Lewis, Daniel - Journals

Daniel Lewis’s Missionary Journal, Part II


Daniel Lewis’s Missionary Journal, Parts II & III

Copy of a copy made by Laura Lynn Lewis Stratton

Pages are in order as in original. Apparently they were mis-numbered by Daniel Lewis.



Daniel Lewis



January, Friday 7th 1886, Hirwaun

I left her this morning for Merthyr. I walk to Abernant and from there I went on the train to Merthyr. here I met all Brethren. all well at the Terrace.


No 1 Winsor Terrace S day 27th 1886

I stid here to wash my self and get rede for Sunday .


No 1 Winsor Terrace Sunday 3 1886

this morning at seven oclock we had our council metting at 98 Twynyrodyn. all things were favorable reported buy the Precedents of the vereous brances. at Two we had saints metting, all so at Six P.M. we held a meting all that will com.


98 Twynyrodyn, Monday 4th 1886

Twoday I help to move in company with Brethren the church property from No 1 Winsor to 98 Twynyrodyn and today I send a letter my home to my Wife Mary K Lewis an family, first in 1886.


98 Twynyrodyn, Tusday 5 1886

I have ben geting reade to go out for another month and I sent a letter to my Brother Morgan Lewis.


98 Twynyrodyn, Wensday 6th 1886

This morning in company with Br. R.J. Owens I bid the Brethren good bay at 98 at Merthyr. Then we payd the Train threw the Tynnel. at Abernant we got alit and walk to Brother Price house Treaman. I stid here over night. R J Owens went to Sti to sum of his folks that night.

Treamen, William Price House Thday 7th 1886

This morning I and Brother R.J. Owens left Brother Price for No 46 Glanley street, Penrhiwceiber to Bro Isaac Evanes. we met with Saints at seven oclock in the evening. Stid here with Brother Evanes over night.


46 Glaley St. Penrhiwceiber, Isaac Evanes house, Friday the 8th, 1886

We stid here for part of the day in company with Brother Evanes an family and in the after part of the day I visit the family of Brother Evan Evanes and here I talk on the Law of Tithing and other Princables of the gospel and at night Brother R. J. Owens baptized a brother boy the name of James Jaret Mathews and I confurm him a member of the Church the same night.


46 Glanley Street, Isaac Evanes house, Saturday the 9th 1886

we left here for Pontypridd bay train to the Stion and from here to Brother Thomas Evans house. We stid here over night.


Brother Thomas Evans house, Sunday the 10th 1886

this morning we metd in a Councel meting with Brethren of Pontypridd at Thomas Evanes house. at eleven oclock A.M. and at Two we met with the Saints, allso at Six and stid with Brother Evans an family over night.


Pontypridd, Thomas Evanes house, Monday 11th 1886

this morning we left here for Brother Bishop House. here we had didner and from here walk up Dynas [Dinas] to Brother John Daniels. Found all well at Brother Daniels House. I stid here over night and Brother R.J. Owens stid at Carey(?) an family.


Dinas, John Daniel’s house, Tusday 12th 1886

this moring we left Dinas for Tilorstown to Brother William Roberts an Sister Roberts. all well here and at Seven oclock we held a meting at Brother Roberts house. here we had a few Saints and Seven people that did not belong to the church and stid here all night.


Tilorstown, Br Roberts House, wensday 18th 1886

we left here for Brother John Jones at the gally crossing, No Door 16. we arrived here all right. Brother Jones being at work, we stid over the night with him an family.


16 Gally Crosing, Thday 14th 1886

this moring we left Brother Jones house for Pontypridd. we call Brother Bishopes house and from here to Brother Evanes house. held meeting with the Saints at Br Evanes house. Stid here over night.


Friday 15th 1886, Thomas Evanes, Pontypridd

we stid here all day on account of wet whether.


Satrday 16th 1886.

we left Brother Evans (Coburn) House this moring. we left here for Cardiff via Pentyrch and on our way we call on Mr Forsey and family at Coburn Street, Cathays ner Cardiff. stid here over night.


No 7 Cathay, Coburn Street, Sunday 17th 1886

this moring we left here and went over to Brother Thomas Bliton house at the Manachd [Mynachdy] Lock. here we held a meting at Two P.M. with a half a dozen of Saints. after the meting we went to Sister Daymon at Manachd farm. we stid here all night with this family.


Monday 18th 1886. Manachd farm.

we left this morning for Cardiff. we visit few of main streets of --- and then to Brother Owens is folks buy the name of Thomas Williams. we stid here over night with Mr. Williams family and well treeted.


Cardiff, Mr. Williams house, Tusday 19th 1886

we left for Sister Forsey and on the way there we call on sum mor of Br Owens folks at Cathays. from here to our Loging at Sister and Brother Forsey, no 70. we stid over night with this family.


Wday 20th 1886, Mr. Forsey, No 70

we left this moring for Manachd farm. we calld at Brother Blaitn and then over to the manachd farm. Stid here over night with Mr. Daimon an family.


Thday 21st, Manachd farm

we this moring left for Lantwit. we walk to this plese over Landaff Bridge. we call at Brother Jinkins and from here Brother Rees Jinkins went with us. Mr Davies an family here. we stid over night.


Fday 22nd 1886, Lantwit, Mr Davis

this morning we left for new mills. We walk past over old farm works all stop sum tim since we rich Mr. Gwelim all right. We stid here for dinner and from here we went to Llantrissant to Brother Thomas Williams. we loge at the New inn, Llantrissant.


Llantrissant, Sday 23rd 1886, Thomas Williams House

this morning we left her for Brother John Daniels at Dinas, Rhondda Vally. Istid with Brother Daniels’s family over night.


Sunday 24th 1886, Dinas, Brother Daniels House

this morning I with Br John Daniels went to meet Br R.J. Owens at Tylors Town. here we met Bro Owens. we held meting here at Two an Six Pm, and here came Brother Thomas Evans from Pontypridd. we had good tim in our meetings. Brother Owens and my self stid at Robertes House all night.


TylorsTown, Robertes House, Munday 25 1886.

this morning we left for Treyork [Treorchy?]. we reich Treyorke all right. found Mr Johns family all well. from here I went up to Treyrbet [Treherbert?] to see Richard Williams and family from Neath. all well. from her I went back to J Jones to stid over night.


Josua Jones house, No 6, Trearke, Tusday 26th 1886

this moring we left for Masdeg [Maesteg?] over the mountains thru vere deep snow. we past Cwmcarw. we reich Maesdeg at fore oclock hungre an tiard. we were invitid in bay woman as Mrs Nichlas and we wher trited very kind bay hir and Brother William Thomas. we stid here over night.


Wday 27th 1886, Mrs Nichlas house, Maesdeg

this moring left for Penycad [Pencoed?] past Brigend. vere rainy day. we reich Panycad at sundown. we where kinly fed an chelter over night bay frand William Williams and family.


----? Mr W. Williams house, Thday 28th 1886

this moring we left for the Gilfach again threw snow over the mountains. We reich the Gilfach at Two oclock A.M.. found sister Edwards an Mr Edwards an family all well. we stid her over night.


Gilfach, Edwards house, Fday 29, 1886.

this moring we med ---. walk thru deep snow and water over the mountains to Rhondda Vally and we reich Brother Daniels house at two clock hungry and wet. we eat our dinear here and then resum our jerny down to Pontypridd to Brother Thomas Evans House. here we meet Br B.H. Jones, Pres. of Myrthyr Conference. we stid here over night.


Sday 30th 1886, Thomas House, Pontypridd

this moring I bid Br. Owens good bay and left for Penrhiwceiber to Brother Isaac Evans, Glanley Street, No 46. here I stid.


Sunday, 31st 1886, Isaac Evans House, Glanley St. 46

Two day I meetd with Saints at Two and Six P.M. and we had a good time.


February the 1st, 1886, Glanley St. Br Isaac Evans House, Munday 1st

Two day I stid here all day to wright. I send a leter home, the second since New Yeare.


Tday, Glanely, No 46, Br. I Evans House, Tday 2 1886

This moring I went to see Brother Evan Evans an family and back to 46 Glanley Street. here I meeted Bro R.J. Owens --- came from Pontypridd. after dinner we left for Treaman to Bro Price. we found them all well here. we stid at Bro Price overnight.


Treman No. 14, William Price House, Wenday, 3th 1886

this moring we left for Hirwaun to Brother Thomas Jones. we dine with Sister Jones and went to Mrs. Morgans House to stid over night. in the eving I went to see William Davies an family an back to Rachel Morgans House to stid over night.


Hirwaun, Rachel Morgans House, Thday 4th 1886

we left this plese for Merthyr, No. 98 and we found the family of Bro Lorance(?) all well.


Frday 5 1886, Twynyrodyn

I stid in the office to write and cline my self and in the after noon Ricy H. Jones came back from Pontypridd.


Sday 6th 1886, Twynyrodyn

today I send a letter to M.K. Lewis & the children, my wife & children.


Sunday 7th 1886, 98 Twynyrodyn

this moring at 11 oclock we meted in a councel at the 98 House of Bro Mark Lorance. also we ordain Brother G. Barnet from Rhymney to the of a Prest and John J. Evans to the office of Tither and Taliesin Evans, dicken. we held meetings at two and six oclock. good times.


Munday 8th 1886, 98 Twynyrodyn.

Two day rote a letter to my Bro John to Iowa. I spent this day in writing.


Tday 9th 1886

Two day I spent my time in writing to Brother H. H. Harries and Brother William Loyd 15th ward, Salt Lake City, Utah.


Wensday 10th 1886, Twynyrodyn

I went in companney of brother Ricy H. Jones & John Evans to attend funeral of Bro William Evans, Penrhiwceiber, little child a boy of 3 years of age. Brother Jones went back to Merthyr bay six oclock train and Bro Evans & I stid at bro Isaac Evans an family house.


Thday 11th 1886, 46 Penrhiwceiber, Isaace Evans House

This morning we partened. I left for Swansea district & Bro John Evans to Cardiff. I left here for Hirwaun today. Stid at bro. Thomas Jones House over night. on the way I made a call on Bro. Price & family. 14 Treaman siton. I held a meeting with the Saints at Hirwaun.


Fday 12th 1886, Hirwaun, Jones House

this moring I left for Neath. arrived at Bro Williams family. found all well. stid at the Glan Morgans House over night.


Sadderday 13th 1886.

I went to Neath Abey to see an visit Bro Gorge Lang’s(?) family. I stid for dinner and back to valin? Garddan. call at the station to meet Bro Ricy H. Jones. went to gether to Bro. Williams. after we had Tea we went to Bro. Estman. we found him and all the family all well, and back to our loging house.


Glamorgan, Neath, Sunday 14th 1886, Bro Williams House

we went to Bro Estman for breakfast and from here went over to Lang for dinner. at two we met with Saints also at six oclock Pm., two meetings. had good times & back to our logings.


Glamorgan, Munday 15th 1886, Neath. Bro Williams House

this moring we left for Swansea. arrived at 9 York Street, Swansea at two oclock Pm. Mr Dennis & family all well. glad to see us. after dinner Bro. Jones and I went up to Brother Gorge Par. here we mete Brethren Wats and Williams & we had quite a long talk of a man bay the name of D. J. Valitho and of an article he had in the Cambrian newspaper at Swansea on Utah and the People. left here at leate hour for 9 York, Mr. Dennis House.


9 York, Mr Dennis, Swansea. Tday 16th 1886

this day we spent it in reading an writing.


Wensday 17 1886, Dennis House, 8 York St., Swansea

this morning we book our self at Vickdoria Stion off to Llandilo Vawr to go with ten oclock train. arrived at this place all right at 11 oclock A.M. from Llandilo we walk the distance of 7 miles to Brother Jones uncle at Blaeny cwm, Abergweli. we reich this house at 2 oclock PM. found all well and glad to see us. we stid over the night with Evan Jones family. had vere good time in talking of things in Utah.


Thday 18th 1886, Blaeny cwm, Abergwili, Evan Jones

we stid here until after dinner an then we, R.H. Jones and my self in company of David Jones, Ricy H. Jones cousin, went down to Abergwili to Brother Jones other cousin, Elizabeth Jones. we stid here over night here. we had a few people come to see us because we are from America. here we were kindly care for bay this lady over night.


Abergwili, Fday 19, 1886, Marget Jones House PAGE 22

We visit John Jones, the cousin of R.H. Jones. had our dinner at this house. after dinner we went to Brechfa. we made call on the custodian for the church records. from here went to Mr Daniel Davis, at llwinmalchnai??. we stid here over night.


Sadarday 20th 1886, wainmalnchnai??

we left here this morning for Lampeter. We call on Bro Evan Morgans and here we sa Sister Morgans all most dead. we went on and mede call on Bejamen Jones and his wife. we eat our dinner here at Pantysgawen [Pantscawen?] ner Pencader and from here to Lampeter to Sister Thomas an family. we wher gladly received. all well in health. we arrived at five oclock Pm from this house, went to the Coffee Tavarin to slepp.


Sister Mary Thomas House, Lampeter, Sunday 21st 1886 PAGE 23

This morning Bro Evans Thomas drove us dowyn to Clwt y Hwrn?? but after we went over there was no Saints come to gather. So we turn back to Lampeter this evning. we administer the Lord Supper to Sister Mary Thomas. went to our Loging, the Coffee House for the night.


Monday 22nd

We stid with Thomas family. all well.


Tuday 23, 1886. Mary Thomas, Lampeter

this moring we left by trine to Llanybydder. Here we call on Mr Jones the vickar for the church record. find non and from here we walk to Llanllwni. here we made a call on Mr. Davis, Clargman. Bro Jones found few names here. after stid few minites. We left for Brechfa. we call on Benjamin Jones at Pantysgawen. we eat our dinner here. go on John Davies and over to Pen y pistill [Pen-y-pistyll] where we stid over night.


Wday 24tg 1886

we stid at Pen y pistll until after dinner. here Bro R.H. Jones left me for Carmarthen and I went Dan Davies House where I stid over night.


Thday 25, 1886

I went Bro Evan Morgan House to aten the funeral where I had the opportunity to talk on the principles of the gosbel to larg congregtion of people. at 11 oclock A.m. I folod every boddy to the greve and then I went to meet Bro Daniel H. Thomas to Ponty ver?. I stid with him over night. he came few days befor from Utah.


Friday 26th 1886 Pontyver? near Brechfa. PAGE 25

I left Bro Thomas here with his sisters and I went to Mynyddygraig [Mynydd y garreg]. I call at Llanddarog on Bro John Stivens here. Eat dinner and go on to Llwynteg. I stid with Sister Williams to have Tea and then on Bro Williams an family farm. all well here and glad to see me.


Mynyddygraig, Sadday 27th 1886, G. Williams house

this morning I left for Swansea. I walk to Llanelly. call on John then had my dinner. from here I went by Trine to Swansea. here was R.H. Jones witing for me. I stid at Mr. Dennis s.


9 York St., Swansea, Sunday 28, 1886, Dennis House

this morning we, Bro Jones and myself, met in council with the Saints at Bro Williams, Swansea. we held meetings at Two an Six P.m. in the evening we bapt Bro and Sister Evan’s baby. Bro Jones be mouth. from here we went to 9 York to sti over night.


Monday, March the First 1886, 9 York Street, Mr. James in Swansea.

this morning at 8 oclock, Thomas Nash was hung at the Swansea gaol for the murder of his little daughter buy throw her over the extention at the sea on the forth of December 1885 in Swansea. I stid here all day. allso I send a letter home to my wife. at Seven oclock Bro Jones left for Merthyr. at Seven P.M., I met with the Saints in meeting at Bro Williams House. after the meeting old Bro Williams made few very bad remarks concerning his vews about things. I left here for my loging quit greeve over the afer an conduct.


9 York, Swansea, Tday 2nd 1886

this morning I left to Neath buy the way of Burows. I call on Bro G Langs family. Eat dinner here and went on to Velin Gerthan? to Bro and Sister Williams. after lite rest I went to see Bro Estman an family and back to my bed pleas at Glammorgan p.m.


Neath, Wensday 3rd 1886, Sister Williams

I left here for Hirwaun. on the way I call on James Davies an family at Resolven. Eat my dinner here and go on my way to Glen-neath where I went on the Trin to Hirwaun. arrived here allright. stid at a Bro Thomas Jones an family over night. I find all well here an glad to see me.


Hirwaun, Thday 4, 1886 Thomas Jones House.

I call on Mr. Morgans. Eat dinner at his house and left from Thomas Davies, Ann Street, Aberdaer. Stid with Davies over night.


Aberdaer, Fday 5, 1886

this morning I left for Cwmbach to see Sarah Davies. from here to Merthyr thrw the tynel. arrived in Merthyr at 5 oclock. met all the Bretheren all right an well at 98 Twynyrodyn.


98, Sarday 6, 1886

to day I spent bathing and other things for Sunday and at 7 oclock P.M. we went to the Stion to meet President Wells and his son Joseph from Liverpool. all went go gather at 98 Twynyrodyn.


98, Sunday 7, 1886.

This morning at half past 10 oclock we met in conference at Railwy Hall, Merthyr where many of the Saints came togather and also Brother Daniel H. Thomas from Carmarthen shire and the brethren Edward Thomas an James Cole from Birmingham Conference. here we had good times thrw the day. Bro R.J. Owens, clark of the meeting.


98, Mday 8, 1886

This morning we spent in talking about maters an things and at one oclock the Brethren left Merthyr for there Homes in the mission, Liverpool and Birmingham, and D.H. Thomas for Carmarthen and Brechfa. President Daniel H. Wells an son to Liverpool and James Cole an Edward Thomas to Birmingham. we went with the Brotheren to the Sttion an then back to 98.


Tday 9th 1886, Twynyrodyn

Today I spent this day in writting and in the evening I went to see Mr. Thomas the iron monger . I had quit a pleasant chat for a few minutes an back to 98 for the night.


Wday 10th 1886, 98 Twynyrodyn

this morning I was sent to Cardiff district this month. I left Merthyr in company of R. J. Owens and H. S Goddard. went as far as Cwmaman an then I left the Brethren and go on to 46 Glanly Street, Penrhiwceiber. Arrived at Brother Evans in good time. found all well and happy.


Thday 11th, 1886, Penrhiwceiber, Ganley Street, Isaac Evans House

today I stid here with Bro Evans family and in the Evning I met with the Saints in a meeting and had good time.


Frday 12th 1886, Penrhiwceiber, 46 Glanley Street, Isaac Evans House

this morning I left for the Pontyprydd. went buy Train to the juncshtion, an I walk from there to the comins to the House of Bro Thomas Evans. all well.


Saday 13th 1886, Thomas Evans House, Pontypridd.

I stid here today visiting the Saints, and at night I lidy my hands an Bro. Ball for his health at Hopkinstown, an back to Bro Evans for the night.


Sunday 14th 1886, Thomas Evans House, Pontypridd.

at 11 oclock I met with the Brethren in Council at Elder Thomas Evanes House. Evry thing all right and good report also. at 2 p.m & six I met with the saints. had good time and good sprit.


Monday 15th 1886, Thomas Evans, Pontypridd.

this morning I left for the Dinas. I call on the Saints at Hopkins Town an I went bay. arived at Bro John Daniels well an safe. all is well here. I stid here over night. I spent the evening in talking on mater an things.


Tusday 16th 1886, Johns Daniels House, Dinas (Rhondda Valley)

this morning I left to go up the valley. call on family as I went on. I call on John Jone’s, Gelley Crossing. had my dinner here with this family and then go on to a man buy the name of John Lewis at the Ystard. this family treeted me kind. I stid over night with this family. I spent the evening in talking about the gosbel and other maters.


Ystrad, Thomas Street No one, Mr John Lewis house, 17th 1886, Wday.

this morning I left for Tailors Town. I call at Gelly Crosin at John Jones House and from here I went on. arived at Brother Roberts all right at 7 oclock. I held a meeting at Brother Roberts House for quite a few people. stid here over night.


Thday 18th 1886, Tailortown, Bro Roberts House.

this morning I left for Pontypridd. I met with the Saints in a meeting at half past 7 oclock. all felt well. I stid with Brother Evanes an family over night.


Frday 19th 1886, Pontypridd, Thomas Evanes House.

this morning I left for Cardiff thrw very heave rain storm. rived at Bro Blitten House at 2 oclock. Eat dinner here and then I went to Sister Dimon?. I stid her over night at Manachdy farm.


Saderday 20th 1886, Mynachdy Farm, Cardiff

I stid herre today and I spent the day in Writting and reading.


Sunday 21st 1886, Manachdy farm

today I met with the Saints at Brother Blityn House at 2 oclock P.m. we had onley one meeting thrwe the day. at night I went to Mr Dimon to slepe. all is well this day.


Munday 22, 1886, Manachdy farm, Mr. Dimon.

this morning I left here for Cathays. I found all well here at Brother Forsey family and I stid here over night.


Tusday 23, 1886, Coborn Street, 70 Forsey House.

today I visit Cardiff Town and the docks and back to Forsey House in the afternoon. I stid here over night.


Cathays Cabourn Street 70, Wday 24 1886, Forsey House

this morning I left for Manachdy farm. all well here when I came back and I stid here overnight.


Manachty Farm, Daimon House, Thday 25, 1886

this morning I left this place for Lantwit to David House where I found all well and glad to see me. I stid here with this family over night.


Lantwit, William David House, Fday 26th 1886

this morning I left her for New Mills. I call on Brother Thomas at Ty Gwilim. Stope here for dinner and went on to the Gilfach Goch thrw very heve rain storm. I was very wet when I arived at Brother Thomas Edwards House. had good place here with this family. I stid all night.


Sday 27, 1886, Gilfach Goch, Edwards House.

this morning is very stormy and I stid here with Edwards family all day and over night.


Gilfach, Edwards House, Sunday 28, 1886.

this morning I left for Tylorstown to Brother Roberts. I arrived here at 11 oclock AM. at 2 oclock PM I held a meeting with the Saints at Brother Roberts House. also at half past six we held a meeting with a few Saints. this afternoon I blesst Brother Thomas ----- Griffithes daughter, 3 months old. I stid at Sister Roberts over night.


Mundyd 29, 1886, Tylorstown, Bro Roberts House.

this morning I left for Treorchy. arived at Brother Josia Jones at James Street no. 6 all right. I found the family all well. I stid here over night.


Tuday 30th 0886.

today I stid here. I visited Mary Evans and family. I stid with the family most of the day and I went back to Brother Jones over night.


Wensday 31, 1886, James St. no. 6, J. Jones

this morning I left for Pontypridd. arived at Brother Robert Bishop at 2 oclock PM. all well here. I made a call on Bro an Sister Ball and from ther I went over to Bro Evanes the comins to sti all night at Pontypridd.


Abril 1st 1886, Thomas Evanes House, Pontypridd

this morning I left here for Bro Isaac Evans, Glanlay Street, number 46, Penrhiwsceibr.

arived at 1 oclock. all well here and I stid over night here. I met with the Saints at half past seven oclock in a meeting.


Glanly St, Isaac Evanes, Penrhiwsceibr, Friday 2nd 1886

this morning I left here for Merthyr. I came buy train to Treaman Station. went on to Bro Price for few minutes and went on to Abernant Station where I met the Brethren. R.J. Owens and H.S. Goddard came from the Swansea district. we went thrw the Tunel together. arived I Merthyr all safe. found Bro Jones and Bro Lorances family all right.


Sday 3rd 1886, 98 Twynyrodyn, Merthyr

I stid here to clen myself. get rede for Sunday Services. stid all day and at night Elder John Evans came in from Mamouth district. all well.


98 Twynyrodyn, Merthyr, Sunday 4th 1886

this morning we met in Council at 11 oclock AM. all good Repts from the various Branches and the Saints doing well under the Pressure of hard times. Also Brother Gorge Barett was ordine to the office of an Elder buy the Elder John Evanes, Utah Elder an then we adjorn to 2 PM. at 2 we met with the Saints. had good time and at six we had the Church meeting of the day. after this meeting we the Elders held a Special Council to hear Brother John Lloyds case and after we heard all the charges aginst him, we close for som time after an went to bed.


Munday 5th 1886, Merthyr 98 Twynyrodyn.

today we stid here to write and read news from Utah, other maters.


98 Twynyrodyn, Merthry. Tday 6th 1886

we stid her in the office getting rede for another visit so R.J. Owens and myself was apointed to the Swansea district for the month of Abril. Elder H.S. Godard to Cardiff district and Elder John Evanes to Mamouth.


Wensday 7th 1886, 98 Twynyrodyn.

this morning we made our selfs rede to go out and so went buy Train from Merthyr to Abernant Station and down to Treaman to Bro William Price an family house. H.S. Goderd and myself stid over night and Bro Owens stid at his uncil.


Thday 8th 1886, Treaman Station, Bro Price House.

this morning we left Bro Godard fore Cardifff and Owens and myself fore Swansea. we stid at Bro J James at Hirwaun. held a meeting with the Saints here at night, stid at Bro Jones House over night.


Fday 9th 1886, Hirwaun.

this morning we left this house for Neath and on the road we mad a call on H. James Daves at Resolven and after dinner we went to Neath. arived all right and all well at Bro an Sister Williams.


Sday 10th 1886, Neath, Williams House.

today very wet. we went to see Bro Estman an family. Bro Estman being in bed sick, we then went back to Williams.


Sunday 11th 1886, Neath PAGE 45

this morning went to see Brother Langes Family at Neath Abby and we in company of Bro and Sister Lange went back to Neath at 2 oclock to hold a Saints meeting at Bro Estman House at Velin garddan? Also we had a meeting at six with a few Saints and back to Williams.


Mday 12th 1886, Neath, Williams House. PAGE 46

this morning we left fore Pontardawe We made a calle on a man name William Howel an family at ---- ------, Alltwen. eat our dinner and went on to see John Williams & family and on to Thomas Street to Mr. Thomas Edwards s House. here we were received very kindly buy this family. we went to stid over night with a family buy the name of Morgans.


Pontardawe, Thomas Street, Edwards House. Tday 13th, 1886

today we made a call on som few familys. William Morgans and James James an family at Alltwen and Mrs Hopkins came to see us at James House. John H. Davies & sister is now at Rush Valley, Utah. after spent the day with this folks we went back to Mr. Edwards House at Ts St. and from here to John Morgans our loging.


John Morgans House, Thomas St., Pontardawe, Wday 14th 1886 PAGE 47

this morning we called on Thomas Edwards & family and go on to Trevories?

we araived at Trevories at noon. We had our dinner with David Jones s family and then go on to Swansea. we reach Bro Pars at 4 oclock P.M. where we found all the well. from here we went to Bro D Hearne House where we stid over night.


Graig, Swansea, Hearne House, Thday 15th 1886

Today we stid her and at seven oclok Pm we held a meeting with the Saints of Swansea.


Hearne House, Graig, Swansea, Fday 16th 1886

this morning we left here for Llanelley. we visit John John ---- ---- an family and went to the Black Lion to sleep.


William Rees, Black Lion, Llanelly, Saday 17th 1886

This moring we left this place fore Kidwelly. we call on Johns family an then go on. We rived at Mynydd y garreg, Kidwelly. At 1 oclock P.M. we stid with Bro Williams family. all well ere. glad to see us.


Mynydd y garreg, Kidwelly, Sunday 18th 1886, Williams house. PAGE 49

today we went with Bro Griffith Williams to Llwin teg? to meet with the Saints where we held a meeting at 2 P.M and also to ordain Brother Griffith Williams to the office of a Priest. after the meeting went back with Bro Williams. stid with this family over the night.


Mynydd y graig, Munday 19th 1886, Williams House.

This morning we left her for Llwin vellter fach. call at Maesteg as we pass buy here to eat our dinner and stid few hours to writte an then went on to Bro Jones, Llwin y fellter bach. here we stid all night. the old folks were well.


Tusday 20th 1886, John Jones, Llwin y filltir fach.

this morning we left fore Brechfa. we calle at Llanddarog. eat dinner. [at] Bro John Stevienes and went on river at Pont y ver. Left in the after noone. here we meet Daniel F. Thomas. we stid with Bro Thomas over night. all is well here.


Wday 21st 1886, Ponty ver near Brachfa, Hanna Thomas House

this morning we left here for Dan Davies House at Brechfa. after dinner we went to see Bro Evan Morgans. after chat while with him, I went back to Dan Davies for the night.


Thday 22nd 1886, Dan Davies House, Brechfa. PAGE 51

this morning we left here for Abergorlach? on the way we call on John Davies, Marybidde? farm. had our dinner with family and then go on. We reach Abergorlech at 3 oclock. we stid here short time with John Jones. had tea here. left for Blanycwm [to] Evan John the clock maker. We rived here at 7 oclock p.m. stid with this family over night. had a good Treetment here.


Blanycwm, Evan Jones, Fday 23, 1886 PAGE 52

this morning we left for Swansea. we walk to Pont y ----- we went buy train from here the reminder of the way. we rived Swansea at 7 oclock P.M. found the Saints all right. we stid at Bro. David Hearne an family.


Swansea, D. Hearnes House, Sday 24, 1886

today we stid. I found 2 letters from home witing for me after a long stint of 2 months time. I wrote back today at Bro Williams house there in the end of this day.


Hearne House, Swansea, Sunday the 25, 1886

today we stid here with the Saints. held a Council at 11 oclock A.M. also we had a meeting at 2 P.M. an six in the 2 oclock meeting. Bro Owens ordin Bro John Hopkines to the office of a priest and then we went to Bro Hearne for the night.


Munday, the 26th 1886, David Hearne House, Swansea.

this morning we went to see Mr. Dennis family. Stid here today with this family..


Tusday the 27th 1886, Dennis House, Swansea. PAGE 53

this morning we left her for Cwmbechan? via Burton Fere. rived at John Moryes at 1 oclock P.M. ate our dinner here an then we went in company of Mrs Moryes to see other family and back to John Moryes over night Aberaran? John Moryes House


Wensday 28th 1886, Aberafon?, John Moryes House. PAGE 54

this morning went to Maesteg. call on Bro William Evanes. ate our dinner an then went on to Hogmore Valley. we stid with Mr Thomas Davies family, lliwelin Street, Nant y Moel. we were treeted kindly with this family and very glad to see us.


Lliwelin Street, Nant y Moel, Thomas Davies House, Thday 29, 1886

this morning we left here for Treyorky. rive at Treorky at 2 oclock PM. call on Joshua Jones family. from here I went up to Trearbert to see Jacob Davies family. I found the widow and 4 children an then I went back to Treorky, 6 James Street to stid over night and R.J. Owens. Stid at Trearbert.


James Street, Treorkey, Joshua Jones House, Frday 30th, 1886.

this morning we left here for Yestrad. call on a family buy the name of William Bennett. we had our dinner with this family an then left for Merthyr. rive at Merthyr half past seven oclock PM. we met the Brethren R.H. James and H.S. Godard there all right. John Evans not inn yet. all well at 98.


Saderday, May the 1st 1886

Today I stid here to clean an change my close. also I received 3 letters, one from my family and other from Morgan Lewis and John M Lewis from Iowa and after dinner Bro James Evans came all right.


98 Twynyrodyn, Sunday the 2nd 1886

we the Utah Elders met in Council at 11 oclock AM. also many of the local brethren was present. here reports from all the Saints. at 2 oclock we met with the Saints. also we had a meeting at half past 5 PM. we had good meeting all thru the day. this the end of today.


Munday 3rd 1886, 98 Twynyrodyn.

this morning I aggin return my work. read an write and all went all right this day. also was apointed to labor in the Cardiff district for the this monthe.


98 Twynyrodyn, Tusday 4th 1886.

this morning started on my work. read an write. Today I bote sute of close in Merthyr for 41 Shillings, rede made the end of the day.


98 Twynyrodyn, Weday 5th 1886

this morning I made my self rede to go out to my field of labor for another month. At 7 oclock PM I went by train to Abernant and from here I walk to Brother Prices House at Treaman. here I stid over night with Bro Price an family.


Treaman, No 14, William Price, Thday 6, 1886.

this morning I went to Aberdar to have my phodo taken and back to bro Price for dinner an then went on to Cap coch. call at 71 Jenkin Street on James Lewis an family. I stid with there family till nite? an then I went on to Bro Evanes, Penrhiwceibr. I met with Saints at 8 oclock in meeting. all well. I stid over night with Bro Evanes.


46 Glanly Street, Evanes House, Penrhiwceibr, Friday 7th 1886

this morning I call on Evanes Evanes family an then went on to Pontypridd. arive at Bro Thomas Evanes Alpha Place cod Penmin. found all well here. stid over night with Bro Evanes an family.


Cod Penmin, Evanes house, Sarday 8th 1886

this morning I went to visit the Saints in Town. met with the Brethren at Robert Bishop House in a teachter meeting at 8 oclock. all good report an then I went to the coming [Commons] to stid over night where I met Bro R.H. Jones.


Alpha Place, Coyd Penmin, Pontypridd, Bro Evanes House, the 9th 1886, Sunday

this morning R.H. Jones and my self met at 11 oclock in council with the Brethren of this Place. had good reports. Brother R.H. Jones ordin Brother --- Lewis to the office of a teatcher an then close the council. at 2 oclock we again met in a Saints meetings, also at Six P.M. the meetings was well attended all day.


Alpha Place cod Penmin, Evans House, Monday 10th 1886

this morning I left for the Dinas. call at Bro Ball as I went pass by. rived at Bro John Daniels at 5 oclock PM. all well here. I stid all night here.


Tusday 11th 1886, Dinas, John Daniels House.

this morning I leve here for Tylorstown. on the way I call on John Jones, Gelle Crossing.

had my dinner with Bro Jones family an then went on to Tylerstown. rived at Bro Griffiths House at 3 oclock PM. all well here and I stid her over night with Thomas Griffithes family.


Wensday 12th 1886, Tylorstown, Bro Griffiths House.

this morning it is very wet, raining very hard. stop raining for a few minutes, I left for Treorkey. Rive at Joneses House at 2 oclock PM. found all well here at James Street. I stid here over night.


James Street, Treorckey. Thday 13th 1886, Joshua Jones House.

I left for Pontypridd this morning. very wet weather, rain fast. I rive at Bro Bells at 4 oclock. all well here. after dinner I went on to the Coming [Commons] here I meet with the Saints at half past 7 oclock in a Saint meeting tonight. I met Bro. David Williams an family from Pleasant Valley. I stid here at Bro. T. Evans over night.


Frday 14th 1886, Coming [Commons], Bro Evans House

this morning I went to visit Bro and sister Williams at Pontypridd. I stid most of the day with Brother Williams an family in talking about mater an things and then went back to Bro. Evanes for the night.


Coming, Saday 15th 1886, Thomas Evans House

this morning left here for Cardiff. I made a call on Bro. David Williams an family an then went on. arive at Bro. Blityn House at 3 oclock PM. all well here. after little rest I went over to Mr. Dimon at Manachdy farm. stid here over night.


Sunday 16th 1886, Manachdy farm.

very wet morning. at 3 oclock PM I meet with the Saints at Bro Blityn House. few Saints came to gather. after the meeting I went back to the farm.


Munday 17th 1886, Manachdy farm.

this morning I left her for Cathays, Cardiff. reach Mr. Forssey all right. all well here after dinner I visited a man an family by the name of Hyrum White. this man had been a member of the Church when a Boy and was very glad to see me. I spent the Evening with this family in Talking an conversing upon the Princebeles of the Gosbel and at late hours I left to Mr Forsey House where I stid over night.


Tusday 18th 1886, Mr Forsey House, No. 70 Cathays.

very rainie an wet this morning. I went to Mr. Hyrum White in the Evening in compene with Mr an Mrs White. I went to visit his Brother Heber an family. spent very pleasant evening in Talking upon mater an things of the Kingdom of God and the times an the People. then I left for No. 70 for the night.


Wensday 19th 1886, No. 70 Cathays, Cardiff.

this morning I am getting redde to leve this place for the Lock. call at Bro Blaityn an the[n] over to Mr. Dimon. stid here all night.


Thursday 20th 1886, Dimon House, Manarchdy.

this morning it is rainin fast. I walk from here to Llandaf Station and I went by Train to Pontypridd. I call at Bro Thomas Evans. from here I walk to quacers yeard. I boad the Train here for Merthyr. rived at Merthyr at 5 oclock PM. here I met the Brethren R. H. Jones and T.R. Owens an David Williams. all well an happy. this evening the Merthyr Saints gather themselves to Bro Mark Lorance House to Congratuate them before thay leving Babelon. had quit a merry time for a few hours an then depart in Peace for the night.


Friday 21st 1886, Mark Lorance, 98 Twynyrodyn

this morning I went in company with the Brethren to the Station to see Bro. R.H. Jones and Bro Mark Lorance an family. Started off by the morning train for Liverpool an then I went back to the office. Today I rote a letter to my family Mary K Lewis and then I left Merthyr for Treaman, Number 14, Bro Price House. rived here at late hour. stid the night.


Treaman, No. 14, Saderday 22 1886, Bro Price House.

today I visited Thomas Davies an family, John Street, Aberdare. here talk on the things of the kingdom of God. they was glad to see me coming in to see them. then I went back to Bro Price at Treaman Station. On the road I stid to listen a Salvationist Preaching for the first time here. I met a sister, a member of the Church, and then I went on to Bro Price where I stid over night.


Sunday 23rd 1886, Treaman, No. 14, Bro Price House

this morning I with Bro Price went to Penrhiwceibr to hould a meeting at this place with the Saints. we had 2 meetings at 2 an Six P.M. we had good time all day. I stid here at Bro Isaac Evanes an family for the night. all is well.


Munday 24th 1886, Glanley Street, no. 46, I. Evans, Penrhiwceibr.

this morning I left for Rhondda Valley. Bro Evanes went with me little ways to --- ----?? Road an then we bid each other good buy. He went back home and I went on. I call at Bro Griffiths family at Tylor town. Had my dinner here an then Bro Griffiths went with me for some distance on up to the top of the sumit an he went home. I went on to the Gelley Crosing. stid here for super with John Jones & family an then I went on to Treorchy, James Street, No. 6, Josua Jones where I stid over night.


Tusday 25, 1886, James Street, Tereorkey.

this morning I mede another walk over the mountain and very steep one and down on the other said the same way. I arived at Bro Cladwrddy all safe an sound. rived here at 2 oclock P.M. found the sister Cladwrddy and the children all well. I stid with these family over night.


Wensday 26, 1886, Cladwrddy House, Hogmore [Ogmore}Valley.

this morning I made the way over the montan to the Gilfach Goch rived at Bro Thomas Edwards House at 5 oclock PM. all well here. I stid over night with the family.


Thsday 27, 1886, Gilfach, Edward House.

this day I made a start for Penycoed and I stop at William Williams House. well treated by this family. after Williams came from his worke we had a long talk on the gospel an then retird at a lat hour.


Friday 28th 1886, Wm Williams House.

this morning I left for New Mills. I cald at Bro. Thomas an Sister Thomas. I stid here overnight with Bro Thomas an family. all well here.


Sadday 29th 1886, New Mills, Ty Gwillim

after spent some litle time in talking the Princibles of the gospel with sister Thomas, then I left for Cardiff. I cald at Bro Briten House. eat my dinner an then went on to Cathays to Bro White. rived here about 5 oclock PM. after rest litle while, I went down town with Bro. White. at half past seven oclock we attended temperance meeting to listen at Temprance Spieches. After the --- of time, we return back to Carin Street, No. 159. I stid at Bro White House over night.


Sunday 30th 1886.

This morning called on Bro Forsey an family, then back to Bro White for dinner. after we dine we went over to where the meeting is held at Bro Bliton House. all of Bro Whites family and my self at Bro Blitons. I met Bro H.S. Godard from the Mamouth district. after the meeting, Bro Goddard went back to Cathays with the White an Forsey family. after tea time we met at Bro Forsey House. I spent the eving here. we had good time to gather for a few hours. Then I went with Bro an Sister White and Bro. H.S. Godard and Benjamin Evanes. Stid at Bro Forseys for the night. this ended a pleasant day we had in the society of the Saints of Cardiff.


Munday 31, 1886

Today it tis very wet day. after dinner Bro Godard and my self went som distans to find a place to Babtized and we found a place would do in good wheather. then we return back to Cathays where few of the Saints met in the evening at Bro Hurm Whites House but we thought it best to postpond the Babtizem for som 2 weeks when expect to have few mor rede. then we spent the evening in singing an talking and after few hours of enjoyment to gather, Brethren Godard and Evans left Bro White House and went to Bro Forsey for the night and I remind here with Whites family.


Cairn Street 159, Cathays, Cardiff, June 1st 1886, Bro Hurm Whites House.

this morning I bid the family good by an left for the Manachdy farm. I called at Bro Forsey to meet the Brethren after litle sti we went an Bro John Evans. went by train from Cardiff to Pontypridd and Brother Godard and I went over to Dimons, Manachdy farm ner Cardiff we called at Bro Blaiden. Eat dinner here then went on to the farm.


Wensday 2nd 1886, Dimons House, Monachdy farm ner Cardiff.

this morning I left here for Llantwit and Bro H.S. Godard went by rile from Landaff Station to Pontypridd and I went on foot to Llantwit. rived at Mr David House at half past 3 oclock PM. all glad to see me here. I stid over night here with these family.


David House, Llantwit, Thday 3rd 1886

this morning I left this place for the Maerdy, Rhondda Valley. here I called on Bro James Morgan an family. I rived litle after 3 oclock pm. eat my dinner with this family and I stid little while talking on the Utah and the gospel and then went over the mountain to Bro Price House, 14 Stastion Road, Treaman. rived here son after 8 oclock PM, very tired.


W. Price House, Treaman, Fday 4th 1886.

this morning I left here for Aberdare where I had my photo retaken and then went on to Merthyr. arived in Merthyr at one oclock PM. here I met the Brethren all well and I was glad to meet them and also I received som letters from home.


98 Twynyrodyn, Saday the 5th 1886.

Today I with the ---- ---- to dinner at 88 then went up to Dowlais to visit my Aunt Rachel and her son Evan. all well here. glad to see me. I left at a late hour for my home at 98 Merthyr. rived all right.


Sunday 6th 1886.

all well this morning. at 11 oclock we met in consule with the Brethren of the Priesthood. all reports were good and also 2 --- --- mebers of the church made a confession of theyers sins and was approved by the consule and be rebaptized. then the consule adjourn for one month. at 2 an six we met with the Saints. good sprit prevail and the Saints and the Elders felt well in the gospel. all left in the enjoyment of Spirit of the Lord.


98 Twynyrodyn, Munday 7th 1886

today reding an writing. in the evening I went in company of the Brethren R.J. Owens, H.S. Goddard, --- W. Richads to stand the ordnance of babtism which was preform an Pengarnddy. 2 men by the name of John Baxter And Samuel Gould. we also

I was the mouth in the confirmation Bro Baxter, H.S. Goddard, Samuel Gould, then we came home to 98 Twynyrodyn.


98 Twynyrodyn, Tusday the 8th 1886.

today we stid here all day talking up on maters an things and I was set a part to Labore in the Swansea district and John Evans in the Mamouth district. all is well today.


98 Twynyrodyn, Wensday, the 9the 1886.

all is well this morning. I stid here the for part of the day. afere dinner I visited Mr. Thomas the yarn manager. spent som time with him in talking about Utah an the Saints. I left him for 98 at half past six oclock pm. I bid the boys good buy, R.T. Owens and H.S. Goddard. Bro Owens stid in the office and Bro Goddard was relest from his mission to go hom to Utah. then I went by Train thru the tunnel and I walk down to Bro Price House at Treaman Station. rived safe. all well at Bro Prices.


Treaman Stastion, Prices House, Thday 10th 1886

this morning I left here for Hirwain. rived at noon. found Sister Jones all right, very well pleace of my visit. had my dinner. went to see Thomas Davis an family. all well here. after some talking about the gosbl I left for Bro Jones House where I stid over night.


Friday 11th 1886, Thomas Jones House, Hirwain.

this morning I left for Neath. I walk frm Hirwian to Reesolven, then I went by train to Neath. rived at 2 oclock PM. found all well here. I went over to Bro Estman an family. all is well here. I then went to Glammorgan Inn for the night.


Bro an Sister Williams House, Neath, Sarday 12th 1886.

I left this town for Swansea. call at Bro G. Lang at Neath Abby. eat dinner with Sister Lang an then went on over the canel back to Swansea. I reach Bro Gorge Parriot House 3 oclock PM. all well her. after super I went to Bro David Hearne where I stid over the night. all is well here in Swansea.


David Hearnes House, Swansea, Sunday 13th 1886.

at 2 oclock I met with the Saints meeting and a very discureging one. 4 of the Brethren met with me at six oclock. a few mor came in this meeting. I exact the Saints to the duty of a Saint and attend to the meetings as much as possible.


Munday 14th 1886, Bro Hearne House, Swansea.

today is very wet and also a Holy day. I stid here all of this day reading and writing.


Tusday 15, 1886, Bro Hearnes House, Swansea.

this morning I left Swansea for Llanelly. I rived at Llanelly at 2 oclock PM well and sound. I made a call on David Thomas an family at this place. eat dinner with family an then went to --- house at John John. after chat wile I left for the Black Lion to stid over night.


Llanelly, Wensday 16th 1886, John John House.

I left her for Mynydd y graig [garreg?] y Cwet. rived at Bro Williams House in the afternoon. I found them all well here. I stid here over night.


Mynydd y gareg, Thursday the 17th 1886. PAGE 83

after dinner I left her for Llwinyfillterfach. I called at Sister Elene Willams. She was not at home. I went to Jones, Llwin y fellterfach. Reach here at 4 oclock PM. I found the family well and glad to see me. I stid here over night.


Llwinyfellter, Friday 1886 PAGE 84

today not feeling well, I stid here all day to rest my self and I had som hurb tea of Sister Jones.


Saerday 19, 1886, Llwinyfellter

this morning getting much beter, I left here for Brechfa or Pont y ver near Brechfa. on the way I made called on Bro Stvines, Pontypwll, Llanddarog. eat my dinner here with Bro Stvines an then went on via Nant Garideg. Reach Pant y ver at seven oclock PM very tired. Met Bro D.F. Thomas in the House. very glad to see me, also the sisters. I stid here at Pont y ver over Sunday.


Sunday 20, 1886, Pantyver. PAGE 85

Today it tis a Butfull weather and it tis the apointed day to meet the People of this place in a meeting at Pen crymillin and at 2 oclock Bro Thomas and myself went up to the tope of this mountain and here we had plaser of talking to about for hundred of people in good place and good order and everybode seems well. Sadisfid and anxsious to hear us aggin after about two hours time, we went home. After super we went to visit a family by the name of David Jones, Thomas Jarmay ss cousin and then back to Pantyver for the night.


Munday 21, 1886, Pantyver.

this morning I left Pant yver on the way to Lampeter over the mountain. rived at Sister at 7 oclock Pm very tired. I found all well here. glad to see me. I stid at the Coffee Tavern at night.


Tusday 22, 1886, Lampeter.

today I stid here with Sister Thomas an family and rest myself.


Lampeter, Wensday 23, 1886

this morning I went by train from this town, the distanst 16 miles, to a station north of here a then left the railroad an went over the mountain to a place ner Davels Bridge to visit a family, a Bro and Sister Scorey which kip a gate on the top the mountain in a very lonely place. after stid here 2 hours. I left Bro and Sister Scarey for Lampeter. bord the train at the same station. rived at Lampeter at 8 oclock pm all right.


Lampeter, Thday 24, 1886

today I stid here with Sister Thomas an the boys. all is well this day.


Lampeter, Friday 25, 1886 PAGE 88

This morning I left here for Tynlyn. I went via Cayo [Caio]. reach Tynyla half past seven PM. I found my step mother and the family all well an happy.


Tynylan, Saderday 26, 1886

I stid round here today and about noon, I went to see a family clos by the name of Rees James, Tynybedw. I hqad the placer of lay before them a few of the first princebles of the gosbel to a few that gather to this house an then I went back to Tynylan.


Tynylan, Monday 28th.

this morning I left for Llandovery. rived at late hour. found all well. I stid at my Sister Jaene.


Llandoverey, Tusday 29, 1886

I stid here today to visit the folks here in this towen. All well and glad to see me ones more. Stid at Jaenes.


Llandoverey, Wensday 30th, 1886

I left this morning to visit my cousin Mary Renowden at Rhandry mwyn. I found John and David Renowden, 2 of her sons. I stid with Daniel while I stid here and they treeted me very kindly.


Thursday, July the 1st 1886, Daniel Renowdens House.

this moring visited the Lead Works and went up on the mountain after dinner and back to John Renowden House for super an then I went back Daniels for the night.


Friday 2, 1886 PAGE 100

I left for Llandoverey via Pen Pal. stid at this place for latte time then I went to see Evan James, Pont y wheel. I stid here for tea an went to my Brother Rees Lewis. I stid here over night.


Saterday 3, 1886, Rees House.

this morning I left here for my nephew John Williams House. I stid here all day to write.


Sunday 4th, 1886, John Williams House.

today I went with John to my brother Rees House to visit Sunday School. from here I went to held a meeting at half past 7 oclock on the street. Llandoverey hard place to preach. the people very carless and in diffrant. at a let hour I went back to my nephews house where I stid over night.


102 Llandoverey, John William House, Monday 5, 1886.

this day I left her for Tynylan. rived about 6 oclock PM. all well here.


Tynylan, Tusday 6th 1886 PAGE 102

I stid here the for part of the day. after dinner I went to Borundyfan to get som names my sister and mother from the record Book and back to Tynylan.


Tynylan, Wensday 7th 1886

this morning I left her for Cayo [Caio] village. on the way I call on David Edwards, Troed-y-rhiw. had my dinner here with Edwards family an then went on to Cayo. rived at 5 oclock PM. I stid over night at Henry Jones House.


Cayo, Thsday 8th 1886

to-day I visited the graves of my father an mother an then I call on the children for the racords. had few names then left for Crig-y-bar. here I stid with David Thomas an family over night.


Crug-y-bar, frday 9th 1886

this morning I left here for Llansawel. rived here at 2 oclock PM. had my dinner at my cousin Jane Davies which is very sick an then I went to the church records here. I found few more names. I stid at Martha Williams and family over night. all well here.


Llansawel, Saturday 10th 1886

I stid here in till 2 PM then I left for Cayo. I call at Llathige to see David Davis. Stid here litle while then went on to Cayo where I stid over night.


Cayo, Sunday 11th 1886

today it is very wet. rain very fast all day. I went over to Tynylan. rived at 1 oclock PM. all well here.


Tynylan, Munday 12th 1886

it tis raine day. I went to visit a man by name of William Thomas close by here where I stid few hours with him, then back to Tynylan.


Tynylan, Tusday 13, 1886

wet weather. I stid here all day.


Tynylan, Wednsday 14th 1886

I stid here today to Hay meken for my step-mother. all well.


Tynylan, Thday 15, 1886

also to day I help to make hay.


Tynylan, Frday 16, 1886

this morning it tis wet. afternoon I help at the hay for litle while.


Saderday, Tynylan 17, 1886

very wet day. at 12 oclock I left here for Lampeter. very wet all day. I rived at Lampeter at let hour. I found Sister Thomas and the Boys all well.


Lampeter, Sunday 18th.

today not felling well. I stid with Sister Thomas in the evening. I held a meeting in Sister Thomas House an then retired.


Monday 19th 1886, Lampeter

being a fine day, Sister Thomas ask me if I would help at the hay so I went to hay making and all night I was quit tired.


Lampeter, Tusday 20th 1886

I stid here all day to write a leter for sister Thomas and see to the hay stack. all well.


Wensday 21, 1886, Lampeter

today is very wet day. rain very fast all day long and so I stid here to wit for good weather because had a long ways to go thru the rain.


Thursday 22, 1886, Lampeter. PAGE 107

This morning I made a start from here by train for ---- Brechfa. being so rainy I made a call on Benjamin Jones, Pontyseawen [Pontshaen?]. stid here a few hours for the rain to stop and then I went to Brechfa. arrived at Pontyfer at 8 oclock PM. I found Brother Thomas and his sister all well.


Pontyfer, Frday 23, 1886

Today being very rainy day, I stid here up to 2 oclock pm an then went through the rain to Llwenyfellteg [Llanfallteg?]. Stid here over night with Bro Jones and family.


Sday 24, 1886, llwinyfellter [Llanfallteg?] PAGE 108

today being good weather, I made a start for Swansea. call at Sister Elen Williams House. also call at Brother Williams, myryddygareg [Mynydd y garreg]. had my dinner here with Bro an Sister Williams an then went on to llanelly. Here I call on David Thomas an family to let them know of Mary Lewis s Death. from here I went on the 7 oclock train to Swansea. arrived at Swansea at 8 oclock p.m. I found the Saints all well. I stid at Bro Hearne House.


Sunday 25, 1886, Swansea

good weather today and I met with the Saints at 2 PM. also at 6 oclock in a meeting. after the Eving meeting we held a council of the Swansea Branch and things are not in a very good condition here in Swansea.


Monday 26, 1886, Swansea

today I stid here the most of the day to writ an getting rede to go to Neath. I left Bro Williams and went to stid at Mr Dennes House over night.


Tuday 27, 1886, Mr Dennis, Swansea

this morning I left for Neath. on the way I call on Bro Gorge Lang at Neath Abey an then went on to Neath. arrived at Brother Williams all right. stid here a while an then went to see Bro Estman and family which is all well. then I left for my lodging.


Wensday 28, 1886, Neath, Sister Williams House

being a good weather, I left for Hirwain. arrived at 5 oclock Pm at Bro Jones House. all well; glad to see me. call in and I stid here over night with Bro. Jones.


Hirwain, Thos Jones House, Thursday 29, 1886.

raining again to day and I left for Merthyr. arrived at 98 at one oclock PM. found Bro Owens in the office and all well at 98.


98 Twynyrodyn, Fday 30th 1886

Today I stid here. read an rest my self. this afternoon Elder John Evans cam in frm the Momouth District well an safe.


98 Twynyrodyn, Sdarday 31st, 1886. PAGE 131

I stid here at 98 to clen my self an get rede for the councill on Sunday. also Sist Williams and her son cam in from ----- Gelligaer. all well. this will end July month.


98, August 1st 1886, Sunday 1st 1886.

Today I met with the Brethren in the Councill at 11 oclock am. all reports were good and we had a good time. nothing new be for the Councill. also I met with the Saints at Town Six oclock P.M. very good time in all the meetings.


Munday 2nd 1886, Merthyr, 98 Twyn yrodyn.

Today it tis a gret day in Merthyr, a Bank Holey day. all kind of amusement for the people that can pay for it. in the evening I went up with one such ---- the hill to see the fier works dashing in the sky. after stid here an hour or two went went back to 98 for the night. all well an safe. reach the house at ten oclock PM.


Tusday 3rd 1886, 98 Twynyrodyn.

today I am getting redy for another month visit out in the field and in the evening I in compeney with Elders T.R. Owens and Evans. on the hill an down through Merthry and back to 98 for night. all well.


Wensday 4th 1886, Twynyrodyn, 98. PAGE 133

today is the day to go out fields of labor so Bro Elder John Evans left a 1 oclock for the Momouth district and I left for Cardiff district. Brother R.J. Owens went with me up as far as hewel gerig then he went back to 98 and I went on to Aberaman Station road to Bro Price House where I stid over night. all well an glad to see me.


Treaman, no. 14, Bro Price House, Thursday 5, 1886.

this morning been a good weather, warm day, so I left for Benrhiwceiber. call at Cap Cach to the House of Benjamin Lewis to see the folks. all well here. then I went on. arrived at 46 Glanly St & found Bro Isaac Evans and Mary Ann in the House. after dinner I visited the Saints. found all the family feeling well. at 8 oclock I met at Bro Isaac Evans House in a meeting. had a good time. all feel well.


Glanley St. 46, Bro Isaac Evans House, Frday 6, 1886.

this morning I left Penrhiwceiber for Pontypridd. reach Bro Thomas Evans at noon all right. again after dinner I visited Saints of this place. I found all and feel good in the Gosple. Stid a Bro and Sister Evans comin.


Pontypridd, Thomas Evans, Sday 7th 1886.

this morning I went up to Hopkings Town to see Bro and Sister Ball is now getting rede to imigret with the Saints on the 22 of August. also I call at Bro Bishop and family. I found all well then I went back to the coming [commons?].


Bro Evans House, Sunday 8th 1886.

This morning I with Brethren of this Branch. Met in councill at Bro Thomas Evans House at 11 oclock am. good attendance and the reports were good. all the Saints feel to live there and kepe the commanments of God as well as they can. also I met with the Saints at 2 an six PM. we had good meetings all through the day. Saints feel well.


Mounday 9th 1886, Pontypridd, Bro Thomas Evans House.

been warn day I made a start for Tylors Town. arrived at Bro Thomas Griffiths, Taylor Town at 5 oclock PM. after I stid litle while Bro Griffiths went with me and at half pas seven we held a meeting in the open eare. very few attended. after the meeting I went home with Bro Griffiths where I stid all night.


Tusday 10th 1886. PAGE 137

this morning I went to Bro William Roberts lodging house to write letter for him to his wife in Utah. after dinner I left for Treorky via Mardy. arrived at 6 James St, Treorky at six oclock Pm. I found sister Jones home with her son had his arm Brookn. After supper I visited Calepe Philips an family. after stid here for som time, I went back to 6 James Street for the night.


Wedensday 11th 1886, James St.

this morning I made another call on Philipes family. I spent som few hours to Teatch or preach the gosple to this family. eat dinner here and left for Trearbert and then I went over the mountain to Ogmour Valley. arrived at Clad worthy at 5 oclock Pm. I found both Clad worthy and Flews family all well. after super John Morgan a Josphit came in to see me an then I went with him to another mans House name John Jones a Josphit. here I met 6 or 7 of same class of man. after a long chat with these people I left for the night.


Cladworthy, Thursday 12th 1886.

today I visited John Jones the Josphit an family at night, half past 7 oclock. went to meeting with hime where I had the pleacer of talking to quite a number of the Josphit at the meeting. then I went back Cladworthy House, Ogmoery Valley.


Friday 13th 1886.

this morning I made a start from here for new mills to Brother Richard Thomas. arrived her at 6 oclock Pm through very rainy day and Bro an Sister Thomas not home and I being wet an tirard, I went to a neighbor House clos by and there I found the key for Brother Thomas House an then I went in from the rain to wit the family home. I stid her over night.


Sadurday 14, 1886, Richard Thomas House, New mills.

today tis good weather so I mad my way to Cardiff. call at Bro. W. Bleden at the dock. had my dinner here an then I went on to Cathays. I found Bro Forsey all well. after rest litle while, I went to see Bro Hurm White at 159 Carin Street, Cathays. I found him an family all well, then I went bqck to Forsey for the night.


Sunday 15, 1886.

this morning I visited Heber White an family. after dinner we all met at Bro Bleden House at 2 oclock Pm in a Saint meeting. after the meeting, I went back to Cathays, Daniel Street. spent the evening with Bro Heber Whites family an then I left for Forsey House for the night.


Bro Forsey House, Monday the 16, 1886

today I stid her all day to read an write. at night I made call on Whites family an back to Forsey for the night.


Forsey, no 70 Cathays, Tusday 17th 1886.

today I went down Town and from here to the Manachdy farm to see Saints there. I foun them all well. then I went to Bro Hurm White at Cathays. I stid her for then night.


Cathays 159, Whites House, Wednsday 18th 1886.

this morning I left here for Pontypridd. rrived at Bro Balls House at 2 oclock PM. all well here. I call at Bro Bishops House an then I went up to the coming to Bro Thomas Evans s for the night. all well here.


Commin, Thomas Evans House, Thursday 19th 1886.

this morning I left here for Merthyr. rrived at 98 at 3 oclock Pm. I found Bro Owens in the office. all well at 98.


98 Merthyr, Friday 20th 18896.

this morning at 6 oclock Am, I help Bro John Ball an family to the Station on there way westward to start from Liverpool to mor the 21st of August and also Bro RJ Owens left here for London. So I am here alone today. So I spent my time in writing som few letters an send them off for the Local Saints.


Saderday 21st 1886. PAGE 133

this morning I am getting redy to go over to Rhynmey so after dinner I went over the mountain. arrived at Pontlotyn at six Pm. I found the Saints all well an then I went on to 14 Plantation Street, Rhymney where I stid over night.


Sunday 22, 1886, Rhymney, 14 Plantation Street, Bro John Grimly House.

this morning I met in a Councill with the Brethren at Bro John Grimly House at 11 oclock Am. also at Two I met with the Saints and we had good time in all the meetings. after the 2 oclock meeting, I went back to Merthyr. met with the Saints at 98 at six Pm. this the end of this day. all well.


Monday 23th 1886.

this morning I left Merthyr for North Wales. I left Merthyr at 9 Am and I arrived at Llandudno at 7 seven oclock Pm all right but tired after walk up an down the streets of this town hunt for a place to stay over night. I went back to Conway at late hour. been so vere ful I found a place at last by beg for it and pay two price for it and glad to get it.


Tusday 24th 1886, Conway, Carnarvonshire, North Wales.

this morning I went to hunt up Sister Roberts, a member of the Church in old times. After about a mile walking from Town, I came to the House where house is living and still strong in the faith and very glad to see me. I stid here a few hours to talk about things in Utah and the Church but then I left her for Llandudno. I went over the town an then I went up the mountain and to the old House where I met with the Saints in 1855 an 1856 an 1857. after having good view of the --- place, I went back to Conway for the night quite tired.


Conway, Wensday 25 1886.

this morning I left this town for litle Church, a smal place 6 miles up Conway Velley. here I visited maney of the old people to have an information of my wife folks. Back to Conway at late hour but very litle I could find.


Litle Church, Thursday 26 1886.

this morning againe I went round to gleen what I could from the people. also I went to Mr. Jones, the Church of England minister and he went to Church record but no one could be found and with Mr Jones I had quite a long talk about the gospel and Utah an the people. then I left him an I went to see som more of the people again. I went to Mr Jones and he found 2 names for me. Jones is good man but litle against the truth.


Litle Church, Conway Valley, Frday 27, 1886.

this morning I went to hunt somme of my wife ss folks but I did not find aney, then I made my way to Llanddoged [Llanddarog?] and on the way I came to litle gril 7 or 8 years ould by the Road said Crien vere bad. when I ask her what the trouble was she said she had lost one apeney of her mothers money. I give her the apeney and tould her not to crie anney more. then she went on her way cheerfully. I went to Llanddoged an then I went down to Llanrwst. rrived here at 7 oclock Pm. I stop at the House kepte by one Mrs Jones.


Saday 28, 1886, Llanrwst.

this morning I left here for Eglwys Vach. I went from her in company of a Methodist minister. on our way we had quite a lengthy conversation on the gospel an things in Utah an her people. arrived at Eglwys Vach at 3 oclock Pm and here I found my waife s uncil, Thomas Davis an family. I stid with this folks for an Hour or so an then went to my lodging for the night.


Little Church, S day 29, 1886

this morning I made my way back to Conway redy for Monday. I walk the distance of six miles from litle church to Conway. I reach Conway at noon. I stid with a man name John Jones an family. I had quite along talk with this family about Utah and the people.


Conway 30th 1886, Monday

today is good weather and I went on the train at Llandudno Junction for South Wales. went as far as the Chester Station. I stid ere an hour an half, wite for the South Wales train, then I left Chester at 20 minets to one oclock pm for South Wales. arrived at Merthyr Tyvile at 8 oclock PM. I found all well at 98 an R.J. Owens in the office.


Tuday 31st 1886, 98 Merthyr.

Today I stid here to reast my self. at noon Brother Daniel Thomas came in from Carmarthenshire. he stid for few hours an then he left for Aberdaer. Bro Owens and I went down Town with him to see him off an then went to 98.


September, Wedstday 1st, 1886, 98 Twynyrodyn

today I went up to Dowlais to find or get some mor names from David Philips. I found one an then I came back to 98 for the night.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Thurday 2, 1886.

today I stid her in the office. in the afternoon Bro John Evanes came in for conference. all is well today.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Saderday 4th 1886.

this morning Bro Owens received a word from Liverpool that the Brethren from the office intended to come down to the Confrence. also the Bro D.J. Thomas and David Williams came in, D.F. Thomas from Carmarthenshire and David Williams from Swansea both well. at 7 oclock Pm, we all went to the Station to meet the Brethren D.H. Wells an Osman from Liverpool Office but they did not come at the time was appointed for them to be at the Station. then we went Back to 98 to wite for the Ten oclock Traine but they came in at 8 oclock by a special Train so we did not go out any more this night. all well. glad to see them.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Sunday 5th 1886.

this morning quite stormy an wet. the conference commence at half pas ten oclock Am with Elders from Utah D.H. Welles, G. Osman from Liverpool Office, RJ. Owens, Daniel Lewis, John Evans, Daniel H. Thomas, David Williams with quite a fare attendance of Saints. we held 3 meeting and we had very good time all through and every bode felt well.


98 Twynyrodyn, Monday 6th 1886.

this morning the Brethren left for Liverpool. D.H. Welles and G. Osmond at noon . Bro Daniel Thomas and D. Williams for Swansea, D. Thomas for Aberdaer. I stid in the office all day to get rede.


98 Twynyrodyn, Tusday 7th 1886.

Today we talk to gather about things pertaining to our labours in the conference. also Bro Evans and myself had our appointment for our month labour so this past all right this day.



Part IV -


George Howell

Treffgaren R S O?



David Lewis 14 Gadlys St.


Mr. Samuel Shipton

Dumprice Place


Mr. R. T. Owens

Malad City, Oneida County

Idaho Territory

U.S. America

H.S. Goddard

215 East 2 South Street

Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

U.S. America

David Thomas

No. 15 Ann St

Llanelly, Carmarthenshire



Twyn-y-rodyn, Merthry, Sept 8th 1886

this morning I am getting ready to make another start to my field of labour. I was appointed for the Cardiff district for a month and Brother John Evans was appointed to labour in the Momouth district so I left Merthyr after dinner by Train for Hirwain. arrived at Bro Thomas Jones at 5 oclock Pm. very rainy an wet all the afternoon. I stid here over night.


Hirwain, Thrday 9th 1886, Brother Thomas Jone House.

this morning I went roun Town to visit some few familys before I left for Penrhiwearber so I left Hirwain at noon. all the Saints well. on my way I call at Treamon but Sister Price was not home so I went on. arrived at Brother Isaac Evans at lat hour. at 8 oclock I met with the Saints in a meeting. good attendance and we had very good times to gather. all is well this day.


Penrhiweiber, Friday 10th 1886, Isaac Evans House, 46 Glanly Street

this morning I wish to visit few of the Saints befor I leve the Town for Pontypridd, but as I did not feel well, I stid here untill the next day.


Penrheceiber, 46 Glanley St, Isaac Evans House, Saderday 11th 1886

this morning I made a move for Pontypridd. arrived at 1 oclock Pm. the Saints all well. I stid at Bro Thomas Evans the coming all is well this day.


Sunday 12th 1886, Pontypridd, Thomas Evans House.

very rainy day. at 11 oclock this morning I met with the Brethren of Pontypridd Branch in councill. good report by all the Brethren from their homes excepting one Brother which had been spking rather to much about the Brethren in the Preasthood. all past on very quiet an good. at half past 2 oclock Pm, I met in a Saint meeting in the same House. I blesst a Brother Calls baby in this meeting. Brother Thomas Evanes House or - we met again at six oclock and we had good time all day. all felt well payd for coming to gather the end of this day.


Monday 13th 1886, Pontypridd, Bro Thomas Evans House

this morning I made myself redy for a tripe up Rhondda Valley. as I went an I made a call on Sister Evans an family also Brother Bishop an family. all well. then I want on arrived at Bro John Daniels at 5 oclock Pm. all well here. at seven oclock myself and Bro Edwin Carry an John Daniels went down to the Porth to lead an outdoor meeting here. I Preach to the People for litle while. All quieat. Then we went back to the Dinas for the Night. I stid at Bro Carrys House at the Dinas.


Dinas, Tusday 14th 1886, E. Carry House.

I left for Taylorstown. arrived at Bro Griffiths at noon all right then from here I went with Bro Roberts where he lodge to write a letter for him to Utah. here I stid all night with these family at night. myself and Bro Griffiths went out on the Street to see if we could get a crowd of people to preach to but the evening is cold and so we did not get to Preach this evening. then I went to my lodging for the night.


Wensday 15th 1886, Taylorstown, David Lewis House, Eas Roada

this morning I left for Treorky. Call at John Jones, Gelly Crossin. had my dinner here then went on. arrived at 6 James Street, Treorky at 4 oclock Pm. all well here. from here I went to visit a family in Tinbedw Street. I stid with these family for some time to talk about the gosbel and Utah. then I went back to 6 James Street for the night. all well.


Thrday 16th 1886, James Street, Treorky

been good weather. I left here for Ogmorery Valley. arrived at 2 oclock Pm. I found the Saints here all well also I met few Josphaity. I stid with Bro Cladworthy fore the night. all is well today.


Ogmorery Valley, Friday 17th 1886, Cladworthy House

this morning is good weather and I left for Landvit. I call at Sister Edwards in the Gilfach Goch as I went by. Eate my dinner here an went on. arrived at Landoit at six oclock Pm. Davids family all well an glad to see me. Call at theirs House. I stid here with these family over night.


Landvit, Davids House, Saderday 18th 1886.

this morning I left her for Cardiff. I call at the monachdy dock to see Bro Blidens family. Stid here litle while to reast myself then went on to Cathays. Arrived at Corburn Street, No 70 at 6 oclock Pm. I found all the Saints well and doing well.


Cathays, Sunday 19th 1886, No 70 Coburn.

this morning I left for the dock where I meet with the Saints of Cardiff in a meeting at 3 oclock Pm. we had good times & also I blessed a baby of Sister Dimon at our meeting an I left for Cathays. went with Bro Heber Whitt an family for awhile then left fore Bro Forsey for the night. all well this day in Cardiff.


Cathays, No 70, Bro Forsey, Munday 20th 1886

this morning I am getting redey for nother start so I left Brother and Sister Forsey and I left for monachdy farm. call to see Sister Blidyn as I pass by. arrived at the farm at 5 oclock Pm. all well here so I stid over night.


Tusday 21st 1886, Monachdy farm

after writting a while this morning then I left for Cathays. I call to see the Saints an then I went down to Cardiff and from here back to Dimonds house for the night.


Wednsday 22nd 1886, Monachday farm

this morning I left this Cowbridge which place I reach 5 oclock Pm verey tirard. I stid here over night in a quite a poor place.


Thursday 23rd, Cowbridge.

after look around Town, I left fore new mills. reach Brother Thomas House late in the afternoon. I found Bro and Sister Thomas all right an well. I stid here for the night with these family.


Friday 24th 1886, new mills, Bro Thomas House

this morning I made another start for the Gilfach. on the way I call at llantresant to see how Bro Thomas Williams an family were. I eat my dinner here an then went on via Tonyrevel. arrived at the Gilfach at 6 oclock Pm quite tiard by long walk. I found these family all Home and here I met a man by the name of William Crawly from Cardiff which I had a quite a talk about the gospel on till he was quite saddisfied an this ended the day all well.


Saderday 25th 1886

this morning I mad myself redy for another start for Ogmoury Valley and it tis very rainy an wet day so I went for the Givach via Black Mills. arrived at Ty Newdd at 2 oclock Pm. I called on David Jenkins at Ty Newydd. eat my dinner with Sister Vanable and then I went on to Nany-y-more. arrived at Brother Cladworthy after dark. Sister Cladworthy found a place for me over night with a man by the name of Williams. So this day ended all right.


Nantymoel, Sunday 26, 1886

this morning is a butful weather. all fell well, at 2 oclock Pm, I met with the Saints of this valley at the house of William Flew. we had good time in our meeting, also at half past 6 oclock Pm I met agin with Saints an friends where I spock on the first principles of the gospel to a house full of people. all well sadisfid so this day ended all right.


Ogmoury Velley, Monday 27th 1886, F or H? Cladworthy House

this morning is very wet an stormy, so bad that I can’t go out of the House all day. this the way this day past by.


Teusday 28 1886, Cladworthy House, Ormoury Valley.

being weather, I left the Saints of this place an then went over the mountain to Trearbert. I mad a call on Jacob Davies s Widow. Eat my dinner with Sister Davies, then I left for Trearbert. call on a man by the name of John Jinkines at Trearbert here. I was received very kindly by this family. Mrs Jinkines is Brother Thomas Giles’s of Salt Lake City Brother’s Daughter. I stid with Mr Jinkines an family over night.


Wednesday 29th 1886, John Jinkines House, 117 Bute Street, Trearbert, Rhondda Valley

this morning is fine weather so I bade Mr Jinkines an family adue an then left for Pontypridd. I call at Bro Robert Bishope. all well here. then I went on to Bro Thomas Evans House where I stid for the night very tiard of walking. all well her at Bro Evanes’s.


Pontypridd, Thomas Evanes House, Thursday 30th 1886

this morning is good weather so I left her for Penrhiwciber. Arrived at Bro Esaac Evans at 2 oclock PM. I found the family not well in health, all wright other ways. at 8 oclock, I met with the Saints in a meeting. all is well. I stope here over night at Bro Evans family.


Penrhiwceiber, Glanly Street, Friday, October the 1st 1886

this morning being so very wet, I stid here the fore part of the day and left at Two oclock Pm. I went by train to Treaman, got out, call at Brother Price House. all well here makin redy for imigrat to Utah with the October company of Saints. will leve Liverpool October the 13 for Philadelphia by the steamship Bristol King. after I stid here litle while then I left for Merthyr. arrived a 5 oclock PM all right. Brethren Richard T Ownes & John Evans was at the office. at 7 oclock, Bro John Thomas just came from Logan. came in from Swansea. also Bro David and Sister Williams came from Swansea. all well.


Saderday 2nd 1886, 98 Twynyrodyn

today I am make myself redy the Council on the morrow. all is well this day.


Sunday 3rd 1886, 98 Twynyrodyn

This morning at 11 oclock AM, I meet with the Brethren at 98 in a counciel to hear the reps from the various Branches and to ----- bisness for the confran—in this counciel. It was moved that the Brethren William Lewis and Samul Gould to be ordained to the office of a Priest. I was a mouth to ordain S Gould an Bro R. J. Owens, Bro Wm Lewis. good reports by all and evry thing all right. at 2 oclock I met with the Saints at the same place where I spocke to the Saints. also Brethren Evans and Thomas spoke in the same meeting. at 6 oclock PM we met with the Saints an Strangers and had quite a good time all thought the day.


98 Twynyrodyn, Monday 4th 1886

today we are all here. this morning in the office after dinner Bro and Sister Williams left here for Swansea by the 3 oclock train. in the evening myself and the Brethren John Evans, R.T. Owens, John Thomas went up to the Cefncoedcymer. here we hed a meeting with the Saints and som were not Saints. we had good time tegather then ent home to 98 for the night.


98 Twynyrodyn, Tusday 5th 1886

all is well this morning and we are all her in the office. at 3 PM Bro John Thomas left us for Llanelley an a visite to Bro Evans. R.T. Owens and my self was left alone. all is well this day.


98 Twynyrodyn, Wedensday 6th 1886

today I am getting redy to leve Merthyr for another month. Brother John Evans left fore Mamouth District at noon today and as it tis Brother R.T. Owens had his release from this conference to America to finnice his time in the Mission, I stid here in the office to received the Books from Bro Owens hands so at the time Brother H Harries came in the office from Carmathen on his way to Black Woods he left Merthyr at for 4 oclock so we are agin left lone fere the affter part of day.


98 Twynyrodyn, Thersday 7th 1886

today Bro Owens work at the Books to be ready to for Trancefer to the next Precedent and I help him to get things in as good shape as it tis required. at half past 7 oclock I met with the Saints of Merthyr Branch in a meeting. good spirit previle and all well this day.


98 Twynyrodyn, Friday 8th 1886

this morning is a butiful weather and everything is all right with us here in the office, so I med myself ready to leve Merthyr on a visit to Pontypridd. I went by train thought the Tynel. got out Abernant Station, from here I went to Hirwin. arrived at B Thomas Jones leat in the afternoon. found Bro Jones an family all well also I cald Rachel Morgans House, then I went back to Bro Jones House for the night.


Hirwain, Saderday 9th 1886, Thomas Jones House

left this morning for Pontypridd. I call at Treaman to see Bro Price s family. all well here. then I went on to Penrhiwceiber. I found Bro Isaac Evans all well. eat dinner here then went on. arrived at Pontypridd at 4 oclock Pm. I found Bro Thomas Evans an family allright and well. very wet afternoon and I was glad to get in the House from the rain Stid her overnight with Bro Evans.


Pontypridd, Sunday 10th 1886, Thomas Evans House

all well here but very wet day. at 11 oclock I met in Counciel th with the Bro of Pontypridd Branch. the brethren give in fare reports of the Saints of that Branch. Good spirit Prevail. At 2 Pm and also six oclock, I met with the Saints. we had good metings all throught the day. I stid with Bro Thomas overnight.


Pontypridd, Thomas Evans House, Monday 11th 1886

good weather today so I left her for Teraman no. 14 Station Road. here I found Sister Price in a great trouble about he daughter Lizi to go of with her. I happen to be so I could help her out som few shillings that she was short of makin her pass. So I left Sister Price and took two of her children with me to Merthyr and by the ten oclock train. Sister Price and her daughter Lizi cam to Merthyr all right.


Tusday 12, 1886, Twynyrodyn 98

this morning all the compenny wnt to the Station at 6 oclock AM. Bro Owens went with the Saints and left Merthyr for home in Utah, then I went back to the office for the day to see to the things.


98 Twynyrodyn, Wednsday 13th 1886

this morning is the first time for me to attend to the confrance Duty her in Wales and so I was to work all day writing and send the stars off to Brachs verrious parts of Wales.


98 Twynytodyn, Thursday 14th 1886

this morning get myself redy to go to Ogmore Valley, so I went by train from Merthyr at 12 oclock PM to Abernant. from here I went to Tylorstown. here I stid over night with Bro Roberts. I call on Bro Thomas Griffiths an family the same evening. all well.


Tylorstown, Friday 15th 1886

today it tis rainy day. so bad that I can’t go out so I am compel to sti here all this day for the weather.


Tylorstown, Saderday 16th 1886

this morning I left for Cardiff. I walk 13 miles an went by train 6 miles. reach Cardiff at 5 oclock Pm. went from the Station to no. 70 Coburn Street, Cathays. I stid with Brother Forseys an family over night. all well here.


70 Coburn Stret, Cathays, Forsey House, Sunday 17th 1886

been good fine weather. I call on Hyrum White. eat dinner with Bro White then we went to meeting at 2 oclock Pm at Bro Bladn House. here few Saints came to gather. all felt well an good sprite an felings prevail all through the meeting. after meeting I went over to the Farm to Sister Dimon where I stid over the night. all is well here.


Monachdy farm, Edwin Dimon House, Monday 18, 1886

this morning I left here for Merthyr. I call at Bro Evans, Comin, Pontypridd. eat my dinner here then I walk to the Basin. Went by train from the Basin to Merthyr. arrived at 98 at 3 oclock Pm. I found everything all right at the office and Sister Thomas and the family all well.


98 Twynyrodyn, Tuseday 19th 1886

today I stid here to atend the duty in the office. all went all right.


98 Twynyrodyn, Wednsday 20th 1886

again I stid here at the office to attend to the Stars other matere. all well this day.


98 Twynyrodyn, Thursday 21st 1886

this morning I left Merthyr for Llandovry. went by Train from here Senney bridge, then walk from Senny to Llandovry. I stid at my Bro Rees House overnight. I found Rees an family all well.


Llandovry, Friday 22, 1886

today I visited my sisters an their familys fore part of the day an then left to Tynlan. my step mother been at home. D. Williams and Elizabeth my sister was to the Fere at Llandovry. all well here and glad to see. I stid here over the night.


Tynylan, Saderday 23, 1886

this morning I left here for Lampeter, Cardeanshire.

arrived at Sister Mary Thomas, High Street, Lampeter at 3 oclock Pm. Sister Thomas and the family were very well, please to see me on account of her son Evan was very sick. had been sick for a long time and he was anxious to see me. I spent the afternoon in chatting with him. at a late hour I left Sister Thomas House and went to Mrs Davies House to sleep.


Sunday 24th 1886, Lampeter, Thomas s House

today I stid with Sister Thomas and her son Evan. in the afternoon I administered the sacrament to Sister Thomas and her son Evan, the sick man. also I lide Hands on Sister Thomas for her Health. both her and her son fell quite saddisfid and fell much beter at a late hour. I retired to my lodging for the night.


Lampeter, Munday 25, 1886, Thomas s House

today I don litle work for the family in chop som wood and went to see to the Hay Stack which was som distance from town. also make redy to leave the next day. left this House for my bed room.


Lampeter, Tusday 26th 1886, Thomas House

this morning I bid Sister Thomas and the family good by and then left for Tynylan where I arrived at 4 oclock PM in a good chape. foun the family all right an hapy to see me coming.


Tynylan, Wednsday 27, 1886

this morning I again left my step mother House an family on my way to Llandory. Call at my sister Jane an family. eat dinner here then left for my sister Anns House. stid with her an family litle while then left for my nephew house, Gyto Mill where I stid over night. at night a young man came in there. we talk som about the gospel but he possess a bad sprite so we did not talk much. all well.


Gyto Mill, Thsday 28, 1886

this morning I left here for Merthyr. I walk to Senney the went by Train from here via Brecon to Merthyr. reach at 4 oclock Pm. I found all well at 98 and I was glad to get Back onesmor to old Merthyr.


98 Twynyrodyn, Frday 29, 1886

today attended my work at the office. at Half past 7 oclock I met with the Saints in a Saints meeting. all well.


98 Twynyrodyn, Saderday the 30th 1886

today I folo? my work at the office. all well here today.


Sunday, 98 Twynyrodyn, October 31st 1886

at 11 AM, I met with the Brethren of Merthyr Branch in a Councill. all good reports. The Saints felt well. at 2 an six, I met with the Saints in a meetings. Had good times all through the day. end of the month of October.


November, Mounday 1st 1886, 98 Twynyrodyn, Merthyr

today follod my duty in the office. in the evening I went with the Saints of merthyr to hould a meeting at the Cefn? at half past seven oclock Pm where I lid before a few people the principles of the gospel then return Back to 98 fore the night.


Tusday 2, 1886, 98 Twynyrodyn

today I again attend to the things in the office. I was around all this day.


98 Twynyrodyn, Wednesday 3rd 1886

today I received a letter from President Wells from the office at Liverpool to say that the apointment apear in the next week Star of that he had apointed my President over the Welsh Conference, also I attended other duty at the office in sending the Stars the Saints so all went all right.


98 Thursday 4th 1886

today I again I was over seeing the office duty for the day. also I wrote a letter home in the evening. at 8 oclock I met with the Saints in Thursday night meeting. few cam to gather. Good spirit previle. all is well.


Friday 5th 1886, 98 Twynyrodyn

today I was here in the office all day. in the afternoon Elder John Evans came in from the Momouth via Cardiff way so we were here overnight lone. all well this day.


98 Twynyrodyn, Saderday 6, 1886

today Bro John Evans and my self we sty in the office the for part of the day. we spent the day in Talkin about maters an things. at seven oclock I wen down to the Station to meet Elder David Wiliams which was coming from Swansea. I met him on the Platform very sick with Pain in the Stmock. went to the office at or Conferance House. he was takin care of but he suffer much pain all night. I stayed up with him the most of the night, also the Brethren John Evans and John Thomas.


98 Twynyrodyn, Sunday 7th 1886

this morning Bro D Williams som beter. at 11 oclock I met with the Brethren in Council in the Conferance House where many of the Brethren came togather from the various Branchs. this been my first to Presid over the Council in the President Cappacity. good report was givin by the Brethren. at this council we administer to Bro David Williams for his health, also Bro Goerge Barret for health. 2 oclock meeting the Saints came togather and we had good meeting. 6 oclock again the Saints met and few that were not members of the church. Brethren Elder John Thomas, Elder John Evans were the speakers and myself few words been very were for the last of rest the night before. at 6 oclock Bro David Williams left Merthy for home at Swansea, not well, but he would go thinkin it beter for him.


98 Twynyrodyn, Monday 8th 1886

all well here at the office so we went to work at the Conference monthly Report and pay the expense of the Conference for the last month. all well today.


98 Twynyrodyn, Tusday 9th 1886

all is well at the office. again resum my work. today I heard from the Saints of their safe arrival in America and of the death of Brother an Sister Price little Daughter on the sea.


98 Twynyrodyn, Wednsday 10th 1886

all well here at the office. at 12 oclock I with Elder John Thoms mail a letter to 42 Islington, Liverpool contien for Pounds, 42 shilling an 10 pence being the first of my sending from this office to President D.H. Wells. today the Elders an John Thomas started out Elder Evans to the Momouth district and Elder John Thomas to the Cardiff. So I am left alone. all well.


98 Twynyrodyn, Thursday 11th 1886

alright here today. I work at my duty in the office. also I wrote a letter to my Bro John in Iowa. in the evening I met here with the Saints, a Thursday night meeting. all felt well an good.


98 Twynyrodyn, Friday 12th 1886

this morning I am getting rady to go on a visit to Abergyvenny all though it tis wet day. I just received a word from Elder Williams at Swansea said he is getting beter so I left Merthyr after dinner. went through Dowlais to Rhymney. Stide at Bro John Grimley for the night.


Rhymney, Saderday 13th 1886

this morning left Bro Grimleys House. went to Bro Barrett fore Breakfast then left by the ten oclock Train to Brynmawr. left the Railroad and walk down to Abergavenny. arrived at 2 oclock Pm at Brother Berington House. here I met Elder John Evans. all well. after dinner Bro Evans went to Bro William Price who had a sick Babey. according to the wish of the parents we administer to the child then went back to Brother Berington. we stid over night in a House capt bye Mrs. Davies.


Abergavenny, Sunday 14th 1886

at 11 oclock I met with the Brethren in counsil. good report was give by the Brethren of the Abergavenny Branch. every thing all right. at Six oclock I met with the Saints at Bro Berington House. we had no 2 oclock meeting on account of Bro Prices sick child. food sprite previle all day.


Abergavenny, Monday 15th 1886

this morning is very wet, raine fast. I visited the Saints in Company Bro John Evans. at one oclock I left Bro Evans an the Saints and Borded the Train for Merthyr. arrived at 98 all right at 3 oclock Pm. all well at the office and a lletter from home witing for me.


98 Twynyrodyn, Tusday 16th 1886

good weather. all well here. today I staid in the office all throught the day.


98 Twynyrodyn, Merthyr, Wedensday 17, 1886

this morning quite could but dry over head. all well here. I have been ingage in the office duty all this day. I received a Note from Elder David Williams at Swansea stating that he is gainin every day. Stars came an cent off to the Saints and frendes.


98 Twynyrodyn, Merthyr, Thursday 18, 1886

fer weather. this morning I received a Telegram from 42 Islington, Liverpool stating that Brother Brough from Utah as a missionary to Wales was on the Roud for Merthyr, so I went down to the Station at half past six Pm to meet him. met on the Platform then we return to 98 for then night. all well.


98 Twynyrodyn, Merthyr, Fraiday 19, 1886

today Brother Brough staid here in the office writin letters home while I attended my duty in the office. all well this day.


98 Twynyrodyn, Merthyr, Saturday 20th 1886

this morning very cloudy an dark weather. Every thing went on allright. Today I mailed a letter to my wife an children at home. Nothing hapen this day but all well.


98 Twynyrodyn, Merthyr, Sunday 21, 1886

today all is well here at the office. at Two oclock Pm, I met with the Saints in our Saints meeting. also at six and after the night meeting Brother Brough and my selfe administer to Bro an Sister Richards litle baby for his Health which was quite sick at the time, then all the Saints left been at a late hour. all felt well Payd for com togather.


98 Twynyrodyn, Merthyr, Monday 22, 1886

this morning been very dark an clowdy. I am getting redy to go on a visit to Hirwain and Bro Brough to Cardiff to meet Elder John Evans. so we went on the Train from Merthyr to Abernant. Walk down to Aberdare. Bro Brough went on the Train from Aberdare to Penrhiwceiber. bid him adue at the station, then I went on to Hirwain. arrived at Bro Jones at dark or half after 4 oclock Pm. held meeing with the few Saints. Stayd over night with Bro Jones an family. all well.


Hirwain, Tusday 23, 1886

this morning I left Bro Jones s house to visite Folks in Town. made a cald on few familys. had my dinner at Mrs Davies, Daniel Christmas s sister at 2 oclock. left fore Merthyr over the mountain. arrived at 98 five oclock Pm. all well here.


98 Twynyrodyn, Wednsday 24, 1886

this morning all well here. I went to work to get the Stars redy to be sent out to the Saints. all sent off my half past six oclock Pm. all well.


98 Twynyrodyn, Merthyr, Thursday 25th 1886

this morning I got things to gather in my office and left for Treyorkey, Rhondd Valley. left Merthyr Station at then oclock AM. arrived at Jams St, Treyorkey at Two Pm all right. met Elder John Thomas at Josuah Jones House, No 6 Jams Am. after dinner I visit a Family, Calepe Philphs. I styd with these family for a while on the gospel then went back to Jams Street for the night. all well this day.


Jams Street, Treyorkey, Friday 26, 1886

this morning Bro John Thomas and my self left Treork for Ogmoure Valley. Reach Bro Clatworthy House at Two oclock Pm alright. the folks here all well and glad to see us around once more. after dinner I went down to Ty newydd to visit David Jinkins. he been at work. I went back to Clatworthy where we hed a meeing at 8 oclock Pm wher quite a lot of people cam togather and we had good tim.


F. Clatworthy House, Ogmore Valley, Saderday 27, 1886

this morning Bro J. Thojmas and myself left for the Givalch Coal at Thomas Edwards House. here we had our dinner then left for Rhondda Valley. on the Road as were a young woman was goin also. After litle while she asked som questions in regads to the gospel which we gladly answer and she been a chool teacher was quite able to ask many things. so after we reach the valley, Elder Thomas and I parted. he went to the Dinas and I on to Merthyr so the young lady and I parted at Tony Pandy. wish me to coal at her chool at the galvach her after. I gave here a tack then went on my way. reach Merthyr between 7 an 8 oclock Pm. all well here. I found a letter from home witting for me. all well this day.


98 Twynyrodyn, Merthyr, Sunday 28, 1886

this morning I left Merthyr for Rhymney. arrived at 11 oclock AM. the Brethren allredy gatherd for Council at Bro John Grimely House. the Brethren felt well. all seemes anxious to do there shear in Building up the kingdom of God, and very good report. also at this Council we the council aggreed to excommunicate a man an wife from the church of Jesus Christ of the later day Saints, then we adjourn for one month. at Two an Six I met with the Saints. we had good tim all through the day.


Rhymney, Munday 29, 1886

this morning I left Bro and Sister Grimley for Merthyr. coal at Brother Jeremia Williams. eat my dinner here then went on to Merthyr. arrived at 98 all right in the afternoon. all well here.


98 Twynyrodyn, Merthyr, Tusday 30, 1886

all well here today, so I have som papers from home to look over: the Utah news. I stay in the office all of this day. all weel and the end of November 1886.


December, Wednesday 1st 1886

this morning I received 2 letters from Two Familys of Saints: Bro Evan Thomas, Lampeter and Bro George Scorey from Devil Gate, Aberystwyth in regards t othere health. not good at the time of writing and today is the day to send an received the Stars to the People or the Saints. so I went to work to get the Stars redy to be maile at six oclock Pm. all well this day.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Thursday 2nd 1886

very cold day. First snow for season. all well at the office today. at 8 oclock PM, I met with a few Saints in a Thursday night meeting at the office. all felt well the end of this day.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Friday 3rd 1886

cold day. snow on the ground. all well. no maile came in today. at 4 oclock PM, Elder John Evans and Elder Brough came from Mamouth district and Elder John Thomas from Cardiff district. all felt well. we spent the eving in Talking about thin preting to the Conferance. all well at the close of this day.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Saderday 4th 1886

this morning all is well here at the office. I spent the for noon in takin the reports came in with the Elder Evans and Elder Thomas from the Branches and at 12 oclock Elder David Williams and Elder Elias Davies came in from Swansea. Both felt well and good. then the after part of the day, we were in gage in get ready for the morrow. Sunday the Council day as usall every thing went all right all day. all the Brethren felt well at the end of the day.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Sunday 5th 1886

all well here at 98. at 11 oclock AM we the Elders met with the Local Brethren in Council. the Presidents of the verious Branchs give in their Reports of their Respective Branchs. all the reports show quite an increase in the felling of the Saints of late and Ex Brother David Jinkines made a confession of the wrong he had don and asked forgiveness at the Council. all agree on and he was advise to be careful not to do the like any more. past a vote. all voted unanimous then the council adjourned for one month. at an Six oclock Pm, we met with the Saints. good time all through the day. after the evening meeting, Elder John Evans baptize David Jinkines, confirm by Elder David Williams the same night. the end of this day.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr Tydfil, Monday 6th 1886

all well here today. this morning the Brethren left: David Williams, John Thomas, and Elias Davies for Swansea, John Evans an Bro Brough stay at the office so I work at the Conferance accounts and pay the Conferance expenses. nothing hapend today out of order. at night Bro and Sister Wm and Margret lewis litle baby was takin quite sick and at once my self and Elder John Evans, Elder S.R. Brough was cauld to administer to the baby and in litle while she was allright and well end of this day.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Tusday 7th 1886

this morning all is well here. so Brother S.R. Brough and my self went to work at the Books to make the accounts with this office and Liverpool Office and seatle with the Saints for their Tithing and Book Moneys. we found evry thing all strite.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Wednsday 8th 1886

today it tis very stormy an wet. I went to the Bank on High Street to purchase a Dreaft for 16 Pounds and six pence & then I went from the Bank to the Post Office to maile the letter to Pres D.H. Wells at Liverpool. then I went to work at the Stars. sent them to the Saints all ready at Six oclock PM. then Brethren Evans an Brough spent the evening togather reading and talking about things pretining to the conferance. all well this day. very storme all day.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Thursday 9th 1886

this morning is fare weather. all well here at 98 so Brethren the Elders, John Evans and Elder Samuel R Brough left fore thir field of labour in Mom and Cardiff district. they left at noon. in the evening at half past seven oclock, I met with the Saints of Merthyr in a meeting. all felt well.


98 Friday 10th 1886

this morning I geting redy to leave Merthyr for Pontypridd. went via Aberdare and Penrhiwceiber. Stay Bro Isaac Evans an family over night. all well here.


Penrhiwceiber, Bro Isaac Evans House, Saderday 11th 1886

after a short visit to Evan Evans an family, I left fore Pontypridd. Reach Bro Thomas Evans at 3 oclock Pm. all well here. in the evening Bro Thomas Evans went down Town. I went up to Bro Robert Bishop to stay over night. I found all well at Bro Bishop.


New field, Pontypridd, Bro Bishop House, Sunday 12th 1886

this morning at 11 oclock AM, I met with the Brethren of the Preasthood of this Branch in Counsil at Bro Thomas Evans House, Alpha Place. the Branch is in good condision and all the reposrts fore all the Saints seems anxious to live there religion. the Counsil was adjurn fore one month from date. at 2 oclock I met with all the Saints in a meeting. also at this meeting I Blessed Bro and Sister Evans Baby, a grille nam Elan. all the Saints were felling well this at this meeting. also at the evening meeting. then I went home with Bro R Bishop. all fell well.


New Field, Bro Bishop House, Monday 13th 1886

this morning I am again on the move from Pontypridd to Merthyr. So Bro Bishop went with me to visit Sister Evans in Town. had our dinner with Sister Evans then I left by Train for Merthyr. arrived at 98 all right. the day quite wet all through here. at the office was 2 papers and one letter from home. The letter givin account of sickness and hard weather at home which is quite a sad news to me her so fare away and my Wife Mary D Lewis had give her self to the care of a Doctor. I don’t know what the consequence would be. I then I retird to reast fore the night.


Tusday 14th 1886, 98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr

very wet this morning and dark weather. today again I resume my work in the office. also I answer the letter I received the day befor about my wife sickness and mail it the same day. everything is all right today.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Wednesday the 15th 1886

today all well here at 98 and I am again work with the Stars to get Bills of cost to sent to the Saints for the pay at the end of the quarter and to attending to the Stars. Send them to the Saints all throught the Conference.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Thursday 16th 1886

all is well here. very could and frosdy this morning. today I wrote a letter to President D.H. Welles at Liverpool stating the condition of the Welsh Conference and in the evening I met with the Saints in Thursday night meeting. all felt well.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Friday 17th 1886

all well here at 98. very coald day but dry weather today. I sent to Liverpool for the Bill of the Missionary Cards, also for some Tracks for the Conference. all is well here tonight.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Saderday 18th 1886

all well this morning. today I received a letter from my daughter, Mary Liziebeth Lewis from hime in forming me that they were all well at home accept My wife, Mary D Lewis. all right with me there at the office.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Sunday 19th 1886

good weather, dry an could. This morning I received a letter from Brother John Thomas at Lampeter Cardican stating that his Bro Evan was no beter in health and Bro John Thomas Blesset me with ten shillings wich I was thankful for it. today I stayd here at Merthyr and I met a Two an Six Pm with the Saints of Merthyr Branch. all well.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Monday 20th 1886

Clier an coal weather. all well at 98 this day. So I again resume my work at the office. at half past 7 oclock PM, I ateded a meeting a Bro William Richard House. few Saints present from there. Back to 98, all well.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Tusday 21st 1886

this morning coald and dry weather all at 98. I am today made out bills to sent to the Saints for the Stars pay to com in at the end of the month. all is well her today.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Wednesday 22nd 1886

very wet and rainy today. I got things redy to send the Stars away to the Saints. no news came in today of any kind. all is well here at 98.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Thursday 23rd 1886

fare weather this morning. all well at 98. also I received a letter for Elder David Wiliams inform me of his visit the Saints to Ogmore Valley that he had good time there. the Saints felt well and 2 women wanted to be Babtized this week at Tynewgdd, Ogmore Valley. in the afternoon, I wrote a leter to Bro Price at Tylersvill, Salt Lake County, Utah and at 8 oclock PM, the usal hour, I met with the Saints of Merthyr Branch on a Thursday meeting. all felt well but few to gather. Then I reterd to reast for the night.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Friday 24th 1886

this morning I don’t fell well on account of bad coald on my lungs and it tis very wet day and coald weather. nothing came in to the office today of any kind. in the eving I went throught the Market Place for a vist been the Night be for Christmas many people gathered to Merthyr from all parts but all went on quiete.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Saderday 25, 1886

Christmas day. good weather and many people on the streets of Merthyr but quiet. I stay in the house the most of the day. in the evening I went up to the Cefen to hould meeting at Bro Evan Thomas House, but on one came in but few Saints. so after the meeting I went back to 98 for the night. all well but very dull Christmas day for Saints an Sinners.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Merthyr, Sunday 26, 1886

very bad weather and wet and at 11 oclock AM, I met with the Brethren of Merthyr Branch in council at 98 wher we had few in attendance. very good reports were give inn. all the Saints try to do thir duty. at 2 an Six Pm, I met with the Saints. all fell well in regards to thir religion, all left in peace the end of this day, Sunday.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Monday 27th 1886

this morning good weather, little snow on the ground. quite cold and wet under foot. Bro Edward Thomas and myself went as far as Nant y gwenith this morning to see the man by the name of Bevan for som work wanted at the House, No 98 where I stop at. also this this morning I received a letter from my Bro John in Iowas in forming me of very siver snow storm they had in November and cold weather in that country, but all the family well at the time of writting. all well this evning.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Tusday 28th 1886

this morning ever thing is all right at the office. So I past this day in makin out Bills to send to the Saints for the Stars account and to get redy of the New year. very stormy today and cold the end of this day.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Wedensday 29th 1886

today it tis dark and cloudy weather. looks like storm, so I am getting the Stars redy to be send off to the people. at 8 oclock I met with the Saints in a Thursday night meeting few Saints came to gather and we had good time while was to gether all left felling well


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Thursday 30th 1886

today is a fare weather and all well here at the office this morning. I paid to Mr Ivey a watech maker and he wished me to let him have a American New Paper so in the evening I went back to his House with two Desrete News then from his House I sent back to 98. at 8 oclock I met with the Saints in a Thursday meeting at 98. few Saints came to gather. all fell well, also the Elders John Evans and Samuel r. Brough came in from thie filde of labour, Momouth and Cardiff districts. Both well in Body and Sprits. we all joine to gather in the meetings at the close. the Saints felt well paid for comming to gether the end of this day.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Friday 31st 1886

good weather to day. all well here at the office. this morning I advance 15 shilling to Sister Ann Thomas for our board and lodging. I received 2 reports from Elder Jone Evans, Cardiff and Bro William Jaynes, Ebbw valle, Momouth and in the evening, 8:30 Pm Elder John Thomas came in from the Swansea district fell well in Body and Sprite the end of this day, month, and the year 1886. I fell well at the end of this year in Body and Sprite.


Copied from the original journal July 31, 1986 by Jerelyn Decker. Journal at that time in possession of Bea Hansen, Tetonia, ID. She is a grand-daughter of Daniel Lewis.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, January the first 1887, Sadurday

today been New years day, we the Utah Elders are all here at the office reading and writing and getting ready for Council on the morow. at 8 oclock PM in company with Elders J. Evans, S.R. Brough I went t oa circus for the first time in my life. I enjoyed my slefe very well while in there. at 10 oclock we left the circus Hall for our home at 98. Soon after went I retire to reast. All well this day.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Sunday 2nd

this morning kind of bad weather, very cloudy an dark. at 11 oclock AM, I met with the Utah and few the local Elders in a Council at our meeting House 98. good reports were given in by all. the Saints and officers try to live theirs Religion. all went on in good fellings. at 2 and 6 PM we met with the Saints. had very good meeting. Elder David Williams came in from Swansea been not very well in health. he went Back after the Two oclock meeting to Swansea by train. Left Merthyr at Six PM. very bad weather this evning. Snowen fast the end of this day.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Monday 3rd 1887

all well here at the office. the Brethren and my self are busy at work writing and getting ready for a nother month labour and I work at the Conference business and settle the Book at the close of the year ending December the 31st 1886 and today I received few leters from the Saints with moneys to pay up for thirs Stars and Books. at seven oclock PM, Elder John Thomas went to held a meeting a Bro William Richards. he came back after the meeing said that all was well. Payd for getting to gather and were saddisfid the end of this day.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Tusday 4th 1887

today is good weather. all fell well at 98. So the Elders were busy at work in getting reddy for an norther month Labour with the Saints and the people. So Elder John Thomas left here 98 at 12 oclock Pm for Hirwain also to labour in the Cardiff District fo the of January in compenny with Elder S.R. Brough and Elder John Evans is assien to labour in the Momouth District. all is well here today.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Wednsday 5th 1887

this morning all well at the office and Bro John Evans is making him self ready to start out, so he went at 12 oclock Pm to Rhymney. my self and Bro Brough kept work at he report to send to Liverpool. at 4 oclock I went to the Express office for the Stars but non came today. I return to the office and again I went to my work at Reports up to 7 oclock Pm. then at this hour Bro Brough and I went to held a meeting at George Town, Merthyr at a mans House by the name of Govul? but very few people that came to gather. we lid before them the Princebles of the gospel and I think they heard and wisht us to com again to talk to them. then we left for 98 for the night. all well.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Thursday 6th 1887

this morning all well at the office. I received a leter from Elder D.F. Thomas from Carmarthenshire stating that his health is not as good as he would like it to be but not very bad. he said last Sunday they had good meeting. the Saints fell well and the people are opning their Houses for the Elders to Preatch in. bad weather this afternoon. at 8 oclock we met with the Saints of Merthyr Branch in Thursday night meeting. few Saints came together. all fell well the close of this day.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Friday 7th 1887

all well at the office this morning so Bro Brough and my self went to work at the Conference Books and this day we had greadell of Trubl in getting the accounts to balance. we work at it till 12 oclock at night. Both of us were very tired when we went to Bed.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Saderday 8th 1887

After I got up I went down Town to get paper for our reports, so after breakfast we again went to work on the Book and found it very up hill bussness to get them right, but we mad our beast. After dinner Mr Bevan the rent collector came in to see me in regard to the House and very abusive in his language and making threats to turn us out of the House because he could not get his own way in all things. so I felt more like send himi awy about his business then to bless him & again I went to the Books at dusk. Bro Brough and I went down Town for a walk for about on Hour. Back to Super and again to the Books. we work at them up to 12 oclock, then went to bed quite weare.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Sunday 9th 1887

this morning is a good weather and all well at the office and Bro S.R. Brough is geting ready to leave in the after noon for Pontypridd at 2 PM. we met with the Saints in a Sacramt meeting but few Saints came to gather. after the meeting at half past 4 oclock PM, I went with Bro Brough to the Station to see him off for Pontypridd then I went from the Station for a walk over the old tips The snow been about 6 incis deep. I could not go very far so I came back home to 98. then at six oclock we commence our evening meeting. to this meeting came Mr Ivey the watch maker and 2 old Saints from Dowlais. good meeting, all feeling well. after meeting wrote a letter to Elder John Evans at Abergavenny, Momuth. Went to bed 10:30 quite tirade.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Munday 10th 1887

today I wrote a letter to Bro H.S. Goddard at Salt lake City, also I mailed his Stars to him. at dark I went out for a walk on the street but it was so slippery that I had t ogo back to the office. with the 7 oclock I received a letter from the Elders, S.R. Brough and Jn Thomas then at Pontypridd informing me that they were all right and wanted me to send them the form of the Statistical report. went to bed at 11 oclock Pm. all well.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Tusday 11th 1887

I received a letter from Bro George Scorey at --- Aberystwyth contining 17 stamps t oapy for his Stars. also I received a letter from my stepmother informing me of their welldoing and they were all well at the time. this after noon I wrote a letter to Pontypridd to meet the Elders there with the Statistical Reporte. After mail the letter I went to work to get the addresses ready for the Stars. all is well at 98.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvilm Wednesday 12th 1887

all well here today. I received 2 paper from home and 2 letters, one from Elder John Evans, one frojm Elder David Williams at Swansea informing me of the good felling of the Saints at Swansea, also wanted me to send for half dozin of Hymn Book for Swansea Branch for Sunday School purpose. after reading the letter and look over the papers I went to work to get the Stars ready t obe sent off to the people and at 7 oclock I went with Brother Edward Thomas and few more Saints to Nant y Gwenth where we held a meeting in a House of Mr. Goul/Good but only me and a woman cam in so we did not have very large meeting. after the meeting I went back to 98 all night for the night.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Thursday 13th 1887

all well here at the office. today I received Stars an Books from Liverpool and I wrote a letter to my Brother John resaiding at Iowa State. I mail the letter off in the after noon and a Paper for Elder D. Williams at the same time. at half past 7 oclock Pm, I met with the Saints in a Testimony meeting. all fell well. after the meeting I spent some time to read the Star. Went to bed at 11 oclock.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Friday 14th 1887

this morning I received a letter frm my wife Mary D. after a long space of 3 month time since the last befor informing me of her ill helath and still sick and today I wrote a letter to Bro Franklin W. Marchant of Peace Summit County, Utah. Send it off the same day and tis would finish my work of this day. all well at 98.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Saderday 15th 1887

this morning things ready to leave Merthyr for Penrhiwceiber. So after mail few papers I boad the Train to Abernat Station at 3 oclock Pm. from Abernat I walk to Bro Isaac Evans, Glanley Street, Penrhiwceiber. arrived there in good time, found all the Saints felling well. Stead at Bro Evans an family over night. all well.


Penrhiwceiber, Bro Isaac Evans House, Sunday 16th 1887

I speand this day in Talking to the Saints. also I held 2 meetings with them at 2 & 6 Pm and few of these that were not membrs of our Church. all fell well. went to bed at a late hour.


Penrhiwceiber, Bro Isaac Evans House, Monday 17th 1887

this [day] I left Bro Isaac Evans House and coall at Bro Evan Evans House for few minutes an then left for Merthyr at 10 oclock Pm. from Abernant Station arrived at Merthyr 15 minutes after – oclock Pm. at 98 I found Bro William Lewis an family getting ready to move to the Cefn. also found a letter from Elder John Evans in the office station that he was well and all right and Bro S.R. Brough came in with the 5 oclock train from Cardiff. fell well and all right. allso this afternoon I paid the rent and 4 shilling expence on the House in addission to the Rent to Mr Beavan the rent colecar. this evening I londe five shillings to Bro William Richards t oget food for his family. the end of this day all well.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Tusday 18th 1887

this morning I received a letter from my daughter, Mary Elizabeth stating that her Mother had been very sick but getting som beter at the time of the writing. all the reast of the family were well. also I received a letter from Bro Richard T. Owen now at Malad City, Idaho informing of his safe arrival at home. then after reading those letters, Bro S.R. Brough and my self went to work at the Book or the reports to get them ready to be sent to Liverpool. we work at them up to 12 oclock AM an then we went to bed. all well and fell saddisfid of days work.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr, Wednsday 19th 1887

This morning I received a news paper from Leath, Scotland with a Sermon of Brother Teaisdalone? of the twelve apostle. all this day Bro S.R. Brough work at the reports which we made ready for the mail erli the next morning to Liverpool. all well and went to bed.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr, Thursday 20th 1887

all well. no mail came in for any one this morning. again we open the Books to get the Statistcale reports. at half past seven oclock I met with the Saints at 98 in testimony meeting. all enjoy the good sprit and fell ell for coming to gather the end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr, Friday 21 1887

today we finis our work with the reports at 3 oclock PM. Elder John Evans came in frm Rhymney. also today I mail a letter to my wife, Mary D. Lewis. after the Brethren and I Councel to gather about things pretining to the Saints, we went to bed at a lete houre. all well.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Saderday 22, 1887

this morning I gatherd my things together and left the Brethren John Evans and S.R. Brough in the office and I borded the train at Merthyr Station for Neath. arrived at Neath at 2 oclock. left Merthyr at half past 12 oclock Pm so I was one hour and half on the traine. I styed at Neath to visite the Saints for 4 hours. I found all the Saints well and glad to see me being away for 6 month. the at 6 oclock I again boared the train at Neath Station for Swansea. arrived at high Street Station, Swansea at 7 Pm, then went to Elder David Williams, no 4 Grove Place. I found Bro and Sister Williams and the baby all right excptthe little boy just uner Doctor opperasion. at a late hour I went to bed in Bro Williams House.


Swansea, 4 Grove Place, Sunday 23rd 1887

all well at Bro Williams this morning. at 10 oclock I met with few of the Saints of Swansea in a Sunday School. all enjoy themselves. allso at 2 an Six I met with the Saints. we had very good meetings all through the day. at 2 oclock meeting Bro Moronai Watts Jn was reconfirm a member of the Church of Christ. After the evening meeting Bro William and I administer to Bro Williams litle Baby for his health. went to bed a half past 10 oclock Pm.


Swansea, 4 Grove Place, Monday 24, 1887

this morning for Llandeilo I boarded the Train at Vicktoria Station at the lower part of Swansea Town. arrived at Llandilo at 11 oclock AM. then from Llandilo I went on foot to step mother House. on the way I call at Bro James Jones, blacksmith, Manordeilo. eat dinner at Bro Jones then ent on my way. arrived at my step mothers at 5 oclock Pm. found my sister Elizabeth and her mother at home, very glad to see me once more round. I sayd here over night.


Tynylan, Tuesday 25, 1887

this morning I left here for Lampeter, very mudy walking. I reached Lampeter at 3 oclock Pm. I found Sister Thomas an family all well excpt Evan Thomas which I found quite bad in health, but after I talk to him he then begin to fell som beter. went to bed at half past 10 oclock quite weare.


Lampeter, Wednsday 26, 1887

today I stayd with Bro Evan Thomas all this day to kepe his company. also I administer ordinance, lay hands on him for his health. he is very weak in body and Spirite. this is the close of this day. I went to bed a 10 oclock, all right.


Lampeter, Sister Thomas House, High Street, Lampeter, Thursday 27, 1887

today is good weather. I again stayd with this sick Bro. Talk to him and cheer him up all I could for he is very lo. at half past 10 oclock I left him and went to bed.


Lampeter, Friday 28, 1887

Mary Thomas an family all well here excpt Bro Evan Thomas. he is about the same, quite bad but on the improve a litle. I left him at Ten oclock. went to my lodging for the night.


Lampeter, Saderday 29, 1887

this morning I left for Breachfa. I went by train for 10 miles an then I walk to Breachfa. arrived at Pontyfer at 4 oclock PM. I found the old Sisters Thomas all well. I stayd at this place over night. I been so very taierd.


Pontyfer, Breachifa, Sunday 30, 1887

been a butful weather, so I left Pontyfer for the b/van-galch. I reach this place at half past one 1 oclock Pm. hear I met with a few Saints in a Sacrament meeting. after the meeting I went with Bro an Sister William, Mynydd y gareg, Kidwelly for the night. we arrived at this place just at dark. I been very teired. I walk to day 20 miles over very bqd and wet road. The end of this day.


Mynyddy grreg, Kidwelly, Bro Griffith Williams House, Monday 31st 1887

today I stayd here to reast this day and get ready for tomorrow. all is well.


Februry the first 1887, Mynyddy garreg, Tusday 1st 1887, Bro Griffity Williams House

this morning left Bro Williams and family. I walk t oLlanelly, the distance of 8 miles. Call at John Johns House. eat dinner with Sister Johns then walk to Swansea, the distance of 12 miles. arrived at 4 Grove Place at 7 oclock PM. I found Bro David Williams an family all well and getting ready for a meeting with a few Saints and friends being the first …. (Note: pages 90 – 99 were skipped in the journal) …. meeting of the y.m.m.i.s. at Swansea. so we had a very good time togather. All felt well paid as new bebginers in the association. After the meeting, in compeney with Brethren D. Williams and Jn Thomas, we administer to a sick baby and then to Bro Williams baby because he had very bad eye. then we went to bed felling.


No 4 Grove Place, Swansea, Wedensday 2nd 1887

this morning I left Swansea in company of the Brethren, John Thomas and Elias Davies. Board the train at High Street Station for Neath being very rainny day. we call at Neath Abby to see Bro George Lang an family. we found the family all well here. Bro Elias Davies went right back to Swansea on account of the news he had of David Williams hwom came with him from Utah had commit a suicide by cut his throat. So Bro John Thomas and I went on to Neath. call at Bro Hugh Williams. eat our dinner with this family. at six oclock I again board the train for Merthyr. left Bro Thomas at Neath, arrived in Merthyr half past seven oclock PM. all right here. I met Bro Morgan Evans, a new elder from Pleasant Valley, Utah came on a mission to Wales. Sister Thomas an family all well the end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Thursday 3rd 1887

all well here so I again went to work to at the my duty in the office being the day to send the Stars to the people. also this morning I received a letter from home. My wife Mary K? Lewis and the children stating that they were perty well at the time of writting which I was very glad to hear. Also I received a letter from Elder Brough at Pont y pridd stating that he would be in Merthyr the following Saderday if all is well. at night I met with the Saints in Thursday or Testament meeting, but few Saints came togather on account of bad weather. all fell well payd for ----- of get togathering. I went to bed for the night.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Friday 4th 1887

today I have been busy in sending papers off to difrent places. today I send 5 Stars home to my family and 2 Deseret news to Bro S. Samuel Shepton at Cardiff. at 11 oclock AM, Elder John Evans came in from Momouth District well an harrty but very wet by com in through the rain over the moutan from Rhymney to Merthyr. Nothing new today. all well. went to bed.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Saderday 5th 1887

all well here at 98 so I am getting ready for the Council tomorrow. today I received som Branches reports from the Brethren. at dark I went down town for a walk then back to 98 where I met Bro S.R. Brough just came in from Cardiff District. he fell good. after spent som time in talking togather about maters & things. went to bed for the night. all well.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Sunday 6th 1887

at 11oclock AM, I met in Council with goodley number of the Brethren from the different partes of Wales. all fell well, give in good fare reports from their Branchs. No Special busness don today. then we adjournd our Council to the first Sunday in March. at 2 oclock Pm, I met with the Saints in a Sacrament meeting. after the 2 oclock meeting 2 Elders, David Williams and Morgan Evans left Merthyr for Swansea by the six oclock train. I bad the Brethren food by at the Station then went back to 98. met with the Saints at six in the evening meeting. not many came togather. All felt well. Elders Evans & Brough went to bed for the night quite tired.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Monday 7th 1887

all well here at the office. today I have been busy setteling up the reports which came in from the Branches and in the eving I went in componny of Elders John Evans & S.R. Brough to the Cafen to hold a meeting at Bro Evan Thomas House where few people came togather. after the meeting we administer to Sister Ann Thomas for her health. then went home to 98 for the night. all well.


98 Twyn-y-rodyn, Merthyr, Tusday 8th 1887

today S.R. Brough and my self made out the reports for the Month of January 1887. we made it all ready for mail on the morrow. all well then went to bed at 11 oclock Pm.


98 Twyn-y-rodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Wednesday 9th 1887

after breakfast I went to the Post Office to mail the reports to D.H. Wells at 42 Islington, Lverpool. then I went to work to get the Stars ready to be send off. at half past 2 oclock PM, Bro John Evans started out for another month labour in the Momouth District. he left in good health an sprite. I mail the Stars at half past six oclock Pm. all well at the close of this day.


98 Twyn-y-rodyn, Merthyr, Thursday 10th 1887

this morning I received a leter from Bro Jon Thomas at Swansea, also from Elder D.F. Thomas at Brechfa stating that they were well, and Bro Daniel F. Thomas said he would com up to Confrence at half past 2 oclock. Bro S.R. Brough left for his field of labour in the Cardiff District. So I am left alone in the office. after Bro Brough left I wrot al few lines to Bro Evan Thomas at Lampeter, Cardican according to promise I made to him when I was with him at Lampter few days ago. in the evening I met with the Saints in Thursday evening meeting but few came to gather. all well the end of this day.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr, Friday 11th 1887

today I attended to the work at the office. went up to the Post Office twice. Also sent with Bro Benjamin Allen down to the Railway Inn to make preparation for the Hall to held the conference, Sunday 6th of March next. Then after making the necessary arinjmnet went back to the office. the same afternoon I wrot a note to Pres D.H. Wells at Liverpool of our conference to be held the 6th of March or the first Sunday in March. all well. went to bed at 11 oclock Pm.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Saderday 12th 1887

today I wrote 2 letters to the Elders and one to Bro R.J. Owens at Malad City, Idaho. went to the Post Office then back. went to bed. all well.


98 Twynyrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Sunday 15th 1887

all is well her at 98. good weather today. I intended to go to Pengarnddy to hold a meeting there with few Saints, so at 10 oclock PM the Brethren, Wm Thomas and Wm Richards went up through Dowlais. arrived at Pengarnddy at half past 2 oclock. held meeting at old Sister Backster House. 3 old Saints attended then we went to back to Merthyr. met with the Saints at 98 at 7 oclock PM. all fell well. went to bed a 11 oclock.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Monday 14th 1997

today I feel quite bad on account of bad cold. All well here at 98. I stayd in all day. went to bed quite sick.


98 Twyn-y-rodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Tusday 15, 1887

today again fell quite bad with the cold. this morning I receved a letter from Bro H.S. Goddard of Salt Lake City with the Star money and also 10 shillings that I gie to Bro R.J. Owens on his account when he left Merthyr for home. Also a postal card from Elder John Evans at Abergavenny stating that he was all right and a letter from Bro. S.R. Brough at Pontypridd inform me of Bro Robert Bishop that he had concluded to give up Mormonism and wished to be excommunicaded from the church at once. This is all I know about it as yet. So I went to bed at 10 oclock.


98 Twyn-yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Wednesday 16th 1887

I fell some beter today. the cold is begin to leave me so I am able to attend to my work in the office again. today I received a word from Bro D.H. Wells to inform me in answer to a note I send to him a few days ago about a certain amount of money that was belong to Bro George Barrett, butcher of Rhymney. he said it tis allright. Today I send Bro Goddards letter away, also his first Stars of this year, 7 copy of Vol XCX, No 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. this after noon I send a word to Bro Barrett of his money at Liverpool office. all well at the cloce of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Thursday 17, 1887

all well her this morning. I did do much of anything this day. I was here lone all day. at thalf past 7 oclock PM, I met with the Saints as usale in Thursday meeting, but few came togather. all fell good and glad of the privilege of coming togather and went home in good time.


98 Twyn-y-rodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Friday 18, 1887

all well this morning. no letters of papers came in of any kind today. I would write to my wife, Mary R Lewis and the children at home, and today I did mark down the No of my watch 1-16-8, one thousand sixteen hundred & 8 eight. I mail the letter at 5 oclock Pm. the end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Saduerday 19, 1887

this morning I received a letter from Bro John Thomas at Lampeter, Cardican wishing to see me on account of his Bro Evan ill health which I return the answer that it ws impossible for me to go on till after Conference which is to take place Sunday, March the 6th. then after I mail the letter I then boarded the train at the Station to Aberdaer jungston and wald to Pontypridd. call at Bro Thomas Evans an family. eat dinner with these family then went on to Cardiff. arrived at the Monachdy farm at six oclock PM. found all ewll here and here I met Bro S.R. Brough. after supper we went down to Cathays to Bro Hyurm White House. here we met very righteous man, in his own eyes a Scripture reader. we labour with him but he would have all is own way. then he left for his home and we went to bed at leat hour.


Caerne Street 159 Cathays, Cardiff, Hyrum White house, No 159, Sunday 20th 1887

Bro Brough & I stayd here with Bro White an family for dinner. then we went over to Bro Bleadn where we held our meeting with few Saints. all fell well here in this meeting. I Blesset Bro an Sister Forsey & Baby garil name Maud Eviline. After the meeting Bro S.R. Brough and myselfe went Back to Cathay with Bro Forsey an family for super. after we eat then went to Bro Hever White house to administer to a sick child then from here we went back to 159, Bro Hyurm White for the night. all right.


Caren St., Cathays, Hyuram White House, 159, Monday 21st 1887

this morning Bro Brough & I went down to Cardiff. Bought few flowers seeds then back for our dinner to Forsey House. after dinner we left for Monachdy farm. call at 159, bid Bro White an family farewll, also se call at Bro Heber White House again. we administer to the scik child then went on to the Farm for the night.


Monachdy Farm, Tusday 22nd 1887

this morning I left Bro S.R. Brough at the farm and I boarded the Train at Landdaff Station for Ponty-y-pridd. Call at Sister Evans in town. stope here few minutes then went on to Merthry. Arrived at Merthyr half past 2 oclock Pm. found all well at 98.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Wedensday 23, 1887

all right here. this morning received a card from John Evans at Newport, Momoth stating that he was all right at the time of writing. Then after mail a letter & a few papers for Elder John Thomas, I went to work to get the Stars ready to send off. so I got them mail at six oclock Pm. after super Bro Samuel Gould and his Brother came in the office. stayd little while with me. thy left, I went to bed for the night.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Thursday 24th 1887

all well here. no mail came in this morning. today I wrote a letter to my Mary D Lewis and a ltter to Elder David Williams at Swansea. Evning at 8 oclock Pm, I met with the Saints in a testimony meeting. all fell well the end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Friday 25, 1887

all is well here at 98. I am today getting ready to go to Herwain to visite the Saints, so I left Merthyr at 20 oclock, walk over the mountain. arrived at Hirwain 5 PM. I found the Saints fell well. I stay overnight with Bro Thomas Jones.


Hirwain, Bro Thomas Jones House, Saturday 26th 1887

this morning I left Hirwain for Aberdare. call at David Lewis House in Gadlys Street. eat dinner with Lewis & family then left for Merthyr. arrived at 98 at 5 oclock PM. I found a letter in the office waitting from my wife Mary D Lewis stating that her health is still bad but all the reast of the family well at the time of writing. also received 4 papers from home. after attend to few things in the office, I went to bed at a late hour.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr, Sunday 27, 1887

this morning I left 98 and went to Rhymney. at 11 olcok AM I met with the Brethren of that Branch in a Council. all fell well and alright. At 2 PM we had our Sacrament meeting. all of the Saints fell well at this meeting. also at six we met togather. after the evning meeting I went in company of the Brethren, John Grimley, Go Barrett to the House of Jarimia Williams. this Brother had been sick for the spase of 13 weeks. The Brethren Grimley and Barrett administer the sacrament to the sick and I administer the ordenance for his health. then went back with Bro Grimley for the night.


14 Plantation Street, Rhymney, Monday 28

this morning I left this place for Merthyr. on my way I call at Bro Jarmia to see how he was. eat dinner with hime then went on to Dowlais. call on Aunnt Rachel House. stayd here little whille then went on to Merthyr. arrived in Merthyr at 5 oclock Pm. here I found a letter in the office waitting me home from Borther John Thomas of Lampeter, Cardican informing me of the death of his Brother Evan, Sunday, February 27, 1887. I sorry to hear the news. today is the last day of the month. been good weather all throught.


March the first 1, 1887

Com in very nice weather.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Tusday 1st 1887

All is well here at the office this morning. Elder Thyoffelis Davis from Salt Lake city now hear in Wales on a Mission. He stay 2 or 3 hours, then he Boarded the train for Swansea to see his friends. I went down to the Station with him to see him off, then I went back to 98 where I stayd the remindr part of the day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Wednesday 2nd 1887

all well here today. I received to reports from Swansea and Neath so I am able to make out the Statistical report for the Conference. at 2 oclock Elder S.R. Brough came in frm Cardiff District. he fell alright. we stayd in the office this after noon. I work at the Stars t osend off to the peopel and Saints. went to bed late.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Thursday 3rd 1887

all well today here at 98 so I am getting things ready for conference. Also I wrote a letter to Bro John Thomas of Lampeter in answer to the one he wrote Feby 28, 1887. at Eight oclock pm I met with the Saints as usal in Thursday Meeting. all the Saints fell well so this day pass on without any thing unusal to transpire. went to bed all right an well.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Friday 4th 1887

all well here this morning. no mail cam in of any kind. good weather. we wash and cleane ourselves ready fore Sunday. at 7 oclock Pm, Apostle George Teasdale and Bro Robert S Cambell came from Liverpool Office. Bro Teasdale is the President of the European mission and Bro R.S. Cambell a clark in the Liverpool office. after super we talk on mater an things preting to the welfare of the Saints and the Welsh mission. went to bed at 11 oclock all we.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Saduerday 5th 1887

this morning all the Brethren are alright. after we had our breakefast, Bro Teasdale and I went out fore a walk and talk about things. after an hour or two we came back to the office. the reminder of the day we stay to gather at 98. little before six Pm the Elders from Swansea came in: Elder David Williams, John Thomas, Morgan Evans. all well. at 8 oclock Pm we the Elders met with President Teasdale and Bro R.S. Cambell in a council. the Elders reported theirs labour during the Month of February then President Teasdale rose and gave us very good instruction on the verious order of the Priesthood. also Bro R.S. Cambell occupaid som time on the dutyes of the Elders an Saints, then we adjorn. all fell well. went to bed at 11 oclock Pm


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Sunday 6th 1887

this morning is a good weather. at quarter past 10 oclock we went the meeting Room, Railway Inn Hall. at half past 10, we commence our Conference so I been the Presiding Officier. after singing an Pryers, I made a few remarks of the object of comming to gather on this day. then I all on the Presidents of Branchis to report their Branchis. all been favorable reports and good fellings, then Elder John Evans, S.R. Brough. som time at the case of the meeting Apostle Teasdale madde few remarkes. Bro R.S. Cambell then dismissed the meeting till Two oclock PM. when we again came togather commence our meetings as usal. Bro David Williams the first to speake, cecond Elder R.S. Cambell. Bro Teasdale said a few words then. Close by singing prayer. Six oclock meeing open the same as before. I spoke a few minutes then Bro Teasdale address the meeting with a good sprite and power. Spoke on the kindom of God and its power to save mankind. this is the last meeting of our Conference. had good time all through the day. all Saints an Siners were saddisfid. then we left the Hall fore 98 where the most of the Elders styd over night.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Monday 7th 1887

this morning I received a bank note from Bro Samuel Shepton at Cardiff fore three pounds on Merthyr Bank to defray the expence of Conference. 10 oclock AM we went to the station to see the Brethren off fore Cardiff. at the station we bid Brethren Teasdale and Cambell farwell then went back to 98. stayed here to gather for little while. after dinner the Brethren D. Williams, Jo Thomas & Morgan Evans, Elaias Davies left for Swansea with the three oclock train. then I went to work to setle the Conference expence. I had it all payd up by night. this evening I felt kind of weare. I went to bed Nine oclock. left Bro Evans & Brough in the office the end of this day. all well.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Tusday 8th 1887

all is well here at 98. this morning Bro Brough is getting the minutes of the Conference ready be sent to Liverpool. I spent the most of this day in looking over the book for J E deposit account to have the books balance. so we had all den the accounts alright. bed time. went to bed at 11 oclock Pm. all well.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Wednsday 9th 1887

alright here this morning at the office. Bro Brough and my selfe went to work at the reports and get them ready to be sent to Liverpool. No stars came today. after dinner Elder John Evans left fore his field of labour in the Momouth District at 1oclock Pm vai Rhymney away. So Bro Brough and myself cape on with our work at the Books the reminder part of the day. went to bed both saddisfid or our days labour.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Thursday 10th 1887

all well here at 98. today I sent the report and money to Liverpool and the Stars came today & was maild away to the peopel. At 3 oclock Bro S.R. Brough left Merthyr for his field of labour in the Cardiff district. I went to the station to see him off. left Bro Brough in the train. I went back to the office, met with the Saints as usal in Thursday night meeting. all is well a the close of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Friday 11th 1887

all well this morning. I received a letter from Elder John Thomas said that he had found out things at Neath Branch as wanted. said the Saints geting beter in thire fellings. today I answer this letter and wrote one to Elder Daniel F. Thomas at Breachfa, Camarth. at night I went to visite a family by the name of Jones where I had the pleasure of talkin to a few people on the first princibles of the gospel for some time, then left for 98 for the night.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Sadurday 12

this morning I wrote a letter to my wife Mary K Lewis and the children. mail it the same day. at 4 oclock I boarded the train to Pontypridd station. met Brother S.R. Brough at the station, from there we went to Bro Thomas Evans House at Alpha Place. eat our supper with Bro Evans an family. after suppear S.R. Brough and my self went to see Bro Robert Bishop 2 miles off. he been backwards with the Church. he confess his bad deeds and wish to be rebaptize. After having a walk up and on the Street of this town, went back to Bro Bishope House where Bro Brough stayed while we was down town. then Bro Brough & I left Bro Bishopes house and went up to Alpha Place to Bro Coles House for the night.


Alpha Place, Bro Joseph Coles House, Sunday 13th 1887

at 11 oclock this morning we met at Bro Thomas Evans House in Council with the Brethren of Pontypridd Branch. good reports were givein in and good sprit previle. after the council I went with Bro Bishope to dinner then back again to Bro Evans’s. here I met with the Saints in a Sacrament meeting. also we met a Six oclock, after the evening meeting we went down to rive to rebaptize Bro Robert Bishope. Bro S.R. Brough administer the ordinance of baptize, then we went back to Bro Thomas Evans House. here we reconfirm him a member of the Church of Christ. Also we reordain and seat him a parte as a President of the Pontypridd Branch. I been a mouth in the confirmation and reordain him to the office of an elder and Bro S.R. Brough mouth in seate him a part to Presid over the Branch. at 10 oclock we left Bro Evans’s House with Bro Bishop fore the night. all well.


Pontypridd, Rt Bishops House, Monday 14th 1887

this morning made myself ready to leave for Merthyr. Call at Sister Evans in town. Eat dinner with her then I board the train at Pontypridd Station for Merthyr. arrived at 98 at six oclock PM. found all well at the office. not do anything this evening. went to bed.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Tusday 15, 1887

all well but very stormy, snowing very fast deep snow. I stayd in the office all day, to rough to go out. all well. went to bed at 10 oclock Pm.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Wedensday 16, 1887

Beter weather today, the snow quite deep. after breakfast I went to Nant y gwenith to Mr Bevian, the rent man to pay the rent for the House. had som talk with Mr Bevan about the gospel. left him 2 Tracts. so I left for 98 to make ready for the Stars, also I mail a letter, 3 paper for Bro Morgan Evans at Swansea. at 6 oclock I mail the Stars away to the Saints. all well. we went to bed.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr, Thursday 17, 1887

this morning I reeived 2 letters, 1 frome Elder D. Williams at Swansea, the other from Theophilus Davies from Forreast Fach, nr Swansea stating that they wer both well at the time of the writing. I answerd Bro Davies’s letter an then I went to work to make bills to be sent off to the Saints fore the Stars pay at the end of March 31st. met with the Saints in the Eving meeting. few came to gather. all fell well in the gospel the end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Friday 18, 1887

all is well here at 98 this morning so I again take up work of makin billes & today I mail 2 letters to Elder S.R. Brough at Cardiff and one to David Williams at Swansea. all is well here today. went to bed fore the night.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Saduerday 19, 1887

this morning all is about as usal here at 98. all well so I attended to few things here in the office. I received a letter from home informing me of my wife sickness, that they were all well at the time of writing excepting her. in the evening Bro Geo Adams came in to see me. He stayd about an hour or more, then went home. the end of this day all is well. went to bed.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Sunday 20th 1887

received a letter from Elder John Evans at Cardiff informing me of Bro John Morgan sickness and of Sister Davies is baby is death at lower Cwmbran? Momouthshire on the 16th of March. All others were all right. also wanted one to send the babys death to be published in the Star. I answer this letter at 2 oclock Pm. I met with the Saints also at 6 Pm. we had good meetings. All feel well the end of this day. went to bed.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Monday 21, 1887

very cold weather. 2 letters came in fore Bro Brough from Morgan County, Utah. I send them right off to Cardiff to Elder Brough, then went to work at the Stars account up to 6 oclock PM. after supper I went with Bro William Thomas and Brothers Edward & John Thomas to the Cafen to attend meeting at Bro William Lewis House at half past seven oclock Pm, but no one came but a few Saints came. Back to 98 alright an well. this is the end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Tusday 22, 1887

this morning received a letter from Elders Joh & Daniel F. Thomas from Brechfa, Carmarthenshire stating that Bro D.F. Thomas were getting on alright, but weak yet. also I had a letter from Elder Theophlus Davies at Forrest fach. he is alright & feeling well, and I received a letter from Bro John Thomas at Lampeter, Cardicanshire stating that himself and his mother were well in health but feeling kind of bad after the departed Bro and Son. After see to see these letters, I then went up to Pengarnddy to see few Saints were living there. very cold day. stayd with old Sister Backster few hours, then left fore Merthyr. arrived at 98 all sefe at half past 6 oclock Pm. found all things alright at the office. Bro Allen came in, stay while. he went home, I went to bed.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil Wednsday 23, 1887

No mail cam in this morning so I went to work to get the Stars addresses ready to be sent off. So I had them all ready by 6 oclock Pm. I stayd the reminder part of the day in the office. went to bed alright and well.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr, Thursday 24, 1887

all well at 98. this morning I received a letter from S.R. Brough said that he is all right. today I wrote a letter to my wife, Mary D. Lewis. at 8 oclock I met with the Saints as usal. all feelling well the end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Friday 25, 1887

this morning I received a letter from Elder John Thomas at Lampeter, Cardicanshire stating that he was alreight and the Saints all feelling well. at 10 oclock I left Merthyr fore Treorkey, Rhondda Valley. Boarded the train at Merthyr to Abernant Station. on my way I call at Bro Thomas Griffiths’s House at Tylerstown. all well here. eat my dinner with Sister Griffiths at Tylorstown, then left for Treorkey. arrived at 5 James Street at 5 oclock PM. I found Jones and family all well. I stayd with this family over night quite saddisfid of my walk today. went to bed all well.


Joshua Jones House, 5 James Street, Treorkey, Saderday 26, 1887

been a good weather this morning I left Treorkey. call on Richard Williams & family at Trehurbet. Found the family all well, then left for Ogmore Valley. arrived at Bro Clatworthy House. here I found Sister Clatworthy sick in bed. Bro William Flew and all well. stayd here litle while. then I went down to Tynewydd to see Bro David Jinkins and family. here I met Elder S.R. Brough. Him and Jinkins’s family all well. after supper Bro S.R. Brough and my self went to New Row to see Bro Wm Flew’s House to stay over night. very stormy night.


Wm Flew’s House, New Row, Blaen??? Sunday 27, 1887

good weather today. this morning we, Bro S.R. Brough and myself, went down to Bro Jenkins for dinner. after dinner we all went to meeting a Bro & Sister Flew House. we held two meetings, one at 2 Pm and six Pm. not many peopel came to gather but all feelling well. at the evening meeting we organize a Branch with Bro David Jinkins President. all aggreed to sisdin Bro Jinkins in that office. after the meeting, Elder Brough and my self went home with Bro Jenkins to Tynewydd. after som talk to gather at the hour of Ten oclock Pm, I with the request of Bro David f Jinkins and Sister Margret Morgans, I bound them togather in the Bonds of matrimony as a Husband an wife according to the Rules of the Church of Christ. After empurt this newly married cupel, went to bed all feelling well.


David Jenkins House, No 52 High St, Tynewydd, Ogmore Valley, Monday 28, 1887

this morning I left Bro S.R. Brough at Tynewydd and I started for Merthyr via Gelvach Goch. I call at this place to see Sister Ruth Edwards. found all well here. eat dinner with Sister Edwards, then went on to Tylors Town. call at Bro Thomas Griffith’s to left an appointment fore Bro S.R. Brough to fill in 2 days after. then I went on. arrived at Merthyr half past seven Pm. found all well at the Conference House. after read a few letters, one of them from my Bro John from State of Iowa, then I went to bed for the night.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Tusday 29, 1887

today I sent some deaths records to Liverpool office fore t obe published in the Star. The death of Brother Evan Thomas of Lampeter, Cardicanshire, the other baby son of John & Ann Davies, Cumbran Momouthshire? I wrote a letter to Bro John Morgan at Upper Cumbran, Momouthshire in regards to his emigration and to get him self ready as soon as possible. all is well here. I went to bed at a let hour.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Wednesday 30th 1887

all is well at the office so I attended the worck here as usal in getting the Stars ready to be sent off to the people. today I received a note from President George Teasdale at Liverpool informing me in regards to the Saints wish to go with the first commany to get all necessary information to Liverpool Office by Abrile the 9, and the Stars come at 4 oclock Pm and were all mail away at 8 oclock. all is well, went to bed.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Thursday 31, 1887

all well at the office bute I don’t feel as good as I would like to fell but not to bad to attend to my work in the office. no mail came in todad of anny kind. at 8 oclock I met with the Saints in a meeting as I always do. all feelling good. this is the end of the Month of March 31st 1887. all is well.


Abril 1st 1887

98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Friday 1st 1887

this morning I received a letter from home, also 2 Desret News. my family were all well at the time of writting. I answered this letter and mail it off. at six oclock PM the Elders, John & Morgan Evans came in. John Evans came from Momouth & Morgan Evans from Swansea District. Both of these Brothren feel well and look well and Elders John Thomas and Daniel Thomas came in by the 8 oclock train from Swansea. both of these Brothren feelling well in health and otherways. after spent som time in Talkin, we all went to bed. all well.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Saderday 2nd 1887

this morning all the Brothren alright and well. I wrote a letter to Bro John Morgan, Cwmbran in regards to his Emmigration Monny. we spent the day togather at half past severn oclock PM. we the Elders met in a Priesthood Meeting. Elders present from Utah: Daniel Lewis, John Evans, Daniel F. Thomas, John Thomas, Samuel R. Brough, Morgan Evans, and Theophuls Davies. the Elders reported their labours during the month of March 1887. fare reports with a few changes: 1 man excommunicated, 3 baptized, one Branch organist at Ogmore Valley. all the Saints all feeling well. all the Elders feelling well and anxious to be one in our workes. After som time togather we adjorne our Council for one month. all well paid fore the time we were together, then we had our Evening Prgrm and went to bed.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Sunday 3rd 1887

good weather this morning. we are all well here, ready for the meeting at 11 oclock Am. at 11 we met the Elders and the Saints. The President of the Branchs give in thirs reports. they said the Saints all feeling well and were anxious to keep the Laws of God and do thir duty. at 2 oclock we met in a Sacrament meeting and all of the Saints feelling well. at Six PM we aggane met to gather and I can say we had a day of rejoycing all throught and departed in peace, every one to this own house.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Monday 4 1887

all the Elders well this morning except Elder John Thomas. he was quite bad with the Colice but was beter before noon. after dinner Elders David Williams & Daniel F. Thomas left Merthyr, David Williams back to Swansea and Daniel F. Thomas to Brechfa, Carmarthenshire. Bro John Evans is to go to Cardiff district, Morgan Evans to Momouth and Cardiff district. Bro Theophilus Davies is to go to Swansea district and Carmarthen way. in the evening all in the office and Elder John Evans read the Desrete News to us. at 11 oclock we all retired to rest at late hour.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Tusday 5th 1887

we are all well here this morning. at 10 oclock am Bro Morgan Evans left Merthyr fore his field of labore and Bro Theophlus Davies left at 3 oclock PM. he went to Swansea, and Bro S.R. Brough and my selfe after dinner went to work at the Monthly and quarterly reports. First we don was the Stars account. gote the Books all setle and ready for another Month. gote it alright in good time and went to bed.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Wednesday 6th 1887

all is well here at 98 so Bro S.R. Brough and I resume our work aggaine about 12 oclock PM. Bro John Thomas left Merthyr fore Herwain and Elder John Evans for Rhymney & Bro Brough and I kape on with our work in the office. at 4 oclock I went after the Stars to the Station. gote them ready by 7 oclock pm. I mail them all off and came back to the office. in a few minutes after Bro Brough and I came in to the office, Sister Thomas call on us to administer to her Daughter which was taken Sick very sudden with the croup and she received the Blessing of health almost instantly. Went to bed all right this end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Thursday 7th 1887

this morning we had all of the reports and the Monney ready and sent off by 2 oclock PM. after dinner Bro S.R. Brough went to work to get himself ready to go out to his field of labour. So he left Merthyr for Penrhiwceiber about 4 oclock in the afternoon allright and well. I met with the Saints of Merthyr Branch at 8 oclock pm as usal. all feelling well then end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Friday 8th 1887

today I wrote a letter to Bro Wm Price now at Taylorsvill, Salt Lake County, Utah. also I attended to my duty in the office. this after noon I look over the names of my deads friends to put them togather so I can find them when wanted. half past 7 oclock pm I went our for a walk. very cold weather. cam back alright. went t obed half past 10 oclock Pm, all well.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Saduerday 9th 1887

this morning I received 2 letters, one from my wife Mary D. Lewis, the other from Bro R.J. Owens of Malad. After I read those letters, I went to work to answer them. also today I send off letters and papers for the Elders: S.R. Brough, John Thomas to Pontypridd, and John Evans to Abergavenny. inthe evening I went to visite a family by the name of Jones. stay here awhile, talk about Utah and her people, also the gospel. then I left for 98. all is well at the office, went to bed for the night.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Sunday 10th 1887

all well at 98. good weather. I met with the Saints at 2 oclock and six PM. all feelling good. after the meeting a woman her name Mary Jones came to me to get my advice inregards to her goin to her Brother in Utah and my advise was to her not be in to much heast and take time to make her min up to leave her home and then all would go well with her. She went home well please with the advise. The end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Monday 11th 1887

all is well here at 98. today is a great day in Wales been Easter an Monday and a Bank Hollyday. I stayd in the office all day. in the after noon Bro George Adams and wife came in to see me. stayd little while, they went home. I was left alone. about 8 oclock Sister Thomas and family came home after been out on their Pleasuer day. at 11 oclock I went to bed.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Tusday 12, 1887

all is well here at 98. I received a letter from S.R. Brough and John Thomas at Pontypridd, also a letter from a man from Almy, Wyoming Territory in regards to the Emigration of his Mother and Brothern now resaid at Tredegar, Momouthshire, Wales. I send a answer back today, then went to attend to my work in the office. after dinner Bro Geo Adams and Bro Samuel Gool cam in and stayd litle while talking about materes an things. they went home and I went to work at the Books. all is well her the end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Wednsday 13th 1887

no mail cam this morning. this been the day for the Stars so I went to work to get them read to send off to the people. late Mrs Jone cam in to see me about going to Utah. give her my advise, went saddisfid. this is the end of this day, all well here.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Thursday 14

no mail came in today. I wrote a letter to Bro Charles W. Symour. I mail it off in the afternoon. at 8 oclock Pm, I met with the Saints of Merthyr Branch in a testimony meeting. all the Saints feelling well. after the meeting I talk to a young man been once a member of the Church and again wanted to be rebatize. I tould him what the Laws of the Church was. he went home. don’t know whether he did like the advise or not. the end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Friday 15, 1887

this morning late of letters came in fore the Boys and 2 Papers from my home today. I feell kind of bad on account of bad cold because it tis such cold weather. every day like winter. I spent this day in the office to do what I could. also get ready for tomorrow to go of to Taylorstown for Sunday, April 17. all is well here at 98. went to bed.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Saduerday 16, 1887

all is purly fare at office today. I received a letter from Elder David Williams at Swansea stating him self and family are well and wished me to send to Liverpool for 2 Ready for France? I wanted to leave Merthyr at 3 oclock fore Taylorstown by a way of Aberdare. Boarded the train at Merthyr Station to Abernant, then I walk Taylorstown. arrived at half past 6 oclock PM. I found all the Saints well. I stayed overnight with Bro Griffiths.


Taylorstown, Sunday 17, 1887

this morning I with Bro Thomas Griffiths visited few familys and we invite them to com to meeting. then after visiting those family we went back to Bro Griffithis. I met with few Saints and 2 and six PM. had very good meeting both times. I stayed with Bro Griffithis Sunday night.


Taylorstown, Mounday 18, 1887

all well here this morning and good weather so I left Taylorstown for Merthyr. arrived at Merthyr at 3 oclock Pm. I found all well. Sister Thomas and family alright. when I reach Merthyr I was quite tired after walk over the mountans over very rough road up and down. no mail here at the office of any kind. in the evening a man by the name of William Jones came to see me about sending to Utah for a pass for his wife to go over to see her folks at Malad City, Idaho. He went home about ten oclock. I went to bed.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Tusday 19, 1887

all well here this morning. I received 2 letters, one from Elder John Evans, the other from George Scarey, Aberystwyth, Cardican. all well. then I wrote a letter fore William Jones to R.T. Owens at Malad. at 5 oclock I went to Mr Jones House with the letter. Stay with him till half past 9 oclock, then I went back to 98. the end of this day all is well.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Wednsday 20, 1887

no mail cam in this morning. I don’t feel well today on account of very bad cold I had few days ago, but not to bad to attend to my work in the office. I getting ready for the Stars at 4 oclock Pm. So I went down the Station and got them. had them all ready to be sent off at half past six Pm. after supper I went to the post office to mail them to the Peopel. cam back Bro Samuel Gool cam in. we stayd for little while, Bro Gool went home. I went to bed for the night.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Thursday 21st 1887

this morning I received a letter from Bro Theophilus Davies now at Carmathenshire stating that he were alright at the time of writing. also he is dong a good work amungst the peopel. I wrote back to Bro Davis and I send his mail at the same time. then I went to wrok and wrote a letter to President Geo Teasdale give him the condistion of the work of the Lord in Wales and the feellings of the Saints. at 8 oclock PM, I met with the Saints of merthyr Branch. all feelling well and went home saddisfid the end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Friday 22, 1887

all is well here at the office. I received a letter from the Brethren, S.R. Brough and John Thomas at Cardiff stating how they have found things there. said that Brother Hyrum White possess a very bad sprite and promis to give me the pertculars when see me in the after or late in after noon. Elder John Evans cam over from Rhymney, then we spent the evining to gather talk on maters and things. Bro Samuel Gool cam in, stayed with us little while. he went Hom and we went to bed for the night. all well in the house.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Saduerday 23rd 1887

this morning quite disagreeable weather, wet and bad. no mail cam in of any kind. Bro Evans and my self wanted to go over to Rhymney for Sunday to meet with the Saints in a Council. we waitted till after 2 oclock pm, then we made a start via Dowlais way. arrived at Bro Geo Barett. I was very taired by walking over the mountain. we stayd at Barrette for som time. eat super here. after supper Bro John Evans and myself went to 14 Plantation Street to Bro John Grimley to stay over night. found the famiy all well, glad to see us. Bro Grimley went to work half past 9 and we went to bed woon after quite tiared.


14 Plantation Street, Rhymney, Sunday 24th 1887

all is well here so at 11 oclock Am we met in Council in this House of Bro John Grimely and the few Brothren cam to gather were feeling well and they give in fere report of the condition of the Saints of Rhymney Branch. all went on alright then we adjourned for a monthe. Bro John Evans and I went to dinner with Bro George Barrett at 2 oclock PM. we met with the Saints in Sacrament meeting also at six oclock. we had a meeting for any body that would coming. I did not feel well all day on account of having very bad cold. I went to bed for the night.


14 Plantation Street, Rhymney, Monday 25, 1887

this morning Elder John Evans left 14 Plantation Street for Ebbw Vale and I left for New Tredegar to see some relation of main, Morgan Jones and family. I found som few of Jones family, the wife and daughter here. I found nother distant relation Louigia Lewis, my uncl Rees Lewis’s daughter. all the family are dead but her. stay here for som time talking about the Saints and the gospel. I left them for for good. arrived at Merthyr at 7 oclock PM. found all ell at 98. I went to prayer meeting at Bro Wm Richards House. all the Saints feelling well. after the meeting I went back to 98 for the night.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Tusday 26, 1887

no mail cam in this morning of anny kind. very bad weather, rain and snow is coming down very fast at times. Bro Samuel Gould cam in to the office. Talked about maters. late in the afternoon he went home. I stayd in all day on account of not been well. all is well here this evening.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Wednsday 27, 1887

no mail cam in today so I went to work to get the Stars ready. All is well at 98. I feel som beter today but not well. I had the Stars ready by 7 oclock pm. after supper I went to the Post Office with them and there cote a fresh cold. aent home and ent to bed.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Thursday 28

no mail came in this morning. I feel quite bad today. my hands paine very bad on account of the sickness is on my body. before noon Bro Morgan Evans cam in frm a Month visite among the peopel. he is well and healthy. this afternoon I wrote a letter to Bro John Thomas at Lampeter, Cardicanshire. Sufer very bad with my hand while writing. all is well here except my selfe. at night I mete with the Saints of Merthyr Branch in a Testimony Meeting. there wasn’t but few that came to gather. all feelling well. this evening William Lewis cam in, one of the members of Merthyr Branch of the Church to ask forgiveness for his cearlessness in attending to his meetings. all the Saints uniteddly answer his request and he went home saddifid. this is the end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Friday 29, 1887

this morning my health is quite bad, could not do any thing. at 3 oclock Elder S.R. Brough came in from Penrhiwceiber feelling well. litle leater in day Elder John Evans cam from Rhymney, also same evening Elder John Thomas came. all those Brethren are well in health and sprite, so we enjoy the society of each other this night which I was Bleas of on the account of my health. went to bed all well but my self.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Sadeday 30th 1887

my health is still bad today, cant do any thing, but all the Boys are well and feelling well. at half past 7 oclock pm we the Elders met in Priesthood meeting and they give a good reports from all parts of te Conference. the Saints and the peopel are feelling well where ever they have been travilling last month. we close our Council at 9 oclock pm. this is the last day of April. After our council close the Brothren, the Elders went out for a few minute for fresh are, and I stayd in the office while they were gone. Mrs Jones from Brecon Road came in to see me about the May Company of Saints. She wanted to go with the June if there are any goin at that time. then the boys came in for the night. this is the last night of the Month of April, 1887. went to bed for the night. all feelling well except my self.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, May the 1st 1887, Sunday

this morning is a good weather. at 11 oclock we met in council at 98 or the Conference House. quite a number of local Elder cam to gather an the Branchs Presidents give in good encuoragin reports of thir respective Branchs. all the Saints are try to do right. then we ajorn our Council for one Month. at 2 we again met with the Saints in a Sacrament meeing and Mrs Barratt and her daughter attended meeting with us this afternoon. also at six, but before we met this time som of the Brothren left for Swansea by the Six oclock train: Elder David Williams, Elias Davis, and John Thomas. I went to the Station with them to see them off alright. bid them good buy at the Station then I went back to meeting. we had good time to gather but my health is so bad that I did not enjoy myself vere well. after the meeting all went to their homes well paid for comin to gather and it tis the end of this first day of May all retiered.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Monday 2nd 1887

this morning is very rainy and wete. this morning I received 3 letters: one from Elder Daniel F. Thomas, and one from Elder Theophilus Davis, and a local letter from Bro John Thomas of Lampeter, Cardicanshire. all those Brothren were well at the tim of writing. today my health is litle on the emprove, but not able to do much. late this afternoon, the Swansea Branch report came. We spent this day in the office all day on account of bad weather. this the end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Tusday 3rd 1887

this morning I received a letter from Elder John Thomas said that he arrived at Neath alright and found the Saints all well and feelling well and he send me the names of the Saints that wished to go out with the May Company which siles on the 21 of May. this morning Elder Morgan Evans started out on his month labour in the Momouth District. he went out well in health and sprite. today I answer Bro John Thomas of Lampeters letter. went to the Post Office to send off some papers to Elder John Thomas and Theophilu Davis and back to the office where I stay the balance of the night. went to bed at 11 pm.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Wednsday 4th 1887

no mail cam in this morning. I my self quite sick today, having very bad night all last night. at 11 AM Bro Samuel R. Brough and my self commence at the Conference report to make it ready to be sent to Liverpool. so we had it all ready by 4 oclock Pm. we found all things right, then I went to the Post Office to mail the money and the report off. came back to the office. stayed here the remainder part of the day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Thursday 5, 1887

this morning I feel som beter & no mail cam in today. after dinner the Brothren, John Evans and Samuel R. Brough left for thire field of labour in Cardiff district both feeling well. at half past six I went to met a Commercial Traveller at the Castle Hotel, Merthyr. after examin few of his goods, I then made a small purchse of jewellery. Came back to 98. met with the Saints as usual in Thursday Night meeting, but few Saints. all feel well the end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Friday 6th 1887

quite a few letters and papers cam in today. I received 2 letters from home, that they were all well at the time of writing. I then answer one of them, also I wrote a letter to my Brother Morgan. I mail the 2 at seven oclock Pm. at a late hour Bro Samuel Goald came in to see me on account of his wife feell very bad twards him. he went home; I went to bed.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Saduerday 7th 1887

Nothing came in to the office this morning. all is well, my health is getting beter. Can attend to my duty in the office …number of watch 50552 … all right in the afternoon. Bro George Adams and my self went to examin 2 or 3 Hall with the intention to rent one for meeting room, but did not find any to answer the purpose. then we parted on Castle Street, Bro Adams went home, I went back to 98. this the end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Sunday 8, 1887

good weather today. I went out in the forenoon for a walk over the tipes. Met with the Saints at 2 PM, had good meeting. after meeting I went with Bro Geo Adams as fare as his House for tea. Back to 6 oclock meeting where we enjoy our selves very good with the Saints. didn’t go out anymore this evning. retired at 10 oclock, all well.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Monday 9th 1887

2 letters came in fore Bro S.R. Brough from Morgan County, Utah. after breakfast I went work to get som names ready to be sent to Liverpool, Partys that are goin off with the May Company of Saints. wrote a letter to President George Teasdale and I wrote out a recomend to Brother George Adams for him to associate with the Saints in London. in the evening I went as far as the Post Office, then came back. Stayd in the office reminder part of the night.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Tusday 10th 1887

this morning is a butfull weather. after attend to som business in Town, I then went to work to get som trade warpers? after dinner I went out for a walk in company with Bro George Adams down blo Merthyr as far as furnace Esa? for my health. came back after about 3 hours walk slowly a long when I reach the office. I was quite ready for a reast. At half past seven PM, I in company with Bro Edward Thomas went to the Temperance Hall, Merthyr to hear a lecture on the Bible. He commence by asking the quistione. He spock for about an hour, the same thing nearly all through and the peopel new about as much before he started as they did when he quite. I left the Hall at half past 9. went back to 98 all right.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Wednsday 11th 1887

all is well here. no mail came in this morning. today I fix up things at the office so I can leave Merthyr for a few days on business, also for my health. the Stars cam so I had them all send off again by 8 oclock pm. in the afternoon Bro George Adams cam in to see me. he satyed for som time, then left for home. the end of this day, all well.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Thursday 12th 1887

This morning I received a letter from Bro William G Cornish? At abergavenny with the name of Bro William Price son to be sent to Liverpoool at once. Bro Ephraim Price he wanted to Emmegrate with the company of Saints to that leave Liverpool May 21st 1887. I went to work to answer Bro Prices letter and wrote one to President Teasdale with the name and age of Bro Ephraim Price. Mail those letters at 2 pm. came back to the office. here Bro George Adams was saiting me back. he felt kind of lonesome. Wanted me to go with him for a walk but I had no time to go so he went out and I attend to my work. in the evening I met with the Saints in a testimony meeting. also today Edward Thomas Sister Thomas son was taking vry sick with much pian in the head. this the end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Friday 13th 1887

this morning the Mother and the son is kind of bad. Edward had bad night, very sick at times but feelling som beter now. no mail cam in of any kind. I get my self ready to leave for Neath. as I was getting ready, the news cam in of litle child been found in an old well close by Merthyr. the child still live, age about 11 month old. Very likely he was cast awy ther by the Mother during the night. the man found him had no children so the litle one was well teken cear of. Befor I left 98 I wrote few lines to the Brothren, S.R. Brough & John Evans at Cardiff to let them know that I was goin away for a few days. So at 3 three oclock I left Merthyr for Hirwain. walk over the mountain, arrived at Hirwin half past 5 Pm. call at William Davis House. stayd with this family for 2 hours, talk about Utah and the gospel then went to Brother Thomas Jones House. found the old folks well and glad to see me. after little chat together we retired for the night.


Hirwain, Thomas Jones’s House, Saduerday 14th 1887

this morning I left Jones family for Neath. call on Rachel Morgans and Timothy Evans for the last time. stayd her hald an hour, then went on my way. walk to glyn, Neath Station. here I boarded the train down to Neath Station, arrived at 2 PM. went from the Sation to Bro Hugh Williams House at Melyngeddan? found the family all well. about seven Pm I went to visit Bro Eastman an family. Back to Bro Williams for the night.


Hugh William House, Melingerddan, Nr Neath, Sunday 15, 1887

we are all well here today. this I went out to see a family been not able to see them. then I went for a walk out town. not been well. soon cam back, had dinner with Williams family. I met with a few Saints at half past Two PM at Brother Eastman House. also I met with the Saints at six Pm, had good time at our meeting both times. after the evening meeting I went to Bro Williams for the night. all right an well.


Hugh William House, Neath, Monday 16

this morning I left Neath for Swansea. call at Bro George Lang. as I went by stay few minites the went on to Swansea. arrived at No 4 Grove Place. at 2 Pm found Bro David Williams and family all well her. I received 2 letters from Merthyr, one from George Adams, the other from Edward Thomas. I answerd Bro Edward Thomas. at 8 Pm I met with a few of Swansea Sanits in a Pryer meeting. I stayd at No. 4 Grove Place over night.


No 4 Grove Place, Swansea, Tusday 17th 1887

got ready and went to Vickdoria Station. Boarded the train from Swansea to Llandilo. arrived here at 11 am, then I walk from Llandilo to Tynylan, 12 miles on the road. I made a call at Bro James Jones, blacksmith at Monardilo? I stayed here 3 hours, then I left to Tynylan. reach this place at seven oclock Pm quite tierd. found stepe mother and family all well and gld to see me once more and I was very hapy to met them. I retire at ten oclcok pm.


Tynylan, Step Mothers House, Wednday 18th 1887

I feel very good this morning and all is well here. after breakfast I went out over the farm for litle while. came back, wrote a lletter to my wife, Mary K Lewis and the children. after dinner I went to see the gardin. I stayd here today to rest my self and getting ready to go to Lampeter tomorrow leate in the afternoon I thougt of goin to see a family. they went of so I in the house.


Tynylan, Thursday 19, 1887

this morning quite wet weather and I wanted to go to Lampeter. at 9 Am kind of clear up so I get my self ready to start. lef Tynylan at tweve oclock Pm. arrived at Lampeter about fore. Found Sister Thomas and the family all well, glad to see me although she is feeling bad after her son Evan. few of the old frendes cam in to see me. I stayed over night at the Coffee Tavern.


Lampeter, Friday 20th 1887

very cold weather. I stayd with this family all this day. it tis marked day again. this night I stayd at the Coffee House.


Lampeter, Sister Thomas’s House, Saduerday 21, 1887 and Sunday 22, 1887

I stayd at Lampeter Sunday 22. I held a meeting at Sister Thomas House. in this meeting I administer the Sacrament to Sister Thomas and my self the after the meeting I gave the old lady a Blessing according to the Priesthood I held. Also I blessed her son John. Both the old lady and Bro John felt well. then I left for my lodging for the night. all well.


Lampeter, Mary Thomas House, Monday 23, 1887

this morning I bid Sister Thomas and the family farewill for the last time in Wales. I left Lampeter for my step mothers house. arrived about 4 oclock pm. found the family al lwell. I stayd here over night.


Tynylan, Llanwrda, Tusday 24, 1887

I again on the start for Llandovery. left my step mother and family all well. been quite wet so I went Tabor way. arrived at Landovery twelve Pm. I made a call on David Lewis, then from here I went to my Sister Jane, then to Ann & Rees my Brother. all well. then I went to John Williams to stay over night. I spent the evening with John and his wife talking to them about the Princebles of the gospel and Utah. went to bed lete hour. all well.


Gyddo Hill, Nr Llandovery, Carmrthen, Wednsday 25, 1887

this morning I left my nephew and familys house for Merthyr. arrived at Merthyr half past 3 Pm. found all well at 98. here were quite a number of letters waitting for my return and other business as well. I been very tired, went to bed for the night.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Thusday 26, 1887

all well her at 98. This morning I received my released from President Teasdale and Elder David Williams appointed t otake my place in the Conference. I was quite busy all day today in answering letters, also sending off the Stars. at 8 Pm I met with the Saints of Merthyr Branch in a Thursday night meeing. all feelling well except Bro Samuel Gould feelling bad on account of this wife so bad agginst the Saints. after the meeting we talk about he truble. He went home, I went to bed.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Friday the 27, 1887

all is well here. this morning no mail came in this morning of any kind. I was busy all day in getting things ready at the office. in the afternoon I went to see my cousin David Williams and family. I stayd with about 2 hours then I went back to 98. Bro William Thomas and Samule Gould cam in to see about the Emigration. after talk for som time to gather about things. they went home so I went to bed.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Sadurday 28, 1887

all is well here at the office. I am getting ready to leave Merthyr for Cardiff. so I left Merthyr with the one oclock train. I call at Pontypridd. I stayd with Bro Thomas Evans and family for litle while. I boarded the train at Treforest for Cardiff. arrived at Landdaff Station half past five Pm. call to see the Saints at Manachdy, then I ent down to Cardiff Town fore a visite and back to the farm fore the night.


Manachdy farm, Nr Cardiff, Sunday 29, 1887

I am alright today. I left the farm for Bro Wm Bledyn House where I met with the Saints of Cardiff Branch n a Sacrament meetting, but a few that came togather. this is my last visite to Cardiff. after meetting I went to Cathays to see Bro D.C. Farsey and family, also Bro Hyrum White an family fore the last time. after bid those familys farewell, I went back to the farm fore the night.


Monachdy farm, Monday 30, 1887

this morning I bid Mr Dymon an family good buy and left fore Merthyr. call at Pontypridd to see the Saints and bid them farewell. then left for Merthyr. arrived at five oclock Pm all right. found all well at 98. no letters cam to the office while I was gone. this the end of this day.


98 Twynyrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Teusday 31, 1889

I received a letter, Elders D.F. & Jo Thomas from there field of labour now in Carmarthenshire, stating that they bothe well and preach to the peopel where ever they have an opportunity. today I wrote a letter to my Bro John in Iowa and one to Bro Shepton at Cardiff, and what time I had left I was busy in the office. this is the end of the Month of May 1887.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, June 1st 1887

This morning all is well here at 98. I received 3 letters, one from London, one from Pembroke Dock from a cousin of min, the third from Br. David Williams at Swansea stating that he would be here today to take charge of the Conference Books and Property. I wrote a letter to the Brothren, D.F. & Jo Thomas in answer to the one I received yesterday. now I am waiting for Bro D Williams arrived. Bro Samuel R Brough came in at one oclock Pm, Hirwin. at seven Pm, Bro David Williams came in all right and well from Swansea. this the end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Thursday, June the 2nd 1887

all is well here at the office. this morning I went to work. Turned all the Conference Property over to Bro David Williams, also wrote 2 letters home and one to my Brother John at Iowa. at 2 Pm, I had all the Transfer accomplish of Property. Then we went to work at the Books. work all this after noon at the Book accounts. At 8 Pm we met with the Saints in a Thursday night meeting. all the Saints and Elders all feelling well the end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Friday 3, 1887

all is well here at the office. again we went at the Books. at 12 Pm we had all the worke don and all the Books and the Church property turned over to Bro David Williams. then after dinner I went to Dowlais to see Aunnt Rachel and som of Aunnt Lizabeth grand children. I bid these fold good by and went back to Merthyr for the night.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Sadurday 4, 1887

all well here today. bro John Evans & Bro Morgan Evans came in yesterday after noon. both well and feell well, so we are all here this morning at the office. I am makin myself ready to leave on Monday fore Carmarthenshire. after I wash and clean my self, Bro S.R. Bough and I went down town for a walk through the Marked House, then back to the office. this is the end of this day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Sunday 5, 1887

lete last night Brother Theophilus Davis cam in from Swansea well in health and sprite. at 11 Am we the Elders met in the Conference House in Council, also number of local Elders here. I heard the reports from the President of the various branch. all the Brothren give very good reports of all the Saints. no business don at the Council today. then we close for one month from date. At 2 Pm I met in a Sackrament meeting where great many Saints cam to meet me fore the last time in Wales. this afternoon President D Williams made a mosion that they, him self and the Saints would join to gather in givein me a vote of thanks fore my labour while I was here with them. after the meeting I went to the Station with the Penrhiwceiber family to see them off on the train fore thir hom. from the Station I went back to the Conference House to meeting. at the Two oclock meeting I blesst Brother & Sister Callman litle daughter by the [name] of Florance Callman. We enjoy our selves well all day.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Monday 6, 1887

this morning at 7 Am, I left fore Swansea. cald at Aberdare and Hirwin, also at Neath to bid the folks farwell. arrived at Swansea half pat 6 Pm all right. I met with the Saints of Swansea at 8 Pm in a meeting. all feeling well. I staid at Bro David Williams House over night.


4 Grove Place, Swansea, Tusday 7, 1887

This morning I left Swanse for Kidwelly. Again I call at Llanelly to see good many family that I was acquinted for the last time, then I went down to Kidwelly where I stayd over night at Brother Griffith Williams, Mynyddy garreg, Kidwelly. I found this family all well and well pleased to see me fore the last time.


Mynyddy garreg, Kidwelly, Wednsday 8, 1887

I left Bro Griffith Williams and family all well and I went on my way to Carmarthen town. on my way I call on 2 family of Saints. Eat dinner with the last one, Bro & Sister James, Llwin y felltirfach, then I bid the family farwell. went on to Carmarthen. Call on Mr Johnathan Marsden, the Llanllwch Church Rector fore som record, but when I went there I found that I had not the right name for the family I wanted from Mr Marsden. I call on an old man by name of Sherm Morrise and he give me the corect account of the family of the Cwmnbach. From this mans House I went back to Carmarthen town fore the night quite tierd after walkin so much. this day I stayd at a Coffee House with a family by the name of Thomas. the end of this day.


Carmarthen town, Thursday 9th 1887

at 20 minutes past six Am, I left Carmathen for Brechfa by train. Arrived at Pontyfer at 9 Am. here I met D.F. Thomas and John Thomas waitin fore me so I spent this day in thir company fore the last th time in Wales.


Pontyfer, Friday 10th 1887

this morning I bid the Brothren, also Sister Hanah Thomas farewell, then left for Tynylan. as I pass by Llansaweil, I call to see Martha Williams and family and the recorder of Llanswiel Church for som records of my folks. eat dinner with Mrs H. Williams. after dinner I left in company of the Reverend Jinkin Rees from Aberiron, Cardincanshire. Arrived at Tynylen at 7 PM and quite glad to get here. I found all well and glad to see me. the end of this day.


Tynylan, Saduerday 11th 1887

this morning I went dow about 8 miles to see Mrs Sarah Jones, Mary Lewis’s sister. I found here all right and well. She was well pleased with my visite for the last tim in Wales. This place is on the east saied vele of this town. I left her place at 2 PM for Tynylan. arrived at 7 Pm very tierd. I stayd in the House the reminder parte of this day.


Tynylan, Llanwrda, Carmarthen, June 12, 1887

this morning I visit Mrs Evans Polley, Nr Porth y-rhyd. I went to see her fore her fathers records, but file to get any from here. I visited a family at Tynybedw. Stayd fore dinner. went over to Tynylan to meet my sisters and John Williams, my Nephew. Stay with them the reminder of the day, also remind over night with step mother an family.


Tynylan, Monday 13th 1887

this I bid all the family farewell and left fore Llandovery where I was busy from House to House all the afternoon. Stayd with my Sister Jane and family over night.


Llandovery, Tusday 14th 1887

this morning David Lewis and I went to see the death records of Llan---- Church. we found the record of one family, my uncil David Morgans. We got through with the Books by one Pm. I bid all of my relations good by and left Llandovery. I stayd over night with John Williams, my Nephew. I call on a family by the name of Lewis, Gellyvelen. all well, pleased with my visity.


Guty-- Hill, Wednesday 15, 1887

this morning I walk to Senney Bridge and here I boarded the train for Merthyr. arrived at 98 half past 3 Pm. found all well. Bro S.R. Brough in the office. we stayd to gather over night getting things ready for me to leave. Retird at a let hour. all well.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Thusday 16, 1887

today I am very busy get my self ready to leave tomorrow morning. Bro David Williams cam up from Swansea at noon. at one oclock I went to see Mary Jones to see if all of her things were address right. I stayd about an Houre then left for 98 to pack up my things ready for the morning. at 8 Pm I met with the Saints in a Saint meeting for the last time in wales. all feellg well. went to bed for the night.


98 Twyn yrodyn, Merthyr Tydvil, Friday 17, 1887

this morning I was up a 4 Am. went to the Station in company with the brothren and a few of the local Satins. I met Mrs Jones and the Saints that were goin off at the Station. at half past six we bid the Saints good bys and left for Liverpool. arrived at Lime Street Staion at half past 2 Pm. all well here. I left Bro William Thomas charge of the luggage while I went to 42 to have som one to take our luggage to the docks. Met Bro Devison at platform No 5. he where he received the goods off my hands then I went with the Saints to the office to get thir tickeds. At Seaven Pm the Saints went to the Shipe for the night while I remain at 42 overnight. I was very tired and ready for rest.


42 Isllington, Liverpool, Sadurday 18, 1884

at half past six Am, I boarded the Street car at 42 for Elicksander dock were I boarded S.S. Wisconsin for New York. left the dock at 8 Am, went out on the river where she stay on till 5 Pm. at this houre she started out on her way to New Yorck. We traveal all night and up to 12 Am Sunday 19th 1887 where we rrived at Quinenstown [Queenstown]. at one P west ward no sea sickness had apeard. good night. at 3 Am on ?Monday 20, 1887 the foge commence to gather quite thick so we traviel very slow. about noon today the sea sickness commence to show it selfe amogst the peopel although very good sea. no wind of any account. We held our servies at 8 PM with Saints. after our evening prayer, we the Utah Elders administer to a sick Sister. after we got through she got up and went to her room.


Tusday, June 21, 1887

This morning is very good weather and the Elders and Saints feelling quite revived from this sickness as my selfe. I am all right so fare. one man died Monday night and was buried Monday 3 pm. all went on all right this day.


Shipe Wisconsin, Wednsday, June 22, 1887

today many peopel are feeling bad with sea sickness. at noon commence to raine and the wind blowing quite a breeze from the south west. it was so bad that we could not stay on the deck. I stayd in my room the most of the day. at Seven Pm I attended evening prayers with the Saints and the Elders. all feelling perty well at bed time.


SS Wisconsin, June 23, 1887

This morning the sea is quite rough and had been all night that way and many of the Saints are sick on account of the roughness of the sea. about 10 Am we past one steamer or a steam shipe litle to the North of us, bound east. no ice to be seen and very few feish. all went on all right. I met with the Saints at seven Pm in a prayer meeting as we allwas do at the close of the day.


SS Wisconsin, Friday June 24, 1887

today all seemse to be alright and well but very cold wind from the North west. past one shpe today. No fog. all went on alright. at half past 7 Pm all the Saints were call to gather where we had a meeing fore about an hour and half. after meeting we all left for our rooms. very cold and chilly, the sea is calm and the shipe is a goin with a good speed. I went to bed at Ten Pm. nothing happen thi day.


SS Wisconsin, Saderday June the 25, 1887

about two oclock this morning the fog came so thick that the shipe was blaige to stqand still fore one hour an half, then went on very slow fore some time. the fog troule us off an on all day. no body sick that I can see today any wheres. cold weather most of the day.



















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lewis, Daniel


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