The P.S. of a letter to Orson Spencer from George Davies, dated Nov. 29, 1847, at Rhymney, in which he presents an acrostic poem about Dan Jones. (Vol 10:13)
P.S.--Brother Jones, our President, is labouring hard in the vineyard here; he is a great blessing to his nation, for the light and knowledge that has flowed through him since he came is astonishing; and our prayer is that it will shine brighter and brighter until it attracts the gaze and wonder of the whole nation, over which he is called to preside. Even so, Amen.--I have composed an Acrostic for Brother Jones, and if you should see it worth your notice, you will oblige me by inserting it in the STAR.
D id you hear of our brave Welsh captain,
A spirited man, without deception,--
N oble in battle as a nation's champion.*
J esus-like, he loves his nation;
O yes, he does, beyond expression.
N o matter what his trials are,
E verything proves he is sincere,--
S o God bless his future career.
* In spiritual warfare.
G. D.