To the Churches (2)

14, Castle St., Merthyr Tydfil, 15 July 1851

MR. EDITDOR, --I have a few counsels to give to the presidents in general; if you have space for them in ZION'S TRUMPET I shall proclaim some things which will benefit the districts, branches and all the Saints.
We held a conference here on the 6th of this month, and we sent eighteen missionaries to go to their journeys without purse or scrip; and I think that the last of them has gone out today; and may our Gracious Lord bless them.
They have been sent out to test the world and to establish new branches in their midst without any help from any branch, rather to get their food, their clothing and their lodging from the world as far as circumstances will allow. And now, Presidents of Districts and Branches, in order to properly prove the world, prevent these missionaries from visiting your branches or from receiving help in any way except for books; if the branches are so kind as to help them with a few books, that will be fine. The reason that more branches have not been established throughout this country is that the brethren have not gone out properly; they have taken money with them or they have been relying on the branches around them. These missionaries have a right to receive money from the world, and they are sure to get it through faith; for God is truthful and promises to give food, clothing and lodging, and money also if there is a need, together with everything which is necessary to those who faithfully keep his commandments. And the Spirit of God this very minute through me promises these things. There are many temptations to come to assist these brethren; but regardless of how many temptations come, God is with the missionaries and he will guide them. And now, brethren, may you in your Districts have as much desire in you as do these missionaries to save the thousands of souls who are in the country, and research out good men whose circumstances allow them to go out; send them out to the towns, villages and the surrounding country to establish Branches. Have no fear of priests, preachers or any category of men; go to their congregations and to the synagogues and preach this gospel to them for a witness of the kingdom, and do it with the power of the Holy Spirit so that you can be free from them on the day of judgment; for all will be judged according to this gospel. And now, brethren, go forward and gather up the daughter of Zion so that she may be taken home across the seas to the Mountains of Ephraim to build splendid cities and temples and plant her vineyards and put on her wedding gown; for her Bridegroom is coming and galloping across the clouds of heaven, and a myriad of his Saints are within him. So be it. Amen.
I have one other counsel to give to you pertaining to those who are called Saints, or officers and who are too lazy to work and go around from branch to branch singing to the women and deceiving others for their food like this from house to house for months, and influencing some presidents to take up a collection for them by giving them a small account as to how things are going along in the North, Cardiganshire, Carmarthenshire, together with other counties; and how they debated with people and were victorious; and then a little ding dong on the harp afterwards; and then some innocent sister comes in and extend an invitation, "Come with me to have lunch." "Come with me to have supper," says another. "And come with me to meet with the Saints," says some president. And he will sit in the chair of the president and will be introduced as a strange brother, and then the dear Saints will be ready to hear him. Oh! how sorry I feel for my brothers and sisters who did not look further and refrain from giving acceptance to anyone except those who are in authority, or those who have permission in some circumstances. Once again, I warn you, presidents of districts, branches and groups, to beware of such cunning men, and do not allow men to live idly on the backs of the Saints. Teach the Saints to give them a meal, a night's lodging and send them on their way the next morning; do so if they possess licences. And if they do not leave their wicked ways behind them, we shall cut them off from the Church and put their names in the TRUMPET.

I am your humble servant,


[Translated form the Welsh original in Udgorn Seion, 1851, p. 242-4, by Ronald D. Dennis, 1529 W. 1170 North, Provo, Utah]



Phillips, William Samuel


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