Welsh Mormon History Logo

1841 UK Census

ID:   4848
immigrant_id:   2849
Not Living: Not Found:
Image Link:   https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/8979/CMNHO107_1383_1385-0044?pid=13141062&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?indiv%3D1%26db%3Duki1841wales%26gss%3Dangs-d%26new%3D1%26rank%3D1%26gsfn%3Ddinah%26gsfn_x%3DNP_NN%26gsln%3Dedwards%26gsln_x%3DNP_NN%26msbdy%3D1833%26msbdy_x%3D1%26msbdp%3D2%26msbpn__ftp%3DCarmarthenshire%252c%2BWales%26msbpn%3D5362%26msbpn_PInfo%3D7-%257c0%257c0%257c3257%257c5250%257c0%257c0%257c0%257c5362%257c0%257c0%257c0%257c%26MSAV%3D1%26uidh%3Dixk%26pcat%3D35%26fh%3D0%26h%3D13141062%26recoff%3D6%2B7%26ml_rpos%3D1%26hovR%3D1&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true
Comments:   While this census gives Margaret's age as 15 rather than 5, we determined that it is still a correct match and only a recording error. First, she appears in the family order to be younger than 7 year old Dina, as household members were typically written in descending order by age. Second, in the 1851 census she appears with her father, who is still a tailor in the same place as the 1841, with the same son and daughter, and Margaret's age is recorded as 15 again. Given that this family is an exact match, one of the ages must be incorrect, which would be the 1841 census considering all other records providing Margaret's age.

County:   Carmarthenshire
Country:   Wales
District:   14
Folio:   26
Page:   3

City Or Borough:   
Parish Or Township:   Newchurch
Name:   Margret Edwards
Place:   [Twynon] Drann
Given Name:   Margret
Surname:   Edwards
Gender:   F
Age:   15
Born In County:   Yes
Foreign Birth: