Sunday Jan. 1, 1882 Attended the usual services at Provo. Elders A. O. Smoot and K. G. Maeser
preached on the importance of reviewing our diligence in serving the Lord at
the beginning of a New Year. I spent the afternoon in company with Bro. A. O.
Smoot and the evening with my family.
Monday Jan. 2, 1882 At home all
day, my daughter Martha Ann and myself wrote twenty one pages in my journal.
Tuesday Jan. 3,1882
At 6:30 P.M. attended a meeting of the High Council at the Court House in Provo which was a continuance
of the one held Dec. 30, 1881. The session lasted until 11 P.M. The decision seem to satisfy both parties.
Saturday Jan. 7, 1882 Attended a
monthly meeting of the Stake at 10 A.M. Members of the High Council assisted me
in setting apart about twenty home missionaries. The following I copy from the
"Territorial Enquirer". Jan. 14, 1882. "Meeting of the
Priesthood of Utah Stake held in the meeting house Provo City,
Jan. 7, 1882. After prayer was offered by Bishop John Brown,
etc. etc. Elder D. John anounced [sic] announced the departure of Pres.
A. O. Smoot to the Legislature and instructed that all church business
pertaining to the Stake be forwarded to his (D.
John's) address. He reviewed the successful and prosperous year just elapsed
and thought the time was very opportune for collecting subscriptions by the
several bishops from the people for the purpose of ascertaining how much can be
accomplished in the various wards in view of the erection of the Stake
Tabernacle. He suggested that the bishops call meetings in their wards to
consider the subject. Elder John continued at length upon other subjects,
particularly in relation to the law of tithing. The dementions [sic] purposed
for the house were 126 by 66 and the aproximate [sic] estimate of the cost
about $30,000. He expressed a wish that the bishops would call meetings to advise on the subject. He gave instructions to the Home
missionaries urging them to seek the Lord in humility, that
they might minister with profit to the people and not seek to delve into the
so-called mysteries of the Kingdom, but learn and teach the practical things of
the kingdom of God. He announced the appointment of
Elder Howard Coray as a Home Missionary for Utah Stake, which appointment was
sustained by the unanimous vote of the meeting". On motion meeting was
adjourned for one month. Benediction by Bishop Jos. S.
At 7 P.M. attended a prayer
circle. According to the desires of Elder K. T. Thomas was relieved from the
presidency thereof, and Elder Edward Peay appointed to succeed him. I addressed
the brethren for about one hour more especially on the subject of prayer.
Sunday Jan. 8, 1882 Attended the usual services at Provo. At 10:30 A.M. S. S. Jones addressed
the assembly. At 2 P.M. visited the Sunday School in
the Third Ward, addressed the school, spent the evening at home posting my
journal, my daughters Mary Jane and Martha Ann acting as my scribe.
Jan. 9 & 10, 1882 Signed
several recommends on the evening of the tenth, attended a bishops meeting at Provo and had an
interesting meeting.
Saturday January 14, 1882 I gave
bonds and was sworn as a director in the Utah County Stock Association. Merr's. J. R. Tweloes and C. W. Smith were my bondsmen.
January 15, 1882 Sunday At Provo, attended the usual meetings. Elder S. S. Jones
preached in the morning. I attended the 3rd Ward Sunday School at 2 P.M.
January 22, 1882 (Sunday) At
Provo, Bishop Myron Tanner and J. P. R. Johnson preached. Spent the evening at
Jan. 27, 1882 Friday In a night
dream, I saw the heavens on the North and the South , full of beings (men) saw
no women, they could not be numbered, they gathered together to the East and
stationed themselves in the air in the attitude of protecting the Saints from
any motion from the Eastern lands.
Sunday January 29, 1882
At Provo, Pres. A. O. Smoot, Elders Milton Hardy
and Albert Jones preached to the assembly. I was 49 years of age, this date.
Saturday Feb. 4, 1882 Attended a Stake Priesthood meeting at Prov at 10 A.M.
Sunday Feb. 5, 1882 Attended the usual meetings at Provo.
Sunday Feb. 12, 1882 Attended the usual meetings at Provo.
Sunday Feb. 19, 1882 Attended the usual meetings at Provo.
Sunday Feb. 26, 1882 Went to
Spanish Fork and attend meetings in company of Pres. A. O. Smoot, returned in
the evening.
March 4 Attended a Stake monthly
meeting at Provo.
March 5th, 12th, & 19th
(Sundays) Attended meetings at Provo.
March 25th Saturday Attended a
Stake Quarterly Conference at Provo.
Elders E. Snow & F. M. Lyman addressed the congregation. (3 meetings were
held during the day).
March 26 Sunday Attended
Conference at Provo,
Pres. J. F. Smith & Elders E. Snow and F. M. Lyman spoke.
April 1 Saturday A Stake monthly meeting was held at Provo, the chief business was the building of
a new Stake Tabernacle. There was a unanimous feeling in its favor.
April 2nd Sunday Elder A. F.
Mcdonald preached at Provo, giving an
interesting account of his mission in Arizona
& Mexico.
April 8th Went to Salt Lake
and attended the Annual Conference.
April 9th Attended 2 meetings at
Salt Lake Conference, returned to Provo.
April 16th Sunday Attended the usual meetings at Provo.
April 18th Tuesday Attended a meeting of the lesser Priesthood at Provo at 7 P.M.
April 23rd Sunday Attended the usual meetings at Provo, visited the 2nd Ward Sunday School. At
2 P.M.
April 30th
Sunday. I preached at 10:30 A.M.
May 2nd
Attended Bishops meeting at Provo
at 7 P.M.
May 6th Attended
a monthly meeting of the Stake at Provo
at 10 A.M. The Presidency of the Stake having petioned [sic] the first
Presidency of the Church for help from the Tithing of the Stake towards
assisting in the erection of the Stake Tabernacle; the answer from them was
read to the effect, that we could use no property tithing, but that we could
use "Labor Tithing".
May 7th Sunday At
Provo, Elder A.
F. Mcdonald preached at 10:30 A.M. I spent the afternoon in company of Pres. A.
O. Smoot and Bro. Mcdonald.
May 14th Sunday At Prov. Home missionaries preached at 10 A.M. Elder S. S.
Jones and myself visited the S. School in the 2nd Ward at 2 P.M. and addressed
the pupils.
May 16th Attended meeting of the
Priesthood at Provo
at 7 P.M.
May 18th I preached in the
funeral of Robt. Tile Jr. at the 4th Ward ,Provo at 2 P.M. (He was 23 years of age).
May 21st Sunday Went to Lehi in
company with Pres. Smoot and also my wife. Held meeting there
at 10 A.M. and at 2 P.M. Returned to Provo
by train at 4:00 P.M.
I dreamed this night that I saw
the Sun sitting in the West with a large reddish lion standing in its center facing
the north in a fighting attitude, and another yellow lion laying
on his left side, under the Sun, but close to it facing the east. The lower one
facing the east appeared calm, friendly, and peaceful, the other signified
trouble to the Saints, as far as I could judge.
May 27th Saturday Pres. Smoot and
myself went to Lehi by train and from there by Team to
Cedar Fort accompanied by Bp. Thos. R. Cutler, stayed over night in the house
of Bro. Eli Bennett. My daughter Mary Jane accompanied us.
May 28th Sunday
Attended meetings at Cedar Fort at 10 A.M. and at 2 P.M. The members of the Ward voted to sustain Elder Eli Bennett
as a Bishop in the place of Bishop Henry Cook deceased. Patriarch Zebedee
Coltrin was there and quite sick, we administered to him. Returned
to Lehi in the evening.
May 29th Returned from Lehi to Provo.
June 3rd Attended a Quarterly
Conference at Provo,
held 3 meetings, Pres. W. Woodruff spoke the most part of the day.
June 4th Sunday Elder Jos. F.
Smith spoke in the morning and Elder W. Woodruff in the afternoon.
June 11th Sunday Pres. Smoot and myself left Provo
at 9 A.M. by rail and arrived at Spanish Fork in time for the morning services.
I preached at 10 A.M. Addressed the Sunday School at 2 P.M. and the High
Priests Quorum at 4 P.M. Pres. Smoot preached at 2 P.M. Stayed over night in
the house of Bishop Snell (G. D.)
June 18th Sunday Pres. Smoot and myself went to Lehi, attended 3 meetings, had a good time. Lodged at Bishop Thos. R. Cutler.
19th Went from
Lehi to Provo
by railroad.
25th Sunday. Bro. A. O. Smoot and myself went
from Provo to Alpine, held 3 meetings there,
enjoyed a good time and returned to Provo
next morning.
July 1st
Saturday. Attended a
monthly meeting of the Utah Stake at Provo.
2nd Sunday. Elder S. S. Jones and myself went
by rail to American Fork. There we met G. Goddard assistants of the Deseret
Sunday School Union, met twice with the Sunday School,
all of us spoke, and we had a profitable visit. Bro. S. S. Jones and myself returned to Provo
at 8 P.M.
9th Sunday. Bro. S. S. Jones and myself went to Pleasant Grove, met
there with Geo. Goddard and assistants, addressed the Sunday School, we
returned to Provo in the evening.
16th Sunday. Spent the day at Provo,
in the Sunday School interest, Bro. Geo. Goddard and
myself and others addressed the pupils and we had a profitable time.
23rd Sunday. Attended meetings at Provo
at 9 A.M. and at 10:30 A.M. in company of Elder S. S. Jones, went to
Springville and attended meeting there at 2 P.M. Brother Geo. Goddard and
assistants present.
27th Thursday. Attended a High Council meeting of the
Utah Stake at 7:30 P.M.
29th Went in company of Pres.
Smoot to Pleasant Valley by rail, 60 miles from Provo, and enjoyed delightful
July 30th Attended 3 meetings at Pleasant Valley. Had excellent
good instructions and Spirit. The Saints enjoyed our visit and we
appreciated their society.
31st Monday. Pres. Smoot and myself went in to
the Coal Beds at 5 A.M., it being the first time I was in a Coal Bed. We left
at 7 A.M. and arrived at Provo at 1:30 P.M.
Attended a High Council at Provo
at 7:30 P.M. Apostle F. M. Lyman was present, our meeting continued 'till 10
Aug. 6th Sunday Pres. Smoot and myself left Provo
at 9:30 A.M. and went to "Santaquin", addressed the Sunday School at
11 A.M. and preached to the Saints at 2 P.M. Lodged in the house of Bishop
George Halliday.
12th Saturday Visited the Provo
Asylum and Springville in company with James Dunn and Mr. Street and wife from Chicago.
13th Sunday At
Provo, Elders Elijah Davies and John Evans of Lehi, spoke at 10:30 A.M. Took
dinner with Pres. Smoot. Spent the afternoon with my family
in the 3rd Ward, Provo.
In the evening went to the Lake Bottom in Provo
and administered to Brother A. Clinger, he said that the illness left him at
that time.
20th Sunday At
home at Provo.
27th Sunday At
home at Provo.
On Friday Sept. 1, 1882 I went to
the Provo Manufacturing Co. where I had been engaged as Salesman for 4 years
and 4 months; in consequence of being called by Pres. Wilford Woodruff on a
mission to labor in giving endowments and learning how to give them in St.
George Temple, Washington Co. Utah.
My labors had been of a satisfactory character in the Provo Mills. I left in
good feelings, with all the employees, as well James Dunn, Supt., and all
interested in the business.
2nd Saturday A
Quarterly Conference of the Stake was held at Provo. I preached in the morning at 10:30,
Pres. Smoot and several Bishops occupied the afternoon. A meeting of the High
Priest Quorum was held at 7 P.M..
3rd Sunday At
Provo, Pres. Jos. A. Smith and Geo. Q. Cannon preached interestingly to the
congregation. At 12:30 P.M. I was set apart for my mission in the Temple, under the hands
of Pres. Geo. Q. Cannon, Jos. F. Smith, and A. O. Smoot, Pres. Jos. F. Smith
being mouth. He gave me a very solemn and responsible charge, and in his prayer
he used the following words, "I set you apart to work in the Temple in giving endowments and to learn how to give them
in the Temple of God, to which calling you will be called
to labor in time to come". Bros. Geo. Q. Cannon and Jos. F. Smith preached
at 2 P.M. and returned to Salt
Lake at 4 P.M. I spent
the evening with my family.
Sept. 4th Spent the day in Provo, my son David spent
the more part of the day with me in visiting the fields, etc.
Sept 5th My family all came
together about noon, we spent a few hours together and at 4:30 P.M. I left by
train for St. George in company
of Elders Edwin Standling and wife of Lehi, and Lewis Halcey
and wife from Pleasant Grove who were also called to labor in the temple. My
daughter Mary Jane, Elizabeth, and Ada,
and my sons Thomas and David, accompanied me to the Depot, they cried and felt
bad in parting, so did all the family. We travelled
[sic] all night in the cars and arrived at 7 A.M. at Milford
on the morning of the 6th, we were necessitated to stay over 26 hours at Milford on account of the
Stage being full. Spent the day at Milford
visiting the surroundings and put up at Williams Hotel.
7th Left by stage at 7 A.M. and
arrived at Cedar City an hour after dark, distance from Milford, 55 miles, and
thence to Silver Reef, distance from Cedar 44 miles, we travelled [sic] all
night and arrived at the Reef at 5:30, laid over 7 hours waiting for the Stage.
We visited the Silver works and spent the 7 hours to a good advantage. Left at 2 P.M. for St. George, a distance of 22 miles, making 121
miles from Milford to St. George and 190 miles
from Provo to Milford,
in all from Provo
to St. George by short route, 311 miles. We arrived at St. George at 7
P.M., met Elder F. M. Farnsworth, went with him and put up at his house.
9th Saturday I spent the day in
writing and visiting St. George, visited Brother Erastus Snow, he introduced me
to his families, Court House, Coop Store, etc. I saw many old friends.
10th Sunday I visited the Sunday
School of 1st Ward, St. George at 10 A.M., addressed the pupils and attended
meeting at 2 P.M. in the tabernacle. Elder E. Snow preached, I preached a short
discourse; also Bro. Stranding and Levi Haley.
11th Monday Spent the day in
writing and visiting the Temple.
Pres. J. D. McAllister and F. M. Farnsworth introduced me and took me in and
partly through.
12th Tuesday I got baptized for
101 dead persons in the Temple,
relations and friends, many of whom I never saw. Elder A. P. Winsor
administered baptism and Elders J. G. Black and William Fawcett attended the
confirmation, the full account , the names of the
persons are written in my family records.
13th Wednesday I got endowed for
and in behalf of my father, Daniel John, who was born in Wales, April 1st 1793
and died there March 31st 1856.
14th Thursday I got endowed for
and in behalf of my brother, Thomas John, born Nov 25th 1835 and died June 29
15th Friday I got endowed for and
in behalf of my Grand Father Thomas John, who was born about 1769 and died Dec.
11th 1834. At 4 P.M. I attended a Quarterly Conference of the High Priest
Quorum of the St. George Stake. Elder Erastus Snow gave us an interesting
discourse on Politics and our situation as a people, and said that all the
Latter-day saints who had made sacred obligations with the Lord in Holy places
who should not apostatize and deny the faith, but continue faithful to their
covenants, the Devil and wicked men would take away their lives, if they could.
Nothing short of shedding innocent blood would satisfy this junction.
16th Saturday The
Quarterly Conference of the St. George Stake was held at St. George. The
morning meeting was occupied by the Bishops of the Stake in representing their
Wards, which were represented as being in a healthy condition, as a general
rule. At 2 P.M. Elder John A. Thompson (a young man) from "Pinto",
having returned 2 weeks previous from the Sandwitch [sic] Islands, having been
there a missionary for about 3 years, (spoke) quite interestingly of his labors
on the Islands. Also Bishop Wm. H. Bromch of "Mesquite"
Ward, he also having returned from a mission to the Sandwich
Islands 3 years previous. The proper spirit seemed to actuate the
conference. Pres. Erastus Snow spoke encouragingly to the Saints in relation to
making improvements and making homes in Southern Utah.
At 6 P.M. a Priesthood meeting was held where all the quorums were reported,
several spoke, among them Bro. E. Snow, the chief subject was to bring more
water from the river and other points for irrigation purposes. It appeared that
many city lots in St. George, that a few years ago, raised heavy crops of
grapes and returned wild and full of native weeds for the lack of water. The majority
of the people who settled that settled this country 20 and 21 years ago (who
were energetic) are becoming aged and infirm and unable to manage hard labor as
they once did, while their sons have left for other settlements in search of
more extended farms, hence the reason of labor being insufficient to meet the
demand in St. George and vicinity. The Brethren urged upon the rising youth of
remaining at home and help to develop and sustain the country. I took supper
with Bishop Chas. A. Terry.
17th Sunday 2 meetings were held
and several of the brethren spoke during the day. The main subjects were as the
day previous. I took supper with Jacob Gates Junior.
18th Monday I was at the Temple from 7 A.M. 'till
3 P.M.
19th Tuesday 500 were baptized
for and 450 on the 12th. I assisted in the confirmations.
20th Wednesday I assisted washing
and annointings and got endowed for David John, my great grandfather. I got
baptized for him at Salt Lake City
May 2, 1871. I was ordained for and in his behalf under the hands of Elder
William. Fawcett. At 3 P.M. I attended a funeral of a
little girl 18 months old, the daughter of Bishop Thomas Judd of the 1st Ward,
St. George, Elder Erastus Snow was the chief speaker.
He said "I do not know that the Lord has ordained that children should
die, but we do know that he permits it. They will come up as they were laid
down, this is for the purpose of recognition (with the exception that they lay
down in weakness, they will rise in strength) The Lord is having a rich harvest
of the Spirits of infants from the world at large, he can make more or save
more, whom we can by preaching the Gospel. All children are free from sin, they
have committed none, they have broken no covenant.
They can pass through the veil, without any tokens, or key words, they need
none, they will return pure as they came, and they will be received by the
Father without our help. They are not ours, their Father and Mother are in
Heaven, we prepared a body for them. Still I believe
that each faithful mother will receive her own in the resurrection and have the
pleasure of their reunion. The wicked (says Isaiah) prosper like the
"green bag tree", but he further said that after a time he looked and
he was gone, post and branch and could not be found. Thus the wicked will
perish, their names and their posterity, while the righteous will live and
increase forever. Our children born to us form a knot, a cord, a binding chord,
and when the cold, chilly blast of death severs it, unties it, it bleeds, it
bleeds to the quick and no one can hinder it. It seems hard for mothers, when
this knot is formed when the child is born, and care and anxiety, taken pain
endured to bring it to the world, soon it grows "it is the fat of the
house, it has more privileges than any in the house and now comes death to
summon it home, it seems hard, it may appear cruel, but there our Heavenly
Father has a right to it. He gave it and he has a perfect right to call it
home. We should acknowledge his hand in all things". I spent the evening in
writing. Received a letter from my wife informing me that all
were well at home.
21st Thursday Spent the day in
the Temple from 7:30 A.M. 'till 3 P.M. and got endowed for and in behalf of
David Williams my grandfather, the father of my mother, he was born as near as
I can guess about the year 1752 in the village of Puncheston or nearby in the
neighborhood, in the county of Pembroke, South Wales, and died about the year
1800. He was buried (I think) in the grave yard of the Church of England in
that village (Puncheston). He died when his children small and his widow, Mary
Harries Williams, remained a widow during her life and raised her children
respectable in "Llysgdrew" Farm, she died
about the year 1845. I remember her and remember to be at her funeral. She died
at the ripe age of 90 years, when I was about 12 years old. She was of a strong
will and kept the controlling power over the family during her life. My mother
(her daughter) Mary Williams John, had also a powerful strong self will when
she believed she was right, it was hard to convince her in the first part of
this journal. I described her influence against me on account of my religious
beliefs in 1856. She remained a widow for 22 years and 3 months and went to her
rest on the 1st July 1878, aged 77 years. She left all her earthly possessions
to me, and thus proving herself a true and kind mother, notwithstanding our
extreme difference in religious belief. In a few weeks I expect my daughter
Mary Jane John who is now 20 years of age, to St. George Temple where she will
officiate for her and others of my departed grandmothers and then leave them in
the hands of our kind Father in Heaven, trusting that they will with thankful
hearts, accept the work at our hands, and that the Lord may accept of it, that through
the redeeming blood of the Lamb of God, whose efficacy and administration
reaches all, excepting the Sons of perdition in the spirit world; that they
will come forth and inherit eternal lives, and an eternal increase through out
all eternity; which may God grant through the merits of his only begotten Son.
This feature alone in the Gospel, is worth more than
all the proffered religion of the world, and if this is not true, the very
foundation of our faith and hope are in vain. Our preaching, travelling [sic],
missions, poverty, hunger, and persecutions are in vain. The mission of the
Apostles in Palestine and on the American Continent have been in vain, nay more
the mission of Christ will not accomplish its object; but we have received our
instruction from the Holy One, the Holy spirit of promise and it bears witness
that we have not labored in vain, we shall gain eternal lives if we continue
faithful in our labors and ministry. The time is not far distant when our
enemies will respect us more than they do now hate us, but it will be within
the veil, with the majority of them. The American Nation is about ready to fall
as a Government, their fall is nearer than many imagine. The elements of their
destruction is within themselves in every department thereof, Judges, Senators,
Representatives, and legislators generally will be deprived of their offices,
they have polluted themselves as benefactors to the people, and instead of
sustaining the people in their rights in accordance with their sworn duties, they
have become their deadly enemies and the only excuse they offer for their
conduct towards the Elders in Israel is that they believe in the revelations of
the Almighty. Now I will prophecy that the American nation has seen her highest
and happiest day that it will ever see. It has reached its highest standard,
now the wheel of her fortune has turned, the fullness of the Gentiles has come
in and she will steadily decline for next 7 years and after that (1891) it will
decline faster and in proportion to her decline, the Kingdom of God will ascend
in the West, fro they are the two extreme balances, one is bound to affect the
other, and the lowering of one is the raising of the other. Before her final
fall there will be wars and contentions and they will drink the cup of
bitterness which they mixed and prepared for the Saints; they have sought for
blood, but the blood of their nearest kin and party will be given them and they
will have to drink it. Their posterity will be cut off, their property will be
taken from them and the remnants will seek shelter under the banners of the Kingdom of God. This will not take place in a day,
in a year, it will take them about the same time to finally come to an end as a
government as it took them to come to its perfection and the pinnacle and the
height of its glory and in one hundred years from the 1st Centennial their
power and majesty will have departed and the flag of the Union will be in the
hands of the Saints of the Most High.
Dated at St. George, Washington
Sunday September 24, 1882
22nd Friday I was in the Temple from 8 A.M. till
1:30 P.M. I got endowed for and in behalf of David Williams, my Great
Grandfather and father to David Williams whom I got endowed for on the 21st
inst. He was born according to my best judgement about 1700 and died about 1750
but the dates are not accurate, but they are so near correct as I know how to
make them. I am unable to give to the history of this man, and the name I
received from my mother in the year 1871 and 1872, the last time I saw her in
the flesh (with many other names of relations).
23rd Saturday I
felt unwell this day and the day previous. The morning I spent in writing my genealogy at my boarding house, kept
by Elder Franklin M. Farnsworth. I was at the Temple from 1:30 P.M. till 5 P.M. Received
news from my family informing me that all was well.
24th Sunday Spent the whole day
in writing, I did not feel well in body, but my mind was active and I wrote on
this journal and wrote to my family.
25th Monday I
studied the Endowment in the Temple
from 7:30 A.M. 'till 11:20 A.M. and from 1 P.M. 'till 3:30 P.M. I received the following letter from John Henry Smith, one
of the Twelve Apostles, in answer to a letter of mine in which I expressed a
desire to be adopted to Elder Geo. A. Smith and family.
Salt Lake City, Sep. 21, 1882
David John, St. George, Dear
Brother, your favor of the 17th instant came to him this morning. I am pleased
to hear that you are well and enjoying your labors. I am perfectly willing for
you to be adopted into Father's family, if you desire to do so, and other
persons also, if you have friends you wish to take with you. My uncle John L.
Smith will attend to the ordinances if you will show him this letter. I leave
here tonight for Cassia Co. Idaho, to be gone from home ten days. All the
Presidency and the Twelve are in usual health, my family is all well. Nine Cars
loaded with Soldiers came last night. Give my best regards to my uncle and the
brethren. John Henry Smith
26th Tuesday I got baptized this
day for 52 relations and friends, the names and dates are recorded in my family
journal. Spent the afternoon in writing.
27th Wednesday I went to the Temple at 7 A.M. and left
it at 2 P.M. I assisted in ordaining and in the washing room, among others I
washed Bishop Abraham A. Kimball of "Kanosh" Utah for and in behalf of his grandfather
_________________, the father of the late Pres. Heber C. Kimball, he said that
there was no record of the Church that showed that he had been administered
for. This shows how the dead can be neglected. His son Heber C. having
administered to thousands, still according to the Church Records, his father
was overlooked. I got endowments this day for and in behalf of Ablom Harries,
my great-grandfather, the father of my grandmother, Mary Williams and the same
is recorded on my family journal. I spent the afternoon in writing. Since
writing the above in relation to Brother Heber C. Kimball, I have learned that
there were given no Endowments for the dead in Kirtland or Nauvoo,
they only baptized for the dead and gave endowments to the living. Brother
Kimball died in the year 1868 in January, and the Temple
in St. George was not opened till 1877 in which Temple they gave the first endowments for and
in behalf of the dead, and thus he died 9 years before any endowments for the
dead were given.
28th I went to the Temple at 7 A.M. and
remained there 'till 2:30 P.M. I assisted in the washing room. I went through
and got endowments for and in behalf of Daniel Owen, my great-grandfather, the
father of Hannah Owens, the mother of my father Daniel John, my father was
named after him. He was born as near as I can judge about the year 1730 and
died probably about 1800. He lived in a farm house named "Celyg", a
few miles from Newport, Pembrokeshire, Wales.
I know but little about him or his kindred, he had a Son, I think named Daniel
Owen, who was the father of the Reverend William Owen of Cardiff,
I was acquainted with William, but when I joined the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints, he became my enemy and received no knowledge from him in
relation to his forefathers. A brother to William Owen (Daniel) emigrated to America
when I was a boy. I have learned none of him since. My grandmother Hannah Owen
married one William Thomas and raised a family by him, but I have no knowledge
of them.
29th Friday I went to the Temple at 7 A.M. and left
it at 3 P.M. I labored in the washing room and got endowed for and in behalf of
Thomas Harries, my great-grandfather. He was the father of Alban Harries, and
Alban was the father of Mary Harries ( by marriage
Mary Williams) and she was the mother of Mary John, my mother. Thomas Harries
was born about the year 1670 and died about the year 1730,
he was a wealthy man and lived in Whiletroses in Welsh (Tygayne) some 10 or 12
miles from Newport, Pembrokeshire, South Wales. His wife's name was Elizabeth, I have not learned her maiden's surname. I have no
knowledge of his children, only Alban, my great-grandfather. Alban had born to
him, Elizabeth, Thomas, Catherine, John, Ann, Benjamin, and Mary. Elizabeth died unmarried, when my mother was about 12
years old, Thomas Harries married Ann Rowe of Puncheston, Wales. They had
born to them Thomas, John, and Mary. The last named Thomas, first cousin of my
mother, married one Sarah Mosleak and they had born to them, Thomas, Elizabeth,
George, and Ann, the two last died when they were infants. Elizabeth
married David Davies, they lost one infant named Elizabeth. John Harries,
the grandson of Ablom Harries, married to Rachael Thomas, he is dead, they had
born to them many children, one daughter is dead, Ann, she married to one Mr.
Phillips, they had born to them 2 daughters, Mary and Ann Phillips, they both
died when youths. Mary Harries granddaughter of Alban Harries married Dr.
Richards, "Tregamian", Pembrokeshire. They
had born to them, Mary, Elizabeth, Ann, Thomas, John, and David. Mary the
mother is dead and her children Ann and Thomas died when infants. I have no
knowledge of the history of the other children. Catherine Harries, the daughter
of Alban Harries married to Llewellyn (Lewis) of "Lluydalt",
Pembroke, South Wales, both are dead. They had
born to them Mary, John, Thomas, William, and David. The last mentioned Mary
Llewellyn, married to on Benjamin Lewis. There were born to them John, David,
and Devon. The last John lived at Fishguard, South Wales in
1871, David lived at Merthyr at the same time. I have no knowledge of their
families, Their brother Owen Lewis was married and had a daughter named Mary,
her first husband died and she married the second time to one Daniel Francis
from "Fagwrlas" and raised a family by him.
Thomas Llewellyn, son of the
above Lewis Llewellyn is dead, but left a family in the parish of
"Llangwm", Pembroke, Wales. I have no further
knowledge of this family.
William Llewellyn, a brother to
the last named Thomas Llewellyn, is dead and left a family; strangers to me.
David Llewellyn, a brother to the
last named William is dead and left a family in the parish of
"Llangwm", Pembroke, Wales. I have no further
knowledge of this family.
John Harries, the son of Ablom
Harries had a family, he married a Miss Gregory, they
had the following children,
William, James, Henry, and Elizabeth. Elizabeth died when an
infant. The Miss Gregory, the mother of the above persons, I know nothing of
and wether Gregory was her Christian name or surname I know not.
Thomas Harries her son, first
cousin to my mother, married one Martha Morgan, they both were living at
Puncheston when I was about 12 years of age.
William Harries, the brother of
Thomas Harries, was married and had a family. He had a son John, Loder Farm, he had sons named Stephen and David. Stephen married
one Elizabeth George of Tryenan Farm, Pembrokeshire, and David his brother had
a family living in Pasnechfach, South Wales,
when I was about 20 years of age. I have no further knowledge of their history.
James Harries, first cousin to my
mother is dead, whether he had a family or not I have not learned.
Henry Harries, brother to the
last named James Harries, lived at Loder Farm when I was about 10 years old. I
have no knowledge of his family, only one daughter, when I saw in my mother's
house in 1872 and I do not know her name.
Ann Harries, daughter of Alban
Harries, my great grandfather, married to the Rev. David Reese, Fishguard, South Wales. They had born to them John, Thomas,
Benjamin, and Mary, the 3 sons died unmarried. Mary, first cousin to my mother,
married to the Rev. Henry Davis Jr. Llomglaffam, Pembroke, Wales, she died
on the birth of her first child (a son), he died also
on the same day. All the names on the last 3 pages are recorded in my family
record and baptism for and in their behalf have been performed and will be
attended too before I leave this St. George Temple in the fall of 1882, but the
endowments for many of them must be attended too at some future time, on
account of time to be too limited. The foregoing knowledge of those families I
received from my mother while on a mission in 1871. There must be of necessity
many deaths having occurred in the families of Harries' during the last 30
years, of which I no knowledge. I wish I had a fuller history of my father's
ancestors, but my father died in 3 weeks after I joined the Church, and I
failed to obtain the names I much desired. My great grandfather David John to
the least of my knowledge went to Little Newcastle from Cardiganshire, Wales, about
160 years ago, he married Ann John, maiden name not known. They had born to
them John, William, Henry, Thomas (my grandfather), Hannah, and some other
daughters whose names I have not obtained. (One married to Wm. Thomas and died
Nov. 25, 1834. I do not know her name). John, his son, married one Elanor John,
maiden name not known by me. They had born to them Charles, David, John, Ann,
Mary, and Hannah. John died unmarried, Mary is dead, her husband also. The
others are alive at this date so far as I know and have families.
Charles, his son, married one
Mary Morris, Glynmone Farm, and died about 1845, also 2 sons (Twins) died when
infants. He married again one Ann Rowe and raised a family by her.
David John, his son (son of John
John) married one Ann Reed, he is alive so far as known, Ann
died about 1876. They had born to them John, William, David, Charles, Mary,
Ann, and another daughter, name not known. William, David, and Mary are dead.
Mary married one Thomas Jenkins. The others are alive as far as known.
Ann John, married one John James,
a son to the Rev. John James, Fishguard, and are all
alive as far as known. They raised a large family and if any of them are dead,
I have not been informed.
Hannah John, daughter of John
John, married one William James and raised a family and are
alive as far as known.
William John, the son of Great
grandfather, David John, raised a family, some of whom I have no knowledge of.
I was acquainted with 2 of her daughters, Martha John and Ann John, they both
raised families, half way from Fishguard to Newport in Pembrokeshire. I am a stranger to
them. Ann had a son who got drowned when he was about 18 years of age, his name
was William, he was about my age.
Henry John, the son of my
grandfather Daniel John, married Ann Jenkins, they raised a family of sons, I do not remember any daughters. The sons names were John,
David, Thomas, William, and Henry, the two last are dead. David and Thomas
lived in Bristol, England in 1856,
they raised families who are strangers to me. John John, their elder brother,
was unmarried, when I last saw him about the year 1854, he was then about 50
years old and living near Puncheston, South Wales.
Thomas John, my grandfather and
son to Daniel John, raised the following children, Daniel John (my father),
John John (who died unmarried about 1860), Thomas John
who has raised a family in Haverford West, where I last saw him in 1871. His
daughters were Ann John, she raised a family, all
strangers to me. Mary John raised one daughter named Ann, who married my second
cousin David Lewis, they all live so far as I know in
Newfarm, near Little Newcastle, Pembroke, South Wales.
I saw them in the year 1871.
Hannah John, Sister of my father,
married the Rev. David James, they both are dead and
left no issue. All the above names are recorded in my family journal.
30th Saturday I was in the Temple 6 ½ hours during
the day. The remaining part I used in writing.
Oct 1st Sunday I attended meeting
at St. George at 2 P.M. where several of the Elders spoke.
Oct 2nd Monday I was in the
Temple 6 1/4 hours studying the endowments, wrote some during the day. At 7
P.M. attended a monthly re-union of the Sunday School of St. George. We enjoyed
good entertainment. We had singing, reciting, readings, and several of us
addressed the Assembly. I received the following from Pres. Joseph F. Smith in
answer to one I wrote him, expressing my thanks to him for purchasing for me a
special rate return ticket from Provo to St. George.
Salt Lake City, Sep. 29, 1882
Dear Brother, your favor of the
17 inst. came to hand on the 21st. Pleased to hear from you, and only more
pleased for having done a simple duty in the matter referred too. You have my
best wishes for your success in your present mission. We are all well. Excuse
brevity. Yours truly, Joseph F. Smith.
Elder Edom Standing and myself slept in the Temple
this night. I dreamed that I saw my son, Willie Alban John, who appeared quite
thin, pale, and sickly. I felt a Heavenly spirit in the Temple every time I awake.
3rd Oct. Tuesday Baptism for the
dead was administered in the Temple
for 434 persons. I assisted in the confirmation. There were 444 baptized for on
the 26th inst.
4th Wednesday I went to the Temple at 7:15 A.M. and
remained there 'till 2 P.M. I assisted in ordaining several Elders and assisted
also in the washing room. I was appointed to take the second part in the
ceremonies ( for the first time). I wrote letters in
the afternoon to my wife, to my daughters, Mary John and Elizabeth, and to my
son David. I had two dead sisters sealed to me, their names were Elizabeth
Lucretia and Priscilla Artemesia Mayberry, they were
baptized for Oct. 3, 1882 and endowed for Oct. 4, 1882 at St. George. Sister
Eliza J. Plume got endowed for Elizabeth and Sister Ann A. Poppleton for
Priscilla. They were born in Franklin Co. Kentucky between the years of 1824
and 1840. Their mother died in 1876 and was sealed to Bro. M. F. Farnsworth.
5th I was officiating in the Temple from 7:30 A.M.
'till 2:30 P.M. Attended a prayer circle at 2 P.M.
6th Friday Spent
the same length of time in the Temple
as the previous day assisting in giving endowments.
7th Saturday Spent 6 hours in the
Temple, the
remaining part of the day I devoted to writing. (Received letters from my son
David and daughter Elizabeth, the first I ever received from them. I wrote an
answer to David.
8th Sunday I went in company with
Elders M. F. Farnsworth and Lewis Harvey to Price's settlement, 5 miles South
West of St. George, beyond the Rio Virgin river, which was a small place, we
attended Sunday School at 10:30 A.M. and meeting at 2 P.M., we spoke to the
people and the pupils. We dined with Bishop Nephi Fawcett and returned to St.
George in the evening. This settlement named Price was situated in the most
forbidding land and general surrounding that I had ever witnessed and still the
people appeared happy. The people who lived there had to haul the water for
drinking and cooking purposes from St. George, 5 miles distance.
9th Monday I devoted 6 hours in
the Temple to
hard study. The afternoon I spent in writing, received a letter from my wife in
the evening, and one from James F. Dunn. All was well at home.
10th Tuesday There were 6_ baptized in the Temple for the dead. I got baptized for 38 of
my friends and relatives and I got 31 of my lady friends baptized for, which
made in all 69. Sister Levina J. Farnsworth became proxy in my behalf for the
31 Ladies. The 69 names are recorded in my family journal.
11th Wednesday I got 3 lady
friends endowed for and the Rev. Henry Davies Jr. from Llomgloffam,
Pembrokeshire, South Wales. He was married to Mary Reese, Tregare, first cousin of my mother. I was in the Temple from 7:45 A.M. 'till 2:30 P.M. I took
the same part in the house as last week.
12th Thursday I spent the morning
in the Temple,
laboring in the House as usual. My wife Mary arrived at 1 P.M. from Provo, well in health and
spirits, and I was much gratified to meet her and welcome her.
13th Friday I labored in the Temple from 7:45 A.M.
'till 2 P.M.
14th Saturday I studied in the Temple from 8 A.M. 'till
12 noon and spent the afternoon in company with my wife.
15th Sunday Spent the morning in
writing, attended meeting at 2 P.M. in company with my wife. Elders James Black
and others spoke to the people. Walked around the city with my wife after
services, my wife was pleased with the good buildings in St. George.
16th Monday I studied in the Temple 6 hours.
17th Tuesday There were 749 baptisms for the dead. My wife got baptized for 26
of her relatives and mine.
18th Wednesday I was in the Temple from 7:45 A.M. to
2 P.M. I had the leading character this day for the first time.
19th Thursday I was in the Temple from 7:30 A.M.
'till 4 P.M.
20th Friday I was in the Temple from 7:45 A.M.
'till 2 P.M., the last 3 days I performed the same labor. I got 11 persons
endowed for during the last 3 days, and my wife got endowed for her mother,
grandmother, and a sister to her father, Ann Wride Stevenson.
21st Saturday I was in the Temple 5 ½ hours, my wife studied in the Temple in the afternoon. Received
a letter from my daughter Martha Ann informing us that all was well at home.
The following is a copy of a Patriarchal Blessing I received under the hands of
John Smith, Presiding Patriarch of the Church.
Provo City
February 1, 1868
A Patriarchal blessing given by
John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of David John, son of Daniel John and Mary
John, born at Little Newcastle, Pembroke County, South Wales Jan. 29, 1833.
"Brother David, in the name
of Jesus Christ, I place my hands upon thy head, to pronounce and Seal upon
thee a blessing which is Patriarchal, and I ask God the eternal Father for His
Spirit to indite the same, therefore prepare thy heart and mind to receive
these blessings, which the Lord shall see fit to bestow upon thee, for thou art
of Ephraim and through thy lineage thou art entitled to all the blessings of
the New and Everlasting Covenant, with all the gifts and privileges thereof.
Therefore be humble and prayerful and hold sacred thy covenants, for in due
season, thou shalt be called to be a Messenger of truth to thy native land, and
thou shalt have joy therein, the Lord knoweth the integrity of thy heart and
will hear and answer thy petitions, and will send the Comforter to whisper
peace and consolation in thine ear and warn thee of the events of the future.
Thou shalt also be blessed in thy labors both spiritual and temporal, inasmuch
as thy faith fail not, for thy blessings spiritually shall be according to thy
walks temporally, thou shalt gather out from Babylon, many of thy kindred and
be a Savior unto the father's house, and accomplish a work upon the earth, for
which thy name shall be handed down in honorable remembrance with thy
prosperity from generation to generation, and registered in the Chronicles of
the Fathers with thy brethren. This blessing I seal upon thy head and seal thee
up to Eternal life, to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection,
even so Amen. (Recorded in book A).
I will also copy the following:
Provo City
April 20, 1869
A Patriarchal Blessing given by
Charles W. Hyde, Patriarch, upon the head of David John, son of Daniel and Mary
John, born at Little Newcastle, January 29, 1833.
"David, I place my hands
upon your head, and I seal upon you a father's blessing, and for the integrity
of your heart, the Lord is well pleased with thee, and thou shalt do great and
mighty miracles yet upon the earth, even to open prisons, and thine enemies
shall flee before thee, and thou shalt hear the voice of angels calling thee by
name, they will say unto thee, fear not for I am with thee, for there is
prepared for thee a crown in the mansions of my Father, and thou shalt baptize
many into the Church, and lead them to Zion, for the Lord has sent His Angels
to you to comfort you from time to time through many dangerous scenes upon the
earth. Thou art a descendant of Joseph and hast a right to the fulness of the
Priesthood, and with wives, and with a great kingdom upon the earth, thine
inheritance shall be beautiful. Thou shalt proclaim the Gospel before kings,
and rulers, and shalt have power to rise the dead, and be a Savior upon Mount
Zion, to preach the Gospel unto many people and you shall be the means of
saving your father's house, and shall become a King and Priest unto the most
high God, inasmuch as you desire it with all your heart, and your life shall be
renewed 20 years. These blessings I seal upon you, with the blessing of eternal
life, with all the blessings heretofore sealed upon thee, I re-confirm upon you
in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, even so Amen".
The above is recorded in his
record book F page 13.
I also record the following, when
I was set apart for a foreign mission to Europe
in 1871.
"A blessing on the head of
David John, given under the hands of Elders Orson Hyde, Orson Pratt, and John
Taylor (Bro. Taylor being mouth) a the Historian Office, Salt Lake City, April
10th, 1871, previous to his departure on a mission to Europe.
Brother David John, in the name
of the Lord Jesus and by authority of the holy Priesthood and Apostleship, we
lay our hands upon thee, to set thee apart to the holy mission whereunto thou
hast been appointed, by the Conference which has been gathered together in Salt Lake City. Thou hast
been appointed to go to that land and we set thee apart and say unto thee, go
in peace; seek for the spirit and power of God, for the light, the
intelligence, and the revelation that flows from Heaven; for wisdom to dictate
thee in all thy proceedings, that when thou goest to that land, that thou
mayest be full of the Holy Ghost, full of light, full of truth, full of
understanding and full of revelation, and full of teaching; that thou mayest be
enabled to lead the people in the paths of righteousness and guard them against
error, and preserve them from the power of the temper; that thou mayest open
thy mouth and that the Lord God my fill it, that thou mayest speak forth the
words of life that shall be like a well of living water springing up to
everlasting life. Watch over thy temper and disposition, thy habits and
feelings, and do not suffer thyself to be lead astray. Cleave unto the Lord thy
God and he will bless thee: thou shalt marvel at the words that shall flow from
thy mouth. He will give thee power over thy adversaries,
the enemies of truth shall not be able to gainsay thee. The angels of God shall
accompany thee, the spirit of revelation shall rest down upon thee, and the God
of Heaven shall guide and direct thee, inasmuch as thou will cleave unto Him ,
God will be with thee and no man shall deprive the of thy blessing. Cultivate
fellowship with the Holy Priesthood, seek to magnify thy calling and God will
bless thee in so doing. We confirm and seal upon thy head, they sealings,
washings, and annointings, thy endowments and promises that have heretofore
been sealed and pronounced upon thee. We say go in peace and God will bless
thee. Thou shalt be blessed in thy journeyings, thou shalt accomplish a good
work and return to this land, bringing the many sheaves with thee, and we ask
our Heavenly Father to seal these blessings upon thee by authority of the Holy
Priesthood, in the name of Jesus. Amen. (Reported by George
22nd Sunday. I spent the morning in writing. Went to the St. George
Tabernacle at 2 P.M. Elders Jacob Gates and Erastus Snow spoke and gave
interesting account of the General Conference, held in Salt Lake on the 6th
inst. Bishop Joseph Rogers of Smithfield, Arizona also spoke, having just
arrived to visit the Temple, after having travelled [sic] 800 miles with a team
to St. George. I laid hands in the evening on Sister Pace, the mother of
William. B. Pace of Provo,
she was 77 years of age. I slept in the Temple
in company with Elder Edwin Stranding of "Lehi", Utah Co.
23rd I spent 5 hours in the Temple studying and wrote
the remaining part of the day. I wrote several letters.
24th Tuesday There were 1183 baptisms for the dead done in the Temple. I was there from 8 A.M. 'till 3 P.M.
25th Wednesday I got ordained for
Henry John, a brother to my great grandfather Daniel John. There were some 25
baptisms for the dead.
26th Thursday I got endowed for
John John, a brother to my father.
27th Friday I got endowed for the
Rev. Benjamin Davies, a husband to Hannah John, who was a sister to my great
grandfather Daniel John. My wife and myself attended a
social party in the Court House in the evening, gotten up by the High Council
of the St. George Stake, in honor of Elder Erastus Snow. We had dancing,
singing, and recitations, and a speech from Brother Snow. The following is a
synopsis of his remarks, "I was raised by a kind religious mother who was
a devout Methodist and was much opposed to dancing and I was taught that none but
the wicked would dance. The prophet Joseph Smith introduced dancing to the
Latter-day saints, he desired to break off the traditions of the Sectarian
world, and to show the world that Saints had as much right to dance, as the
wicked. The first I ever attended was at his house and he invited me to it. He
once got up a dance in the Nauvoo
Temple and I attended
that. He also was the first who taught me the doctrine of plural marriage, he
felt delicate in introducing it and in putting it in practice, so much so that
he told me that an Angel appeared to him, with a drawn sword and told him if he
would not teach it and practice it , that he would
slay him. The Angel visited him and educated him from time to time, from the
time that he was 14 years old, until he was 39, and by their direction he laid
the foundation of the kingdom
of God, he laid underneath the foundation an arch, and plural marriage
is the key of that arch. It is a duty on every Elder in Israel to take
to himself wives and raise up a righteous family and
shame on the man that does not do it. If I have a son that will go back on my
testimony in relation to plural marriage, I will cast him off from my family
and disown him. I advise the Elders of Israel to take wives, I mean plural
wives, and Edmunds and all men who fight it will sink. The officials in the
American Government, the majority of them have joined issue with the Sectarian
Priests to oppress us, disenfranchise us, and they wish to crush us to the
wall. What is their object? It is to rob us of our property, as they have done,
but chiefly to pollute our wives and daughters, but by the help of the Lord,
they shall not do it". (Unanimous Amen)
Brother Snow spoke with great
power and at times shouted under the force of the Holy Spirit. We spent a most
pleasant and interesting evening. I think I never enjoyed a dance and a Social
equal to it. The spirit of God pervaded all feelings and we parted to our
various homes at 12 mid-night.
28th Oct Saturday I spent a part
of the day in the Temple,
and a part in writing at home, and wrote several letters.
29th Oct Sunday I spent the
morning in writing, attended meeting at 2 P.M. Brother Erastus Snow spoke to
the assembly. My wife and myself took supper with
Brother Jacob Gates Jr. and stayed with them 'till 9 P.M. Jacob Gates Sr. and
wife, and Mevloni Snow was present, we enjoyed a pleasant evening together.
30th Oct Monday At 8 A.M. Elder David H. Cannon handed me the following
St. George 30th Oct 1882
Brother David John, you are
requested to accompany Brother David H. Cannon to Pine Valley, Pinto, Harmony,
and Silver Reef, to be at Silver Reef on Thursday Nov. 2nd on political
matters. We will excuse you and Brother Cannon from the Temple Labors
until you return. Your Brother, John D. McAllister
I left St. George at 11 A.M. in
company of Bishop David H. Cannon and Elder Joseph Judd and traveled 22 miles
and lodged in a house in a cannion [sic] with Joseph Foster and family, who
kindly entertained us over night, we slept on the floor and enjoyed a good
31st Oct Tuesday We travelled [sic] 12 miles to Pine Valley,
reached there at 11:30 A.M., held meeting there at 1 P.M. and had an attentive
audience. There were about 200 souls in the ward, with Frederick W. Jones jr.
Bishop. We travelled [sic] 12 miles to "Pinto" in Iron Co., held a
meeting there at 6 P.M. We lodged in the house of Bishop Robert Fenell, there
were 30 families in the ward, numbering 180 souls and were much scattered. I
here met Elder James Fenell who had lately returned from a mission to the Sandwich Islands.
1st We left "Pinto" at
1 P.M. and travelled [sic] 15 miles to Harmony, we passed over the roughest
roads I ever saw through Pinto and Harmony Canions [sic], arrived there at 6
P.M., held a meeting at 7 P.M., we had a lively and entertaining meeting which
lasted 2 ½ hours. We put up at the house of Bishop Wilson D. Pace, who with his
family kindly treated us. This place is comprised of 130 souls and seemed a
good people.
2nd We left Harmony at 8:30 A.M.
and arrived at Leeds, 25 miles from Harmony at
5 P.M. We took dinner at Bell Vue and supper at Leeds
in the house of Joseph Judd, we went 2 miles to Silver Reef and held a meeting
at 7 P.M. to a houseful of miners, who paid good attention and behaved
themselves properly. We had fire works, a torch parade through the streets,
accompanied with a good brass band. We returned to Leeds
at 10 P.M. and lodged in the house of brother Joseph
T. Wilkinson and retired at 12 midnight.
3rd We left Leeds at 4 A.M. and
arrived at St. George at 8:20 A.M. being about 18 miles from Leeds.
I found my wife well and reported to the Temple
and remained there 'till 2 P.M. Spent the afternoon and evening in our boarding
4th Saturday I attended a monthly
Priesthood meeting of the St. George Stake at 10 A.M., which lasted 4 ½ hours,
Elder E. Snow was present and gave much valuable instruction in relation to
dances and engaging men not of our faith to teach our schools and said that men
are liable to go to extremes at times. "We should follow the spirit of the
law and then the letter of the law. Some follow the letter so closely 'till
they lose sight of the Spirit, they are so straight 'till they lean backwards,
among those are James G. Black, he is a stickler and a sycophant, he is so exact
and straight, 'till he loses sight of the spirit and intent of the law, as for
myself I prefer to follow the spirit and if I err it is in loosing [sic] sight
of the latter at times, we should not lose sight of either, but the spirit
should predominate. There may be times when a non-member of the Church may
attend our dances, he may be studying our principles, he may be watching our
movements and morals minutely for a good purpose to find out the truth in
relation to us and our doctrines, when such is the case invite him to good
society and give him a chance to become better acquainted with our people, but
if you cut off his ears he cannot hear anymore. Some of our Bishops are so
straight that they will not allow any non-members to mix with us, because a circular
from the Twelve states that the Gentiles should not be invited to our dances.
That means the wicked and the unholy, it does not mean a man who is honestly
searching after the truth, and the Bishops should be governed by the Spirit of
the law in these matters and not by the letter. Again the Circular states that
the list of names who should engage in a dance should be handed to the Bishop
for his approval, which means that the Bishops are required to assist in
keeping good order and keep the wicked from associating in our dances; but if
the Presidency of the Stake, the High Council, or any High Priest, or Seventy
get up a dance, there should be no reason for them to submit the list to the
Bishop, for they should know as well as the Bishop who to invite and who to
exclude. Some Bishops think that every person should submit the list to them,
it was not intended in the Circular, they are called to assist the High
Council, and if any good man got up a dance in his own house, he has no need to
consult his Bishop, it is his own business and is responsible for his own acts.
I spent the evening in company with my wife.
5th Sunday I spent the morning in
writing and reading. Attended meeting at 2 P.M. Elders Bigler, Jacob Gates, and
Jacob F. Gates addressed the people. I took supper with Jacob Gates in company
of my wife and Erastus Snow and his wife, his son Moroni and daughter. We spent 3 ½ hours
together. I administered to brother Moses F.
Farnsworth, who was sick at 8:30 P.M. assisted by Elder Lewis Harvey, from Utah
6th Monday Brother Dominicus
Carter from Provo
visited me and conversed with him 2 hours. I administered to Bro. Farnsworth
again assisted by Elders David H. Cannon and Lewis Harvey.
7th Tuesday There were 600 baptized for and 1250 one week ago. At 7 P.M. we
(my wife and myself) attended a dance in the Court
House, in honor of Polygamists who could not vote for Representation to
Congress (this date). There were about 200 present, men and women, and 235
8th, 9th, & 10th I was in the
Temple taking a
part in giving endowments.
11th Saturday I
spent 4 ½ hours in the Temple
and the rest of the day in writing and reading.
12th Sunday I spent the morning
in writing. Attended meeting at 2 P.M. Brother Nibley from Cache Co. preached a
good discourse on the development of man from infancy, showing the natural
growth of the body, senses, and mind. Showed that the development of the work
of God in nature, and in the Gospel, is a gradual work and that the Reformers
in past time were the means of introducing some light and denounces the folly
Popery, thus they gave birth to an extended freedom of thought and prepared the
nation to receive the fulness of the light of the Gospel, revealed in the
latter days.
13th Monday I
spent a part of the day in the Temple
and a part in writing and reading in company of my wife.
14th Tuesday About
800 were baptized for in the Temple.
I got baptized for 18 relatives and friends. I read in the Temple a revelation given to Pres. W.
Woodruff in the wilderness on the 26th January 1882, which was full of
information of future events and the designs of God in relation to the U.S.
Government, with instructions to His Servants what course to pursue.
15th, 16th, & 17th I labored
in the Temple
and took a part in giving endowments and spent the evenings in writing.
18th Saturday I spent 2 hours in
the Temple, in
the morning and the afternoon at my boarding house in writing and reading.
19th Sunday I was unwell and
stayed at my boarding house all day.
20th Monday at 9 A.M. Elders John
Crane and L. O. Glazier arrived from Provo and Bro. Crane's wife laying dead in
the wagon, she having died at 5 A.M., this date at "Middleton" 2 ½
miles East of St. George. I helped to procure a house to place her body and
then ordered her coffin and gave the sad circumstance cast a gloom over the
minds of many in St. George. At 6:30 A.M. my daughter Mary Jane and Sister
Thomas Allman, arrived from Provo,
and her mother and myself were very much pleased to meet her, we spent the
evening in a happy conversation 'till a late hour.
21st Tuesday About
800 baptisms were administered in the Temple,
my daughter Mary Jane was baptized for 50 relations and friends and among them
were 6 or 7 of her grandmothers and Great and Great Grandmothers. I attended the
funeral of Sister Elizabeth Crane at 2:30 P.M. in the first Ward School
house in St. George. Bishop Thomas Judd, Elders Thomas Allman, Lewis Harvey and
myself spoke, after which she was buried in the St.
George Cemetry [sic]. I offered prayer at the grave. In the evening I wrote an
account of her death. to the Territorial Enquirer,
published at Provo
22nd Wednesday I spent the day in
the Temple
assisting in giving Endowments. Spent the evening at my
boarding house.
23rd Thursday I spent this day in
the Temple. Between 2 and 3 P.M. I confirmed Bro. Nelson Spaford
(formerly of Springville, Utah) and Sister Merille Miller Daniels of
Provo for about 50 dead persons. I used the remainder of the day in writing.
24th Friday I spent the day in
the Temple.
25th Saturday I spent the morning
in the Temple
and the remainder of the day in writing. In the evening I took a walk to the
West portion of St. George in company with Elders John Cannon and Lewis Harvey.
I read the Doctrine and Covenants 'till a late hour.
26th Sunday I spent the morning
in writing and reading, attended a meeting at 2 P.M. and again at 6:30 P.M.
Elder Nibley from Logan and myself spoke in the
evening in the Tabernacle basement.
27th Monday Spent the day in
writing. Bro. Barry Wride and wife arrived from Payson, Utah Co.
28th Tuesday I spent the day in
the Temple,
1160 were baptized for. Bro. L. O. Glazier of Provo was taken quite sick while at St.
29th and 30th I spent time in the
December 1st Friday I had many
sealings for the dead done, also had myself, my wife, and my dead relatives
back for one generation, adopted to Pres. George
Albert Smith, and my brother-in-law Elder Barry Wride and his relatives back
one generation, we also adopted to him in all 25 persons. Many friends visited
us in the evening in consequence of my wife's intention to return home.
Dec 2nd Saturday My wife left St.
George by the Stage at 7:30 A.M. in company with three brothers, who were
brethren in the Church by the name of "Turnbow" from Salt Lake City and the "Weber". I
spent most of the day with Brother Glazier who was very sick and sat up with
him 'till 10 P.M.
3rd Sunday I spent the day with
Bro. L. O. Glazier.
4th Monday and Tuesday the 5th I
spent with him, with the exception of a part of the 5th I spent in the Temple. 1275 were
baptized for this day.
6th Wednesday At
7:45 A.M. brother Glazier died and at 3:30 P.M. his funeral services were
attended. Elders John D. McAllister, Thomas Judd, Thomas Allman, Lewis Harvey,
and myself offered remarks on the occasion. I followed
the remains to the St. George Cemetry [sic] and I offered prayer at the grave.
I was in the Temple
from 9 A.M. 'till 2 P.M. This night Pres. George A. Smith appeared to me in a
dream and appeared well pleased that I and my family were adopted to his
family, and told me to send a copy of all the names adopted with all the
accompanying dates to his Office, and tell his family to have them recorded in
his family record. He also spoke to me some things concerning his brother, John
H. Smith.
7th Thursday I received second
annointings for and in behalf of Elders Lewis O. Glazier and his father
Sheppard Glazier, and Sister L. O. Glazier received
her second annointings and was proxy for her mother-in-law, the wife of
Sheppard Glazier.
8th Friday I spent most of the
day in the Temple and received a letter from my
wife, Mary, informing me that all had arrived in Provo safely and found all well, but Martha
Ann looked pale.
9th Saturday I
spent a part of the morning in the Temple
and the most of the day in writing at my boarding house.
10th Sunday Left St. George at 10
A.M. in company with Elders J. D. McAllister, D. H. Cannon, and James G. Black
and went 5 miles to Santa Clara and held meeting there at 1 P.M., all of the 4
names spoke to the Saints. We administered to the Bishop of the place who had
been sick for about one year, his name was Brother Ensign. We laid hands also
on Sister Miller (a Swiss lady) who had been deprived of the use of her limbs
for 9 months. We returned to St. George at 4 P.M. I attended meeting in the 3rd
Ward, St. George, at 6:30 P.M. Elders Charles
Nibley and Samuel Roskelly of Cache Co. addressed the assembly.
11th I spent the day in writing.
12th Tuesday I was in the Temple
from 8:30 A.M. 'till 4 P.M. 1101 were baptized for, I confirmed about 100, the
most part of them (that I confirmed) were relatives to the late Bishop William
Miller of Provo.
13th, 14th, and 15th I spent in
the Temple and
worked for the dead. On the evening of the 15th I attended the High Priest
Quorum of the Stake.
16th Saturday I
attended 3 meetings of the quarterly Conference.
17th Sunday I attended 2
meetings, I preached in the afternoon. I dined with Bishop Thomas Judd.
18th Monday I spent the day in
19th Tuesday I spent the most of
the day in the Temple,
1144 were baptized for this day.
20th, 21st, and 22nd I was in the
Temple and got
endowed for the dead. My daughter Mary Jane and myself
got 20 sealed this day.
23rd Saturday I spent the morning
at my boarding house and helped to fix up the Court House for a dance which I
attended which commenced at 3 P.M. and ended at 11 P.M.
24th Sunday I spent the morning
in writing and reading and attended meeting at 2 P.M. in the St. George
Tabernacle. Elder Henry Miller and others addressed the Assembly.
25th Monday (being Christmas) I
spent a part of the morning in returning furniture from the Court House and the
afternoon and evening I stayed at my boarding house, at Elder Moses F.
6th The most of the day I was in
the Temple,
about 600 were baptized for.
27th, 28th, and 29th I was in the
Temple and was
endowed for the dead. The evening of the 27th I spent in a Social in the house
of Bishop Thomas Judd. I took supper there in company with my daughter Mary Jane.
On the evening of the 28th I attended a dance in the Court House, gotten up by
J. C. Bentley, Levi Snow, E. V. Hardy, Josephine Snow, Mary Lund, and Georgia
Snow, out of respects to some of us, as we intended to leave St. George on the
30th inst. Attended the dance and left the Court House at 12 midnight. (on the 28th I received a letter fro Pres. A. O. Smoot from
the Presidency of the Temple,
the following is a copy).
St. George Temple 30 Dec. 1882
President A. O. Smoot, Utah Stake of Zion
Dear Brother, as Elder David
John, who has faithfully performed his labors in this Temple, is about to return home, we
cheerfully give to him this Letter of commendation. He and his wife Mary W.,
having been earnest in application, will be efficient helps in any of the Temples to which they may
be called to labor; praying our Father's choice blessings to attend them, with
kind regards. We are your Brethren in the Gospel
Wilford Woodruff John D. T.
P.S. Brother John has taken five
parts outside of the wash rooms. He has labored in the Temple 61 days and his wife Mary W. John 24
J. D. T. McAllister
I was baptized for 222 men and
had baptized for dead women relations and friends 139, Total 361.
Endowed men 86
Endowed women 139 Total Endowed 225
Sealings for the dead 91 including both sexes 182
Sealed 2 children, Mary Jane John, living, and Annie Jane John dead.
Adoption 25 to George A. Smith
(myself and family and the family of my wife, Mary Wride John, and had 9 adopted to my family). I received Second Annointings for 2
dead, Sheppard Glazier and Lewis O. Glazier (formerly of Provo).
30th I left St. George in company
of my daughter Mary Jane, Brother Lewis Harvey and wife, and Levi Snow (by
stage at 7 A.M. and travelled [sic] all day and night and reached
"Johnson's Fort" at 4 A.M. of the 31st. It was fine and pleasant
'till 2 midnight.
31st Sunday We travelled [sic]
through a severe Snow Storm and reached Milford
at 4 P.M. (It being one of the coldest day I ever
experienced). We started for Provo by Rail and
travelled all night and reached Provo
at 7 A.M. January 1st 1883.
January 1st 1883
1st I arrived at Provo at 7 A.M., nearly all of my children
met me at the Depot. I spent the day with my family and enjoyed a good time,
after being absent 4 months. Many friends called and the Brass Band visited us.
I spent the week in Provo.
7th Sunday I preached in Provo at 10:30 A.M.
8th Monday I returned to the
Salesroom in the Provo Woolen Mills and labored there 'till March 5th 1883,
when I resigned in consequence of being appointed Bishop Hunter's Agent in the
Utah Stake.
14th Sunday I preached in the
Provo Tabernacle at 10:30 A.M. and in the 1st Ward Provo at 6:30 P.M.
21st & 28th
Sundays I was at Provo
and attended the regular meetings and visited the ward meetings in the
29th January I had a large party
of friends at my house, who spent the evening 'till
midnight, being my birthday. I was 50 years old this date, we enjoyed a happy
February 4th and 11th being Sundays, was in Provo
and attended 3 meetings during each day. On the 3rd Feb. attended a monthly
Priesthood meeting of the Stake at Provo.
17th Saturday In company with Pres. A. O. Smoot and H. H. Cluff, went to
Payson and spent the evening at night with Brother Barry Wride.
18th Sunday, I attended 2 prayer
circles in the early morning. At 10 A.M. we spoke to the Saints, rode in a team
to Spanish Fork, attended a Dedication meeting at the new Co-operative Store at
3 P.M. Pres. Smoot offerred [sic] the prayer, and all the Presidency of the
Stake, addressed the assembly, on the subject of home industry and become
self-independent. I attended meeting in the Meeting house at 7 P.M. Pres. Smoot
and myself preached to an attentive and large congregation. Remained
over night in the house of Bishop George D. Snell.
19th February Arrived at Provo from Spanish Fork
at 7 A.M. On the 5th inst. of this month a Sunday School Convention was held in
the Provo Tabernacle (in a stake capacity) when a profitable time was spent in
2 sessions.
25th Sunday I
attended the ward meetings at Provo.
March 3rd Saturday Our Quarterly
Conference for the Stake was held at Provo,
3 meetings were held. Pres. W. Woodruff occupied the most part of the time and
imparted good instruction.
4th March Conference convened,
large attendance. Pres. Joseph F. Smith was present, he and Bro. Woodruff
occupied the most part of the time. In the morning meeting, I was appointed
Bishop Edward Hunter's Agent in the Utah Stake and Elder Nephi Packard was
appointed Bishop of Springville. Pres. Joseph F. Smith was mouth in ordaining
N. Packard a Bishop and Pres. Woodruff was mouth in seting [sic] me a part.
5th March Monday At Provo
at 1 P.M. I preached at the funeral of Brother William Barrett in the 3rd Ward
Assembly Hall. The following appeared in the "Territorial Enquirer"
of March 20th 1883. "Died in Provo City, Utah,
March 4th 1883, William Barrett, aged 82 years 9 months and 4 days.
Deceased emigrated from Pontypool, Monmouthshire,
England, in the
year 1875, was ordained a High Priest in the spring of 1880, lived a faithful
Latter-day Saint and died in hope of a glorious resurrection. He leaves a wife
and 13 children, 60 grand children, and several great grand children".
6th Tuesday I resigned my
appointment in the Provo Manufacturing Company after being in their employ 4
years and 10 months to the day. I spent 4 months during this time at St. George, Utah
which would bring the time engaged at the Factory 4 years and 6 months.
11th March Sunday Presidents
Smoot, Cluff, and myself went to Springville and held
2 meetings there, and inaugurated the newly appointed Bishop (Nephi Packard),
the people voted to sustain him unanimously. Returned to Provo in the evening.
12th Monday Left Provo for Salt Lake
in company of Pres. Smoot, at 7 A.M. Visited the First Presidency of the
Church, Elders John Taylor, and Joseph F. Smith, also Bishop E. Hunter and his
counsellor [sic]. Pres. Taylor raised the question, as to the way I was set
apart on the 4th inst., favoring the idea, that I should be ordained a Bishop.
Bro. Joseph F. Smith entertained the idea that it was not necessary because I
was already in the Presidency of the Stake and that included the Bishopric.
Bro. Taylor argued that it was a particular branch of the Priesthood, holding
the Presidency of the temporal affairs of the Church and that I should be
ordained to that Office, it resulted in union of sentiment that I should
ordained to the Bishopric. About 12 o'clock noon, Presidents John Taylor,
Joseph F. Smith, Bishop E. Hunter, and his counsellor [sic] ________ Hardy, and
Pres. A. O. Smoot laid their hands upon my head, and ordained me a Bishop, and
set me a part, an Agent for Bishop E. Hunter (Presiding Bishop E. Hunter being
mouth). He ordained me a Presiding Bishop of the Utah Stake. I should be
pleased said I to receive some instructions as to the nature of my duties, when
Pres. John Taylor at length defined the ministry. He said "You are not
Bishop Hunter's clerk, but his Agent, that is where ever you may be in your
Stake, he is present in your person and ministry and your transactions in
business matters pertaining to Tithing and Church Property will be valid. Ask
for his council when you deem it necessary and when you can not get at him,
handle the property as if it was your own, that is make the most of it, and
dispose of property when you think it would be to the interest of the Church,
etc. We returned to Provo
in the evening.
13th I spent the day at Provo.
14th & 15th I was at
Springville assisting Bishop Nephi Packard in receiving Tithing property from
the late Bishopric of William Bringhurst (deceased).
15th & 16th I was in Provo.
17th I spent the day in Provo.
18th Sunday Attended
the usual meetings at Provo.
19th to 23rd I spent in Provo City.
24th Saturday I went to Salt Lake
in company of Bishop N. Packard and spent a few hours in the Tithing Office
with Bishop E. Hunter and counsellors [sic] and a few hours in the President's
Office on business pertaining to Tithing. I returned to Provo in the evening.
25th Sunday I
attended the usual meetings at Provo.
26th & 27th I was in Provo.
28th Went to Springville in
company with Albert Jones and Brother Brockbank who were appointed an Auditing
Committee, to audit the Tithing Office Books of that place, returned in the
29th & 30th I spent in Provo.
31st Saturday Went to Payson and
spent the evening and night with Brother Barry Wride.
1st April Sunday I attended
prayer circle at Payson at 9 A.M. and preached at 10 A.M. Attended Sunday
School at 2 P.M., addressed the School, and returned to Provo in the evening.
2nd I visited Lehi and American
Fork on Tithing business.
3rd Tuesday In
Provo, attended a Priesthood Meeting at 7 P.M.
4th and 5th I was in Provo.
6th April Went to Salt Lake
and attended Conference and also the 7th and returned home in the evening.
8th Sunday Went
to Salt Lake in company with Pres. A. O. Smoot
and remained there 'till the 10th. The
morning of the 9th I was at the President's Office with the Clerk's attending
business pertaining to the tithing of the Stake. I returned to Provo on the 10th. We enjoyed a good
conference, the First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles occupied the time.
11th I spent the day at Provo. Also the 12th
& 13th; on the 13th my son David was ordained a Deacon in the 1st Ward,
under the hands of myself David John, and my son Thomas John was ordained a
Deacon 2 years previous in the 3rd Ward, Provo.
13th Went to Pleasant Grove on
business connected with Tithing and returned to Provo in the evening.
14th Went to Payson and stayed
with B. Wride over night.
15th Sunday Attended prayer
circle in Payson at 9 A.M. Pres. Smoot and myself preached at 10 A.M. Bro. H.
H. Cluff preached at 2 P.M., we went to Spanish Fork and held a meeting there
at 7 P.M. Bro. A. O. Smoot and myself preached. Lodged in the
house of Bishop G. D. Snell.
16th Went by
rail to Provo.
17th Tuesday Spent the day in Provo and attended a
meeting of the Bishopric at 7 P.M. I remained at home during the week.
22nd Sunday I attended meetings
at Springville and returned to Provo
in the evening. Remained at Provo 'till the 27th.
27th Friday Visited Pleasant
Grove and Lehi on the 28th on Tithing business,
returned to Provo
in the evening.
29th Sunday Attended services at Provo.
I worked on my farm this week,
planting corn and potatoes.
3rd May Thursday I visited Payson
and on the 5th Spanish Fork, and on the 7th American Fork, 9th Payson, 12th
Lehi, 14th Payson, 17th American Fork, 18th Spanish Fork, 22nd Santaquin, and
the 24th American Fork on tithing business, shipping hay to Salt Lake and
Potatoes to Colorado.
Sunday 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th
attended meetings in the Utah Stake.
Saturday 2nd June and Sunday June
3rd a Quarterly Conference of the Utah Stake was held, which was visited by the
Presidency of the Church and some of the Twelve Apostles, where much valuable
instructions were given.
June 10th Sunday I attended meetings
at Provo City and visited Alpine on the 17th
being Sunday in company of Pres. A. O. Smoot.
24th Sunday I went to Lehi in
company of many more from Provo
and attended the funeral of Bishop David Evans who died on June 23rd at 12:30
P.M. Funeral services were held at 5 P.M. at Lehi. The services were conducted
by Pres. Smoot and addresses were made by Bishop E. Hunter, Pres. Woodruff,
Bishops Hardy, Burton,
and others. After the services, the remains were conveyed to the Cemetry [sic]
followed by a host of relatives and friends, the cortege numbering 115
vehicles. Bishop Evans has 5 wives and is the father of 41 children, 30 of whom
are living; the grandfather of 102 children, 65 of whom are living, and the
great grandfather of 22, all living.
28th Saturday June Went to
American Fork and attended the funeral of Bishop L. E. Harrington. The speakers
were Apostle W. Woodruff, Bishop Lewis N. Hardy, Robert Burton, A. O. Smoot,
and others. David Evans, the son of Israel and Abigail Evans, was born
in Cecil Co. Maryland, Oct. 27th 1804, he was baptized April 6th 1833 and has
followed the Church faithfully since. He was ordained a Bishop under the hands
of Joseph Smith Jr. August 21st 1842 in Nauvoo,
June 29th and 30th At Provo.
July 1st Sunday I attended
services at Provo
(4 meetings). I worked on my farm nearly all of this month weeding and hoeing
grain, corn, and potatoes.
July 8th ,
15th, 22nd, and 29th being Sundays, I visited the wards in the Utah Stake in
company of Pres. A. O. Smoot and H. H. Cluff.
August 5th Sunday I attended 4
meetings at Provo
12th Sunday I visited American
Fork and preached there twice and returned to Provo in the evening.
16th August My daughter Mary Jane
married to Elder Benjamin Cluff Jr., being 21 years and 24 days old. The
following appeared in the Territorial Enquirer, published at Provo City.
On Thursday, Aug. 16th, at the
Endowment House, Salt Lake City, by D.H. Wells, Mr. Benjamin Cluff, son of
Benjamin Cluff of Provo Valley, and Miss Mary John, the accomplished daughter
Counselor[?] David John of this city. On Friday, many
of the relatives and friends of the newly married couple assembled at the
residence of the Bride's father in the First Ward, and partook of a sumptuous
dinner. Many were the good wishes and expressions. Numerous and valuable
presents were presented by the guests. It was not long before daybreak that the
company dispersed, after enjoying a most and agreeable time.
The Enquirer desires to extend
its congratulations to the worthy young couple, and wish them all the joy they
can possibly desire in this to___________reer. Territorial Enquirer, August
20th 1883.
[Two cards appear, one with the
name "Miss Mary J. John", the other with the names "Mr. And Mrs.
Benj. Cluff, Jr."
19th Sunday I spent the day at Provo, attended the usual meetings and also Sunday the
26th I was at Provo.
30th Aug. Thursday My daughter
Martha Ann got married in the Endowment House, Salt Lake City by Elder D. H.
Wells to Elder David J. Williams of Pleasant Valley, being 21 years of age, and
she being 19 years, lacking one month, having been born 1st October 1864 in
Provo City. The following notices appeared in the Daily Newspapers.
Our young friends, Mr. David J.
Williams and Miss Mattie John, have now become one, having undergone the
formalities of the matrimonial tying process and assumed functions of husband
and wife. The happy event occurred yesterday, in the Endowment House, Salt Lake City, and this morning the youthful couple
returned to Provo,
accompanied by a number of their personal friends.
The bride is a daughter of
President David John, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. David L. Williams,
of Pleasant Valley. Both are admired, appreciated
and valued for their personal merits by a large circle of friends in this city.
This evening a large number of
invited guests -- relatives and friends of both families -- will meet at the
residence of Elder and Sister John to tender the newly wedded couple their
congratulations and good wishes.
The Enquirer takes this
opportunity of extending to Mr. And Mrs. D. J. Williams its sincere wishes for
their unalloyed happiness. Territorial Enquirer, August 31, 1883.
Yesterday, in this city, the
marriage of Mr. David Williams and Miss Mattie John was solemnized. Of the
respective merits of the contracting parties little need be said; both are
favorably known in their respective spheres in life, and hold the good will and
best wishes of all friends and acquaintances. The groom is the son of Mr.
Williams of the Pleasant
Valley coal mines, and is
a young man of good promise and character. The bride is the daughter of David
John, Esq., a highly respected resident of Provo, where the young lady is endeared to a
large circle of admirers, both for the many good qualities of mind and beauty.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams have a goodly number of friends in Salt Lake city, all
of whom will be pleased to know that hereafter their path will be the same, and
who will also hope that their present happiness may be but a foreshadowing of
that to come. They leave for the bride's late residence in Provo, this morning, where a reception will
be held this evening. The Herald's good wishes go with them. The Salt Lake
Daily Herald, August 31, 1883.
Married -- In our last issue we
copied from the Salt Lake Herald a notice of the marriage of David J. Williams,
the corporate[?] book-keeper of the Pleasant Valley
Coal Mines, Emery County, who is the son of David Williams, Esq., manager of
the mines, and Miss Mattie A. John, daughter of President David John of Provo,
which occurred on Aug. 30th 1883. The same evening an informal reception and
supper were given at the residence of A. I. Williams, brother of the groom, and
on the following evening, at the residence of President John at Provo were
given a reception and supper for which elaborate preparations had been made,
and which formed a very brilliant affair. A large number of guests were
present, among whom were A.O. Smoot, of Utah Stake, Judge Warren Dusenbury of
Provo, Mrs. E. B. Wells, of the Women's Exponent, Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. B.F.
Cummings, Jr. of Logan besides many other relatives and friends of the newly
married couple. The wedding presents included many articles that were beautiful
and costly, and rarely does a young couple begin life under more favorable
auspices than do Mr. and Mrs. Williams. The Utah Journal, September 5, 1883.
[One article unreadable]
31st Friday In
the evening we had a wedding reception when many relatives and friends
convened, and the evening was pleasantly spent.
1st September Saturday A Quarterly Conference was held in Provo, of the Utah Stake, which was visited
by the Presidency of the Church and some of the Quorum of the Twelve.
2nd Sunday Conference continued
this day 'till 4 P.M., much good instruction was given, a full account of which
is in my scrap book. In this conference a Ward was organized in Pleasant Valley and Elder David Williams was
appointed Bishop, he was ordained a Bishop this day. Pres. A.
O. Smoot being mouth. Elder William B. Bromley was appointed a Bishop
for American Fork and was ordained Bishop, Pres. G. Q. Cannon being mouth.
Elder Benjamin Cluff Jr. was appointed President of the Young Men's Improvement
Association of the Stake, to succeed Elder Milton H. Hardy having gone East, these brethren were all sustained by the unanimous
vote of the Conference. 3rd Monday I spent the day at home in company with
Bishop David Williams and family.
4th Tuesday My daughter Martha
Ann accompanied her husband to Pleasant
Valley, also her mother,
her mother returned at 4 P.M. on Monday 10th August.
5th At Provo
hauling barley from my farm and also the 6th August.
7th I went to American Fork in
company of Bishop William M. Bromley, spent the day in the Tithing Office in
company of Bishop Bromley and Elder William Greenwood transferring the Tithing
books to Bishop Bromley. Returned to Provo by Rail in the evening.
8th Saturday I spent the day in Provo.
September 1883
9th I went to American Fork by
train at 7 A.M. accompanied by Bishop Bromley, attended divine service at 10
A.M., presented the name of Bishop William Bromley to the congregation as their
newly appointed Bishop, the people sustained him unanimously; attended Sunday
School at 2 P.M. and nominated Elder Warren B. Smith as Superintendent of the
Sabbath School, he was unanimously elected. Returned to Provo
at 5 P.M. and preached in the 1st Ward, Provo
at 7 P.M.
16th and 23rd Sundays I attended
the usual meetings at Provo,
the 2 last weeks, I worked on my farm hauling corn. On Thursday 20th August
Sister Margaret A. Cluff died, the wife of Elder Harvey H. Cluff, who had been
sickly for years, she was buried on Saturday 22nd September in the Provo
Cemetry [sic]. Pres. A. O. Smoot, Bishop John E. Booth, and myself
preached in the funeral at the Provo Tabernacle. On Friday August 10th 1883
Sister Cluff accompanied the Presidency of the Stake to Pleasant Valley
and we remained there 'till Monday 13th when her health seemed to be gaining.
On Saturday the 11th she accompanied us for a drive in a wagon for 5 or 6
miles, we were caught in a heavy storm of rain, but it did not seem to affect
her. We held 3 meetings on Sunday and she attended 2 of them, but after
returning to Provo
on the 13th she was worse and fell away gradually 'till she passed away in
29th Saturday I attended a
monthly Priesthood in Provo at 10 A.M. and left by Rail to Pleasant Valley at
12:30 P.M., arrived there at 6 P.M. in company of Sister Zina Young Williams. I
found my daughter and husband and relatives enjoying good health.
30th Sunday A
con-joint meeting of the Sunday School and the Primary Society were held at 10
A.M. Sister Williams and myself addressed the meeting. 2 P.M. at Pleasant Valley I preached and occupied all of
the afternoon and good attention was given. I presented the names of Elders
Morgan Evans and Robert Gillespie as counselors to Bishop David Williams, the
vote was unanimous in their favor. I ordained them High Priests and then set
them apart as counselors to the Bishop (the Bishop being absent in Salt Lake City). I set
apart Sister Elizabeth Gillespie as Presidentess of the Primary Association of
the Ward and Martha Ann John Williams and Margaret Pratt for counselors. At 7
P.M. the meeting house was crowded and I occupied the time in speaking.
1st October
Monday Left
Pleasant Valley
at 5:45 A.M. accompanied with my daughter and Sister Zina Y. Williams and
arrived at Provo
at 4 P.M.
2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th I was in Provo hauling corn.
6th Left Provo at 7 A.M.
accompanied with my sons David and Thomas to attend conference, my daughter
Martha Ann also went. I attended all the meetings on the 6th and 7th and
attended 3 meetings on the 8th and 9th of the Presidency of the Church, Twelve,
and the Presidency of Stakes and received much good instructions. Returned to Provo at 5 P.M. on Oct. 9th and remained in Provo during the week and digged and hauled 300 bushels
potatoes, assisted by my boys and Brother Evan Wride (Martha Ann and her
husband returned from Logan
on the 13th).
14th Sunday I was at Provo and attended 3
meetings, being a conference of the Young Men's Improvement Association. Pres.
Joseph F. Smith and Apostle M. Lyman were present,
also Elder Julius Wells and Jacob Gates, all of them spoke during the day.
Brother Benjamin Cluff Jr. was ordained a High Priest and was set apart as
President of the Association in Utah Stake,
Pres. Joseph F. Smith, being
mouth in ordaining Bro. B. Cluff Jr., Brother Joseph M. Tanner was set apart
for his first counselor, Brother Lyman being mouth, and Bro. Joseph B. Keeler
was set apart for second counselor and I was mouth. Pres. Smith dined with me,
also my two daughters and their husbands.
15th, 16th, 17th it being rainy
weather and I not feeling well, I was at home writing, posting up my journal and
wrote some letters. I received the following on the 17th.
Salt Lake City 15 Oct. 1883
Supt. David John, Dear Brother,
we notice that the brethren connected with the Y.M.M.I.A. have arranged for
quarterly Conferences to meet at 10 A.M. on the Sabbath Day in the various
stakes of Zion.
We write to know what effect this will have on your Sabbath Schools.
Very Truly your brethren in the
George Goddard
John Morgan
I replied as follows.
Provo City
October 17th 1883
Superintendents G. Goddard &
J. Morgan
Dear brethren,
Yours of the 15th inst. is
received and in reply have to say that our Sabbath Schools in this Stake are
held at 2 P.M. with the exception of 5 and those five can be held at 2 P.M.,
and if the Young Men desire to hold 2 meetings in a Ward they must do so at 10
A.M. and 7 P.M., as our Sunday Schools should not be disturbed, as it is
demoralizing to postpone them and has always been accompanied with a weakening
Yours in the Gospel
David John
P.S. I'm sorry to hear of Bishop
E. Hunter's departure, truly a great man has gone to
swell the ranks of the redeemed. D. J.
17th Wednesday
I received the following telegram.
Salt Lake
City October 17th 1883
To Bishop David John, Provo 11:30 A.M.
Our esteemed Bishop Edward Hunter
died at 8 o'clock last night, Funeral on Friday at 2 P.M.
L. W. Hardy
R. J. Burton
19th Friday Went to Salt Lake
and attended the funeral of Bishop Edward Hunter, an account of which is in my
scrapbook. I returned to Provo
at 6:30 P.M.
21st Sunday I attended the usual
meetings at Provo,
Elder Erastus Snow preached, his sermon is in my scrap
book. I spent a week in hauling brick for a store in a boarding house I was
28th Sunday I
attended the usual meetings at Provo.
29th Monday I was in Provo, attended a High
Council meeting at 7 P.M. (Being our regular monthly meeting).
30th Tuesday I spent in Provo, attended a
Priesthood meeting at the meeting house at 7 P.M.
Nov. 3rd Saturday I attended a
monthly Priesthood meeting at Provo
meeting house at 10 A.M.
Nov 4th Sunday I attended the
usual meetings at Provo.
William C. A. Smoot and Dolph Bushard preached in the evening just before their
departure to Germany
on a mission. I spent this week in Provo,
attended the usual meetings.
Nov.10th Saturday My son David
and myself left Provo
at 10 A.M. and visited the Tithing Office at Springville and Spanish Fork and
reached Payson at 6 P.M. My daughter Mary Jane and her husband Benjamin Cluff
Jr. arrived at Payson at 7 P.M. We spent 1 ½ hours with Elder I. M. Coombs;
stayed over night in the house of Elder Barry Wride, conversed 'till midnight.
11th Sunday At
Payson, met Bishop Joseph S. Tanner and Elder I. M. Coombs at the Tithing
Office at 8:30 A.M. and attended some Church business 'till 10 A.M. and
attended meeting at that time, being a conference of the Young Men's
Improvement Society for the Southern District of the Stake. There were present
Benjamin Cluff Jr., Joseph Miriam Tanner, and Joseph B. Keeler, the Presidency
of the Society in the Stake. Brothers Cluff, Tanner, and myself
addressed the meeting. There were 8 missionaries called and sustained by the
assembly, to labor and preach in the interest of the Young Men's Improvement
Society, I assisted in setting them apart and left at 2 P.M. and rode a Carriage
to Provo and
arrived home at 5 P.M.
12th, 13th, and 14th I was
loading 4 car loads of Tithing Produce for the Coal Mines in Pleasant Valley.
15th, 16th, and 17th I was in Provo.
18th Sunday at
7 A.M. I left Provo for Lehi, attended meetings there at 10
A.M. and at 2 P.M. Bishop William M. Bromley of American Fork joined me there
and both of us addressed the Saints. I returned to Provo by Railroad at 5 P.M. I remained at Provo during the week
'till Nov. 24th.
25th Sunday Left Provo at 7 A.M.
in company of Albert Jones and went to Pleasant Grove, preached to the Saints
at 10 A.M. and attended Sunday School at 2 P.M. and
returned to Provo
at 5 P.M. by train.
26th Monday I spent the day in Provo and attended the
Monthly meeting of the High Council at 7 P.M.
27th I spent the most part of the
day in the Tithing Office attending to Tithing business.
28th Wednesday I was home and in
the Tithing Office.
29th Thursday I spent the day in
writing and reading.
30th Friday I was in Provo, at 2 P.M. I
attended a Quarterly Conference of the Female Relief Society of Utah Stake,
held in Provo
meeting house (my wife Mary presiding). Several of the
Sisters spoke and Bishop John P. R. Johnson and myself. Sister Tiffany
spoke in tongues and Sister Zina Young gave the interpretation. I administered
to Elder Jacob Gates in the evening, who was sick with
the Typhoid Fever.
1st December Saturday A Quarterly Conference convened in Provo, an account of which is in my scrap
book in full. Pres. Joseph F. Smith was present, also Apostles W. Woodruff and
George Teasdale. 3 meetings were held and good and sound doctrine was preached.
2nd Dec. Sunday Two meetings were held, the Apostles occupied the time. At 4
P.M. the Apostles returned to Salt
Lake. Elder Wilson
Dusenbury was sustained this day as first counselor to Bro. Isaac Bullock,
Pres. of the High Priest Quorum in the Stake, in the place of Elder Samuel S.
Jones. 3rd Monday I spent the day in Provo, Elder Maeser and myself
administered to Elder Jacob Gates. Bro. Maeser administered the oil and I was
mouth in the confirmation. I administered to a sick boy in the afternoon(rather James Coltrin) who was sick with the
Typhoid Fever, he is a grandson to Patriarch Zebedee Coltrin.
4th Tuesday Administered to the
same boy (aged 12 years) in company with his grandfather and father, John
5th Wednesday I spent the morning
in the Tithing Office, Provo.
Patriarch Zebedee Coltrin gave me a Patriarchal Blessing as follows.
blessing given by Patriarch Zebedee Coltrin on the head of David John, December
5th 1883, son of Daniel and Mary Williams John, born January 29th 1833 at
Little Newcastle, Pembrokeshire, South Wales. Brother David, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I lay
my hands upon your head and seal upon you a Patriarchal blessing for thou art
of the seed of Abraham of the house of Joseph and lineage of Ephraim and I seal
upon thy head a Father's blessing, for thou art entitled to all the blessings
of the High Melchizedek Priesthood, and inasmuch as thou will keep the
commandments of the Lord, thou shalt attain to all the powers of eternal
salvation and the choice blessings of heaven shall rest down upon you and the
light of the Lord shall dwell within you and thou shalt be filled with the
spirit of prophecy and revelation, and every organ of your mind shall be filled
with the inspiration of the Lord, for thou was called and chosen of the Lord
before the foundations of the earth were laid to come forth in this
dispensation to assist in building up the Zion of the Lord upon the earth and
to proclaim salvation unto the nations of the earth and the might power of the
Lord shall rest down upon you and thou shalt be able to bring many to a
knowledge of the truth, and shalt yet go forth amidst the nations of the earth and
proclaim the Gospel in the courts of Kings and in the midst of the nobles of
the earth and thou shalt have power to do a great work in their midst. For many
shall bow down before thee; for thy voice shall be as a voice of a trumpet
proclaiming salvation to the Israel of God, and then shalt be able to do many
mighty miracles in the midst of the Saints of God, and the power of the Holy
One, shall rest down upon you in all your proclamations to the nations of the
earth, and thou shalt have power over the elements and the winds and the waves
shall obey thy voice and no miracle shall be too great for you to do, when it
shall be necessary for the Salvation of Zion, and thou shalt become a mighty
Counsellor in the midst of Zion of the Lord, for thou art called and chosen to
do a mighty work in the midst of this dispensation and thou shalt have a
numerous posterity and a Holy Priesthood shall rest down upon them, throughout
all their generations and thy sons shall become mighty men before the Lord,
filled with the wisdom of the Heavens and many shall become Apostles and
Prophets before the Lord and shall become Priests and Kings unto the Most High,
and their possessions shall be great in the midst of the Zion of the Lord, and
thy daughters shall become women of great renown, filled with the intelligence
of the heavens, and shall become the mothers of holy men and women in the
Kingdom of God, and their sons and daughters shall become mighty and dwell with
the Sanctified in the Zion of God; for thy posterity shall be very numerous in
the midst of the Zion of the Lord and many of them shall become mighty men of
faith like unto the brother of Jared and shall behold the Lord face to face,
and unto thy generations there shall be no end and thou shalt attain unto all
the blessings and sealing powers that shall be given in the Temple of the Lord
and shall behold the Lord, when he shall come to his Temple and shall do a
great work upon the earth, both for the living and the dead, and shall assist
in the redemption of thy Father's House, and thus shall become a mighty prophet
in the midst of the Zion of the Lord, and the Angels of the Lord shall
administer unto you and thou shalt converse with them face to face, as one man
converses with another, and thou shalt be wrapt [sic] in the visions of the
Heavens, and clothed with Salvation as with a garment, and the desires of thy
heart shall be granted unto thee, for thou shalt become a man of mighty faith
pertaining unto the blessings of the High Melchizedek Priesthood and shall remain
upon the earth and behold the 3rd and 4th generations of thy posterity, and
thou shalt be enabled to understand and comprehend the mind and the will of the
Lord concerning thee; the great powers of the Heavens shall circle thee about,
for thou shalt have power with the Lord to have the Heavens opened and gaze
upon those eternal principles of the Celestial world, and thou shalt be
numbered with the Lord's annointed and become a King and a Priest unto the Most
High, and shall be enabled to receive all the ordinances and ordeals pertaining
unto the Celestial Kingdom of our Father and thou shalt have all the wives that
thy heart shall desire, and thy posterity shall be as numerous as the sand on
the sea shore, for the Lord thy God has raised thee up for a wise and a great
purpose, and no hand that is lifted against thee shall prosper, and thy soul
shall rejoice day by day in the principles of eternal life, and thou shalt be
enabled to heal the sick and do many mighty miracles in the midst of the Zion
of the Lord, and thine eyes shall behold Jesus when he shall come in the clouds
of heaven, and thou shalt live upon the earth until thy head is as white as
wool, and the blessings of eternal lives shall rest and abide with you, and if
thou shalt desire it with all thy heart, thou shalt remain upon the earth and
be changed in the Twinkling of an eye, and be changed from mortality to
immortality and thou shalt receive an everlasting inheritance when the Ancient
of Days shall come and the choice blessings of the Heavens shall continue with
you, and thou shalt eventually become on of the 144 thousand that shall dwell
with the Lord, throughout a thousand years, and thou shalt dwell with the
sanctified before the Lord either in the Tabernacle or out of it.
Now brother I seal all these
blessings upon thy head and thou shalt attain unto all these blessings, for
thou shalt become a mighty man before the Lord.
I seal thee up unto all the power
of exaltation and thrones and dominions and power of eternal lives in the name
of our Lord Jesus Christ, even so Amen.
Albert Jones, Clerk.
I recorded the above blessing in
the exact language of the Patriarch. Signed David John, Provo City
December 8th 1883.
6th Thursday I again administered
to Elder Jacob Gates, who appeared to better than on the previous day. He
related to me that he had an open vision on the previous day (Dec. 5 1883). I
will relate it as he informed me, in the presence of his wife, his son Jacob F.
Gates, and Bishop John P. R. Johnson of Provo.
"Yesterday morning between 11 A.M. and 12 noon, I
laid on the bed in this room (4th Ward Provo) with my eyes closed, but I was
awake. There stood a spirit by my bed, I did not see it, but I was conscious he
was there, at last he spoke to me, and said, follow me through the west door,
which I did, and he conducted me to a large and fine hall, and in the center
stood a large square table, and around the table sat Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith,
Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, David W. Patten, Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt,
and many there whom I did not recognize (in a grand council). The Prophet
Joseph sat at the head of the table, he looked at me and said, "Jacob, you
have not always done right, but you have always been faithful to God and his
Kingdom, and you shall live yet many years, go on and build the house that you
have commenced, don't trouble and worry over the means to build with, the means
will come. You must not work so hard as you have
Bro. Gates said his spirit
returned to his body, he became conscious and sent for his son Jacob F. Gates
to write down the vision. He further said it was no dream or phantom, it was a
real vision and I know that they appeared unto me. They were not dressed in the
robes of the Priesthood, but appeared to be dressed as men usually are dressed.
They appeared calm and heavenly, they appeared to be in council and I know not
what business they had before them, apart from what Joseph spoke to me. I feel
thankful for this vision, it is worth more to me than all the
world, I know now that I shall live for several years and I will go on with my
house. Joseph told me that I had not always done right, while this is true, I
can accept that he also said that I had always been faithful to God and his
Kingdom, that is true and it is worth a good deal to me that they think
7th Friday I spent the morning in
reading, in the afternoon in company of Bishop Nephi Packard on Tithing
business and also with Wm. B. Dongal of Salt Lake, Supt of the Telegraph Co.
wishing him to move his office, from Provo Tithing Office, as I had need of the
room for my own affairs.
My wife and myself
took supper with my daughter, Mary Jane Cluff, her husband and myself, attended
a meeting of the High Priest Quorum at 6 PM. in the Provo meeting house. I spoke to the High Priesthood
about 45 minutes.
In the summer of 1883, I dreamed
that an aged grey headed lady appeared to me who had a Heavenly appearance, and
spoke to me as follows,
"Cultivate friendship, and kindness towards humanity, they are graces
worthy of Divine Jealously, it requires no means to cultivate them, but a
loving heart. The popularity of the Gods, and the applause given them, by the
mighty host, is not a forced obedience, they have worthily merited all their
praise, by their long and continued and unchanging love towards their subjects.
You emulate them." She took a bunch of my hair, from the left side of my
head, and examined it; and said you will not live to a very great age on the
earth, you are drawing fast to the end". She took the hair with her and
Dec 8th, 1883. Among my papers I
found the following which had bee misplaced for 4 years.
Extracts from a
Discourse by Prest B. Young, June 17th, 1877 at Farmington
"Oliver Cowdery went with
Joseph Smith, when he deposited these plates. Joseph did not translate all of
the plate: There was a portion of them sealed. When Joseph got the plates the
angel instructed him to carry them back to the hill Cumorah, which he did.
Oliver says, when Joseph and Oliver went there the hill opened, and they walked
into a cave, in which there was a large and spacious room. He says he did not
think at the time whether they had the light of the sun, or artificial light,
but that it was just as light as day. They laid the plates on a table; it was a
large table that stood in the room. Under this table was a pile of plates as
much as two feet high, and there were altogether in this room more plates than
probably many wagon loads: they were filled up in the corners and along the
walls. The first time they went there the sword of Laban hung upon the wall:
but when they went again it had been taken down and laid upon the table across
the gold plates: it was unsheathed and on it was written these words,
"This sword will never be sheathed again, until the kingdoms of the world,
become the kingdom of our God and his Christ." I tell you this as coming
not only from Oliver Cowdery but others, who were familiar with it, and who
understood it just as well, as we understand coming to this meeting.
I relate this to you and I want
you to understand it, and that they may not be forgotten and lost. Carlos Smith
was a young man of as much verasity [sic] as any young man we had, and he was a
witness to these things. Samuel Smith saw some things; Hyrum saw a good many
things but Joseph, was the leader. I tell you these things and I have a motive
for doing so. I want you to carry them to the ears of my brothers and sisters
and to the children also that they may grow to an understanding of some things
that seem to be entirely hidden from the human family."
Payson Oct 27/79
Prest D. John
Dear brother, I have copied the
above since you left per your request. President Young in the discourse relates
several other very marvelous incidents and seems very conscious to have them on
record and to be remembered by the people.
Please excuse the hurried
Yours in the gospel
I. M. Coombs"
I spent the whole of this day in
writing in my journal.
9th, Sunday. Left Provo at 9 AM. In
company of Elders H.H. Cluff, and J P H. Johnson. Held
meetings at Spanish Fork at 10.30 AM. At Salem at 2 PM. and at
Payson at 6.30 PM. Our mission was to raise funds for Utah Stake
tabernacle. The people responded to the call and donated liberaly [sic]. I
lodged with Bro B. Wride.
10th, Monday. I visited some persons in Payson, in behalf of the
Tabernacle, and returned to Provo
by train at 4 PM. The remaining of the week I spent at Provo. I administered to Elder Jacob Gates
twice during the week.
15th, Saturday. I was at Provo
till 4 PM. when I left for Lehi in company of Elders H. H. Cluff and JPR.
Johnson where he held services at 6.30 PM in the interest of building the Stake
Tabernacle we were promised $600.00 within 2 weeks. (Lodged
with Bp Thos R Cutler.
16th, Sunday. We held meetings at Alpine at 10 AM. American Fork 2 PM.
and at Pleasant Grove at 10 PM. we endured a cold trip on the way
December 1883
I spent the week at Provo, attending the
usual meetings and duties.
2nd Sunday. Elder AO. Smoot and myself left Provo
at 9 AM. And attended meeting at Payson at 10 AM. And Sunday Scool at 2 PM. and
returned to Provo
with the evening train. We had large assemblies at Payson, and enjoyed a good
and free flow of the good spirit. I spent the following week at Provo.
9th Sunday. I preached in the Provo
meething house at 10 AM. And at 6 PM. the choir gave a sacred concert at 6.30
PM. and several elders spoke besides me, the house was crowded.
31st Monday, being the last day
of the year, I spent at home. Another year has passed, being my 51st year, and
still I feel as well as ever, enjoying good health and spirit (if I am to
judge) like other years it has brought many changes. I was ordained to the
Bishopric within the year (being in March, my two oldest daughters got married.
I lost none of my family by death, but got 2 sons in-law, who are good and
moral in their habits, and faithful Elders in the church, for which I feel
grateful to my Heavenly Father. The pressure against the church of Christ has
been great during the year in the American Congress, and more especially among
the professed Christians of the various sects; it seems that all the fury of
the wicked and corrupt have been marshaled against the true church, and
especially against plural marriage, and all who have thus practiced the
religious tenet have been dis-franchised and cannot vote at the polls, or hold
office of trust, as for me I [omitted: one word illegible] knowing that plural
marriage is ordained of God, and is in obedience to His commandments revealed
in days of old, and restored in the latter-days. Upon this platform I stand at
all cost; consciously before my maker and all the world, and then write my
testimony for the benefit of my posterity who may come hereafter, that my creed
[?] and practice may be classed with Abraham.
January 1st, 1884
Jan 1st,
Tuesday. I had my family together at my
house, and spent the day with them, my daughters Mary Jane and Martha Ann were
I spent the week in Provo, preparing for our
yearly tithing reports for the Utah Stake of Zion.
Jan 5h, Saturday. The monthly
meeting of the Priesthood of the Utah Stake was held at the Provo Meeting House
at 10 A.M. on account of which is recorded in my scrap book.
Jan 6th,
Sunday. Attended 3
meetings at Provo.
" 7th, Spent the day at Provo,
also the week.
" 13th, Sunday. I was at Provo
attended the usual and
" 20th, Sunday. 3 meetings, and spent the 2 weeks in the Provo
Tithing Office, making Tithing Reports for 1883.
" 22nd, Monday. I was in the tithing office, and Elders James
Hardy, and James W. Bean assisting me, during this week, and also 2 weeks
" 27th, Sunday. Attended meetings at Provo.
I was in the Tithing Office
during the week.
Feb 2nd,
Saturday. Elder Dominicus Carter died
this date, after a long and useful life, I visited him about once a day for 2
weeks, he had no desire to live during his illness, but manifested a desire to
depart this life.
The monthly meeting of the Stake
was held this day.
Feb 3rd,
Sunday. I spent the day at Provo.
I spent a few hours with the
family of D. Carter in the evening, accompanied with Elders Isaac Bullock and
Bishop Myron tanner, and imparted much instruction to them.
4th Monday. The remains of Bro. Carter were conveyed to the Provo
Meeting House. elder A.O. Smoot, M. Tanner, Isaac
Bullock, James W. Loveless and myself, preached. A large procession followed to
the cemetery, and I was mouth in dedicating the grave.
A synopsis of his life is my
scrap book.
5th I spent the day in Provo, attended the
Bishop's meeting at 7 PM. I spent the following week in writing tithing
10th Sunday. Attended the usual meetings at Provo, and continued on the Stake Reports of
Tithing, and got them completed on the evening of the 16th.
17th Sunday. Attended meetings at Provo.
18th Monday. Left Provo at 7AM. And
arrived at Salt Lkae at 9.30 AM. Spent the most part of the day, at
Prest John Taylor's Office, and gave on the Yearly Reports of the Tithing of
the Stake, returned to Provo
at 5 PM.
19th At Provo,
attended the Bishop meeting at 7 PM. The week I devoted in recording tithes and
temple donations. During the last 4 years of tithing Receipts of the Stake have
gradually increased. The receipts of 1878 being $59090.44,
that of 1879 $59263.91, and that of 1883 being $88883.34, thus showing an
increase within the last 4 years of $29619.43. I recorded tithes and
temple funds during the weeks.
24th Sunday. I preached at Provo,
at 10.30 AM. And devoted the day in attending 4 meetings.
25th, 26, 27,
and 28th. I was at Provo.
29th, Friday. At 2 P.M. I attended a quarterly conference of the Female
Relief of the Stake.
1st, March. Saturday. The quarterly
Conference of the Stake was held, 3 meetings were held, and a good attendance.
2nd, Sunday. Prests John Taylor, and Jos. F. Smith, Erastus Snow and M.
Lyman were at conference each spoke, and good instructions imparted. A full account of this conference in my scrap book.
March 3rd,
Monday. At Provo.
4th, Tuesday. Attedned sessions of the High Councel [sic] at 10 A.M. and
at 2 P.M. (spent the evening at home)
5th, Wednesday. Spent the day at the tithing office.
6th, Thursday. Spent in writing at the tithing office, at 7 PM. Attended
a meeting of the High Councel [sic] at the Provo Court House, on an appeal case
of Homer Bromell from Bishop Madison's Court, the meeting lasted 'till 10 P.M.
and adjourned to the next evening. It rained all night.
Dream. On the night of Feb 15th, 1884, I dreamed that I was
traveling on a level road, in a strange land, I was walking towards the west,
'till I became to a high table land, toward the West from where I stood, I
gazed and viewed the country, which seemed to be a rich land and which I much
admired, towards the West the land was sloping gradualy [sic] for many miles
distance, and beyond the plains, in the far distant West, I beheld a range of
When I was viewing and admiring
the landscape, to my left about 10 Rods from me, I discovered a Mound, which
attracted my attention, I walked to it to examine it, in the centre of the
mound, I discovered a deep pit; I laid down and looked towards the bottom, and
there I saw a lad standing, about 14 years of age, and a voice whispered this
is Joseph the son of Jacob. I gazed upon him, and much admired his good
appearance. Soon I discovered a man, not far from Joseph, laying on his back,
and deep asleep, he appeared to be about 6 feet tall, and had white stockings
on, reaching his knees.
A voice whispered to me saying,
"that man is Jacob the father of Joseph, and he
is now dreaming that Joseph is with him, and he greatly rejoices that Joseph is
not dead as reported by his sons"
Joseph discovered his father, and
walked up to his head within about 6 feet, and gazed upon him tenderly while
Jacob was still dreaming.
I said to myself when Jacob
awakes, and finds that all this, is a dream, and that Joseph is not found, how
great will be his disappointment, and my heart was filled with sympathy and
sorrow in his behalf 'till my tears felt like dew on the earth. I endeavored to
abstain but could not, the fountain of my heart was opened, and my tears became
as rain upon the earth until the earth on which I stood all around me, became
soaking wet with my tears, when a voice came to me saying, "Do not weep,
for the Lord of Hosts, has given Jacob the dream to comfort him, and that he
may have reason to doubt the testimony of his sons in relation to the death of
After the voice ceased; I again
looked upon Joseph who was still gazing upon his father, (and for the first
time, I noticed his Coat of many colors, the preponderance of the color, being
light blue.
He was tall of his age, was slim
and tender in appearance, was beautiful to behold; there was more of the Divine
than the Human, in his appearance.
I awoke, and left Jacob sleeping
in deep sleep, while Joseph was still tenderly gazing at him.
The dream was given me by the
inspiration of the Lord, and contained many important truths.
7th, march,
Friday. At Provo, attended the High Councel [sic] the
meeting lasted 4 hours from 7 P.M. 'till 11 P.M. The decision rendered was
Homer Bromell had to ask Bp P. Madson' forgiveness for slander, and in doing
so, he should be restored to fellowship, otherwise the decision of the Bp's
court should be valid, (this is) that he should stand as being cut off from the
church. Bromell there and then asked forgiveness for his past course, promised
to do better, and cease from slander, and was restored to fellowship in the
8th, Saturday. I devoted in writing, reading and corresponding in the
Provo Tithing Office.
9th, Sunday. Prest A.O. Smoot and myself left Provo at 7 A.M. and
preached at Pleasant Grove at 10.30 A.M. and at 2 P.M. The congregations were
small, owing to the weather being rainy and boisterous. We dined with Elder
Hyrum winters, aged 79 years, he was in Zion's Camp in 1884, and recited many
incidents during the traveling of the camp. Said that Lyman Wight one of the
twelve was with the camp, alluded to his high temper, and irrepressible
passion, he would at times give way to anger, 'till he would use blasphemous
language, the Prophet one day caught him in one of his injustified [sic] fury
of passion, abusing and cursing innocent men without mercy, and Joseph Smith
the Prophet turned loose upon him, and spoke by the power of God in rebuking
Lyman, until he trembled, and all others who heard him. All around wondered
what would be the result, knowing the temper of Lyman on the hand and the
equity and justice on the other, here two great extremes came in contact. While
Joseph was rebuking, Lyman sat on the grass, and looking at no person, had cast
his eyes on the earth, and was for sometime motionless, when Joseph ceased
speaking, Lyman spoke and said, Joseph my I ask a question, he answered yes,
then he asked are you through with whipping me, Joseph replied "yes"
when Lyman jumped to his feet as by magic, when all around thought he was going
to strike the Prophet, but to the astonishment of all, he spoke in a loud
voice, There are only 2 men in Creation that can whip me, they are Joseph Smith
and God Almighty, and I feel thankful that I am considered worthy to be whiped
[sic] by a prophet of the Lord for I know that when one of my wheels have
fallen away from my axle, he is the only man, living then can re-place [sic]
the linch [sic] pin.
We returned to provo at 5.15 P.M.
Spent the evening at home. Bro. Winters related a
great and marvelous circumstance of the Healing of the sick, while in the camp
on 1834. He said, "I and Burr Riggs ( a brother to Dr. John Riggs) of
Provo, were on duty as guards together on night while the cholera was in camp,
about mid-night I suddenly lost Bro. Riggs, and I commenced hunting for him,
after looking for him for a while, another tall and stout man joined me, and
finally we found him, lying down, unconscious by a log having being [sic]
seized with cholera his body was stiff, he was stiff as a plank, we could not
bend on joint on his body, in whatever position we placed him, he would remain,
'till moved again, the stout man raised him up on his shoulder, he did not give
way an inch either way, and remained stiff as a blank 'till we reached the tent
of the Prophet, the moment Joseph saw him, he reached forth his hand and
touched him, and spoke in a clear strong voice, Brother Burr Riggs, in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command thee to be made whole, and he was made
whole from that hour.
10th, I spent the day in writing
at Provo Tithing Office, and up to the 16th, I was engaged in the same place.
16th, Sunday. I spent the day in Provo.
At 10 AM, I attended funeral services at the 2nd Ward Meeting House, of Samuel
Prethro, and John Richardson, they both were killed by a snow slide on Marth
7th, 1884, at Alta Cottonwood, Salt
Lake County.
Elders J. W. Loveless, S.S.
Jones, Thos. Allman, and myself addressed a crowded
house. (Mr. Prethro did not belong to any denomination but reported as being a
moral and an industrious man. He was born in the stake [sic] of Pensylvania
[sic], and had been a resident of Utah
Territory for 8 years. I
made some remarks on the universality of God's blessings to the human family,
showing that he was no respecter of persons, but dispensed his mercies of
nature to all the race of man. His rains were poured on the just, and the
un-just the sun shines on all nations of all creed and color. He has clothed
the "lilies of the field, with more glory than Solomon". He does not
neglect the "sparrow" and all the fowls, fishes and animals he has
created. But is care and love is made manifest towards man, the most of all his
creatures. Man is eternal, and is created in the image of his maker. Many believe
the Darwinian doctrine of evolution, and argue that man has progressed
physically as well as mentaly [sic], and that by degrees he has been developed,
gradualy [sic] from an ape, to his present manhood. This doctrine is in
conflict with the revealed will of God in sacred writ. Nowhere is found any
evidence in support of the opinion.
The first man Adam was a type in
wisdom and knowledge as high as any that has appeared ever since (Jesus excepted). His wisdom is manifested throughout his career on
earth. He taught righteousness during his life he offered sacrifices to the
Lord, which were accepted by him. He held the Priesthood and magnified it
during his life, and conferred it upon his posterity, and among them were many
of the greatest men who ever lived in the flesh. Men who communed with Jehovah
face to face, and to say that the present race of mankind is in advance of them
is only to betray ignorance. Man is eternal, is a dual being, it is humanity
and divinity incorporated.
I spoke at length, on the
resurrection of the just and the un-just. I followed the funeral to the cemetery of Provo. There were in the procession 23
Conversed with
Prest A.O. Smoot 2 hours in the evening.
17th, Monday. I spent at Provo Tithing Office. 18th, Tuesday. At Provo, attended a Bishop meeting at 7 PM.
19th, Wednesday. Spent the day in writing at Tithing
20th, Thursday. At home. Prest.
A. O. Smoot and myself administered to Bp J.P.R.
Johnson, who was quite ill, the cold having settled on his lungs.
21st Spent the day in the Tithing
office, attended a meeting of the High Councel [sic]at
7 PM.
22nd, Saturday. At Provo,
I laid hands on Bishop Johnson.
23rd, Sunday. Attended meeting at Provo
at 9 AM, and at 10.30 A.M. Bro J. P. R. Johnson was
quite ill, I anointed him with oil, and prayed fro him at 3 P.M. he received a
blessing and got better. I spent 2 hours in the evening with Bro A. O. Smoot.
24th, Monday. I administered (in company with Elder Smoot) to Bp
Johnson, his wife Caroline, and his son Nels Johnson (who is also his
25th, 26th, & 27th, I spent
in the Provo Tithing Office.
26th, 27th, and 28th, in the same
place I administered to Bishop J.P.R. Johnson in the evening of the 28th.
29th, Saturday. I administered twice to Bp. Johnson this day. The monthly
meeting of the Priesthood of the Stake was held in the Provo Meeting House at
10 AM. The chief business discussed was the building of the Stake Tabernacle,
and the re-building of the Brigham
Young Academy.
Attended meeting of the Board of Directors of the Provo Co-operative
Institution at 7 PM. Reed Smoot resigned as Supt and Larson (Nels) was
appointed to succeed him as Superintendent.
30th, Sunday. I attended a prayer circle at Provo, at 9 AM. And a public service at 10.30
A.M. Elders Albert Jones and Karl G. Maeser addressed the assembly, the house
being full of people. My son Thomas accompanied me to Springville, and attended
meeting there at 2 P.M. Elders A.O. Smoot, Francis M. Lyman, and myself spoke
to a crowded house. Prest A.O. Smoot, preached on the duties of the Priesthood
in their different callings, the Melchesdeck [sic] and Aaronic. I spoke on the
necessity of the inspiration of the Lord, accompanying the ministry of the
Elders in all their labors among the people. The importance of giving good
examples to our families so that we may engraft the love of the gospel into the
hearts of our children, and that each father should exert pure influences on
their sons, and thus prepare them to be worthy to be ordained to the Priesthood
at a proper age. Apostle Lyman spoke on the nature of the apostleship showing
that this ministry extended to the whole world, as well as to the whole church,
at home in the Stakes of Zion, in the temples, and everywhere their lot may be
cast. They were ministers to the whole church, as well as to un-believers.
We returned to Provo, at 5 PM. The presidency of the stake
met in council in Prest A. O. Smoot's office from 7 PM until 9 PM.
31st, Spent in
the Provo
Tithing Office. 28 years ago this day
my loving father, departed this life, in comparing that time to the present, it
opens a wide field of reflection. I was then young and friendless, persecuted
and hated by my kindred, on account of my faith, but up to the present my faith
has not changed. Hundreds of those who manifested bitter feelings against the
gospel, have passed away, in their condition of darkness, many of whom I have
performed services in their behalf in the temple, in the hope that when we
shall meet in the future, we shall better understand each other. As to my
father and mother, and their families, I have done all for them within my power
( I mean the dead) so far as it has been made known to
me. I have been very desirous to obtain some impression or revelation from the
spirit world to learn if my departed friends have received, and accepted my
labors; and have become reconciled to the truth of the gospel as restored to
the Prophet Joseph Smith, but my desires have not been granted thus far; for
some reason unknown to me. There is no knowledge, that
I crave so much for.
I have received many
manifestations in my life without asking for them, but this petition has not
been granted up to this date. While I as in the temple at St George in the fall
of 1882, I was adopted to the late Apostle George. A.
Smith, a few nights afterwards he appeared unto me in a dream, and said that he
had accepted the work at my hands; and instructed me to have the adoptions
recorded in his family record in Salt
Lake City.
Since my father's death, my
mother and brother Thomas have died. I have married twice and have had born to
me 18 children, two of the eldest are married and in comparing the present with
28 years ago, I am willing to say that the Lord has blessed me all my days.
At 7 PM I attended a monthly meeting
of the High Council at the court house, which lasted 'till 10 A.M.
April 1884
1st, Tuesday. I spent the day in Provo Tithing Office, and attended a
Bishop's meeting at 7 PM. President AO. Smoot, H.H. Cluff, and myself spoke to the brethren. Elder Albert Jones resigned
from being clerk of the Bp's meeting after having served in that capacity for
14 years ( he being called to go on a foreign
mission). Brother James W. Bean, was appointed to
succeed him and was sustained by the meeting.
2nd, I spent the day in Provo, at
2 PM. Went in company with Bros. A. O. Smoot, H.H. Cluff and others, and laid
out the ground for the re-building of the Brigham Young Academy.
3rd, Thursday. Spent the day at Provo Tithing Office.
4th, I was at Provo, the Annual
Converence commenced at Salt Lake City; I was unable to attend on account of my
daughter, Estella May being quite sick with the LungFever.
5th, Saturday. I was at Provo,
my child quite sick.
6th, Sunday. Estella May being better, I left Provo at 7 AM. And attended
conference at Salt Lake City
at 10 AM. Apostle Geo. Q. Cannon addressed the conference, from the
words in the Book of Mormon 29th, Chapter II Nephi. He argued that this chapter
as well as the 28th and 30th chapter contained sufficient testimony that Joseph
Smith was inspired of God and that the Book of Mormon was truthful, The words of Jesus in the 16th chapter of III Nephi, also
factual similar events, and all this hundreds of years before it commenced.
Elder Joseph F. Smith spoke on the same subject, referred to the relevation
[sic] given Dec 25th, 1832, part of which predictions was fulfilled in the
civil war between the North and South. He ]1:417]
spoke at length on the divinity of the Book of Mormon, and the mission of
Joseph Smith.
Prest. J. Taylor and several of the twelve,
spoke in the afternoon. At 7 PM. A meeting of the Priesthood was held in the
assembly hall, President John Taylor, G. Q. Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith,
occupied the time, till 10 PM, chiefly on celestial marriage, saying it was binding
on all the Latter-day-saints, and that no man was entitled to the right of the
Presiding, without abiding this law. They advised Presidents of Stakes, who
have not obeyed this law to do so; or resign their positions as presidents.
7th, Monday. Attended a meeting in the social hall, Salt Lake,
at 3.30 PM, with the Presidency of the church, the twelve, and Presidents of
Stakes were much instruction given, and particularly on celestial marriage.
Attended a meeting of the Central
Board of Trade, at the City Hall at 10 AM the chief business transacted was the
development of the Iron Works, in Iron Co. Utah. Attended a
concert at the Tabernacle at 7 PM. Where 400 youths participated under
the leadership of Evan Stephens, their singing and training earned great
8th, Tuesday. Left Salt Lake at 10 A.M. and arrived at Provo at 12 noon, remained home during the
9th, Left Provo at 7 A.M. arrived
at Salt Lake at 9.30 AM. Attended
a meeting in the Social Hall at 10 AM. Which lasted
until 1.30 PM. (The meeting was composed of the First Presidency of the Church,
the Twelve Apostles, the First Presidency of the Seventy, and Presidents of
Prest J. Taylor, spoke of trouble
having broken out in St John, Arizona, outsiders were jumping the land purchased
by the saints and it was desirable to send from 2 to 6 men from each stake to
strengthen the settlement, and called upon the stakes to send the man as soon
as possibly. Several of the twelve spoke in favor of the movement. A vote taken which was unanimous. Prest Taylor said that
some of the Twelve were too feeble to be sent to the world, and said that
younger men must go abroad. We soon shall have 4 temples. The one in Logan will be finished
about the 1st of May 1884, we shall need men to work there who can sustain
themselves, if we can find them if not the stakes must support them.
Seventies, High Priests, and
Elders should be sent there, we do not wish to disturb Presidents and Bishops
if it can be avoided.
President John Murdock of Beaver,
asked the question in relation to the revelation on plural marriage, wherein it
says that "they must abide this law, in order to preside over my
people". Question was in the applicated beyond the First Presidency, the
Twelve, and the Prests of Stakes, Prest. Taylor
replied it was applicable to High Counsellors, Bishops and their counselors,
and all who preside in Zion
and if these officers should not obey this law, their places should be filled
with men, who have obeyed the law.
I returned to Provo at 5 PM. In company
of Bro. A. O. Smoot.
I will here write a fuller
account of the Priesthood meeting in the assembly Hall, in Salt Lake City, on the evening of April 6th,
Prest John Taylor paved the way
for the brethren to speak on the subject of Plural Marriage.
Prest Joseph F. Smith explained
the law of Celestial or Plural marriage as revealed to Joseph Smith. The
question as proponded to the Lord, by the Prophet, was as to why the Lord
justified the ancients in having a plurality of wives. The Lord proceded to
explain first the eternity of the marriage covenant, and then to give the law
of Celestial or plural marriage, and told Joseph that he and all others unto
whom this law should be revealed must receive and enter it or be damned. The
revelation as now before us in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants was written
to convince a certain person of the plural part of it. That person had already
accepted the doctrine of the eternity of the marriage covenant. (The person
above alluded too [sic] was Emma Smith)
The speaker honored brother Peely
of Ogden, who resigned his office as President of Weber Stake some 18 months
ago, when the Lord gave a revelation requiring all of the official members of
the church to enter into the order of Plural Marriage; he did not see his way
clear to preach that principle, and very rightly concluded to resign. All other
Presidents of Stakes and Bishops of Wards should follow that example so that
good me who will keep the law may be installed in their places, if men will now
not take the hint they will be invited personally to resign, that is if the
spirit continues to move upon Prest as it has been. (The succession of Bro
Peely of Ogden,
Bro Shetliff has not done better than his predecessor up to this date, and if
he will not, he will be asked to resign.
Some men have preached the
doctrine that if aman has a dead wife who has been sealed to him by the
Priesthood, and a living wife who is in the same relationship to him, that he
is in plural marriage, and living the Celestial Law, the doctrine is not true.
Prest Geo. Q. Cannon,
said he felt the same as Prest Smith on this subject. It has now been over 18
months since the Lord gave a revelation, wherein he says those who preside over
his Priesthood must abide the law. In that time every presiding officer should
have entered into that law, or resigned [sic]. Prests and Bishops who are in
that order are more repectaed by the people, than those who are not. If they
are not in that order, the people are more apt to feel more restive, and rebellious.
This people are the cream of the
nations, and those of this people who are practicing plural marriage as a rule
are the cream of the cream. They are the ones whose knees do not tremble when Zion is assailed. Joseph
Smith said, no coward could ever enter in Celestial
Glory. Men who refuse or neglect to enter into this order, many times are
actuated by a spirit of cowardice. If Bros Wm. W. Cluff, and Abraham Hatch and
other leading men, had gone into this order 18 months or more ago, Zion would today have
been upon a higher plane than now. God would have opened the way, and have
vindicated our cause in a more marked manner than he has done. Men need not be
afraid of their wives. As a rule, women honor and love their husbands more for
going into and honoring the law of God. They naturally love brave men,
particularly if he is their husband. They may feel tried in their spirits, but
if the husband is kind and considerate and takes an even just course, show at
the same time a quiet determination to keep God's law as revealed, his wife
will love him and honor him all the more. This law has a tendency to bind wives
to their husbands with cords of love stronger than death. All you who have
entered in to this law are my witnesses. He felt determined to never again,
vote any man into office in the Priesthood who would not first agree to keep
the whole law of God, that is, unless God requires it. If God puts forward a
eunock [sic] for office he would vote for him, but if left to his choice --
He and Joseph F. Smith both said
that all who have taken one wife over the alter, have
covenanted to adopt plural marriage. In future if men do not wish to take upon
themselves such covenants, they had better keep away from the house of the
lord. Women also who go there covenant to keep this law. The time will come
when no one will be permitted to receive their endowment in a temple or house
of God, who will not first covenant to keep the whole law. Those who will not
take that covenant had better be married by the lesser Priesthood.
The "Parable of the ten
talents" means wives.
Bro Cannon said he many times
felt to require his sons each one of them to place his hand upon his thigh, and
swear that he would obey the whole law. If he had been a Prest of Stake or
Bishop of Ward 18 months ago, when God gave so plain a law conserning [sic]
this matter, he would have literally burnt up if he had not rendered obedience
to it.
Joseph F. Smith said that young
men who hold the Lesser Priesthood an aspire to the Higher should be put under
covenant to adopt Plural marriage or forfeit all right to the High Priesthood,
said this time would soon come. Young men had better be married by the Bishop
than go into the House of God and make covenants they do not intend to keep.
10th & 11th and 12th I was in
Provo, mostly
in the tithing office.
13th, Sunday. Attended prayer circle at 9 AM. At Provo,
and also a meeting at 10 AM. Elder Henry Rogers from Salt River Arizona, who left Provo
7 years ago, addressed the Saints. Spoke in relation to the Indians, said the
Lord was manifesting himself to them, and thus preparing them to receive the
gospel. Elder Anthony W. Iving [spelling uncertain] of St. George, addressed
the saints who had just returned from a 2 years [sic] mission to old Mexico. He said
the Roman Catholics had a full sway in that country for 300 years. They nevere
were more supreme in Italy
that [sic] they had been in Mexico.
Bro. Mowes Thatcher scattered seed of the gospel there years ago, but it was
not as yet bore much fruit. We baptixed several in 1992.
They are a different class to the common Indians, they are peaceful, humble,
and mild, and thus in the day of their power and strength, they fell on easy
prey to the Romans. The change in their feelings, the signs follow those who
believe and those who have obeyed the gospel, are strong in the faith. 9/10 of
the people adhere to the Catholic Church. I believe that a new dawn has opened
upon them. It was the strongest hold of the ancient Nephites (Read Chapter 23rd
of 3rd Nephi) Christ did not in person preach the gospel to the gentiles, but
he sent it to them.
Apostle Erastus Snow was the next
speaker. He said, generally the Lord prepares his people,
he pours His spirit upon them, and often prepares their hearts to receive the
Word. It was so in the days of the ancients, it was so in the days of John the
Baptist, and Christ, and in the days of Joseph Smith. The people in the United States, Britain,
and in many parts of Europe, were prepared to
receive the gospel, when it was presented to them. Thousands joined the church
in the short space of time. When I went to Denmark, 600 souls embraced the
gospel in 21 months, and many branches were established, and up to this time,
30 thousand have gathered out from that land. So it will be in Mexico
13th, the people must be prepared
to receive the seed. That people have been overwhelmed for generations, it will
take time to disabuse their minds, and by and by, the harvest, and the fruit
will be gathered. When seed is sown, care and labor must be given to it, if not
the weeds will choke the seed. Every honest man and woman will be impressed
with the Spirit of God, it will not affect the
Advocated to scatter church books
abroad among our friends, and in so doing we shall
have joy and pleasure. The majority of the hearts of the people of this nation, are hardened against us. For 50 years they have
heard from us, and of us, the honest among them are gathered, the majority are now seeking for power and wealth, to be used to
fight us and the truth, and thus they are preparing themselves for the
damnation of hell. May the Lord bless the honest.
14th, Monday. Spent the day writing, reading and
attending Church business at my office in the tithing office.
15th, I spent the day at my office,
attended a Bishop's meeting at Provo
at 7 PM. The chief business being the calling of 14 families
from the Utah Stake to go on mission to St
John Arizona.
The Mexicans there are jumping the land of the Saints, and more Saints are
needed to strengthen the place.
16th, Wesday [sic], I spent the
day in the office, at 7 P.M. I took supper with Prest Smoot, many friends were
present, also A. F. Mcdonald and Henry Rogers from Arizona were present The
company met in respect to sister [Margaret T.] Smoot, who was
75 years of age on this day.
17th, 18th ,
and 19th, I was in Provo,
tithing office. On the 19th, was held a special meeting of
the Bishops of the Utah Stake at Provo Meeting House at 10 attend
to business pertaining to sending about 20 families from the Stake on a mission
to St John Arizona, the names were recommended from the
various settlements.
20th, Sunday. I attended prayer meeting at 9 AM. At Provo, Sacrament meeting at 10 AM. Elders
A.O. Smoot, Charles D Evans, and David Gill addressed the people. At 2 PM. in
company with my 2 wives attended the funeral of Sister Rebecca [Samsocec?] the
daughter of Bishop Wm. Fossett of the 4th Ward Provo. Elders Harvey H. Cluff
and myself addressed the assembly. I accompanied the
funeral to the Provo
Cemetery, and dedicated
the remains and the grave at 7 PM. I met with the Presidency of the Stake at
Prest. Smoot's house, and selected men for the Arizona mission out of
the list recommended by the Ward Bishops. We adjourned our meeting at 9.30 PM.
On Friday evening the 18th, at
6.30 PM. my family prepared supper for a delagation [sic] of Indians, 7 in
number, accompanied with Elder Henry Rogers of Arizona, and Sheriff John W. Turner of Utah
Co. They were fine looking Indians, 2 of them were Chiefs, they represented 3
nations namely, Maricopa, Pimas and Pappagoes, they acted as civilized in my
house and especially at the at the table as the same
number of whites could do. I addressed a speech of welcome to them, which they
responded to in a dignified manner, through their interpreter. They were all
members of our church, and one of them was ordained a seventy in December 1883,
and he also received his endowments, and the other 6 were on their way to the
St George Temple to get their endowments.
They left my house at 9.30 PM
much pleased with their visit. There is a prospect of a great harvest of souls
among the Lamanites, and it is supposed by some, that the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day saints have 100,000 firm friends
in the country south of Utah.
They are the decendants [sic] of "Lehi" and will ere long become a
white and delightsome people.
21st, Monday. I spent the day in Provo,
I enjoyed 2 good rides in my carriage, the spring was opening and nature to put
on her spring dress, after a long and teadious [sic] winter. Bishop David
Williams of Pleasant Valley arrived at my house at 6.30 PM. the evening was
spent in speaking about the House of Israel, the Egyptians, the Arabians, the
Ethiopians, and the Negroes, till 11 PM, when we retired.
22nd, I spent the morning in
visiting Provo,
with Bro. Williams.
23rd, and 24th, Attended business
in the Provo Tithing Office.
25th, Friday. I spent the morning in the Tithing Office, and at 2 PM,
attended a funeral at the 3rd Ward Assembly Hall, of Provo, being a son of Elder Wm. M. Brown aged
4 years 2 months and 5 days. Bishop Myron Tanner and myself
addressed the congregation. I accompanied the body to the Provo Cemetery
and dedicated the remains and the grave, to the Lord. I guess they think
they're safe because they
26th, Saturday. I spent half the day at home. And the
other half at the office. It was a wet and disagreeable day.
27th Sunday. Left Provo at 7 AM. in
company of Prest. Smoot, and went to Lehi, preached to the Saints at 10.30
A.M., and at 2 PM. attended the funeral services of Elder Wm. H. Winn who was
taken ill on the 24th, Ap. 1884, and died in 24 hours from the time he was
taken. He was a counselor to Bp. Thos. R. Cutler of Lehi, (?) and a son in law
to the late bishop David Evans, he was a faithful man, and died in his 51st
year. Prest. A.O. Smoot, David John, and Bp Cutler
made remarks to the assembly. It was wet and cold day. We returned to Provo at 5 P.M. and spent
the evening with my family. It rained nearly all day and night.
28th, Monday. I was in the Tithing Office all day, at PM. attended a
High Council meeting at Provo.
We had a long and instructive session which lasted 'till 10 PM.
29th, Tuesday. I spent the day in Provo,
and attended a meeting of the Bishops at the Meeting House at 7 PM.
30th. I was in the Tithing Office
during the whole day.
April 1st, 1884
1st, Thursday. I was at Provo,
at 2 PM. Elders J.M Lyman, A.O. Smoot and myself
visited brother Henry A. Dixon who was sick with pneumonia, I anointed him, and
Bro. Lyman offered the prayer upon his head. He was quite sick, and was
delirious, the most part of the time when we were present.
(May 2nd) I spent the day at Provo. Administered
twice to Bro. Dixon during the day.
3rd, Saturday. A monthly meeting of the Priesthood meeting was held at
the meeting house, Provo
at 10 AM. A general attendance of the Bishops and acting Priesthood were
present. The subjects presented were the building of the Stake Tabernacle, and
the mission called for St. John,
Arizona. At 2 P.M the High Council
held a session in the Court House, when Frank Beers (?) of Pleasant Grove was
cut off the church, for committing fraud in an election (or in other words for
an attempt on his part to get the judges of the election to do so)
I administered in the evening, and morning to Bro. Dixon. I spent 3 ½ hours with
him during the day. Bro. Smoot, H.H. Cluff and myself
laid hands upon him at 4.30 PM. and SS Jones a dn slef at 8 PM. I administered
to him also at 8 AM., but found him failing fast during the day.
4th, Sunday. I was at Provo.
Attended the usual meetings. Bro. H.H. Cluff and myself preached in the Tabernacle in the morning. At 2 PM. I
again visited Bro. Dixon, and waited by his bed till he died, which took place
at 3.30 PM. He had fallen asleep 4 hours before he died, and passed away
5th Monday. I was in the Tithing Office all of the day.
6th, Tuesday. I attended the funeral services of Bro. Dixon at the
Meeting house at 10 AM. Several of the elders spoke, and I
among them. The house was crowded. In company with my 2 sons, Thomas and
David, I rode to my farm in the afternoon. Bro W. Strong was with us to the
Rock Cannion [sic] bench: while there I witnessed a snow slide from the
mountains. Returned home and spent the evening at home, reading.
7th, Wendesday
[sic]. I spent the day at the office in
Provo, also 8th, 9th and 10th were mostly spent in the office.
11th, Sunday. I attended 3 meetings at Provo. Elders Erastus Snow,
and Moses Thacther [sic], of the quorum of the Telve, preached at 10 A.M. and
at 2 PM. Synopsis of their discoveries can be found in my scrap book.
12th, and 13th, I was at my
office at Provo.
Wednesday. Prest A. O. Smoot and H. H.
Cluff and myself left for Salt
Lake at 4.30 PM. on our way we saw
much of the low land in Salt
Lake County,
under water. I lodged in the Valley House, Salt Lake City.
15th, Thusday. We left Salt Lake at 7.30 AM, and arrived at Logan at 1 PM, distance of 100 miles. There
was much land under water, in Davis County, Weber, Box Elders and Cache Counties.
Bro Smoot, Cluff and myself put up at widow Blair (?). It rained during the
afternoon at Logan.
16th, Friday. Conference met at Logan,
at 10 A.M. Elders Preston, L. Snow, and D.H Wells spoke to the people. Prest. John Taylor, and Geo. Q Cannon, spoke in the
afternoon. There was lay congregation present.
17th, Saturday. We met in the temple at 10 A.M. There was about 1500
present Prest John Taylor offered up the Dedicatory Prayer, it occupied 25
minutes. The full account of the services are in my
scrap book, and also in print. hence I considere it
un-necessary to repeat here.
Elder Geo. Q. Cannon, Joseph F.
Smith and others preached Prst Cannon said that our posterity will people
worlds. The foretaste [sic] of knowledge, or possessing a
knowledge, is a foretaste of Heaven, and this knowledge is beyond doubt.
Elder Jos. F. Smith said, "This house has been built for the ordinances of
the living and the dead. No people have the same knowledge as this people
possess in relation to the dead which knowledge they have by the power of the
Holy Ghost. This is beyond any price. It is the highest duty of human life, to
look after the dead. The prophet Joseph said that if it were not for this
principle, the earth would melt at the coming of the saviour. Many others will
be built throughout the land
of Zion. Without the
blessings which will be given in this house, and in other houses like it, we
never can be saved in the kingdom
of God. The Lord will not
be responsible to bless us, except we perform our duty.
Elder W. Woodruff said this is
the 4th temple dedicated to the Lord in this generation. I believe if the veil
was taken form our eyes we could behold Jesus, Joseph, Brigham Young, and a
host of angels. One dispensation must be linked, and welded to another. I
believe that this temple [one word omitted: illegible] accepted of the Lord,
and that the work, that will be performed in it, will be accepted by him.
Christ had a mission to perform,
and he has not finished that mission with us. We have to perform our part. I
pray God my Heavenly Father, that he may remain here, and that every person,
who will enter this house may be pure, and that no
un-clean thing may enter it.
Lorenzo Snow offered a few
remarks and bore testimony to the restoration of the gospel through Joseph
Prest. John Taylor requested the congregation to raise to their feet, when all joinedin shouting
"Hosannah, Hoshanna, Hoshanna, [sic] to God, and the Lamb, for ever and
ever, Amen and Amen."
Meeting was held in the Tabernacle
at 2 PM.
18th, Sunday. The dedicatory services were repeated in the temple at 10
AM. Elder Geo. Q. Cannon, read the same prayer, after the close of each
meeting, all the people passed through the whole building, two by two. A
conference meeting was held in the Tabernacle, at 2 PM. Prest. J. Taylor
occupied the whole time, the conference adjourned at 4.30 PM.
19th. I attended the 34d meeting
in the temple at 10 AM. the same services were
repeated. I left Logan at 4 PM. arrived in Sale Lake
City at 9. PM and lodged
at the Valley House (in company of H.H. Cluff)
20th. Left
Salt Lake
at 7 PM. arrived at Provo
9.30 PM.
21st, 22nd,
23rd, and 24th. I was at Provo Tithing
Office and on my farm, the weather being rainy and hard to put in crops, the
water in the Provo
river being high.
25th, Sunday. Attended Prayer meeting at Provo at 9 AM.
Erastus Snow preached at 10.30 A.M. I attended Sunday School
at 2nd Ward Provo at 2 PM. Rode in my carriage at 3 miles in the evening,
accompanied by my wives and my son Thomas John.
26th. Worked
in the field during the day, putting in potatoes. Attended a
High Council at 7 PM.
27th, Tuesday. I spent the day in my office, attended a meeting of the
Bishop at 7.30 PM.
Wednesday. My son David and myself spent the day on Rock Canyon Bench making ditches for
watering purposes, we had a hard day of work.
29th, Thursday. I spent the morning in the office.
30, Friday. I spent the day in Provo.
High Priest met at 8 PM.
31st, Saturday. The Utah Stake Conference was held in Provo, attended meetings at 10 AM and at 2
PM. Bishops of the Stake and the Presidency of the Stake, occupied the time in
speaking. At 8 PM., a concert was held in the meeting house, by the choir of
the Provo Tabernacle.
June, 1884
1st, June,
Sunday. Two meetings of the conference
were held. Prest. Geo. Q. Cannon and Elder Albert Carrington, spoke to the people. I preached in the 1st ward
at 8 PM. From the 1st to Friday 6th (June) I devoted my time
in the office and fighting caterpillars, which were quite destructive on Fruit
trees, they having laid my orchard waste.
7th, June,
Saturday. Prest.
A. O. Smoot and myself left Provo at 7 AM. by
rail, and went to Cedar Fort 32 miles, arrived there at 10 AM. We held a
meeting at 11 AM. endeavoring to settle a difficulty
existing between brethren, concerning the rights to certain waters for
irrigating purposes. At 2 PM we went to the West Mountain
from Cedar Fort, and examined a tunnel some 80 feet made into and through the
mountain which water that ran therfrom gave rise to the rights thereof. We
tendered decision and the parties expressed themselves satisfied therewith. We
preached to the people at 4 PM. We lodged at the house of Bishop Eli Bennett.
8th, June,
Sunday. We held meeting at 10 AM. and returned to Lehi by train. Bp Bennett being the driver, arrived at Lehi at 4 PM. and from there we went by
rail to Provo,
where we arrived at 5.50 PM. I spent the evening at home in company of my
family and my daughter Mary Jane and her husband.
9th, Monday. I was at my business in the offices.
10th, Tuesday. I spent the day in the office. Attended a meeting of the
bishop's at 8 PM. at the Provo Meeting House, a committee for the Programe
[sic] of July 4th, 1884 was appointed. The remainder of the week, I was at Provo till 14th.
15th, June,
Sunday. I attended a prayer circle at 9
AM and a public meeting at Provo
at 10.30 Am. Bishop John Bloom (?), and Elder B. M Driggs of Pleasant Grove
preached. Prest. Smoot, H.H. Cluff and myself attended meeting at Springville at 2 PM. Myriam (?)
and my son David went with me. Bros. Smoot and Cluff preached.
We returned to Provo at 5.30 PM. and at 6 PM I attended a
meeting of the committee of the 4th July, and made out the Programe for that
16th, Monday. My daughter Mary Jane Cluff, gave
birth to a son at 3.15 PM. The child was still born. I laid him upon her. This
was her first child, and my first grand child, we all felt sorry to have to
past with it.
17th. At 11 AM Benj'n Cluff Jr.,
David John Jr, John Giles and myself buryied [sic] the child in the Provo
18th, and 19th. I was at the Tithing Office.
20th. I spent the day in cutting
Lucerne (?) hay.
21st. I was in the Tithing
22nd, Sunday. Attended the usual meetings at Provo and at 2 PM.
I preached a funeral discourse of sister Crosby (the
mother of Sisters Higbee, and Ann Tanner.
23rd, 24th,
25th, and 26th. I was hauling hay.
27th and 28th. My son David and myself were
watering hay land.
29th, Sunday. Attended meetings at Provo. Bro. James Talmage (recently
returned from school in the east) preached and myself at 10.30 AM's services.
The next 6 days, I attended business at Tithing Office.
30th of June, being Monday.
Benjamin Cluff Jr, my son in law, was taken very sick with inflammation of the bowels, he was extremely low for 3 weeks.
July, 1884
6th, Sunday. I attended the usual meetings at Provo, I spent the next
6 days in provo,
partly in the office, and partly with Bro B. Cluff, who was sick.
13th, Sunday
and also Sunday the 20th. I was at Provo, the week days I
was in the office up to July 19th, being Saturday.
20th, 21st,
22nd, and 23rd. At the office and
waiting on the saints.
24th. I joined in the celebration
of the pioneers into Utah, this day marking
the 37th year, since the first arrival of the Latter-day-saints into Utah. The people of Provo turned out en mass,
and all enjoyed good times.
25th, and 26th. I attended business at my office.
27th, Sunday. Elder Harvey H. Cluff and myself
left Provo at 8
AM. and arrived at Alpine at 9.30 AM. We held services
at 10 AM and at 2 PM and returned to Provo
by train at 7 PM.
29th. I rode to my farm in
company of my son David, and shucked some wheat which was my heavy crop. My
wife and myself visited Bro. B. Cluff in the evening,
whom we found recovering slowly.
30th. I spent the day in the
Tithing Office, mostly in writing.
August, 1884
1st and 2nd,
Friday and Saturday. I was at Provo, at 10 AM. a monthly meeting of the Priesthood was held the chief
business of the meeting was, the building of the Stake Tabernacle.
3rd, Sunday. I attended the usual Divine Services at Provo.
2nd and 3rd. I spent in my office at 8 PM of the 3rd. I attended a
Bishop's meeting at the Provo tabernacle, the
week I spent in Provo,
mostly in the Tithing office.
10th, Sunday. I attended 3 meetings at Provo.
11th, and 12th,
Monday and Tuesday. I was in the
13th. My
daughter Martha Ann Williams gave birth to a fine little daughter at my house
at 7 AM, this being my first granddaughter. On the evening of Aug 27, she was
blessed (her father being mouth, I assisting him, she was named Paula, her
grandmother, Mary John and my family were present when she was blessed.
14th, 15th, and
16th. I spent in Provo.
17th, Sunday. At 7 AM. Elder H.H. Cluff and myself
left Provo in a
carriage, and went to Salem, Utah Co. We preached to the Saints at 10 AM and at
2 PM. and at 4 PM. we organized a prayer circle, the first time in the ward.We
enjoyed good spirit during the day, and the saints greatly enjoyed our visit.
We returned to Provo
at 9 PM., during the day I lost a pair of gold spectacles, that my daughter
Martha Ann, gave me a present of on Christmas day
18th, and 19th. I was at Provo in
my office, and attended a Bishop meeting at Provo
at 8 PM of the 19th, the remainder of the week to Saturday the 23rd, I was at Provo
in the office.
24th, Sunday. I attended 4 meetings at Provo during the day. At 2 PM. memorial
services were held throughout the Territory in honor of Elders Wm. Berry and John H
Gibbbls, who fell martyrs to the truth in Lewis County
Elders A.O. Smoot, Jacob Gates,
and myself, addressed the people in Provo.
Elder Berry was 47 years of age and Elder Gibbs 32, the later was born in
Havelfordwest (?), Pembrokeshire, South Wales, he and myself were baptized in
the same branch of the Church.
25th, Monday. Spent the day in the office. I
attended a meeting of the High Council of the Stake at 8 PM, the meeting
adjourned at 11 PM. Elder Thos. Allman, was chosen a member of the Councel
[sic], to fill a vacancy occurred by the resignation of James Dunn.
omitted:illegible from copy] I spent the week in Provo, attending my usual business in the
Tithing Office 'till the 29th, August. I attended a conference of the Relief
Society of Utah Stake at 2 PM. of Friday the 29th, there were also present
Prests. A.O. Smoot, and H.H. Cluff, we all spoke to the sisters, and much
valuable instructions were imparted.
We laid
before the conference the necessity of money to further the labor on the stake
tabernacle, a motion was made that each member of the society should pay 25
cents per month until our present liabilities were cancelled, the motion being
put, it carried unanimously. The meeting house was filled and much good
30th, Saturday. The quarterly conference of the stake was held in Provo. 3 meetings were
held, and the usual business attended too [sic]. In the priesthood meeting in
the evening, the brethren voted to pay 50 cents per week towards the Stake
Tabernacle. Apostle F.M (?) Lyman was present.
31st, Sunday. Conference continued and 2 meetings were held. Elders F.M.
Lyman, A.O. Smoot, Agnes M Cannon, L.G. Nuttall, and myself
addressed the congregations.
September, 1888
1st, Monday. I had threshed 200 bushels wheat and 57 of barley. At 5 PM.
Sister Margaret T. Smoot died, after a lingering illness of 2 years, caused by
palsy. She was the first wife of Elder A. O. Smoot, having been married to him
46 years; but raised no children by him. She passed away after a long life of
usefulness in her family and the church, she was 75 years old.
2nd, Tuesday. I spent the day in my office, and attended a meeting of
Priesthood at the Provo Tabernacle at 8 PM.
3rd. At 10 AM. I attended the
funeral services of Sister Smoot at the Provo Tabernacle. Apostles Wilford
Woodruff and Geo. Teadsdale (?) preached, also Bishop John Sharp, and Prest. A.
O. Smoot, and I dedicated the grave at the Provo
4th, 5th, and
6th. I was laying carpets in the John
and Liddiard building on Main St. Provo, a house which we have built during the
last 2 years at a cost of _________________ [blank in text] one half belongs to
On the 31st, Aug, 1884, two
sisters by the name of Winters, entered the building
having rented it for a boarding house for the Brigham Young
Academy. My daughter Mary
Jane Cluff returned from Provo
Valley, where she had
been for 2 weeks and 2 days, she having accompanied her husband who went there
to his father's house for the benefit of his health; he having been sick for 2
months. He remained in his parents' house, and is at this date quite feeble, and gaining very slow.
7th, Sunday. I attended a prayer circle at 9 AM. at
Provo, and a
public meeting at 10.30 A.M. I occupied the most of the morning. I took for my
text Section 131, verses 1,2,3, and 4, Book Doc and
Cov. In the celestial glory there are three heavens or degrees; and in order to
obtain the highest a man must enter into this Order of the Priesthood; (meaning
the new and everlasting covenant of marriage;) and if he doesn't he cannot obtain
it. He may enter nito the other, but that is the end of his kingdom; he cannot
have an increase", I also read verse 19 of Section 124, Book Doc and Cov.
As follows, "That when he shall finish his work, for I may receive him
unto myself, even as I did my servant David Patton who is with me at this time,
and also my servant Edward Partridge, and also my aged servant Joseph Smith,
Sen., who sitteth with Abraham at his right hand, and blessed and holy is he
for he is mine."
I also read Section 76th, verses 71 to 80, Section 45 in verse 54, Sec 132
verses 20, 21 and 22, Sec 124 verse 19 Sec 29 (19?) verse 46 and 47. I remarked
that David Patton, Edward Partridge, and Joseph Smith Sen did not live in
plural marriage, they passed away before the
revelation was given, but they were of that class of spirits, who would have
lived that law, had they been permitted to tarry. I read verse 54 of Sec 45
which reads thus, "and then shall the heathen nations be redeemed, and
they that knew no law shall have a part in the first resurrection, and it shall
be tolerable with them." I quoted the remarks of the Prophet Joseph Smith
as follows, "Children will be enthroned in the
presence of the Father and the Lamb" (see Compendium page 108.
From the tenor of the hole revelations touching upon the future condition of man,
in the world to come, we must conclude that men will be judged according to the
circumstances which surrounded them in life, and that the rejection of the
truth brings condemnation. The Lord has provided the means of grace to all his
children, in all conditions of life, in the world and in the next, and as he
has prepared redemption to the heathen nations, who never heard the gospel, He
has also prepared endowments for his saints of all ages, who have passed into
the Spirit world, without having the privilege in the flesh of obtaining them.
Brother John H. Gibbs who fell a martyr in the Southern states, only had one
wife, he was martyred in his youth, if he had accepted the revelation on plural
marriage in his heart and if he had lived, he would obey it gladly, I am fully
convinced that he will inherit all the blessings that will be conferred on
those who practice the principle in life. Who will be the judge in such
matters? God who can read every heart, the "judge of the
quick and the dead". Prest John Taylor, in his sritings on
"The Mediation and Atonement" saith, page 180, "Hence, through
his atonement, believers in Christ, and those who obey his law, partake of his
glory and exaltation, and are inheritors of the godhead; whilst those who do
not obey his law, although resurrected cannot inherit this exaltation; they are
raised from the dead, but cannot inherit a celestial glory without being
obedient to a celestial law." Thus it is evident to my mind that those who
have had the opportunities in the church for many years, to enter this law of
marriage, and have neglected it through life, aren't entitled to the
"highest degree of glory", and such cannot have "an
increase" in the world to come, they may "enter into the other
degrees", but that will be the "end of their kingdom". I
admonished the leders and saints to give heed to the word of the Lord, to take
his revelation, and commandments to heart, and to abide the whole law of God.
At 7.30 PM I attended a meeting in
the 1st Ward Provo. Elder H.H. Cluff and myself
preached to the assembly. I ordained Wm A. McCoullough a High Preist, and also
set him apart as second counsellor [sic] to Bishop Joh P.R. Johnson of said
Ward. Bro McCullough succeeded position as counsellor [sic] to the Ward for 20
ears. Bro. Allman had been called to filla vacancy, occurred by the resignation
of James Dunn, who had been a member of the council for 13 years.
8th, Monday. I spent the day in Provo Tithing Office.
9th, Tuesday. I spent the day in Provo Tithing Office.
Wednesday. I was in the office most of
the day.
11th, Thrusday. At the office all of this day. I
received a question from a friend as follows, "Can a man who died without
obeying the law of Celestial Marriage, obtain a fullness of Celestial
Glory". Which I answered as follows.
Provo City,
Augt 11th, 1884
Dear Brother, it is impossible
for an imperfect being, to define the wondrous works of a perfect creator, and
he can only learn his works by the revelations he has given, and then he must
have a good flow of the Holy Spirit, to comprehend their full meaning. There
are many things that the human mind cannot fathom, time alone will reveal all
mysteries, for the Divine voice seems to whisper in relation to many points of
doctrime; O mortal man, "thus far thou shalt go in thy researches, and no
farther, until they are revealed unto thee." The apostle paul was caught up to the third heaven, and saw and heard
wonderful things, but was not permitted to make them known on earth.
Angels have appeared to inspired
men, from the days of Adam to the present, in the various dispensations, how
much history have they given of the worlds they
inhabited! Hardly none! What then was their ministry! To teach men how to live a pure life, and thus benefit the race.
"Mary" and the "other Mary" saw an
holy Angel at the sepulcher, how many mysteries did he make known! Merely that
Jesus had risen, "go and tell his disciples that they will meet them at Galilee."
All my life long I have studied
the philosophy of the resurrection, what are the result
of my studies! A firm conviction that I shall receive a body immortal, in the
morning of the first resurrection, but how it is done, human science cannot
explain, and it is not essential that I should know, if it were, it would have
been revealed.
It is revealed, that if the
Spirit that raised Christ from the dead "dwelleth in me, it will
"rise also" my mortal "body."
Now then to the
question propounded by you. "Can a
man who died without obeying the Law of Celestial marriage, obtain a fullness
of Celestial Glory." I will here present from the revelations, some of the
conditions, on which celestial glory can be obtained.
"For all those who have this
law revealed unto them must obey the same" Sec 132 verse 3, Doc and Cov.
(Meaning the law on the Eternity of the Marriage Covenant.")
"For behold: I reveal unto
you a new, and an everlasting covenant; and if ye abide not that covenant, then
ye are damned for no one can reject this covenant, and be permitted to enter
into my glory" Sec 132 verse 5.
"As to pertaining to the new
and everlasting covenant, it was instituted for the fullness of my glory; and
he that receiveth a fullness thereof, must and shall abide the law, or shall be
damned, saith the Lord God" verse 6 of Section 132.
"I am the Lord thy God, and
will give unto thee the law of the Holy Priesthood, as was ordained by me, and
my Father, before the world was. Abraham received all things, whatsoever he
received, by revelation and commandment, by my word, saith the Lord and he hath
entered into his exaltation, and sitteth upon his throne." Sec 132 versus 28 and 29.
It is said of those who keep the
whole law of God, "Then shall they be Gods, because they have no end,
therefore they shall be from everlasting to everlasting, because they continue;
they shall be above all, because all things are subject unto them. Then shall
they be Gods, because they have all power, and the angels are subject unto
them." Sec 132 verse 20.
"Verily, verily I say unto
you, except ye abide my law, ye cannot attain to this glory." Sec 132
verse 21.
"In the celestial glory
there are three heavens or degrees; and in order to obtain the highest, a man
must enter into this order of the Priesthood; meaning the new and everlasting covenant
of marriage.) and if he does not, he cannot obtain it.
He may enter into the other (two degrees of glory) but that is the end of his
kingdom: he cannot have an increase." Section 131 verses 1 to 4 Book of Doc and Cov.
"Abraham received promises concerning
his seed, and of the fruit of his lings, - from whose loins ye are, namely my
servant Joseph, which were to continue so long as they were in the world; and
as touching Abraham and his seed, out of the world they should continue as
innumerable as the stars; or, if ye were to count them sand upon the sea shore,
ye could not number them. This promise is yours, also, because ye are of
Abraham; and by this law are the continuation of the works of my Father,
wherein he glorifieth himself. Go ye therefore, and do the works of Abraham;
enter ye into my law, and ye shall be saved. But if ye enter not into my law ye
cannot receive the promise of my father, which he made unto Abraham. God
commanded Abraham, and Sarah gave Hagar to Abraham to wife. And why did she do
it? Because this was the law, and from Hagar sprang many
people. This therefore was fulfilling among other things, the promises.
Was Abraham, therefore, under condemnation? Verily I say unto you, Nay; for I, the Lord, Commanded it" Doc and Cov. Sec
132 verses 30 to 35.
We have quoted from the
revelations, sufficient to show what is required of members of the Priesthood
in relation to the law pertaining to plural marriage,
it is so plain, that no man of ordinary understanding could possibly misunderstand
it. It is evident from the tenor of the whole subject, that the highest degree
of celestial glory can only be obtained by complying with this law: but there
are various circumstances controlling men, over which they have no control, and
if any of these will force themselves upon men, so that their life is cut off
from the earth, before opportunity presents itself for them to perform the
intentions of their hearts, and those intentions were to obey the whole law of
God; I believe that provisions are made for them by which they can attain to a
fullness of glory. I will here introduce some doctrines to prove my position.
Prest John Taylor in his work
entitled "The mediation and Atonement" page 181 says, "The
penalty of Adam's sin having been removed through the atonement, it now became
the privilege of all men, in all nations, to partake of the salvation provided
by the great mediator. And this provision applies not only to the living, but
also to the dead, so that all men, who have existed in all ages, who do exist
now, or who will exist while the earth stands, may be placed upon the same
footing, and that a man may have the privilege, living or dead, of accepting
the conditions of the great plan of redemption provided by the Father, through
the Son, before the world was; and that the justice and mercy of God may be
applied to every being, living or dead, that ever has existed that does now
exist, or that ever will exist." We read in Section 124 verse 54, Doc. And Cov. As follow, - "For I am the Lord your God, and
will save all those of your brethren who have been pure in heart, and have been
slain in the land
of Missouri" saith
the Lord". Again we find the following, "And again, I give unto you a
word in relation to the baptism for your dead. Verily, thus saith the Lord unto
you concerning your dead: When any of you are baptized for your dead, let there
be a recorder and let him be eyewitness of your baptisms; let him hear with his
ears, that he may testify of a truth, saith the Lord; that in all your recordings
it may be recorded in heaven; For I am about to restore many things to the
earth, pertaining to the Priesthood, saith the Lord of hosts", Sec 127
versus 5 to 9, Doc and Cov. See also Sec 128, verse 3 to 10 read the whole
section (128). The late apostle Orson pratt says,
"These records wil be a law on earth and in heaven, in behalf of the
dead". See note on margin of Sec 128, Doc. and Cov. Read carefully Sec 76
verses 71 to 80. We find also, "and then shall the heathen nations be
redeemed, and they that knew law shall have part in the first resurrection; and
it shall be tolerable for them" Sec 45 verse 54.
We learn that the heathen nations
will have part in the first resurrection "it may be enquired what degree
of glory may they attain to". We find the
following in Sec 76 verses from 71 to 80, "and again, we saw the
terrestrial world, and behold and low, these are they who are of the
Terrestrial, whose glory differs from that of the Church of the first born, who
have received a fullness of the Father, even as that of the moon differs from
the sun in the firmament. Behold, these are they who died without the law, and
also they who are the spirits of men kept in prison whom
the Son visited, and preached the Gospel unto them, that they might be judged
according to men in the flesh, who received not he testimony of Jesus in the
Flesh, but afterwards received it. These are they who are honorable men of the
earth, who were blinded by the craftiness of men. These are they who receive of
his glory, but not of his fullness. These are they who receive of the presence
of the son, but not of he fullness of the father;
Wherefore they are bodies terrestrial, and not bodies celestial, and differ in
glory as the moon differs from the sun. These are they who are not valiant in
the testimony of Jesus; wherefore they obtain not the crown over the kingdom of God" verse 79 Sec 76. I think
sufficient has been said to prove the position, that they who received no the
testimony of Jesus in the flesh "cannot attain to the highest degree of
glory. In confirmation of this statement we repeat, "For no one can reject
this covenant and be permitted to enter my glory. Sec 132.
It is also evident that the whole
law of the Lord must be obeyed in order to secure the highest exaltation. It is
also manifest that there exists in the spirit world a class of spirits, who
will enjoy glory and some of them no doubt the fullness glory who passed away
from this life, without having the privilege of obeying the whole law, who had
they tarried, would have kept all of the commandments. To confirm this
statement, we will add that the Prophet Joseph Smith in a vision saw his
brother "Alvin in glory". And again, "But, behold, I say unto
you, that little children are redeemed from the foundation of the world through
mine only begotten: wherefore, they cannot sin, for power is not given unto
Satan to tempt little children, until they begin to become accountable before
me"; "And, again, I say unto you, that who having knowledge, have I
not commanded to repent! And he that hath no understanding, it remaineth in me
to do according as it is written." Sec 29 - 46 to 49.
The prophet Joseph Smith saith, "Children will be enthroned in the
presence of the Father and the Lamb, with bodies of the same stature as they had
on earth." Se compendium page 108.
Elders David
Patton, Edward Partridge, and Joseph Smith Sen. Departed this life, before the
Celestial law of marriage was revealed, and it is said of them, Doc. and Cov. Sec 124 verse 19, as follows, "That when he shall
finish his work, that I may receive him unto myself, even as I did my servant
David Patten, who is with me at this time, and also my servant Edward
Partridge, and also my aged servant Joseph Smith, Se., who sitteth with Abraham
at his right hand, and blessed band holy is he, for he is mine."
I hope the forgoing will throw
some light upon the subject.
Elder I.M Coombs
Your Brother in the Gospel
Payson, Utah Co
David John
12th, Thursday. At my office all day writing and
reading. Also [omitted; one word illegible, cut off on end of copy page]
13th, I was engaged in the same
14th, Sunday. I attended 2 meetings at Provo. Elders Isaac Bullock,
and K. G. Maeser preached at 10.30 PM. They enjoyed a goodly portion of the
Holy Spirit, and the assembly seemed interested. Pres. A.O. Smoot and H. H.
Cluff were at Pleasant Grove. I spent the evening in my own house reading. We
had my daughter Martha Ann Williams and her baby Rula one month old with us.
Several friends called to see the baby.
15th, Monday. I spent the most of the day in my office. I laid hands and
administered to a sick boy at 10 AM. (the son of Wm D.
Roberts of the 3rd Ward Provo (who died in a few days thereafter.
16th, Tuesday. I was in the office, attended Bishop's meeting at 7.30 PM
in Provo
meeting house.
I spent the week in the office.
21st, Sunday. I preached in the meeting house at 10.30 AM. On the eternity of the marriage covenant. I preached in the
evening in my house to my own family.
I spent my time in my office till
Friday Sep 26th.
27th, At 10 AM (Saturday) was
held the monthly meeting of the Stake at Provo, at which I presided, at the
close of the meeting Elder H.H. Cluff and myself set apart by the laying on of
hands 14 Elders to act as home missionaries in Utah Stake.
28th, Sunday. I attended meeting at 9 AM and at 10.30 AM. (in Provo)
Elder Wm. Palmer preached a very interesting discourse giving an historical
account of his mission in the North Eastern Stake, "Showing the general
hatred of the Sectarian Clergy against the elders of the Church of Christ, and
stating that in two instances the clergy had pain money, and given whiskey to
rough men for mobing [sic] him, which some of the mob afterwards confessed to
Elder Palmer, asking his forgiveness for their treatment".
This reveals the corruption, of
the so called preachers of the age. The same spirit has made itself manifested,
since the Prophet Joseph Smith was first spoken too [sic] by the Father and the
Son. The Priests of the Jewish Church, caused the
death of Christ, and many of his apostles and disciples. The Priests of
"Elkana" [sic] laid their hands upon Abraham, and were about to take
his life, when the power and presence of Jehovah saved him, and so it will
continue, 'till truth gains the victory over error.
29th, Monday. I was in my office, and attended a High Council of the
Stake at 7 PM. At the council chamber in the Court House. Prest.
A.O. Smoot, set apart Elder Thos. Allman as a high councellor [sic] in the Utah
Stake, I was mouth in ordaining Elder Charles D Glazier a High Priest, and set
him apart an alternate counselor. Elder H.H. Cluff ordained Elder Samuel
Liddeard (?) a High Priest, and set him apart an alternate counselor. I
ordained James Talmage a High Priest, and set him apart an alternate counselor,
Prest. A.O Smoot, set apart Ewan (?) Wride an alternate counsellor [sic], we
enjoyed the good spirit while together and adjourned meeting at 10 A.M.
30th, Tuesday. At home. Attended
Bishop's meeting at 7. PM at Provo.
October, 1884
1st, Oct.
Wednesday. I spent the day in the
tithing office, also
2nd, I administered to Sister
Maliah Booth, and her baby boy, she being quite sick, and her husband, Bp John
E. Booth was on a mission in the North Western States.
3rd, Friday. I spent the most part of the day in the office. At 10 AM. Prest. A.O. Smoot and myself, administered to sister Mariah Booth, and babe 5 months old. Bro. Smoot was
mouth in blessing the babe, and I was mouth in blessing the mother.
4th, Saturday. Went by rail to Salt Lake City to attend the semi-annual
Conference of the Church. Bp Dd. Williams of Pleasant Valley
accompanied me, attended meeting at 10 AM. And at 2 PM. Members of the quorum
of the twelve spoke at 7 PM. I attended a meeting of the Young Men Mutual Society, several presidents of the societies spoke, also
some members of the Twelve. My son David was with me, and slep [sic] with me in
the house of Brother Greening.
5th, Sunday. I attended 2 meeting at conference, and went to Provo with the evening
train, my son David stayed with his cousin David Hill, in Salt lake.
6th, Monday. Left Provo at 8 AM. And
arrived in Salt Lake at 10 AM. Attended
2 meetings of conference, and a meeting of the Sunday School Union at 7 PM.
7th, Tuesday. Attend meeting at the Tabernacle at 10 AM. Conference
adjourned at noon. I returned to Provo
in the evening. My son David remained there 'till the 9th.
8th, 9th, 10th
11th. I was in Provo Tithing Office.
12th, Sunday. I was in Provo.
Elder Joseph E. Taylor of Salt
Lake preached at 10.30
AM. a very interesting discourse. I attended Sunday School in the 1st Ward at 2. PM and spoke to them.
13th, Monday. I spent in my office, and at 7 PM attended a meeting of
the High Councel [sic], of Utah Stake, at the Provo Court House.
14th. At
10 AM. I attended the funeral of sister Mariah Booth
in the 4th Ward meeting house, Provo.
She was the wife of Bishop John E. Booth, and a daughter of Elder Lewis Harvey
of Pleasant Grove, Utah. Elders A.O. Smoot, H.H. Cluff, and
myself, preached in the funeral.
The remainder of the week to the
19th I was in Provo.
19th, Sunday. I attended prayer circle at 9 AM. Elder Jacob Gates, and
myself, preached at 10.30 AM. In the Provo Meeting House. At 2 PM. I
attended funeral services of Sister James E. Dainels (Elizabeth Daniels, wife
of JE Daniels, and daughter of the late Elder Moses Jones.
Prest A.O. Smoot, Elder H.H.
Cluff, Warren N. Dusenburry, and myself preached in
the funeral. (It was a wet day)
20th, Monday. I spent the day in the Tithing Office, and read at home in
the evening, with my family.
21st, Tuesday, and the week till
Oct 25 I was in my office.
26th Sunday. I attended a Prayer
Circle at Provo
at 9. AM. Elders A.O. Smoot and H.H. Cluff preached at
10.30 AM. The remainder of the day, I devoted in reading, and metitation [sic].
27th Monday. I spent the morning with my son David ploughing [sic], the
afternoon I spent in the Tithing Office. attended a
High Council at 7 PM.
28th Tuesday. I was in the office all day, and at 7 PM. attended a
meeting of the Bishops of Provo, Bp J E Booth was present, having just returned
from a mission of 1 year and 2 weeks which he had filled in the [omitted: one
word illegible] Western States of America. During the day Bro. Booth and
myself, administered to Sister Winters of Pleasant Grove, who was sick in Provo.
29th Wednesday. In the morning I was my (with) Son David in the field
ploughing [sic]. In the office in the afternoon, at 7.30 PM. a Ratification
meeting was held in the Provo Meeting House regarding re-electing Hon. JT.
[omitted: last name illegible] to Congress, he and others spoke, house was
crowded, and meeting lasted 'till 11. PM.
30th Thursday. I spent in the Office, writing, reading, and
corresponding. Prest A.O. Smoot was with me for 2 hours in the afternoon on
Church business.
I sold about 100 tons of hay from
Tithing Office to [omitted: first name illegible] Liddiard. The
"Trustee-in-Trust" subscribed, this date Five Thousand Dollars,
towards the erection of new building of the Brigham
Young Academy
in Provo City, and issued an order on me to pay
it, as the Presiding Bishop's Agent, of Utah Stake.
31st Friday. I spent the morning in the Office, writing and
November 1884
1st Saturday. A monthly meeting of the Stake, was held in Provo at 10
A.M., much business was presented, subjects; being Tithing, our New Stake
Tabernacle, and assistance to the families of the families, who were martyred
at Tennessee on Aug 10/84. I attended Conference of the Young Men Mutual
Improvement Society of Utah Stake, at 2. PM. And 7. PM. and assisted in seting [sic] apart 10
missionaries at 9 PM.
2nd Sunday. Elder A.O. Smoot and myself went
to Payson, and returned in the evening. We preached at 11 AM,
and at 2 PM to larger and attentive congregations. Spent the
evening at home, Bro B. Cluff Jr. and his wife with us, part of the time.
3rd Monday. At home in Tithing Office.
4th Tuesday. I spent in the Office. At 7 PM. The Superintendants and
Teachers of Sabbath School, met at Provo Meeting house, a committe [sic] was
appointed, to arrange for a course of Lectures on Theology in connection with
Sunday Schools.
5th 6th 7th and 8th, I attended
Church business at my office.
9th Sunday. I attended prayer meeting at 9 AM. at
Provo. At 10.30
AM. Elders K.G. Maeser, and LJ. Nuttall preached. I
spent the afternoon at home.
10th Monday. I spent the day in the Tithing Office.
11th 12th and 13th A Council of
arbritators [sic], composed of the First Presidency of the Church, and 12 High
Priests, met in Provo Meeting house, to settle difficulites between citizens of
Utah Co and Salt Lake Co, in relation to the Utah
Lake and an obstruction placed in the Jordan river. Bps W.B. Preston
of Salt Lake, and Boudance of South Cottonwood,
stayed at my house.
14th and 15th I was in the
Tithing Office.
16th Sunday. At Provo,
I attended prayer meeting at 9 A.M. at 10.30 AM. Bishop John E. Booth, and
myself, preached to the assembly. Bro. Booth showed the difference between
Prosecution and Persecution, showing that the Prophet Joseph Smith received more
of the later than the first, but he received it, under the name of prosecution
by his enemies, which were not a fact. He pointed to the succession and
continued trials of the Saints, from that time to the present, showing to be on
the increase.
I took for my subject some words
from a revelation given Feb 4th 1831 which are as follows. "And behold, it
shall come to pass, that my servants shall be sent forth to the East and to the
West, to the north and to the south; and even now, let him that goeth to the
east, teach them that shall be converted to flee to the west, and this in
consequence of that which is coming on the earth, and of secret
When this warning to flee
westward was given, the Church was only 9 months old. There was no plural marriage
then, the Saints were not found among the nations then, there were no Temples, and endowments
then, nor any of the pretexts, for which we are now persected [sic], but even
at that time there were "secret combinations" forming to drive the
few saints from the States of New York, and Pensyllvania. [sic]
Persecution had commenced against the Church, before the Church was hardly
known, and enmity and hatred were manifested towards Joseph Smith ten years,
before he was a member of any Church.
He received the first vision
early in the spring of 1820, and as soon as it was announced, he had enemies
from that hour. It was enmity and hatred against the truth,
it was the powers of darkness waged against the Almighty. It was the same power
that caused Cain to slay Abel. Whever [sic] the Lord has opened a dispensation,
persecution has followed; and every dispensation has been established by God
through his constituted authority. Adam, Enock [sic], and all the great
prophets, have been given authority of God. Abraham's father's house had
apostatized from the Truth, and hence Abraham could not receive his authority
from his father, but received it from Melchizedek. Abraham was persecuted, and
had to flee from his native place. He was a pilgrim and a wanderer all his life
on account of persecution. We come to the day of Moses, who was subject to
Pharoah in Egypt,
but on account of defending freedom, he was compelled to flee from the country
and found Jethro the King Priest of Median. Moses married his daughter, and Jethro
ordained him to the Priesthood the Medianites were the descendants of Abraham,
through his wife Keturah. (his third wife) Jethro the
Priest was not a descendant of Isaac and Jacob, he was not the child of Sarah nor Rebecca, but was a descendant of Abraham by mother wife,
and this man confirmed upon Moses, the Holy Priesthood. Moses was appointed to
a great mission, to deliver the children of Israel,
from the bondage of Egypt
and to qualify him for this important mission the Lord appeared to him from time
to time, and instructed him in the duties of his calling. We need not rehearse
the history, but it is evident, that the children of Israel were delivered and obtained
freedom; while Pharoah, and the power and strength of his nation where buried
in the depth of the sea and thus the power of God was made manifest.
John the Baptist who restored the
Priesthood of Aaron, preached repentance, and baptised Christ, was persecuted,
and finally killed. Christ came, and although he was without sin, he suffered and
died. Martin Luther established a system of reformation which gave to the world
more light. Joseph Smith was the instrument in the hands of God in the
establishment of a great and divine system of religion among men. He died as a
martyr, and his followers have been persecuted ever since. But the mind of
Joseph Smith did not discover the principles of the Gospel in their fullness,
which had been hid from the world for ages; they were revealed to him by the
Lord. As sure as this nation does not cease persecuting the latter-day-saints,
it will perish; but the kingdom
of God will stand for
The Saints need persecution, that
they may be tried and tested. We must not feel proud of the power of which God
has given us. It is not our own, but God's.
Choir sang: "Guide us, O,
Thou Great Jehovah."
Benediction by
Elder H.H. Cluff.
In the
afternoon Prest AO. Smoot, Elders H.H.
Cluff and myself walked about one mile out of town and
administered to Elder Wm. Douglass, who was sick, and who died 2 days
afterwards. I spent the evening at home.
17th. I was in my office all day
also the
18th Tuesday, I was there, at 7. PM. I delivered a lecture on Divine Authority of the
Priesthood, and Ordinations to the Melchisedek [sic] and Aaronic Priesthood, in
the Provo meetings,
a synopsis of which, was printed in the "Territorial Enquirer," and
is placed in my Scrap Book.
19th Wednesday, I was in my
office, attended a Concert of the Primary Organization of the 1st Ward, Provo at 7. PM. which was interesting.
20th and 21st I was in my office,
corresponding and reading.
22nd Saturday. I attended meeting of the Board of Utah Co Herd
Association, and we disolved [sic] the Company, after it had existed Ten years;
it proved a failure.
I spent the afternoon in the
Tithing Office. The morning meeting was also held there. There were present AO.
Smoot, E. F. Sheets, Jos. S. Tanner, JE. Booth Lyman S Woods
and myself.
23rd Sunday. I attended prayer meeting at Provo at 9 AM. Prest AO. Smoot, and Elder
James E. Talmage, preached at 10 30 AM. In the evening Prests Smoot, H.H. Cluff
and myself preached in the Second Ward Provo.
24th and 25, I was in my office,
attended meeting of the 5 Bishops of Provo at 7 PM.
26th 27,
and 28th I was in my office. At 2 PM. of the 28th I attended a quarterly
Conference of the Relief Society of Utah Stake. My wife Mary John,
was elected President of the Relief Society of the Utah Stake, and sisters
Lyman (wife of Apostle F.M. Lyman) and Emily Cluff, were elected to be her
Counselors. Sister Margaret T. Smoot had been Prest of the Society for years,
and my wife had acted as her first Counselor, during that length of time.
29th Saturday. Our quarterly Stake Conference was held at Provo, at 10 AM. The
Bishops occupied the morning in reporting their Wards. The afternoon was
occupied by Bishop John E. Booth, Harvey H. Cluff and myself.
A Priesthood meeting was held at 7 PM. Prest AO Smoot, and myself, spoke to the
30th Sunday. The Conference opened at 10 AM. President John Taylor
occupied the morning, and delivered a good discourse. President Geo. Q. Cannon
occupied the afternoon. Synopsis of the discourses delivered during the 2 days,
are entered in my Scrap Book.
President AO Smoot,
only attended 2 meetings during Conference, on account of being indisposed.
December 1884
1st At my
labors in my office at the Provo Tithing Office.
2nd I spent the day in my office,
visited Prest AO. Smoot who was confined to his room.
3rd I spent the day in my office
writing. I engaged Elder James Hardy, to assist me, in openening [sic] a new
Record for Tithing reports of the Utah Stake. Also an account of Donations for building the Temples
at Salt Lake City,
and at "Manti"; San Pete Stake.
I visited Prest Smoot, who was
confined in his house with pain in his right side. Spent the
evening at home posting up my Scrap Book.
4th Thursday. I spent the day in the office, reading, and corresponding,
and posting up this journal
I have been in the ministry 29
years lacking about 3 months, I have kept a journal imperfectly during that
time, I say imperfectly because many events have transpired, that I have not
recorded; and had I my life to go over again, with the experience I now have, I
certainly should have a fuller account of events and circumstances as they
occur. I have ordained many hundreds to the Holy Priesthood, in the Aaronic and
Melchisedec [sic], having been for years engaged in the ministry abroad, as
well as in the Utah Stake of zion, and yet very few ordinations
I have recorded in this journal. The same might be said in relation to those
whom I have baptised, I have not made a correct record of them. The reason for
this is, because I used to think, that Clerks of Branches, Wards, and Quorums,
would enter the same on their records, no doubt there are records made of them,
but I have no access to them, as they are scattered in various parts of England, Wales,
and America.
Had I my ministry to go over again, I should record them all, with names of
persons, baptised, confirmed and ordained, with dates, and places, and events
as they occured.
If any of my posterity read the
above, I advice [sic] them to attend to this at the commencement of their
ministry, and keep it up through life, and when you become old with years, your
joy will renumerate [sic] you for the time you will devote to recording. The
Lord has promised me through his servants the Prophets, Patriarchs, and
Apostles, that my posterity will be very great, and that many Apostles, High
Priests, and holy men and women, will be among them; they will become very
numerous upon this land
of Joseph. The blessing
conferred by Jacob on the head of him, who was separated from his brethren; has
been promised, and sealed upon my head; for like him, I became seperated [sic]
from my father [sic] house; and planted myself, in a far off land in the West
7000 miles, from my father's house and kindred; in obedience to the
commandments of the Lord. I received many dreams and manifestations in my
youth, which caused many of my kindred to hate me; and speak evil of me falsely.
Up to the present date of writing
I have kept the true faith, and adhered to the Church of Christ, for I love its
doctrines dearer that this mortal life, knowing that its foundation is laid by
the Lord, and is built upon by Prophets and Apostles, called and ordained by
Diving Authority. Having this faith abiding within me, and desiring to transmit
the same to my posterity is the reason why I write this testimony, that by the
grace of God, they may ponder and consider these my words, when I will not be
present with them in the flesh.
How long the Lord in His Divine
goodness, will permit me to tarry I do not know. I had a very singular
presentment in a dream in the summer of 1883, see page 401 of this book. It has
not annoyed me in the least, for I am in the hand of God, whether in life or
death, His holy will be done. I should prefer to tarry 'till my work is done;
and when it is finished, I should prefer to depart; that no time might be lost.
It has been made known to me, that I must labor within the veil, see page 330
this book. Yes I must labor eternally, but it will be a sweet labor, hence it
is called "rest" "eternal rest"; and now, O: Lord God of
Abraham, I ask in the name of Thy Holy Son, Jesus Christ the Righteous, that
the Holy Priesthood, that Thou didst confer upon Thy servant Joseph Smith
Junior, may continue 1:461] in me, and my posterity, through time, and
throughout all eternity, and the glory praise, and dominion be given to the
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for ever and ever Amen.
On page 460, I wrote conserning
[sic] keeping a record, and there stated that I had kept a full record, but
many are recorded in this book; and if the Lord will preserve me I will keep
more minute account in the future, than I have done in the past, the following
named Elders, I ordained High Priests
1 James Gledhill, ordained
High-Priest, at Provo, Nov 30, 1866
2 Ulrich Buchi, (John Ulrich Buchi.) ordained High-Priest, at Provo, Dec 4th
3 Joseph Burcdon ordained High-Priest, at Provo, Feb 5th 1875
4 Edward Meekham ordained High-Priest, at Provo, Aug 6th 1875
5 Thos. Arrowsmeth ordained High-Priest, at Provo, Nov 5th 1875
6 Henry Sanders ordained High-Priest, at Provo, Feb 4th 1876
7 Henry White ordained High-Priest, at Provo, March 2nd 1876
8 Wm Hatton ordained High-Priest, at Provo, March 2nd 1877
9 Nicholas Meuhlestein ordained High-Priest, at Provo, April 6th 1877
10 Richard Stubbs ordained High-Priest, at Provo, Oct 13th 1877
11 George G. Hales ordained High-Priest, at Spanish Fork, June 7th 1887. I also
set him apart as Counselor to the Bishop of Spanish Fork. (GD. Snell BP. [sic]
12 Morgan Evans. I ordained a High [sic] at Pleasant Valley,
and set him a part as 1st Counselor to the Bp. Sep 30th 1883.
13 Robert Gallispie I also ordained a High Priest at the same place, also set
him a part as a Second Counsellor [sic] to Bishop D. Williams Sep 30th 1883
14 Charles D. Glazier, I ordained a High Priest and set him apart as alternate
High Counselor 29th Sep 1884.
15 James E. Talmage, I ordained a High Priest, and set him apart as alternate
high Counselor on 29th Sep. 1884.
The above ordinations took place
at a session of the High Councel, held in the Court House Provo, of that date.
Samuel Liddiard was ordained, and set apart to the same calling, Elder H.H.
Cluff being mouth. Elders Thos. Allman was set apart as a High Counselor, Prest
AO. Smoot being mouth. Bro Evan Wride,
was set apart as an Alternate High Counselor, Bro. AO. Smoot
being mouth. The last two had previously been ordained High Priests, and
had been acting as Bishop's Counselors for several years.
16 Wm. A. McCollough I ordained a
High Priest, and set him apart as second Counselor to Bp JPR. Johnson of 1st Ward Provo, at Provo
meeting house, Sunday eve. Sep 7th 1884. John Strong, of Alpine, I set
apart as 2nd Counselor to Bishop, Thos. J. McCollough on June 11th 1877, at
17 Amasa Mecham, I ordained a
High Priest, in the Timpanogus [sic] Ward, on Sunday July 18th 1886 he was also
set a part, first Counselor to the Bishop of the Ward (Peter M. Wentz.)
18 William
Wadley, 65 years of age. I ordained a
High Priest April 20th 1890 and set him apart as First Counselor to the Bishop
of 2nd Ward Pleasant Ward (Bishop Canute Swenson.)
19 Alexander Bullock eyed 52
years, I ordained a High Priest Sep 14th 1890. and set
apart as Counseler [sic] to Bishop John Brown of the 1st Ward, Pleasent [sic]
High Priests Ordained.
20 Ordained Jas. T. Thorn a High Priest, by D. John Aug 2nd 1889
21 Ordained Jens Christianson a High Priest, by D. John Oct 13-1889
22 Ordained Edward Morgan a High Priest, by D. John March 16-1890
23 Ordained Roderic Dewies a High Priest, by D. John March 16th 1890
24 Ordained Geo Gronaman a High Priest, by D. John March 15-1890
25 Ordained Wm. J. Harries a High Priest, by D. John March 15-1890
26 Ordained Soren Nielson a High Priest, by D. John Mar 15-1890
27 Ordained Thos W. Jones a High Priest, by D. John March 15-1890
28 Ordained Samuel Vowels a High Priest, by D. John March 15-1890
29 Ordained Thos A. Cloward a High Priest, by D. John March 15th 1890
30 Ordained A. Cowan a High Priest, by D. John March 15 1890
31 Ordained Wm. Cloward a High Priest, by D. John March 15-1890
32 Ordained Thos. Tame a High Priest, by D. John March 15th 1890
33 Ordained Levi Curtis a High Priest, by D. John March 15th 1890
34 Ordained George Rees a High Priest, by D. John June 8th 1891
35 Ordained John E. Ingalls a High Priest, by D. John June 26th 1892
36 Ordained Wm. E. Lewis a High Priest, by D. John June 26th 1892
37 Ordained Isaac Evans a High Priest, by D. John June 26th 1892
38 Ordained John Thos. Giles a High Priest, by D. John Jan 7th 1893
39 Ordained Johnson Dewie a High Priest, by D. John Feb 22nd 1892
40 Ordained Bellows John F. a High Priest, by D. John May 8th 1892
41 Ordained John. Urine a High Priest, by D. John June 24th 1894
Repetition Wm. Wadley a High Priest, by D. John April 20th 1890
Repetition Alexander Bullock a High Priest, by D. John Sep 14th 1890
42 Wm. Wallace Hunter (Bishop Hunter's son [sic] a High Priest, by D. John Feb
14th 1886
43 John A. Davies (missed from Vol 2) a High Priest, by D. John June July 18th
44 Isaac Whimpey a High Priest, by D. John June 18th 1888
45 JW. Bean a High Priest, I ordained (35 yrs age) by D. John Dec 18th 1888
Carried to page
Missions and appointments
of Labor
and when
Elder Pembrake South Wales
Flintshire Conference N. Wales
At Swansea, Wales
mission 2nd Counselor
At Swansea Wales
of Nottingham Conference England
At Birmingham, England.
of Nottingham Pastorate-including Nottingham, Derby and Leicestershire Conferences
At Liverpool
Liverpool for Utah
Counselor to 3rd Ward, Provo
At Provo City
missionary in Utah Stake
At Provo City
Supt. Sunday Schools, Utah Co.
At Provo City
to Europe
At Salt Lake City
High Priests quorum, Utah Stake
At Provo City
Bp's Agent in Utah
At Provo City
was ordained Presiding Bp. Utah Stake
Provo City
Counselor to Utah
Stake (A.O. Smoot President)
At Provo City
John was ordained a Seventy +
John was ordained a High Priest
John was set apart, first counselor, to E Partridge, Pres. of Utah Stake
John, was acting President of Utah Stake, from Nov 17, 1900 to
John, was set apart-President of Utah Stake
John Patriarch was set apart by John Henry Smith
[Omitted: one line illegible]
I was first appointed Counselor
to Bp Wm E. Nuttall, and on his released I I was appointed Counselor to Bob
mycon Tanner, Nov 6th 1864.
Day month year
whom set apart
Day month year
Arrival home Day month year
June 1856
Dec 1856
Dec 1856
Dec 1856
Jan 1858
Dec 1857
Dec 1857
W. Richards
Dec 1858
Jan 1859
Jan 1859
March 1860
mrch 1860
Jan. 1861
Dec 1860
April 1861
at Salt Lake City
Sep 1861
Sep 1862
A. Smith
June 1877
Nov 1864
A. Smith
Nov 1870
A. Smith
April 1871
May 1871
June 1872 July 5th 1872
Sep 1874
June 1877
Mrch 1883
F. Smith
Mrch 1883
24, Dec. 1887
my reports 2nd May 1888 Served 5 years 2 months
June 1877
AO. Smoot died 6, March 1895
Feb 1862
T. Thomas-I continued to be Clerk of Seventies until-
Nov 1862
Geo. A. Smith
15th 1864-45 quorum
April 1895
Geo. Q. Cannon
Vol 4, page 281)
from June 4, 1877
Jan 1901
Vol 4, page 343.
Jun, 4th 1903
Jan 1901
Vol 4, page 343
he has been a
member of the Presidency of Utah Stake a period of 26 years.
2 or 3 lines illegible]
-serving in all in this capacity 14 years and 9 months
5th Friday. I spent the day in my office.
6th Saturday. I spent the day in posting this journal.
7th Sunday. I left Provo
at 8 AM. by train, and went to American Fork. Attended meetings there at 10 AM. and at 2 PM. Elder Abraham
Q. Cannon, one of the 1st seven Presidents, of Seventies occupied the most part
of the morning and I preached in the afternoon, on the Divine Authority of the
Priesthood, and ordinations to the Priesthood, and dwet [sic] at length on the
nature, and jurisdiction of the Bishopric; also on the importance of education
the youth of Zion.
I returned to Provo at 6 30 P.M. Spent the evening at home.
8th Monday. I spent the day in the office, visited Prest. A.O. Smoot,
who who was quite sick (mother Dusenbury was burried
9th Tuesday. I was in the office all day. I administered to Bro. Smoot
at noon, and at 7 PM. I attended a meeting of the Bishops of Provo. Elder H.H.
Cluff and myself engaged the most of the time, on the importance of paying
tithes, when due, they should be paid in kind with a willing heart. Instructed
the Bishops to commence settling tithing on the 26th day of this month, and
close their books for 1884, on January 3rd 1885. I wrote letters to all the
Bishops in the Stake this date, giving them the same instructions.
10th Wednesday. I spent in the office daily Saturday the
13th attending
the usual business as a Bishop's Agent.
14th Sunday. I was in Provo,
attended the usual meetings. Elder H.H. Cluff preached in the morning.
15th Monday. Left Provo at 8 AM. arrived
at Salt Lake at 10 AM. I attended business in
the General Tithing Office, and at the "Trust-tee in Trust"'s Office,
had a conversation with the Presiding Bishop of the Church for 1 ½ hour (Bp
W.B. Preston) I bought a pair of gold spectacles for $10.00, and returned to Provo at 6 PM. I visited
Prest A.O. Smoot at 7 PM. accompanied by my wife Mary and found quite un-well.
16th Tuesday. I spent the day in my office. Visited Prest Smoot at 4.40
PM., and attended a public lecture at Provo Tabernacle at 7 PM. Elder IM.
Coombs of Payson delivered a lecture, on the subject of the "Growth of
Sabbath Schools" in Utah
Territory and especially
in the Utah Stake of Zion. Elders Evan Wride, J.E. Daniels and myself offered a few remarks. After services I visited Elder
JL. Nuttal and family. There being a Social gathering
of a few friends there, in honor of his son Joseph Nutall who was 21 years this
date. Bro. Nuttall wisely presented his Son, with a Bible, Book of Mormon, Doc
and Covenants, Hyrum Book, and in fact with a whole list of the Church Books;
with an advise that Joseph should read them, and be govern through his life by
the precepts there contained. The young man promised to do so.
17th It snowed heavy all day. I
spent the day in the office, corresponding with the various Ward Bishops in
relation to settling tithing for the year 1884.
18th and 19th I was in the Provo
Tithing Office.
20th Saturday. I spent the day at my residence (being unwell)
21st Sunday. I spent at home, did not attend meeting I had pain in the
pit of my stomach; I was not confined to bed, I read the Book of Mormon all
22nd and 23rd I was at home,
reading most of the time, and endured considerable pain in my stomach.
24th Wednesday. I spent the day in the office, and wrote to all the
Bishop's in the Stake, in relation to bussiness [sic], appertaining to tithing.
25th Thursday, being Christmas
day, I had all my family, and children together; except my daughter Martha Ann,
and family, we spent the day in joy and peace. I spent an hour with Bro. AO. Smoot in the evening.
26th 27th I spent in the office,
28th Sunday. I attended prayer meeting at 9 AM. at
Provo Meeting
house, and Sacrament meeting at 10 AM. Elder Edson Whipple,
preached on the travels of the Church, from the days of Kirtland, up to the
present. I read the Book of Mormon, in the afternoon.
29th , 30th, and 31st I was in the office, attending to the
Tithing business of the Utah Stake.
There is no need to review the
year 1884, as this journal contains a daily record, of what I was doing. There
were no changes in my family, only I had two grandchildren born to me, my first
grandchildren. One was a boy, still born, the son of Mary Jane Cluff. The other
was Rula Williams, she is alive and well.
Financially I was more embarrased
than usual on account of building a Hotel, in connection with Mr Samuel
Liddiard, the cost of which was double the amount, which we at first calculated
to expend. I spent many a sleepless night on account of it. The building, and ground cost about $15,000 Fifteen thousand
dollars: and by the time it was completed times had greatly changed, and the
house could not be rented to much advantage.
Miss D. Winters rented the house,
and entered it on August 30th 1884; for a boarding house.
Times have greatly changed within
the last 2 years in relation to Cash, there is but litle in circulation among
the people, and thousans of people throughout the Territory have had a hard
struggle to pay taxes; but the necessaries of life are plentiful in the land.
The sabbath Schools are prosperous, and great interest
is manifested by the people in attending them. Our day Schools are well
attended. Reading rooms, and Libraries are
established throughout Utah,
and the young as well as the old are attending them. The Young men, and the Young Ladies Societies are accomplishing great
The different quorums of
Seventies have within the last year been re-organized and all now in a good
condition. All the quorums of the Priesthood are in working order: and the Temple in Logan
was dedicated in this year.
January 1st 1885, being Thursday.
I have attended many funerals in
my days, and have spoken in many of them, I have gathered an account of some of
them from records, while an account of many I have failed to secure. I will
here make an entry of those in which I officiated as a speaker. In some
funerals I was the only speaker, in other, several preached, but I spoke in all
the funerals of those which I will now mention.
The dates refer to the days of
burial in Provo.
E. Bunnel (a Seventy)
5th 1865,
6th 1866
Ellen Steel
29th 1867
C. Bullock
4th 1867
1 year
Peter Dunn
4th 1868
C. Jone (wife of Moses)
29th 1870
Haws Chesley
21st 1870
12th 1872
H. Moore
11th 1874
3 years
Ellen Buxton Jones.
8th 1877
22 years
4th 1877
76 years
Thomas (died Jan 11th 1879)
Jan 14th 1879
63 years
Jonathan O. Duke
30th 1868
67 years
D. Startup
29th 1878
32 years
28th 1878
54 years
7th 1878
10th March 1879)
on 12/79 aged
Park (he was shot)
5th 1879
17 years
Allman Jones
10th 1879
26 years
Wm. Graham
21st 1879
1 year
22nd 1880
87 years
Maud Loveless
16th 1880
6 years
Wm. Holdoway (Son of Thomas)
10th 1880
1 ¼ years
12th 1881
60 years
7th 1881
87 years
24th 1881
88 years
Dunn Jr
17th 1881
8 years
19th 1881
29 years
Ann Holdoway
1 year
W. Rogers
22nd 1881
94 years
T.B. Peay
18th 1881
21 years
29th 1881
70 years
21st 1882
66 years
Bean [omitted: 2 words illegible]
31st 1882
78 years
8th 1882
Elizth Graham
4th 1881
12 years
January 6th 1882
21 years
O Glazier (died at St George)
6th 1882
5th 1883
82 years
Smoot Newel
14th 1883
8 months
Ann Nuttall Jones
27th 1883
26 years
LE. Harrington (American Fork)
28 1882
70 years
Foster Cluff
22nd 1883
42 years
4th 1884
77 years
A. Dixon
4th 1884
49 years
8th 1880
28 years
19th 1882
38 years
Till Junr
19th 1882
23 years
Mc Ewan
25th 1882
56 years
15th 1879
84 years
3rd 1879
2 years
10th 1879
2 years
Viles Rickards
31st 1879
60 years
Melissa Sperry
25th 1884
22 years
22nd 1884
68 years
T. Smoot
3rd 1884
75 years
19th 1884
54 years
7th 1884
70 years
Wm. Miller (died)
7th 1874
60 yr. 9 m
Wm. Binghurt
17th 1883
65 years
(S S. Jones' mother)
Lydia Jones
(Josiah's child)
28 1884
1 year
David Evans (of Lehi)
24th 1883
79 years
Winn (of Lehi)
W. Bunnell
25th 1873
1 year
Daniels-wife of J.E. Daniels
Oct 17th 1884
54 years
Nuttall Senr
14th 1864
67 years
Nuttall Senr
28th 1880
79 years
F. Samsocee
20th 1884
50 years
Isabele Chesley Nuttall
7th 1884
75 years
Wilson (wife of LA Wilson)
15th 1885
18th 1885
Bobey (Second Ward)
1st 1885
Lewis (1st Ward)
3rd 1885
35 years
Coombs (Payson)
16th 1885
42 years-9 months
Ann Beebe, Provo
27th 1885
y 3 m 2 d
Glazier, of Provo,
27th 1885,
81 years 3 months
Hoover of Provo
13th 1885
17 years
Dewies (daughter of Chas.)
15th 1885
11 months
C. Ferre (of Provo)
12th 1885
67 years
Boardman (of Provo)
13th 1886
67 years
Osker Holdoway (son of Thomas)
28th 1886
8 months
M. Coombs (of Payson)
23rd 1886
52 years
Flemings (of Provo)
6th 1886
75 years
Akins of Provo
7th 1886
63 years
Wride Stubbs of Provo
15th 1886
47 years
Jones ([omitted: one word illegible]) of Provo
26th 1886
71 years
John Jones of Provo
29th 1886
54 years
Vincent of Provo
31st 1886
85 years
10th 1886
18 years
Clark Scott, (widow of Bp Scott
13th 1887
76 year
Carried to page 531, of this
Jan 1st 1885
1st Thursday. I was in my office all day, and also on
2nd and 3rd,
attending to the Tithing of the Stake.
At 10 AM. of the 3rd I attended a Priesthood meeting
of the Stake at Provo.
The subjects treated upon were Tithing, and the building of the Stake
4th Sabbath. I stayed at home in the morning, and afternoon, not
feeling well. I preached in the 1st Ward, Provo
in the evening, on the Plates of the Book of Mormon, and the bringing forth of
the Book, by the gift and power of God, through Joseph Smith Jr the Prophet,
and Seer.
5th and 6th I was engaged in my
office, and at 6.30 PM. I attended a Bishop's meeting at Provo meeting house. I labored in the Tithing
Office every day of this week 'til Saturday the 10th 1884.
11th Sunday. I attended the usual meetings at Provo at 9 AM and at 10.30 AM. Bishops Myron Tanner, and James W. Loveless preached. Elder H.H. Cluff and
myself attended meeting in the Provo Bench Branch at 2
PM. We had a good meeting. I accepted the resignation of Elder Thos J. Patten,
as Supt. of Sunday School of that place, we did not
appoint a new Superentendant on this date. We returned home through a heavy
snow storm. I spent 2 hours with Prst AO. Smoot in the
evening. The remainer at home.
12th I left Provo at 8 AM. and
arrived at Salt Lake City
at 10 AM. I spent 2 hours in the Office of the Prest of the Church, attending
Church business, with Prest GQ. Cannon, and also with Bp W.B.
Preston. I arrived home at 6 P.M.
I had a conversation with Bros.
FD. Richard and George Teasdale. I dined with Bro.
George Goddard, who had lately returned from England. After returning to Provo I spent an hour
with Bro. A.O. Smoot.
13th Tuesday. I was in the Office all day. At 7 PM. I attended a
lecture, delivered by Elder Wm H. Kelsey of Springville, on the subject of
"Ishmael and his decendants", showing that the Lord had not been
un-mindful of the Seed of the first son of Abraham throughout their
generations. Mahomet, and many other noted persons had sprung from that stock,
and more particularly as warriors and Generals. Showed how the Arabians, had
taken down the "Cross" from the City of Rome, and re-placed it with
the "Crescent", which remained there for Centuries. On the whole it
was quite interesting. The meeting house, was well
filled. I made a few remarks at the close. This Lecture was given in connection
with Sabbath Schools. The Choir of the 3rd Ward Sunday School furnished the
singing, which reflected credit upon them.
14th 15th and 16th I was busily
engaged in my office.
17th Saturday
at 10 AM. in
the Provo
meeting house I preached in the funeral of sister Alice Wilson, wife of Elder LA. Wilson,
Supt of District Schools, and daughter of Bishop Tucker, of Fairview San Pete,
she died on the birth of her 4 child. Her remains were taken to "Fairview" to be
In the Office I spent the
18th Sunday. I attended prayer in the meeting house at 9 AM. At 10 30
AM. Elders H.H. Cluff and Geo. M. Brown preached. I spent the afternoon in
writing 'till 8 PM, in the Tithing Office. In relation to the Lecture of Elder
Kesley referred too on the 13th instant, I will add the following. He said,
"Ishmael was the eldest son of Abraham, by Hagar, his wife. There were
promises made to the boy in connection with his birth. The word
"Ishmael" signifies one called of God. We find that when Joseph, the
son of Jacob, was sold by his brethren, the Ishmaelites (merchants) descendants
of this same Ishmael-bought the boy Joseph and carried him into Egypt. For
nearly four thousand years the descendants of Ishmael, have been a merchant
race. Blessings were bestowed on the descendants of the old patriarch, and it
is evident that the land called "Arabia"
was the inheritance of Ishmael's descendants. The land had never been subdued
by foes, but the descendants still possess it, showing that the promise made to
the boy Ishmael was not forgotten. Quoting from Josephus he went on to show
that Herod's mother was a descendant of Ishmael. The territory owned and
occupied by Ishmael on the Eastern hemisphere, was much greater in extent than
owned by Israel.
The Prophet Mohamet, who from the
wandering and restless hordes organized one of the most powerful dynasties of
the middle ages that conquered and subdued the greater part of the civilized
world, was a descendant of Ishmael. He made a happy illustration of how the
Sons of Ishmael were possessors of, and holding the promised
land, until the sons of Isaac were prepared to return and take
possession of it."
19th Monday. I worked early and late all the week in the office, making
out the yearly reports of Tithing in the Utah Stake.
25 Sunday. I attended the usual Divine Services at Provo.
26. Monday. I spent the day in my
office, and attended a monthly meeting of the High Councel at 7. PM.
27th Tuesday. I spent the day in the office
28th Wednesday. Also this day in office work; met with the High Councel at
7. PM. in the Provo Court House, trying to adjust difficulties existing,
between Bishop Myron Tanner 3rd Ward Provo, and his wife Annie, the meeting
lasted 'till 11. PM.
29th Thursday. At 10 AM. met with the High Councel, upon a difficulty
existing betwen Dr. Rogers and a brother named Showel, both from Pleasant
Grove, Utah Co., we held the the second meeting at 1 PM., and decided in favor
of Shael, (it being a Cash [omitted: one word illegible].)
30th and 31st I was engaged in
the Provo Tithing office.
1st Feb. Sunday. I preached at
Provo Meeting house at 10.30 AM. I spent the afternoon in writing.
2nd and 3rd I was in the office,
attended a Bishop's meeting at 7. PM. in the Provo Meeting
house. I labored hard in the office all of this week.
7th Saturday. I attended a meeting of the Priesthood of the Stake at Provo, at 10 30 AM. (we had a large congregation and received valuable
8th Sunday. I attended the usual meeting at Provo. Apostles FM. Lyman,
and Heber J Grant preached at 10 AM.
9th Monday. Elder IM. Coombs came to assist
me to make out our Stake Reports, and was with me one week.
10th In the office all day,
attended a lecture delivered by Karl G. Maeser, at 7 PM. in connection with
Sunday School.
11th and 12th. Worked hard in the office, also on the
13th. On
the evening of the 12th attended a session of the High Councel in the Provo
Court House.
14th In the office all day, with
the exception of meeting with the High Councel for 2 hours, we got through with
the Stake Reports and Bro. IM. Coombs, returned to Payson.
15th Sunday. I attended the usual Divine Services at Provo.
16th Monday. I went to Salt
Lake, and delivered the
Tighing Reports of Utah Stake for the year 1884, to the Presiding Bishop of the
Church, (Wm. B. Preston) returned home.
17th. In
the office all day, attended a Bishop's meeting at 7 PM. in the Provo Meeting
I spent the week in the office,
hard at work till the
21st Saturday.
22nd Sunday. I attended meeting at Provo. At 2 PM. the Presidency of the Stake,
met at the house of Prest AO. Smoot, and set apart my wife Mary John, as
President of the Relief Socities [sic] in Utah Stake, sister Lyman and Emily
Cluff were appointed, and set apart as her Counsellors [sic]. Sister Annie K. Smoot, was set apart, as President of the Primary
association in the Utah Stake, with Eliza Taylor, and Sarah Cluff, as her
23rd 24th and 25, I was engaged
in Office labor.
26th Thursday. I spent the morning in the office, and at 2 PM. I attended
a Conference of the Primary association of Utah Stake, and presented to them
the names of the newly appointed Presidency, which were unanimously sustained.
At 7 PM I attended a quarterly Conference of "Young Ladies Mutual
Improvement Association" I addressed them for about ½ hour.
27 Friday. I spent the morning in the Office, at 2 PM. I attended a
quarterly Conference, of the Relief Society of the Stake,
I addressed them on the duties of their callings. Several sisters spoke, and
among them sister Eliza Snow (the poetess) and my
At 7 PM. I attended a conjoint
meeting of the Young Men and Young Ladies Association, and engaged quite an
interesting time. We had siging [sic] recitations and speeches.
28th Saturday. The quarterly Conference of Utah Stake was held. I
attended 3 meetings, and preached in two of them. Bp D Williams, stayed at my
1st March Sunday. Conference
continued, two meetings were held, I preached in the morning (Adjourned at 4
PM.) We had none of the first Presidency, nor the Twelve at our Conference. We
enjoyed good time, all the speakers spoke by the inspiration of the Holy
Spirit, and the Tabernacle was filled with attentive assemblies during all the
meetings held.
2nd to the 7th I was busily
engaged in the office
8th Sunday. I attended meetings at Provo; Elders H.H. Cluff and I. Bullock
preached at 10 A.M.
9th I was in the office. Attended a session of the High Councel at 7. PM. at Provo.
We also held a session on March 6th at 6 30 PM.
I spent the week in the office
'till the
14th Saturday. I suffered pain in my stomach all of this week severely,
and at 3 PM. of the 14th I was seized with cramp in the stomach, which lasted
about 5 minutes, it mad my frame tremble, I think it was the most severe pain,
I ever experienced. Prest A O. Smoot, and Elder [omitted; first name illegible]
Lewis administered to me and I was made better. Brother Smoot took me home in
his carriage, and I was nursed and obtained ease.
15th Sunday. I attended two meeting at Provo.
I spent this week 'till the 21st
at the office and at home. I suffered pain in my stomach all of this week.
22 Sunday. Prest Smoot and myself went to
Spanish Fork. I preached in the morning one hour, and Bro. Smoot 20 minutes in
the afternon [sic] Bro. Smoot and Bro Stayner preached. We returned to Provo in the evening, my
wife accompanied me. At 7 PM. I attended a conjoint meeting of the "Young
Men M I. Assn at Provo.
Apostle F.M. Lyman and myself spoke to the
congregation, the house was crowded and many could not get in.
29 Bro H.H. Cluff and self visited
Pleasant Grove on the 22nd and on the 29th Bros Smoot and myself visited
Spanish Fork. We rode in a carriage in the morning and returned to Provo in the evening,
after having held 2 meetings. The days between the 22nd and 29, I spent in the
30th Monday. I was in the office, and at 7 PM. attended a High Councel,
in the case of land dificulty betwen Jacob Houtz and James Straw of
Springville. we sat in session 'til 9.30, and not
being able to get through, the Councel adjourned for one week.
31st Tuesday. I spent the day in the office. Twenty nine years this day,
my father died (see pages 30 and 31 this book)
1st April and
2nd in the office attending my usual duties.
3rd and 4th I rode in my carriage
about ½ of the time and the remainder of the time in office work.
The Annual Conference of the
Church was held on the 4th in the City of Logan,
being the Fifty fifth year since the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latterdaysaints. At this date the Leading Elders of the Church, are much scattered.
Presidents John Taylor and Geo. Q. Cannon, are hiding
from their enemies. Prest Joseph F. Smith has gone to one of the Islands of the
Pacific, and many more have gone to Europe, Mexico, and other parts. They have
not gone because they have broken any constitutional law of the land, but they
do not feel willing to fall into the hands of murderers who thirst for their
blood. They have before their minds vividly, the outrageous murder of the
Prophet Joseph Smith, and his brother, Hyrum, whom were murdered while in
prison, and the American Nation has not called in question the perpetrators of
that horrid deep, up to the present date, and they do not intend to do it.
Hence the lack of faith in Federal Officers, is the
reason why that our brethren are scattered.
The lack of faith that they will
not judge and decide according to truth and justice, but on the contrary they
will act, as the wicked have always acted towards the servants of God, in every
age and dispensation. The cloud that is now haning [sic] over the Church, is
the darkest that ever has hung over it, inasmuch that the officers of the
nation have united themselves, with the drink and the licentious, and the hired
Clergy of an apostate Christianity, in this un-hallowed crusade of plunder and persecution;
and thus they are fast filling up the cup of their iniquity; which most
certainly ere long, will cause the down fall of this nation.
5th Sunday. I attended 2 meetings at Provo. Elder Jacob Gates preached at 10.30
6th Monday. The most of the day, I spent on my farm with my son
Thomas, and Elder Evan Wride.
7th Tuesday. I spent in the Office, and at 7 PM. I attended a Session
of the High Councel, at Provo Court House.
8th Wednesday. I spent the day in office work.
9th Thursday. I devoted to office work.
10th Friday. I rode the most part of the morning on the Provo Bench,
with Bro. Evan Wride, it was a beautiful spring morning, and we enjoyed a
plesant [sic] trip the afternoon. I was in the office.
Apostle John Henry Smith, called in the office, having just returned from a 29
months' mission to Europe. At 7.30 PM. I
attended a meeting of the Utah Stake Tabernacle Committee, at the Bank building
and we agreed to continue our labors on the House during the Summer
and fall of 1885. Prest Smoot appointed himself, H.H. Cluff, JP.R. Johnson and myself to visit the Utah Stake, and urge the people to
bring in means to construct the house.
At 9 PM. I attended a ball in the
1st Ward School House, danced once, remained 2 hours, and went home My wife Mary and daughter Lizzy were with me.
11th Saturday. I spent the morning in the office, I wrote to my daughter
Martha Ann Williams. At 1 PM. Prest A.O. Smoot and myself
went to Santaquin 24 miles in a Carriage, arrived there at 6 PM. Lodged in the
house of Bp. Geo. Halliday. At 10. PM.
we admisistered to sister Betsy Robins. I annointed her, Bro. Smoot was
mouth in prayer. She is the wife of Wm. Robins; and a daughter-in-law, of the
late Isaac Robins of Provo.
12th Sunday. At 9 AM. we visited Jonathan Wolstenholme, 77 years of
age, he had a yellow hair, without any gray hair visible; something remarkable;
he seemed to enjoy much of the Holy Spirit, he had no children, had burried his
wife in England 20 years ago. He appeared as a shock, fully ripe for the harvest,
and ready for his Master's use beyond the veil. He saw he was too weak to walk
to meeting but added he, "when I go on the other
side of the veil, I will travel and preach there if they will let me".
Prest Smoot replied that he believed, they would let him.
I annointed the aged man, and brother Smoot blessed him; by the laying on of
hands. He promised him, that although he was not blessed with children on this
earth, he should have posterity in eternity, and have an eternal increase.
We attended meeting at 2 PM. and
Sunday School at 10 AM. We spoke in both assembles,
and had an interesting and profitable time. We travelled to Payson 6 miles, and
preached there at 7.30 PM. Our chief subject being the
importance of building our Stake Tabernacle. I stayed overnight in the
house of Elder Barry Wride.
13th Monday. We left Payson at 8 AM. arrived
at Provo at
11.30 PM. I found my son Thomas quite sick, with a sick headache, and sore
throat. I administered to him. I spent the afternoon in Office work; and at 7
PM. attended a session of the High Councel; which lasted 'till 10 PM. (A case
of difficulty between Jacob Houtz, and James Straw of Springville) in relation
to a land dispute; the decision was given in favor of James Straw, who had held
possession, and had the use of said land, for 20 years past.
14th Tuesday. I spent the day in the office and attended a meeting of
the Bishops at 7.30 PM. at Provo.
15th Wednesday. I spent the day in the office; Elders James Dunn, Chas
Savage, and myself, administered to Elder Thos Fenn at 6 PM. who was very sick
with the inflamation of the bowels.
16th Thursday In the office. At 8
PM. upon request, I again paid a visit to Bro. Fenn, and found him quite low.
The house was full of relations, and friends. Elder K.G. Maeser engaged in
family prayer, after which we laid hands upon him; I was mouth in prayer, we
asked the Lord to be merciful to him, we dedicated him to the Lord by the
authority of the Holy Priesthood. I returned home at 11 PM. Before I parted
with Bro. Fenn, the last words he uttered to me were, "that we had spent
many happy days together, but we would never spent another together on
earth". I told him, I hoped we should, he repeated emphatically "we
shall not."
17th Friday at
3 A.M. Bro. Fenn passed to his final rest. He suffered great agonies for 3 weeks. He was born July 18th 1841, in England, was
baptized when quite young, and has ever since been a faithful member of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latterdaysaints. He left to mourn his loss, a wife,
seven children, an aged mother, a brother and three sisters. He held the office
of a Seventy.
I spent the day in my office.
18th Saturday. I spent the morning in the office, and at 1 PM. attended
the funeral services of Bro. Fenn, held in the 4th Ward Meeting house Provo. Elders J. Dunn,
K.G. Maeser A.O. Smoot and myself addressed the
people. I was personally acquainted with Bro. Fenn, he having spent the most
part of 3 years, assisting me in the Sale Rooms of Provo Manf's Co, and I say
of him that he was an honest, trusty, reliable good man.
I spent 2 hours after the
funeral, with Bro I. Brockbank Salt Lake City, in the interest of Tithing, he came by appointment of Bro. Preston the
Presiding Bishop.
19th Sunday. At 8 AM. I left Provo,
accompanied by my wife Mary, and Bishop JP.R. Johnson, of the
1st Ward Provo, to Springville, by team. We attended Sabbath School
at 10 A.M. the house was nearly full, we found a good prosperous School. Bishop
Johnson and myself addressed the assembly, encouraged
and blessed them.
At 2 PM. we attended meeting
preached to them chiefly on the importance to complete our Stake Tabernacle.
Returned, and arrived at Provo at 6 PM.
20th Monday and Tuesday at Office
at 8 PM. of the 21st attended a lecture delivered by Elder K. G. Maeser at Provo, Meeting house,
subject, "Testament of Peter the Great". It was very interesting and
instructive, especially at present when Russia
and England
seemed determined on war.
21st Wednesday. We have had a fine and early spring, but it is snowing at
10 A.M. I administered to one Thos Lewis, who had a severe brain fever.
22 to 25th I attended office work, I administered again to Thos Lewis on the evening of
the 24th my wife in company.
26th Sunday. Brother H.H. Cluff, and myself left Provo, at 7 AM. and
went to Lehi, in a team. We preached to a crowded house at 10 AM. We attended
meeting at Pleasant Grove at 2 PM. We met Prest Smoot, and Bp JP.R. Johnson
there we all addressed the assembly. We returned to Provo,
by the way of the Provo
Canyon, and had a
splendid ride over the Provo Bench. Our chief subject was the building of the
Utah Stake Tabernacle.
27th I spent the day in the
28th Tuesday. I helped to plant Potatoes 'till 11 AM. At noon I
administered to sister Mariah Bobey who was severely
sick, she had a babe 5 days old and she died in 2 days later.
I spent the afternoon 'till 5
o'clock in the office, when I went home, I felt sick at my stomach, I vometed
[sic] freely, threw up some blood, and all at once, the blood rushed to my
head, and for 4 ½ hours, my memory was nearly all suspended. I was told that
Prest AO. Smoot, and Elder Thomas Allman had administered to me 4 times during
the 4 ½ hours, all of which I do not yet remember (this 6th of May 1885.) At 9.30 PM. Elders AO. Smoot, H.H. Cluff, Thos Allman, Peter
Stubbs, Evan Wride, and B. Cluff Jr laid their hands upon me, and prayed, this I remember. I was put to bed,
and a mustard poultice were placed arround [sic] my ancles [sic], which drew
the blood from my head, and my memory was gradually restored.
My son David had gone to Pleasant Valley to visit his sister Mattie, some
days previous, and I am informed that I was much troubled, because he had gone
there without my consent, or knowledge, and the next day at 9 AM. I first remembered, that I was with him at the Depot, when he left Provo.
29th Wednesday. I was better, but felt my flesh sore and I could hardly
walk. Bro. Evan Wride administered to me in the morning and Prest Smoot and
Elder Thomas Allman in the afternoon.
30th Thursday. I spent the day at home, and improving.
1st May. At 2 PM. I attended the
funeral of Mariah Bobey in the 2nd Ward meeting house of Provo. Prest AO. Smoot, Bp Loveliss and myself made some remarks. My wife Mary accompanied me, and
after the funeral, we visited my family in the 3rd Ward.
2nd Saturday. I was in the office in the afternoon and went to
Springville, in the morning in company of Bro. Isaac Brockbank, on Tithing business.
3rd Sunday. I attended prayer Circle at 9 AM. at
Provo, Elder
Wm. Palmer preached at 10.30. and I attended the
funeral of Thomas Lewis at 1 PM. Bp JE. Booth and myself
preached. This Lewis was from Cardiff South Wales, a son of the late Wm. Lewis,
who was burried some years ago, in the Springville Cemetary.
4th and 5th I was in the office.
At 7.30 PM. of the 5th I attended a quarterly meeting of the Sunday School
Union at the Provo Meeting house.
6th Wednesdy
[sic]. I spent the day in the office.
Bro Louis Lund and wife of Pleasant Grove Utah Co. visited me, he having just
returned from a two years mission to England. He presided over the
London Conference.
He brought me 2 volumes of
"Millenial Stars" which Elder Albert Jones sent me from London. I spent the
evening reading "Butler Anoly of Religion".
7th Thursday. I got up early, and helped my son Thomas to load up
Potatoes for planting. I got to Office at 8 AM.
On the night of Dec 15th 1884, I
dreamed that I saw a lady, with a babe in her arms, she conversed with me, and
dined with me, I thought that she was a wife of mine. After we dined she said
that she had to go, I asked her to allow me to accompany her she said that I
could not go, where she was going at present, but after a while, I should
follow her. She ascended a Tower, with the babe in her arms; when she reached the
sumit [sic] of the Tower, she was dressed in white Robes, she looked down
tenderly upon me, and then lifted her arms up to Heaven, and ascended to the
sky, 'till I lost her in the far distance, the glory of the scene is past
description, when I lost sight of her I fainted because I could not follow her.
She did not tell me her name, but I believe she was my dear friend, and a near
On the night of Dec 20th 1884, I
saw in a night vision two armies arranged in a horrible battle. They were
situated on an elevated land, one army facing north, the other facing south,
within Gun shot of each other. There appeared to be good order, no confusion
was manifested but the firing was constant and heavy, and men were mowed down,
like grass of the field. Heavy loss were on both
sides, but the northern army lost the most. As the men fell, others supplied
the ranks, passing by me, but none disturbed me, I stood at the foot of a hill,
beyond the reach of bullets, I was 1/4 of a mile west
of the two armies. I looked to the West, and saw two other large armies in
reserve, about ½ mile distant from whence the recruits
were furnished. The slaughter became so fearfully numerous, 'till I was greatly
freightened, [sic] and I said if this killing will not cease soon, nearly all
the abled bodied men in the American Nation will be destroyed.
On the night of January 10th
1885, in a dream or a night vision, I saw a holy Temple, and I saw Angels
inside, and the roof of the Temple on the outside was covered with females,
dressed in white, and as they entered the Temple, each one said, "Thou
hast made us Kings and Priests, Queens, and Priestessness [sic], to God and His
Christ, and we shall enter His Holy House, and dwell in His presence for ever
and ever".
I noticed that each woman, went
to her husband, and as they entered, the husbands reached forth their hands to
receive them. I know beyond doubt that the married relation exist in a future
state, for the Lord plainly showed it to me, in this wonderful manifestation.
On the night of January 16th
1885, I dreamed that I heard a fearful noise, such as travelling [sic] of men,
horses and chariots (in the East) I looked and beheld Soldiers and men of all
classess [sic], travelling [sic] westward, they were travelling [sic] at a rapid
gait, and they seemed very numerous, and were drunken with rage and fury
against the Latterdaysaints. They were coming with the intent to destroy the
Saints in the West; as they drew near to Utah,
their cursings, and Oaths, and threats, semeeingly [sic] exceeded the wrath of
Demons from the eternal pit. I cried out in a loud voice "O: Lord, deliver
thy people from the appoaching [sic] enemy; for thou hast the power to save thy
saints" When I distincly [sic] heard a voice from the Heavens declaring,
"they can not break through these columns", I looked up, towards the
place from where the voiced issued, and I beheld the Heavens filled with
Angels, they extended from earth to the heigths [sic] of the heavens, and
extended North and South beyond the reach of my vision. They were beyond the
power of man to count them, they were clothed in white robes, and they all
looked westard [sic] with a calm, loving, and protective countenances.
A man stood on my right hand, who
was not a member of the Church
of Christ. I asked him
"if he believed now". He asked, believe what"! Do you believe
now, that the Heavens protect the Latter-day-saints! He answered, why should I
believe I told him to look upwards and he should see The heavens filled with
Angels, he looked upwards and declared that he could not see anything;
whereupon twelve Angels approached us, and came to within 2 Rods of us, and
there saluted us, I asked my friend, if he saw the men, he said he did, and
believed that the Lord defended the Saints. This was conforting [sic] to me, in
days of dark trials for the Church, when all men from the Halls of Congress
down (or nearly so) were united in their feelings and actions to destroy the Church of Christ from the earth. This day many of
our Elders are prisoners in Utah, Arizona, and Michigan
Penatentionaries [sic], and many more are found guilty, before the Courts, and
will be sentenced in 3 days from now. The Presidents of the Church, John
Taylor, Geo. Q. Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith, have been necessiated [sic] to
hide from their enemies for the last 3 months, and many of the Twelve Apostles,
and scores of other men. Since I received the above presentation from a Divine
Scourse [sic], I have felt calm, and serene believing whatever our enemies will
be permitted to do against us, still the Lord is on our side, and he will not
permit the wrath of men and devils, to thwart his Divine purposes.
The Church (or rather many of its
members) have become worldly minded, many apparently give more attention to
their own earthly comforts, than they do to the interest of the Church; pride,
and class distinction is on the increase, more thought and attention is given
to the adornment of the body than the cultivation of the mind, this is not the
general rule, but it exits [sic] to an extent, that is not justifiable, and it
appears to me that it is highly necessary that the Church should be cleansed
from sin, and its members return to their first love. It is my firm opinion, that the Lord will not permit our oppressors, to go
beyond, what is essential to purify his people, and bring us into line, to
magnify our callings in the Priesthood, and to bear off the kingdom victorious
before all men.
When the Saints will keep the
commandments of God, as are held out in the revelations to the Church, He will
cause wonders to be performed in the midst of Zion, even unto her deliverance from her
foes; and confusion, and destruction, will overtake the wicked. Wicked men will
cease to rule, and the kingdom of God, will be established, Israel
will gather home, and the waste places of Zion,
will be rebuilt and Christ, will come and dwell among his people.