Welsh Mormon History Logo

1861 UK Census

ID:   53
immigrant_id:   3773
Not Living: Not Found:
Image Link:   http://interactive.ancestry.com/8768/GLARG9_4038_4040-0078/13561089?backurl=http%3a%2f%2fsearch.ancestry.com%2fcgi-bin%2fsse.dll%3fdb%3d1920usfedcen%26rank%3d1%26new%3d1%26so%3d3%26MSAV%3d0%26msT%3d1%26gss%3dms_r_db%26gsfn%3dmary%26gsln%3dbradder%26msbdy%3d1856%26msrpn__ftp%3dutah%26dbOnly%3d_83004006%257c_83004006_x%26dbOnly%3d_83004005%257c_83004005_x%26uidh%3dr42&ssrc=&backlabel=ReturnRecord
Comments:   Mary Jane is living with her siblings and her mother, Catherine in the household of her grandparents, Phillip and Joanna Chugg.

County:   Glamorgan
Country:   Wales
District:   22
Folio:   39
Page:   28

Parish Or Township:   Llandaff
City Or Municipal Borough:   
Municipal Ward:   
Parliamentary Borough:   
Hamlet Or Tything:   Canton
Ecclesiastical District:   Canton
Number Of Schedule:   132
Street, Place, Road, House Name Or Number:   Nomilly Cresent
Name:   Mary J Chapple
Given Name:   Mary J
Surname:   Chapple
Relation:   daughter
Gender:   F
Age:   5
Profession:   Peneral Labourer's Wife
Where Born:   Glamorgan; Llandaff
Blind Or Deaf & Dumb: