Bowen,Lewis - letter received from his father

Letter from David Bowen of Wales to His Son Lewis Bowen

Translation of a letter written by David Bowen of Victoria, Monouthshire, Wales, 17 March 1855, to his son Lewis Bowen and family after they had joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

My dear children and grandchildren:

It has been a long time since we saw each other, though we are only a matter of seven or eight miles apart. You, Lewis, have been to Blainau to your brother’s house and are sowing the weeds of Mormonism in the locality, which thing your mother and I scorn to the Uttermost degree. Because of this, we cannot conscientiously ask you to our house. For one thing, your mother is too weak to stand the sorrow you have caused her, and you have received advantages to know better than to join such presumptuous, assumptive, deceiving, and vile people. They have all the cunning of the serpent, without the innocence of the dove, met together in them. Understand that it is not self-interest that causes us to oppose you, as we have received any material profit from our religious beliefs. We have given much to support true religion, but not sufficient to pay for the spiritual or soulful benefit we have enjoyed through the influence of the New and Old Testament, and as we desire others to have the truth in its purity, as it is in the Lord Jesus, we give all out power to support those who have received qualifications to spend their lives to teach the ignorant the truth as it is in Jesus, who is the same yesterday and today and the only mediator between God and man—that man, Jesus Christ, in whom was fulfilled all the prophecies, and who gave Himself for us as a sacrifice to God for all our sins. That sacrifice is sufficient for all who believe the truth and repent and ask forgiveness in His name in all the nations of the Earth. A commandment was given to preach forgiveness of sins in His name, but not as the Mormons preach—baptism for forgiveness instead of Jesus Christ. They do not remember that Simon Magnus (Acts 8:9-24) and Judas, the traitor, were baptized by some others. But they did not receive forgiveness and never will, says truth. The Mormons dream of some universal redemption not the same as some Christians have thought it, but as an unfounded opinion, viz: universal or general restoration.

I read some papers lately by D. Jones, one of the Mormons, in which he informs or accuses us of misunderstanding the story of the thief, in that we believe he was saved and is one of the chief “cross-disputes” against baptism for forgiveness.

There is cause to fear that some have become hard-headed and are going ahead in ungodliness and presumption as well inconsiderateness, even on their death beds, because the thief was saved. But what truth is there that cannot be misrepresented.

The chief false evidence of D. Jones that the thief was not saved is that Jesus Christ did not go to Heaven, body and soul, quoting, “Today thou shalt be with me in paradise.” Who but the Mormons are without knowing, though they wish to deny others, that Jesus Christ had not a human soul like other men. It was the soul of Him that was very sad unto death. This soul was the sacrifice, and what soul was more suitable than this sacred soul to go to God who gave Him Stephen said when he was dying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Christ’s spirit was like God in Heaven when he was on the earth as a man, and this spirit moved Noah to prepare the ark to save his house, and free those who were in prison from the flood before Christ suffered at all. It was through this spirit that the prophets were moved: 1 Peter, Chapter 1, Verse 11. This spirit was nearer to the thief, like God, than D. Jones thinks, and it was Christ and changed his earthly body and made it a spiritual body. This cherished unity between this spirit and the human spirit of our High Priest, gives sincerity and value to the sacrifice and makes it infinite.

By now you can see that D. Jones has no ground to say that Christ did not go to Heaven where God gives his blessed presence always; nor can he say that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and David went to Heaven, for we have their graves and their bodies with us on the Earth. We have no record of anyone going bodily to Heaven except Enoch and Elias and Jesus Christ. God calls Himself by the name of Isaac and Jacob, and God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. This is proof that Abraham and the others live according to the Spirit in Heaven, and their bodies are not in Heaven up to the present day and will not go until the trumpet of god wakes them at the resurrection as spiritual.

Mr. D. Jones testified that no one receives the Holy Ghost before baptism. This is one naked lie, as is proven in Acts, Chapter 10 and 11, and also others. But I do not doubt that he and other Mormons have received the spirit of superstition when baptized, and an obliging belief as well, and call that the Holy Ghost. He also states another lie about the Theologians, that is, they all confess that paradise is composed of both Hell and Heaven. On top of that he tries to convince us that the Lord’s Holy Spirit went to Hell with the thief’s spirit to preach to the spirit prisoners and left the spirit of the thief in prison. Oh, let us turn away from such perverse thoughts.

They are a pit, like a tippling Kettle. What man in his right sense will believe Christ’s spirit went to Hell to preach, leaving the thief in prison until he pays the last farthing or be redeemed by some other means than by Jesus Christ. Such Chaos! It may be that D. Jones does not believe that the spirit lives in paradise with every soul reconciled to God through the blood of the covenant and the spirit of grace.

The Theologians are agreed that Hades contains Heaven and Hell, the slate of the departed spirits, and this Hades contains paradise and Tartarus, i.e., paradise and Tartarus, and one cannot go or travel from one to the other, though they are in Hades.

The Theologians think that the Mormons are not worthy of note. They have far more important work to strive to understand God’s mind and His word, so as to enlighten all the nations and baptize them etc. Turning one’s thoughts to baptism instead of the Blood is similar to Mothering in the unclean Blood of the Covenant; beware of this!

These Saints have:

  1. Christian defects.
  2. Souring minds towards those in authority both worldly and ecclesiastical, and the old Bible, except some parts which suit their purpose.

Like the fisherman, placing a feather on the hook, so they swallow the Book of Mormon and the false revelations of Joe Smith and the secret seal that Brigham Young possesses so that his wives will be the wives of kings, or will have 150 acres of land to raise mothers after the resurrection, etc., etc., etc.

Remember that it is what those saints call the true church that I oppose and not their tricks as men. I once more implore you to return to the old Bible. The ancient of Days, the true and living God, is ready to receive you, though you are prostituting with many loves in a religious sense, and believe none. As a rule, the word of God flees from such conduct. I dare you to show me a book purer in its moral laws than the old Bible and so firm in its promises to all who truly repent and come to God for forgiveness  in the name of Jesus Christ. There is no other name under Heaven given amongst men by which all must be saved.

There was here a very wise man named Alfred Clarke, who was beguiled by the Saints and spent many years with them in Dowlais and other parts and was President of the branch there. They were very flourishing while he was with them, but he left them because of the many wives and carnal corruption amongst them.

I had thought to ask you here for a Sunday to have a talk with him, but the ship which was to take him to Australia arrived suddenly before I could write you.

He had promised to tell all about the Saints in your presence, saying it was no use for any man to argue with a Mormon unless he had been with them and held a high position in the church in order to understand their cunning hidden from the world.

But I will accept a letter from you; if from you heart you will write, quoting the Bible, reason and Natural philosophy as far as philosophy goes, which is not further than Natural things. No one can portray the spirit of man, much less the spirit of God, except in the portray of image that gave of Himself, which is man’s spirit in its natural form. All present wish you a share of all blessings, though we cannot associate while you remain Mormons.

I do not wish you to become Baptists, unless you come of your own free will. Heaven and earth are God’s so also the soul and conscience. Search the scriptures and answer conscientiously to God. There God is free to you all, says my soul. Whether I see you or not before my grave, I know not. If you live as long as us, you will probably feel very much the sorrow you have caused us in our old age, but I pray the Lord to forgive you all, I must now leave you, and place our burden before the Lord.

“Ere long comes the night; the day does not remain, but swiftly onward goes pursuing the last night ends swiftly. In this one dwells Old King Dread, and though black death and its shadow do shroud, and we with no place neath Heaven to flee, God’s words is shown a place where we can flee and live forever.”

Victoria, March 17, 1855     Dd Bowen (David Bowen)





Bowen, Lewis


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