Cadwallader Owens
The ancestors of Cadwallader Owens had for hundreds of years lived in the rough country of Wales. Cadwallader was born December 27, 1824, at Marionetshire, North Wales, a son of William and Eleanor Evans Owens. He was reared and educated as a farmer, at which honorable vocation he was engaged until he became a convert to the Mormon Church. He joined a company that was coming to America in 1849 and located in Salt Lake City. On November 18, 1851, he married Elizabeth Jones, the daughter of Thomas and Ruth Davis Jones. She was boron August 7, 1833. This young couple was not afraid to undergo the hardships incident to developing a new home in the unbroken wilderness that they might enjoy the freedom of worshiping God in their own way. On October 27, 1852, a baby girl was born to them; they named her Eleanor. Late in 1853 they moved to Brigham City where they resided for ten years still farming. For a short time they lived in Logan, then moved to Hyrum. During this time, three sons were born to them. On the 23rd of April 1886 the young mother died having been ill for some time.
In 1884 Cadwallader moved to Bingham County, Idaho. He was one of the first white men to pitch a tent in Sand Creek Valley, when he located and homesteaded on section 7, eight miles northeast of Idaho Falls. He was a resident there until the time of his death. By his industry, economy, and hard work he attained success in every work in which he engaged, and was truly a self-made man. Huge in stature, his sterling nature endeared him to all who knew him. He was a bishop's counselor and a high priest in the Church, and was well acquainted with all southeastern Idaho, giving freely of his service in helping others locate homes.
His father, William Owens, was also a convert, but in crossing the plains develped cholera and died on the banks of the Missouri River. His daughter Eleanor, who had cared for the other children when their mother died, married Charles Stephens and moved to Bear Lake County, Idaho, and they were the parents of thirteen children. The older son, Cadwallader, married Mary Stephens, a sister to Charles. This steadfast Welsh pioneer died August 13, 1898, at Iona, Idaho.