Roberts, Phillip - Autobiography





Phillip Roberts was the son of Phillip Roberts and Maria(h) Obray


Writings of PHILIP ROBERTS,  Jnr.  ( Original Spellings retained ---some punctuation added for clarity)



            I Philip Roberts will tell a few of my thrills in my seventy five years as I Remember them.  My Father and Mother ware Welsh Born in Pembrokshire South wales and I was Born in Liverpool Lancashire England August 28 1852.  I was the third son and Fifth Child of Philip Roberts and Maria Obrey Roberts and they had six Children: Joseph and Ellen Jane was Older than Joseph Hryrum and Celestial and Philip and Maria, and My Father and Mother Joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Laterday Saints when it was first Preached in England in about 1844, but he was not a very Active Member.  While I was a young lad the first I remember about Mormonism was when I was between 15 and 16 years Old I was working for a gentelman by the name of Tucker driving his Horse and Carrage and Driving him to work every day except Sundays when one day I called Home and they wanted to know if I wold like to go to America and of course I was Delighted.


A Franklin Richards, an American Missionary and one of the Twelve Upostoals, had been on a Mission in England in the year 1850 and had been a good Friend of My Fathers, and in 1868 he was Back again in England upon another Mission and he looked up my Father and Mother, and when he found them he wanted to know if they wold like to go to salt Lake City Free of Charge. he said the church wold pay all the charges and he said many nice things about my Father being a good Later day Saint and of course they ware Delighted to go.  My Father and Mother and my Sister Celestial and Maria and myself and in My Mothers Patriarchal Blessing she was Promised she should go to Utah if the Lord had to dry up the Ocean and She wold have to walk all the way and she said it Looked the Darkest that it ever Looked for the fulifilling of that Prophecy, but Franklin D Richards came and made the Prophecy come true.  So I was Baptized some time in May, and about the 1st of June we left Liverpool for America on a Sailing Vessel whose Name was John Bright, a Clipper Ship, and there was over 600 Saints aboard of her, and we ware Six Weeks lacking two days comming from Liverpool to New York, and Saw all Kinds of things on the Voyage.  had two Fires in the Cooks Galley and a Great Big Ice Burg a beautyfully thing and saled for days in a Feild of flooting Ice, and of the Banks of Newfound Land was in a Fog for three or four days, and Men  ware Kept Blowing a Fog Horn Night and  day, a Horne about 3 feet Long.  for on the Banks of Newfound Land was little Boats fishing for Cod fish, and the Fog Lifted one day, and as far as the eye Could see ware the little Boats fishing, and one came along side of our ship and all most every body baught one two to three feet long for 1 shilling or twenty five cents.  so we had some thing nice to eat for three or four days.  the ship had to Furnish us Food to Eat.  it consisted of so many pounds of flour and Rice and a ships Biscut as Hard as a plate and almost as Big and 1/4 of an inch thick and tea and Salt Pork about 4 inches thick and all Fat and Salt Beef and that had a Brassy look and Fresh Warter.  we brought it from liverpool so the last was not so fresh and before we got to New York.  we had to cut out washing our hands and face, but I guess all the Boys war glad.  they furnished us a Bucket and a long Rope, and we could drop it over the side of the ship, and then we could wash.   but oh Boy, it was like washing in glue, so we did not wash much.   and for Amusement the Danes had a Con-sortenia and sang and Danced almost every day, and we had a big day the 4th of July.  lots of Music and Fire Works till ten PM, and lots of speaches and talks.  got to New York or Castel Garden on the 12 of July and one of our Party fell of the river wall and was Drowned.  his Name was Miller.  left a wife and several children.  left New York and Crosed the Suspension Bridge into Canada and through Canada to Detroit, Mic, and then to Omaha, Nebraska, and then on the U. P R Rito Larmia, and that was the end of the UPRR in 1868.   and there was wagons and teams to Haul us to Salt Lake City 500 Miles or More.   all the young People walked almost all the way.  I dont think we made ova 25 Miles a day, and while waiting for to start I went fishing in the Platte River with a line like a carpenters chal  Line, I should think 50 feet Long. and a pece of lead for a sinker about 1 lb and four Hucks, and throwing it out in the Middle or out a good long way, and soon pulled in a Sucker I should think wold weigh 5 or six pounds, and I quit right there, and they ware all astonished.  but I dont remember catching any more at any time after, but we was soon on our way, and us young lads and I suppose Older men had to Keep Watch all night, only for maybe two hours or more.  but it was something Awfull the way the Keyotos used to Howl to one that never heard any thing like them, but we get use to any thing after a while.  so they did not scare me after a while, and I used to have to keep watch for some thing to burn so we could have some to eat, and it was had to find.   and they had driven Catel from Utah so we had Fresh Meat twice a week and for young Folks it was just like a Picnic. 


and as we ware getting near our Journeys End, and as they ware grading all the way along for the Rail Road, I thought I wold stop at what now Granger, and go to work.  and My first Job was to help a man, a German, build a Bake Oven out of stone, and after that they gave me a Job of Driving a span of Mules and Hauling Baled Hay. I don't remember how long I worked on that Job, possable A Month or two, and as some of the Out fit was going to Salk Lake City every day, I started and when I got there I found a Friend and they said my Mother was up in Cash [Cache] Valley at her Brothers.  and My Father was working on the Rail Road.  her Brothers Name was Thomas and Samuel Obrey, and they Lived in Log Houses and was pretty well fixed as all farmers things they had for sale was worth lots of money: Hay $100.00 per ton, Wheat $5.00/per Bush, and Eggs S1.00/Doz, and Butter $2.00 lbs, and Potatoes $5.00/a hundred.  and in Cach[e] Valley they had a Big crop, and they cut their grain with a thing they called a Cradle, and raked it up in Bundles and Bound them up by hand.


 I dont know how long I stayed there, 3 months may be and then went to work out on the grade at the place ware the Rail Roads met at the promontory Point.  it was Mostly Rook Cuts.  both Roads ware working close together about 100 feet apart, and I worked there till spring and meet my Father in Paradise in Cach[e] valley.  and they was living in Ogden, and we Walked Most of the way there in one day, about 40 miles.   and my next Job was working as a Waiter in a Resturant, and the Boss Sold out and paid me off in Silver Dollors.  and I had to carry them Home in my hat, almost a hat full.  I suppose about $100.00/more or less.  I can not remember only about the Hat, and then my Father got a Contract for Building a one Story Bank in Ogden, and I helped to cut the stone for the front of it.  and after that was done, I went to work again on the Rail Road Whatching a Bridge, or rather two Bridges, at a place called Church Buttes.  and there was two of us to Watch the Bridges.  had to walk over them after every train that crossed them, and we lived with four Pumpers that filled the warter tank.  as they had to pump by Hand, as it was befor Gass Engins, and we used to Board our selves.  there was 6 of us, and each one looked for ones week. and south of the Bridge, about 3 Miles, was a gravel Bed and there was lots of Moss agates to be found there, and the Creek was full of Bearers.  they wold be out swirning about like Ducks.  My Paterner and I got some traps, but did not have much success, but a French Canadian named Sereall, who lived at Green River with a lot of Indians and half Breed came there traping and caught lots of them.  I was up to the Depot and there must have been a Dozen Bales of Beaver Furs in Bales about two feet squar.  I got one of my first scares.  it was just getting Dark, and I was walking Down to the Bridge after a train crosed it.  we had to walk over the Bridge after every train crossed it and see it was all right, and comming to Meet me was a Man, a real Big Fellow, and as he got close to me he put his hand in his vest to get a Pistol, I thought, but I was first.  I had one of mine Pointing at him, for ever Body carrid one or two.  I carried two of them, but he waved his hand at me and made a Noise, and I saw he was Dumb.  and he took out of his Vest a Slate and wrote upon it and asked the question ware was Sereall  trapping?  he was a Big Fellow, about 6 feet tall, only he looked lots taller to an 17 year old Kid. he made his home with them.  he was a Kentucian, but he sure scared me.  and those 4 Fellows that Pumped ware there, mony on the table, and then Put a 44 upon it to hold it down though there was no Danger of it Blowing away.  but I suppose if they Caught any one cheating, I suppose there wold have been some shooting.  I used to be Afraid even to look on or even to pass through the room ware they played.  I might have been a real good Pokar Player only it looked to Dangerous to me.  


well I was tronsfered to a Bridge East of there, 5 Miles West Cf Bryan, and there I had two More Thrills.  the First was the Section Boss of the Middle Section used to go down to Bryan every Saterday afternoon, and he wold take me or my Companin to Bryan with him.  and as it was my turn to go.  they stoped the Hand Car waiting for me for a few minutes, and while they was waiting there was a Band of horses came in Sight, about one mile away, and Alex, that was the Section Foremans Name, said look here comes a Band of Indians.  and another Bridge Watchman that was with him on the Hand Car in Pulling out his Pistol out of his scabbard shot him through the thigh and Broke his Leg.  we took him to Bryan and Put him on the train to go to the Companys Hospital at Larima, and just before he got shot they, the Rail Road Company, had Discharged their white Section men and placed chinemen in there place.  and in those days the Section Boss used to Board the Men and sell them Clothes and Tobacco and other things, and the Rail Road Company had agreed to take all the suplys he had Left and pay him for them, and he asked me to take the hand Car and the 4 Chinemen back to his Section and stay there till the Road Master wold come and Give me a Recept for all his Goods.  and it was ten Days befor the Road Master showed up, and there I was for ten days with 12 Chineman all around me.  of course, they had here own house to stay in, and I was the only white Man or Boy in ten Miles, and for the first few days, you know I was Afraid.  but after a while, I got so I wold go into there quarters and say Hello.  but I was very Glad to turn it all over to the Road Master, but I guess it was the means of me being Invited to a Big Banquet of Feast that they gave to their Gods.  at Bryan there was two Section Crews and three White men, if I could be called a man, and and a China Man, an Interpreter, and we had a wonderful Feed.  Chicken was the main dish and a lot of real China Dishes to, and a small dish of Wiskey and cigars after dinner.  and we had Knives and Forks to eat with, but the Chine men had their chop sticks to eat with, and if a chinaman saw what he wanted he stood up and with his two chop stick he reached and got what he wanted.


and my next Thrill was while I was Watchin that Bridge crossing Blacksfork in Wyoming, I was riding Horseback up to Bridger, not Fort Bridger but Close to it.  a Rail Road Station on the UPRR was about several Miles from Bridger, and ad just rode up to the top of a little Hill, and just over the Hill very near the top, I meet two Indians on Horses not more than 15 feet away.  we ware three very startled Fellows, and I expect I was the whitest White man they ever saw, and we all said all together How.  How, that was the Salutation when you meet an Indian or a Indian meet you, and they wantied Tobacco or any thing Else.  I only remember them asking for Tobacco.  I dont remember if they Had any Fire arms or not.  the always Carried Bows and arrows, and at that day they ware very Wild In 1869 because the white man Killed them for there Horses or any thing else he thought they might have, and they Retaliated in like manner if they thought that they could get away with it.  but I had two 44I Calaber Pistols and an army Nedle Gun, and I suppose they thought that they had better Ride on.  and I staid on the top of the Hill and Watched them Disaper in the Distance, and I was Glat when I got Back to the Bridge that Night.  well soon after this I asked for a pass to Omha, and got it, and reached Omaha that Fall.  and My Father and My Mother and Sister Maria Came after Me.  My Mother was very anxious that I should be a Latterday Saint, but my Father was just as anxious, but did not say any thing.  in Fact neither of them said anything, and I did not find it out for some years after till I got Married, and then it was to Late, as a young Man was not very Religious did not think any thing about it, thought more about Makeing Money, and I was quite succesfull from a youth up, the Only one of the Famlie that ever had a Dollor to spare or to give away.  they ware Building the Bridge Accross the Mossioura River between Omaha and Councel Bluff, and we, that is my Father and I, and worked all winter and there was also another Later day Saint Famlie lived close by us in Omha, and they worked on the Bridge.  they ware Machinist and their Name was Ford:  two Boys, Bob and Billy, and a little Sister, and Father and Mother.   and in the spring Nebraska was just Settling up as a Farming Country, and Mr Ford used to come over to our House and say there is Nothing but a Bit of Land for you and Me, Roberts.  and Fords Boys staked Mr Ford, and I Furnished the Money for My Father, and they Both went down to Lincoln, Nebraska, and My Father Homestead 160 Aceres of  real Smoth Land in York County.  but it looked to Wild for Mr Ford, not a House to be seen for Miles.  so came back without his bit of Land, and in the Hotel ware they stayed in Lincoln, my Father steped into the wrong room, and there was a man on his Knees praying My Father said.  and he must have followed them up on the same train to Omha for when I came home for Dinner, I came in Wisteling and started to Dance a Jig, and my Mother came out from the Kitchen and put her finger upon her lip, and said there was a Methodist in the Kitchen with my Father.  and he had a Homested he wold like to Sell my Father: 80 accers, 12 Miles North of Lincoln.  just the place for a Stone Cutter, which My Father and I was.  had a qurry on it and springs of water and a house and a little land Broke, and he wanted $300.00/ for his Rights.  he had just got a letter from his wife in England, and she was very sick.  that is why he wanted to sell it, and beeing an English man, my Father thought he could not tell a Lie.  and I wanted My Father to go right Back to Lincoln and see that he did not Lie, for I was to Furnish. the $300.00.   but they Both thought I was a wicked young Villien to think that an English Man wold Lie, and they talk me out of my $300.00.


and we moved down to Lincoln without seeing it, and I was right.  the qurry was some flooting sandstone upon the top of the Ground, and the Springs went dry as soon as it stoped raining, and the House was a Dugout, about 10 ft by 12, and the Plowed Ground was about 20 feet by 20 feet. not enugh for a garden, and the Land Off ace Man At him transfer is homestead in York for the one near Lincoln, and the Land was rough and Rolling.  so Insted of Being Farmer, we Both continued to cut stone and there was plenty of work around Lincoln or in Omha. and we both worked at the State penitentiary, off and On in the Summer time till September 15 1875.  and the stone Cutters went on strike for Higher wages, and Mr Stout, the Contractor, said he wold not give it.  and he wold let all the work that had to be done to Finish it: the Stone Cutting to stone Cutter, and the Mason Work to a Mason, and the carpenter work to Carpenters, and the Plastring to plasters, so my chum and I went down to Lincoln.  it was 3 Miles from the Penitentiary to look for work and a Man there by the name of Jack Curry had a Marble Yard, and there was a lot of Building going on. and this Jack Curry add taken a lot of work that he could not get around to do so he Gladly turned it over to my Chum Richard George and myself.  and then he was Craze for us to figuar on Mr stouts Job, but he did not bear a very good reputation and we did not want to Mix with him.  and another thing I was only 23 years old, and Richard was about 26 and we thought we was to young to undertake such a Big job.  so we kept out of his way, but one day it rained and he meet us in the post Offace and said he wold furnish a Carrage if we wold go down with him.  so we could not find any excuse, so we wend down and looked over the plan, and Mr Charles Fox was Mr Stouts Foreman, and he was a real good Friend of mine, and he said Phil you can take the Plans down town and be sure to keep them and when you are through with them bring them Back to me.  well we took them and Figure on them and put in a Bid, but I have have forgoton the Figures, and we was awarded the Contract.  and we was to take over Mr Stout Contract of the Convicts at 35 cents per day, and 45 cents for first class men, and he had about 65 to 70 Convicts.  and when we went down to take over the work, the Warden said we wold have to get rid of Mr Curry as he wold not let him in on the Prison yards.  so we had to buy him, that is Curry, out.  the first thing we had to do so we gave him $200.00/ for his two days work, and we  finished our contract in about 1 year and six months, and we made about Five Thousand Dollors a peace, and we worked 13 free men stone Cutters for about 6 Months, and thought we could finish it with the Convicts and four of our Old Chums who ware stone Cutters.  and their Names ware Charly Parker and Jack Williams and Jack Sclack and an other, I can not think of his name.


the Wardens House was built up to the first story, and the Cell House was complited up to the roof.  and we finished cuttinq Stone for the Wardens House, and Cut the stone for the inside of the Cell House.  there was Eighty Cells, the size was 8 feet wide 7 ft high 5 ft wide, and one stone for the roof to make the Cell, Except the front of the Cell.  and that was part stone and an Iron Door, and that was just one tier of Cells.  there was to be three tiers of them, but there was not Many Convicts.  I dont think More than 125 of them   Just a few thrills that that Happend there was a Convict Names Quinn Bohanna, a life man and a real bad Man, and he wanted to carry the hod for the Plasters in the Warden House.  and he spoke to the Deputy Warden for me to let him of our Contrack, and I demurred.  but Mr Noles, who was the Deputy Warden, said it was almost Impossibale to run a State Prison with out showing some Favours to Life Convicts.  and then the gave away the Secreats of the other Convicts, and whe he told me that I said it was all right.  so he went out to carry the Hod for the Plasters in the Wardens house, and I was doing some repair work in an Octagon Tower on the third Floor, a room I should think not over 12 or 14 feet Wide, with one Door and 3 Windows.  and I heard some one come in the room, and I looked around and there was Quinn Bohanna. and I asked what he wanted, as he had no Buisness up there, as they was Plastering on the Lower Floor.  and he was standing in the Door way, and he put down his Hod, and he said I am going to pitch you out through one of those Windows you G. D S of a Band.  I tryed to tell him I wold not like to go out that way, as I wold get my clothes all mussed up.  and while I was busy trying to explane to him he might go out first, I Heard a Voice, and Mr Noles stood behind him in the Door way.  and he said, What are you said what was he doing and I said he was talking about throwing me out through one of those windows, and I was busy trying to talk him out of the Notion when you came.  and he must have told some of the other Convicts he was going to pitch me out through one of those windows, and that Convict must have told Mr Nobes.  so they Keept a Strict watch on him, and as soon has he started for the upper Floor, Mr Nobes cam after him, for I was not talking to him more than five minutes till Mr Nobes came.  and he lived on Bread and warter for a week or more, and had to come back to the stone shop and Cut stone, but he got pardoned some years after.


 and the Next Thrill was a Convick, a Life man, by the Name of Geary.   Both Geary and Bohanna ware Quantrilla Men and ware many times Murderers.   very Bad Men.  this Geary was a real good stone Cutter, and I used to give him some of the best work to do, some of the finest stone cutting on the wardens House.  he never Smiled nor never Said a word, except yes and no and of course.  I never Said a word to him except to tell him how to cut his Stone, and one Evening, just befor quitting time, the Roustbout Bankered him a stone, that is put one Stone upon another, and the lower Stone was Known as a Banker.  So the next Morning when I went into the shop, I went to his Job to tell him what I wanted him to Make out of his stone, and he said you G. D son of a B, I am going to Kill you.  and he had hardly spoken when Mr Coccran, the State Foreman, Pounded on his Desk with a Big Club Made like a walking Cane, and though there was between 50 to 65 Convicts cutting stone, and the noise was some Great, every Body heard that pounding.  and everybody turned to see what he wanted, and I to, and he Becond for Me and I went over to See what he wanted, and he ask me what Geary said.  and I told him and he said you had better set down and write out a report of his Insubordination and Insolence.  and I did and he sent it right in by the runner, and Mr Nobes came right out, and Marched Geary into the Cell House, and after dinner Pushed of his stone and under neath was a Newely Sharpened Butcher Knife.  and they Punished him for two Weeks.

and Another Scare, this was Only a scare -  they had a Lumber fence all around the Prison in those Days, and they ware busy putting a Stone wall all around it.  and on this day it was all completed, but about 20 feet, and they was going to tear that out and Build the stone wall.  and the Convicts Decided to pick me up and carry me out with them, and they thought the Gaurds wold be afraid to shoot for Fear of Shooting Me.  that was the News Mr Blaney told me first thing when I got to the stone shop in the Morning.  and he was in an Iron Cage in one End of the Stone Shop, and you had to go out Side the Stone shop to get into his cage, and there was a Big Iron Door he had to unlock befor you could get in.  he called me in that Morning and told me about the Plot, and Said not to Struggel if they Picked me up, but to Keep still and they the Gaurds wold am to shoot the out side fellows.  and it was only about 30 feet from the stone Shop to the fence, but they got Afraid and did not try it.  so it was Only a Scare.


 while I am on the Prison subject, I might another incedent about a convects Mean  Disposition. his Name was Innis.  it from of the Wardens House cut in the stone starting at the Bottom of the Door was a Big Ball standing halfway out and a lot of Links of a Chain, and they meet in the center of the Door with two Big Keys and two Padlocks.  well this Convict Innis went around there one day and with his Hammer Knock one of those Balls of, and smashed it to peaces,  the one on the West and wold have done the same for the one on the East, but a gaurd caught him.  so it was up to my Chum Richard George to cut a hole in that stone and put in another pece of Stone, and set it with Shellac, and cut another Round Ball out of it.  and another Convict was on Bread and Warter for some time.


And your Mother was working for Mrs Fox, and she was the Wife of Charley Fox,  Mr W. H B Stouts Foreman.  and that was there the first time I meet her, and her home was on Balls Brach, 10 Miles North of Pawnee City in Paunee County, Nebraska.  and we ware married on the 20 Day of June 1877 at Table Rock Pawnee County, Nebraska by a Justce of the Peace Named Mumford. and again a few Days Later, by a Catholic Priest, and then again when I joined the Catholic Church by a Father Freeman.  and again in the Temple in salt LaTh City for Utah time and all Eternity June 5 1912, and Died Feb 5 1899, and is Buried in Herndon Kansas.  she was 44 years and 10 Months and 5 days.


and in 1911, I sold my Farm and in Fubuary, I Decided I wold Move to Utah, and was Baptized July lst 1911.  but I had Not been there but a short time till I got very sick with Rheumatism and Typhoid Fever.  and I knew that they the Elders anonted with Oil and Heald the sick, and I had the Nurse to Call the Elders in and they anonted me With Oil and said I should get Well and that this sickness should be a Blesing unto to and it should be a Bright testemoney unto Me all the days of my Life.  and the Blessing was you all Knew how sick I used to get With those Gall stones?  well from that Day to this I have never been trubled with Gall stones, so his promise came true and the Dr I had said I aught to have Died I was so sick.  well some three or Four Years after I was stricen with a Fitt, and a second ons of Apoplexy, and I was very sick again and Elder Edwin Sheets administerd to me and Promised I should get Well, and that I should go back to My Children in Kansas, and I should live as Long as I wanted to.  and My last Days should be full of Joy and Happeness, and I will let you all be the Judge if he spoke trure or False.  and this is another Testemoney to Me that these People Cominly Called Morrnon or Laterday Saints are Indeed the Chosen People of our God, and I have Received lots of Testemoneys of the truth of this Gospel as Preached by this People, that they have the truth which will bring us back to our Heavenly Fathers Home if we are Faithfull to the end.  and I will say to you all as My Father said to me Philip, if it is a lie it is the Grandest Lie as ever was told.  but I found it to be like a Beautyfull Rose Bud, a wonderfull sweet Smelling Flower, and opening day after day till it is the most Beautyfull thing I can think off.  and this is my Testemony to all of You My Children that I know beyond a shaddow of a Dought that God has again spoken from the Heavens to the Prophet Joseph Smith Jr and again reveiled again his Gospel plan of Salvation, and that the Book of Mormon is an History of the Sons of Joseph who was sole into Eygept by his Breathen Ephram and Manssah like the Bible is a History of the Tribe of Judah and Benjaman all Children of Israel, and there is no Dought in my Mind that Joseph Smith saw and spoke with God the Eternal Father and his son Jesus Christ, and that he saw the Prophet Morone, and two of Whitmers and Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith Jr said John the Baptist as a Resurrectied Man, and he Laid His Hands up their Heads an Ordained them to the Aaronic Priesthood, with the rights to Baptize by  Immersion, and told them (that is Joseph Smith Jr and Oliver Cowdery) that God wold send Peter and James and John and Confer upon them the Melchisedek Preisthood, which he did and then they  had all the power and authority to administer in all the Ordinances of the Gospel in the earth.  and soon after reciving the Preisthood, they Organized the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, with all the Powers and Authority that was in the Primitive Church in the Meridien of time with Apostles and prophets, pastors and Teacher, and Evangelist, and from that day to this, I meen since the Church was organized, there has been Revelations Given to Men, and Men and Women have Had Visions, and the Promis is Given to Every one that goes down in the Warters of Bactism that they shall recive a Testemony from God.  it is the Right Plan of Salvation and if we will Keep his commandments, we will gain Eternal Lives and Salvation in his Celestial Kingdom, and I Know this his true and I hope we will all meet in his celestial Kingdom in My Prayer, and I ask it in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen.




Roberts, Phillip


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