Williams, Elizabeth (Parry) - Biography


Elizabeth Parry Williams was born May 1, 1846 at Pentre, Llandeilorfan, Breconshire, South Wales. Her mother died when she was born and she was reared by her grandparents, John and Elizabeth Powell.

She had some schooling and was able to manage a small store carrying groceries and notions. Grandmother had a cart and horse and would drive to Brecon town to get supplies for the store. She bought flour in a large sack and sold it out by the pound or peck as customers wanted. Often she let much of it go to those that never paid because she could not refuse and let people go hungry. She took care of her grandparents in their declining years and was to have what property they had for so doing. The grandfather died first and the grandmother was a great deal of care and had to be waited on as she was in bed for months before she died. During the funeral of the grandmother, Margaret and Ann Powell, daughters of the grandmother, went to the house and took the furniture, clothing, dishes and everything they wanted. When the folks returned from the funeral, the house had been ransacked from top to bottom.

Grandmother was very irritated by what had been done and would have caused them trouble, but Grandfather, Samuel D. Williams, advised her to let them alone as they would not come after any more; so she let them have what they had taken.

She was married in the Church in the village where she lived. She took care of her grandmother for one year after the wedding.

She had been married for two years when she came to America. Her daughter, Elizabeth Williams Mansfield, was born in Wales. She came to Samaria where she lived the rest of her life and reared a large family. She buried her husband and lived two years after his death. She was a true Latter-day Saint, a kind mother and a good neighbor. She died October 26, 1902 at Samaria.

-Earl J. Thomas, Great Grandson



Parry, Elizabeth Ann


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