was out to a small village about 4 miles from here by the name of Abermule. We distributed 38 tracts. Was to the station, but Bro Wride did not come.

May 12th. 92

Was a fine day, went out in town and gave out 150 tracts. Received a letter from a friend of mine by the name of D. J. Thomas. Was out for a walk and heard the cuckoo for the first time this year.

May 13th. 92

The weather was rather wet, was out tracting in town, gave out 180 tracts. Received a letter from Richard.

May 14th. 92

It was raining some parts of the day. We went and visited Bro's Williams and Davies in a small town by the name of Montgomery. We distributed some tracts along the road. We walked about 18 miles today.

May 15th. 92

It was raining in the morning but cleared up towards the afternoon. Bro's Davies and Williams was here from Montgomery and we held two open air meetings. We also administered the Sacrament.

May 16th. 92

Raining most of the time, the bretherin left us this morning for their field of labour. We was out tracting a small village by the name of Kerry. We distributed 72 tracts.

May 17th. 92

It was market in town today. So we did not do any tracting. I received a letter from a friend of mine by the name of J. Q. Jones.

May 18th. 92

The weather this morning was quite damp, but towards the afternoon it cleared up. We held a meeting this evening on the streets in town.

May 19th. 92

It was a miserable day. Was out tracting in town, gave out 151 tracts. Was invited into an house, and had an offer of something to eat. They were very kind folks. Received letters from home.

May 20th. 92

Was out tracting in town, distrubuted 138 tracts, and in the evening we held a meeting here in town. We had quite a crowd to listen unto us. Received a letter from my Aunt in Victoria, E. V.

May 21st. 92

The weather was fine, went out to a small village by the name of Abermule and gave out 48 tracts. Bro Wride left us today for Montgomery to help the bretherin out in preaching tomorrow. I received a letter from Bro J. S. Anderson, also wrote letters to friends.

May 22nd. 92

It was a fine day. Went out to the village Abermule and held a meeting. We had a few to listen unto us. I wrote a letter to my Aunt in Leeds.

May 23rd. 92

The weather was fine, went out tracting to a place by the name of Aberbechan. We gave out 60 tracts and again the time we came home, Bro Wride had returned from Montgomery, the bretherin and held three outdoor meetings there.

May 24th. 92

The weather was wet and miserable. Did not do any tracting. Received a letter from David James, Penrhiwceiber, also wrote a letter to Rees Davies, Penrhiwceiber.

May 25th. 92

It was a very fine day. Was out tracting to a small village by the name of Caersws [Now, Caersys], gave out 155 tracts. Received a letter from my Aunt in Leeds stating of her daughter, Suzanah, being very ill and at the point of death.

May 26th. 92

The weather was damp in the morning, but it cleared up towards the afternoon. Was out tracting in the town, gave out 195 tracts. We also went and visited the woolen factories. Received a letter from Richard and answered the same.

May 27th. 92

The weather was damp. Went out tracting in town, gave out 148 tracts, and this evening we went out to Kerry and held a meeting there and distributed fifty three tracts.

May 28th. 92

The weather was damp, did not go out tracting. Received a letter from my Aunt in Leeds stating of the death of her daughter and she was to [be] buried at 3 oclock today. I answered her letter.

May 29th. 92

Went out for a walk this morning and met Elders Williams and Davies, we fasted today. We held a sacrament meeting between us and at 7:30 P.M. was out on the street preaching and had a very large crowd to listen unto us.

May 30th. 92

The weather was fine, Bro Davies and Williams left us today for their field of labour. We did not do any tracting.

May 31st. 92

It was fair day and market here today. So we did not do any tracting. Went to the station and met Bro's McAlister and Lewis, they having just arrived. The both are from Logan, Utah.

June 1st. 92

The weather was fine. Bro's Lewis, Wride, McAllister, John, and myself went out to a small villlage about six miles from here by the name of Caersws and tracted it, and at 7 P.M. held a meeting there.

June 2nd. 92

The climate quite damp. Bro's John, McAllister and myself left Newtown this morning and at Montgomery station, we met with Bro's Davies and Williams. Bro Davis came with us. He [is] going to labour with Bro McAllister in Llanraideryn-Mochnant [Now Llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant], and Bro John and myself in Llanfyllin and about six miles distant from the former place mentioned. We arrived in Llanfyllin at 12:30 and we soon found lodgings, and after eating dinner, Bro's Davies and McAllister left for their field of labour. After supper I wrote a letter to Bro T. B. Evans.

June 3rd. 92

The weather was fine. Was out tracting some scattering farm houses and a small village by the name of Llanfyhangel. We gave out 55 tracts. They were mostly Welsh. In this little village I was invited into a house by a lady and had food to eat and she treated me well. Wrote a letter to Lewis and Wride.

June 4th. 92

The weather was rather damp. Went along the road for about 3 1/2 miles and met with Bro's Davies and McAllister, had quite a chat with each other, then left and came home. Wrote letters to Bro's Gatherum and Anderson [in Scotland].

June 5th. 92

The weather was fine. Did not do any preaching, but spent most of the day in reading etc. Wrote a letter to Aunt in Victoria.

June 6th. 92

The weather was fine. Was out tracting two small villages by the name of Bryngwyn [Now Bryn-gwyn] and Llanfechan [Now Llanfechain], gave out 77 tracts.

June 7th. 92

The weather was fine, was out tracting two small places by the name of Bwlchy-cilian [Now Bwlchycibau] and also some scattering houses, distributed 66 tracts. Received a letter this evening from Sister Alice C. Whimpey, Lehi City, Utah.

June 8th. 92

The weather was fine. Was out tracting some scattering farm houses, gave out 63 tracts. We was treated well with the farmers. Wrote a letter to Sister Alice C. Whimpey and also sent for the veiws of Llandrindod Wells.

June 9th. 92

The weather very warm, did not do any tracting owing to it being market day. Was out on the road and met with Bros McAllister and Davies. Received letters from William and Hector.

June 10th. 92

The weather this morning was fine, but this evening it rained. Bro's Roberts and Williams came here today from Montgomery, they going to labour with Bro Davies, and Bro McAllister, left us this evening for Newtown. He going to labor with Bros Wride and Lewis. And the other brethern left for their fields of labour. I wrote letters home to Hector and William.

June 11th. 92

The weather was fine. Was out tracting in Llanfyhangel and the scattering houses, gave out 42 tracts. Bro John and myself was treated well with the people. On coming back we saw a cricket match between the Llanfyllin Grammer School and Osweltry Grammer School, Osweltry doing the most scoring. Bro Davies came here this afternoon from Llanraider, and we thought of preaching here tomorrow, but we won't do so owing that we did not see the marshall of the place, and the policeman could not give consent. So we will go to Llanraider tomorrow and will hold forth.

June 12th. 92

The weather was fine. Myself, Bro's John and Davies arrived in Llanraider this morning at 11 A.M., found Bro's Roberts and Williams quite well. We held a sacrament meeting between ourselves, then went out to a small village by the name of Pen-y-bont-fawr and held a meeting there, also held a meeting here in town at 7:30. Had a few to listen unto us.

June 13th. 92

The weather was fine, left the bretherin this morning, arriving here in Llanfyllin at about 12 oclock. Did not do any tracting. Received a letter from my Aunt in Leeds.

June 14th. 92

The weather was fine. Was out tracting a small village by the name of Llanfechan and also some scattering houses, gave out 80 tracts. Was to the Mayor of the town and we succeeded in getting permission to preach on the street.

June 15th. 92

The weather was fine, went out tracting to Bwlchyciban and Maen and gave out 74 tracts. Received the Stars.

June 16th. 92

The weather was fine, was out tracting in town, distributed 141 tracts. This evening we was to the Liberal Club room and heard a speech from Mr Tracey M.P. He was not much of a speaker.

June 17th. 92

The weather was very warm. Went out tracting to some scattering houses, gave out 60 tracts. Came across a man which had been in Pleasant Valley by the name of David Evans. He invited me into his house and had a good dinner. Received a letter from David and wrote one to Bro William Richards.

June 18th. 92

The weather was very fine, but we did not do any tracting. After dinner went and saw a cricket match between Llanfyllin and the Royal Welsh Warehouse. They were from Newtown and the latter scored the most. Bro David Williams came here this evening from Llanraider. He will stay overnight with us.

June 19th. 92

The weather was very fine. Bro's John, Williams and myself went out to a small village by the name of Llanfechan and held a meeting there this morning. And after coming home we met with Bros Roberts and Davies and after dinner we held a sacrament meeting and 7:30 we held a meeting here in Llanfyllin and can say that we had a fine meeting. The street was crowded with people. The bretherin left us this evening for their field of labour.

June 20th. 92

The weather was fine. Was out to Llanfyhangel and the scattering houses and gathered the tracts we had left there about a week ago. Received a letter from Bro Edward T. Ashton, Cardiff.

June 21st. 92

The weather was fine, but we did not do any tracting owing to the big meetings which was held with the Wesleyans, and at six oclock we attended one of their meetings and they had two preachers down from Liverpool, but owing to them speaking Welsh so deep, we did not understand them very well.

June 22nd. 92

The weather was fine. Was out tracting in town, gave out 220 tracts, had several conversations with the people. Received a letter from Hector and papers from home.

June 23rd. 92

The weather was fine but we did not do any tracting owing to it being market day. We was over to the bretherin in Llanraider and assisted them in holding an outdoor meeting in town. Wrote letters to Hector, and my Uncle and Aunt in Merthyr Vale.

June 24th. 92

The weather was fine, was out tracting to a small village by the name of Meifod and some scattering houses, gave out 86 tracts. Received a letter from Bro James W. Gatherum, also wrote a letter to Bro E. T. Ashton.

June 25th. 92

The weather was not so very fine, was out to Meifod and distributed 42 tracts.

June 26th. 92

The weather held out fine. Myself Bro's John, and Roberts went out this morning and held a meeting in a small village by the name of Bwlch-y-ciban, had a few listen unto us. After coming home met with Bro's Davis and Williams and at 7:30 P.M. we held forth here in Llanfyllin and had quite a crowd to listen unto us. The bretherin returned this evening.

June 27th. 92

The weather was damp. Was out to a small village by the name of Bwlch-y-ddare and some scattering houses and we distributed sixty three tracts.

June 28th. 92

It rained quite heavey, but we was out tracting Meifod and distributed 93 tracts. Received a letter from my Uncle and Aunt in Merthyr Vale.

June 29th. 92

The weather this morning was quite damp, but it cleared up towards the afternoon. Was out tracting Bwlch-y-ddare and scattering houses, gave out 58 tracts and while tracting I came across the Hall of Lady Wynn relative to Sir Watkin Wynn, and on coming out from the Hall, I met her and another lady coming in to the Mansion, and she stopped me and inquired of me what I was doing. So in the answer I told her that I was a preacher of the gospel and distributing tracts around representing our belief. So then she asked me for a tract which I did and wished her good day. Before coming home I called at the bretherin in Llanraider, eat food with them there, then left. They was about going out to hold a meeting.

June 30th. 92

The weather was very fine. There was a great fair here in Llanfyllin today. We have finished tracting here now and will move to a place about six miles from here by the name of Llansaintffraid. This evening we was to the Public Hall and heard Mr. Rendal, an M.O. speak upon the disestablishment for Wales. There were quite a few people present.

July 1st. 92

The weather was fine. Bro's Williams, Davies, and Roberts [a line is drawn through Roberts] was here today from Llanraider and they received a letter from Pres. T. B. Evans stating that we was to labour in Llansaintffraid and the bretherin go to Llangollen to labour. We took a long walk with the bretherin toward Llanraider.

July 2nd. 92

The weather was very fine. Left Llanfyllin this afternoon at 2:30 P.M. arriving here at Llansaintffraid about 3 oclock. Was not very long before finding comfortable lodgings. Wrote a letter to Pres Evans and gave in our report for the last month, also wrote a letter to Bro James W. Gatherum.

July 3rd. 92

It was raining some parts of the day. Was out to Meifod which is about 6 miles from here and held an outdoor meeting and gave an appointment that we would be there next Sunday again.

July 4th. 92

The weather was fine. Was out to a village by the name of Llanymynech, distrubuted 91 tracts. Wrote letters to Mr. Lloyd, our friend in Llanbyllin, and to my Uncle and Aunt in Merthyr Vale and one to Pres Evans, Cardiff.

July 5th. 92

The weather was unfavorable. Was out tracting a village by the name of Four Crosses, distributed 106 tracts. Received a letter form Bro J. D. Williams, also wrote a letter to my Aunt in Victoria.

July 6th. 92

The weather was quite miserable. Was out tracting two small villages, Llanyblodwell and Penybont, and also some scattering houses, distributed 115 tracts. Received a letter from William, my Brother, and also answered the same.

July 7th. 92

The weather was very damp. Was out tracting some houses in Llanyblodwell Parish, gave out 83 tracts. Received a letter from our friend, Mr. David Lloyd, Llanfyllin.

July 8th. 92

The weather was disagreeable. Was out tracting in town, distributed 84 tracts. Received a letter from Bro J. H. Davies. This evening we attended a political meeting and heard Mr. Stewart Rendal lecture and another gentleman.

July 9th. 92

The weather was miserable. Was out in a small village by the name of Llanelys and distributed 75 tracts. Wrote a letter to my Aunt in Pentrebach nr Merthyr.

July 10th. 92

The weather was very fine. Was out to Meifod and held a meeting there, had but a few to listen unto us. We also held a meeting here in Llansaintffraid and can say that we had a good crowd to listen unto us, and while holding forth, a preacher of the Independants stepped forward and interrupted us and he spoke to the people for a while and told them that he did not believe in miracles now being performed in our day and age of the world etc. But when we asked him some questions, he went away and would not stand his grounds.

July 11th. 92

The weather was very fogy. After writing a letter to Bro J. H. Davies we went out for a walk along the road and gave a few tracts away.

July 12th. 92

The weather was not very fine. Went out tracting to Llanymynech and Four Crosses and some scattering houses, gave out 200 tracts. Found some people that were very bitter against us.

July 13th. 92

The weather being so damp, we did not go out tracting. News came to this town today stating that Mr. Stewaret Rendal went in for Parliment with a majority of 815 voters.

July 14th. 92

The weather was quite fogy, was out tracting some scattering houses towards Meifod, distributed 60 tracts.

July 15th. 92

The weather was very fine. Was out tracting in Llanyblodwell and Penybont and some scattering houses. We distributed 118 tracts. Received letters from Father, Richard, and my Aunt in Leeds. Also received papers from home and some poetry from Father enclosed in the same.

July 16th. 92

The weather being so wet we did not go out tracting. Received letters from William and Hector and also wrote letters to Father and Richard.

July 17th. 92

The weather was fine, was out to Llanymynech and held a meeting but there was some bitter people there. They interrupted us when about half through with our service and one man told us to be off or else we would be thrown into a horse pond. So we bore our testimonies unto them and left. We also held a meeting here in Llansaintffraid and had a good crowd to listen unto us.

July 18th. 92

The weather this morning was fine, but towards the afternoon it came to rain. Was out tracting in some scattering houses in Blodwell Parish, gave out 80 tracts.

July 19th. 92

The weather was very disagreeable. So we did not go out tracting. Received some papers from home and a letter from Bro. J. H. Davies, also wrote letters to Hector and my Aunt in Leeds.

July 20th. 92

The weather was very fine. Was out tracting some scattering houses and also tracted in town, gave out 137 tracts. While out tracting today I met with a very cooth [uncooth] reception. I went to a large mansion and was calling for the tract I had left there about a week ago, and before I had time to ring the bell, the servant girl came to the door and told me that her master had burned the tracts I left there and said if I came around there again he would put the policeman after me. So on returning to go out from there, the man that owned the place came after me and told me to stop. So I walked back towards him, but as soon as he came up close enough, he bounced on me like a mad man, first of all knocking my hat off and then trying to abuse me with his feet. But he did not harm me any, and after getting outside, he picked up some pebbles and throwed them at me. I should think the man weighed about 200 pounds. I did not revile.

July 21st. 92

The weather was very fine, was out tracting to three small villages, Vily Brynmaur, Cefn y coed and Sarnau, gave out 85 tracts.

July 22nd. 92

The weather was very fine. Was out tracting to some scattering houses and distributed 50 tracts. Received letters from Aunt in Leeds and Sister Alice C. Whimpey, Lehi.

July 23rd. 92

The weather was beautifull. I was out to the fields and had quite a chat with the haymakers. Wrote a letter to Sister Alice C. Whimpey.

July 24th. 92

The weather was beautifull. We did not do any preaching today. Was to Llanfyllin visiting Mrs. Lloyd. She was glad to see us. Mr. Lloyd had gone to Aberystwyth to work in a station.

July 25th. 92

The weather was very warm. Went out tracting to the villages, viz, Brynmaur, Cefn y coed, and Sarnau, distributed 71 tracts. Wrote a letter to Pres Evans stating that we would move from here tomorrow for Chirk near Llangollen on Wensday.

July 26th. 92

The weather was very fine, have been busy today packing up for tomorrow. We was out for a long walk along the hedges.

July 27th. 92

The weather was very fine. We left Llansaintffraid this morning, and arrived here in Chirk about 2 oclock. We had a little difficulty in finding lodgings, but we found a comfortable place at last. Chirk is but a small place of itself, but there is quite a few people living in the surroundings. It is coalmining district although there is a deal of farming done here.

July 28th. 92

The weather was very fine. Arrived here in Llangollen about 10:30 a.m. but the Bretherin was not in. So we went and visited the palace where the Maids of Llangollen used to live. I paid the sum of sixpense to go inside and view the interior of it, and can say that it was quite a novelty. They had gathered all kinds of curiosities from different parts of the world, and it was noted inside for its carved wood. There was one room which was called the "Oak Room" that was covered with oak carvings, the intervals being filled up with embossed leather of the 16th century, and it was very rich in colour and in quality. There are also two seats in this room worthy of special notice. One is called "The Confessional Throne." It is from a Spanish Monastery, and has a mask with open mouth, and ears, through which the Priest and Penitent can communicate. The other is composed of Oak from an old tree at Sulgrave, Northamptonshire, formerly the residence of the ancestors of George Washington. The upper part, and splended claws are from a Bed of Queen Ann's time, while the lower part is a beautifull panel of Queen Elizabeth's time. The face at the top is symbolical of the "Wild Indian of the Prairie." This seat is called the "Washington Throne." The names of the old ladies are as follows: Eleanor Charlotte Butler and Sarah Ponsonby. The age of the former when she died was 90 years and the latter 76. After visiting this place, we met the bretherin at their lodgings. Was pleased to see each other. Slept that night with them.

July 29th. 92

The weather was very fine. Went and visited an old Castle by the name "Dinas Bran Castle." It is situated on a conical hill 600 ft. above the level of the river, or 1061 ft. above that of the sea. It is conjectured to have been built by the Britans prior to the time of our Saviour. All that now remains of the former strength and glory of the castle is a mass of ruins. We also visited "Valle Cruxis Abbey" or in other words "Abbey of the Vale of the Cross," or as the Welsh call it "Mynachlog Pant y Groes." The sequestered spot on which was built the Abbey in the year 1,200 by Madog ap Gruffydd Maelar, Lord of Dinas Bron [or bran], and from which it takes its name, was known as Pant y Groes, or the glen of the Cross long prior to that time. It was so called from a very ancient inscribed pillar or cross, the mutilated remains of which stand in an adjacent field. The Abbey was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and belonged to a community of Cistereian Monks, an order founded in France in the year 1098. After viewing this we came home arriving here about 5 oclock.

July 30th. 92

The weather was very fine, but we did not do any tracting. Received a letter this morning from David and also a photo, answered his letter and wrote one to Richard. I also received papers from home.

July 31st. 92

The weather was changeable, was to Llangollen visiting the bretherin, and while there held a meeting on the street. We had but a few to preach to. The authorities would not leave us preach on some of the main streets. So we had to hold it on one of the side streets. We also held a sacrament meeting. It was about 11 oclock when myself and Bro John arrived home.

Agust 1st. 92

The weather was fine, left Chirk this morning with the train and arrived in Wrexham. Stayed here a little while and then went to the sports, and after seeing this, I visited my cousin and her family. She lives about five miles from Wrexham. They were surprised to see me. I slept there that night.

Agust 2nd. 92

The weather was very fine. Took a walk out so far as Coed y poth [Coedyboth], then came back and bid my cousin good bye. Her husband came down with me so far as Wrexham. From there I took train so far as Llangollen. Saw Bro Roberts and after buying a few things, I walked to Chirk arriving there about 7:30 P.M.

Agust 3rd. 92

The weather was fine some parts of the day. Was out tracting in town and some scattering houses, distributing 200 tracts. Received letters from John my Bro and Emily J. Whimpey. Also wrote letters to my Aunt in Leeds and one to my Aunt in Ebbw Vale. Also answered my Bro's letter.

Agust 4th. 92

The weather was fine, was out tracting two small villages, Vily Lodge, and Preesgweene. Distributed 221 tracts. Received a letter from Bro J. H. Davies, also wrote one to E. J. Whimpey.

Agust 5th. 92

The weather was fine. Was out tracting some scattering houses towards the Cefn, gave out 67 tracts. We also visited the bretherin in Cefn, they having moved from Llangollen.

Agust 6th. 92

The weather was fine. Was out tracting two small villages, Vily St. Martins and Glynmorlas, distributed 67 tracts. Saw a cricket match between Chirk and Rosddu, the former scoring the most. Received a letter from Bro E. T. Ashton.

Agust 7th. 92

It was raining all day. The bretherin was here from the Cefn and accompanied with them Bro T. B. Evans and Joseph H. Wilde. We would have preached on the streets, but the weather being so wet, we did not do so.

Agust 8th. 92

The weather was changeable. Was out tracting in town and some scattering houses, gave out 129 tracts. This afternoon attended the sports here in Chirk.

Agust 9th. 92

The weather was fine. Was to Llangollen accompanied with the rest of the bretherin and wittnessed a dog show and can say that it was quite interesting. They had some of the dogs trained like men. Each dog had to go for three sheep, a certain distance and had to bring them through certain places, and then krell [corral] them, and they had to do it in a certain time.

The owner of the dog stood in a certain place and had a rope in his hand and this rope attached to a pole and he could only go the length of this rope each way, so making it quite difficult for him to see the dog at all times. Received a paper from Bro Edward T. Ashton.

Agust 10th 92

The weather was fine, was out tracting a small place by the name of Black Park, distributed 51 tracts. Bro's T. B. Evans, Joseph H. Wilde and J. H Davis came here from Cefn. They took train for Oswestry and from there they will go to Welshpool and thence to Cardiff.

Agust 11th. 92

The weather was very fine, was out tracting in the villages Lodge and Preesgweene, distributed 200 tracts. This evening we went out to a small village by the name of Chirkgreen, met the bretherin Williams and Roberts and held a meeting there. There was but a few present.

Agust 12th. 92

The weather was very fine. Was out tracting in a Welsh district by the name of Glyncaeriog [Now Glynceiriog], distributed 95 tracts. This evening accompanied with Bro's Williams and Roberts we held a meeting in a small place by the name of Black Park. Received a letter from Hector and also answered the same.

Agust 13th. 92

The weather was damp. So we did not do any tracting. Saw a cricket match between Chirk and Gobowen, the former scoring the most. Wrote letters to J. S. Anderson and my cousin in Lonyvron [?] (Nr. Wrexham)

Agust 14th. 92

The weather was very damp, Was to Glyncaeriog and met the bretherin there, but owing to it raining we did not hold any meeting. The bretherin came with us to Chirk and after eating supper they left.

Agust 15th. 92

The weather was very fine. This evening we went to a small village by the name of Vron and met the bretherin and held a meeting. There was also a Horticulture show here in Chirk this afternoon, we took that in.

Agust 16th. 92

The weather was unfavourable, was out tracting in Glyncaeriog, distributed 87 tracts. This evening we met the bretherin in Black Park village and we thought to hold a meeting, but two or three of the men said that the people there did not want to hear us and they started to ridicule our people untill we talked there with them for about an hour and it went too late to hold a meeting. So we left them.

Agust 17th. 92

The weather was beautifull. Was out tracting towards the Cefn and we distributed 51 tracts, and before returning, we assisted the bretherin in holding forth on the street.

Agust 18th. 92

The weather kind of fogy. Was out tracting a small place by the name of St. Martins, distributed 60 tracts. Then we went to the bretherin and assisted them to hold forth on the street.

Agust 19th. 92

The weather was fine, was tracting in Glyncaeriog, distributed 140 tracts. After supper we went to the Vron and met the bretherin and assisted them in holding a meeting there. Received letters from Richard and William and one from Bro. J. S. Anderson.

Agust 20th. 92

The weather was fine. We left Chirk this morning and met Bro David Williams on the road. He was going to help Bro's Wride, Lewis and McAllister in holding forth in different villages. Myself and Bro Roberts was to Llangollen this afternoon. Received a letter from Sister Elizabeth Ann Richards, Scofield, and she also sent me a nice handkerchief. I also received some play books from Richard and wrote him a letter.

Agust 21st. 92

The weather was unfavourable. Was to Llangollen and visited an old gentleman which had been in the church. We held a sacrament meeting with him. We also held two out door meetings, one in a small village by the name of Garth and the other one was held close by here on the street. We had quite a few to listen unto us.

Agust 22nd. 92

The weather was fine. Was out tracting in the Cefn, distributed 214 tracts, and this at 7:30 we held a meeting there. We had quite a few present and after the meeting was closed, a man interrupted us and throwed up polygamy, but we go through allright.

Agust 23rd. 92

The weather was quite sultry and towards the evening it rained. We was out tracting in Cefn, distributed 300 tracts. Received a letter from Hector and also answered the same, wrote a letter to Bro. T. M. Richards.

Agust 24th. 92

The weather was fine. Was out tracting in the Cefn and distributed 67 tracts. We also held a meeting up in the Cefn, but we met with a very uncouth reception. After the meeting was over, a gentleman came there and had a volume of the Millenial Star and in this volume was published a piece called the "Childrens Ladder" teaching that God had body, parts, and passions, and I suppose that he thought this belief in the Deity was erroneous. So he accused us of believing this truth. And after proving that He had these attributes, he throwed up Polygamy, and then got the people worked up so that they actually drove us away and started to us violence. I got away by turning down a side street, and Bro's Roberts and John followed down with the crowd and got treated very bad by the people throwing them down. We feel to thank the Lord that none of us was fatally injured. There was about two hundred of them after us, and I will never forget this evenings experiance.

Agust 25th 92

The weather was very fine, but we did not go out tracting owing to the bad feeling that is existing among the people since the affair last night. There was quite a crowd of boys and young men down from the Cefn this evening and they were hooting and howling, "turn them out" etc. Received a letter from Hector and wrote one to Aunt in Leeds.

Agust 26th. 92

Was out tracting some parts of Cefn, and this evening the same crowd came down again and kept an awful noise. So the man of the house went out after them with a club and thrashed some of them, and the same evening he told us to move out. So we consented to do so and would move in the morning.

Agust 27th. 92

We left Cefn this morning. Bro Roberts was going right through to Cardiff another direction. We came here to Llanidloes, and we will stay over night here at Mrs. Humphreys, the Temperance Hotel.

Augst 28th. 92

We spent most of the time at our friends Mr. and Mrs. Williams. We eat dinner with them and also supper, we had a good time with them. They expect to be down to Conference.

Augst 29th. 92

Left Llanidloes this morning with our excursion train from Aberystwyth. So we came right through here to Cardiff. After arriving at the station, we took a cab for 188 Cathays where we met with the bretherin.

Augst 30th. 92

Took train this morning for Pentrebach and visited my Uncle and Aunt where I was made quite comfortable. Spent the day in visiting some of the neighbours I knew.

Augst 31st. 92

Was up to Merthyr and visited some of my relatives, also called at Bro William Richards. Stayed there for quite a while. Bro Richards accompanied me down the road for a ways towards Pentrebach. Slept at my Aunt's that night.

Sep 1st. 92

Left Pentrebach this morning for Merthyr accompanied with a friend of mine by the name of Thomas Thomas. We called at Aunt Nellys and had food to eat. Then went to the station and took train for Aberdare where I stayed over night and attended an opera entitled, "Paul Jones."

Sep 2nd. 92

Walked to Aberaman this morning and took train from there to Penrhiwceiber and after visiting around some of my friends, I took train for Merthyr Vale and called at my Uncle and Aunt's and slept there. Spent quite a nice time this evening in singing with the organ etc.

Sep 3rd. 92

Took train this morning from Merthyr Vale and arrived here in Cardiff, found the bretherin quite well. Bro Anderson was down from Liverpool. We had a meeting this evening for the purpose of giving in our reports etc. Bro. Anderson gave us some good remarks.

Sep 4th. 92

Our conference was held today. Several of the Saints was present from different parts of Wales. There was also two bretherin from another conference present and can say that we spent a real good time together. Bro Anderson gave us some good instructions in the three meetings. I spoke a few remarks in the morning.

Sep 5th. 92

Was around town for a walk, and tomorrow morning early, we are thinking of taking an excursion trip to London. There is six of us bretherin going. Bro Anderson left for Liverpool today.

Sep 6th. 92

Left Cardiff this morning at 2:15, arriving in London about 9 oclock landing at Kensington Station, and from there changed to Paddington Station and rode out to the city. After eating breakfast we visited "Madame Tussaud's" exhibition of waxwork and other curiosities of art. We paid the fee of 1 shilling and sixpence extra to see what they call the chamber of horrors. This place contaning wax figures of different murderers. After visiting the exhibition, we went to the Conference House which is situated at No 42 Pentan Street. Saw a Bro by the name of George Langlois, he being the only one present, but later on the following bretherin came in after been out tracting: John D. Owen, S. M. Barratt, Ralph G. Savage, and Sydney Clawson. They were all from Salt Lake City. We will sleep here tonight.

Sep 7th. 92

After breakfast, visited Hyde Park which is called one of the "Lungs of London." This Park covers a space of 400 acres and is seperated from Kensington Gardens by a low wall and the Serpentine River, a peice of water of about fifty acres formed in 1733 by Caroline, Queen to George II. Early in the morning in the Summer time, it is much frequented by bathers, upwards of 12,000 of whom have been known to indulge in the luxury of a bath in one day; and in the winter months, the Serpentine is the favorite resort of the lovers of skating. The Park presents a fine appearance on a fine day in May or June. In the Ring and Bottom Row are to be seen in the season all the fashion of London out for excercise [exercize] -- a sight unequalled in Europe, or, perhaps in the world. On one occasion 20,000 volunteers were reviewed there by the Prince of Wales. The Park has been successively used as a race course, a duelling field, a private park, a place of resort for the fashionable, and, better than all, a place of meeting for all nations in the Great Exhibition of 1851. Here also is to be seen the "Albert Memorial" erected in memory of the Prince Consort. The allegorical figures, Commerce, Industry, Agriculture, and Engineering, are good; as are also the marble groups representing Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. The memorial itself is a grand structure. It is about 160 feet high and rests on four granite columns. The basreliefs of celebrated poets, artists, and scientific men are very fine. The decoration of the whole is fine and tasty. The next place we visited was the South Kensington Museums. This place consists of two divisions: the first devoted to art, comprises a library and museum with the scultpture and architectural collections, and the galleries of paintings which will include the National Portrait Gallery; the Second, devoted to Science, comprising the educational museum, the food and animal product collections and the loan collection of scientific instruments. We also saw the Indian collections. The next place we visited was the Olympia. This is a very large Hall used for circuses and shows, etc. but at present, they are performing "Merchant of Venice" on a large scale and it is really Venice in London. The model of the City Venice is there in its perfection. It consists of streets and stalls strung out on them selling all kinds of pretty things, and then they have canals made and and bridges crossing it here and there, with pleasure boats floating on them. And a person looking all around him, would really think he was in Venice or some other city. Then in the evening they would perform the "Merchant of Venice" having about 2,000 performers acting on a very large stage, and they would use some magnificent boats to perform with, all being on the same style as it was in Venice. All of the acting was done with or by gesture, no speaking done, but they would sing once in a while. The Hall being so immensly large, we could not hear them speak. After seeing this, we returned to the Conference House and retired.

Sep 8th. 92

We devoted the whole of our time today in the "Crystal Palace." This is a beautiful glass building and has a park, pleasure grounds, gardens and fountains etc; its unequalled architectural courts, its noble series of portrait busts, its statuary, music, and picture galleries, is par excellence, the greatest light in London, and the wonder of Europe as a place of popular amusement and instruction. The building was reconstructed, with many additions and improvements, after its removal from Hyde Park in 1851 and opened to the public on the 10th of June 1854 by the queen and Court. The gardens of the Palace are now among the finest in Europe, and the pyrotechnic displays (or fireworks) combined with the great fountains, are probably unequalled in the world. My time was spent here with great pleasure and will never forget my visit to the Crystal Palace.

Sep 9th. 92

After breakfast, we took a buss for "St Pauls Cathedral" was inside and viewed it all through. This great building rears its noble proportions over the ashes of many churches. The circumferance of the building is 2.292 feet [?] or within 343 feet of half a mile. From east to west it measures 510 feet; from north to south 282. Width of body of church 100 feet. The elevation of the cross from the foundation is 404 feet; and from the floor of the basement, 365 feet. The height of the cross itself is 30 feet. The weight of the ball is 5,600 pounds; that of the cross 3,360 pounds. The building is full of monuments, some of which are very striking. It also contains a good library. Some of its curiosities are the geometrical staircase, which hangs without any visible support; the great bell, which sends its peal to a distance of twenty miles on a fine day; the Whispering gallery, in which the slightest whisper at one end is heard as if close to the ear at the other end, 150 feet away, and in which the clapping of a door resounds like a discharge of artillery or a roll of thunder. We attended a service in the Cathedral. The next place we visited was the "Westminster Abbey." This was once a Benedictine monastery, now the collegiate church of St. Peter. It is situated on a spot originally surrounded by the waters of the Thames, and called Thorney Island, but now included under the general name of Westminster. It was founded somewhat previously to the year 616, by Sebert, King of the East Saxons; and, according to the monkish legends it was miraculously consecrated by St. Peter himself, its patron Saint. The view of the interior from the west entrance is uncommonly grand; and many other points might be mentioned where the various divisions and ornaments of the building range in very beautifull perspectives. After visiting this place, we went and had dinner, after which we visited the "American Exhibition" and saw Buffalo Bill and his troop perform. This was quite interesting. We stayed here all the afternoon, then came back to 42 Penton Street and retired.

Sep 10th. 92

We left London this morning at 11:55 A.M. arriving here in Cardiff at 6:30 p.m., went to a restaurent, then came here to the Conference House. I received letters from my parents, John, my Bro, and E. J. Whimpey.

Sep 11th. 92

The weather was damp. We held meetings here today at 3 oclock and 6 P.M. There was a few of the saints present. Bro Davis and Lewis came back tonight.

Sep 12th 92

Some of the bretherin took an excursion trip to Bristol this morning, but myself and Bro Davies attended a funeral in Abersychan. There were also Bro's Ashton and Isgreen present with us. We left there with the 7 oclock train arriving here in Cardiff about 9 oclock. Bro Williams had come in from being visiting his folks.

Sep 13th. 92

Spent most of my time around town today. This morning there was meeting held for the purpose of setting us apart to our different fields of labour. Myself and Bro William C. Isgreen was appointed to labour together in a place by the name of Dolgelly. We won't start from here untill after Sunday. Tonight I attended the theatre and saw "Hamlet" performed by the notable actor, Wilson Barret. They played it well.

Sep 14th. 92

I spent most of my time indoors writing etc. This evening there was a meeting held. A few of the saints were present.

Sep 15th. 92

Spent most of my time indoors. This evening I was to the theatre and saw the peice entitled "Benmychree."

Sep 16th. 92

Bro Wride left us today for home. We went to the station and saw him off, after which Bro Isgreen and myself went to the station and inquired what the fair was to Dolgelly.

Sep 17th. 92

Myself and Bro Isgreen went to the Taff Vale Station this afternoon, thinking to take train here for Penrhiwceiber, but we lost the train. So I took a later train and arrived here in Penrhiceiber quite safe. Visited John Evans Miskin and Evans of this place for the purpose of collecting Star bills. I will sleep here tonight at David James.

Sep 18th. 92

I left Penrhiwceiber this morning, arriving here in Treforest before dinner, met Bro Isgreen. After dinner we held a meeting. Bro Stone, Pres of the Llantrissant Branch, was present. We slept in a lodging place.

Sep 19th. 92

We lost the train this morning at Pont y pridd. So we stayed here in Merthyr tonight, visited Bro William Richards. Slept at the "Farmers Arms."

Sep 20th. 92

Left Merthyr this morning at 12 oclock arriving here in Dolgelly at 7 P.M. Slept at a Temperance Hotel.

Sep 21st. 92

Spent most of the time looking for lodgings. Succeeded in finding a comfortable place. We are staying with an old lady, a widow.

Sep 22nd. 92

Spent the morning in writing, and in the afternoon we took a walk out along the hedges, and picked some blackberries and brought some home. The scenery is beautiful around here.

Sep 23rd. 92

Was out tracting a small place by the name of Penmaenpool and also tracted some scattering houses, distributed 54 tracts. Received letters from home this morning.

Sep 24th. 92

Spent most of our time indoors writing etc, was out for a walk this evening and heard the Salvation Army preach on the streets.

Sep 25th. 92

It is Sunday, but we did not go out preaching. This afternoon we held a meeting between ourselves and administered the Sacrament, was out for a walk also.

Sep 26th. 92

Was out tracting a small village by the name of Llanelltyd and also some scattering houses, distributed 86 tracts.

Sep 27th. 92

Spent most of our time indoors writing etc. I also received the Stars. There was a wedding that took place next door today and as the custom is here, they blinded them nearly by throwing rice at them.

Sep 28th. 92

Was out tracting some scattering houses and a small village by the name of Llanfechset[or Llanfechret], distributed 59 tracts. They were most Welsh.

Sep 29th. 92

The weather being so disagreeable we did not do any tracting, but stayed indoors most of the time reading and writing etc. Received a letter from the general Post Office London.

Sep 30th. 92

We was out tracting some scattering houses between here and Barmouth, distributed 41 tracts. We also visited Barmouth. It is twelve miles from here. It is situated close to the sea shore, and it makes a fine bathing resort. We was along the seashore gathering shells. We took the train to come back. There is some lovely scenery between here and Barmouth.

Oct 1st. 1892

The weather was damp. Spent most of the day indoors studying the scriptures; we expected Bro's Williams and Roberts from Festiniog, but owing to the weather being so disagreeable they did not come. Wrote a letter, also received one from Daniel P. Thomas, Penrhiwceiber.

Oct 2nd. 1892

The weather was kind of cold. We held a Sacrament meeting this afternoon and a good feeling was manifested. This evening was out for a walk along the road.

Oct 3rd. 1892

The weather this morning was miserable but it cleared up a little towards the afternoon. So we was out tracting and distributed 122 tracts, met with quite a lot of Welsh people. Received a letter from Richard, my brother. I also wrote a letter to Bro Benjamin Lewis, Penygraig.

Oct 4th. 1892

The weather was fine. Was out tracting a small village by the name of Penmaenpool and also some scattering houses along the road, distributed 46 tracts. Wrote a letter to Richard, my brother.

Oct 5th. 1892

The weather was fine. Was out tracting some scattering houses distributed 30 tracts. While out tracting we came across an old Abbey, and it goes by the name of Cymmer Vanner Abbey or "The House of God." It was a Cisterian establishment founded in 1198 by Meredydd and Griffith Lords of Merioneth, Sons of Cynon, the Son of Alvan Gwynedd Prince of North Wales and was dissolved by Henry the 8th. The nave and choir 110 feet by 17 are continuous and without aisles or transept. The east end contains three lancet windows; on the South side are the remains of Gothic Arcade, and at the west end are three equilateral arches with octagonal piers and the remains of a tower with diagonal buttresses at its angles. In the farm buildings near is the Abbots Hall or guesten House and the Rectory. Cart tract leads from the Abbey above the ground of Henqurt (for centuries the family seat of Vaughans) to Precipice walk and Nannau. In a field to the right of the road near Henqurt Mansion is circular Camp 150 feet in diameter supposed to be the site of Crymner Castle which was destroyed early in the 12th Century.

Oct 6th. 92

The weather was very damp. Spent most of our time indoors. We received a letter from Bro's Williams and Evans, Mychynllth [Now Machynlleth] stating that they would be here Saturday if the weather permitted.

Oct 7th. 92

It was raining all day. Spent our time indoors. Wrote a letter to Bro James S. Anderson, Scotland.

Oct 8th. 92

Stayed indoors most part of the day reading and writing. Bro's Williams came here from Machynllth this afternoon. Spent a good time together. They will stay with us over Sunday.

Oct 9th. 92

The weather being so rough today we did not go out preaching, but we held a meeting between us in the house, and administered the Sacrament. We spent a good time.

Oct 10th. 92

Bro's Williams and Evans left us today for their destinations. We went with them for about six miles and on coming back we distributed about twenty seven tracts. We reached home about five oclock.

Oct 11th. 92

Was out tracting a small village by the name of Llanfechan, distributed 58 tracts. Found the people mostly all Welsh. Received two letters from home, one from Hector and the other from my parents and enclosed was 20 dollars, five which was sent from Richard.

Oct 12th. 92

The weather was fine.


Taliesin Thomas Evans was born April 23, 1871 at Abercanaid, Glamorganshire, Wales, the son of Isaac Evans and Catherine Thomas. As a convert he was baptized March 3, 1883, by David T. Evans, his brother, and emigrated to Utah in 1888, crossing the Atlantic in the ship "Wisconsin." He was called as a missionary to his native land of Wales and was ordained a Seventy by Brother George Reynolds and at the same time was set apart for his mission on June 26, 1891. His Missionary Certificate was signed by Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith of the First Presidency. His two years mission ended on June 3, 1893 with a permission of release signed by Alfred Solomon, President of the European Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at 42 Islington, Liverpool, England. Taliesin became a citizen of the United States on 28 September 1894 and the certificate stated that he was a resident of Scofield, Carbon County at that time. In January, 1895, he married Emily Jane Whimpey, who bore him nine children, namely, Oscar W., Taliesin W., Vivian Alice, Isaac W., Susannah Maud, Ivor W., Emily Jane, Lucile and Pershing W. At Pleasant Valley he acted as Sunday School superintendent and Ward chorister. Later he moved to Sunnyside, Carbon County, Utah, where he was chosen as Bishop of the Sunnyside Ward, being ordained to that position by Apostle Rudger Clawson on September 24, 1916. He acted as school trustee in Winter Quarters for four years, served on the board of the Carbon County high school, and was a member of the committee which selected the site for the high school building at Price, Utah. He later settled in Castle Dale where he lived during the time his children where young adults. Near the end of his life he moved to be with his daughter, Vivian, who was living in Dragerton. There he died on 4 Nov 1944 and was buried in Pleasant Grove Cemetery on 7 Nov 1944.

This history of Taliesin Thomas Evans was written from family records compiled by Delna E. Macfarlane as well as the history in L.D.S. Biographical Encyclopedia, Volume 3, p.369.



Evans, Taliesin Thomas


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