and Record
The son of Edward and Dianah Richards Phillips, he was born March
28th 1808 in the Old Grave cottages in the Parish of Wenvoe, Glamorganshire, South Wales. I was the eldest son of my father's family of
ten children, namely;
Edward, Ann, William, Dianah, David, Greza, Thomas, Sarah, Margaret and Elizabeth. These are the sons and daughters of father's
family. In rotation
according to birth.
My trade was that of
stone mason and bricklayer. My religion
in early years even to manhood was Episcopalian. Years came and went, until November
26th 1833 when I was married to Elizabeth Ivans. At this stage
of life myself and wife had become members of the Baptist Church. Remaining followers of this sect until the
year 1847 in the fall of this year, we first heard the gospel for the first
time. By the Elders of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We investigated the principles taught by
these Elders carefully and sincerely and found them to be the same as those
taught by Jesus Christ and his Apostles, which as the Elders testified, had
been restored by the Prophet Joseph Smith.
I was convinced of its truths, and the 14th of January 1848 I
was baptized by Elder William Thomas and on May the 28th 1848 my
mother, Dianah, and my daughter, Elizabeth, was
baptized and on the 27th of May 1848 my brother William was baptized
and on 2nd of June 1848 two of my cousins, Ann and Mary Richards was
At period of my record
there occurred one of the greatest events of my life. It was July 8th
1848. My father Edward Phillip ( )* was carried in
an armchair to the water by my brother William and myself and was
baptized. After the baptisms my father
walked home by the assistance of his sons.
All this was after doctors had given him up as incurable.
This was only one of the
times that the power of God was made manifest through his servants, the Elders
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,
and amongst those manifestations was that of my daughter, Sarah, who had become
deaf, dumb and blind caused by a disease called typhus fever. This affliction was upon her for sometime until,by the Priesthood and power
of God, she was miraculously restored to her health, by receiving her voice,
hearing and sight. This was a great
testimony to many of her relatives and friends.
This was copied from
Edward Phillips own writings by W.J. Haycock.
The remaining part of
this record was written from memory and printed statements obtained.
During his sojourn in
his native land after embracing the Gospel of Eternal Live, his time and means
was used for the upbuilding of the Church and Kingdom of God. He was Secretary for the Branch at Twyn-or-Odyn in the Parish of Wenvoe,
Glamorganshire, South Wales. (There is a short tribute to him written on
the cover page of the records of the Branch of Twyn-yr-Odyn. 6 Nov
2002. Richard L. Halliday) This position he
held from a short time after embracing the gospel until April 12th
1856 just before his departure for Utah, which occurred on the 18th
of April of this same year when he and his wife embarked at Liverpool on the
ship S.S. Curlin, this ship bringing the 49th
company of Saints that had crossed the ocean, coming to the United States.
After a rough and
boisterous voyage they reached Boston, Mass. They was towed to quarantine grounds, and in
a very short time passed inspection and was on their way to Iowa City, Iowa. This was the first outfitting place for the
Handcart Companies.
They remained there a
short time when they were organized as the Third Handcart Company numbering
about three hundred souls. This company
was in charge of Elder Edward Banker with Daniel Grand, Geo. W. Davies (Turner)
and John W. Parrey as Captains of Hundreds.
This company broke camp June 28th
1856. His family numbered seven souls,
himself, wife and four daughters and nephew, Jacob Phillips. There were three families allotted to the
tent that sheltered them on their journey, namely; Brother Evans, mother and
family, Brother William Jenkins and family together with his own family
numbering twenty-two souls. His family having two adult members.
He was assigned to haul
the company cart containing the tent and extra provisions while his wife,
daughters and nephew hauled the family cart.
What was worse for them his eldest daughter
was sick and lame and had to be hauled on the hand cart. This duty he accepted and performed feeling
assured that he was fulfilling the wish of his Heavenly Father.
They traveled on and on
through the scorching sun, the burning sands and the deep rapid rivers, never
thinking to murmur at his lot and trusting in God for his health and strength,
until, unfortunately, he received a sun stroke.
This occurred on the plains. This
accident affected his head very much and impaired his bodily strength.
When nearing the Rocky Mountains their food supply
became very short and scant. It barely
sustained life. In this reduced
condition he arrived at the Big Mountain when he sprained his
ankle and was after hauled on his hand cart to Salt Lake City October 1856. From this on his strength grew weaker an weaker, until he became resigned to the will of the Lord
in this condition ( )* and his family was received by his friends destined for Brigham City on arriving at Farmington, Davies County. He died at the home of James Ellis. This was on the 7th day of October
1856 and was buried in the Ellis lot in the Farmington Cemetery.
He lived a true and
faithful Latter-Day Saint and died a martyr for the
cause of his religion and his righteous convictions. His remains was laid
to rest on the hill side.
As Brother H. Hasbett says in his beautiful lines:
"Rest for the Battle's over,
Rest for the race is run
Rest where the gates are closed
With the evenings setting sun,
Peace to the oppressed are free,
Peace 'till the rising sun
of the resurrection morn
Proclaim life's victory won."
Copied and written by
his son-in-law W.J. Haycock, Ogden City, Utah 1898.
from a photostated copy of the original in the
possession of Shirley May Haycock Tonini, a great-great-great
grand-daughter of Edward Phillips.
The following was found
written on the cover page of the Twyn yr Odyn LDS Branch Records: Blessing of Children 1847- (Family
History Library Film 0104172, Item 9
“The form for the
registration of children was written on this Book by me Elder Evan Williams on
the 16th day of February 1852 In the house
of Elder Edward Philips at twyn"y"rodin,
Elder William Thomas was president of the said branch at this time.
Evan Williams, Secretary for the Western District of E. G. Conf
“We Evan Williams and
Thomas Richards both priests In the Cardiff branch of Eastern Glamorgan Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, Elder William Jenkins was
president of Said branch. & he gave us council to go & preach on a
Sunday In the year 1847 to Dinas"bowes,
wenvoe, & Twyn"y"rodin,
we preached In the morning In the open air at Dinas bowes, & testified to some at Wenvoe
on our way to twyn y rodin,
were we preached In the afternoon In the open air we had a great many hearers,
among whom was William Thomas & Edward Philips; & at the Close of the
meeting we asked If any one would open their house that we may come & preach
to them the Word of the Lord, Edward Philips & William Thomas steped forward & said that their houses were open for
us when we came there again, & William Thomas Invited us to take Food with
him, and accordingly we went & toke tea with him and his family; he William
Thomas, was a member of the Calvinistic Methodists & Edward Philips was a
Baptist, but hearing the Truth preached by us they left their religon & became Consistent hearers & receivers of
the Latterday Saints, Thomas Richards William Jenkins
& myself, preached on Several Sundays In the same year In the neighbouring vilages round about,
& on a Sunday the 26th day of September Elder William Jendins came to twlyn"y"rodin
& preached In the open air by the Water’s side & baptisedWilliam
Thomas & his wife & Martha Morgans of Lyffryn who was __ years of age, & the work prospered
at twyn y rodin from this
time forth & when a sufficient Number was baptised
a branch was organised (Called the twyn"y"rodin
Branch of E. G. Conf. of the C. of J. C. of L"d"S)
on the __ day of the month Called ______ In the year of our Lord 1847, and
William Thomas was Called & Ordained an Elder on the __ day of _____ In the
year 184_ and also received the Presidency of the Said Twyn"y"rodin
Branch, This is the History of the Commencement of the Twyn"y"rodin
branch of the Western District of the Eastern Glamorganshire Conference of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, Given
& written by me Elder Evan Williams on the 16th day of February
Evan"Williams. Secretary, to the W. D. of E. G. Conference