Bowen, David - Journal


Samaria, January 28th, 1887.

David Bowen is the son of Lewis and Mary Ann Harris Bowen. Born on the 18th of June, 1837 in Blaenavon, Monmouthshire, South Wales. Baptized by Elder Lewis Bown in Abersychan May 14, 1853, the same day as my mother and my brother John. Emigrated March 17th, 1856 (at the age of 18). Travelled by railroad to Liverpool, England. Sailed from Liverpool on board the vessel Enoch Train. Crossed the Atlantic Ocean in six to seven weeks time. Had a fair passage (though winds drove them back 300 miles when they were near the shores of America), not much sickness, landed in Boston Massachusetts. Stayed on the camping ground four miles from Iowa City about six weeks to get our outfit to cross the plains with, which consisted of provisions, wagons, oxen, hand carts, etc, (two men and two women formed a team). Pulled a handcart from the camp ground to Florence or near Omaha, Council Bluffs, Nebraska Territory. The weather being excessive hot and the handcart laden down to its utmost capacity, making it laborious, consequently I was tired many times from the fatigue of the day's labor. We stayed here a week or two, to recruit up and get supplies to continue our journey of one thousand miles in the same way across the plains. My experience on this part of the journey was the same as before, but of a longer duration, and not as much food as we would like to have had to satisfy the craving of appetite in consequence of a scarcity of provisions. There was a supply of flour sent out from Salt Lake City, hauled by horse teams to bring supplies for all the companies; they met us on the Sweetwater River; we bought sufficient supply to carry us through in addition to our regular rations to our destination. We arrived in the Valley of Great Salt Lake 26 Sept. (This was the first handcart company, under the direction of Edward Ellsworth).

(When I left home) I was put in charge of Elder Andrew Galloway, President of the Herefordshire Conference. I being the oldest of the family, it was concluded by my parents and others for me to come on before them to get means to bring the balance of the family out. It took eight years to accomplish this object. My brother John emigrated one year before the rest. With his assistance, and the means which I had in my possession, the object of pursuit was brought about and we were brought together face to face once more; for which we felt to thank God. The family consisted of nine in number; my father Lewis, mother Mary Ann, David, John, Ebenezer, Thomas, Benjamin, Brigham, and Martha Bowen.

I was promised by the Elders that I should enjoy good health on the journey; this I received and was much blessed on sea and land. I pulled a handcart from Iowa camping ground to Salt Lake City, a distance of thirteen hundred miles, not missing a day from my cart on the whole journey. I saw many young men in the company sickly and ailing often, leaving their carts and sometimes getting in the wagons to ride. The promise made to me was realized and fulfilled to the very letter. That promise would very often come before my mind, and I exercised all the faith I could to enjoy the same, so that I could accomplish that which I had set out for. Brother and Sister Galloway were very kind to me and did all they could to help me along.

I lived with Brother Edmund Ellsworth and family about three years in the First Ward, Salt Lake City. Lived in the First Ward about twelve years, labored under the administration of Bishop Henry Moon, acting as teacher, superintendent of the Sunday School, and part of the time as leader of the choir. (When Johnson's Army came to Utah David was called to serve in the Echo Canyon War. He wasn't sufficiently clothed to keep warm for it was in the fall and winter that he had to be on the job.)

Married Feb. 16, 1861 in Salt Lake City to Annie Shackleton. (By this time he owned a wagon and team of oxen).

In January of 1869 we moved to Henderson Creek in Malad Valley with a family of four children. In June 1876 we moved to Samaria with a family of seven children, namely David J., Emma S., Lewis J., Agnes E., Charles F., Walter F., and Albert E. Since then there has been an addition of three girls, namely Mary Ann, Edith V. and Stella.

In 1880 Samaria was organized into a ward, with Jonah Evans as Bishop. I was called to be first counselor. I was leader of the choir until called to the bishopric, and appointed President of the Y.M.M.I.A. in the eighties.

(During the twenty-four years David Bowen lived in Samaria he acquired two farms by hard work and with the help of the older sons. In the year 1901 David and his family moved to Logan, Utah, where he resided until he died March 30, 1910.)

Additional material, Mary B. Bush, granddaughter



Bowen, David


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