Welsh Mormon History Logo

1881 UK Census

ID:   2393
immigrant_id:   503
Not Living: Not Found:
Image Link:   http://search.findmypast.com/record/browse?id=gbc%2f1881%2f4362349%2f00718
Comments:   The image on ancestry is incorrect, but the indexed entry can be found here: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?gss=angs-c&new=1&rank=1&gsfn=Hector&gsln=Evans&msbdy=1874&msbpn__ftp=Glamorgan,+Wales&msbpn=5365&msbpn_PInfo=7-|0|0|3257|5250|0|0|0|5365|0|0|&msfng=Isaac&msmng=Catherine&_83004003-n_xcl=f&MSAV=0&uidh=qfb&pcat=1881UKI&h=5579392&db=uki1881wales&indiv=1&ml_rpos=1

County:   Glamorganshire
Country:   Wales
District:   Merthyr Tydfil
Folio:   59
Page:   14

Civil Parish Or Township:   Merthyr Tydfil
City Or Municipal Borough:   Merthyr Tydfil
Municipal Ward:   Part of Plymouth
Parliamentary Borough:   Merthyr Tydfel
Town Village Or Hamlet:   Merthyr Tydfil
Urban Sanitary District:   Merthyr Tydfil
Rural Sanitary District:   
Ecclesiastical Parish Or District:   Pentrebach
Number Of Schedule:   58
Street, Place, Road, House Name Or Number:   19 Triangle
Name:   Hector Evans
Given Name:   Hector
Surname:   Evans
Relation:   Son
Condition:   Unm
Gender:   M
Age:   6
Profession:   Scholar
Where Born:   Glamorganshire, Merthyr Tydfil
Deaf & Dumb, Blind, Imbecile Or Idiot, Lunatic: