Williams, Thomas Reese - Biography

Richard & Gwenllian Williams History

and their son, Thomas Reese Williams

By Gladys Williams Bradfield (1952)


Gladys is the daughter of Gwendoline Williams, granddaughter of Thomas Reese and Sarah Price Williams, and great granddaughter of Richard & Gwenllian Williams.


In writing this history of the Richard and Gwenllian Williams Family, I go back to the country of Wales.  A beautiful country I hear.  My grandfather came to the United States with his family for the sake of the gospel, leaving his parents and brothers and sisters there.  Later on one of his brothers came as far as Pittsburgh, PA., but he never came to Utah, so my grandfather never saw him.  He did see a niece, Emma Williams Mason, a daughter of his brother Edmund.  He also saw John Williams, his nephew and son of his brother Jenkin and Elizabeth Williams.  This John Williams also came to Pittsburgh.  Another son of Jenkin Williams, Richard E. Williams, was a Baptist minister and an author.  He wrote the book "Glimpse of Wales and the Welch."  Two of Richard E. Williams daughters live in Pittsburgh now (1956).


Richard's father Edmund or Edment Williams was born in Dowlais, Glamorganshire, Wales, in the year 1785.  He died November 6, 1868.  His son Richard, probably called Richard Edment, was born in Gelligare, Glamorgan, Wales.  He was an Iron founder.  He died July 11, 1882 at Tir Phil, Gelligare, Glamorganshire, Wales.  He must have been a wonderful man from what I can gather.  A very determined soul which gave cause to the phrase that has come down through the years, "The Old Dick Edment Spirit."


Richard married Gwenllian Thomas on February 18, 1828 at Merthyr Tidfil, Glamorganshire, Wales.  The date of her birth is not known exactly, probably 1806 or 1808, because she was 44 years old in 1851, and Richard was 43 the same year according to the 1851 census.  Gwenllian was loved by all.  From her picture she looks like a sweet gentle person who wouldn't hurt a soul.  I believe my mother got her lovely, sweet spirit from her.  She died August 29, 1883.  I might add here that Gwenllian was born at Ystradvellty, Brecon, Wales.


Richard and Gwenllian had a family of eleven children.  Eight boys and three girls.  Edmund was born in 1829 in Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire, Wales.  He married Mary Watkins and had eleven children.  Jenkin, their next child was born in 1830 and died as a baby.  A daughter Mary was born in May, 1832 and died December 24, 1864.  Another son was born in 1864 at Bedwellty, Monmouth, Wales.  They named him Jenkin and he married Elizabeth Jones on April 21, 1857 and they had a family of five.  A girl, Gwenllian was born in 1837 and died in 1842.  A girl, Gwenllian was born in 1837 and died in 1842. 


A son, who became my grandfather, Thomas Reese was born February 17, 1839 at Dowlais, Glamorganshire, Merthyr Tydfil.  He married a young lady named Priscilla.  They had no children.  She died and he married Sarah Price on March 19,1864, and they had eight children.


Richard's and Gwenllian's seventh child Richard, was born December 1, 1841 at Rumney, Tredegar, Bedwellty, Monmouth, Wales.  He married Jane Williams on December 30, 1867 and had six children.  William was next, born December 12, 1844.  He married Elizabeth Jones.  They had seven children.  The next was another girl and they named her Gwenllian.  She was born October 21, 1847 at Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire, Wales.  She died in 1853. Howell was their tenth born January 28, 1851 at Heolevangwyn, Gelligare, Glamorganshire, Wales.  John, their eleventh child was born June 24, 1853 at Pontlottyn, Gelligare, Glamorganshire, Wales.  He married Mary Ann Ashton.  He was hurt in a mine accident and died from the injuries on April 16, 1877, leaving one daughter.


Thomas Reese, the sixth child, was the only one of this large family to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  He was baptized a member in 1860 in Wales.  After he joined the Church his own family would have nothing to do with him.  In the fall of 1878, Thomas Reese and Sarah, his wife, and their four children, (they had lost two babies, one Maria Jane just the January before they left) sailed to America to be with the Saints.  Sarah's father and mother and family had already come to Utah, and her brother William had sent money to help them come.  The train had been in use several years when they came.  When they arrived in Elko, Summit, Utah, Sarah's mother and father, Thomas and Mary Price, were there to meet them with an ox team.  They went to Coalville and stayed there long enough to have dinner, then they continued on to Rockport, where they were to make their home.  Thomas Reese worked for one dollar a day grubbing sage brush, and  anything else he could get to do.


While they lived in Rockport, Utah, they had baby boy, William John.  He was born August 3, 1880.  Soon after this they moved to Wanship, Utah.  While living in this town another son was born to them.  Edmund Lorenzo.  Sarah never got well after the birth of this baby.  When he was six weeks old she died, February 22, 1882.  Sarah never did get to see the Valley of the Great Salt Lake.  She was a very retiring little lady and couldn't get used to the American way of life.


After Sarah's death Thomas Reese had quite a time trying to care for his family of six.  Mary was the older girl, and she was only 18.  The children were scattered in several different homes.  It was really hard on him and his family.  Mary, his oldest child, married the next year on December 24, 1883 to William Werrett.


In the years after Sarah's death Thomas moved from place to place trying to make a living.  He lived in Sandy, Midvale, Winter Quarters, Scofield, and Salt Lake City, Utah.  His life was a hard one.  His little children grew up and went their way.  He was always faithful to his Church.  His tithing receipts show he was an honest and full tithe payer until the day he died.


On August 10, 1893, Thomas married a lady for this life only, her name was Ann Hamlin.  They both lived in Scofield, Emery Co., at that time, but they were married in Salt Lake City, Utah.  She died and he married again.  On November 10, 1897, he married Ann E. Evans.  Also for this life only.  She was from Spanish Fork, Utah.  She died soon after.


Thomas moved to West Jordan, Utah.  While he lived there he again married.  This time to Sarah Norman Stubbs, on December 16, 1905.  They were very happy together.  They moved to Salt Lake City, and they lived in a little house on 562 Bothwell Street on 8th West near the Jordan River.  On September 17, 1951, the family had Thomas and Sarah to each other in the Logan Temple.


Thomas lived a good life.  Everyone who knew him said he was such a kind loving person.  I guess I was the only grandchild who never saw him.  He died February 17, 1918 in Salt Lake City, Utah.


Thomas' children married and had families of their own.  Mary, who married William Werrett, had eight children, Thomas married Mary Ann Jones and had eight children.  Sarah Ann married Joseph Williams and had 14 children.  Gwendoline married Harry Williams and had eleven children.  William John (Don) married Mary Hamel and they had no children.  Edmund Lorenzo married Hannah Stevens and had six children.  They divorced, and he married Sarah Stella Wright, and Edmund Lorenzo raised Stella's daughter Bernice.


Many of Richard and Gwenllian Williams family live in Wales today.  Some of them were headmasters in schools.  There is one great grandson who is on the London police force.  All kinds of occupations can be found among the family, farmers, teachers, miners, and everyday hard workers.  Their family is a good family, a big family.

              --Gladys Williams Bradfield





Williams, Thomas Reese

Williams, Thomas Reese


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