Obray, Thomas Lorenzo - 1852 letter

Millennial Star, vol

Millennial Star, vol. 14, 18 Sep 1852, page 477


A letter from Elder Thomas Obray


124, Strada San Domenico Malta, August 18, 1852


Dear President Richards,


It is beyond my power to make known the difficulties attending this Mission. I have not only to encounter with Catholic, but with Protestant, who are circulating lies as fast as a horse can run, in order to stop the work of God on this island; but, God be praised! I am enabled to say that I have added two since I last wrote to you, which make twenty-two members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints here, rejoicing in God.

Last Sunday, the 17th, I ordained a good man an Elder, by name Geo. Burrage; he leaves Malta for England this day week, to get his discharge, when he will return to me.

I have circulated the tracts that I had from the office at Liverpool, and what the Sheerness Saints were kind enough to give, all over this Island.

Two of the brethren that I baptized were Catholic; one I have ordained a Priest; he was ordered by his commanding officer to go to his priest, and inform him what he had done. He went, and took the Book of Mormon with him, and many more of our books, and gave them to his priest, who said if he could see that Joseph Smith was called of God he would be a Saints as well as he. This is the second priest that has got our works. The captain of our brother’s regiment has ordered a Book of Mormon as soon as I get them from England.

I feel the Lord is going to do a good work here. I long for the time when you will see it right to send me a good Elder, for there is plenty for us to do here. May the Lord bless you is my prayer.

Yours in the Covenant of Peace,

Thomas Obray.



Obray, Thomas Lorenzo


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