Welsh Mormon History Logo

1870 Census

ID: 7610
immigrant_id: 3672
Not Living: Not Found:
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Enumeration Date:   5th day of June, 1870

Town:   Brigham City
County:   Box Elder
State:   Territory of Utah
Post Office:   Brigham City

Page:   57
Line:   5
Dwelling Number:   42
Family Number:   41
Surname:   Bowden
Given Name:   Elizabeth
Name:   Elizabeth Bowden
Age:   10
Sex:   F
Color:   W
Occupation:   -
RE Value:  
PE Value:  
Birth Place:   Wales
Father Foreign:   Yes
Mother Foreign:   Yes
Born In Year:  
Md In Year:   Yes
School:   Yes
Cannot Read:   Yes
Cannot Write:   Yes
Deaf Or Dumb:  
Citizen:   Yes
Vote Denied: