Morris, Richard V. - Journal 1875-77

January 1875

Friday 1st (1-364)                                                                                                         Chester Road


            To day Elders Jno:Henry Smith & V.L. Halliday took their departure the former to Worcester & the latter to Northampton & vicinity which has recently been attached to the Birmingham Conference under my jurisdiction, and I took train from New St. Station Birmingham for Chester Road, spent very pleasant day with Mr. Phillip Barrington in talking upon the principles of the gospel and answering such questions as was propounded to me by him, he has once been a member of the Church also his wife and they love to dwell upon topics pertaining to the gospel she, the wife of Mr B is a sister to Emma Jones the wife of Wm P Jones who also married my sister Barbara & on that account they claim relationship with me but strange to say Mr. B kind of backslided out of the Church when polygamy was revealed, but now they have three beautiful daughters of the age of 24, 27, & 28 respectively who are all single without the least prospects before them of ever having husbands & I rather think the parents look more favorable at present upon that principle than they formerly did. I do not think the old lady raises the least objections to that order of marriage, but is still a genuine Mormon at heart, only she has a weakness she has imbibed since her disconnection with the Church which she cannot overcome viz. drunkenness. I told Mr. Barrington I firmly believed if he had have stuck to his religion pay no attention to a principle which he could not understand & have emmigrated to the gathering place of the Saints he would have avoided that great trouble by throwing taking his wife & children into the society of a community where such things were not practiced nor hardly known - yet his family matters were in a very critical condition when he took into consideration the unmarried state of his beautiful daughters and the wickedness & corruption with which they were surrounded and the only salvation left for them all was to humble themselves as a family & renew their covenants & gather out. He said he had made up his mind to go on a visit when I returned & see his sister in law Emma Jones & would like to take one or two of the daughters with us.

            The daughters returned home about 7 o-clock who had been to Town spending Christmas holidays we all stayed up until about 1 or 2 o-clock in the morning sung several hymns out of our Church Hymn book & the daughters all joined in - the day & evening being so very rough they prevailed on me to stay over night.


Saturday 2 (2-363)                                                                                                       Chester Road


            Had a very good bed last night in the front room up stairs slept with young Geo Barrington. After breakfast Mr. Barrington invited me to go out to Sutton with him to make a call upon his son Joseph who lives out two miles from Sutton on a nice farm, had perfect welcome there a gentleman farmer living in the neighborhood came in early in the afternoon, soon after his arrival I was introduced to him as a gentleman from America bye & by he asked me what part I was from & replied from Utah, then you know something about the Mormons says he - yes, says I, have lived with them for 20 years & for the next 4 hours we talked & argued upon our principles, mostly in relation to polygamy - both him & Mr Barrington would bring up their strong arguments against the system which I confuted & in some measure was enabled to disabuse their minds as regards the prejudice which they had towards it.  Occasionally Mr B would coincide with me & then get the gentleman Mr Walters to concur there was consistency in it as regards some points &c - Mr W acknowledged that the old testament substantiated the system but thought the New testament condemned it. I quoted to him the promise of the Saviour Luke 18th, 28.29. & 30 "Verily I say unto you there is no man that hath left home or parents , or brethren or wife, or children for the Kingdom of God's sake, who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting.

            Between 6 & 7 o-clock Mr Jos Barrington returned from business in Town & would not let me go until late he ordered one of the servants to hitch up the horse & we were drove to Sutton Station reached 26 Tenby 10.20 pm Mr Barrington paid my fare from Sutton to Birmingham.


Sunday 3rd (3-362)                                                                                                       Birmingham


            At 12 o-clock a.m. went down to Hockley to Priesthood meeting there were only Pres Robinson & bro. Bench present so we returned somewhat disappointed at the poor turn out - to meet next Sunday. 2.30 pm met with the saint at the same place had a very good testamony meeting -

            I spoke for some 20 minutes and advised the Saints inasmuch as this is the first Sabbath in the New Year, for all to try & improve on the last & do better endeavor to overcome one weakness & follies, to turn a new leaf & attend to our meetings, prayers & the duties that devolves upon us as Saints, for the people to save up their means towards emancipating themselves from these lands & that I was very well satisfied the Saints could do a great deal more towards it than they are doing - at 6.30 I preached for 35 minutes after bro Robinson felt tolerably well & had a very good audience.


Monday 4th (4-361)                                                                                                     Birmingham


            I went down to Bro:Bench had dinner and tasted of Sister Bench's plum budding, I called upon Mrs Lucy Jones the Mother of Wm P my brother-in-law her daughter Mary Ann Ladbrook were there & her two children & we all had tea together I read them Wm & Emma's letters - Called upon bro Ash who took my measure for a pair of boots - We went & bought a calf skin for 13/11 and gave him 5/- to buy soles &c - The following is a copy of an inscription on a grave stone I saw in Sutton Grave Yard - "As a warning to Female virtue and a humble Monument to Female Chastity this stone marks the grave of Mary Ashford who in the 20th year of her age having incautiously repaired to a Scene of Amusement without proper protection was brutally violated & murdered on the 27th of May 1817." This evening commenced to work on my quarterly accounts.


Tuesday 5th (5-360)                                                                                                                 Birm


            Wrote my son Richard quite a lengthy letter & mailed it to day - went to the Baths, bought me a woolen shirt for 11/- returned to my room & worked all day preparing quarterly & half yearly a/cs - Received a Card from Elder V.L. Halliday from Northampton

            Attended Hockley Branch council this evening Pres. Robinson a few resolutions penned down which he was desirous to lay before the Council, he submitted the same first to me to see if I would approve of them I replied I was willing as one to live up to them & wished him to read them before the Council. They were to the effect that we all agree to attend our meetings more faithfully every week, also that the President of each district attend the weekly Councils or send a substitute in case of unavoidable detention & send in his report & accounts. In case they neglect for so doing to be summoned before the Council & if they persist in their wilful neglect for one month to be disfellowshiped, &c The Council accepted the resolutions unanimously. I spoke for about 15 minutes & remarked that those rules are very mild in comparison with rules they would have to comply with in order to gain salvation & the sooner the better we all begin to accustom ourselves to live up to good & wholesome rules & laws - The idea of a person in this Church to be lukewarm is preposterous. If there is any truth in our profession at all it is worth our while to devote our mind to it with a visn [vision] & as though we meant it - It requires some energy on our part to work out our own salvation & we will all see the day that we will and that very willingly be ready to sacrifice everything we have on earth in order to obtain it &c., &c.

            Sister Sarah Gould sent me by Sis Hadley one pound 10/- to be divided between myself & Elder J.H. Smith the other 10/- to be credited on tithing which I gave into the Council.

Wednesday 6th (6-359)                                                                                                Birmingham


            I made out my quarterly report of the financial affairs of the Conference to day and forwarded it to Liverpool with draft for £4 to be applied on Book indebtedness. Called at bro Hardings took dinner with them and returned to the Conference house & prepared for statistical report for the last half year. Wrote Jno Hy & sent him another home letter.


Thursday 7th (7-358)                                       

            Distributed the Stars & forwarded bills to all the branches - made a call upon Mr Barrington Bair St. had dinner with him & his two daughters he spent the afternoon with me took me Handsworth old Church went in the Church saw the Monument of James Watt the celebrated engineer also of Bolton his partner who also had a marble Poust over the place he was burried & also Murdock Dav Murdock's house he it was I think that first discovered gas & succeeded in making it - each pew in the Church was enclosed with boards about five feet high - returned to Mr B to tea & returned home about 5 & sent out the Stars

            Attended meeting at Hockley there was the best attendance I ever saw on Thursday nights had a very good testimony and I spoke for 15 or 20 minutes.


Friday 8th (8-357)


            Received a letter from Jos F Smith in relation to the quarterly which I answered bought me a satchel cost me one guinea the Tailor also brought me my over coat which cost £2.15.0 - went down to bro Ash got his little children to sing for me a while - got back to Tenby St and wrote all the evening.


Saturday 9th (9-356)


            I took 12.25 train for Northampton through Coventry, Weedon & Blisworth met bro Halliday at the Station went up to 71st Russell St to bro Challis - called on Sister Shaw 54 April St had supper there - she is one of the best of women, her daughter Polly was very sick & look'd very pale Mr Shaw is not a member of the Church, did not see him - returned to bro Challis at 8.30 p.m. RR fare Birmingham to Northampton 4/5½ 53½ miles


Sunday Jan 10 (10-356)


            We went down to Sister Shaw for breakfast Mr Shaw was present & received us very kindly as much so as any man ever did not a member of the Church, we called upon bro Challis & we there wait to call upon Sister Gibson in Grafton St her husband is also out of the church went out in the days of Thomas Smith (rough Tom) through the course he took in endeavoring to cast out an evil spirit from his son by abusing him through pressing his thumb on the skin of his back. he promised to come to meeting this evening he is quite an intelligent old gentleman.

            2.30 p.m. we had a very good meeting after hearing the Saints bear their testimony I occupied 20 minutes & felt very well in talking

            6.30 Bro Halliday occupied the time for some 15 minutes before me then I spoke for 35 minutes - after meeting the Saints stayed in Mr Challis for an hour or more & we had singing & old Mrs. Gibson asked many questions concerning the resurrection, baptisms for the dead &c also the subject of spiritualism came up which drew some remarks from me to the amusement of those present.



Monday 11th (11-355)


            Bro Challis handed me 6 pence in bed before he went out to work we went to Sister Shaw after breakfast & just as we bro Halliday, myself & Sister Polly Shaw a young sister of 16 years who had been sick for some few days prior left the room went to the kitchen & suddenly we heard a scream "Oh dear! My daughter is dead!" We got up from the table and went into the kitchen & there found she had thrown up quite a quantity of blood probably half a pint she was held up in the chair by her sister Mrs Mead and also Mr Mead he is not a member of the Church & did not speak a word unto us he is very bitter, he sent out to the hospital for a doctor and myself & bro Halliday carried her to the breakfast room and laid her upon the soffa and I anointed her with oil and laid hands upon her & before the doctor got in she became quite conscious and told us that she felt much better - the doctor came & while he was going to examine her chest requested us bro Halliday myself the only males present to go into the other room which we did. It throwed the family into great excitement - we did not sit up to eat anymore breakfast so Sister Shaw the mother gave us quite a chunk of currant cake in our satchel to take with us both had stepped out afraid Mr Shaw should come in whom the had sent for immediately. He rushed & was so excited & as he come into the house said, When did she die? he came into the passage to where I stood ready to start and saw Mrs S give me the cake and he appeared very friendly towards me. This circumstance taught me it is not good to be faint hearted always - As I bid Mrs S good morning she followed me to the door & gave me 2/- half of which I handed to bro H - as we walked toward the station Mr S caught up with us & spoke & we walked together little distance he was going for some ice. I felt like exercise all the faith I could muster as Sis Shaw & her two daughters are good members of the church but greatly opposed sometimes by the Father & son-in-law.

            We took 11.35 train from Northampton to Wellingborough a distance of some 10 miles paid 10 ½ d. Reached Sister Barson about 1 o-clock I found her in a bad state of health & suffering more I thought for proper nourishment than from any other cause. I took out the chunk of cake out of my satchel & we had a cup of tea together also her two daughters, her husband who is an Elder of the Church was working at shoe making in the next room, they had hardly anything in the house to eat - her husband I found to be a great drunkard who had been permitted to remain in fellowship for a long time in that state.

            A Mr Fowler a Methodist preacher came in and invited us to go over to his house & put up. He keeps a Grocer shop also shoe establishment close by and is always very kind to the Elders - we had supper with him & his wife, Mrs F retired about 9.30 and we chatted until between 11 & 12 o-clock when he took a Bible and read a chapter an called upon me to pray. I made a regular genuine Mormon prayer and every time I paused, he grunted & said "Amen" it was all I could do to contain myself - I prayed for the Authorities of the Church he said, Ha, hum, Amen.

RR fare Northampton to Wellingborough 10½ miles 10½pence.


Tuesday 12 (12-354)


            We had pretty good bed last night - got breakfast and then went over to Bro Barson had a good talk with him & told him by all I could learn concerning his conduct that he was not worthy of fellowship in the Church & that I would give him a chance once more to redeem himself and the next drink he would have I would take action in his case and disfellowship him from the Church - I told him that we as Elders could not think of coming to Wellingborough to preach while he a member & Elder of the Church conducted himself so shamefully - I told him that if he did not change his course & that speedily he would soon loose his wife, she was now dying by inches for the want of better treatment, he promised he would do so, but I had very little hopes that he would. Myself & bro H went over to see a couple of old sisters at Irchester a village about 4 miles or so from Wellingborogh had a few hours chat with them both of whom felt very much down hearted no place where they could to & attend meeting. Sister Neal is a widow & living with her son who has 3 nice children motherless, and Sister Kemshad a very nice woman who had been afflicted for some time with indigestion we administered to her. The former is well acquainted with Elder Bull and asked very kindly after him. I gave her 1/- to go & buy us some bread & cheese. These two sister pay their tithing regularly, they handed me 6/ each which they had kept until some Elders would come around. They made us take 6 pence each.

            We returned to Wellingboro about 6 p.m. having walked 8 miles & enjoyed ourselves very much with the visit the old sisters.

            No sooner had we got with bro Barson than Mr Henry Fowler the Methodist preacher were after us to go over to his house which was close by & take supper & stay over night. We went with them to a lecture delivered by Mr. Hy Visser in the Corn Exchange upon the subject of Oliver Cromwell - and afterwards Mr. F kept us until nearly 1 o-clock in the morning talking upon the subject of Mormonism. He asked me how I could prove from the Scriptures that when a man dies that that is not the final end of him. I replied that inspiration teaches us that when a person dies; that the spirit goes to God who gave it and as in Adam all die so in Christ shall all be made alive and the basis of our religion is like that of the Saints of former days is the hope we have in the resurrection of the reunion of the body and spirit again &c&c. I also referred to Job who had that faith altho worms would consume his tabernacle & yet he knew that he shall again behold his Redeemer in the latter days & that in the flesh.

            On our way back from Irchester we called upon Sister Pearson & took tea with her and her daughter. None of the family except her in the church. She gave us 6 pence each.


Wednesday 13th (13-353)


            When we got up this morning we found that Mrs Fowler was not yet up and that she was sick with indigestion the preacher made us a good a breakfast as he could apologized that he was no cook we however done very well & he went with us to the Station about a mile off. I called as I passed sister Barson gave her a shilling & bid them good bye - arrived in Northampton about 12. m we went straight to Sis Shaw & found Polly (Mary Hannah) her daughter somewhat better altho laid up in bed very low we went upstairs & administered to her went up to Bro Challis 71st Russell St & found letters from my wives Hattie & Lavinia very good news in both - we bid them good bye returned to Sis Shaw had dinner & took our departure for Weedon did not get train until 5.25 reached Weedon little after 6 and walked to Norton 4 miles distance to bro Wm Ballard got in by 8 o-clock somewhat tired, found them a very nice dear old couple. Keeping a Co-operative store being a branch of the Daventry Co-operative - they get 8 pence in the pound sterling commission for selling all the village deal through them and for every £1.0.0 purchased the purchaser received at the end of the quarter the sum of 2/6 and each share (£1) receive 3 pence (full share being £2.0.0). In order to become a member a person has to pay 2/7 entrance fee 1/- of which is applied to fixed stock 1/- for members a/c & 7 pence for rules. The institution was started about 15 years ago by poor people & works splendid and gives perfect satisfaction throughout - they sell as cheap as every other store who give no percentage back for amount spent with them except a pound of currants at Xmas or the like success to the enterprises. The institution is governed by a President & Board of Committee Secretary & Treasurer selected from the ? and work for small pay - they are all men who work on a living - meet for an ? every week to transact all business and a balance sheet exhibited at the end of every quarter - until this present quarter Bro Wm Walker was the president - he resigned the position but they would have him remain on the Committee as he gave perfect satisfaction which in the presidency of the institution strange to say the president gets but 10/- & the committee men but 5/- per quarter they engage a man to sell - the secy gets but £10 & the treasurer about £4 per year for their services, &c - gave Sis Barson 1/- RR fare this day Wellingboro to Northampton 10½ pence Northampton to Weedon 11½ pence 22 miles.


Thursday 14 (14-352)


            Had the best cleanest & sweetest bed last night since I left home had my feet washed by bro H before we retired & also washed his & we enjoyed our rest much. After we partook of breakfast we walked over to Daventry & went to Drayton to see bro Wm Wilkin spent an hour or two with him & his wife she is a very nice woman but a member of the church. He gave an acct of the workings of the Daventry Co-operative Store of which he was the President for many years - on our way back to Norton we called at the Store which we found to be in possession of a good supply of stock & which at the time full of customers. We arrived at Norton about 5 p.m. In the evening bro Wm Major an old gentleman about 65 years he talks of emigrating this summer with his wife who is also in the Church.

            Received of bro Wm Ballard to help to pay my fare to Leamington 2/6 he also gave the sum to bro H I also rec'd £1 from him & £1 from sister Elizth Horn Ballard in tithing which will be credited on the books to their a/c on the Conference books.


Friday 15th (15-351)


            Had a good rest last night again. After breakfast we took our departure for Crick Station walked 4 miles & booked for Leamington fare via Rugby 1/11½ went up to bro Price his wife a strong Catholic received us very kindly soon bro Price came in after lunch we went with us all around Town - we called at bro Stowe his wife received me with better feelings than when I visited there before with bro Mendenhall, but she is very ignorant woman - we went to bro Price again to supper and back to bro Stowe when myself & bro Halliday held a short meeting for about an hour he spoke 10 minutes & I occupied about 45 minutes there were but few present

            Walked this day about 8 miles RR fare Crick to Leamington 24 miles 1/11½pence


Saturday 16th (16-350)


            Pro Stowe called up to bro Price gave us 1/- each wished us to call by his home & consecrate some oil which we did. Took train from Leamington to Coventry distance of 9½ miles called upon bro Thomas Smith also bro Reynolds and then we went over to Fallshill to Sister Porter called on the way upon Sis White sister Porter made us some dinner although late we waited until Mr Porter got home who was glad to see us & invited us there to dinner on the morrow. Sister Porter made us take a few yards each of some fringe wove by them to take home to our wives. She would not accept pay for it - and returned to Coventry - engaged lodgings at Grayhound.

            Walked about 7 miles RR fare 9½ pence Received of Sis Porter 1/- to pay for bed


Sunday 17th (17-349)


            After breakfast at bro Smith I went and showed bro Halliday "Peeping Tom" Also the St. Michaels &c then bro Smith went with us to Sister Porter to dinner had quite a talk with Mr. Porter who went with us to meeting to bro Reynolds. After some talk with bro Reynolds who heretofore was President of the Coventry Branch but finding that he was given to drinking a little & backward with his book money having made use of the money in his family &c - he promised however he would remit it in one month he felt like giving up the Presidency of the branch - which I accepted seconded by bro Halliday and carried unanimously - I then proposed the name of Thomas Smith seconded by bro Reynolds which the meeting approved of unanimously. We had very good meting I occupied some 48 minutes bro Halliday 20 minutes the Saints felt well & glad for the opportunity once more of the society of couple of Elders Sister Bolton handed me 6pence.

            We took 7.30 train for Birm RR fare 1/7½ being 18 miles. On arriving home learned that the smallpox was next door & that it was raging pretty bad around.


Monday 18th (18-348)


            Having promised last night we all went up to Camp Hill i.e. bro Jno Hy & Halliday, when we had good dinner - wrote a letter for sister Underwood to bro & Sis Fedkin [?] Salt Lake - called at bro Ash for my boots which he had promised me before I left for Northamptonshire. He brought them up that night I left but took them back & pawned them they have to send for them while we were there paid him for them the balance due 5/- also gave him 3/- on a/c of another pair. Called at bro Bench where we had tea & back to 26 Tenby St.

            Misses Bench & Holding called upon us to inform us that Sarah Jane Ludrey was better- walked about 6 miles to day.


Tuesday 19th (19-347)


            Feeling quite unwell this morning waked up several times during the night with a bad head ache - took a dose of powders 7 went with the brethren to the Baths.

            Miss Hollis next door is improving finely & the prospects are she will soon get over the smallpox.

            Myself & bro Smith went down Town & called upon bro Harding whom we found laid up in bed sick. We consecrated some oil and administered to him - had tea with Mrs. Harding & returned to 26. We all went to Hockley Council there was a very good turned out of brethren.


Wednesday 20th (20-346)


            This morning the brethren took their departures Elder Smith to Stafford & Halliday to Leicestershire to visit his friends at Higham near Hinckley.

            Made out my quarterly report for the three months ending Dec 31/74 also statistical report of tithe list for the half year ending the same time & forwarded them together with the Certificate of Audit of J E a/c for the same quarter to Jos F Smith 42 Islington Liverpool. In the evening called by way of Sister Starmer upon bro & sis Warren had tea there & went to hear Moody & Sankey the great American Revivalists at Bingley Hall in company with bro Ash & Arnett. It astonished me to see such an audience of some 14,000 people come together to listen to such nonsense but I presumed the most of them went like myself to see out of curiosity - but learned the audience was kept up night after night about the same. The performance for I can call it no better name commenced through singing a series of Ranter songs occasionally a Psalm for 30 minutes until the Revivalists arrived who on their arrival dropped on their knees before the vast assemblage present & engaged in silent prayer. Then Mr. Moody called upon Mr. Sankey to sing a solo accompanied on the harmonicaw &c&c

            Mr. Moody's sermon was no better than some of the Ranter sermons I heard on the streets. After the sermon was over the Galleries were cleared so all who wished to prayed for to have consultation with their Aide de Camps upon religious matters - some 20 mostly young girls old women & half dozen young boys went up.


Thursday 21st (21-345)


            Prepared this morning for the distribution of the Stars. Received Jno henry's Deseret News Weekly. Attended Hockley meeting had good meeting, & quite a good attendance the Saints felt well - bore their testimony freely & sang hymns with the Spirit all felt to rejoice. I spoke for about 20 minutes &c

Friday 22nd (22-344)


            Went down to Bull St. brought Mell a mouth organ for 5/- called at bro Spokes & had dinner with them.

            Rec'd letter from Jos F Smith also one for Jno Henry inviting him to go over to Liverpool if his cold was no better to recruit which I sent him to Stafford


Saturday 23rd (23-343)


            Went down to the Public Library & from there to Hardings. Sister Harding gave me 1/- to go & buy me some dinner - after tea went by invitation to Mr. Smith Gt King St to supper spent two or three hours very agreeably with Mr Smith.


Sunday 24th (24-342)


            Received a kind invitation from Elder H.S. Gowans of Manchester approved by Pres Jos F Smith to go and attend their Conference on Sunday the 11th day of April also bro Jno H Smith was also invited which I answered & accepted of the invitation.

            Called upon Mrs. Plant Hunters Lane who is a sister of sister Jos Bull of Salt Lake City showed her a letter I received from Sister Bull she said she was actually ashamed of herself for not writing, she expected to go to have their portraits taken & then write to her.

            2.30 attended Saints meeting at Hockley had very good testimony meeting spoke for about 20 minutes. 6.30 Bro Warren preached about 10 minutes and I followed for about 40 minutes felt tolerably free in my remarks - there quite a good house some ten strangers whom I never had seen before who listened very attentively. I read the 1st Chap of Paul's epistle to the Galatians, endeavored to show what kind of a gospel Paul preached and the Curse pronounced upon every man who preached any other kind showed from other portions of scripture the fruits of that gospel which Paul & others of his day preached and compared it with what men preach now a days. Bore testimony to the restoration of the same gospel by an Angel of God & that there is no salvation in any other &c&c


Monday 25th (25-341)


            Went down to the Public Library, called into the Town Hall where there was a religious service held in connection with the visit of Msrs Moody & Sarkey where prayers were offered on behalf of five unconverted sisters, eight by wives of unconverted husbands, eleven for unconverted sons, five on behalf of an unsaved mother & twenty one in behalf of different relatives &c & lots of other nonsicul prayers went down to bro Spokes to dinner & tea and in the evening I went in company with bros Spokes & Bench to Bingley Hall to hear John Bright MP Dixon & Muntz both MP's there were some 16,000 people present Mr Bright is a fine & powerful orator and spoke much against the established church of Eng he was received with great enthusiasm.




Tuesday 26 (26-340)


            Stayed in to day all day writing attended Council this evening at Hockley being very wet there were but few present.


Wednesday 27th (27-339)


            Wrote several letters today out to MP Jones & Emma - to my wives, my bro Elias to my son Richard also to bros Greenwood Lyman Stanford Sister Wedge, Webb & Shaw. Called upon Mr Barrington who made me stay to dinner & tea - and agreed to go with him & two other gentlemen to shoot on Friday some 20 miles in the country - at Kenilworth.


Thursday 28th (28-338)


            Distributed Stars afterwards went down to bro Spokes who kindly prevailed upon me to stay & have some dinner. Bro S seemed to very well, remarked "He would rather I stay and get me something cooked than not and says I never loose anything by treating the servant of God well that he always notices he prospers after it. I called to see sister Starmer who has been very ill & yet not fit to do anything. Mrs Murphy was staying with her & helping her - took tea with them.

            Attended meeting at Hockley there were four strangers stepped in I preached to them some 20 minutes there was very good testimony meeting.


Friday 29th (29-337)


            Met Mr Barrington & two other gentlemen with whom I took train from New St. at 8.45 am to Berkowell where a carrier had come to meet us to convey us to the Boot Inn near Kenilworth after we had some lunch we all went with an old man whom Mr B & others had engaged by the month to show them around the Estate where the game was but instead of that we were taken were there wasn't any but where plenty at some time or other had been we only saw four rabbit & one Cock Pheasant. Three of the former I killed one of the gentlemen hit the other slightly & after a good race the dog caught it in an adjoining field. The bird we missed being a very awkward place among so much brush & thick cover of trees. About 3 o-clock it commenced to rain & we returned to the Hotel after having a good exercise through fields over hedges &c and had a rabbit a piece to take home with us. Reached home about 7.30 found Mrs. Ann Wedge of Dudley waiting my return she had come to borrow £2 for two weeks which I lent her because she always had been so good kind to the Elders whenever they call that way took her to Monument Lane Station she went back with the 9.55 train - only paid 2/6.


Saturday 30th (30-336)


            Wrote several cards to Halliday, Squires, Cooper &c. After dinner I went down to bro Bench had ea & then went with bro Bench to Bordesley Green & called upon Mr Jno Child Meredith they lived in a very large house. he is a peculiar man both him & his wife healed us very kindly it appears he used to be a member of the church. they started for the Valley some 20 years ago went as far as Council Bluffs stayed there some 10 years returned to Birmingham. They resided there during the war. Related how he was treated knocked down with a cudgel by some fellow named DeKay which blow he says has affected him ever since so much so that he looses sometimes his memory entirely. He commenced to relate some things about his family & all at once he forgot the name of his eldest son see now says he I cannot think of his name this is the way I am affected? he apparently is a fine intelligent man - he is perfectly crazy ____ [illegible] his wife upon the Tichboone question takes great interest in it & has spent great deal of money through it. he remarked "I just know he is Tichboone as well as I know Jesus is the Christ" I concluded there that he was not very certain of it for if he knew Jesus to be the Christ he would know better than spend his means & time so foolishly. Mrs. Childs Meredith is a sister to Chas F Jones' widow also D Clinton & one of the Mannings the Tailors have married her sister. They invited me very kindly to come up again any time I feel inclined drop them a card & he will stay in so as to have a good days chat together returned by way of bro Spokes got home about 10 p.m.


Sunday 31st (31-335)


            After dinner took train from Hockley 1.44 for Dudley held meeting with them at 2.30 spoke about ½ hour after they had born their testimonies there was a very good meeting the most I ever saw come together in Dudley. Bro Wootton came there to inform me that there was quite a number that wished to be baptized in Wolverhampton & that he had been to engage the Baths & they wished ti know when I could attend to them I replied any time that would suit them would suit & for them to drop me a card to name the time. I walked from Dudley to Greets Green West Bromwich where I held meeting with the Saints in the evening & we administered the Sacrament & I preached for about 40 minutes. Started for Hockley with the 8.02 train.

            Received of bro Stanford 1/- sister Williams 6 pence West Bromwich 10 pence Sister Rowley 6 pence Sis Tait 6 pence & bro Chas Eastmore 1/- took cup of tea with the latter on my way from Dudley

            Received letter from Elder Hardy of London who has been requested by the "Utah Educational Bureau" through its actuary to collect catalogues of books & price lists of the principal publishing houses of England generally which he wished me to procure from the principal houses in Birmingham - fare to ___[?] ¼



Monday Feb 1st (32-334) Went down to New St. & High St. &c and tried to get catalogues & price list which I procured & forwarded to bro M H. Hardy called at bro Harding myself & bro Cardwill had dinner there wrote bro Hardy.


Tuesday 2nd (33 - 333) After dinner took train from Hockley for Bradley & Moxley called at bro Richard Lund had lunch there went to bro Wootton waited until he came home from work after tea he went with down to Lunds. Bilstow Baths & to Darlaston. I put up at bro Kendrick, we called at a little cabin on the side of the road between Bilston & Darlaston where a man named Shiletoe lived he had been in the church his wife is a good woman & her parents named Derecott are in Bear Lake Utah she also is related to Wm. Touks' wife. Stayed up with bro & sis Kendrick until 11pm.


Wednesday 3rd (34 - 332) After breakfast started from bro Kendricks. Sis K gave me 6 pence to pay my fare. I walked to Daisy Bank to Bro Lunds bro L got me a nice chop for dinner, & I took train for Wolverhampton 3pence called at Walsh's also bro Berwster walked down to Priestfield took tea with sis Bush & train for Hockley 10 ½ pence happened to get into a car that Mr Capt Jones from Salt Lake City was in I made his acquaintance a couple of years ago through my bro Elias who done some work for him in building a smelter &c I recognized him directly before I got into the car. He was very glad to meet me said he would put up at the Great Western Hotel in Birmingham tomorrow & I promised to call upon him he put down at Wednesbury said he expected to meet a friend there he said he was now interested in driving a tunnel through the Emma Hill had taken a contract & had come over to see some parties here concerned in the speculation.


Thursday 4th (35 - 331)  - I distributed Stars today & sent bills to all weekly distribution for the month of January afterwards called at the Great Western Hotel to see if Capt Jones of Salt Lake had registered there, did not see his name on Register attended Hockley this evening & spoke about 20 minutes very good meeting rec'd a letter from Jno Child Meredith inviting me to dinner.


Friday 5th (36 - 330) Wrote Prest Jos F Smith also Jno H Smith including P O O [Post Office Order] for 5/- and wrote V L H enclosing 4/6 the former at Liverpool, the latter at Norths. Walked up to Bordesley Green to Mr. Meredith had dinner there with them they treated me very kindly in the evening I accompanied Mr. M & wife to Bingley Hall to hear the American Revivalist Moody Sankey. There was a fine audience composed of various religious sects was indeed astonished to see what nonsical talk suits the mind of the religious world which puts me in mind of Paul's advice to avoid vain babblings which some men in their day were guilty of Sankey's singing attracted a good deal of the attention of the people his farewell song was on the tune of "home sweet home" I did not like his singing because he drolled so in endeavoring to through in too much piety or sanctity in to the which however was what pleased the people ~ Moody's sermon or rather his speech was the word able  God is able to make ther [?] stand the drift of his discourse was that man is not able to save himself, it is no use of his having confidence in himself he should have confidence in God if he is saved at all it is through the grace of God &c, &c Mr. Meredith handed in a note up to them requesting them to pray for Sis Roger Tichboone which was not noticed at the close of the meeting. I had quite a job to stop M from shouting out to them why they did not notice it they pray in their meetings for five sons & 2 daughters, oubermen [?] & policemen, one tailor & the like foolish expressions & Meredith thought that Sis Roger ought to have honorable mention.


Saturday 6th (37 - 329) Wrote Prest Jos F Smith sent PO order for J E & book money wrote Jno Hy & enclosed in bro: Smith's letter called at bro Harding when I had some dinner returned home by way of the Public Library stayed in the rest of the evening.


Sunday 7th (38 - 328) Received letter from my wife Hattie containing discouraging news of herself & children being very sick. Emily Beddington called this morning & settled for her Stars talked to her as regard her neglecting her meetings &c Attended Council at Hockley this morning there was a very good turnout & it was about the best council I ever had at Hockley I spoke very fairly & endeavored to arouse the people to a sense of their duties &c. We had very good meeting in the afternoon & ver good spirit prevailed Mrs. Elkington called to see me her husband alas was present in meeting she is the daughter of Mrs. Dyche asked me if I wold be kind enough to write her a letter to her mother. I occupied 30 minutes this afternoon. Mrs. Gould came up to me & gave me 2/6 she looked very unwell & seems to endure a great deal of trouble in the family on a/c of her being a latter day Saint. 6:30 Bros Geo A Smith & Robinson preached I afterward followed & read some of James epistle 1 & 2nd chapter and made some remark upon the same occupied about 40 minutes went to Wm Smiths to supper with Sis Hadley.


Monday 8th (39 - 327) Mr. & Mrs. Elkington Josephites called to see me they seem to get tired of Josephitism had quite a talk with them upon such things as they differed with us explained to them some things they were anxious to gather out to Utah & wished me to write to Mrs. Dyche her mother I told them that Utah was not the place for them who held on to what is called the new organization. Oh say they we do not agree with every thing they say I gave them to understand that they had better stay here ten times than to go to Utah unless they got rid of the Josephite views entirely for they weould only be dissatisfied there & find fault & want to come back again 0 they thought not they had been spiritualists & everything else & nothing seemed to give them so much pleasure as the principles of the gospel I was not altogether pleased with their spirit & wrote Mrs. Dyche to that effect.  Weighed myself on Geo Smith's scale & weighed 129 lbs having gained some five pounds since I weighed there last had on my new every day suit old boots that ________[last line did not copy]


Feby Tuesday 9th Wrote Varner to Northampton enclosed letter from home Booked from Snow Hill to West Bromwich 5pence called upon bro & sis Barton Had dinner then we went to see sister Elizabeth Plant an old lady on her deathbed the poor old sister felt so hard to leave her body in this land without gathering home to Zion. It troubles her very much because she could not go & receiver her blessings there, she had been a faithful old sister, but having no one related to her to do the work for her. I told her she need not fret herself she should loose no blessing & that I would if I was spared attend to it for her. The following is her geneology as best I could glean from her Maiden name was Elizabeth Heath born at Brownhills Staffordshire Nov 23 1797, daughter of Thomas & Ann Heath baptized by ___________[blank in original] confirmed by ___________[blank in original] her first husband was John Jandrel son of Michael & Jane Jandrell born in Mongomeryshire Wales was as near as she could remember about 9 or 10 years older than herself was a good man but died before the gospel was restored afterwards married to one Geo Bates of whom she bore children & afterwards married one Wm Plant who received the gospel both of whom she said were not good men the latter apostatize & was very mean to her & refused to let her have money to emigrate she preferred being sealed to the first husband if permitted I promised to represent his case which gave her great satisfaction I anointed her throat administered some old to her & myself & bro Wm Barber laid hands upon her the daughter in law was present although not a member of the church she was very kind. Returned to bro Barber & two young girls of sister Goodyear came then and sung for us which was good, & they would do well to sing in any concert they both wish to be baptized but their father opposes the work very much so much so that their mother dare not go to meeting she is anxious for them to emigrate. Mary Goodyear & Ellen the latter is her grandchild & only 11 years & so good a singer as I ever heard also Mary sings good seconds they are both determined to gather to Utah & have got a book & commenced to save up their pennies gave them 6pence towards it. Took train West Bromwich  to Hockley 4pence. Found letter waiting me from Elder Wm Greenwood who is released to return home on account of sickness & who wish me to meet him tomorrow at 1.45 New St. Attended Council at Hockley Bro Jno Ewer handed me 2/0 as we were coming home.


Wednesday 10th  - In the house all morning, having received a letter from Wm Greenwood who was on his way from Norfolk to Liverpool stating he would like to see me at our station on Midland RR so at 1.45 met him & had half an hour together, it seems that he was released to return home on acct of sickness but I found him much better than I expected Returned to '26' spent the evening in reading.


Thursday 11th Immediately after breakfast Elder Geo L Farrell came at the door whom I was pleased to see, he was on his way from having been visiting his friend & his future Guild of labor in Nottingham Conference went with him to hunt up his cousin Miss Eliza Morris of St. Charles St. but could not find her, it being evidently the wrong address. Distributed the Stars, went down to bro Geo Smith's had dinner with them and we went to Hockley Chapel had very good meeting bro F occupied most of the time.


Friday 12th Wrote Jno Henry & sent letter from Freeman to Liverpool also wrote Bp Hughes after dinner we went down to New St. Station & bro Geo L Farrell took train 1.20 for Nottingham. Bought chest & lung protector paid 4/6 No. 3 Went down to the Baths paid 6pence. Stayed in the remainder of the evening reading &c &c.


Saturday 13th Went and settled for ground rent of Hockley Chapel paid 49/7 half year ending Xmas also called at the Gas office paid two gas bills for house & chapel. Went to bro Spokes had dinner with sister Boddington then to bro Ash whom I found in great trouble through sickness, he had made me a pair of boots but they were in pledge I gave him money to get them for me 6/6 in full Called by way of bro Spokes had tea & then returned to 26.


Sunday 14th Received a letter from both of my wives which I also answered this morning.  Sent 2 letters to J H to Lpool. 2.30 Met with the Saints at Hockley we had very good time and as lively a meeting as I ever saw here spoke for a short time to the Saints. 6.30 I preached & felt great freedom of speech & occupied an hour within 5 or 6 minutes Bro Robinson followed me for 20 minutes there was quite a number of strangers present.  Three or four who had been in the church some years go manifested a desire to join the church again two of them had been strong Josephites I did not press it on them but let them take their course &c. Was invited to Wm Smith's to tea and also went to supper with Mrs G who also gave me 1/-


Monday 15th Received a letter from my son Richard which was a very good spirited letter and pleased me much to see him write so well & take my advice to him in relation to matters at home Rec'd also a Valentine from somebody do not know who but was a beautiful one & expressive of good wishes. Went and called upon Mr. Wm Phillips son of Sister Phillips of Sussismer Lane both him & his wife received me very kindly & wished me to stay with them to tea which I did he seems to be quite a genius at stuffing birds & animals also a horticulturist raises for his own pleasure a great variety of flowers he is also a pretty good singer. I called & stayed an hour or two with Mr. Barrington in the Rule factory he made me stay to dinner with him Returned to '26' at 6.15 stayed in the rest of the evening read the Voice of Warning to Julia & Sis Hadley.


Tuesday 16th Called at bro Harding's this afternoon took dinner with them & stayed to tea found out that there existed quite a feeling between he & his wife on account of unkindness exhibited by him towards her & that he took exception to what I had taught upon the principle in the last council which matter I introduced & we then talked it over it appears that considerable jealousy existed in the breast of Sister H & he had rather taken a course to enflame the same by having purchased a silk handkerchief & had the same addressed to himself on his birthday which caused Mrs. H to think it was from the person (Mrs. Fitter) whom she was jealous of - & he had denied that he knew who sent it. I talked pretty plain to them as to the course both of them took & warned them against persisting in the same. Went to council at Hockley. Bro Ash felt very bad because his Star had been stopped from him -  I spoke for about 15 minutes.


Wednesday 17th Remained in the house until after dinner Sister Wedge & her neice Selina ____[?] from Dudley Went down to meet Elder Jno Henry Smith to New St. Station arrived at 3.50 Emily Beddington came to meet sis Wedge they all stayed to tea Bro Smith & myself went with sis W to Monument Lane Station she took train for Dudley. Sister Wedge gave me 1/6 to pay my RR fare when last to Dudley.

Thursday 18th After distributing the Stars & Journals JHS & myself went to sister Pendrey Where we spent all the afternoon we returned to '26' and we went to Hockley sister Sarah Gould came there to meeting with sister Hadley to be administered to for deafness for the last two weeks she has been troubled with noise in her head we administered to her also to bro Jukes We had very good meeting bro Smith & myself occupied the time also bro Robinson spoke a few words Mr. Rotherdam & sister Rotherdam was present they had received a letter from friends who live at Deseret Millard County, Utah sis Gould handed me 15/- for my use I gave 5/- to Jno Henry we called at Mr Wm Smith on our way home who made us stay for supper.


Friday 19th Jno Henry & myself went down to brother Spokes where we stay all the afternoon & had good time with their little children dined & had tea & stayed until about 7 p.m. when we returned to 26 it was snowing nearly all day


Saturday 20th Rec'd letter from E Davis & R Flamar Had a very interesting vision last night in which Elder Parley P Pratt Senr appeared unto me as natural he had on a beautiful new suit of light clothes & came to us as though to attend a conference we were going to hold & felt as though he could attend and participate in our meeting without any body know except myself & Prest Jos F Smith that he was a resurrected being. I told him I wished to goodness that I could lay the principles of the gospel as plainly as I could read them in his writings to this generation. Well says he depend entirely for the spirit of God and it will bring them in such plainness before your eyes & I will stand by you. I also saw in a dish before me something in the shape of Jelly or I thought it was eatable but I can hardly describe it but bro Parley told me to partake Also Prest Young appeared & I thought we were there in the United States & that we were going to hold a kind of a Conference, but there was going to be held a great political meeting in the same city the night previously and says bro Brigham to Parley I wonder what effect this political meeting will have upon our meeting -Oh says bro Parley it will be just the thing exactly says he & will do good instead of harm. Jno Henry & myself stayed in all day the weather very cold snowing all day.


Sunday 21st                                                                  Wolverhampton 12 ___[noon?]


            Took train at 10 am from Hockley to Wolverhampton called upon Prest Sharp the presiding Elder of this Town found him at home in his every day clothes and in talking with him found that he was very dilatory to attend to his duties & had not been to the meeting for a month he intimated that circumstances would not permitted him however I learned afterwards he might have attended a couple of Sundays during that time I mentioned to him that I thought it would be to the interest of the Branch to relieve him & appoint another man that it was an utter impossibility for the branch to thrive while the leading man did not take right hold & lead the way, he acknowledged it & thought it would be the best thing that could be done so I appointed a council for next Sunday to make some little changes. I then went to the Sunday school bur fond the room closed to be true the weather was very inclement I went up to sister Walsh whose children had been down to the room but had to return because there was no one there to teach them after dinner at Sister Walsh I run over to bro: Brewster with whom I talked as regards taking charge of the branch &c&c 2.30 There were but 4 or 5 present we had the Sacrament administered & bro E Brewster & myself spoke for a short time each. 6.30 there were 3 or 4 more present than in the afternoon bro: Brewster & myself occupied the time again there was but one stranger present. I went to Walsh's after my shawl & walked to Priestfield put up with bro Bush.


Monday 22nd                                                                                                    Priestfield


            After breakfast I walked to Bilston & Willenhall, hunted up for Mr. Harper a man on whom Bro Flamank wished me to call but could not find the right man I then walked to Durlaston had dinner with sister Kendrick & walked to Greets Green Swan Village distance altogether about 11 or 12 miles it was very windy & caught a severe cold in my throat & lungs had cup of tea with old sister Mountford called after Sister Rowley who gave me 2/- then took train from Swan Village to Hockley jumped into the car as it was leaving without ticket spoke with the Guard & travelled 2nd class passenger for the first time a distance of 4 ½ miles cost of 9pence reached 26 Tenby at 6.30 pm found Jno Henry & Varner L Halliday here. Found a letter from Hattie, Mill, and my sister Barbara the latter forwarded her picture which is very good.


Tuesday 23rd                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Received a letter this morning from Bp Henry Lunt of Cedar City Iron Co. Utah also received a note from the Post office General concerning the packet which Jno Henry addressed of the "Stars" to Sister Shaw Northamptonshire which could not be found Stayed in all day did not go to the Council this evening but bro: Smith & Halliday went.


Wednesday 24th  - Stayed in all day the brethren went down to bro Warren to dinner. Wrote a letter to Richard & Mel Wrote L S Hills to remit me to the Lpool office the money of sister Sarah Gould which was deposited in the Savings Bank & which she lend to bro Warren to emigrate this coming season some $90 & odd dollars in all enclosed letters to Hattie & Lavinia.


Thursday 25th Stayed in all day, distributed the "Stars" made out bills to all the branches did not go down to Hockley meeting this evening on acct of severe cold in my head & not having been out for two or three days & thought it not wisdom to go out late at night. The brethren went down & had very good meeting considering the inclemency of the weather, & stayed to read.


Friday 26th                                                                                                       Birmingham


            At "26" all day with the exception of going out to the bath after which I laid on the bed for an hour & an half the brethren went out to hung Varner's cousin. We all stayed in the evening reading scriptures.


Saturday 27th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            After dinner I went with the boys to Bro Bench and spent the afternoon & evening witht hem & Ephraim & Mary Ann sung for us, had tea there returned to "26" about 10 p.m.


Sunday 28th                                                                              Birmingham & Wolverton


            Took train this morning from Hockley at 10 a.m. for Wolverhampton we went straight to Sunday school and enjoyed very pleasant hour there in teaching the children who seem to get along very well Bro Smith & myself went home with Sarah Jane Walsh to dinner her Father was at home who felt tolerably free and affable we had very good dinner & he invited us back to tea at 1.30 we met in council when most of the brethren belonging to the branch were present I spoke a while and inasmuch as we had but little time to spare we entered into business. I told them that I had a consultation last Sunday with Elder Sharp the President of the branch the result of which was that we both considered it would be for the interest of the branch to change him, he had taken very little interest in the branch & having made use of some money belonging to the conference without leave while out of work & sickness &c and always poor & destitute mostly through the want of force & management and given way occassionally to drink. I released him from the presidency of the branch & unanimously sustained the council. I then appointed Elder Edwin Brewster which motion was seconded & also carried unanimously also he selected Elders Bodison & Henry Haynes as Counsellors who also were unanimously sustained After some little talk again the Council was dismissed through prayer by Elder Smith 2:30 There was a pretty good turn out of the Saints bro. Smith occupied some time & I followed him I laid the business of the Council before the meeting all of which was unanimously approved of by uplifted hands. I occupied about half an hour & we had very good meeting & the freedom of the Spirit. Went to tea with Elder Haynes and to administer to his child who has been given up by the Doctor. 6:30 p.m. meeting commenced through singing & prayer by Elder Wootton. Elder Jno Henry Smith occupied some 15 minutes & I followed for 35 minutes Mr Walsh attended & seemed to take part with a will in the singing. I announced that our Conference would be held at Birmingham on the 2nd of May & we would try if we could not get up another district meeting in Wolverhampton about that time when we would have the aid of a few good speakers &c. Walked to Priestfield to bro Bush to sleep bro Brewster handed us 1/6 each.


Monday 1st                   Preistfield & Wolv


            After breakfast we both went to Wolverhampton went & spent an hour in the reading room & went up to bro Brewster and to Mr Miller to tea who together with his wife received us very kindly. Mr Miller said that he had made up his mind to be baptized & would have it attended soon & also all his household. Returned to bro Bush _______[illegible] in the evening


Tuesday, 2nd                                                                                                     Sodom


Jno Henry & myself started on foot this morning & we travelled through Bilston to Daisy Bank called at Iron Work Furnace had quite a chat with the Boss upon the nature of the one they now use and told him of the vast amount of ore on our Western country we called at bro Lund's had lunch & dinner there & we went over to bro Wootton's waited there until he returned from work who after supper went up with us to bro Hand at Cau Lane or Sodom where we put up.


Wednesday 3rd                                                                                     Birmingham


            We waited at bro Hand until 10 o-clock when a Gentile came in & requested us to administered to his arm which he said the doctors fail to cure he had been some months unable to work much, he had some oil at bro Hand which he believed had done it more good than anything else I anointed his arm & bro Smith was mouth. We walked through Sedgeley, Tipton to Dudley we put up at bro Saunders both him & his wife treated us very kindly by feeding us but both took such great pleasure in relating how they are getting on so well in worldly goods. I told him not to forget his duty toward helping on the cause by keeping his tithing &c &c he went with us to meeting, he had not been before for nearly a year We went back to his house to supper & took train for Hockley 10.25pm reached home 26 Tenby about 11 pm found letters from my wives Hattie & Lavinia with bad news that my boy Bertie was very ill with little hopes that I should see him again on my return home which made me feel very bad but I felt that I should yet see him in the flesh & that the Lord would spare his life. I also received draft for ₤8.16.0 which my wife Hattie had drawn out of the Bank on interest to send me which I wished she had not done. My little daughter sent me a pair of woolen cuffs which she had made with her little fingers. Received of bro Stanford 2/- Sister Wedge ?/4 half of which I gave bro Smith. Paid 7 ½ from Dudley to Hockley.


Thursday 4th                                                                                                     Birmingham


            At home distributing Stars & Journals in which Jno Henry helped me after which we went down to the General Post Office & called at Hardings stayed to tea returned to "26" & sent out the Stars. We went to Hockley & both of us occupied about 20 minutes each in speaking there was pretty good meeting.


Friday 5th Jno H & myself went over to see Jno Child Meredith & spent the afternoon there with them & had very pleasant afternoon if they had not have been so struck with Tichboonism which appeared to engrossed their attention they were very kind to us he paid me 1/- on acct of Stars & Journals they kindly invited us whenever we feel inclined to call again. We called at bro Bench on our return & had some songs from Ephraim, Mary Ann & Polly Holding.


Saturday 6th We stayed all morning & then we went down to Fisher St. to settle for some coal we had of Mrs. Jos Sheffield. Mrs. S  invited us in & we found that she had quite a lot of friends emigrated to Utah her Father & Mother & bros & sisters at Deseret Millard County she also had been in the Church but she dared not acknowledge it before her husband as he is a bitter enemy & afraid she will go too. We called on our way back upon Mrs Cardwell & Robinson and stayed in the evening reading.


Sunday 7th                                                                                                        Birmingham


            I went down with Julia to Sunday School taught a class of boys ranging from 8 to 13 they were very rough boys & very ill mannered at 12 we had council meeting the brethren felt pretty well all that spoke & the subject of how we can best disseminate the principles of the gospel was freely talked over and we determined  that we had better try 7 get into some respectable Terraces to preach and also to distribute the printed word which are now being idle in the drawer here & to lend them to their friends & neighbors. I occupied some little time in talking 2 pm We had very good meeting there were quite a number present, sister Boddington spoke in tongues & also interpreted the same. I spoke for a short time upon the trials & persecutions of the Saints. 6.30 pm Bro Edw: Warren spoke a short time I followed for some half hour & felt pretty well. Bro Whale handed me 6pence.


Monday 8th Went down to the baths & stayed in all the rest of the day reading received letters from Elders Gowan accepting my invitation to the Conference & Tho Smith of Coventry. The choir met at "26" this evening for practice preparatory for the conference & concert. Elder Smith returned from Halisowen.


Tuesday 9th                                                                                                      Birmingham


            I went down with Jno Henry & we spent the day at bro Spokes having this morning received a letter from my son Richard also one enclosed from John Warwood wishing me to call upon his sister Mrs. Ashton Cheapside we called & found her the old lady was ready to go when she heard I was from her brother & to hear he was alive she commenced to cry for joy to think he was not dead spent the afternoon at bro Spokes I had a dreadful headache all the afternoon laid down & slept an hour or so & felt better after I had a cup of tea we went to council by way of "26" & found bro Halliday having arrived & spoke a short time this evening to the brethren.


Wednesday 10th                                                                                               Birmingham


            Stayed in until after dinner when Elders Smith & Halliday started on a trip through the black country. I went to Mr. Phillips near Ashton Hall spent the afternoon with him went with him & his brother Thomas through Aston Hall & back to his house to tea, his neice  a very smart young lady daughter of a publican came in while we were at tea & stayed some two hours or more & made herself very affable & expressed a wish she might meet with me again called at Mr. Phillips' mother on my way home.


Thursday 11th                                                                                                   Birmingham


            Attended to the distribution of the Star to day went down to the Post office to cash some orders returned to "26" & went to Hockley meeting in the evening spoke 20 minutes.


Friday 12th                                                                                                       Birmingham


            At home all day reading & writing rec'd letter from Bp Hughes stating he was afraid he could not attend our Conference if he returned home with May C


Saturday 13th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Rec'd letters from Prest Burton acknowledging my invitation to attend our conf both him & bro Hardy will attend also one from Miss Alice Webb of Kidderminster where I am under invitation since my arrival in the country to go & see her & her aged parents.


Sunday 14th                                                                                                      Kidderminster


            Took train this morning from Hockley to Kidderminster called at Mrs. Comber Grayhound Inn where sister Alice Webb lived Mrs. Comber treated me very kindly, we walked into the country towards Shatterford nr Bewdley Worcestershire to bro Geo Webb & spent the day with the old people they are over 60 but feel well in the work & very anxious to gather to the Valley Wm Wheeler did promise when we was here to send after them but he never wrote to them, it would be a great blessing if they could be helped out Alice do not wish to go & leave them, she is a good virtuous young woman of 32 years of age & would make some man a splendid wife. Shatterford is a very hilly country very pleasant & healthy place I was very much astonished at the distance the old lady had to carry her water for table use & more so at the steep hill she had to go down & climb up with a bucket of water I went with her & carried her bucket which made me puff like a railway engine. I spent very pleasant with the old people they have been members of the church some 34 years fare Hockley to Kidderminster 1/5½


Monday 15th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            After breakfast the old lady __________[last three lines illegible] form in place of it I walked to Kidderminster called again at Mrs. Comber bid them goodbye & took train for Stonebridge, where I rebooked for Dudley called at sister Wedge had  lunch & then  walked some 6 miles around by way of Coppice to see the Temperance Hall which we engaged for 15/- for a quarter Mr. Hale a man friendly to us said he would give 5/- towards it other two 2/6 each so there would be but little to make up so I concluded to hold meetings there next Sunday I went to the crier he was a blind man & preaches with the Methodists who said he would cry us all around the Coppice, Coseley, Cau Lane, Sodom, & other villages for 2/6 on Friday & also on Saturday as he goes around with his newspapers, so we expect a pretty good turn out next Sunday. I called at bro Hand, Wootton & Lund did not see the latter walked to Bilston & booked for Hockley reached home at 7.20pm paid 9pence to Stonebridge 7pence to Dudley & 9pence from Bilston to Hockley 2/1 total & walked about 8 miles.


Tuesday 16th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Stayed in the house all day reading & writing Went to Council in the evening spoke a short time.


Wednesday 17th                                                                                               Birmingham


            Called at Mr. Prime this afternoon & went by way of Mrs. Stormer down to the reading room and to Hardings back to 26 at about 7 o-clock found a letter from my wife Lavinia herself & child father & mother being well she wrote a good kind spirited letter & satisfied with her lot/station in case I do not return home this season, not suffering for anything.


Thursday 18th                                                                                                   Birmingham


            Distributed Stars & attended meeting at Hockley called upon Geo Smith discovered there existed some feeling between him & sister Jukes weighted myself on the scales weighed 9 stone 5lbs being 2lb more than when I weighed last some last month. Talked with Sister Jukes in relation to the difficulty & feelings between her & bro Smith & told her I wanted her to go & make it up all right.


Friday 19th                                                                                                       Birmingham


            Stayed in all day not feeling very well in the evening went to Smithwich with letter to Mr. Meadows found out Arnott's doings.


Saturday 19th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Went down to bro: Bench had lunch there stayed to tea had talk concerning bro Arnott left word with bro Arnott that I wanted him to return the note of standing which he got to go away with or I should expose him through the Star. Called at Elkins stayed a few minutes & went to bro: Warren's found that he would need some £20 in order to emigrate.




Sunday 20th                                                                                                      Birmingham


            Took train from New St. to Duffield 10 miles 10pence went up called at Mr. Morris who has the letting of the  Temperance Hall found out that everything was satisfactory.  2.30 meeting commenced through singing & prayer by myself singing again Elder VL Halliday occupied some 15 minutes followed by Elder JH Smith who spoke some 30 minutes after he was through a man got up and asked if he might ask a question I got up & told he might ask any decent & respectful question then he ask if I was a married man & how many wives I had & I replied I had all the wives I wanted so as to have nothing to do with anybody else wife or daughter with whom I had no right then how many wives has Brigham. I answered he was in the same fix as myself he got up returned me the singing book & walked out There were some 16 present I invited the people to turn out in the evening & invited their neighbors at 6.30 There were some 40 present & preached for 40 minutes had very good audience without any interruption & bro Smith followed for 10 minutes. We walked to Tipton with couple of Dudley Saints & from there to Great Bridge took train 10.12 for Hockley paid 8Pence walked some 6 miles.


Monday 22nd                                                                                                    Birmingham


            After dinner I went to see Mr. William Phillips & talked with him upon our principles he said he could not understand miracles that any such be in our day I explained the subject to his satisfaction & he thanked me kindly he went down with me to Hockley to the choir practice met there with Elders Halliday & Smith who brought me letter from my wife Hattie & Mel Burtie being little better after a visit to Provo but Clara had an attack of the jaundice & Victor also sick with breaking out Good letter from Mel.


Tuesday 23rd                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Wrote to Hattie, Mel, Clara & Burtie after dinner we went over to Mrs. Webley to make inquiries as to the prices of breech loading pistol & Rifle which bro Heber Jno Richards required & then we went to Mrs. Winson Coleshill St. who showed us different styles of guns breech loaders shot for £6, £8, & £10 top snap action, double grip, & side levers respectively Called at bro: hardings had tea there went from there by way of Tenby St. to council meeting Hockley bros Halliday & Smith & myself talked a few minutes each we cut off James Hill who continually gets drunk & lead a very mean low life which all the brethren present coincided with the action taken towards him.


Wednesday 24th We visited Webley's Gun establishment also Winson's in Colshill St. to enquire the price of gun & pistol for bro: Heber John Richards Went down to the Library & down to bro Spokes to dinner stayed the evening we had some music & songs bro Ash came & sung us Tom Bowling. returned at 11pm.



Thursday 25th                                                                                                   Birmingham


            Stayed in & distributed the Stars while the boys went down to bro: Smith to dinner I then called at bro: Ferguson had dinner & went over to bro Smith & had some music on the violin from bro Halliday. Mr. Barrington came in this morning & invited me over to his house this evening & stay over tomorrow (good Friday) Elders Smith started for Hereford & Halliday for Northampton. I attended meeting this evening at Hockley spoke 20 minutes.


Friday 26th                                                                                           (Chester Road)


            Took train this morning 9.05 from New St. to Chester Road. Mr. Barrington met me at the Station we walked up to his house & then we took a stroll through Sutton Park visited ______[blank in original] Wells being enclosed by curbbing about 10 feet diameter and a very ancient well the water as cold as ice returned to his house 12.30 after dinner gain we took another walked two or three miles with his three daughters & daughter-in-law all of whom gave out & turned back & myself & Mr. B went into the park again I spent the evening in the house.


Saturday 27th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Received of Mr. Barrington a penny (English coin) rolled out under the rolling mill of McAvoy gold rollers of Brimingham stayed until after dinner & took 2.30 train for New St. found letter from Prest. Jos F Smith also one from EN Freeman Fare to & fro 11pence Bought front 1/61/2 Vatican per Gladstone 6pence Went down to the singing class at Hockley.


Sunday 28th                                                                                                      Birmingham


            Myself & bro Robinson took train at 10 o-clock am from Hockly to Bradley Mosley called upon  several scattering members that need to belong to the Wellinghall branch years ago who seemed to be perfectly dead pleased to see us & like to hear us Talk while we were with them & promised to come up to the Coppice to hear us but not one of them came we met with bro: Wootton who also went around with us we went with him to dinner & then up to the Hall there were but few present some 16 persons bro Stanford & Robinson occupied the afternoon & myself  the most of the evening where there were a few more present who listened very attentively bro R followed me for a few minutes in the whole we had very good time, noticed one or two who has attended every meeting since we opened & the prospects are that some good might be done yet Having been informed by bro Hand last Sunday that there is a large baptist chapel in the neighborhood of the Coppice without a regular minister & that the congregation engage or hire who they can to preach to them I jocosely informed him that if the baptists were as liberal as our people are at home in opening their chapels to us as we do to their ministers when they pass through our Country I would willingly preach to them free of charge any time they please only let me know during the week bro Hand happen to meet our of they Deacon & informed him so who said he would lay the matter before the brethren & ask for my name & address I requested a week or so notice inasmuch as I am away a good deal of my time but I am afraid when the matter is brought before their Board that they will not have the courage to allow me the privilege to preach Sister Wedge hand me a shilling We walked straight from the Hall to Bilston & just caught the 8.45 train for Hockley arrived back at 9.45


Monday 29th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Went to bro: Spokes & Bench with the expectation of going out with some of them  to some of the Parks but they are mostly out called on my way back by way of bro Spokes had bite of dinner with Sister Boddington & returned to "26" In the evening Sis Hadley & Mrs. Smith called in & had tea with us also Mary Ann Hurst called I went down to Hockley to the exercises preparatory for the concert.


Tuesday 30th Wrote home to Hattie & brother Elias stayed most of the day in the afternoon about 4 o-clock went over to Mrs. Smith to tea attended council this evening spoke a few minutes


Wednesday 31st                                                                                               Birmingham


            Went down to New St. Station as agreed to meet Emma Barrington to go with her to the Hospital to visit her Uncle but did not see her called at brother Harding had bite of lunch there, Sister H felt bad on account of her husband's course towards her compelling her to take out her money from the I E Fund she thought that it was Amos Cardwell who influences upon her husband I have thought so myself that Amos does more harm than good in his visiting. Called upon Sist Starmer who put 2/- in my hand returned to "26" at 5 o-clock stayed in the evening wrote Dr HJ Richards & Jno Mendenhall also Elder Lyman & Squires to equire if they intended to come over to our conference on the 2nd of May.




Thursday 1st                                                                                                     Birmingham


            Received letters from Hattie & Lew Hills my wife being sick also two of the children Clara & Burtie quite unwell. Rec'd letter from Miss Godfrey (Sarah Jane) informing me of her confinement she is the young woman with whom young Perry of Ridditch was cut off for having intercourse with she confided in me as a friend although is not a member of the Church and asks now for advice in the matter. Rec'd enclosed in Lew's letter a draft for the sum of £17. Being the amount of Sister Gould's money remitted to help bro Warren & family which if he is able to make up & emigrate he is to pay back into the National Bank of Deseret to the credit of Sarah A Gould. Attended meeting at Hockley spoke a short time distributed Stars today.


Friday 2nd                                                                                                         Birmingham


            Bought bro Farrell's pebbles & got the same framed this morning & mailed them to him to Nottingham total cost 3/6 Stayed in the reset of the day having a touch of the sore throat I took a wet towel & wrapped it around my neck on going to bed fixed up my book today.


Saturday 3rd                                                                                                      Birmingham


            Mailed Richard & Mell & some Birmingham papers went down to the Library & Reading Room then called by bro: Warren & to bro Bench where I had tea on my arrival at "26" found letters from Richard  HV Cox & Clara L Young enclosed in the latter draft for £4.10/- to buy her some silk velvet & glovs.


Sunday 4th                                                                                                        Birmingham


            After I had gone to bed & about 2 o-clock in the morning Elders LJ Nuttall & Ernest Young arrived from London I got up & as soon as I learned who they were & let them in got them the best I could find in the house to eat & made them a bed the best I could not being able arouse either of the two old sisters who were dead asleep. Learned from  them that bro Burton had been notified to return home with the first Company of Saints also bro hardy both of whom desired to remain until the second Company & likely I should have the privilege if I could close up things satisfactory in time to go but likely Prest Smith would notify me if so. We got a cab & started Ernest for Lpool with noon train & LJ & myself went down to the priesthood meeting at Hockley after hearing the reports from the several districts Bro Nuttall spoke about 20 minutes & occupied some 15 minutes at 2 o-clock again we had very good meeting bro Nuttall occupied some half hour then a testimony meeting I followed for some 15 minutes We went with bro: Geo Smith to tea at 6.30pm Myself having been announced by play cards that I should deliver a Lecture concerning the "Latter-day Kingdom"  preached for an hour & eight minutes about the longest I ever spoke had very excellent audience & very good freedom of the spirit Mr. Barrington was present & noticed all listened very attentively until I got through


Monday 5th                                                                                                      Birmingham


            Went with bro Nuttall to bro Spokes to dinner then I went all over Town with him & called at bro Bench in the evening Having heard that there was a telegram published in the "Echo" that Judge McKean was removed we went into the Library & found outthe Echo of the 1st which contained the following The Chief Justice of Utah (Mr McKean who took a prominent part in the raid against Mormonism has been removed; glorious news hope it is true his order to confine Prest Young in the Penitentiary for 24 hours & fine of $25 as well as his decision in the Ann Eliza case being the crowning act of his unpopularity.


Tuesday 6th After dinner I went with bro Nuttall to the station he booked for Nottingham on my return found Jno H having arrived from Hereford. We went down to the post office & called at Hardings Myself & JHS called by way of "26" to Hockley found paper confirming the news of the removal of Judge McKean & Pottinger Register of the land office JH spoke a few minutes in the council


Wednesday 7th                                                                                                 Birmingham


            While myself & bro Smith went to the baths Mr. Barrington called to see me so we went down & spent the afternoon with them He took me to see an old friend of his Mr Adams Gold Pencil case maker who had been a member of the church but who like himself had left the Saints when polygamy came out I found him a very nice gentleman & doing a thriving business Mr. B asked to see some of his work so he brought out a box with lots of unfinished cases Mr. Barrington asked him how soon he could finish one of the finest of them he showed he replied by tomorrow night - then make it I wish to make a present of it to Mr. Morris. I went with Mr. B to two or three different places & back to tea found Mrs. B & Emma there we stayed until 7.30 & went down with Mr. B Sarah Ellen & Rebecca to the station Sister Harding gave us 1/- each


Thursday 8th                                                                                                     Birmingham


            Myself & bro: Jno H Smith went to bro Harding's to dinner the Stars not having come today. We went to Hockley meeting which was held at bro Ferguson's house we both spoke & had good meeting The chapel being cleaned &c &c


Friday 9th                                                                                                         Birmingham


            Bro Spokes having called last night to invite us with him to go to Hampton Steeple Chase races myself & JHS went & enjoyed ourselves very much although it was somewhat wet & damp. We returned at about 7.30 having witnessed a great scene in English life found bro Halliday arrived.

Saturday 10th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Myself & JHS took train from New St.  for Manchester on the L & NW line when we arrived at 12 m Bros Gowain & Snelgrove met us on arriving at Conference House 22 Bremner St found Elder Burton who was quite unwell him & me went down the City for a walk & returned from Market St. on the Bus soon after bros Freeman & Barton arrived from Sheffield all well also bro Holbrook came in from Stockport  slept I paid RR fare 7/1 Bir to Man We administered to bro Burton & Nuttall alos to a bro Platt from Burslem.


Sunday 11th Rested pretty well last night with JHS at conference house. At 10.30 attended conference in Temperance Hall Grosvenor St. there were very good attendance in the morning better than generally is in the forepart of the day. Elders JH Smith, EN Freeman & Joseph F Smith occupied the time Statistical & financial reports of the Conference were read also the Authorities of the Church presented & voted unanimously with the exception of an opposition vote as regards sustaining Prest Young as prophet &c on the whole the meeting passed off very quietly Myself & JHS were taken by sister Holland to dinner at 29 Carter St. Huline A Mrs. Warbarton a very nice old lady sent her daughter to enquire of Mrs. Holland whether she would be permitted to come into our meeting I replied yes by all means to tell her that I would stay for her & take her myself which I did I had a very pleasant talk with her upon our principles I went back again to sister Holland to tea with bro Wm B Barton Mrs. Warbarton again attended & also her daughter she expressed herself to me as being highly delighted with our meetings that afternoon spoke 25 minutes this afternoon was followed by bro: McKenzie & WB Barton At 6.30 Bp RT Burton Peter Barton & Prest Jos F Smith spoke on the whole we had very good conference & very good attendance Elders present Prest Jos F Smith, Burton, Wm B & Peter Barton, David McKenzie, EN Freeman, Gowans, Snelgrove & Holbrook, JH Smith LJ Nuttall & myself.


Monday 12th                                                                                                    Manchester


            Went down to Victoria Station with bros. Smith & Nuttall & from there to bro: Price I knocked at the door 3 or 4 times before he came down to open the door he seemed to have come down stairs to open for me & Sarah his wife was sitting by the table sewing & it appeared as though they had had a fallen out or something as they were very crabby with each other & treated me rather cold when Price opened the door, he never shaked hands and remarked crabbily why I did not open I found them somewhat hard up he having been out of work as he said & drunk all that he did earn he said I had better get something to eat but I declined as I had had my breakfast I stayed in but a few minutes, I returned to Price "The guide to London" which he made me a present of he went out with me & asked me to go & get a glass of ale which I did & after we went up little ways into Town again he asked me as he doubled up with pain accross his belly if I would go & sit down & he walked across the street & was going into another public House what said I to drink again yes said he, no, said I no more I don't want it he felt very bitter towards Mormonism stated he knew the origin of it having read some old book or other concerning the origin of the book of Mormom - & spoke against Elias having married John's wife I parted with him in Bridge St. & bid him good bye as I probably might never see each other again he felt miserable & looked a miserable man I called to see his son Joseph who clerks at Geo Peak & Co. Mosley St. who asked me to go & take glass of ale which I did in order to get to talk with him a little he has the appearance of drinking heavier than his Father according to the look of his face as red & full of pimples on parting he asked me if I had plenty of money & if I would take home with me I replied no I had not I had been spending 18 months preaching here in this country for nothing, he said he would go with me tomorrow if I would take him, he thought if he could go away & leave his associates he might reform he gets 30/- per week says he & yet in debt I talked plain to him & told him to quit his drinking & save up his money & come out to our country we would see he did not want for anything to eat & help him to get a start in life he asked me for a loan of 2/6 I replied I had not got it to spare well says I have now spent my dinner oh swell says I here is that back for you & hand him 6pence. I see but very little prospects of any of Price's family ever being of much use We went Elders Gowains, Snelgrove, Holbrook & Barton to witness the great overland panorama exhibited by Gillard he told some awful stories about the Mormons - & exhibited a pretty good picture of the President at the close of the entertainment Got to Bremner St. at 11 o-clock pm


Tuesday 13th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Left Manchester booked to Congleton 26 ½ miles called upon bro Hodgkinson 32 West St. he was not at home had a bite of dinner & left at 4.30 for Stafford 27 ½ miles called upon Sister Clark & Flamank families the former gave me 3/- & the latter 2/- I took 7.10 train for Birm paid 7/- RR fare Attend council this evening at Hockley spoke a few minutes.


Wednesday 14th                                                                                               Birmingham


            Went to bro: Crowton to dinner called at Mr. Barrington who wished me to call on my way back & go with him to the Homeopathic Hospital to see his brother Benjamin who was troubled with hard swelling around the bowells & not expected to ever get over it went back to Mr. Barringtons to tea He gave me the pencil case (gold) which he ordered for me last week Went down with them to the station.


Thursday 15th                                                                                                   Birmingham


            Went to try & engage the Assembly Rooms could not get it as some actors had engaged it for a month & they did not wish their sceneries interfered with Bro Halliday & myself went to bro geo Smith's to dinner & back to put up the "Stars". Brother & Sister Bowcut called & paid me £85 for their emigration also handed me £4 toward Clara Bench's emigration Attended meeting at Hockley myself & bro Halliday occupied a few minutes each had a very good little meeting.



Friday 16th                                                                                                       Birmingham


            We visited bro: Bench, Holding & Warren we took dinner at the Chop House Bull ring called to see the Masonic Hall New St. they asked £6.0.0 sent £112.7.4 to Lpool being £90.17.4 draft at 7 days & two drafts from Des Nat Bank in the Union Bank of London for £17. £4.10 respectively  £3.7.4 of which to close up Book a/c for the last quarter The £17 draft was the amount loaned by Sister Sarah A Gould to help bro Warren & family to whose credit the same was entered The £4.10/- was a draft which my sister Clara forwarded I withheld money here & sent draft instead to Lpool


Saturday 17th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Went out to hunt up a room to hold Conference called upon Mr. Beech Secretary of the Masonic Hall. I asked the price for on day Sunday He replied £4.0.0 but that included light cleaning &c I told him I would take it Well says he what do you want it for I answered to hold divine service but what denomination says I replied Christian denomination but what sect says he I told him Latter-day Saints he shook his head & replied they could not rent the Hall to us he said the board of directors would not be willing for us to have it I went from there to see St. James' Hall Snow Hill but I did not see the Proprietor


Sunday 18th                                                                                                      Birmingham


            Elder TH Robinson called this morning & we went down to Hockley chapel to the Sunday school went with bro Ferguson to dinner 2.30 We had very good meeting & spoke some 25 minutes after meeting baptized Caroline Whale born at Loxley aged 11 years _____[blank in original] and Julia Whale born at Loxley aged 8 years Myself & Elders Ferguson & Warren confirmed I was mouth in confirming Julia & bro Ferguson confirmed Caroline Mary Ann Goodyear spoke to me this evening about being baptized on Tuesday morning so I arranged for bro Barber to come & baptize her. 6.30 Elder Robinson spoke 20 minutes & I followed for some 40 minutes there was very good audience Sister Griffiths handed me 2/6 at bro Fergusons which she said she had been thinking of giving me since Christmas She is an independent sister & in great trouble whether she will emigrate this season or not Received a letter from my wife Hattie which I answered this morning & also wrote to my son Richard


Monday 19th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            We myself & bro Halliday went to Sister Gould to dinner herself & two daughters received us very kindly this afternoon we all went through Astor Hall which bro Halliday had never seen before & then through the Park back to Mrs. G's to tea the young ladies entertained us with music & singing they play well on the piano from there we called at Geo Smiths went to the singing class all together.



Tuesday 20th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Went down to Hockley Chapel to meet bro Barber who came & baptized Mary Ann Goodyear of West Bromwich a young woman about 16 years old her mother is in the Church but her Father is a bitter enemy the girl is a very good singer called at bro: Ferguson also at Mr. Barrington's where I took dinner Attended council this evening myself & bro: Halliday spoke a short time made some arrangements for the Conference having engaged St. James' Hall Snow Hill for £2.0.0


Wednesday 21st                                                                                               Birmingham


            Went down to the reading room & to bro Harding's to dinner called at Sister Starmer & bought an Umbrella paid £1.1.0 good silk We returned to "26" & stayed in the evening.


Thursday 22nd                                                                                       Powick 26 ½ miles


            Left Birmingham this am at 10.5 for Stoke Works called upon bro Geo Godfrey his daughter Sarah Jane having been confined with a child by Albert Perry of bro Perry of Ridditch she is not a member of the church and the boy (aged 16 or 17) I disfellowshipped a few months when I first learn of this having had intercourse with each other she showed me a letter which the boy's father had written to the man next door traducing the character of the girl & asking concerning her &c Bro Godfrey gave me 10/- to help to bear expenses &c Walked from Stoke Works to Drostwich Some 3 ½ miles this is a celebrated village for Salt Manufacture found one Street that had sunk some ten feet the saline substance underneath having been pump up for making salt & the houses sunk it is astonishing to see the way the stand in every possible shape. Took train at 2.38 for Worcester  5 ½ miles called at bro Ball where I saw daughter of bro Isis Williams of Ridgeway Cross who had married a gentile against counsel the scamp was arrested last Sunday morning in Hereford for larceny and here she was with their children upon her hands with no means of support for them & her husband was likely to have 10 or 12 years imprisonment. From Worcester I walked 4 ½ miles to Beauchamp Lane Powick to bro Jos Jones a very nice clean tidy family RR fare this day 1/11 Found sis Jones little girl Annie Louisa in consumption she was taking some Cod liver oil & other medicine some lady of the neighborhood paying the Doctor's fees she is likely to get over it Sis Jones desired me to consecrate the oild & Med which I did ask God to bless for her good


Friday 23rd                                                                                                       Hereford


            Walked from Powick to Malvern Link distance of 5 miles bro Jones' daughter Fanny was sent to put me on the nearest way to cut across the fields she is a nice quite good spirited young woman so also is their son had a nice clean bed last night slept with the sun I took train from the Link to Hereford at 10.48  30 miles paid 2/6.



Saturday 24th                                                                                                    Merthyr


I left Hereford with 12.30 for Merthyr bro Robert Johnson paid for my ticket 4/5 ½ on the way I fell in with a Wesleyan who was a preacher with that denomination & was well versed in the scriptures as soon as he learned that I was a Mormon, he attacked me on Mormonism & more especially on the principle of polygamy He thought that it was unscriptured & on my quoting scripture to sustain the doctrine he said Oh that was suffered to be, but that was not under the gospel dispensation I told him that Abraham was a polygamist &he lived under a gospel dispensation for Paul said "the Scriptures foreseeing that the heathen should be justified through faith preached before the gospel unto Abraham" then we spoke upon the gifts of the Scriptures & showed that he was not a genuine Wesleyan as he was of the opinion that the cause of the nonexistence of the extraordinary gifts of the Spirit was because the Christians had turned heathen again. I read him an extract of John Wesley's sermon to that effect which he could not contradict but squirmed very much in trying to mystify the spiritual gifts &c I departed with at Tal y Llyn Junction gave him 'the only way to be saved' with my address on & if he wished to communicate with me further on the subject of Mormonism I should like to answer him any questions &c He parted with me very friendly & shook hands with me twice I arrived in Merthyr at 3.17 bros Hughs, Wiliams & Thomas met me at the Station found bros Watt & Jos H Parry at the Conference house In the evening bors: Jos F Smith & L J Nuttall arrived & later in the evening MH Hardy came whom with myself & Elders Hughes Williams & Thomas made nine Valley Elders present


Sunday 25th                                                                                                      Merthyr


            Myself & bro Hardy lodged at the home of old Mrs. Lewis who kept a Green Grocer store next door to Cross Keys where we held our Conference the old lady was very kind to us & gave us welcome Bro Tho Jenkins of Pendylon & Sis Lewis who keeps house for him  was also putting up at the same house with whom we eat also bro Wm White & Thos Thomas slept in the same room as us at 10.30 conference met after the business of the Conference was over I was called upon to speak which I did for about 15 minutes not wishing to monopolize the time when so many were present I was followed by Jos H Parry then by bro Watt 2 pm meeting was addressed by MH Hardy for one hour & Jos F Smith for 37 minutes 6 pm Elders Miles Williams, LJ Nuttall & Prest Jos F Smith occupied the latter spoke for one hour very good attendance of Saints & beautiful singing led by a man not in this church We had very good time 9 Valley Elders present


Monday 26th                                                                                                    Cardiff


            In connection with Prest Smith LJ Nuttall Bishop Hughes & Elder MH Hardy we took train from Merthyr for this place we visited the docks & the Sophia Gardens where we had little fun in jumping & other gymasia tricks which was excelled by Prest Smith mostly At 7.30 We held meeting at Brother Bassett the house was very full & we had very good meeting with the Saints there were but few strangers present we all occupied some 20 minutes each in speaking & we had quite a little entertainment afterwards several of the Saints waited until after 11 o-clock had music on the Harmonium & singing We all slept at bro: Bassett, Hughes Hardy & myself occupying the same bed.


Tuesday 27th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            We all with the exception of bro Hughes took train at 6.45 from Cardiff to Newport the mail which was due a few minutes before the parliamentary did not come until 6.45 so we took the express (expecting to travel at the rate of a mile a minute) as far as Newport 12 miles, but instead of that it took some 20 minutes to do it so Prest Smith called it "Fish train" and thought we were badly sold Myself & bro Hardy separated from Prest. Smith & Nuttall at Newport they went on to Liverpool & we went to Gloucter called at Sister Hawkes found them all busy making gentlemen's shirts We did not stay in this City more than some 3 hours I took bro H to the Cathedral & around the City & we booked from here to Cheltenham which is a very fashionable Town a most beautiful place stayed here for some 3 hours visited Pittville spa & Gardens we called at sister Harris who kept a little Green Grocer store near Dew Drop Inn (Do drop in) High St. we had a cup of tea here her husband who was not in the church acted very kind to us & asked sister Harris to make us some tea we walked about 6 or 7 miles around the place & to the Midland Station about 1 ½ miles from Mrs. H just caught the train for Birmingham we travelled Pershon Worcester Droitwich and Bromsgrove to Birmingham where we reached about 6.40 on our arrival at the Conference House we found Mrs. Gould & her two daughters all taking tea together myself & bro Hardy administered to sister Gould's eye I went down to the council at Hockley I found a letter from my wife Lavinia & great many treat [?] letters on my table


Wednesday 28th                                                                                               Birmingham


            I answered great many letters this morning after dinner we went down to Mr. Barrington Rule Maker ordered a rule for Prest Smith. We took train for Swan Village called upon Sister Rowley who received us very kindly & made us bro Hardy & myself take a glass of her own brewed ale "Mrs. Rowley's Malt Wine" which is good in comparison with the common ale used in this country called four penny we called upon Sister Mountford  who felt very bad on account of her house which she had been living in for 31 years having been sold by her brother Harry from over her head & she had just received a notice from the attorney to quit the premises within 30 days she had an idea that her brother George had a hand in the matter while he was here on a visit she said that Harry came over from Sheffield few months ago & pretended to act so kind & that he though of fixing another room for her on the same ground & do some alteration to the house so he got Sister Mountford's husband drunk & had him sign some paper as his tenant paid a weeks rent to him so he had something to show that they were his tenants & then went & sold the premises next day We called upon Mrs. Elcock who with her husband & two children are going away with the first ship & needed some information they were so glad to see us  We walked from Greets Green to Dudley arrived at the meeting at 8 o-clock the meeting was just opened bro H & myself occupied thetime had very good meeting although but few present. We walked from Dudley to Great Bridge some 4 miles had quite a run from Dudley Post to catch the last train reached Birm at 10.45 found bro Halliday having arrived who had left Dudley about 5 o-clock thought there would be no meeting.


Thursday 29th                                                                                                   Birmingham


            Bro Halliday stayed in to put up the Stars & met myself & bro Hardy in the Lower Grounds of Aston Park we also met there Sister Gould & her two daughters & we spent the whole of the afternoon in the grounds we also went through the Hall had tea at the refreshment room We came down to bro: Spokes & spent in the evening there had music  & singing &c


Friday 30th                                                                                                       Birmingham


            Spent the day in making out accts for Conference & afterward met bros Hardy & Halliday in New St went through the art galery & back to "26" after I made a call at the offices of the "Daily Post" & "Gazette" & put in an advertisement of the Conference &c




Saturday May 1st                                                                                              Birmingham


            Spent the day in the house went down twice to New Street bro Gowan & Freeman arrived. Bro Perry from Ridditch called to see me was anxious for his son Albert to go away with the first ship I thought it would be just as well for him to stay until they all went I told him I did not wish him to go until he had made everything satisfactory with bro George Godfrey towards supporting the child had by his daughter by Albert Perry= They could not settle the matter satisfactorily I arranged to see him & bro: Godfrey tomorrow together Prest Jos F Smith arrived this evening accompanied with Jno Henry Smith about 11.30 pm having lost the train which they expected to come by.


Sunday 2nd                                                                                                       Birmingham


            Conference convened this morning at St. James' Hall Snow Hill at 10.30 a.m. I opened after singing through prayer Elder John Henry Smith was the first speaker followed by Elder Freeman. I then read the Financial report which showed Receipt Tithing £126.13.0 ½ I E deposits £82.4.7 ½ Book a/c £75.19.6 Mission £12.8.10 £15.8.11 ½ Refunded by RVM £4.6.8 Total £317.1.7 ½ Disbursements Remitted to Lpool £160.18.11 Rest of Conference house, Board of Elders, travelling & all incidental expenses £106.14.0 Hall rents £26.13.5 Poor £17.9.8 ½ I E deposits 10/5 Cash on hand £4.15.2 Total £317.1.7 ½ which was unanimously accepted Statistical Report showed that there are 12 Branches 68 Elders 17 Priests 9 Teachers 12 Deacons 374 Members 7 Removed 2 Received 7 Excommunicated 6 Dead 34 Emigrated Total 480. 2.30 PM Elder Hardy & Prest Smith occupied the afternoon the former spoke some 20 minutes & Prest Smith one hour & ten minutes there was very good attendance 6.30 PM Elder Gowain spoke for about an hour followed by myself for 20 minutes the Conference closed having had a very good time during the day the people all seemed to enjoy themselves much & all who spoke felt good & we trust that good might be done There were several reporters present.


Friday 7th                                                                                                         Birmingham


            Called for Prest Smith's spectacles for which I paid 4/- for frames called afterward upon Sister Ferguson, Mrs. Smith's & bro Lester's Farm St. where I had a lunch from there to "26" when I had a lay down in the bed & enjoyed much two hours nap stayed in the rest of the evening bro TH Robinson called the with Conference minutes.


Saturday 8th                                                                                                      Birmingham


            Received a letter from Prest Smith this morning enclosing one from bro Geo Perry of Ridditch together with his reply to the same which he wished me to see & forward the following is a copy of Perry's letter

            Walkwood Villa Headless Cross May 5/75

                        Elder Smith Dear Brother

                                    Your letter forwarded to me at Tenby St. Birm I never received until this morning. My son Albert B would have went to Utah last summer only that Brother RV Morris counciled me not to send him then on account of his extreme youth. That council I obeyed. But now what is the result thereof.

            Brother Morris now objects to his going on account of his being the impested [?] father of Sarah Jane Godfrey's illegitimate child about 28 days old. She is not in the Church nor ever have been, but her Father happens to (be) a Member but whenever Bro Morris have spoke to me on the subject I found that his mind was very partial and I doubt whether you may have heard both sides of the question. Wherefore I venture to offer a few remarks. That we are the wronged, and that Miss Godfrey is the wronger is positive. That myself & wife have been in the Church of Christ nearly 15 years and my children ever since they were 8 years old.

            That my homes have generally been the Elders homes whenever they (have) been in the Ridditch Branch. That we lived in peace & contentment until we took into our family this seeming virtuous, but worthless and wicked girl. We know her only by name from knowing her father personally. She first came to we one dark wet winters' night, cold, wet & weary. She was furnished with Mrs. Perry's clothing until her own was again fit to wear.

            The three days & nights next following she was ill and unable to get about but she was tenderly cared for by Mrs. Perry. When able to work she was interested in our business & treated exactly the same as one of our own family & a living worth sixteen shillings per week put in her fingers. And she requits our kindness by seducing our two boys sons the one Albert B when he was only 15 ½ years old. When she herself was nearly 23. And for more than two years she carried on those adulterous habits with my two sons and so closely concealed the matter that it was entirely hid from myself & Mrs. P and now both my sons are under suspension from the Church for Adultery with this same girl. And knowing the above how can Albert B be expected to marry her. Alfred G is 19 years of age and have been married 12 months ago. That my sons are far from being blameless in the matter I allow but please consider with what influence a woman of the age of Miss Godfrey is capable of swaying the mind of a tender youth of 15 or 16 years. And on many occasions when her conduct appeared suspicious and she was spoken to concerning it she would deny in the strongest possible terms there ever having been any improper familiarity with those boys. When at the same time she was working them and we as parents the most secret injury. Having laid a few of the facts before you I trust you will give the matter your kind consideration & think you will come to the conclusion that my son Albert B is no greater a Criminal  than Alfred G although the offspring might belong to the former.

            When the conduct of the latter was by Bro Morris considered as only deserving suspension & is allowed to be rebaptized whenever he chose, but Albert B whose age is now only 17 is not allowed the privilege of rebaptism or to emigrate with the Saints.

            And yet Bro Morris have been expressly told that it was through Alfred G persuading and instructing Albert B that ever the latter got into this great trouble which is to him the worst of all misery. And considering that the girl is not, nor ever have been in the Church is it reasonable for the Church to interfere in the case of the girl at all. Until I get your reply I shall not be able to direct you as to the disposal of the Bank Notes forwarded last week.


Apologizing for writing you this lengthy Epistle

            I remain

                        Dear Sir

                                    Yours obediently

                                                Geo Perry


PS Brother Morris appears to have been displeased with me for not sending all the J?E money through his hands instead of sending direct to L-p-l office And yet I have reminded him that the Saints was expressly instructed by a letter appearing in the Star from Prest Young in 1864 or 1865 that moneys  amounting to 10/- or upwards was not to be sent to the Conference prest but direct to L-p-l office and get receipts for them. That instruction I have faithfully kept but it seems to displease Bro M.



The following is the reply of Prest Smith


42 Islington Liverpool May 6th 1875


Elder George Perry       Dr Bro

            Yours of yesterday is received. I am sorry to hear of the disgraceful conduct of your two sons Alfred G and Albert B and Miss Godfrey. The fact that she is not a member of the Church does not paliate the crime of whoredom on the part of your sons. The children of the Latter-day Saints should be taught to know better than to commit whoredom or any other crime, and when they continue such practices for two years together as you admit or affirm in the case of your sons and Miss Godfrey a moral degradation is exhibited which, I am sorry to say, speaks in no flattering terms of their religious or moral culture or training. This fact is all the more aggravated by the boys and the parents, of them and the girl, being members of the Church.

            It is required by the law of God & man and is therefore religiously & morally and absolutely binding that a man should be held responsible for, and be made to meet fairly & squarely the consequences of his acts, the most sacred & binding of which are those involved in parentage. He that is the Author of life is bound to maintain that life to his utmost or he is a murderer in the sight of God. A father is bound by the law of God to maintain & provide for his offspring to the utmost of his ability according to the legitimate wants of the child until it is of age, and can provide for itself. Not to do so is simply to shirk, neglect or not do a positive duty which nature, society and God demand of every man, and which he has no more right to escape from or to avoid than a murderer has a right to escape from the just punishment of his crime. Although both may escape from justice in this life, without restitution the one will be damned and the other "hath not eternal life abiding in him." If you desire the salvation of your children, and would teach them the greatest lesson a man can learn, take this opportunity to impress on their minds and make them to feel & know that they should meet the consequences of their own acts, that if they misuse the God-given powers of procreation they are as much responsible for the results as though they had used them legitimately, (so far as the child is concerned) whether the woman demands it or not.

            To this all men are bound by a higher & holier law than that of man the law of nature & the law of God. The parents are responsible for their children & for the acts of their children until the latter reach the age of accountability before God or become of age by the laws of the land, where as before stated they become responsible for their own acts.

            These are among the most sacred & important principles of the gospel with which every Latter-day Saint should be familiar. To view the subject more clearly suppose your own daughter were the victim  - reverse the case, and you would see that you would expect satisfaction to be made. The immorality of the woman will not obviate the difficulty for in the act of whoredom undoubtedly both were equally guilty. the male being regarded as the stronger vessel & the agent or the responsible party. It is my view that your son, if he is of age or you until he comes of age should father his own child & maintain it, no matter tho the woman be were a bad one heathen, white or black, bond or free.

            Wishing you well & praying God will guide you by the power of his Spirit.

                                    I am Yours &c

                                                Jos F Smith


Mailed the above to bro Perry this morning Rec'd good letter from Hattie with encouraging news.



Sunday 9th                                                                                                        Birmingham


            Learned last night in my wife's letter that she happened to be down to Sis Clara's when the Prest called in he talked about me & she asked when I should be likely to return home he asked how long I had been absent she told. He will be home this fall he replied. I was much pleased to learn that my children were improving Rec'd this morning a letter from Mr. Wm Kendrick requesting me to mail him a Book of Mormon  to Mr. Wm Burrows of Kineton Warwickshire. Went down to the Sunday school & to bro: Jas Ferguson to dinner attended meeting at 2.30 spoke 35 minutes. 6.30 Elder Robinson & myself occupied the time we spoke about 30 minutes each we had pretty good meeting. a man by the name of Mr. Rock spoke to me about reunite himself with the Church again he has been out of the Church for some 18 years.


Monday 10th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Myself & bro Halliday went down to Spokes today & we spent the afternoon there at 6 pm we went to Snow Hill station & met sister Sharp of Banbury who was emigrating with the first Co took her luggage to New St. station & she went up with us to '26' bro H went with her to hunt up her brother's house. This evening Mr. Riley father of Ellen Riley who emigrated in 1873 together with a Mr. Falkner called to see me to have a chat we talked together until nearly 11 o-clock they promised to come to our chapel. Ellen Riley is married to James Watson of Salt Lake City 6th Ward.


Tuesday 11th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Started out the Bow Family & sister Sharp this morning for Liverpool, bro Halliday went with them they were to take up the Elcock family at Dudley Post I returned to 26 & after writing to my wife Hattie, Aneurin & Mel Clara & Burtie took a nap & then went down to the Council spoke for a short time there.


Wednesday 12th & Thursday 13th                                                                     Birmingham


            After we had prepared for the distributing of the 'Stars' myself & bro Smith went down to bro Geo Smith's had dinner & I went over to bro Crowton & also with him to the shop, & left bro: Jos F Smith's pebbles to grind for him. He tested the pebbles that were in the frames as someone had said they were not pebbles & he pronounced them genuine not glass. we returned to '26' put up the Stars. Received a letter this evening from my wife Hattie, with news that the children were improving some but that the baby was unwell. Thursday 13. We all went down to Hockley & had a very good meeting we three spoke & occupied about 20 minutes each there were few strangers present. We distributed the Stars today. bro H returned from Liverpool from seeing the Co. off.





Friday 14th                                                                                                       Birmingham


            Myself & Jno Henry went down to Cook & Sons & procured our tickets for London at reduced rates with excursion tomorrow then we went & settled gas bill & down to the Bull Ring & we got dinner at a Restaurant we then called at the reading room & called at Crowton's shop for Prest Smith's pebbles paid for frames 4/- & 1/- for grinding 6 pairs of extra pebbles returned to '26' & spent the evening at home. Bro. Robinson called to see us.


Saturday 15th                                                                                                    London


            After dinner myself & John Henry Smith took excursion train at 3.15 from Birm New St. on Midland new route via Hinckley Bedford &c reached St. Pancras at 7.45 We were lucky enough to get into a First Class Car by putting a 1/- in the hands of the Ticket examiner & we had a very comfortably ride & pretty good social talk & was again shocked at the unblazoned acknowledgment of one or two men in talking upon the prevailing sin of the age & his constant connexion with his neighbor's wife who had no children &c &c We found on our arrival at "20 Bishops Grove" Prest RT Burton, MH Hardy, WL Binder, HC Fowler, FM Lyman, EN Freeman, WM B Barton, Bro Watt, L Holbrook afterwards Prest Jos F Smith arrived about 10 o-clock also B Eardley of Norwich making with myself & JH Smith 13 Elders from Utah Sunday 16 at 10.30 Conference commenced at Horus Assembly Rooms speakers this morning were Elders Watt, Eardley & Prest Smith. 2pm Myself was the first speaker occupied 23 minutes followed by Elder Lyman & WB Barton at the close of this afternoon Mr. Tho Hadley came up to me & requested to go with him to tea while I did & was accompanied by J Henry Smith found Mrs. Hadley with also the children they were glad to see us. Mr. H came as far as Vauxhall Bridge back with us. 6pm Elder Jno H Smith, Hardy, RT Burton & Prest Smith occupied the time each speaking from 20 to 30 minutes there was very good attendance the afternoon & evening & very good audience & we had a splendid day of it & the people seemed to be highly delighted with the teachings. omnibus fares Saturday & Sunday 9pence.


Monday 17th                                                                                                    London


            The brethren scattered in every direction to see sights. I went with Prest Smith & Burton, Elders Freeman & Holbrook to see the Alexandra Palace which indeed was very grand & scores of thousands of people present through the building & in the Park, was amased to see the people enjoy themselves at all kinds of games &c &c at 2.30 we attended the concert in the spacious concert Hall we heard Sims Reeves, Standley Lloyd & three or four ladies returned in the evening to Bishops' Grove at 7 pm after supper I went with Prest Burton Lyman & others to a concert held in the Albion Hall London Mall by the Saints. Jno Henry & myself left about 10 pm so as to be to our lodgings by 11 o-clock spent 1/9 RR fare & admission




Tuesday 18th                                                                                                    London


            After breakfast myself  Elder JH smith, HC Fowler & EH Freeman took Train from Ball's Pond Road for Finsbury Square near the Guildhall which Hall we visited & was shown the chambers & were permitted to enter into the same Napoleon, King of Shah of Persia had lunched in we all sat in the chair which they occupied as well as the chair of the Lord Mayors of London in the Council Chambers afterward we went into St. Paul's Cathedral up to the wispering gallery the man in charge talked to us in a low wisper gave a history of the building. We went up to the Ball on the very top of the Cathedral climbed up between some 4 or 5 iron bars & sat inside of the ball on the top wrote my name in the same also bore testimony on the tip top of St. Paul's in the hearing of Jno Henry Smith that the Angel seen by the Revelator John has made his appearances from St Pauls we four went by rail underground from Blackfriars Bridge to South Kensington visited Albert Memorial in Hyde Park opposite the Albert Hall then we went & called upon Mr. Thomas Hadley in the science class who is studying chemistry. He showed myself & Elder Fowler all through their classes & experiments made in chemistry we then went into the museum met Jno Henry & Freeman in the Picture Gallery Mr. Hadley went in with us & also to the patent museum where we witnessed the first locomotive engine which run between Manchester & Liverpool called the Puffing Billy also the engine which killed Hutchinson & great many other ancient curiousities Jno Henry & myself went with Mr. H to his home 18 Draycott St & he went with us to Madam Taussaud's Museum which excelled anything in Wax Work I ever beheld before in my life. They were so natural & somewhat amusing to see persons make occasional mistake by entering into conversation with figures thinking they were alive but the blunder occurred with John Henry on the other side as every figure were numbered I carried the catalogue, he looked for the number of a lady who sat alongside a figure & asked me "who is this bro Morris" I replied what is the number & on John looking around her for the number the lady turned around & laughed & Jno Henry made track to through the crowd towards the other end of the Hall & I ready to burst for laughing at 10 o-clock we started by underground railroad for Kings Cross then walked to the Angel & took Train for Ball's Pond Road highly delighted with our days sight seeing although we had not time to view the thousandth Part of what there was for exhibitation at all the places paid this day for fees, Trans Railroad fares dinner &c 7/1 wrote mother-in-law  & mailed it


Wednesday 19th                                                                                               London


            Soon after breakfast Prest Jos F Smith returned from Lpool having been down to appoint the brethren who had arrived on mission and we all went down to the Docks to see him Lyman, John Hy, Freeman & Hardy off for Denmark bid them adieu & we then went to the Mint building could not get admittance without pass & application would have to be made in writing which would take some three days to get the pass. we walked through a tube tunnel across under the Thames from the Tower on to the opposite side of the River. there were 94 steps of six inch each to come up we walked two or three minutes which took us to a Coffee Saloon on the opposite side of South Coast Station & we crossed London Bridge & down to Billingsgate passed around the Custom House to St. Dudstan Lane to Phillip Graves & Co. ship agents to find out when steamer left for Rotterdam & get prices &c & then we went through the Bank of England which stand on some 5 acres of ground. Bro Holbrook took his departure here from us for Birm & Manchester & Prest Burton, Binder, Eardley & myself went all over to view the most public buildings such as Exchange Ludgate Prison Post office Telegraph office &c &c & we separated bro Burton & myself went one way & they another & we all met in the evening in the East London branch at 7.30 we had a very good little meeting & brother Eardley myself & Prest Burton occupied the time there were few strangers present we walked along commercial road to Shoreditch & booked to Dalston purchased stereoscopic views & paid 12/- for a baker's dozen.


Thursday 20th                                                                                                   London


            Spent most of the day at 20 Bishop's Grove there went in company with Prest Burton & Binder to tea with Sister Edinburgh who amused us with music & in asking great many questions &c We came back Bishops Grove & went to meeting North London branch. I spoke for some 15 minutes after Elder Payne (who had just arrived from the Valley in company with bro Udall) & Elder Eardley Prest Burton followed for a few minutes after me. we all walked home to Bishop's Grove.


Friday 21st                                                                                                        London


            After breakfast I struck out with Elder Payne we took train from Balls Pond Rd down to Alderssgate. we walked through Smithfield Market called upon Messrs Hickson & Sons Boot & Shoe makers where bro Payne used to deal then I procured a pass to go through the Postal Telegraph office an operator showed me through I was very much interested to witness the perfection which they have got telegraphy & other appliances & contrivances for conveying messages through suction tubes from one office to another also the working of the Duplex system their explanation as to how they send two messages in opposite directions on the same wire is as follows: - They proved that the electric fluid travel like a wave or in curves & the rapidity with which it travels accounts for its intersection & still continue in the direction in which each message is forwarded I learned that there were no messages received by sound all registered on narrow slips of paper & afterwards copied by the operators or copyists. There were some 994 instruments in use in that one large Hall with over 400 miles of wire underneath the floor attached to the same 1000 operators employed nearly one half were females. I was highly delighted with my visit there. Having introduced myself as being connected with the telegraph service in Salt Lake I readily procured a pass from Mr. Patey the assistant secretary of the Institution. We then called at Old Bailey where bro Payne got measured for a suit of clothes at Hopes & Co. No. 46 & corner of Ludgate Hill. after we had dinner we went down to Blackfriars Bridge took stairs for Lambeth, walked along the Thames back to Westminster Bridge in Front of Thomas Hospital & we went into the Hall & House of Commons. I was somewhat surprised at finding the Commons so small & so little accommodation of visitors in the Gallery the House Keeper showed met he seat of Kenealy opposite to that of the Marquis of Hartington the Conservatives occupied the right of the chair & the liberals the opposite Kenealy was on the bottom seat, or first seat on the Government side. We then went through Westminster Abbey & I parted with bro Payne he went to Woolwich down the river & I wended my way to the War office procured a pass for myself & three friends to go to the Woolwich Arsenal I afterwards had permission to enter the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square although it was not open for the public on Friday only students were to be admitted but by my stating that I was an American subject & would have no other day I was let in readily & witnessed great many students Males & females copying paintings in oil water colors pencil & crayon work I had seen this Gallery before & was so pleased with the numerous paintings that  I was anxious to view them again I took Bus from Trafalgar Square to Ball's Pond Road paid for Graphiscope view in the Parliament Hall 1/- fares on river Bus dinner &c 1/6 arrived at Bishop's Grove at 6pm found Prest Burton & bro Binder ready to start out to visit & spend the evening at bro Parson's & was invited to go out with them we had very pleasant meeting together singing &c returned to Bishop's Grove about 11 o-clock.


Saturday 22nd                                                                                                   Birmingham


            Spent this morning at 20 Bishop's Grove Ball's Pond Road Islington London about I started down towards St. Pancras accompanied by Elders Burton & Binder we went to took a bath top of Pentonville Road walked down to King's Cross went into a French Restaurant for dinner the brethren stayed with until 4 o-clock when I bid them good by. St. Pancras Station has the name of being the finest Railway Station in the world the Iron arches expand over the distance of 284 feet & 720 feet long which would admit of nearly 5 buildings like our New Tabernacle within it. I witnessed a Pulman Palace Train from the north come in although the Cars were considerably smaller than our American Cars still it made me feel quite at home or as though a train had just arrived from the other side of the Atlantic had Pulman Conductor an American on board at 5.5pm I left St. Pancras got into Bedford by 6.5 which is a very beautiful place in face the whole of the way is much more pleasant route on the Midland than the North Western from Bedford I in company with a Mr. Jonah Davis who also happenned to travel in company with myself & Jno Henry Smith last Saturday to London got into a first class Car, he having slipped a few pence into the hand of the Ticket examiner we reached Birmingham at 8.20 after a very pleasant ride & very interesting conversation with Mr. Davis upon moral & religious principles &c Elder Halliday met me at the station on arriving found sisters Hurst & Hadley well also Mrs. Smith in the home laboring under a very severe cold found letters from Hattie & Lavinia also one from Dr. Heber John Richards.


Sunday 23rd                                                                                                      Birmingham


            After breakfast I went down to Hockley in company with Elder Halliday and baptized the following persons: - Wm Bush born in Birm 13th Aug 1862, Wm Knight born at Pippleton Worcestershire in 1845 aged 30, Tho Rock born in Smithwick Saffordshire Feb 5 1824, Sarah Warren aged 30, Jane Steed born at Pippleton March 18 1850. Two of the above viz J Steed & Bush were first baptisms the other had been in the Church several years ago bro Rock had been out of the Church for 18 years & seemed to be a very find man bore a very good reputation when in the Church but got slack & cold & was disfellowshipped sister  Warren had been baptized when 8 years of age but had not continued with the Saints also Knight had been baptized when young. 2.30 We had very good meeting the above were confirmed by myself & Elders Halliday & Robinson I was mouth in confirming bros Rock & Knight bro Halliday conf'd Wm Bush & Sarah Warren & Jane Steed was confirmed by bro Robinson Myself, bro Halliday & Spokes occupied the time all the afternoon & we had very good spirited meeting 6.30 Elder Halliday & myself preached he occupied 35 minutes & I 40 minutes & we had very good audience several strangers present both in the afternoon & evening meetings. Went to tea to bro Geo Smith's. Bro: Rock handed me 10/- on parting at the Chapel felt well & invited me to call upon him On arriving at 26 we found Misses Bench, Holding & Julia Morgan having arrived before us also Mothers Hurst & Hadley & we had some good singing & accompaniment on the violin by bro Halliday until after 10 o-clock had prayer the girls went home The following letter was handed me at London by Jos F Smith from Geo Perry


                        Elder Smith     Dear Brother,

The principle theory of your letter of the 6th just with regard to my two sons I thoroughly agree with, but to say that I have neglected their moral culture or training, is to say the least of it both cruel & unjust. I do know that I have been most careful in the training of my family & that I can no more be charged with neglect than the First Presidency of the Church can be justly charged with the Apostacy of the Latter-day Saints. And I am also at a loss to see how a woman of 24 years can be called the victim of a boy of 16 years. But please not mistake me for I have no desire but to be respectful to you & also to your instruction and were I satisfied that the child in question was the offspring of my son AB I should most certainly insist on his rendering a partial maintenance. But for two months after Miss Godfrey must have been with child she did positively deny to more than fifty different individuals (and who are ready to assent) that there never had been any improper intercourse between herself and my son A.B. Neither me or anyone else ever saw anything  improper between them  & when she herself protested that there had not been what right had any man to say there had. We have been treated very bad by this woman & I think that in justice to all parties concerned the case of parentage should be brought before a proper tribunal where the evidence of both sides might be given & then we are willing to abide by the decision of the magistrates you may imagine that I am prompting my children to evil. But no one but myself knew what I wrote to you last week in my letter of complaint neither do anyone but myself know of this.

            If you have any further suggestions to make I would gladly listen to your council.

                        And remain       Dr Sir

                                    Yours faithfully

                                                Geo Perry

Walkwood Villa

Headless Cross


May 10 1875


Monday 24th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Having an invitation to Sister Gould's to dinner myself & bro Halliday went up to Witton place Aston Sister Gould & her daughters received us very cordially & the daughters entertained us with sweet music on the piano &c &c we also were requested to stay to tea & we spent very pleasant time until between 7 & 8 o-clock & I rode down with Sammy Gould as far as bro Spokes while Sister Spokes was to Hockley to the singing practice we had tripe supper & home about 11 o-clock. Sister Gould put 2/- in my hand


Tuesday 25th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Sister Eliza Bennett aged 43 having departed this life on the 21st instant & her dying request was that I should officiate at her funeral I consequently walked in company with bro Halliday to Witton Cemetery six miles & I preached her funeral sermon in the Dessenters Church in that Cemetery we both rode back with the funeral party as far as bro Spokes. Called at bro Hardings to tea & from there to Council at Hockley at 8.30 I spoke a few minutes to the brethren & requested them to hold their out door meetings as often as circumstances & the weather permitted & distributed our small circular among the crowds & invite them to our chapel.


Wednesday 26th Stayed in all day writing & distributed Stars & Journals Elder Halliday left for Northampton this morning spend the evening in the house by myself had a very severe cold  Rec'd a letter from Elder Flamank concerning Beatrice which I answered


Thursday 27th Remained in the house all day, wrote to Zebulon Jacobs also I received Deseret Evening News from Heber John containing two brass cartridges different sizes being the size & kind he desire to suit the gun he ordered In the evening called at Mr. Landan & paid for Elder Halliday's clothes & went down to Hockley chapel we had very good meeting there Elders Spokes & Ferguson & myself occupied the most of the time there were several strangers present Rec'd letter from Prest Burton enclosing one from Dirk


Friday 28th                                                                                                       Birmingham


            Wrote to Dirk to Corincheur Holland after dinner I took a walk up to Sister Starmer her son Thomas came called in & invited me over to their house to tea, his wife treated me very kindly I stayed there some two hours & then returned to '26' stayed in the evening.


Saturday 29th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Sister Pendry called before I was up & invited me to go up to Egbaston & go through the house & premises of Follet Ostler Esq he & family being absent from home while the house was been repaired &c the house & surroundings was very find & beautiful the Footman (a cockney) showed me all around outside & two or three of the servants went all through the house with us the House Keeper was a Welsh girl from Denbigh the county where I was born I called at bro Warrens had dinner there & then made a call upon bro Thompson to see if they were prepared to emigrate with the first company in June as I wanted to forward the names to Liverpool returned to '26' & stayed in the evening. Julia Morgan called in & stayed a while with me & Mrs. Hurst & sung a couple of songs for us she also brought me my pocket handkerchief which she had hemmed & marked for me


Sunday 30th                                                                                                      Birmingham


            Rec'd letter from my wife Lavinia also one from Jno Henry Smith from Copenhagan and one each from bro Godfrey & sister Wellington of Herefordshire Prest Robinson called upon me this morning also bro: Bench We had very good meeting at Hockley this afternoon after which I went with bro Robinson & held a meeting on some Waste ground in Hunters Vale, there was quite a congregation great many stopped & listened very attentively Elders Ewer & Robinson spoke we distributed several of our circulars to them & I noticed some in Chapel this evening when Elder Warren & myself spoke I felt very well while speaking although laboring under a severe cold at the close of the meeting two gave their names for baptisms one a lady came up to me & said she was perfectly convinced of what we said & it was her intention to join our church her husband also was present. I told her that I was ready at any time to baptize her that I was going out of Town this week & had arranged to baptize a few next Sunday week. There was a better turn out of people this evening than I had seen for a long time to our meetings There is quite a feeling & spirit of enquiry just at present all around & the prospects are very good that additions will soon be made to the Church


Monday 31st                                                                                                     Birmingham


            After writing two or three letters also one to my Son Richard & Aneurin I walked to Smithwick byway of the Cape distance of five miles called upon Mrs. Meadows Bro Peeler (Blindman) Bro: Oliver an old gentleman living with his son in law & from there I went to bro Genge & called upon bro: Rock whom I baptized week ago last Sunday he felt well in the work I was introduced to his son & daughter mostly grown up, and they are very favorable & I expect to baptize them as soon as they get sufficiently acquainted with our principles bro Rock made me stay to supper he gave me 2/6 & paid for my ticket to Monument Lane 5 pence arrived home at 26 about 10.30




Tuesday 1st                                                                               Mt. Pleasant Kingswinford


            I took train at 1.9 for Swan Village called at sister Rowley had little bread & cheese there & walked from there to Gt Bridge & took train to Dudley called upon Sis Wedge had tea there & took train for Brittle Lane & walked from there to Mt. Pleasant Kingswinford passed through Wordsley & I put up at bro & sis Ball I walked with a Mr. Githing who is interested in some Glass Works who was very socialable  when he learned I was a stranger & from Utah was very willing to give any information I desired as regards the manufacture of Glass & gave me one of his circulars & invited me to call upon him in Birmingham & he would show me around their work. I found bro Ball & family tolerably well his son & daughter very much improved in health since they were baptized their son Richard (18) Lavinia (16) Lizzy (14) and Esther (10)


Wednesday 2nd                                                                                     Birmingham


            I was to have gone with Sis Ball this morning through the Glass Works but she asked me a question in relation to the sealing powers upon which she had considerable anxiety of mind for the last two weeks she said She asked suppose a Sister desires to leave her husband & be sealed to another man whom she had more love for could she claim that right on their arrival in Zion I replied that the less people speak about such things in this country the better if they were faithful & on their arrival in Utah such grave questions should be submitted to proper authorities doubtless a woman had a perfect right not to be sealed to a man for whom she had no regard nor love. If a man had no respect for his wife & ill used her I did not blame any woman for wanting to leave such a man the first chance she got she said that  the case was not her own but that a sister with whom she had been very well acquainted with before she & her husband joined the Church the first time desired to lay claim to her husband (bro Ball) to my surprise I learned that sister to be sister Warren who has been married considerable about 20 years to bro Warren & have raised quite a fine family of boys & girls sister W had kept acquaintance it seems with bro Ball when they were young (and sister B remarked that it was not her sis W's fault that bro B had not committed himself with her but he did not take advantage of her but reproved her this was all in their young days) they felt great anxiety of mind over the matter because sister Warren approached the subject of late to both her & bro B prior to these Warren's emigration & they were all such intimate terms with each other & they knew that bro Warren was a good man & love sis W so much even sis W herself intimated that she believed her husband would commit suicide if she should leave him after their arrival in the Valley in case she should be priviliged to be sealed to bro: B when he emigrates after them. I told her also that I was in hopes sister Warren would take more favorable view of the matter & endeavor to increase her affection toward bro Warren as it was hard for me to judge which of the two him or bro Ball was the best man &c she said she that she wanted to do right & did not wish to put a ? with way of her husband's exaltation &c but hoped sis W would get to feel different &c It appears that bro B gave her sis W no decisive answer when she asked the question any further than if bro W did not raise her in the resurrection that he would or something to that effect. I walked with sister Ball to Round Oak Station we called upon sis Evans sister in law to bro W G Timmins of the Sugar House Ward who had a brute of a husband & abuses her awfully & comes home drunk & destroys everything in the house she raised the cover of chest of drawers or Bureau which he had put his foot through the panels  in two places her daughter who has recently been married was present I talked to the mother that the best thin she can do will be to go away to her sister to the Valley who had remitted  them money twice her daughter & her husband had used up the money which they had received. The £10 which Mrs. Evans had I adviced her to send it to the Lpool office until she would need it to go I took train from Round Oak at 321 for Dudley called to tea at sister Wedge went down to bro Rowell & sister Rowberry attended meeting at 7.30 had very good meeting RR fares to & fro 2/1 Rec'd of sis Wedge 1/- bro Price 6pence & sis James 2pence reached home at 10pm


Thursday 3rd                                                                                                     Birmingham


            Was to have started off Worcester & Herefordshire way to day but everything seemed to delay called at Sister Starmer took her her Hymn Book. Stars came this morning I distributed them & started off for Camp Hill called pass New St. station to correct the address on the London Star parcel which was sent to me in a mistake instead of to RT Burton London called at bro Bench & sis Holding & when I reached Camp Hill saw the train leaving I took ticket back for New St. waited 45 minutes for the train returned my ticket & took omnibus for the Bull ring called at bro Spokes had supper & went with him & bro Bench to the Meeting at Hockley found bro Belleston from the Valley there who was glad to see me returned  we had a good meeting myself & bro Belleston spoke there were several strangers present there were more present than I ever saw at any previous meeting on a week night


Friday 4th                                                                                 Beauchamp Lane Powick


            Took train at 12.40 from New St. for Wecester met bro Ball going to Malvern & had a ride with him as far as Powick I however stoped at Stoke works called at bro Godfrey had a lunch & walked from there to Droitwich some 4 miles bro Godfrey gave me 3/- I walked from Powick to bro Jones 2 ½ miles I administered to his daughter Annie who was very low with consumption & given up by two doctors


Saturday 5th                                                                                          Ridgeway Cross


            I walked from bro Jones to Ridgeway a distance of some 10 miles through the Malvern Link reached the cross about 3 o-clock found all the people at the cross well with the exception of sister Bowington, daughter & bro Cotterall who lives with who have been afflicted for many years. Went & administered to Sister Bowington the old lady



Sunday 6th                                                                                            Ridgeway Cross


            After breakfast Elders Hill & Hadley arrived from Malvern to go with us to attend Camp meeting at Brinksty Commons Bro Ball & Emma Box caught up with us on the road. In passing through the village of Acton the brethren told me they had held a meeting once there & they received very good hearing I told a couple of the brethren to notify through the village that an Elder from America would preach to them at 6.30 this evening on the Green by the Toll Gate. we reached the house of sister Grumbrum on the Commons  about 130 had a little bit of bread & butter & we proceeded to the Common at 2.30 we had quite an audience of some 150 people who listened very attentively while I preached for one hour Elder Daniel Hill preceded me for about 15 minutes I noticed while he spoke some throwing clods at one another also some engaged in conversation & laughing &c &c When I got up to speak I requested the people the young men to cease all such actions as long as I was speaking & if they must amuse themselves I wished them to retire one side to do so. Then had a preacher named Williams & a reporter or one associated with  one of the Bromyard papers present & they took notes - & after I got through & meeting dismissed Mr. Williams asked me several questions which brought the crowd all around me & I had a better chance than ever to preach to them. He remarked he had nothing to say against what I had said for it was all scriptural but he begged to disagree with me when I declare that there can be no other sects right but us. I replied he had a perfect right to differ but I wished to remember that there could be but one way to heaven, one faith one Lord & one baptism &c & that Paul stated whoever should teach any other gospel than that which he taught let him be accursed & the congregation were very much pleased & considered that my friend came out second best. the people invited us to come again so we announced another Camp meeting four weeks from to day the weather permitting the prospects are that a great many will yet join the Church in this neighborhood if preaching is followed up by the brethren &c we returned to Acton & at 630 we opened our meeting on the Road side & most of the village turned out to hear us brother Hill spoke about 10 minutes & I followed with more freedom than ever for a little over 30 minutes we had some 60 persons present there was the Parish Clerk present who interrupted me once or twice with speaking. I made some personall remarks to him & stated I did not wish to be interrupted in my discourse but I would give him an ample opportunity to speak if he wished after I was through & that I thought that a man of his cloth & calling in the Parish above all others present should show respect towards a stranger &c some of the people told him to hush up &c after we were through some of the people came forward & requested us to sing some more hymns & came to me shook hands & bid me good buy an old Lady & her daughter who kept the toll gate very nice people appeared very friendly - & they invited us to come again to we announced another meeting there four weeks from to day at 6.30 pm. We reached the Cross about 9 o-clock I slept at the Hinds last night bro Hadley & Hill gave me 1/- each bro Ball 1/6 & I received 1/6 from the branch. Rec'd letters from Hattie & bro Elias



Monday 7th                                                                                                      Powick


            I went down to sister Bowington I found the old Lady in bed not able to stir she is 85 years of age. I procured as much of her geneology as I could glean which is as follows her husband  John Bowington (or Boughington) pronounced generally Buffington was an illegitimate son (as I found from a certificate from the Minister of Cradley Parish Herefordshire) of Thomas & Mary Bowington born in Cradley was baptized July 2 1840 by Elder Jno Gailey was confirmed by Elder Wilford Woodruff some 5 or 6 weeks afterwards together with 15 others at Ridgeway Cross was an Elder & died Jan 12 1865 aged 84 or thereabouts & was buried in Cradley churchyard. the Ministers certificate showed that he had been baptised in Cradley church Dec 30 1781, which meant christened I expect Hannah Bowington (maiden name Hadley) born Nov 14 1790 in Bishop Frome Herefordshire daughter of Edad & Elizabeth Hadley was baptized same time as her husband & is now not likely to live many years aged 85 years I talked to the old lady as consoling as I knew how & that I would act as a friend to her if the Lord would spare my life & do the work for her husband & have her sealed to him inasmuch as that is her desire she burst out in tears & felt like thanking the Lord for answering her prayers she said & felt so thankful & blessed & hoped my life should be spared to return in safety home. Well says she there is my daughter Hannah I hope something can be done for her. she said that bro Cotterall intends to have her & replied that would be all right they would have to gather home with the saints to attend to that matter they were young enough yet & not too sick but what they might gather out if they so desired they would be all right. I left my blessing with the old lady I left for Malvern where I reached at bro Daniel Hill  at about 2 o-clock had bit of lunch there his wife was very distant also her sister married to bro Hadley who came in to see me from there I went to sister Harris & bro: Cox who used to be in the Church Emma's Father found bro Ball we returned to sister Harris & met Fanny Jones & a Miss Jones (Polly) a catholic who had come from Powick to see the American Panorama at Malvern we waited until 8 o-clock no people seem to attend we left & walked to Powick where we reached about 10 o-clock had quite a talk with my catholic friend on arriving at bro Jones I found his little daughter very much improved since I had administered to her on Friday evening & they all felt so thankful & to rejoice


Tuesday 8th                                                                                                      Birmingham


            I was again requested to administer to Annie who was very much improved & able to go out in the garden with the neighboring children a Mrs. Charles next door neighbor to bro Jones & sister to the Miss Jones came in & I was introduced to her she is a strong catholic but I learned that she had been baptized by bro Merril (Frank) but she came into the church more particularly to please him than any other motion she thought so much of him she was then single she was very talkative & there seemed to be quite an excitement in the neighborhood concerning the spirit of a woman who had died recently seen by two or three persons which they recognized by her dress &c exactly as she & she asked my opinion about such things which led us to talk for an hour upon the principles of the gospel there were others in the house listening Miss Clay neighbor of bro: Jones paid particular attention to what was said on leaving for Worcester I called at Mrs. Charles to bid her & her sister Polly good bye & Miss Clay came after us & met her on leaving at the gate & told her I want to make a Latter-day-Saint of you one of these days she replied soberly I want to be In walking to Worcester 5 miles I fell in with old bro Williams who is a Mail carrier he is related to Samuel S Jones the stone cutter has relations in Farmington & he is very anxious to emigrate also his daughter who lives in the North of England I reached bro Ball about 12.25 had little lunch & went up to Strieb Hill station took 220 train for Birmingham reached 26 Tenby  about 4 o-clock found bro: Belleston present We went down to the council together to Hockley. Geo Smith handed me 10/- which sister Gould had sent me I spoke for a few minutes. heard very favorable report from Coppice


Wednesday 9th                                                                                     Birmingham


            Stayed in all day expecting the Star parcel to arrive. In the afternoon I went to Mr. Barrington for Prest Smith's rule I walked with him to the Station & we went through the picture Gallery at the Library. I went down to bro Spokes & spent in the evening there had supper with them


Thursday 10th                                                                                                   Birmingham


            Busy writing up my Journal & then distributed the Stars went down to bro Geo Smiths to dinner witnessed one of the prettiest little models of locomotive engine belonging to Chas F Smith of Salt Lake which is perfect in every particular which bro Smith ordered for his little son it weighed 80 lbs & can be run just like another engine on rails &c       I attended meeting at Hockley there were 3 or 4 strangers present one of them walked up with part of the way home & said it was the first meeting had ever attended of our was very much pleased with what he had heard & said he would come again he was a Watch Maker in Town here


Friday 11th                                                                                                       Birmingham


            Took a walk down to the General Post office met bro Harding who made me go with him to dinner who had left the Provincial Bank & gone to live into some offices in Waterloo St.            From bro H I walked up to Aston & called upon Mr. Phillips had tea with them him & his wife & son expressed a desire to join our Church & I arranged with them if they would come to the Chapel 12. Sunday I wold baptize them Mrs. P was not fit at present to go into the water having had a miscarriage a few days ago so I requested her to wait a short time longer. On my arrival at "26" I found Elder Halliday having arrived. Having received a Card from Lpool calling for names & ages of all those intending to emigrate. I went over to bro Warrens & mailed the letter from there. We called upon sis Holding & went to bro: Bench. Elder Halliday asked if there was a Tripe shop in the neighborhood. I gave them a shilling to go & buy a shillings worth after supper I left for '26' reached home little before 11 o-clock


Saturday 12th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Wrote Hattie & Lavinia good long letters myself & Elder Halliday went down to New St. station to find out about the best train to send the emigrants with on Tuesday found 8.50 the most convenient. We then went to bro Spokes where we had tea & we came back to '26' found Julia Morgan had been planting flowers for us in the yard. We got another tripe for supper again


Sunday 13th                                                                                                      Birmingham


            I went down to Hockley chapel & attended to the baptisms of the following persons:

            Kate Warren born in Birm

            Ellen Florence Warren born in Birm

            Wm Phillips born July 18 18     in Birm

            Henry Phillips his son born Apl 22 1862 in Birm

            Henry Beckett born Aug 4 1830 (rebaptism) at Waloah

Also     sister Priscilla Goodyear I baptized for her health who has had a paralletic stroke she is a good woman & has an awful mean husband who prevents her from attending meetings &c        230 The weather being very rough there were few present Elder Jas Ferguson gave his farewell address. We confirmed three of the above Wm Phillips was confirmed myself being mouth Henry Beckett by TH Robinson & Henry Philips by Elder Jno Robinson lately arrived on a visit from Utah. I took bro Warrnes two little girls to our house to save them walking so far home & back again & it being too wet for them to go to the afternoon meeting I confirmed both of them at 26 Tenby St.    At 630 There was a very good attendance in meeting & several strangers present some primitive Methodists & I had very good audience Elder J Robinson spoke for ten minutes before me. both of us went to Wm Smiths to supper & we went with bro: Robinson to Hockley Station


Monday 14th At about noon Elder Jno: Henry Smith arrived from his continental tour well & hearty with the exception of a slight cold which started a coughing again. after dinner we both went down to bro Warrens they were out we went to bro Ash & bro Bench from there we came to '26' & went down with the folks to the singing class. we met Julia Hancock at the station this afternoon & sent her up to '26' in a cab who also went with us


Tuesday 15th                                                                                        Birmingham & Lpool


            I took 8.50 train from New St. for Lpool with 14 Saints & 1 widow Mrs. Burdau not a member of the Church where we arrived at 12 noon. I engaged a Cart & sent them down to the Landing stage where they had to wait until 7 o-clock before the could get a Tug to go on board. I was sent with them to arrange them in their berths did not rest much myself & bro Hardy slept in a Saloon berth. we had supper on board


Wednesday 16th                                                                                               Liverpool


            Myself & bro Hardy got ashore & were landed at Sandin Dock we took Bar. & went up to '42' had breakfast there at 1 o-clock we went on board again in company with Prest Smith & others We bid the Company good bye  at 4.30 & went ashore again reached '42' at 5.30. felt very tired slept in the chair in bro Smiths room which was very cold & felt quite unwell after it. Wrote Hattie Clara & Burtie to notify her that I had sent Than's books - & that bro RT Burton her Uncle was on the way home slept with bro: Stucki on the floor in bro Smith's room


Thursday 17th                                                                                       Lpool & Birmingham


            Wrote bro: Ball of Kingswinford after dinner I took train from Lime St. for Stafford called & spent a little time with Sister Clark & bro Flamank families on leaving the latter gave me 4/- & the former 2/- sister Clark is the one that was sick several months ago & was given up by two Physicians who stated it was impossible for her to live many days I was telegraphed for to go & administer to her & I promised her if she would exercise faith she should not die yet awhile but would get well so I administered to her & she very soon got over her decease I never saw a person hardly in my life look so bad as she did at that time. I took train from Stafford for New St. paid (2/7 & 6/1 Lpool to Stafford) total 8/7 being 1/1 more by booking twice & at 7.25 reached New St 8.30

Found a letter from my wife Hattie & Post office order from New York for 9/9 but no letter to state who it was from or what it was for about 10 pm Elders Smith & Halliday arrived from the meeting


Friday 18th                                                                                                       Birmingham


            Stayed in until bro: Belleston arrived after which I went over to Spin Lane called upon bro Rock & bro Genge the former walked out with as far as the Cemetery showed me his wife's grave we then went over to bro Abraham Brice who went with us to Mr. Brindley Canal Lock Blakley Hall Oldbury both him and his wife received us very kindly & made us stay to tea we went back to bro: R's house who got us some supper. I spoke to bro Rock about paying his tithing upon the property which he had accumulated while out of the Church & that I would petition Prest Jos F Smith if the same can be used for the emigration of some of these poor worth Saints. he promised he would pay his tithing on the property which he had sold before leaving here. Returned home with 9.30 train. he gave me 4/- & hoped I would come soon again. I administered to him he being very much troubled with bronchitis & felt very much better since I laid hands with bro Genge on him the last time


Saturday 19th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Elder Belleston called this morning & requested to know what he was to do I instructed him to travel in the Conf by direction of Prst Smith & that he had better go to Halesowen tomorrow with bro Halliday I went with him to Hyam's & got him a new hat & pair of pants & paid 20/- myself & bro: Smith went to brother Harding to dinner & from there to '26' afterwards we walked to sister Pendry to consult with her about the propriety of sending Sarah Jane & one of the boys out with the next ship & adviced her to send them but Sarah Jane is not very desirous to go on account of keeping company with an outsider so I thought it would be the best thing for her to go


Sunday 20th                                                                                                      Birmingham


            Received letters from Hattie & Lavinia they were all well with the exception of poor Burtie who is puny & peevish Bro S & myself went down to the Sunday school - found the best turn out of children this morning than ever. I spoke for a few minutes to the children. we went to Bro Geo Smiths to dinner                    2.30 We had very good meeting Elders John Robinson & JH Smith & myself spoke to the saints. 6.30 I preached to a very good audience for 45 minutes followed for 10 minutes by JH Smith we closed the meeting and I took the Choir out side corner of Villa Street & we held a meeting Elders Ash & JH Smith preached we had pretty good attendance of people just coming out of the church close by we also distributed invitations to strangers. few of the singers went up with us to the conference house & singing for us


Monday 21st                                                                                                     Birmingham


            JHS & myself went to New S. & we both sat for pictures. went into a restaurant & had some dinner & then down to sister Holdings where we stayed the afternoon. she sent for a neighbor is named Mrs. Petsford a sister to Adam Whites' wife of Levan back to '26' at 7.30 stayed in the evening


Tuesday 22nd                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Went over to Spin Lane with bro JHS this morning did not find Mr. Rock at home we walked up to West Bromwich called at Sister Barber went over to see the Rooms engaged also to Mr. Britten's office & ______[illegible] some posters painted as follows:


A Voice from Heaven !!!

And I saw another Angel fly in the midst of heaven having the Everlasting Gospel to preach unto  them that dwell on the Earth and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue and people! Rev xiv.6


Will be delivered by

Elder R. V. Morris missionary

From Salt Lake City Utah Territory America

In the Assembly Room Walsall Street

On Sunday next June 27th

The inhabitants of West Bromwich are advised

To "Search the Scriptures" for themselves,

"Prove all things and hld fast to that which

is good."   St Paul

"He that answereth a matter before he heareth

it, it is folly and shame unto him." Pov.

"And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of her my people, that

be not partakers of her sins, and that

receive not of her plagues." Rev.

Meetings will be held every Sunday in the above

Room at 230 and 630 pm

Friends invited to attend. No collection.


Wednesday 23rd                                                                                               Birmingham


            Waited until the Stars arrived left Elder JHS to distribute them & I booked to Spon Lane fell in with Mr. W Granger Report "Daily Post" whose residence is at 211 Herbert Road Coventry Rd Birmingham he recognized me having been to our conference & made a report of same he commenced conversation concerning Brigham Young & the trouble he was in through the divorce suit I gave him a short synopsis of the case and of McKean and what his successor Judge Lowe had done in the matter which led to an argument upon the subject of polygamy, he brought forth his best arguments which I upset upon Bible foundation & also through reason & common sense he gave way & acknowledge that it was no use the Bible surely did substantiate the doctrine &c He told me that he was going to Spon Lane Glass Works I replied that I had been very anxious ever since I have been in the country to visit that Works myself & witness the process of glass Manufacturer. he said he was going to see Mr. Chance himself in the capacity of a Reporter from the 'Post' to find out something concerning the strike & that he would ask him t the same time to have the privilege of going through & that I could go along as a friend so he got a pass & a Mr. Jas Jones Warf Clerk went with us & explained the different processes &c &c on separating he expressed great satisfaction in meeting with me & hoped to see me again & gave his name & address as above & I was very much pleased with what little I had seen - & I arranged with Mr. Jones to try & get in again some day when the whole works was in operation with another sent. I gave Mr. Granger one of Orson Pratts tracts entitled "True repentance" I then went over to bro Rock had a cup of tea he handed me 2/6 to pay my fare to Deepfields. I walked over to West Bromwich to Mr. Brittens the printer got to see the proof of our bills announcing our meeting on Sunday in that Town. walked to Hill top called at the house where bro Jno Robinson put up he was not in I walked through to Wednesbury & booked to Bradley & Moxley called at bro Lunds & Wootton & walked up to Sodom To bro Hand found the Hall was all settled for for the last quarter & they had engaged it for another I had quite a talk with a Mr. Hale at Dupfield who used to be in the Church some 15 years ago but was cut off for contempt of council by bro Hanham as he said he could not go out & preach he had not the courage &c he appeared to be a very sensible man stated that he had been taking the Stars & Journals nearly all the time since & that he knew the work is true. I talked to him upon the necessity of receiving his Covenants & come again & help to carry on the work, he stated he had helped to pay for the room in the Coppice & intended to as long as they had it. he would consider the matter & let me know I showed him the danger of delaying so important a matter &c Returned to Spon Lane had supper with bro Rock & took 11 o-clock train for Monument Lane Birm. found all the brethren in bed. Elder Belleston & Halliday having returned from Dudley


Thursday 24th                                                                                                   Birmingham


            Called upon Joseph  Thompson to find out what certainty was there that there was money in Liverpool for his emigration, he showed me a letter from his Son-in-law & his wife informing him that the money sent by Mr. Hooper would do for them in the spring & for them to be sure & come &c Wrote to inform Prest Jos F Smith of the same        Myself & bro JHS went over to Chester and took dinner with MR. Barrington and family & we all went over to the Sutton Park to witness the WRV drill & there were some 30,000 people altogether present & less drunkenness than I ever saw in any such gathering before. we stayed in the Park until 6pm & walked back to Mr. B 3 miles. after supper we returned with the 10.20 train to New St. fare to & fro 11pence    Made the acquaintance of  Mr. Winterton a cabinet Maker in Union St. who was well acquainted with the Jennings family & asked about Wm Jennings &c


Friday 25th                                                                                                       Birmingham


            After breakfast I called the brethren together & we had a council together Elders Belleston (High Priest) Jno H Smith (Seventy) VL Halliday (Elder) & myself were present I remarked while the brethren should be travelling together sometimes that it would be nothing but right and proper that bro Belleston should be respected is on account of his seniority and Priesthood & kind of taking the lead of meetings &c although they had been laboring longer in the field & for us all to unite together & do all we could do disseminate the principles of the Gospel wherever we have an opportunity of doing so in public and out of doors. we had very good spirit among us & we seemed to be one. We talked over the Perry case of Ridditch & I laid the matter from beginning to end before them so they could understand the case & so bro Belleston & Smith could make such alterations in that branch as would be for the best interest of the work then as I thought if there was the right kind of a man there some good might be done there. The brethren parted Elders Belleston & Smith started for Ridditch about noon Wrote home to Hattie & Lavinia enclosed photos to both


Saturday 26th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Mailed the home letters today also wrote sister M Barrett to Southport enclosed draft No 42/372 for £6.8.3 to procure me 4 ½ yard of silk velvet like pattern sent price 28/6 per yard. We witnessed Sangers Circus percession along New St. also at 4.30 Dr. Keneally's procession which was poor affair & the crowd which was with him was not very creditable to him Dr. Keneally spoke off the Portico of the Hen & chickens to the crowd on the street which did not amount to much his aim was to make it appear that he was very enthusiastically received by a numerous concourse of people Wagons & conveyances which tried to travel through the crowd were stopped by the mob who were listening below & I thought once it would end seriously as the excited teamsters were determined they would not be turned back & endeavored to whip their horses through the crowd some succeeded & others were turned back & there were some narrow escapes from being run over while all this was going on the Dr. was just remarking that it was generally reported that it was the roughs & the rabble that gave him welcome everywhere & that not a single accident occurred to mar our peace on this occasion which showed they crowd were all loyal & law abiding citizens he said there was one accident however just as the procession was passing the office of the 'Morning News' the Editor got so excited to see the grand procession backed himself & fell backwards into tub of water which however was not so serious an affair after all as he had not bathed himself for a month before. Keneally delivered his Magna Charta lecture in the Town Hall this evening sent letters to JHS by Herbert Willis


Sunday 27th                                                                                                      Birmingham


            Received letters from Hattie Melvyn & Burtie better news concerning the health of the family which I was pleased to learn Elder Halliday went to Coppice this morning     At 1.40 I in company with bro Robinson to West Bromwich to open a room Assembly room in Walsall St. we met at Hockley station with sisters of the Choir & also bro Spokes we had two very nice meetings at 230 & 630 some 40 people present I went 9 hours without anything to eat & preached twice felt very much fatigued & weak was glad when I got back to '26' learned they had good meetings at Hockley think some good might be done yet around West Bromwich


Monday 28th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Wrote Bp LJ Henrick of Ogden City went down Town to find what time the Saints could start for Liverpool in the morning called at bro: Harding had bite of dinner with him. Wrote Prest Jos F Smith enclosed three receipts sent me by John Whale amounting to £13.0.0 for the emigration of his two little girls & requested their ticket made out with Sister Hurst so as to bunk together. sent by sister Hurst 6/8 being amount due Wm Hughes of Hereford on one Indiv Emig Book a/c to hand to him at Lpool he & family being sent for by friends from Utah


Tuesday 29th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Received letters from JHS & one from bro Genge requesting me to go over to Greets Green to see & administer to sis Rowley's husband who is very sick with Bronchitis & Lung fever. He remarked that if he felt like joining any religion it should be the Latter-day-Saints. I felt very much opposed in my feelings to go & to administer to him but for his wife's sake who has been very kind to the Elders I could not very well forbear especially when he expressed a wish. I administered to him. I called at the Marchaut famly's house who are related to Elcock of Salt Lake whose son & daughter emigrated this season & they had received a very good letter from them yesterday         I booked from Albion for Spon Lane called at bro Rocks who made me stay to tea also bro Genge who was there. I administered to bro Rock on leaving he handed me 2/6 to pay my fare. Genge accompanied me to Hockley Council            I spoke for a few minutes at the council upo9n the duties of the saints & in taking  care of the poor & those who are in destitute circumstances that I did not mean those who were poor & destitute through their own slothfulness & mismanagement but the poor widows who were old & had nothing but what they got by charity & from the parish &c


Wednesday 30th                                                                                               Birmingham


            Prepared wrappers for Stars in the afternoon went over to bro Ash & Bench the latter went up Camp Hill with we expected to see the Balloon go up from Sangers Circus but being too wet it did not ascend. Went & got tripe supper 7pence at the Parade. Mr. Thomas Hadley & family arrived from London        Bro Halliday returned from Dudley


July 1875


July 1st

Thursday 1st                                                                                                     Birmingham


            Went with bro: Halliday to New St he sat for a pictures. we went to a restaurant for some dinner & from there to bro Spokes spent the afternoon there and returned to '26' expecting to distribute the Stars but the same not having arrived we both went to Hockley together bro: Halliday spoke few minutes


Friday 2nd                                                                                                         Birmingham


            We distributed the Stars busy all day made out bills & sent out to all the branches & individuals. In the evening we went to the Tripe House in the Parade & we got a tripe supper in the private room


Saturday 3rd                                                                                                      Birmingham


            After dinner we went to Aston called at sister Goulds who invited us there back to supper on our way back from the Flower Show. the flowers were grand & no mistake if anything ahead of last year's show. We spent the evening at sister Gould very pleasantly the young ladies sang & played for us & we had very agreeable time until after 10 o-clock. Received a letter from my wife Hattie learned they were well & that Burtie was improving


Sunday 4th                                                                                                        Birmingham


            Elder Halliday started for Northamptonshire at 8.30 I went down to the Priesthood meeting at Hockley at 12 n spoke for 20 minutes after the reports of the various districts had been given at 2pm We had a very good meeting although not many people present we had a testimony meeting I occupied some 20 minutes at 630pm Bro Bench preached for 15 minutes I followed for some 40 minutes & had very good audience followed by Jno Robinson for some 10 minutes I walked with bro: Robinson to '26' Tenby he has come here to England to attend to business & visit friends he gave me 10/- I went with him to Hockley station 9.20


Monday 5th                                                                                                      Birmingham


            Spent the day mostly at home in the evening took a walk down Town & to the singing class at Hockley dismissed the same through prayer


Tuesday 6th                                                                                                      Birmingham


            Went to Webley & Son & ordered Heber John Richards Rifle valued at £10 to get the cash from Prest Jos F Smith when ready

Wednesday 7th                                                                                     Birmingham


            After attending some communications I went over to Spon Lane on my way to see Mrs. Rowley when I learned she had removed to Great Barr returned home by way of Standsworth. stayed in the rest of the evening. wrote some letters


Thursday 8                                                                                                       Birmingham


            At home all morning went over to bro Geo Smiths to dinner & then returned to put up Stars. attended meeting at Hockley spoke for a few minutes


Friday 9th                                                                                                         Birmingham


            Spent most of the day at home writing letters


Saturday 10th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Wrote home to Richard & Mother RM Jones sent them each my photo Received letters from Richard & Lavinia in a few hours after I mailed the above Wrote several letters to different parties


Sunday 11th                                                                                                      Coppice


            Took train from New St for Deepfields met with Bro Robinson Wm Phillips & Ton [Son?] Also sisters Cardwell & Lucas who went with us, we had a very good meeting at the Coppice & I organized a branch there with Elder George Boddison as President the most of us went down to bro Hand to Tea at 5.30 I proposed we go to the street & hold meeting so we went & Elders Robinson & Price of Lipton preached & we invited the people to the Temperance hall that an Elder from America would address them so we had a very good meeting in the evening I occupied one hour & bro: Robinson followed for 15 minutes they started for Bilston & I went with bro Boddison to Womburne His neighbors Mr. & Mrs. Payden who is a bailiff for and living in a large gentleman's house they both came to see me into bro Boddison & stayed until 1 o-clock in the morning we sung & I talked occasionally to them & they felt very much pleased & they both believe in our doctrine although she goes to the Independents & is a secretary or Treasurer of the Mission Fund for that Society. I never came across a couple who felt better towards us and the work in my life & they take great interest in our principles


Monday 12th                                                                                                    Womburne


            I spent the most of the day here Mrs. Payden brought me some new milk for my breakfast & soon after she came for me to go to their house & she commenced to talk & ask questions & I had great freedom in speaking to her & she believed it every word and then came in Mrs. Timmins of Sugar House Ward. she & her husband used to belong to the Church & when Mrs. Payden introduced me as an Elder from Salt Lake City she felt very much astonished & while I was talking she joined in & commenced to bear her testimony to the truth of Mormonism. altho she had been out of the Church for a long time at least had met with no branch since their branch broke up at WomburneI spoke to her concerning renewing her covenants & go with bro Boddison to the Coppice branch. I stayed with Mrs. P some 3 hours or more stay to dinner until Mr. Payden came home & they expressed themselves much pleased to see me & hoped I would come again soon & also they hoped they would see me at Salt Lake some time if not before Mrs. P said she never saw two men she felt freer with than myself & Elder Halliday in her life she told me that she was very fond of their Missionary who comes around occasionally to preach for them but she don't feel as free in his company as she did with us. Their little girl Polly felt quite attached towards me & was with me the most of three hours & was there & she cried after me when I left about 4 o-clock I left for Mt. Pleasant where I arrived at bro Bull about 6 o-clock found two of the daughters very delicate & weak & administered to one Lavinia she felt some little better before I left


Tuesday 13th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            About 11 o-clock I started in company with sister Bull & Richard her son we went to Mr. Northwoods glass Works at Wordsley Mr. N himself showed me all through his establishment which to me was very interesting especially carving on glass he was to work himself on a glass bottle or jar on which he was carving the imitation of some ancient piece of work there are only two of them in the world one at the British Museum & one in some other museum It took him two years to make it  & cost £1000 he showed me some 7 or 8 bottles on a shelf in the rough which would take 20 years to finish them Sister Bull told me that I might see in the Factory with the women a lady in charge of them who is the mistress of Mr. N & that I might know her by the curls she wore he has children by her & sometimes he stays away from his own wife several months I called at the brother of Sister Bull who together with his wife used to be in the Church I spoke with both of them as regards the importance of receiving their covenants but they had nothing against the principles but Elder Bullock or somebody had cut them off hurriedly  & they think they have not been treated rightfully I told them to pay no attention to what men would do they ought not to sacrifice their Salvation on account of the actions of men they promised they would think of my words & wished me to call again. I called at the glass Works of her other brother who is opposed to our Church & with whom Thomas Evans her other bro works We went up to Brettle Lane & called upon Sister Esther Shaw who Keeps a little store with her Aunt she gave me 1/- & was very glad to see us we stayed to tea I took train at 440 for Dudley called at sister Wedge found Emily Boddingtons sisters Susan & Selina's sister Emily Tyner I went with them & sister Mary Ann Allen to the Castle grounds & we had very good time for an hour. I took 7.40 train for Hockley reached home at 8.10 & felt quite unwell through a severe cold I had caught, I went straight to bed found Elder JHS was gone to Council there were 8 or 10 letters awaiting my return which I was too sick to open




Wednesday 14th                                                                                               Birmingham


            Received letter from my wife Hattie Stayed in the most of the day with the exception of going down to Hyam's to try my overcoat


Thursday 15th                                                                                                   Birmingham


            John H & myself distributed the Stars we then went down to bro Spokes to dinner. I returned to attend to my tithe list for half year ending June 30th & I E [Individual Emigrant] Statement for quarter ending same date &c Did not feel very well having caught a cold & did not go with bro Smith to Hockley meeting this evening


Friday 16th                                                                                                       Birmingham


            Elder WAC Bryan of Nottingham arrived here this morning to transact some business with a Lawyer Washburn of Gloucester pertaining to some property of a man named Jennings of Nephi the Book of Mormon on our table was taken up by him & he read the two testimonies in the forepart of the book & while I went out to Spon Lane the brethren had couple of hours talk with him & preached to him. I called at bro: Rock his brother came in as we were going to eat dinner he was a devout Methodist but he took one of my posters to put in his window & stated he would come up to our meeting Sunday if it was not for their anniversary sermon in their chapel. We then walked to Birmingham bro: Rock was going to a Mr. Brettle in Monument Lane who was making a couple of fishing rods for him. we all stayed there to tea they were very religious people judging from the manner Mr. B asked a blessing on the food. they did not know who I was but presume soon did after I and bro R had gone out as I had had quite a talk with my Methodist friend who remained. I agreed with bro Rock to go with him & Mr. B some day fishing. Bro Rock gave me 2/6. returned to '26' at 5.30 & then went to meet bro Smith & Bryan at bro Bench from there we went over to Cannon Hill Park bro Bench went with us & had quite a pleasant walk which would make about 12 miles today


Saturday 17th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            After I was through with my writing we then went over to Great Barr Station & walked over to Sister Rowley to Scotch Arrus. About 1 ½ mile & found she was gone over to West Bromwich we stayed there few minutes & then walked over to Chester Road to Mr. Barrington's we had tea there & the girls asked us if we would take a walk into Sutton Park so bro Smith & Bryan & myself went with Sarah Ellen & Ewana & we had a very pleasant walk & a good opportunity to preach to them & they seemed very much pleased with the exception of polygamy which is the doctrine that caused there Father to apostatize & he has prejudiced their minds more or less against the principle & brought them up in the Church of England but we talked straight to them & endeavored to explain the principle from a Bible stand point, but we did not wish them by any means to think that polygamy is all our people think about &c &c We returned to their house about 8.30 had supper & returned to Birmingham with the 10.22 train reached '26' about 11.30 having enjoyed a very pleasant day


Sunday 18th                                                                                          West Bromwich


            Myself & Elder Smith took train from Hockley to W Bromwich at 1.05 Elders Crowton & Barrett were also there & sisters Morgan & Beckett the weather being so very unfavorable there were but few people present one stranger who has attended since we first opened has continued to attend every sabbath I occupied the whole of the afternoon after Elder John Robinson had spoken This stranger gave an invitation for one of us to go with him to tea I requested bro Smith to go & I stayed in the Room & had lunch with sister Tait Mumford & others & at 5.30 I started to walk to Birmingham so as to be at Hockley chapel for the evening I was overtaken by the most terrific rain storm I ever heard I went into a Tavern & got me a bottle of Ginger beer & waited some half hour & then started on again I was not out two minutes when it commenced as bad as ever so I run into a private house to shelter until the Train comes & rode down to Hockley in a very few seconds the rain come so heavily that it flooded into the houses & men women & children were out with brooms & brushes trying to keep the stream from their houses &c Met with bro WCA Bryan at Hockley who spoke for 15 minutes & followed by bro: Thos H Robinson & I dismissed through prayer


Monday 19th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Felt quite unwell all day laid up the most of the day with cold never tasted anything until about 2 o-clock in the afternoon had Elders Smith & Bryan to administer to me in bed. It rained all day. Elder Halliday returned from Loxley


Tuesday 20th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Elders Smith & Halliday started out together to sister Rowley and through the Black Country the former to be in Chasetown & the latter in Coppice on Sunday. Elder Bryan left for Nottingham. I stayed in the most of the day. I was engaged on my Tithe list & quarterly a/c &c . Rec'd letters from my wife Hattie & Mother also from Mrs. Barrett & Prest Jos F Smith replied to Mrs. B's


Wednesday 21st                                                                                               Birmingham


            Stars arrived & prepared for distribution when sister Gould called & invited me & Elder JT Belliston who returned today from Redditch to go up to their house to dinner so we followed her up & we spent the afternoon & part of the evening there returned at 8pm & we put up the Stars





Thursday 22nd                                                                                                   Birmingham


            We stamped the Stars & mailed them    visited Mr. Barrington at the factory & stayed to tea. Received a letter from Mrs. Riley of the London Conference. Attended meeting at Hockley & took stars down. Elders Ash Spokes Belliston & myself occupied the time


Friday 23rd                                                                                                       Birmingham


            Stayed in the most of the day felt quite unwell having caught a severe cold last Sunday. went down to bro Spokes by invitation to dinner & returned soon after to work on my quarterly a/c's &c


Saturday 24th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            At home all day until evening went down & took bro Halliday's letters to Bro: Bench for him to take to the Coppice Sunday. returned right back again went to bed early


Sunday 25th                                                                                                      Birmingham


            Stayed in until afternoon went to Hockley meeting at 2.30 spoke for 30 minutes brought bro & sis Spokes home to tea 6.30 Bro: Ever & myself spoke about 30 minutes each had quite a good attendance gave old sister Williams a shilling & sister Brooks gave me 2/6 sister Jewkes gave me 1/- - several of the Choir came home with me also Miss Walsh & young Mr. Gould & we have some good singing & Thomas Hadley accompanied on the Concertina


Monday 26th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Early this morning young Gould & Miss Walsh came for me before breakfast with a trap to go and administer to sister Gould who was laid up in bed with swelling in the glands of the throat I anointed her & laid hands upon her and I was returned an hour again in the trap Went to Mr. Prime to dinner & having been invited yesterday to sister Griffiths to tea went down to sister Bench & she went with me we then went to sister Bench & bro Ash & wife Ted & wife & bro & sis Jakes & we had some good singing together sister Griffiths put 1/- in my hand Sister Hadley having been up to sister Goulds who sent by her 4/- for myself 2/6 for TH Robinson 2/6 tithing & 1/- poor


Tuesday 27th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Received an invitation from Mr. Henry Fowler a Methodist Preacher to go and spend a week with him at his home at Wellingborough Northamptonshire I replied I would try & come & spend a day or so on or about the 20th of August when I should be glad to hold a series of meetings in their Town & preach for them,       Went over to West Bromwich to see bro: Genge Concerning his tithe list of names &c called at bro Rock but he was gone fishing went over to sister Barber had tea there & then to Genge & we walked up to W Bromwich took train for Hockley for Council spoke for 15 minutes


Wednesday 28th                                                                                               Birmingham


            Busy on accounts finished Tithe list & quarterly a/c this evening Elders Belliston & Halliday arrived from Dudley. felt quite unwell & retired immediately after I finished reports


Thursday 29th                                                                                                   Liverpool


            7 o-clock AM telegram arrived for John Henry (who was at Stafford) which I opened & found his father Prest Geo A Smith had telegraphed for him to return home immediately & he was required to be at Lime St Liverpool at 12 o-clock today, so telegraphed Jno Henry to Stafford to meet me at 953 & go to Liverpool. I accompanied him to Liverpool & we were at 4. Exactly  at 12 o-clock we took dinner & Prest Smith Ernest & myself rode down with him to the Pier Head & we went on board the "City of Chester" with him & saw him off we sailed down the River some distance with them. they had very pleasant day to start on. We never know what a day brings forth. I took with me his traps all I could find to Stafford & we both went on with the same train. we found Elder Smith, Harihan, Ernest & Jos H Parry well & the latter hailed me to go & hold meeting with him out of doors on the Square near St. George's Hall. It looked like hard work to mount a chair & commence to preach without a congregation but after was there of us Parry myself & Harihan had spoken there was a tolerably good audience & had a severe cold & my speaking in the open air later did not help it any slept with Jos Hyrum at '42'


Friday 30th                                                                               Lpool & Birmingham


            After breakfast Prest Jos F Smith informed me that I should be released to return home with the next Company on the 10th of September he accompanied me to the station I took 9.30 for Birm arrived at 12.30 called at bro Harding & then continued on for '26' Tenby St found Elders Belliston & Halliday O.K. I felt very unwell & went & laid on the bed for a couple of hours took a cup of tea & retired pretty early had a good sweat which help me some


Saturday 31st                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Had a rather bad night did not rest until a very late hour, had a very good sweat & feel somewhat better this morning but weak

            Louisa Meadows called & I paid her £3.9.0 by orders of Prest Smith which her father sent. I opened Jno Henry's letters one from his father one from Robt A Anderson enclosing £10.0.0 draft & one from bro Ayring enclosing a photo of himself & Elder Walser all of which I mailed today to Prest. Jos F Smith with the draft. Wrote Johnson of Hereford, Wellington & Ross &c

            Took train at 4.30 for St Malvern & as I was going down to the train I met a man whom I suspected to be bro Jacob Miller & whom & expected & went up to him & found he was the man returned to the house with for him to put up his things & we walked down to New St. Bro Halliday took him to get some dinner & the met me at the statio. I found bro Thomas Steed at the Wych St Malvern at his cousins Henry Steed, I went up with bro S to one of his couzins where I was to stay over night very clean people, the man Mr. Steed had been baptized when a boy & had a chance to emigrate 32 years ago but his wife prevented him from going I preached to them for two hours - & Mrs. Steed stated she would be very willing to emigrate if it was not for the water. she had some stories about some men who had gone away with other men's wives from this neighborhood which caused her to loose confidence in our people, but they had great faith in what Bro. Steed said as he was considered a very good boy before he went away


August 1875


Sunday 1st August                                                                                             Gt Malvern


            Had a very good bed last night & rested better than I had done  for several nights. I went up to breakfast to sister Chamberlain a sister of bro Steed & who accompanied  over to Ridgeway Cross some 5 miles & we found bro Belliston & some of the Saints just starting to Brinster Commons we got into the house I took a wash & we started with them some 7 miles further. we anticipated some opposition today by what we had heard & seen enough a Mr. Williams who has attended every one of our meetings here was present & a lot of other rough young men who were smoking speaking & carrying on & after bro Steed had spoke Williams commenced to talk something about the Book of Mormon when I got up to speak he also spoke at the same time & some fellow who had come along with bro Ball commenced to argue with him & they drawed half the congregation around them I told Williams that his conduct was very unbecoming a man let alone a Christian & if he would only hold his peace until I was through he might then have the opportunity of saying what he had to but he thought he had a perfect right to speak on the Commons so I continued my remarks & many listened very attentively even with all the annoyance caused by him I was followed by Bro Belliston & also quite a number gave good audience to what he said. we then gave out a hymn & closed the meeting leaving Williams & his crowd we gave announcement that another meeting would be held there in a month from that day. we walked back to Acton Beauchamp & held another meeting in the open air when bro Belliston Steed & myself occupied the time. we had some 150 people at each of our meetings. one person a very respectable woman named Dala (Elizth) came up & gave her name for baptism. I believe some good will be done here yet eight having been baptized since I was here last 4 of which were rebaptisms. we got back to Ridgeway Cross about 9.30 having walked to day some 18 miles & preached ___[illegible] & felt well at night having done some good


Monday 2nd                                                                                          Ridgeway Cross


            Having been invited over to Bro Jonathan Davies at Bishops Froome some 4 miles off myself Elder Belliston Elizabeth Williams and Annie Hind went with us the former is engaged to bro James Davies We spent the day there with bro Davies found him to be a very fine old gentleman been with the Church from an early day was baptized by Elder Woodruff & has done a great deal of good in his day. He told me in the orchard that he had been rebaptized recently & wished me to reordain him which I did assisted by Elder JT Belliston & we also reconfirmed all former blessings sealed upon his head. We returned & held a meeting in the Old Shop myself & bro B occupied the time & the saints felt well I administered to sisters Susannah Covington [?] & Gibbons who were sick


Tuesday 3rd                                                                                                                  Wyche


            I walked over from Ridgeway Cross to this place distance some 5 miles found Elder Thomas Steed at James Chamberlain his brother-in-law about noon I had a lunch & then went with Bro Steed over the hill to Gt Malvern down to the Link & up to New Town walked all together this day 14 miles Mrs. Parry met us at the latter place & invited us to her house to get some bread & cheese & cider her husband died recently through an accident & was a very good member of the Church & since his death she feels inclined to join the Church. We called upon a Mr. Henry Jones Shoe Manufacturers pretty well to do at the Link & who used to be strong advocate of Mormonism some 30 years ago but professes now to be a Free Thinker. abandoned Mormonism because a promise as he said was pronounced upon the head of some man which he considered never were fulfilled & some such nonsense I talked in very plain language, & told him that I understood that once he used to preach Mormonism & testified of its truth & now he denies its truth that there must be something wrong somewhere & that he must surely be telling an untruth either that time or now. take whichever position he placed it placed him in an awkard dilema. he came out with us as far as the Link Station & hope to see me again he would like further talk with me & wished me to call any time & pass but never asked to eat any thing. I invited him & family up to the Wyche on Sunday next to our Camp Meeting. he promised he would surely come, Wrote Halliday & Jacob Miller


Wednesday 4th                                                                                                 Wyche


            After breakfast at bro Steed's sister where we slept last night. we went in search of a man named John Matthews of the British Camp a Farmer & on the way called at some house where we met with a Mrs. Lucy from Bristol visiting her mother-in-law. she is a Scripture reader with whom I had a conversation upon our doctrine she professed to be a member of the Church of England & she appeared to be a very stern member of that church but felt very much taken down after an hour's conversation with her & there was another woman next door neighbor who listened to all that we said  - & myself & bro Steed seemed to have made a strong impression upon them We found Matthews after a walk of some 5 miles got back to Chamberlain & found a little girl come for bro S stating that Elder Jacob Miller had arrived. We went down had a lunch of bread & cheese & cider & then we went down to Gt Malvern & back. Wrote Job Welling ____[?] him here for Sunday. Bro Miller arrived [?] Walked some 14 miles today Went into Gr Malvern old Abbey paid attendant 3pence which he accepted thankfully although there was a notice on the column inside prohibiting him from receiving money but all donations to be placed in a donation box. While being shown things the Church I saw a great big rat, I asked the attendant if it was possible that was a rat I observed run across & under the curtain where the surplices of the singers &c were hung he replied "very likely there are any amount of them here" he said we returned to the Wyche & put up at the Railway Inn Wrote bro Johnson of Hereford we would be there tomorrow


Thursday 5th                                                                                                     Hereford


            After breakfast myself & Elders Steed & Miller went to Wall Station 1 ½ miles & then 1 ½ miles in search of a bro: named Ireland, but could not find him  he being away so we continued our way to Ledbury some 5 miles further north [?] from there to Hereford at noon 15 miles 1/3 we reached Hereford at 12.30 went to bro Johnson's found no arrangement had been made for the Lecture Hall to secure it for certain neither had he engaged the Bell man to cry it, so we found it was too late for this evening to get anything of a congregation so we went over to the Bellman & bro Johson paid him 2/- for crying it twice at 7.30


Friday 6th                                                                                                         Hereford


            We attended the meeting & had a small audience of some 75 or 80 persons very respectable people who listened very assiduously throughout I arose with the view of introducing Elder Miller after we had sung & offered prayer but instead of introducing him I felt impressed to speak first myself & occupied some 35 minutes then introduced bro Miller who continued about 20 minutes & who was followed by bro Steed for some 15 minutes longer & we closed by singing the doxology & benediction by bro Thos Steed there were some who made some enquiries after the meeting was two very nice young men well behaved & of respectable birth who waited & detained us  30 minutes in the rooms & who followed us half a mile towards our lodgings asking great many questions & I gave them "the only way to be saved" with my address on it he said he would communicate with me further & they bid us good bye & hoped we would excuse the liberty they had taken in detaining us etc. Mrs. Johnson never made her appearance to us all day & I learned she felt like the devil because we went & held a meeting at the house where sister Hughes lived. on our arrival last night we found bro & sis Wellington & son from Ross had come on purpose to attend meeting & to save them their disappointment I proposed inasmuch as there were a good few of us even there present we would have held a meeting if we had a place to do so Mr. & Mrs. Weaver said we could come to stay in their house & welcome but the Wellington family had to return with the 8.35 train So [?] hey left & we had a very good little meeting Elder Steed Miller & myself occupying the time all of which it seems displeased her Majesty so bro: Johnson informed me etc. Went through the Cathedral today


Saturday 7th                                                                                                      Malvern


            Took train this a.m. 950 for Malvern Wells accompanied with Elders S & M called at Bro Steed's brother's house & then we went to the Link & called upon Sister Mary Ann Williams who is a member of the Church she has a mother & three sisters in the Valley her father named Firkins' died a faithful Latter-Day Saint. her husband who is considerably older than her is a very nice old gentleman they have 3 children one aged 22 a young man a boy 12 & little girl 8 very well behaved children found they are all anxious to emigrate & they think something of sending the oldest son this fall I wrote home to Hattie in answer to her s of the 13th of July & also to inform her of my release to return home with the next company. It turned out very wet & the prospect very bad for an out door meeting tomorrow returned to the Wyche & put up alone at the Railway Inn bro: Miller going over the hill with bro Steed & to get some letter which had arrived for him




Sunday 8th                                                                                                        Malvern


            Went over to Jas Chamberlain where Elders Steed & Miller was staying to breakfast stayed there to diner with them, laid on the bed for a couple of hours before dinner. then we all went down the Wyche to Malvern Commons where we met with the brethren from Ridgeway Cross & Elder Belliston at 230 we had a congregation of some 200 people many were acquainted with Elder Steed & anxious to hear from him prayer by Elder Belliston and I spoke _____[?] & occupied about 25 minutes followed by bro B for about the same length of time then bro: Steed for 20 minutes closed by prayer by bro Miller. While I was speaking one man who was little the worse for liquor grumbled a little while I denounced drunkeness who also was supported by the proprietor of the Railway Inn where I put up but they kind of redeemed themselves in the evening the one who was drunk came there with his wife & was very quiet &c 6.30 p.m. Meeting opened through prayer by Elder Steed then Elder Miller occupied about 20 minutes followed by bro S for 15 minutes & I closed with a sermon of some 30 minutes duration we had very good attention on the whole with the exception of a little grumbling from one young man who as I was afterwards informed was a policeman but dressed in a citizens attire & while I was treating upon the organization of the Church of Christ in the days of Jesus & showing the division which existed upon religious matters he yelled out "Wont you tell us which is the right church?" I replied the Church which has Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists Pastors & Teachers all inspired men to lead & guide it & for the work of the ministry and it would be useless to unite with those who denied the necessity of such men for the work of the ministry &c after the meeting I had a conversation with a very respectable gentleman who came up to me & asked me several questions & the Rev Mr. Richardson the parson of the Emanuel Evangelical Church of England (of Lady Huntington Trust) came & endeavored to lead him away from [?] as he distributed some little circular on "the way to be saved" & some songs The gentleman took a Testament out of his pocket with the name of T. Webber Smith he questioned considerable concerning Joe Smith (I said his name was not Joe but Joseph he begged my pardon & said well Joseph) polygamy, & whether Brigham Young was still living & if the Government had not put down polygamy yet &c all of which I answered the parson's wife also stood on the hill above us & listened to all who spoke A man named Ireland came up to me stated that he used to belong to the church years gone by & that he wished to be rebaptized I told him Elder Belliston would call upon him & baptize him


Monday 9th                                                                                                      Powick


            Myself & Elders Steed & Miller went up on the Worcester Beacon the highest hill from which they say 15 counties can be seen from the same on a fine clear day, - We then met with bro Belliston at the Wyche & started on foot for Powick to Bro: Jas Jones walked today about 9 miles called at sister Williams Link Common & Mr. Henry Jones Shoe Maker who used to preach Mormonism at an early day but manifested very little regard for us although he pressed on me to call upon him he did not even ask us to sit down, he had a bro named Peter Jones living at Goshen bro B knows him & we gave him his address reached Beauchamp Road about 6pm & we arranged for a meeting & Elder Belliston went & notified the neighbors we would preach at bro Jas Jones this evening at 8.30           In less than an hour after we had decided on having a meeting we had a house full of people several who stood on the outside I sung a hymn myself & Elder Belliston engaged in prayer & spoke for 40 minutes I followed him for 25 minutes and we had the best of attention throughout & they thank us for coming & I announced that we or some of us would come around occasionally & preach to them & would send word around they thank us very kindly & bid us good night & they all went away (with the exception of one named Lees who got up & went away before the meeting was over) all the others were highly delighted we closed our meeting five minutes after 10 o-clock After supper we administered to Annie Jones daughter of bro Jones who has been ill more or less for the last two years, not been able to attend school bro Belliston anointed her & I was mouth


Tuesday 10th                                                                                                   


            This morning Sister Jones related to me a circumstances concerning Elder Dye who was over here on a mission some few years ago & how he tried to seduce her daughter Polly  who is now married I have heard bad account of brother Dye before in Herefordshire, which confirms me that there is some truth in what they speak of him The young woman told her mother what he endeavored to do she was out visiting & did not come home until after the family had retired & bro Dye did not want to go to bed when they did but waited until Polly came home & he took her on his knee  & endeavored to take advantage of her, she told her mother to accuse him next time he came around right before her, but he never came any more  The young woman went out of the Church through it & has not been much account ever since                Walked to Worcester called at bro: Ball Bro Steed had been but had gone to see bro Miller off for London, I called at Mrs. Neal the above young woman daughter of sister Jones & waited until Elder Steed & neice came after staying about one hour I started for Birm calling at Sister Elton took from her 5 vols of the back Star in lieu of her Star debt some where about 12/- which I settled for her. Booked by Great Western by way of Dudley. laid over an hour or so & went up to sister Wedge had tea & took 6.20 for Hockley. found letters from my wives Hattie & Lavinia which both contained "good news from home"


Wednesday 11th                                                                                               Birmingham


            Called down to Town Post office, bro Spokes at Mrs. Ashton Aunt of bro Jno Worwood Engineer on the Utah Southern R Road Got lunch at Bull St. & went over to Webley's & Son to see about bro Heber John's rifle they promised it in two weeks ready. returned by way of Snow Hill Station to Hockley wrote several letters. three parcels of Star arrived


Thursday 12th                                                                                                   Birmingham


            After distributing the Stars & writing some few letters I went over to Spon Lane called upon bro Rock took a walk with him to the cemetery & back to bro & sis Booth who used to be in the Church he not being at home his wife seemed to be a good sort of woman but they fell back through some unwise words of bro: White. she promised they would come to meetings again. Bro Rock & myself walked to Smithwick he put 3/- in my hand & got me RR ticket to Monument Lane 3pence I attended meeting at Hockley there were some 8, or 10, of us present, some roughs outside endeavored to create a fuss throwing brick bats at the door &c


Friday 13th                                                                                                       Birmingham


            After writing several letters I went with Mr. Hadley  down to bro Spokes to see if the latter would give him a valuation upon his household things as he had made up his mind together with his wife to embrace the gospel & gather out with me in September. we stayed to tea with bro & sister Spokes. on our return we found bro VL Halliday having returned from Dudley


Saturday 14th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            I stayed in all day wrote my wife Lavinia also my bro: Elias & enclosed him my photo. wrote Elder Geo L Farrell promising to meet him at Brixworth on Thursday the 19th next. at 6.40 I went & met Elder Thomas Steed at New St met also with Miss Emma Barrington at the station gave her my photo which I had promised her some weeks ago & before I returned. Bro Steed & myself took cab for '26' and we both went down to Mrs. Wm Smiths Gt King St. & spent the evening had tripe supper bro: Halliday followed us there


Sunday 15th                                                                                                      Birmingham


            Baptized William Green of Syndon West Bromwich Staffordshire he used to be a local preacher with the Methodists, he attended our first meeting at W'Bromwich & afterwards attended every meeting since he was born at West Bromwich in 1835 Nov 12th     We had a very good meeting at 2.30 I ordained bro Thomas Rock an Elder & Elder Tho Steed confirmed bro: Green Elder Steed & myself occupied the time both afternoon & evening we had a very crowded meeting in the evening & several strangers presen. Mr. Hadley went down with us to chapel & stated that he was much pleased with what we had said. both him & his wife intend to be baptized & gather out this fall if possible some of the Saints came to '26' & we had some singing


Monday 16th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            I walked down to Cape Smithwick accompanied by Elder Stucki to see Mrs. Meadows, & to find out from her personally whether she inteded to emigrate or not, & she manifested not a very good spirit at first & told us she did not intend to go I asked the reason & she said that Mr. Meadows had not done right by her at all & neglected to write to her &c & that he stated there were plenty of housekeepers that he could get & that he had plenty women. he told her hold on sister Meadows your husband has no such things neither did he say any thing of the kind unless he might say it in a joke to stir you up to go there & that all the letters which I have seen from him were all good letters, I asked for to see what he said in the last letter concerning she showed us the letter & a better sentiment could not have been expressed by any man & it was quite the reverse to what she wished to convey viz. That he wanted no one but her to keep house for him that she was his first wife & wanted her to come. but on talking to her & telling her she had not done right by her husband she went into the Pantry & sobbed so we could hear her from the kitchen & I am inclined to believe that her husband's half brother who is living with her has much to do with the feeling she manifests & if she has not committed herself since her husbands departure I shall be happily disappointed in the matter I have been suspicious of her for some time. she told us she would call upon me at '26' tomorrow & tell me what she intended to do she promised to attend to it by 10 o-clock as I wanted to go out. We walked from there to Soho Station & booked to Spon Lane had dinner with bro Rock & we walked to Oldbury Station & booked for Dudley went to see sister Rowley about her emigration matter - & from there to the Castle grounds where we had a fine tea party & the folks enjoyed themselves very much in singing recitation & games we also went on the Tower & had a very good view of the surrounding country. we returned to Birm with 9.05 train to Monument Lane Sta. Elder Wm Barton came there


Tuesday 17th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            I started Elder Steed for London with 11.20 Midland to St. Pancras Station. When I returned Elder Barton was in also his sister-in-law Mrs. Bailey. she invited me up tomorrow to dinner. attended council, at Hockley Elder Barton accompanied us who spoke for half an hour


Wednesday 18th                                                                                               Birmingham


            Wrote several letters, one to Chas Meadows of Salt Lake concerning his wife here who refuses to emigrate  Went & made a purchase of some £4.16.3 of hardware for my wives & then took omnibus for Lozzells to Mr. & Mrs. Bailey & spent the afternoon with them & bro Barton their brother-in-law            In the evening Miss Boclair (a friend of Mr. & Mrs. Hadley) she is reporter for Geo: Dawson's chapel & a young man Tom Wolf a relative of theirs came & spent the evening with us Elders Halliday and Mr. L Watkin (of Brigham City now on a visit) also present. We arranged for them to come again in about 8 or 10 days


Thursday 19th                                                                                                   Brixworth


            We took (myself & bro Halliday) train from Birm to Brixwoth had to lay over an hour & a half at Blisworth reached this place about 5.30 did not meet with Elder Farrell as we expected however as bro F had given out an appointment for an out door meeting we had gone to the appointed place & commenced meeting which was opened through singing & prayer by Elder Halliday singing again & Elder Saml Littledike was speaking when Elder Farrell arrived and also followed bro: Littledike we had a congregation of some 30 people & the monument upon which  the speakers stood was literally covered with children we closed through a hymn sung by bro & sis Littledike & children & benediction by Elder Hallida. my cold has incurred much on me since I left Brim being too hoarse to take any active part in the proceedings as I would desire. and was much pleased to see bro: F come up when I did. We went to lodge at the Coach & Horses paid fare Birm & Brix worth 4/6 ½


Friday 20th                                                                                                       Brixworth


            Felt quite unwell all day my cold being still bad. I laid in bed most of the afternoon, & Elders Farrell & Halliday went out for a walk, In the evening I went with Elders Farrell & Halliday & Littledike over to Spratton & held meeting & Elders Halliday & Farrell preached I closed by benediction a man named Wm Butler interrupted immediately after the close of bro Halliday's discourse I told him to please be still until after we close the meeting. Then he commenced to harangue & persuade the people to have nothing to do with the Latter day-Saints and he was sure if they read the Scriptures they would not become Latter-day-Saints. I then [?] stopped him & told him we had no time to listen to him preach an hour's sermon I thought he wanted to ask some questions. I informed him & the audience that we had several miles to walk to our lodgings, the audience was not at all pleased with his interference & the people bid good night we walked away & Butler quit speaking. He said he never had been a Mormon never would be worlds without end. (I had a hard job from saying Amen)


Saturday 21st                                                                                                    Northampton


            We walked today from Brixworth about 7 miles called at bro Challis had tea & then we went out to Mr. Marks son of ____[?] Marks of Salt Lake City who treated us very kindly & told us that two of us could sleep & stay at his house so we accepted of his kind offer went over to Sister Shaw's left bro Halliday there & myself & bro Farrell went to Challis for our satchels. Bro Halliday came to Mr. Marks & related to us the ill treatment he had received at the hands of Mr. Mead who came into the room in which he was in Sister Shaw's house & commenced to damn & curse & ordered him out of the house that he did not want any damned Mormon there bro H paid no particular attention to him but looked him smilingly in the face & Mead came to him pushed over from the arm chair right over threatening him if ever he caught him in that house again he would kill him he replied he was invited there by the those who owned the house so that he would continue to come there until they prohibited him    Mead is only a tenant in the back kitchen & it was his impudence to speak & act as he did Sister Shaw was present & saw bro H knocked over & Mead used abusive language to her for interfere in the matter. About 9.30 Mr. & Sis Show came to Mr. Marks to see brother Halliday & find out also from him as well as from his wife & he invited us to call when we please stated that he was not a Mormon but that we were welcome to his house. Sister Shaw invited us to dinner. Mr. S said that he intended to go out of Town but that would make no difference for us to come


Sunday 22nd                                                                                                     Northampton


We agreed [?] to have held three meetings Monday one on the Race Course in the morning with the Saints in the afternoon and [?] somewhere else in the evening. so we were taken by bro: Challis down to the Cow Meadow & found there a Mr. Barber Lecturer for the Bible defence Association occupying our portion & some secularist about 50 yards off making redicule of the Bible Miracles &c so we considered it a very inappropriate place to hold meetings as it would only cause contention & the clans who were present were of that kind we listened a while to both speakers & then we took a stroll around Town to look for the best place to hold meetings. we went to the Market Square & from there to the Race Course we decided that the latter place would be the best about 6.30 so we held Saints meeting at the house of bro Challis some 10 of us in all we had very good little meeting Elders Halliday Farrell myself & brother Littledike occupied the time, also bro Challis spoke for a few minutes I went & laid down for an hour or so & then we went to the Race Course & found a splend place a bench there with several ladies sitting on it & mounted the bench & gave out the hymn "We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet" & we sung it pretty good Elders Farrell & Halliday being good singers & I could join a little although laboring under a severe cold. I engaged in prayer and by the time I was through there was quite a respectable audience ____[?] Elder Farrell spoke _____[?] & occupied some 45 minutes had very good attention & brother Halliday followed for about 15 minutes then gave out notice that if there were any present who desired to learn further of our doctrine they might procure some of our tracts at Mr. Alfred Challis 71 Gt Russell St. - We again sung & prayer by Elder Littledike had supper at Mr. Jno R Marks Ethel St. were myself & Elder Farrell also lodged


Monday 23rd                                                                                                    Northampton


            We went to Sister Shaw to breakfast & met there with Elder Halliday but luckily we did not see Mr. Mead (her son in law) who had yesterday threatened to kill bro H if ever he came there again, we thought we would give him a chance to do some killing but he was to work up stairs in the factory. we met with his brother when we first went in who started out as we arrive he is on a visit from London, I understood that Mr. Shaw gave him to understand if he could not behave himself he should look out for a house for himself. We went up to Challis. & from there to Jno R Marks' to dinner then myself & bro Farrell went to witness the first great Bicycle Contest & fete in connection with the Northampton "Star" Bicycle Club which was carried on under the patronage of the Right Hon the Earl Spencer K.G. P Phillips Esq M.P. &c there were 16 heats advertized to run. but 15 races viz. 7th J Keen late of Surbiton who is the champion of England run against W Wilson of Northampton. G Owens of Birmingham the champion ____[?] from scratch the former 170 yards & the latter 125 yards from scratch, Owen came out winner & the champion almost ___[?] with him. The 9th & 10th runs which were thrown into one was very interesting to see them pass each other so often so it was impossible to tell who would win it was a tight race between J Letts of Northampton J Potter same place won by the former by a very few inches. The last heat between J Robinson (Northampton) Green 180 yards H Flear (Derby) orange 190 yards G Thusillett (Paris) Blue 30 yards & A Keen (London) brother of the champion) Red 230 yards, the tire of Robinsons large wheel came off as he went round the sharp curve which tossed him over head over heels bicycle & all. A Keen came out winner but a few inches ahead of the Frenchman although he had 200 yards the start with Mile Handicap was run in 3 minutes & 4 seconds.

Myself & bro Farrell enjoyed ourselves very much the weather was very fine and pretty good order throughout did not see any person drunk nor any betting, cards were posted prohibited betting &c 5.30 we left for the Midland station & reached Wellington at 7.36 paid 11 ½ d RR fare found Mr. Henry Fowler who received us very kindly. about 10 o-clock he took the Bible & read a portion of the 20th chapter of St. John & then called upon me to pray which I did I had a hard struggle however he groaning Methodist style & saying "praise the Lord" "Amen" &c He gave a hearty Amen at the close of my prayer on behalf of the authority of the Kingdom of God which very much amused Elder Farrell. so we returned at an early hour and was not kept up by him as he said to when I was here before


Tuesday 24th                                                                                                    Wellington


            We had a good nights rest last night the 'parson' & his wife were having breakfast in the kitchen when we came down to the parlour, he brought us our shoes, he read some scripture in the kitchen after their breakfast & then we had breakfast with the young man who clerks in the store after them

The parson told me that Jno Barson said he would kill me the first time he had a chance he had been on the spree for the last week ever since he heard I was coming because I cut him off from the church. I went over to his house & he was working in the adjoining room I walked I to see him and said Well Jno Barson how do you do Oh how are you said he & we shook hands as hearty as ever although he did not look me in the face. After dinner at Mr. Fowler we called by sister Pearson's & walked over to the station & booked for Higham Ferrus & walked to Stanwick some two miles distance Myself & bro Farrell put up at a Mr Chas Baker. at 7.30 we held a meeting at the Gate of Mr. Bush a gentlemans' residence in Stanwick we had quite an audience of some 50 persons there were great many who listened whom we could not see as there were many houses in the hollow we had very good attention with the exception of one drunken body the people assisted us in the singing I occupied some twenty minutes & Elder Farrell about the same time we gave out another meeting for tomorrow evening. closed by prayer Halliday.


Wednesday 25th                                                                                               Stanwick


            We slept last night at Mr. Bakers. Elder Farrell this morning we two walked through Rounds & to the station some two miles further & back to Stanwick by dinner a distance of 7 miles Rounds I learned after I returned to Stanwick was the native place of Jno & Timothy Adams also Jno: X Smith of Cedar City Iron County who have friends there now.

Bro Farrell & myself had dinner at Sister Clarks her husband is dry old customer & he used to abuse her very much & would not allow her to go to any meetings nor read of our book but is some better now except when he takes a fit. Mrs Clark & her daughter Martha Elizabeth (Lizzie) are the only saints in this village There are several here on the eve of being baptized. Mr Wakeling & wife Mr Baker & wife also Mrs Bakers father who used to be in the church & an Elder & used to preach around this neighborhood some 12 or 15 years ago. We had some good music & singing at Mr Clark until a late hour also some sharp talk with Mr Clark he hardly knows what he believes in

We had a very good attendance this evening of people and they gave good hearing at the close a Mr Sharman asked the priviledge of asking a question I replied yes Sir after we dismiss so after prayer by Elder Halliday. I gave my friend an opportunity so he remarked You seemed to lay a great deal of stress upon the ordinance of baptisms & wished to know if I considered the 3000 on the day of pentecost had been baptized. I replied yes sir, for we read that Peter told them had to do to be saved Repent and be pledged every one of you &c and we read that the 3000 were added to the church that day & of course they had to comply with the apostle's command. There was another man an infidel named Shrives present who we afterwards learned through a servant girl of a Public House where he had been drinking the most of the afternoon that he intended to have a squabble with the Mormons at night. He said that Peter could not have baptized that many people in one day. I replied I do not suppose myself that he alone baptized them all Well says he the twelve apostles could not do it. I answered the scriptures did not inform us how many were engaged in administering that sacred ordinance to them any further they were added to the church. There were seventy other apostles & then another seventy ordained who could assist in the great work

Then they brought up the thief on the cross I explained to them that the thief was not saved neither did go to heaven he went to the spirit world where Jesus also went & preached to the spirits in prison who were once disobedient in the days of Noah the infidel said that was not in the scriptures, Oh yes said the reformed Wesleyan it is in Peter Well then says I that is where the thief went with Jesus. A Mr Bass followed us to express his gratitude for the light thrown upon the subjects of the thief on the Cross, & stated it was made very plain to him but never had seen it in that light before we talked together for half an hour & there were quite a crowd around I procured a copy of the voice of Warning to lend Mr Bass also one for another young man & gave them each only way to be saved. very good feeling existed we went into Mr Bakers house & sat a while & the first thing we knew Mrs Baker was preparing to be baptized so Elders Farrell & myself & Halliday went with her husband one way & sister Clark & her daughter Lizzie went another way with Mrs B to the Meadows & about 12.30 bro Halliday baptized her & I confirmed her at her own house assisted by Elders Farrell & Halliday We three slept together at Mr Bakers there are quite a number in the village who are likely to obey the gospel soon Sister Clark has a sister in the 16th ward married to one Perkins her former husbands name was Timson. Mr Clark wanted I should be sure to remember him kindly to Jno X Smith his old schoolmate


Thursday 26th                                                                                                   Norton


            We walked 2 miles from Stanwick to Higham Ferrus. Station booked for Wellingborough went up to Mr Fowler had dinner there bid them good buy also Barsons & Pearsons took train for Weedon at 325 had to wait at Blisworth Junction 2 hours reached Weedon at 6.15 walked 4 miles to Norton reached there at 7.30 and we preached on the square to about 30 people bro Halliday spoke about 20 minutes & I followed for about 30 & we had very good hearing. we put up at brother Ballard.


Friday 27th                                                                                                       Birmingham


            We walked from Norton to Crick 4 miles caught 11.30 train reached R? at 12 o-clock called upon Sister Harriet Smith who was glad to see us & she thinks something of emigrating this season. Elder VL stopped at Coventry & came on to Birmingham. In the afternoon I went over to Barr St to Mr Barrington & we went out for a walk together Bro Belliston came in about 9.30 who had been in Birmingham since Tuesday


Saturday 28th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Spent most of the day in the house went down to Weaman St to Weblys to see about Heber John's gun & was told they could not get it ready for me in a week I spoke rather strong to them for disappointing me they ought to have let me know in time so I could get it made somewhere else, then they promised me it would be ready two week today sure. I told them I should depend upon having it sure. Bro Belliston went to Halesowen & bro Halliday arrived from Coventry


Sunday 29th                                                                                                      Birmingham


            Attended Hockley meeting at 230 had splendid good meeting I spoke ten minutes bro Halliday spoke before me. 6.30 Elder Halliday spoke for 35 minutes I followed for 45 min & we had good audience & several strangers present. Recd letters from Hattie Lavinia & Bp RT Burton


Monday 30th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Went up to see Mrs Meadows this morning saw her & all the family also Bro Meadows' half brother who lives with them she said she did not wish to go this year, but Louisa said she would go. I promised her I would pay her way to Liverpool & get her tin ware &c in Liverpool. Wrote several letters one to Bro Burton one to Richard one to sis Barbara &c Went to bro Spokes to dinner & from there we went to the children's party & had a splendid time together & everybody seemed to enjoy themselves in various kind of games swing dancing one cottelion as they had a violin & Bass Viol present returned by way of bro Bench home


Tuesday 31st                                                                                                     Birmingham


            Went with Elder Belliston to Barr Street to Mr Barrington spent all the afternoon & we had quite a talk with an old gentleman Mr Rawlings an old batchelor a baptist who said that he had been expelled from that society because he could not agree with them in their extreme views & ideas concerning "hell fire & damnation" so he said he was a seeker after truth but it was difficult to make an impression upon him as regards the necessity of baptism, still he acknowledged the consistency of our doctrine we preached to him for 1 ½ hours returned to "26" & spent part of the evening in the company of Mr Eccleson a friend of Mr Hadley we had some music on the guitar by bro Halliday & Mr E sung few songs &c we then went to the Council.


September 1875


Wednesday Sept 1st                                                                                         Birmingham


            Wrote all morning & then went over to SponLane 4 miles from Hockley. spent the afternoon with bro Thomas Rock his Mother in law & her sister Miss Elizabeth Smith were present. we all went for a walk after dinner to the Cemetery & I had quite an interesting chat with the old maid & she felt very pleasant & agreeable. we returned to tea. called at bro: Genge a man came in to see me to ask about a family in the Valley bro Joseph Hall of Ogden married one of the daughters. gave him bro H's address. We took grain from Spon Lane to Bir 8.56 bro: Rock paid the far & also gave me 2/6.


Thursday 2nd                                                                                                     Birmingham


            Attended to some writing in the morning & then went to the Waterworks to settle for the water bill found that they had increased the rate 100%

Was invited to dinner to Mr Rotheram His wife is a member of the church Mr R's sister was present who is a devout Methodist to whom I preached for an hour or more also her sister younger than her came to tea. Miss Rotheram believed in baptism by immersion as the proper mode & she told me that she had been baptized. I asked by whom Oh she said our minister went with me to a Baptist minister & arranged with him to baptize me, Y yet you belong to the Methodist do you says I she smiled & saw the inconsistency of it I explained to her that it is quite as necessary that the man who officiates in that holy ordinance should be called by God as men formerly were called & as Paul says "No man taketh this honor unto himself but he that is called as was Aaron"                     I returned to "26" & made arrangement to go & baptized Thomas Hadley & wife at Hockley  Chapel after we had got through & gone into the chapel. Samuel Gould son of sister Gould came in & I told him if you had been in half an hour sooner you might have seen something & be in time yourself "Well, said why ain't I now, What hindereth me from  being baptized? nothing" said I "if thou believest then request I believe said he so we went into the vestry he put on bro Hadley's wet shirt on & I put on my wet garment & pants & baptized him"

Thos Hadley was born at Birmingham Oct 7 1848 baptized by RV Morris & confirmed by VL Halliday Eliza Jane his wife born at Huddersfield Yorkshire Nov 15 1846 baptized by RVM  & also confirmed same evening in the meeting by myself. Samuel Gould born in Birmingham                                 baptized & confirmed same evening by RVM  returned to "26" Tenby having had a good meeting


Friday 3rd                                                                                                         Birmingham


            Received news from Prest Jos F Smith of the death of Prest Geo A Smith who died 2 or 3 days ago as per telegraph received. settled some bills & went down with bro Halliday & bro Bench & I went to sis Griffiths & had quite an interesting time with her & her sister Eliz Smith took tea with them


Saturday 4th                                                                                                      Birmingham


            Done some purchases around Town bought some ]at Bp Lents' brothers establishment saw his bro & had a little chat with him    Met Elder W H Maughan at 5 o-clock who came to succeed me in the providences of the Birmingham Conf we rode in a cab to 26 Tenby Street & then we went down to New St & took the omnibus for sis: Goulds where we spent the evening very interestingly & had some music & singing had supper there.


Sunday 5th                                                                                                        Birmingham


            Having received letter from Prest Jos F Smith concerning the Rowbury family not having enough to take them away & to see them if the had the balance on hand besides the $228 in possession of bro: Stains at N.Y. I run over & found she had a draft on L.pool office for £28.1.5 which would nearly make enough to take them through I sent the draft to Prest Smith also bro Jukes' letter recommending left in case they needed £5 or £6 stayed in Dudley the afternoon meeting & had very good meeting & spoke about 35 minutes gave the saints some good advice to enconomize their limited means & gather out with the saints as soon as possible Took 4.25 train for Hockley & went straight to Wm Smith Gt King St attended Hockley meeting in the evening preached for 45 minutes Elder Maughan preferred not to speak but that he would bear testimony which he did for some 15 minutes there was quite a good congregation & excellent attention paid bro: Maughan stated it was the best meeting he had been to since he came to England we returned to Wm Smiths to supper sister Brooks gave me 5/-


Monday 6th                                                                                                      Great Barr


            Took train from New St for this place in company with Elder Maughan Halliday & Rock the latter paid for our tickets & we walked 1 ¼ mile to sister Rowley there we found sister Mountford, Tait, young Mrs Mountford John Robinson & his Mother in law & bro Genge & family & we had splendid time laughing & singing & playing ____[?] in the field jumping &c with dancing in the evening in the house bro: Halliday playing the violin sis Tait handed me 2/- sis Mountford 1/-


Tuesday 7th                                                                                                      Birmingham


We all took train from Gt Barr for New St on arriving at "26" found quite a bunch of letters one requesting my attention in Dudley so bro: Maughan & myself went with 1.0.5 spent the afternoon with sister Wedge after tea we went to the Castle grounds & from there with 740 to Hockley for council sister Wedge made me take 7/6 being the proceeds of the tea party & she would not take no for an answer. she also handed me 2/- herself We had very good council spoke for 20 minutes also bro Maughan spoke after me for 15 minutes.


Wednesday 8th                                                                                     Birmingham

Very busy all day made some purchases of table cloths &c blanket for travelling & other chores called at sister Harding had tea there


Thursday 9th                                                                                                     Birmingham


            After distributing stars &c went down Town called at sister Starmer who gave me as is customary with her when the Elders return home £1.0.0 I returned to "26" wrote a little & went down with sister Gould to the chapel & baptized ____Phillips aged ____she was born at __________ wife of Wm Phillips I also confirmed her baptized at the same time Hannah ______ daughter of sister Moore aged______ born at ______who was confirmed by WH Maughan. also Annie Holding young girl adopted to Sarah Holding aged 8 years who was confirmed by JT Belliston. we had a testimony meeting also Elders Maughan & myself occupied a few minutes each.


Friday 10th                                                                                                       Birmingham


Attended to some  chores & made a few purchases accompanied by Bp Maughan, we run over to Wolverhampton together & had dinner at Mr Walsh's found the Gould family there we went with them down to the race course Mr Walsh paid our fee to go on the side stand returned to Birmingham early in the evening.


Saturday 11th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Making up accounts to transfer over to my successor bro: Maughan arranged matters for District meeting. Met Elder Hanham at New St Station 8.30 Prest Jos F Smith not being able to attend on acct of Elder Carrington being expected in tomorrow night with sister Carrington & son Calvin.


Sunday 12th                                                                                                      Birmingham


            At 10.30 attended meeting in St James Hall Snow Hill there were quite a turn out for a morning meeting Elders Belliston & Hanham occupied the time.

2 p.m. Meeting again convened Elders Halliday Maughan & Hanham spoke.

6 p.m. The speakers were Elder Hanham & myself, the Hall was very full and we had a splendid time. The proprietors of the Hall remarked our gatherings were as respectable as they ever had. We had some £2 & odd collection which I charged to collection a/c


Monday 13th                                                                                                    Birmingham


            Turned over all books & papers Cash on hand & accounts to Elder Maughan the assets being some 8£ odd in excess of liabilities. Done all my packing today went over as requested to Mr Barrington who made up a parcel of rules for me & him & his daughter Emma went with me & Bp Maughan to the Saints Concert at Hockley Chapel we had a very good Concert & closed about 10.30. after I returned to "26" Tenby I finished pack my things ready for morning. there were several people present to bid us good bye Went to bed about 1.30 a.m.


Tuesday 14th & 15th                                                                                         Liverpool


            We took train from New Street at 8.50 a.m. for Lpool where we arrived at 12 noon Elder Barton & Bockholt met us Elders Maughan went with the Saints to the ship in Sandon Dock while I went & procured the tickets from the office about 5 p.m. I went down to the ship stayed on board all night at 11 a.m. Prest Smith Carrington & Lady, Lyman & several other Elders came on board & we set sail. The following Elders are on board as returning missionaries. Prest Jos F Smith FM Lyman BH Watts PO Hansen Even Torgeson & John Burrows who has been laboring in the Lpool Office. also the following Elders who have been over here on visits - WL Watkins John Robinson Jno Dewsnap John Wardrobe WC Parker Daniel Jones J W. McKay - & myself making in all 243 souls including 2 stewarts Thos Hadley & sis Limb. Just as we were ready to sail Prest Carrington introduced me to Capt Price as the Prest of the Company to my great astonishment. We left the Mersey about 11.30 a.m. had fine beautiful weather all the afternoon & fair wind at Holyhead we passed the "Erin" of the National line which had left Lpool about an hour ahead of us


Thursday 16th                                                                                                   Queenstown


            Reached here this morning at 6.30 having had the quickest passage ever made by any of the Guion Boats before we had to wait two hours for the mail & then we set out with fair wind & smooth sea met this day the Hibernia & Montana steamers made good headway all day some few of the saints were sick this afternoon While taking my walk on deck this pm Capt Price walked with me & asked me if the ship's Doctor had insulted me today I replied no that I had had no words with him at all. he asked if he did not go down with me to see a sick child & when they had taken the child on deck he said I might go to hell. I said never said any such thing to me I replied that the woman had to go on deck while the were cleaning below & that was the reason the Dr could not see the child, he said then that he could not hunt for her all day. I told him he need not do so but that I would hunt her up & bring her to him Well said he "I might not be in all day" The Captain thought he had not said such a thing although he the Dr himself told him right before the ladies & he reproved him for using such language before the ladies (the Captns sisters) I afterwards noticed him pretty tight after did prayers with stenographers


Friday 17th


            We made good time last night had a very interesting conversation with the Captns two sisters today on eof them was very sick & assisted her around a little they are Welsh people from Newport Monmouthshire & they felt perfectly astonished when I told them I was Welsh I gave them quite a history of our people in Utah and answered great may questions to them this afternoon I had a little touch of sea sickness through being so much among the sick down in the steerage towards evening I was all right. I went and administered to a little child in the steerage who was very bad with the bowel complaint had very good night's rest & felt all right.


Saturday 18th


            Had good weather all night although the ship rocked considerable & great many of the people sick. assisted all I could among the sick this morning & routed them out of beds & get them on deck all I could. the Captain stewarts being extremely good & obliging & told me _____[?] anything I wanted I could get when they were sick ____[?] it ? this morning at 10 a m we passed one of the White Star steamers going to Lpool it was supposed to be the Gernamic sailing finely. We made 320 knots today.


Sunday 19th


            Made a good run last night. the weather today being a little more boisterous yet fine at 2 pm we held a meeting on deck for part. Elders Squire & Jos F Smith addressed the audience who listened with mark attention there being about 70 gentile emigrants who with some of the Crew and a good turn out of the Saints made quite a large audience. Also bro Hansen (PO) addressed the Scandinavians  - & we had a very good meeting. The Captns two sisters were present and expressed themselves much pleased with the services. The vessel rocked considerable this evening which made several of the people worse. Bro Reeve of Leeds appeared as tho he would die he gave himself up so we moved him along side the Engine where it was warm & after he was warmed up moved him to his bed.


Monday 20th


            Very windy all night which caused the ship to rock very much & tumbled things about in every direction. at 7 a.m. attended to prayer was mouth most of the Elders were sick. It remained very windy most of the day & the ship. considerably & many of the  people sick. We however had it tolerably fine towards evening when we amused ourselves in a game of quoits on the deck Attended prayer with the passengers below at 7 o-clock


Tuesday 21st    


            Had pretty good weather all night & made a run of 302 miles by noon today. We saw this morning a most beautiful sight & ever beheld an ice-berg like a good size island towering much higher than the top of our masts out of the ocean It was some 2 ½ miles away from us & we could see it plainly with the naked eye but most beautiful through the Mariner glasses of Prest Jos F Smith. Capt Jos B Price said at the dinner table it was the grandest iceberg he ever beheld. It greatly amused the people. the weather today is pretty fine but cold. the people mostly getting better of their sea sickness I handed Mr D Dineen Chief Stewart half a sovereign which the Elders donated with myself for his generosity towards the sick whenever I have asked for any thing he has invariably  procured for them such things as they fancied. Myself & Prest Smith played a few games of chess & also taught the Misses Price the Captains sisters how to play  about 11 o-clock ship time this evening we had a breakdown circulating pump rod broke which delayed us some two hours we had very calm & fine night of it. run 302 miles


Wednesday 22nd


            Very fine & calm this morning about 7 o-clock the rod broke again & detained us four or five hours. It being very fine we had play at quoits & shuffle boards to pass the time away. run since yesterday noon 230 miles


Thursday 23rd


            Fine day people feeling well hardly any sickness. We amused ourselves in various games on the deck The Inman Steamer "City of Berlin" passed us which was some 2 miles distant north of us.


Friday 24th


            Very fine weather but not able to put full speed on owing to the breakage of the circulating pump rod.


Sunday 26th


            Reached the Bar about 2 o-clock am we landed at Pier 46 about 9 o-clock am altho only cabin Passengers were permitted to go ashore several of us Elders went out up Town Pres Joseph F Smith & Elder FM Lyman too train for the West this evening we paid to get some things by the brethren paid the Customs House officers some money for letting their things go by


Monday 27th


            Very busy went up to ____[?] with Bp John Sharp who introduced ____[?] respectable House where I exchanged the money of the company & returned as soon as possible to Castle Garden to the people we had some little difficulty in passing a sack of clothing forwarded by Elder D McKenzie in charge of john Wardrobe who acted very unwise in persisting to get the sack passed in spite of the officers it cost us $44.60 gold duty which was paid by bro W.C. Staines. At 3 o-clock our luggage were all sent to Pier No 1 & we all went on board the Ferry boat at 4 o-clock & started for ____[?] City about 6.30 pm with 8 Cars Including the one given expressly for my own use & three of my friends who I saw proper to invite with me ____[?] reached Pittsburgh great many strangers would mix in with us I arranged with the station master there that no one be picked up so all that were on board of our train were left at Pittsburgh to await the regular emigrant train and we got along very well with the captain if a straggler occasionally that would try & steal a ride which we managed pretty well to get rid of by sending them to the Conductor's Caboose between Pittsburgh & Columbus a breaksman who was seen loitering around near sister Atkinson (Stanger) ____[?] stole her satchel containing her gold Watch, ring, some £13 sterling & her small things. he also stole a hat from bro McKay & left his old one on the seat I telegraphed Mr Joseph Miller Dir Supt at Richmond who promised he would do all he could to recover the same. At  Columbus Ohio bro Reeves & Son were left behind they went up Town to purchase provisions. this same brother had refused to join to purchase provisions together I told him then that they would be left behind but he thought he could manage it I telegraphed for them to be sent by Express I left a couple of tickets at a station for them so they caught up with us in a day or two


Thursday 31st [30th]

            We reached Omaha, there were great preparations for the reception of Gen (Prest) Grant & suite who were on their way West We left Omaha about 11 o-clock. Grant passed us at Luck on the Platte near Columbus Neb. He again returned having been to Salt Lake City & passed us at ____[?] on his way East


October 1875


Tuesday 5th


We reached Ogden City this morning about 6 o-clock am have collected money of the people to pay for overfreight of 1800 lbs @ 4.00 per lb. I went & settled for the same at the Freight office. several of the Saints stopped at Ogden & some four Cars of them went down to Salt Lake City with the regular train at 9.40 a.m. reached Salt Lake depôt at noon there were a great crowd of people to meet us & we had a warm reception Prest Joseph F Smith & others came up to Ogden to meet the Company.

            I left Elder Arch  McFarlane in charge of the luggage to distribute what belonged to those emigrants going North & forward balance to Salt Lake. I found Hattie my wife & the children tolerably well but great change in little Burtie's look specifically & little Victor I should not of known. I went down & found Lavinia tolerably well but very thin. returned up town.


Wednesday 6th


            Was very busy all morning distributing luggage to Emigrants on the Temple block got through pretty much by noon & collected some $16 or $17.00 RR fare from Ogden to the City of those who had not paid & took over to Utah Central office. I attended conference this afternoon & Prest Smith met me as I went in through the gate & made me go up with him on the stand. Elders Lyman, myself, Squires & Cannon occupied the time there was a large congregation the largest I ever address and the first time in my life from that stand - conf adjd 10 o-clock tomorrow


Thursday 7th


            I attended Conference all day several more of the returning Missionaries addressed the same


Friday 8th


            Attended Conference all day several of the Twelve spoke and very good feeling prevailed


Saturday 9th


            Attended Conference morning & afternoon & Priesthood meeting in the evening in the Old Tabernacle which was addressed very interestingly by Elders Taylor Cannon Wells & Woodruff upon the principles of the United Order & the laws of the same were read


Sunday 10th


Attended Conference all day. this evening after the afternoon meeting Elder FM Lyman & wife also Elder Champneys, Thos Hadley & wife came & took supper with us conference adjourned this day until 6th day of April next to meet in the New Tabernacle


Worked around my house until

Tuesday 19th

            When I was taken very sick with pain in my head kind of chilly & feverish troubled with catarrh in my head. My wife Hattie waited upon me hand & foot I was not able to move out of my room


Thursday 21st


            My wife gave a lobilia emitic which did not effect me any more than to throw up just what warm drinks I had taken never "the bile"

I was very sick until Sunday 24th when my bro Elias called to see me also Bro RT Burton they administered to me & I felt much better


Monday 25th


            My wife gave me a Tartar emitic which had its effect in less than half an hour & I throwed up some 2 quarts of pure bile & I began to feel better but felt very weakly & was not able to get out of my room until Saturday the 30th


Wednesday 30th


            Elias came up again & invited my down to his house & promised to send his Buggy after me so I & Hattie went & spent the afternoon there called on the way at Douglas Swan's returned early in the evening it was several days before I was able to be around & when I got a little stouter I worked round the lot straighten things up a little & cleaning around Went several times down Town to enquire for work but failed at every place where I made enquiries


Monday Nov 15


            Capt Hooper sent little Sidy to ask me to come down & do some writing for him so I went & commenced at 9 o-clock worked until after 6 o-clock pm


Tuesday 16th


            About 6 o-clock or ½ past this morning there was a quite a fire down town which proved to be Hussey's New Bank & adjoining store or two which were burnt entirely down. The Deseret National managed to get all their Books & papers &c out of the building while the house in flames in roof & upper stories

            Worked all day at Capt Hoopers until 5.30


Wednesday 17th


            Writing at Capt W.H. Hoopers until 5.30 Went to Lavinia's


Thursday 18th


            Worked at W.H. Hoopers until 5 o-clock very wet all day.


Friday 19th & Saturday 20th


            Worked for W.H. Hooper. Received of him $30


Hunted for work until


Dec 6th             called at City Hall Bro Winder told me there was $46 taxes against me which had accrued while I had been absent for last 2 yrs on my mission & that I could have the privilege of working them out on the City Water Works. My son Aneurin commenced to work it this day


Dec 23rd


            Commenced to keep books for Day & Co at the rate of $90 per month with a promise of an increase of salary if business justified in giving more with a  discount of 8 % on all goods bought




Monday Jan 10th


            Discharged while having a stool about 3 feet of Tape worm


Wednesday Jan 12


            Went on business for Day & Co to Spanish Fork to see one of Debtors who had failed in business.


Monday Jan 17


            Procured some medicine from Dr EL Plant who had promised to cure me for $5.00 who told me to bring him the Tape worm tomorrow morning attended Council Chamber 2 o-clock to 5 p.m.


Tuesday Jan 18


            Having come home straight from the Legislature last evening for the purpose of taking my worm medicine took it as directed by Dr Plant ½ of the medicine about 6 pm & the other half at 12 o-clock at night took ____[?] oz of Castor oil in an hour afterwards but no Tape worm made its appearance Stayed in all day to day with a note to Geo J Taylor & one to DL Davis to apologize for non attendance


June 1st 1876


            Was engaged as clerk by Supt Jno Sharp of the Utah Central RR in the Machine Department where I have served until the present time June 30, 1877 having spent very little at anything with the exception of clerking and recording back minutes of the High Priest Quorum, several years minutes being turned over to me when appointed clerk of the Quorum which had not been recorded by the former clerk. Father Hezekiah Mitchell, also two years minutes accumulated during my absence on my mission to Europe attended High Priest Quorum 2 p.m.


July 1st 1877


Attended circle meeting at noon, after non meeting in the Tabernacle Elders Albert Carrington and Orson Pratt preached.


July 2nd


            Office all day, attended meeting of the Organization of the 19th Ward at 7 p.m. present Prest DH Wells, O Pratt, Angus Cannon Prest of the Stake & Councillors.

            After meeting was commenced Bro Asper came down from the stand and invited me up the Bishop desired me to go Prest Wells nodded to me to take seat by him, I knew not what it meant. Elder Pratt spoke about 30 minutes during the course of his remarks he said they had come to organize this Ward and that there was a new Bishop to be appointed &c.

            Prest AM Cannon next presented the name of RV Morris as Bishop of the 19th Ward Salt Lake City which was unanimously sustained, Wm Asper as first and Henry Arnold as second Councillors which were unanimously carried. I was then called upon to speak my feelings in relation to the appointed and was followed by Bro Asper          & Arnold. then the Active Teachers of the Ward were presented & carried.

            I was ordained or rather set apart as Bishop under the hands of Prest DH Wells Orson Pratt, AM Cannon DO Calder Joseph Taylor & Bp Raleigh the former being mouth, then Bros Asper & Arnold were set apart as Councillors to me by the same brother in which I assisted. Prest Wells being mouth in both instances


July 3rd 1877


            Attended office all day


July 4th 1877


            Worked about 3 hours in my lot Jordan St attended the office awhile left for my house on the Hill, when sister Clark the wife of Gus M Clark called to see me and made complaint against her husband of assault on her last evening, he was a little under the influence of drink when he got home for supper, and was about pouncing upon one of the children when she jumped between them, and he caught her by the throat and choked her until the blood gushed out of her nose and he acted in a shameful manner I wrote a note to Bro Perkins & Noals their Teachers to attend to the matter & see if they could settle the case without the necessity of a Bishop's Court.


July 5th


            Attended office all day

            Teachers meeting in the evening We ordained ______ Ridd son of Wm Ridd Teacher also ______ Davis son of Theophilus Davis a deacon


July 6th


            Office all day

            Worked until a late hour in my lot 16th Ward.






July 7th


            Attended office all day. Watered my lot in the evening. In the evening Bp AH Raleigh called at my house and delivered up to my all the Books & papers pertaining to the Bishopric. also $10.85 cash offering


Sunday July 8/77


            Attended Circle meeting at the Historian's Office at 12 no

Bro Jos M Watson my next door neighbor called upon me to state that he was going on a visit to England made the matter known to the authorities who set him apart also to preach & perform a mission if the way opened before him among his friends the object of his visit was to see his brother who was is about to leave England for Australia. He wished my recommendation to Prest Jos F Smith which I gave him

            Attended Ward Meeting Elder J Smith preached two strangers present  the elder of whom took synopsis of the proceedings of the meeting. Capt Hooper's family except himself were rebaptized & they together with sister Knowlton & their servant were reconfirmed by myself & council


July 9th 1877


            Went up in company with J Sharp Jr Jno ____[?]  LS Hills J Clark AN Hill Conrad J Ferguson JT Little & others up Weber as far as Loss Creek to see the Missionaries Elder SH Hill, Riggs, A Dunford Nels Empey W Beatie & Jos M Watson bound for Europe we fished for two or three hours until the UP Train came who brought one Caboose down to Ogden arrived home on the regular train 8.20 pm


Tuesday July 10


            Attended office all day.


Wednesday July 11


            Attended office


Thursday July 12


            Office all day attended Bp's Meeting at the Council House the First Presidency & Presidency of the Stake being present Pres Young introduced the subject of improvement in the present orthography of the English Alphabet language and a ? of five composed of DO Calder Geo Q Cannon Wm Willis Theo McKean and myself to invent a phonetic alphabet & report to next meeting in order that school books might be published for our schools, some little discussion took place pro & con in relation to the subject

            Prest Young called me after the close of the meeting & said he had a call from my wife Hattie concerning the injury done my son Victor by the street car & wished me to call tomorrow evening & bring my wife with me


Friday July 13th


            Attended office In the evening called according to appointment upon Prest Young there were present several of his clerks. The Prest asked me what amount I exacted from him as compensation for the damage I replied I did not wish to name the amount but preferred leaving it to arbitration of two or three brethren. he asked who I wanted I mentioned Bp Sharp HS Eldredge & Wm H Hooper, he said all right that Bp Sharp was a very liberal man in making allowances for persons injured on Railroads &c and no doubt that he would be liberal  towards the widow of bro Frank Decker who was recently killed on the Railroad having had a sunstroke & fell off the Car and was killed but he did not consider the RR to blame for such occurrence. He told me as I left he would let me know whether he would be willing to abide the decision of the brethren. We went down for a walk to Miss Cooks 12th Ward.


Saturday July 14/77


            Attended office all day, went in Company with  H Brough & J Tuckfield to try the US Way Car. we were nearly to Bingham Junction and found the car was on fire as a spark from the Engine having settled on the platform and it was blazing but we put it out with two or three buckets of water before much damage was done ? Elder Halliday (VL) called upon me at the office.

            Went up with the Freight train 5.05 pm to Ogden to meet the emigrants several of the B'ham saints along arrived at the SL depôt  about 11 o-clock pm.


Sunday July 15


            Attended Jubilee rehearsal  of SS children at 11 a.m. Circle meeting at 12 n Tabernacle at 2 p m and Ward meeting at 6 in the evening Elder NH Felt delivered an ? discourse upon the gathering of Israel &c &c


July 16th 1877


            Attended the office all day

            Went down to bro Elias who is to start on a mission to Wales Wednesday morning in company with O Pratt & two or three others.


July 17th


            Attended the office all day. Sister Sarah A Gould arrived this morning from Ogden in company with Thomas Hadley & his mother took them over to bro Jos F Smith's, and called upon them at 6 p.m. took them up to my house for supper sister Gould & Thomas Hadley stayed overnight

            Was called upon by Teachers South & Woods accompanied by Bro Jos Prescott a canvasser of pictures who was very much demented having carried on for considerable length of time ____[?]  in going around from place to place he acknowledged to several connections with women in different parts of the Territory.


July 18


            Was called up at 630 am by Jos Prescott who made further acknowledgements to me of his evil and wicked practices which astonished me beyond measure. Went around trying to get Bp Hunter a couple of men to work for him in the 19th Ward attended office all day.

            Engaged John August to work for me he commenced at about 10.30 in the lot.


July 19th


            Attended office all day

Teacher's meeting in the evening

We ordained                Felt son of N.H. Felt a deacon bro Arnold being mouth


Friday July 20th 1877


            Attended office all day Bro Chas Cashmore of West Bromwich came to my house on Jordan St and I wrote him a letter to his wife.


Saturday July 21


            Attended office all day  Watering in the evening my lot on the Bench. The children having gone down to Miss Cook's this afternoon My wife Hattie & myself got a buggy from than & we drove after them & bring them home.


Sunday July 22


            Engaged writing up the High Priest record. attend Circle meeting at 12 noon






Morris, Richard Vaughan


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