DEAR BROTHER DAVIS,--Advertise through the TRUMPET that the Conference for East Glamorgan will be held in Merthyr on the 6th of July; for Monmouth in Tredegar on the 13th; for West Glamorgan in Swansea on the 20th; for Carmarthenshire in Carmarthen on the 27th; and for Cardiganshire on the 3rd of August.
Dear Brethren,--Those who intend to emigrate next September, send your pre-payment to us here in time, together with your addresses, skills and your names, so that I can send the information to you in time concerning the date for you to be in Liverpool or in Swansea. It is not wise for those who intend to proceed directly to the Valley to go in September, rather in January; because if you go in September, it will be necessary for you to wait for a few months in St. Louis because of the ice on the rivers.
The money from the Emigration Fund is supposed to be here by the 24th of this month; it would be much appreciated if all would send these funds together with the name of the Treasurer of each Branch and his account by the above date.
14, Castle St., Merthyr Tydfil.
[Translated from the Welsh original in Udgorn Seion, 1851, p. 193-4, by Ronald D. Dennis, 1529 W. 1170 North, Provo, Utah]